MLM Training- The ONE MLM Recruiting Secret 99% Do NOT Know?

mlm recruiting

mlm recruiting


MLM Recruiting.

What is a million dollar secret worth to your mlm home business?

What would you do to discover a secret that would explode your business?

That is the reason for this network marketing training post.

But sssshhhh….keep it a secret!

Recruiting is something that many people teach and train on, there is no doubt. There is a lot of great information out there from a LOT of folks. I love to read and watch their stuff as a lot of it is really GOOD and we all learn from each other.

People like:

David Wood.

Eric Worre.

James Hicks.

Randy Gage.

Krysten Darkenwald.

Diane Hochman.

And the list goes on and on….some are new on the home business scene- others have been around a while.

But regardless whether you recruit ONLINE or OFFLINE there is a HUGE secret that seems to be rarely taught. It impacts ALL of your mlm recruiting efforts and often can accelerate them if you know this little network marketing recruiting gem.

I have a Private Client that was struggling with sponsoring prospects and we did what I call a “Recruiting Audit.”  This is basically an intense check up not only on what she was doing but actually auditing the process of mlm recruiting. after a bit, I saw that there was a huge DISCONNECT to something that she had not factored into her recruiting. And when she did, it not only turned her recruiting results around, but also increased her confidence and boldness when talking with people.

We are going into the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays and these holidays carry a LOT of emotion and memories. This plays all into this little gold nugget on home business recruiting. The fact that you are still reading this post shows that you understand that and you are seeking an answer to something you may be struggling with.

But we have been teaching this mlm recruiting secret for quite some time and have even factored it into mlm online recruiting as well. It works both ways. If you understand what I am about ready to share with you, then it could turn your whole business around if you let it.

And if you do not, then re-read this post.

what is this little mlm recruiting secret that 99% do not know?


ALL Recruiting-is 80% psychological- and 20% process. From both sides.

Read that again and THINK about it.

ALL recruiting results come from the psychology of recruiting (both from YOU and the prospect) – and the other 20% from the actions you take. The actions you engage when you recruit a prospect will have a FEELING that people will SENSE about what you are doing.

That is why COPY WRITING is so important.

That is why looking into the person’s eyes is so important.

That is why creating IMPACT with your message– online or offline- is so important.

That is why creating a Sense of URGENCY is critical.

That is what creating a CONNECTION with the prospect is imperative.

It is what people FEEL and SENSE for your message that will start to form a picture in their mind of what they perceive you as saying, and will determine their actions- or lack of actions.

That is why you SPLIT TEST landing pages. You see which page is going to MOVE the prospect to action.

That is why you continually hone your presentation– webinar or offline. You want to make sure that you MOVE the prospect and move them TOWARDS you.

Here is a little mlm recruiting tip:

 KNOW that the prospect is going to MOVE – according to how you have made them FEEL – which paints a picture and perception in their minds. You can use EMOTION to get them IN MOTION.

The emotion of FEAR of Loss and HOPE of GAIN always creates a message that resonates with prospects in a big way. And if you can create that “emotional funnel” as I call it leading them to a point of DOING something, your recruiting will explode.

There are many great secrets of network marketing recruiting out in the profession. But just understand that any and ALL recruiting revolves around and is determined by the psychological aspects of recruiting more than anything else for your mlm home business.

FREE Prospecting 101 webinar- EXPLODE your prospecting with these Secrets of MLM Prospecting!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power! Click to access!

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Network Marketing Training- The Power of DELAY in MLM Recruiting





Have you ever been in a hurry and because of that you totally blew a great mlm  prospect because of your pressure?

Did you ever see a network marketing prospect totally turn off because you were a little too anxious?

Have you had someone in your online funnel and they disappeared because you came across as too eager?

I have seen this in mlm online recruiting so much and well as offline.

In many networking venues, I have seen people ATTACK the mlm prospect right out of the gate. I have seen this online as well on facebook, LinkedIn, twitter, and it goes on and on.

THAT will destroy your online and offline mlm recruiting and prospecting. You come across as desperate and amateurish. A home business professional is just that:

A Professional to his or her prospect that they are talking to whether online or offline. What has that cost you in the past-coming across like you are NEEDY?

Prospects in network marketing are NOT looking for the NEEDY.

How do you come across like you are NEEDY?

1. You pressure because you NEED to qualify for your paycheck.

2. You NEED a sale to make your quota.

3. You NEED to recruit someone because you need the commissions.

4. You NEED to feel like you are working and not playing at the business.

OUCH- that hurt. But it is the truth. Many people come across like they are playing with the business, not working it.

Are YOU?

Here is a strategy that works online and offline. It is something that has proven to be a MAGNET and a RELAXER for the prospect. I have watched with our Private Clients this work and work powerfully. This little mlm secret is a gem.

Ok, what is this mlm training secret called “Delay and Disintegrate?”

Simple. You DELAY talking about your products and home business, and in doing so, you disintegrate any and all objections because of the time you have taken to CONNECT with the mlm prospect and learn what they are looking for.

THEN you show them how you can help them FIND IT.

Wait 20 minutes before you ever start your marketing or recruiting efforts.

Ask 20 questions before you mention your business.

Find out what is important to them and then ask them 20 more questions about it.

THEN after you Delayed the business part, transition them into a Recruiting Conversation-whether in social media, or skype, or a cell phone.


“I am sorry. I have spent so much time learning about you, that I forgot to mention that you may know who I am looking for in your city…let me explain…”

Simple and yet profound.

Powerful but yet gentle for your home business.

DELAY the talking about your products and mlm network marketing business, and see if that does not radically EXPLODE your home business success in an mlm conversation.

FREE Recruiting 101 Webinar Replay! Discover Little Known MLM Recruiting Secrets! Click here!

FREE ebook on Social Media Recruiting- “Social Recruiting Power” – over 50 secrets! Click here!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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MLM Recruiting- Are YOU Making this HUGE Recruiting Mistake?

mlm recruiting network marketing

mlm recruiting no thanks


How would you like to take your mlm recruiting and prospecting through the ROOF?

What would it mean to your business if you could TRIPLE your recruiting ratio- OVERNIGHT?

Yes, you read that right. You can take your recruiting in network marketing to the moon by one simple tweak in your efforts.

Many home business professionals today are making a mistake that is doing 5 things:

1. Stopping people from listening any further.

2. Making people upset and not willing to even entertain the possibility of working with you.

3. Forcing your home business prospect to make a decision based on emotion and not facts.

4. Creating an environment that encourages the word NO and not the word YES.

5. Making you look like a foolish amateur and then amplifying that result.

Not a pretty picture for your multi level marketing huh?

I have seen a lot of good people that have tried to recruit and just absolutely blow it because they were making this huge mistake. I made it and you probably are as well. I can tell you that I have made just about every mistake in the book and not proud of it.

But I hung in there and finally got it to work.

But this only happened after I made the decision to fix what was broken and stop making stupid mistakes as I had been. What does a million dollar mistake cost you?

A million dollars.

And it cost me more than that. And it may be costing you more then that as well. I figured out something that really rocked my world as well as rocked my business. I figured out that I needed to stop DOING something. And I did. Cold turkey. And you need to as well.

What was it that I stopped cold turkey?


You read that right.

I stopped mlm recruiting cold turkey. I refused to do it anymore as that had become a thorn in my side, as the Apostle Paul would say.

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING you say! Nope. I quit recruiting and never looked back.

And my business EXPLODED.

Ok…why did I quit network marketing recruiting?


It was not working. And I changed it and it started working. Hello.

I quit recruiting….and started HELPING PEOPLE.

Read that again.

Helping people.

2 Powerful words that will change your recruiting overnight. If you focus on HELPING versus RECRUITING…

Your whole Presence changes in your mlm recruiting efforts and people will sense about you that you are that to HELP not TAKE.

Do you get THAT?

Help….NOT TAKE. And that is why when I started asking one question my whole recruiting efforts exploded. People can sense if you are there to GET SOMETHING vs. GIVE something. Make them feel RELAXED and at EASE by not coming across like you are trying to recruit them whether online or offline. This question can relax and set people at east INSTANTLY…

What is the ONE THING I can help you with that would help change your life?”

How simple. How profound. Here is another question:

“How can I help serve your dreams?”


“Can I help you achieve those dreams you have been talking about?”

These are POWER Phrases that are MAGNETIC and do not come across like you are there to recruit them- but HELP THEM do in their life what they have not been able to do.

How simple. How profound.

I would advise you to QUIT RECRUITING in mlm and start HELPING people to explode your mlm home business recruiting success.

FREE 56 page ebook on Social Media Recruiting- “Social Recruiting Power”- click here

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c)2011 all rights reserved

LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets- READ THIS

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MLM Recruiting- How to Turn a Prospect’s Excuse into a Recruiting Tool

mlm recruiting network marketing

mlm recruiting home business


Have you ever gotten an excuse from a home business prospect?

How did it make you feel?

Would you like to discover a simple way to turn an mlm prospect’s excuse into a recruiting tool that WORKS?

Many potential superstars in our profession of network marketing get a negative excuse from their prospects. This is normal for business in general.

Take any kind of business.

Real estate agents get excuses all the time about why a person backed out of a purchase. They get excuses of why a person did not show up for a showing of a home. They get excuses on why someone decided to quit looking for homes.

Excuses are found in every business that exists. Donald Trump I am sure has gotten a lot of excuses. I am sure that almost every business owner that exists has gotten a lot of excuses.

Home business owners are NOT exempt from the excuse game and especially with network marketing. There are many excuses that prospects can give, but they all have one thing in common:

They are a result of some kind of fear.

Fear is the catalyst for just about all excuses, and it stops a lot of people from ever succeeding in any kind of business, let alone Multi level marketing. Fear is a master delayer of actions as well as results. Fear dominates many people’s lives because of how they grew up and how they think.

So you may be thinking, “Wow. How can I get around that?”

It actually is not that hard.

I have a buddy that is a 10th degree blackbelt in Judo. One of the things I have learned from him is that you use the opponent’s strength to your advantage. You let that power become YOUR power for taking the opponent down. What they thought would BEAT YOU actually became a power for success and achievement.

It is the same way in network marketing mlm. You can use a prospect’s EXCUSE as a weapon that will work FOR YOU, not against you-whether you recruit online with Funnel Recruiting or offline with the more traditional methods.

How does this little mlm recruiting secret work?


In Judo, every move your opponent makes you use to your advantage. Their move determines your next move. It is the with this mlm recruiting secret.

I call it the “MLM Recruiting Grenade.”

It can blow up an excuse within seconds.

Let me give you the secret:

No matter the excuse they give you- say this:

“I appreciate you sharing that with me. That is the EXACT reason that we need to talk as I have a solution for what you just said to me…”


You just turned their excuse into a SOLUTION and REASON for doing your mlm business with you. This I have used for years, and it has rarely if ever not worked.

If they say “I do not have any money…” Say the Objection Grenade. Then, “I want to share with you a powerful solution that will help alleviate that in your life.”

If they say, ” I would never have time for my own business…” say the Objection Grenade. Then, ” I want to share with you how you can have more time with your family and have make money at the same time.”

This powerful mlm recruiting tip will help you with any and all excuses. If you are getting a lot of excuses, then blow them up. This will help accelerate your Success in your MLM home business!

FREE ebook on Social Media Recruiting- “Social Recruiting Power”-click here

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Mobile Recruiting- recruit 5 people a day with your phone! READ THIS.

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MLM Training Tips- 4 MLM Secrets to Building Superstars in Your Downline

mlm downline team building leadership

mlm downline team building


Are you looking to build a network marketing mlm team that STICKS and does not go away?

Would you be open to learning how to build a downline online or offline that GROWS and does not GO away?

Many people today in the home business network marketing arena do not build teams correctly. They build downlines that are shaky and not solid. And a shaky downline is at risk to going somewhere else if you are not careful.

I believe that building a team online still must have some offline time. I have watched mlm teams that are built soley online that never really lasted. The goal of building an mlm downline is to BUILD IT ONCE and not over and over as so many home business professionals seem to do.

But it will require looking for the right people on your team.

The reasons that distributors build their downline over and over are many. But the biggest reason is that most network marketing distributors are too focused on “the next recruit” versus BUILDING the NEXT SUPERSTAR.

Did you get what I just wrote?

You need to decide this:

If you are looking for the next recruit or looking for the NEXT SUPERSTAR in your team and working with them.

Yes, you must always be bringing in new personal recruits, but you must balance that with the power of “Superstar Building.”

Here is a Billion Dollar Tip:

What you focus on Building IN your team- ends up being ON your team.

How do you locate the future superstars in your home based business?

You must look for 4 things in your team:

1. New recruits that are VISIBLE and VOCAL.

Many future superstars are Visible and Vocal and want you to know that they are now a part of the team. I am not saying they have to run their mouth. I am saying they are on every webinar and conference call with a guest, and letting you know they are on. They want you to know you can count on them for guests and building.

2. New recruits that are CALLING YOU.

Future superstars do not wait on much. They just pull the trigger and GO. They call you and ask questions as well as ask for your help. They call you to let you know of the success they are having. They call you to let you know that they are available to help if you need them. And they call you to talk to prospects they have already talked with. In your mlm downline, this is GOLD.

3. New recruits that are sponsoring more than the average number monthly.

These are your workhorses. They sponsor more than the average, and do it every month. Your job is to work with those they have sponsored and get them in the training system quickly. Do not let their new recruits go untrained. Your new recruit may be training them. Make sure they are and working with them online and offline.

4. New recruits whose Success is being talked about by others on the team.

This is always a great indicator of the next future superstar- people talking about what they are doing in your downline. If you hear about someone – give them a call and congratulate them for their success and thank them for their efforts. Or you can text them, facebook them, twitter them, or whatever means of communication you see as right. Pay attention to them and call them “Superstar” to let them know they are headed that way.

Call out what you want to see in your group and let your people hear it. They will respond accordingly.

These are 4 powerful mlm downline building tips that will help increase and accelerate your building of your home business mlm downline.

FREE 56 page ebook on Social Media Recruiting- over 50 Secrets! Click to download

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all right reserved

Mobile Recruiting- recruit 5 people a day from your phone! READ THIS.

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Home Business Training- 5 MLM Marketing Tips from a 5 Year Old

mlm network marketing training

mlm home business training


How would you like to learn some genius marketing and recruiting tips from a  5 year old little genius?

Would it help your mlm home business  to learn from a mind of a kid that “GETS IT?”

I have a friend named Chris who has a 5 year old son named Hayden. He is an amazing kid and smart as a whip as we say down south.

Chris has been in Network Marketing for 17 years, and has loved every minute of it. When he got married, he and his wife had 3 daughters, and all 3 were and are gorgeous. They are 14, 12, and 10 years old respectively.

But Chris wanted a son, and God blessed them with a little boy in 2006.

But not just a little boy. This kid is already a marketing genius of sorts.

Chris has been working at home since his son was born. And Hayden has known nothing but his father being home during the day. Hayden has watched his father for years work his home based business, and learned quite a bit.

One day, Hayden was playing in his dad’s office, and Chris overheard his son playing, and  pretending to be doing a training. Chris had taken Hayden to a lot of mlm trainings he had done, but this was a first for little Hayden to be pretending he was doing a training.

Chris actually got his camera out and recorded parts of the training and this post is about the 5 things that Hayden was teaching his stuffed animal collection.

When Chris called me and told me about the training, I asked if I could share it and he said sure. And wow! What a blessing it is to learn from the minds of those who are not jaded by the world yet.

Here are the 5 things that Harden taught that day and he called it his “Netbird” training. They actually are quite applicable to network marketing and home businesses. I would encourage you to apply these simple but profound marketing principles in your home based business.

Here is “The Netbird Training – Hayden’s 5 Network Marketing Tips:”

1. Find out where they hurt and give them a band aid.

“This is what Mommy does and we do too. If your friend has a hurt then find a band aid and let them use it. It will make them feel better, fix their boo boo,  and also make them like you.”

Here, little Hayden was offering a SOLUTION and an ANSWER to a challenge that someone may have in life. That is exactly what we do. Our home business is a “band aid” for the hurts in life and to help people fix their “boo boos” in life. Everyone has a problem they want solved. Find out what it is, and then show them you have the answer for their issues.

2. Always play fair and let them play with your toys. They will play a long time with you.”

“If you let your friends play with your toys, they will stay longer and maybe even for supper if Mommy says yes. They will want to come back over and play tomorrow too.”

Here, little Hayden talks about letting your friends engage their life with what you are doing. That is called “magnetism.” If you allow your friends to sample or try or view something without a cost, they will probably stay around longer. That is why you always let a prospect ENGAGE what you are marketing first- to try it out. THEN you will find that most will hang around longer- to stay in the recruiting process.

3. Never let their kool aid be spilled. Always place it where they can get to it, but not spill it.

“Kool aid is wonderful. Always make sure your tiger cup and your friends cup  is on the table. That way you will not let it be spilled. That would make your friend sad.”

Always take care of your prospect’s Hope and Possibilities as if they were your own. Everyone has some kind of hope that they want to enjoy in life. They hope for a better and bigger future. Make sure that you TAKE CARE of their dream and hope and assure them if they work with you, they will ACHIEVE their dream, not just have a dream and it lay dormant. Keep the Hopes up for your prospect and let them KNOW you are helping them get to where that hope leads.

4. Always take a nap when you are supposed to. If you take it too late then you will mess up mommy.

“We all need to take a nap when Mommy says to. If we mind her, then we get to have cookies when we get up. Everybody likes cookies!”

There are certain TIMES you need to DO THINGS– and other times you need to let the prospect have some time to review. Either way, these timings are critical for your business. Our Business is a business of TIMING. If you come across too strong you may lose them. If you come across too weak, you may lose them. There are certain times you can “feel” that you must MOVE or slow down. Follow those instincts and sensings. There is a certain path to any process. If it requires to do something a certain day- like follow up- then DO IT for your network marketing business.

5. Never yell. Never scream. Never bark. People who bark are weird.

“If we start yelling then Mommy will come in and make us stop playing. So we must never yell. And never scream as Mommy hates that. And lets not bark either. My Mommy says that when I bark it sounds weird. I like to bark, but not with Mommy.”

Always be relaxed and no pressure with a prospect. And never argue with the prospect. They are ALWAYS right even when they are wrong. And make sure you always come across professional in your online and offline marketing and recruiting. Always be aware of YOUR BRAND and what your brand is saying and messaging. With social media today, you can destroy a brand overnight with the wrong move. People do not do business with people they think are “off” and “weird.”

And also little Hayden said, “And love everybody. People loved to be loved!”

Make the prospect FEEL SPECIAL and loved. It works in recruiting in mlm.

These are 5 MLM Marketing tips from a 5 Year Old and how they can apply to your network marketing home business.

FREE 56 page Social media Recruiting ebook with over 50 recruiting secrets! Click to get access!

blessings…doug firebaugh

Mobile Marketing and Recruiting Secrets Revealed for MLM!

(c) 2011 All rights reserved

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MLM Training- The ONE Secret to Discovering Your WHY No One Teaches


mlm network marketing why

mlm why for home business


What would happen if you were able to pour “Success Kerosene” on your home business?

Are you wondering what many people never hit their goals in network marketing and give up?

Are you aware that in multi level marketing, that there is ONE thing that needs to happen but rarely does?

Do YOU know WHY you are doing network marketing?

Do YOU know WHY you are putting up with the No’s and the negatives?

Sure, many people say they want this or that for their life. But that is NOT what I am talking about. it does not matter if you are using mlm online recruiting, social media recruiting, or traditional offline. If you do not know the WHY of the matter- the HOW will never work like you want it to.

I have been blessed to coach hundred of people. But yet, at the very beginning, they all answer “yes” when I ask them if they know their WHY. But then when we get into the coaching, they realize they have never gone deep enough to truly discover the REAL WHY and how they tap into it.

That is why I am writing this article. To help you discover your REAL WHY and then get you focused on what I call your :


This is what DRIVES YOU past all the negatives and negative people in any home or small  business.

Your Success Driver is the ONE critical thing in your mlm business that will determine much of what you do in the hard time, and yes, there will be some in network marketing. But the WHY is what is BEHIND the Success Driver.

Your WHY is the Force or Power behind what is Driving your Success and You to achieve your dreams. And most people do not reach their goals or achieve what they want in network marketing, because they do not have the WHY Power behind their efforts nor their focus.

Ok, then how do you find your REAL WHY in doing this business?


it is understanding what WHY stands for in simple terms.

WHY = What Has You.

Or.. What Has Your (heart)

There is a certain something that has your heart that DRIVES you to perform. And my WHY was my daughter, “Binky,” as I call her. She was THE Reason I made the calls when I did not want to, I made the appointments when I did not feel like going, and do the presentations when I was bored stiff doing them. I kept her picture for years on my telephone and when I did not feeel like working, I looked at her picture and knew I could not let her down.

She has been the reason I have worked like a dog for the last 20 some years in this great profession – to give her something that she can give for generations to come: Security and wealth. So MY why actually is FAMILY and FAMILY Security for Generations to come. That got me out of bed in the morning and still does. as well as Jodi my beloved bride- LOL. She works as hard as I do and we both work well together.

What Has You?

What do you get EMOTIONAL about?

What are you PASSIONATE about?

What do you DREAM About?

What MOVES YOU when you think about it?

What EXCITES you to think about becoming it?

What do you VALUE more than anything?

What ONE THING do you want your home business to ADD to your life that is not there now?

What is IMPORTANT to you more than anything in your life?

Within these questions, you will find the reason and WHY of why you are doing this business, and KEEP DOING this business, no matter what.

If you know the WHY- the HOW will find a way to Drive Success in your life like a bulldozer and tsunami combined and that alone will explode your mlm home business!

Build a HUGE List – over your PHONE? HOW?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

FREE ebook- Over 50 Social Media Recruiting Secrets by a # 1 Corporate Recruiter!

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Network Marketing Training- 5 Tips on Getting Started RIGHT in MLM

Getting off to a fast start in mlm network marketing

Getting off to a fast start in network marketing


What would happen if your new team members would suddenly EXPLODE out of the gates with their new network marketing business??

How would THAT change your mlm business?

Have you ever wondered what are the VERY FIRST THINGS you DO?

That is the reason for this article.

I want to give you 5 quick tips on Getting Started in MLM that most will not teach you, and you NEED to know what those things are. If you embrace these actions and philosophy in your home business you will find much better and quicker Success in your efforts than you could dream of.

Getting someone OFF TO A FAST START rarely happens in today’s profession.The sponsor does not take the time to do a few basic and elemental things that should happen. It does not matter whether the new team member is recruited online or offline or in social media. The basics of this business do NOT change in getting s new distributor started right.

Here are 5 mlm tips on getting someone started right in network marketing:

1) “Any and ALL Network Marketing Success starts with a DECISION that is Unalterable.”

Success in Network Marketing MLM all starts and ends with a DECISION that you WILL NOT BE DENIED no matter what the nay sayers may say.. The sad truth is, most never new distributors in mlm do NOT make a decision to succeed.. They instead, make a CHOICE. They make a choice to TRY the business and just see what happens. Choice has little success power. That is how the average in network marketing think and engage their home business. IT ALL STARTS with Making a Decison to Succeed. If you make that Decision, YOU MUST Succeed as your success is already assured.

DECIDE and do NOT listen to those that tell you that you cannot do it. THEY ARE WRONG. Go and CRUSH IT!

2) “Your Mind can SEE the vision you want, but your Heart MUST be Connected to the Vision you have. “

Here is a little secret of success in Network Marketing: Your HEART is and contains the REAL POWER in ALL MLM Home Business Success. Your heart must be connected to the Vision and  Dream that you carry for your home business. You can do anything you desire in network marketing that you set your mind to,as long as it is Powered by the HEART! Here is a Million Dollar Secret: People will hear your words, but they will FEEL your heart. Connect it to the Dream and watch your business SOAR.

3) “No matter what you think or have been told, you MUST understand what Network Marketing online and offline TRULY is.”

Here is the bottom line: All MLM and Network Marketing can ever be and will ever be are CHANGE VEHICLES. They are Powerful and transforming Vehicles for Life Change.  They can bring a powerful Success transformation to people’s lives and incomes. Network Marketing and MLM both are a LIFE CHANGING and Life ENLARGING Agent, that can change lives in many ways that nothing else can! Be a Change Agent and carry the power of change everywhere you go and touch and change people’s lives with your FOCUS of Enlarging lives and lifestyles. People will FEEL that change and be PULLED towards it and  IGNITED by it.

4) “This is a basic tip but critical: You MUST make sure that you have filled out all the proper online or offline documents and placed your order to your company and all information FILLED OUT PROPERLY and ACCURATELY.”

You would be surprised how many companies get incomplete submissions. They get them daily. Make sure that when you fill out  new distributor agreement online or offlein , it is ALL FILLED OUT PROPERLY and ACCURATELY. The truth is, iIf it is not done that way, it could possibly cost you a month or two in getting your paycheck, and create even more problems or delays you were not counting on. Get it right the FIRS TIME and get busy building your wealth vehicle.

5) “The Power of getting Started Right can be ignited in Scheduling a Kick Off Meeting with Your Sponsor IMMEDIATELY after Enrolling..

Here is another powerful getting started CRITICAL tip. :A Kick Off Meeting. This is where you “kick off” your new network marketing business. You do this powerfully by meeting your sponsor- online or offline, does not matter. Then you engage getting an initial business plan done, warm market list to contact done, a daily plan done, and a training scheduled to go over all the details of their new business. etc. This Kick Off Meeting psychologically is a MUST, as it creates for the new distributor an official “Doors Opened for Business” mindset as well as FOCUS , as well as an official START to bulding their network marketing business.

If you use these 5 Getting Started in Network marketing tips, you will find your new people will get off to a FASTER and more SUCCESSFUL start in their new network marketing business.

Mobile MLM Recruiting Secrets- Recruit 5 people a DAY! Click here to see HOW

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

FREE- Over 70 Secrets- Social Media Recruiting ebook! Click Here to Download!

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MLM Mobile Recruiting and Marketing- Thursday Night Oct 27th LIVE!



mobile mlm recruiting

mobile mlm recruiting


Have you heard about the Mobile Marketing frenzy getting ready to hit?

Are YOU planning on being a part of that wave?

Did you miss the Internet Marketing and Social Marketing wave?
Do NOT miss the NEXT WAVE:

Mobile Recruiting with MLM Marketing!

We are doing a webinar Thursday October 27th, starting at 8 pm EST called Mobile Recruiting University.”

It will teach you ALL you need to know to start taking your recruiting and list building MOBILE. if you own an MLM home business you do NOT want to miss this.

It will teach you:

  1. MLM List building over your mobile devices.
  2. QR Codes and how to recruit with them.
  3. “Tap to Call” texts.
  4. SMS texting to recruit.
  5. Mobile business cards and how to use them.

Plus Much MORE!

Go to:

This is a GAME CHANGER and there will be some powerful surprises as well!

To register:  Mobile ME!

blessings….doug firebaugh

Related posts:

Mobile Recruiting and HOW it can ACCELERATE Your business Overnight

Mobile MLM Marketing and Recruiting FUSION and Why It is EXPLOSIVE


11 MLM Recruiting Tips- MLM Recruiting Secrets No One Will Tell You

mlm recruiting tips

mlm recruiting tips for home business

11 MLM Recruiting Tips.

 Have you ever wondered what the REAL mlm recruiting tips are that REALLY work when you are with someone?

Are you willing to keep your mind open and GROW a little here?

These 11 recruiting tips are GOLD as they Will tell you what you will NOT learn elsewhere, and yes, online recruiting is great. But Offline recruiting is getting to be HOT again, so here are some tips that I KNOW will help dramatically improve your online and offline recruiting in your network marketing home business.

1) “When with a prospect, when meeting with them locally, keep your body language open.”

I have found that many times, we have a tendency to cross our arms, as well as our hands, or even cross our legs, because we are nervous and often come across as guarded. Folks, it sends a totally wrong silent message to the prospect that is sitting in front of you.. It makes the prospect more guarded and often more nervous.Whatever you do, keep your limbs open and a smile on your face, and tell the prospect silently but powerfully that you are glad they are there.

2) “When you are talking to a prospect on the phone, simply match their pace of talking. This will do wonders makng the prospect more comfortable.”

If you have put someone in the funnel online, and then get them on the phone, when someone is a slow talker, slow down your talking a bit. But on the other hand, if they are a more rapidfire talker, speed yours up a little bit. This is what is called  “mirroring” the prospect, and draws them towards you quickly and quietly. Psychologically, matching their pace of speech feels ten times more comfortable to the prospect in your MLM recruiting efforts.

3) “When you call the people on your warm market list, have only one name in front of you at a time. It will  intimidate you a whole lot less, as well as it can totally focus you on your recruiting efforts.”

Here is a tip: When you are calling someone, keep the name of the prospect you are calling written down on a card. And have that card – and NOTHING ELSE – sitting in front of you. And as you talk with them then take notes of what they are saying, so you can remember. If you are making a call, and see only one name to call in front of you, you will not get overwhelmed with a long list of  numbers sitting in front of you. Plus you will be solely and totally focused on the mlm prospect. You can also use your computer as well to do this. It is a great way to keep on track and improve your recall of the talk.

4) “If you are doing a public meeting, look directly into the eyes of who you are talking and is sitting in front of you. Don’t look past them and talk over their heads. Keep your presentation personal and warm.”

When doing a public presentation, many times we have a tendency to focus more on the presentation, than the prospect. You can keep the prospect “with you” by one little secret: Look in their eyes when you are talking, no matter how large the group is. And then move on to the next person in front of you and talk to them, looking into their eyes as well. Touch everyone you can with your eyes if at all possible.

Here is a Million Dollar Secret: Hold a conversation WITH the crowd, don’t just do a presentation. TO the crowd.

5) “When doing any type of a  public meeting, start using the prospect’s/guest’s name. You need to introduce yourself to the prospects before the meeting begins, or have them wear name tags and call their name out during the presentation.”

Nothing in the world keeps the audience more focused than calling out their names in a Network Marketing recruiting presentation. The prospects  will all take notice and sit up and be especially attentive, as they realize that ….you may call on them! This even works ONLINE as you read the name of the attendees. This little tip keeps the crowd focused, and more importantly–listening- for THEIR OWN name to be called out and recognized in front of the whole crowd.

6) “No matter what- NO EXCEPTIONS: NEVER carry your own issues and life problems into a recruiting event -online or offline. You are NOT there for YOU–but there to provide a SOLUTION for THE PROSPECT’S problems.”

You may not be aware you are doing this–but any kind of Negatives  -spoken or unspoken from you -will quickly and absolutely shut down a prospect. Many home business professionals do it. Here is a secret: Stay UP, Stay Totally Optimistic, and always answer about how things are in your life: GREAT! Remember: The prospect has his/her own life challenges, and has come there looking for powerful life changing solutions, not more problems. Hello.

7) “When you are making a phone call or doing a presentation of any kind–Always be polite and tell them why you are there, or why you are calling.”

“Here is what I said for years- and I made over 100,000 phone calls: The reason I am calling…” It is a very powerful, professional and super clarifying phrase. Another great phrase is: “The reason I brought this up…” It  is a great statement to transition someone into more of a recruiting focused conversation. “The reason I wanted to share this with you is I have run across something that truly is amazing” is one of the greatest ways to come totally from a place of help and service.

8) “Even if the prospect wants the call or conversation to go longer, never ever let any telephone call go past 15 minutes….no exceptions and no matter what.”

Understand the psychology behind this rule. If the call or conversation goes longer than 15 minutes, you are quietly sending the signal that it takes a lot of time and a lot of words to do this business. You MUST show respect for their time, and make yourself as well a lot more productive when recruiting. Set another time to call them back if they show an interest. And here is another secret: No matter what–Don’t come across as you are NEEDY and you just happen to have a lot of time on your hands. Come across as VERY BUSY, VERY ENGAGED, and you have other calls to more people to make.

9) “Whem you are meeting someone- online or offline –never let an appointment or presentation go past 45 minutes….no matter what- NO EXCEPTIONS.”

If an appointment or presentation goes past 45 minutes,, you are saying to the prospect that it takes a TON of time and EFFORT to succeeed in thus  business. I personally never had an appointment EVER go past 30 minutes and rarely 20. I made them value MY TIME as well as theirs. Even if they wanted to enroll right them and there, I always asked for more time with the prospect. “I would love to fill out the paper work and get you enrolled…but I am going to have to take a few more minutes to get that dine…is that ok?” If you show that you value their time, they will totally value your presentation.

10) “If you are online or offline doing a presentation, make sure you understand This ONE THING: They are looking to find out how your business is going to bring VALUE to their life and family. It is ALL STARTS WITH VALUE.”

I have a question for you: If you were shopping for a new pair of shoes, would you ever buy a pair of shoes if you saw no value in them? Of course not as it would be a waste of money. NOTE: The home business prospect will not take action either without seeing VALUE in your offer. Put VALUE Front and Center: “How this brings a lot of Value to you is…” “What this truly means to you and your family is….” “How this business will improve your life and income  is…” “The Value to your family’ future and lifestyle would be…” Use what we call “Value Building Phrases” in every presentation and conversation- online of offline.

11) “The Rule of BWPA: Be Where People Are. You MUST network where people are, NOT where you happen to  feel more comfortable going.”

Million Dollar Tip for working offline: There are more number of  prospects in one offline Networking meeting at the Chamber of Commerce meeting then 25 movies you will ever take the time to go see. You MUST take the time to fish where the whales are, not where the minnows swims and plays. It is just common sense: recruiting smaller minnows is easier and they can make great wholesale customers. But lets get REAL:  Big Enormous  Whales don’t get tossed and lost with every daily change of the tide.

BONUS TIP:   “If you are looking to build a business and team FAST–don’t just recruit your prospects. That is how most lose their people. DO THIS: Powerfully Connect their heart to the Amazing Possibilities of your business…. and then sit back and  let them recruit themselves. Paint a Picture in their mind of where you are going to take them”

Million Dollar Recruiting Secret: All recruiting is and ever will be, is connecting the prospects focus and  heart to the Hope and Possibility that they CAN live and enjoy the lifestyle they have always dreamed of for them and their family. Your job is to help them create  it with your Network Marketing products and company. It is that simple.

These are 11 MLM Recruiting Tips that I believe will help you in your MLM Home business team building efforts.

LinkedIn Recruiting- 2 professionals a DAY? HOW?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Mobile Recruiting: Recruit 5 people a Day from your Phone. HOW?

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