MLM Training- How to Do a Magnetic Three Way Call- Part Three

mlm home business three way calls

mlm home business network marketing 3 ways

MLM Training on Three Way Calls.

Are you using three ways in your home based business recruiting?

Do you understand how to bring an mlm three way to a close in network marketing?

Do you know what to do after that in mlm?

Many do not and that is the reason for this post. I want you to GET how to end a three way and what to do after that. Three way calling is an art, and can be a lot of fun if done correctly.

Here is the final part of this series:

Part THREE of How to DoThree Way Calls in your Home Business MLM:

 “The Summary” or Next Move: Back in your hands

Summarize what the prospects have agreed to, and thank them for their time. Tell them you are looking forward to seeing them at the event.  Get off the phone immediately to keep it brief!  This is not the time for you to tell them anything more about NETWORK
MARKETING. Let the event/conference call do the work for you!  If you tell them too much, they’ll have no reason to come and find out more.

“Lisa, how about if I pick you up at 6:00 PM? (Or call you at 7 pm?) Great.
I’ll let you go because I’m… (Walking out the door; putting dinner on;
getting the kids in the tub; helping with homework; etc.)  See you at six!” (Or whatever has been agreed to).  Leave them curious and excited!

If for whatever reason they are not interested:

“I want to thank you for your honesty. It is refreshing!  Maybe you can still
help me. We are still looking for a leader/people to try help us get this
powerful message about a new way to market Video Telephone technology that
brings families and business together inexpensively. Do you know anyone who works on a car or even drives a car?  I could really use some support!”

Now… What happens if your sponsor is not available for three way calls and you find it has been 48 hours or longer since you gave them a CD or DVD, and it’s time to call them?

“Lisa?  This is Diane.  I wanted to call to thank you for the time we recently spent together talking about your future.  Also, I wondered if you had ten
minutes to: (visit our website/ listen to a Conference call/ watch this quick
DVD/ or join me on a brief call /webinar Monday (or whatever night) night that features some of the top people in our company talking about the business.)  I can call you and simply let you listen. 

No pressure, I just wanted you to get some more information..  I really want you to see this company and products through your eyes, not just mine.  May I call you at 9:00 Tuesday night for about ten minutes?  Again, no pressure…
just thought you’d enjoy it!”

Listen to the call together. By using the Conference Call as a three-way call, you are effectively
demonstrating to them the power of the three-way calling with the SHARE the business step.  Additional follow up three way calls with the upline team may be necessary as well to continue moving them towards their Decision.

Here is some homework: Practice the three way call with your sponsor or with someone that will help you. LEARN the steps and get comfortable with the process and the do one LIVE with your sponsor.

This is the third part of how to do three way calls in your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 audio download – “2013 Recruiting Secrets” – over 25 secrets!  With Doug and Diane Hochman!

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM Training Related Posts:

How to Do a Magnetic MLM Three Way- Part One

How to Do a Magnetic MLM Three Way Part Two

MLM Training- The Power of Leadership vs. Motiivation for Your Team?

mlm leadership home business

mlm home business network marketing

MLM Leadership Motivation Training.

Do you know the difference between Motivation and Leadership in your home based business?

How do you motivate your people in your network marketing team?

Do you motivate through Leadership in your mlm?

Many leaders today can get Leadership and Motivation confused, or at least not clear. This is a powerful post from Smartbriefs that I believe will help you in your home business efforts.

PLEASE — like.retweet/plus+/pin/share with your team!


The Difference between Leadership and Motication.

Here’s something that might surprise you:

The best leaders do not attempt to motivate their employees, athletes, students or children.

In fact, those people in leadership positions who try to light fires for others tend to not keep their jobs for long. It may be different with teams that are part of a Success Culture as say, direct selling, but it still can apply. However, those who know the difference between leadership and motivation create a different legacy; their impact on others endures.

The difference between leadership and motivation, to me, is summed up like this:

  • Leadership: A consistent example of rising above any and all circumstances. Leadership is external.
  • Motivation: The inner knowledge or insight that makes rising above circumstances possible. Motivation comes from within.

So, in my opinion, leadership is not about encouraging, pushing or cheering on; it’s about pointing others inward so they recognize that the ability to be motivated rests with them. If you are a parent, for instance, you know that it is virtually impossible to motivate your children to work hard at their studies.

But you can lead.

You can show your children, by example, that no matter how sick you might get or how difficult your circumstances might appear, you can passionately apply yourself to your own job or projects. Thereby pointing your children inward to their innate ability to rise above any circumstance (and excuse) and crack the books with pride and vigor.

My message about leadership is simple: Great leaders serve to bring out the inner wisdom and free will of those they serve.

Instead of inducing people to view life situations a certain way (or their way), great leaders demonstrate that there are an infinite number of ways to view any life situation.

To illustrate, one of my mentors, Sydney Banks, must have given hundreds of seminars and lectures during his lifetime. Like clockwork before each talk, the audience would file in with notebooks in hand.

While Syd was incredibly generous with his wisdom, he would always instruct those in attendance not to take one single note. His words were his alone — his interpretation of “truth,” he would say. He wanted the audience to develop their own feelings and ideas, and draw their own conclusions, not follow in his footsteps.

I believe, then, that great leaders are those individuals who, like Sydney Banks, set great examples.

Why can’t we simply leave leadership right there?

Who came up with the belief that leaders must be motivators of others anyway?

We must recognize the difference between leadership and motivation, because if we don’t, our companies, teams, schools and even families will be overrun by followers incapable of lending an imaginative hand, let alone coming through when the chips are down.

Motivation is personal; leadership brings out personal potential for the benefit of the greater good.

Take note of the difference.

The business, sports and political worlds — actually the world, in general — can use more of both in the mlm home business network marketing business.

FREE mp3 download- “The 7 Biggest Mistkaes Made in Network Marketing No One will tell You”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

MLM Mobile Recruiting baiscs and Tools

Magnetic Body Lnaguage Secrets when Recruiting

MLM Training- 7 Ways YOU May be Working Yourself OUT of Network Marketing?

mlm network marketing home business begging

home business mlm begging

MLM Success Tips.

Are YOU working yourself out of your home  business?

Are YOU unknowingly getting ready to exit network marketing?

How will you know what you are doing with your mlm business?

There are many distributors in our home business profession that actually are slowly working themselves OUT of network marketing and mlm- and they have NO clue they are doing it.

Are YOU?

Let me explain….

We all have heard it.

It echoes over and over and over.

 “Work hard and you WILL Succeed! Be a busy beaver! Put the hours in! Hard work is all you need! Who needs sleep?”

But yet, many network marketing work at home distributors work very hard and long hours and do not ever succeed and end up leaving this business.

I know thousands of people that actually worked themselves OUT OF THIS BUSINESS!

How did this occur?

 1) These distributors were working very hard and very long hours and became totally exhausted with little results to show-so they left.

 2) These distributors were trying to be in too many places doing too many things at the same time-and got burned out.

 3) These distributors were talking to people who were not really interested –and led the distributor on- which started creating resentment for the industry from the distributor.

 4)  These distributors were trying to find people who would talk to them—not find prospects that were looking for them.

 5) These distributors were trying to “keep the plates spinning” so none would fall and break. But they were not aware that they were spinning the wrong plates – the wrong way.

 6) Theses distributors were being way too busy, spending way too many hours – “working this business, being BUSY”- but not BUILDING this business.

 7) These distributors were listening to the WRONG PEOPLE in their upline – who were not willing to do what they were asking OF THEIR DOWNLINE.

And I could list another dozen reasons…

These distributors attempted many of the right things for success—but did them totally wrong, totally exhausted, or totally discouraged.

They became frustrated, and many even became desperate.

And they ended up practicing in their business, without even knowing it, something that
creeps up on you and takes over your business:

“Net-BEG Marketing™”

 They end up begging people- without even being aware of it – to give them some time or to
join their business. So if you want your own business InventHelp is there to assist you at anytime with many researchers, illustrators, writers as well as customer service representatives and other staff.

This business is Net-WORK Marketing. It is NOT “Net-BEG Marketing.” You do NOT have to spend your time begging people for an appointment, or to buy something from you, or even to listen to you. There are MILLIONS of people looking for you and want to talk to you, but you must be where THEY ARE and Visible in that Market,

You move into “Net-BEG Marketing” slowly, and quietly. I have seen many people move into it their first couple of years, and someone had to steer them out of it-IF they could. You lose your power in this business and come across with a “NEEDY focus” — not a power focus.

You end up NEEDING the prospect, not the prospect needing you.

The prospect feels it and backs away. And it eventually gets to the point that many folks are mentally “on their knees” begging people for their time and money, and not even aware they are doing it.

They literally are “working themselves OUT of mlm home business network marketing.”

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

Why MLM Mobile Recruiting will be a GAME CHANGER

The Most Powerful Success Magnet in MLM Recruiting

MLM Training- 10 Holiday Recruiting Secrets for Local, Social, Mobile

mlm home business holidays

mlm home business Christmas recruiting

MLM Holiday Recruiting.

Have you ever during the Holidays tried to recruit someone for your home based business?

Did you KNOW what to do or how to do it for your network marketing business?

Would you like to know some secrets to Holiday Recruiting in mlm?

By the way- if you are interested in Holiday Recruiting secrets, go to: Holiday Recruiting Secrets.

This has holiday tips from Myself, Diane Hochman, and over 30 super stars in our profession that have given some HOT holiday Recruiting tips. CHECK IT OUT as it has over 4 hours of tips!

The holidays are a great time to network and recruit. I know. Some folks say the opposite. But I recruited for 4 years in a row someone – ON CHRISTMAS EVE! It is not hard to do. And these 10 Holiday Recruiting Tips I believe will help you in your holiday business building for your home business.

Here are 10 “Holiday Recruiting  Secrets” for the Holiday Season and beyond!

1.  Always seek out the Host and thank them for putting this on.

This is critical in ANY meeting or event during the holidays. ALWAYS make sure they know that you are there and hold a conversation with them as they may be an influencer and know the person you are looking for. And if you are the host, seek out the Influencers and spend some time with them.  Get to know them. Ask them if you can take them to lunch after the holidays to chat.

If you are on an online event, make sure you contact the host/ trainer of the event and thank them and get to know them. “Social Up” with them and connect with them to form a “Social Web” and eventually take it offline if possible.

2.  Always be the first to break the ice.

Whether you are on a social site, or offline, approach people with a simple, “Hey! I have not met you. My name is <   >  what is yours?”

Or….”Hey!  I have not had the honor of meeting you and would love to connect online. Are you on facebook or Google+? I love your photos you have been sharing. Here s my twitter / facebook name….”

3.   Always use the “W5” Networking template in Holiday Live Networking environments that you do not know people.

Always ask “Who – What – When – Where – Why.”

Who do you WORK for or With?

What do you do?

When did you start <or start your company>?”

Where is it located?

Why do you work there?   <Why did you start your company?>” if they own the company. Get their contact information.

4.  Always ask for a “Contact Number” or a “Mobile Number” NEVER a telephone number.

“I have really enjoyed this conversation. Just curious would love to chat again. Do you have a contact/mobile number/card?”

Here is a MILLION DOLLAR SECRET for LIVE Offline Holiday Recruiting:

Get your mobile phone out, ask them “Do you have a contact number? I would like to lock it in my phone.”

5. Always set a Goal for Holiday Contact Acquisition.

Contact Acquisition is THE ENGINE for your LIVE Networking Success. This alone will keep you FOCUSED on WHY you are there and not to spend all your time with one person. Set a goal for at least 3 contacts and hour. This will provide you ample time to hold a good conversation with folks and move on to the next one.

If online, set a goal to connect with at least 5 new people every session.

6. Always “Boomerang Your Network” before you leave the Holiday Networking event.

Find the people you connected with, and thank them again for their time. Make sure you do this, as it “reconnects” the conversation to the prospect. This is a boomerang for connections.

This  says three things:

You are truly a professional, you care about them and their success, and you look forward to connecting  again after the first of the year. That sets you apart as well as 95% of people do NOT do this.

7. Always get their Social Media and Mobile info and  connect with them the next day.

You  are starting to build a “Credibility Net” and you will be remembered for being so  prompt in the social world. Thank them again for their time and send them a classic  Success audio mp3- “The Strangest Secret” by Earl Nightingale.

8. Ask some “Drill Down Questions” during the Holiday Recruiting conversations.

“That  is interesting. Tell me more…”

“What  happened after that?”

“What  were you thinking at that point?”

“Where  do you see yourself with your company 3 years from now?”

If online, same thing- keep it focused on THEM and what they are holding a conversation about.

9. Always Listen First when approaching an  Influencer’s “circle” and then introduce yourself to them when and opening  occurs.

In  the Holiday Recruiting LIVE Networking world, there are “Conversation Circles” that happen when an Influencer  is speaking.

FOCUS on who the Influencers are, and then become a “passionate listener.”  Approve of their conversation by smiling, and nodding your head. Yes this is  elementary, but you would be shocked at the number of folks that do NOT do  that.

And if you are on social media, let them know- “I agree!” ‘You are so right!” “Totally on target.” You get the drift.

10. Send them a text to their mobile 48 hours  after the event saying you enjoyed the event, suggesting a lunch and you BUY.

“I  really enjoyed the event and great talking to you and connecting. Let’s connect at lunch soon- I am  buying.”

This  will show them you are serious about your building a relationship, and will show  you are a true professional as well in mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

The Most Powerful Success Magnet You Have

The 3 Kinds of People You Will Meet In MLM Recruiting

MLM Training- How to Operate in FULL Engagement Power

mlm home business power

mlm network marketing power

MLM Success POWER.

How would you describe you in your home business?

Would you consider yourself “ALL IN” in your mlm business?

Is your network marketing business rocking or rotting?

One of the common issues in home based business is lack of POWER in the actions and results. This is a big problem for a lot of people. Most are not ALL IN or even PART IN. They are just showing up at their business and hoping someone will do something.

Same with the prospect. Most of the prospect jsut show up and lack any connection or POWER in their interest.

THAT is NOT how you build a 7 figure business in a home business.

There is a phrase that we taught for years in our group that we used to describe someone In Activity that will be totally Unstoppable:


This is the level of action that Engagement training teaches- to be FULLY ENGAGED in the activity of prospecting, contacting, doing presentations, closing people, doing meetings, or whatever else you choose to take action doing with your new

How does that work?

Whether prospecting, contacting, doing a presentation, building your team, or any other action, you are Fully Engaged with your MIND as well as HEART.

You are engaged in action that is FELT not just heard- engaged in action that is EXPERIENCED– not just seen- and engaged in action FULLY WITH THE PROSPECT- as well as your new distributor- being a PART of the action– not just witnessing it.

When YOU and THE PROSPECT are engaged together in the action, you get them involved, and they feel a PART of what you are doing from the very beginning, you are Fully Engaged.

Give them something to look at. Ask a lot of questions. Get their opinion and input. Give them the product. Get them smiling. Get them INVOLVED and Fully Engaged WITH YOU.

Full Engagement is about getting the prospect to be WITH YOU not just listen TO YOU. I do not have the time in this e-book to give you all those secrets for that- but here is one:

Keep them tuned to KIA- AM radio.

 “Keep It All About Me.”

If you make the presentation ABOUT THEM- and NOT just about the product or business- you will have them Fully Engaged and
moving towards you easily. Talk Value, Benefits, and Rewards-and put them there in their mind. Take them on a fantasy island trip in their mind of the future they could have. Show them the TRUTH of the possibilities you offer in income
and security and taking back control of their life.

Then ask, Wouldn’t it be incredible… you and I doing all this together…what kind of business could you and I build as a powerful team?

Again, yes, there is a place for entertainment and education, but a small place. Engagement is where the True training is done and the Leadership building is catalyzed and engaged. Even with social media and internet marketing. Anything less than that
is training for total mediocrity and failure.

That is why I developed “Un-Learning University™” for helping people to UNLEARN much of what they have been taught in life and in this business for Success. Much of it does not work. Then to help them learn THE TRUTH and help get a revelation of what it really takes to succeed massively in this business. This is a powerful part of the 7 Billion Dollar Networker program. Most network marketing distributors are trained for utter failure. Unlearning University™ helps to move them past that and into the Success Zone.

Train your new distributors for SUCCESS- not failure in their mlm network marketing home based business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

The Most Powerful Success Magnet in MLM- Failure

The 3 Kinds of People You will Meet in Network Marketing

MLM Training- The 4 Types of Home Business Training

home business training mlm

home business training network marketing

MLM Home Business Training.

What exactly IS Home Business Training?

How does Home Business Training work in network marketing?

Do you teach home business training or your mlm business? To get proper training on home business on visit mim .

Home business training is simply teaching the new direct seller or network marketing distributor or consultant how to work and market their business. This should include recruiting as well as team building and Leadership. A good home business training should teach all aspects of success and leadership when owning a home business.

But HOW do you TRAIN when you want to multiply your home business? It starts with the 4 major parts to the home based business training.

There is what I call the “4 Training Focuses” in Home Business Training:

 1) TheWHAT” Home Business Training.

This is the Entertainment and lowest level for the most part. It teaches you WHAT you need
to do. It trains you on the NAME of the training- but not the how.

“You need to do this and this is WHAT it is…”

 2) TheHOW” Home Business Training.

This is the Education level. It teaches you also the HOW-but it is all education and
learning based. It lacks the actual action for example to the new distributor.

“You need to do this and this is how you do it…”

3)The “SHOW” Home Business Training.

This is the Engagement level. This is where you visually SHOW them WHAT and HOW to do this business by YOU doing it with them and they watch you and learn in the

“Watch me as I do this…”

 4) TheDO” Home Business Training.

This is where you have moved the new distributor in ACTION and they are rocking the
business with their actions in the field.

“Let’s do this together…watch me first and then you try.” This
is THE most effective and powerful impact home business training that exists.

YOU and your new distributor are ENGAGED together in the actions of you being an
EXAMPLE — and SHOWING how it is done. This engages the new distributor immediately DOING the right actions –not just learning–that will start his/her business rolling with your knowledge and experience at the helm.

This is EXPERIENCE based training.

This is where you take the distributor under your wings, and truly train them as they
need to be trained. Yes, you need the webinars, and the live trainings, conference calls, and the training manuals. Absolutely. But this level does not stop there.

This level introduces REAL EXPERIENCE into the mix of training.


 a) Take the new distributor on some appointments with you and let them listen to some home business presentations.

 b) Let them listen in on phone calls that you are making. Three way them on a conference line and let them hear you LIVE.

 c) SHOW them with an “over the shoulder look” at a recorded video of how you do this business with funnel marketing, landing pages, recording videos, webinars, and other online marketing strategies.

Customer loyalty is becoming more and more elusive, especially in our contemporary world. Before online transactions and exchanges became the norm, retailers were able to foster physical, and, at times, emotional interactions and connections with consumers.

This led to immeasurable value for businesses, such as repeat purchases and brand loyalty. However, as challenging as it may prove, maintaining an active and healthy brand depends on the ability to improve customer relationships and develop a loyal customer base.

Today, most brands turn to social marketing, using social media to strengthen brand awareness and build those relationships with customers. Successful brands have learned to manage and engage online customers, while others are struggling to develop and foster those relationships.

Here are a few ways to improve your customer relationships to build your brand and drive better sales

Communication Through Email

One important way brands can stay contacted with their clients is with an email list. This is a great way to tell customers about new products, tips on using a product they may not have thought of, and anything else you think your customers would be interested in.

The key to email lists is to provide customers valuable information without coming across as spammy. Emails should provide the customer with shareable and valuable content, which means if each of the emails you send out are “salesy,” you’re approaching this the wrong way. Whenever the content you provide addresses the needs of your clients and offers a solution to the problems your customers face, you’ll end up building rapport and fostering a digital relationship, necessary for your business success.

Price & Value

Most retailers often, and mistakenly, think consumers will only purchase the cheapest available products, regardless of the retailer or brand. While for some markets, this might be factual, most consumers today are willing to pay a higher price as long as they feel the price matches the product’s quality.

Pricing your products to create a higher perceived value, plus offering coupons, promotions, and sales, can further help to make customers feel that your brand offers value. Many consumers are willing to pay a little more and shop at a store that creates a positive experience. Take time to also improve the employee experience, through encouraging feedback, providing the tools and resources for them to succeed, and showing gratitude, to create a friendly atmosphere for both employees and customers. Make sure you get an Infusionsoft training package in order to give your employees adequate teaching.

Loyalty Programs

Tying discounts and promotions to loyalty programs aids in making your customers feel valued and results in frequent repeat business. When it comes to your business, providing the best possible customer experience is the most important thing and openly acknowledging your most loyal customers constitutes an excellent way of incentivizing customers and strengthening your relationship. This type of service can really help create a great experience for them.

The 80/20 rule of business states that 20% of your clients are responsible for 80% of your total sales. When correctly implemented, data generated by loyalty programs can assist your customers in finding previously purchased products or in returning items minus any receipt hassles. This data can also prove of great value when used for the better understanding of your clients’ buying habits.

MLM Training- The Most Powerful Success Magnet: FAILURE

mlm home business success

mlm network marketing success

MLM Success.

Are you struggling with the challenges of failure in your home business?

Are you wishing you had never wished you had started your network marketing business?

How do you FEEL about accepting sometime failure as part of Success?

Here is a great article from SmartBrief leadership letter that really NAILS it!


The  Success Magnet:  Faulure in MLM. 

By S. Anthony Iannarino
In an acting class I am taking, we were given an exercise to ruin the scene we were assigned. The object was to get out of your head and to stop playing the character or the scene the way you think it goes, but to do something completely different—and wrong.
 I am a natural for this exercise, since I already possess the ability to ruin every scene due to my serious lack of acting skills (unless the scene calls for angry, and then I am, for some reason, gifted).

This exercise reminds me of my aikido practice. Aikido is a difficult martial art, and there isn’t any way to learn it without feeling it.  In aikido, I was taught to purposely do techniques wrong four times so I could feel what it felt like to fail.

In both acting and aikido, the freedom to fail improves your skills and abilities. When you aren’t free to fail, you aren’t free to take the actions you might otherwise take. You stay in up in your head, and you are restrained in your actions.

Are you giving yourself the freedom to fail and to learn from your failed attempts?

Learning to Make Distinctions

You are going to fail  from time to time. You are sometimes going to do your very best work, and your very best work isn’t going to be good enough. If the little judge inside of you decides that you are a failure for having failed, then you won’t have gained anything from the experience.

Failure is merely an event. The most successful people you have seen have a huge wake of failure trailing off behind their successes.

Instead of judging yourself for having failed, your job is to have learned something from that failure.

Being free to fail works because it allows you to make distinctions. You get to feel things. You learn to notice differences, like “this is too much,” or “this is too little.” You get test your assumptions: “I believed that this is what would work and it didn’t. Was it poorly executed, or was my strategy wrong?”

No Excuses Offered, None Taken

It’s normal to make excuses when you fail. We don’t want to be responsible when something goes wrong or when we don’t get the outcome we really needed. But if you make excuses why the failure wasn’t your fault, you eliminate the possibility of learning from that mistake.

Special Note to the Marketing Leader: If you punish failure, you will ensure that you get excuses instead of a sales organization that can learn from its mistakes.

There’s no reason to try to fail; you’ll get that experience without trying. But being free to fail means being free to try. It means being free to stretch. And, it’s a necessary part of learning and gaining situational experience.


How willing are you to fail?

How do you ensure you learn from your failures?

What distinctions have you made from recent failures?

If you lead a team, how do you embrace failure instead of punishing it?

These are some secrets to massive success for your mlm network marketing business!

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2102 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

The 3 Kinds of People You will Meet in MLM Recruiting

Secrets of Recruiting Like a Leader

MLM Training -Labor Day Savings – 50% Off All PassionFire Trainings!

Are YOU looking for the answers to your network marketing home based business?

Are you searching for solutions and secrets to recruiting, prospecting, online marketing, leadership, and team building? And MORE?

Are you wanting THE answers or just someone’s opinion? TODAY through Labor day, there will be 50% OFF ALL MLM training resources in the PassionFire Online store. We are doing that in celebration of Labor day!

So choose what you desire, and as MUCH as you want, as there is NO LIMIT to what you can purchase! Just use the code when checking out:  “laborday”

MLM Training – 5 MORE Powerful Phone Recruiting Scripts

home business phone scripts

network marketing phone scripts

MLM Recruiting Phone Scripts.

Do you use the telephone for your network marketing?

How often do you use the phone for your mlm home business?

Would 5 powerful mlm telephone recruiting scripts help?

There are what we call “Talking Points” in training. I personally think that totally scripted inflexible phone scripts can work more against you, then work for you.


Many times, it seems that the distributor is READING it and sounds like it. I believe that maybe having some flexibility in what you say is a whole lot more professional and a whole lot more effective.

I have taught “Phone Script Points” for years and have found that they are not only effective but also powerful.

Here are 5 MORE Powerful Telephone Recruiting Scripts

1)  I ran across a new idea that I want you to know about.

“Kim, this past week has been an amazing week. I ran across an incredible idea and want to run an idea past you for possibly some friends that you know. Do you have some time tomorrow?”

“Barb, I need your help. I ran across an idea recently and would love to run it past you, as I believe it can help some people you know. When do you have 10 minutes this week?”

2) I want to ask you an off the wall question.

“Sue, if you don’t mind, I would like to ask you an off the wall question: Are you happy with what you are doing for a living or do you want more out of life?”

“Sally, I want to ask an off the wall question: have you ever thought about having enough money that you did not have to work? So have I and have been thinking about it a lot. Let me tell you my thoughts…”

3.)  Have you ever thought about owning your own business?

“Lane, I have a question that has been on my mind a lot lately, and was wondering if it has crossed your mind. Have you ever thought about owning your own business or even a part time business out of your home? What have you been thinking?”

“Nan, I have been thinking lately of the future and where my life is headed, and was wondering if you have ever thought about owning your own business like I have been. Tell me what you have been thinking.

4)  That is really interesting…Tell me more…

“Wow- that is horrible about your job! Tell me more…”
“That is interesting. I did not know you felt that way. Tell me more…”
“Lisa, that is where I am –I am looking for more money too-tell me more about what you are looking for….”

5.  Hey- do you have a second?

“Do you have a second? I have discovered something that I believe will help some people we both know.”

“Do you have a second? I need to run soemthing past you and see if it would help anyone you know.”

These are 5 powerful phione recruiting scripts that will WORK for your network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training Related Posts:

7 Powerful Phone Prospecting Scripts

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MLM Training- 7 Powerful MLM Telephone Prospecting Scripts for Recruiting

mlm prospecting telephone

mlm telephone home business

MLM Telephone Prospecting Scripts.

Do you have a question or phrase that you use in your home business?

Are you asking the RIGHT questions in your network marketing business?

Would you like to learn 7 powerful mlm telephone scripts?

The single greatest tool you can still use today in your mlm prospecting and recruiting in your netwok marketing business is the TELEPHONE.

Yes, I am a huge fan of online recruiting, and teach it. But you STILL must use the telephone in your reaching out, training, and opening up the relationship to the next level.

Even cold market calling on the telephone. I did that for years and used numerous talking point scripts that worked.

I have done several posts on mlm telephone prospecting scripts as well as mlm recruiting scripts, but these 7 scripts ROCK and will help you in your mlm telephone prospecting.

Here are 7 powerful MLM Telephone Prospecting Scripts for Recruiting:

 1) “I wanted to make you aware of it.”

“And Robin, when I ran across this, I though this would be something you could use, and I wanted to make you aware of it.”
“Larry, there are a lot of great things I have seen lately, but one I have found stands out, and I wanted to make you aware of it.”
“Tisa, I need to talk to you, because I have stumbled across something that I know you will want to be made aware of, if you are not already. Have you ever heard of_________?”

2) “If the right thing came along…?”

“By the way, let me ask you a question. You said last week that you needed more money. If the right thing came along and you knew it was right for you, and you could make great money without changing a thing you are doing-would you want to know about it?
“And I have an off the wall question I want to ask you- if the right thing came along and you knew it was right for you and you could make really good money with it, would you want to explore it?”

3)  “Have you heard about this yet?”

“Just curious… Have you been head about this—it is about an amazing advancement in (Technology, Skin care, Nutrition, Internet, Travel, Insurance, etc)? Here… take a look at this… it’s amazing!”
“Don, have you heard about this yet? Someone showed it to me and I was blown away by it. Let me show you….”
“Lois, have you heard about this yet-a new way to ___________.”

4) The Power Practice Approach 1 – “Live Presentation.”

Tom, are you busy? I need some help. I have recently partnered with a company that has asked me to do 5 presentations this week, and I need someone to practice on before I go live. If I am going to mess up, I would rather it be in front of you, then someone else. When do you have ten minutes this week I can run by?”

5 ) The Power Practice Approach 3 – “Nervous.”

“Terri, I need your help on something. I recently joined up with a company, and to be honest, they have asked me to do some presentations this week, I am really nervous about doing them without practicing first, and was wondering if I could practice on you first. I really need your help. When would be a good time?”

6) The Power Practice Approach 4 – “Keep your checkbook.”

“Terry, I could use your help this week. I have recently joined up with a company and they have asked me to do several presentations this month. I need to practice on someone before I do the presentations. Keep your checkbook in the drawer, as I am not going to try and sell you anything- I just need to practice on someone. When are you going to be home?”

7)  From the Heart Approach.

“Karen, I need your help on something. I have done something I have always wanted and dreamed of doing- I have started my own business. I wanted more control over my future and life. Now before you start rolling your eyes, I want you to know I am very aware of the risks, but it is also a risk if I never did it.
 How you can help me is simple- I would like for you to look at possibly becoming a customer, and even pointing me in the right direction of someone you might know that this business would be right for and needs some extra income. And the worst case scenario I need you at least as a cheerleader cheering me on as your support would mean the world to me. When can we get together?”

These are 7 mlm telephone prospecting scripts that will help enhance your mlm prospecting for your home based business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets

FREE mp3 download – The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

A Powerful Social Media Recruiting Formula

12 Powerful MLM Telephone Recruiting Scripts