Home Business Training- How To Become Bulletproof from Prospect’s Words

mlm home business prospecting

home business prospecting in mlm

Bullet proof Home business?

You gotta be kidding me.

You mean there is actually a way to BECOME THAT?

Yep. And 10 feet tall and bulletproof at that.

Come on….you have heard the negative before. We all have and may still do. People are sometimes negative about MLM and network marketing. Sometimes they are a little negative about a Home Business.

You have heard all the negatives and and seen it before.

Friends and family unnecessarily  spouting off Negative comments about your home based business and your future. You get so mad sometimes that you just want to walk away. You may feel like saying, “I don’t need this- forget it.”

 You stare at them and wonder what to say or do, but yet the words only get stuck  in your throat. I have been there and done that.

You may attempt to play some kind of “verbal jujitsu,” but they have you in a head lock with their negative words and you just sink back into the chair and feel defeated.

But here is the most hurtful part to their negative comments concerning your MLM home business:

They seem to actually make sense with their logic. Ot at least seem to.

You stand or sit there and have no seeming choice but to just take the negative spew. And you just wish you knew what to say. But you remain silent and actually start to ask these poisonous questions:

“Could they be right?”

“Could they actually have a point here?”

“What if they ARE right?”

And the doubt and the fear slowly start creeping in, and you start to question your decisions and future concerning your network marketing home business

This happens everyday in the land of work at home home based businesses. Negative people start to try and stop you because of their own fears and insecurities and many times- they are very successful.

But it is time that came to an abrupt STOP.

Understand this bit of prudent mlm advice:

Negative well meaning people are still –NEGATIVE. (Read that again.)

They may mean well, and often do,  but there has never been any Success accomplished in any home business or even life  with a negative focus and a negative language soaking it daily and hourly.

So what in the world do you do?

Here are 3 things that can say to help neutralize the negative comments when they appear:

1) “I appreciate that comment, but let me ask you a question: Who in the world sold you on THAT?”

2) “Thanks for sharing, but what you just said does not match up at all to what I have researched about this company and products. Would you like to see a little of my research?”

3)”That is an interesting way to look at it. There are several other ways to look at that I have found as well. Let me explain…”

And there is also a very powerful secret to doing this:


It is called the single most powerful  “satin hammer” that exists when you answer a negative prospect. Confidence tells the negative MLM home business prospect that you understand that they have an “opinion” but you are not buying what they said.

They will FEEL that in your response.

Most negative prospects are just that way:   NEGATIVE.

So you have a decision to make:

Are you going to let the negative mlm prospect influence or even dominate your business, or are you going to continue with boldness and confidence and not worry about the naysayers?

It will determine much about your future success in your MLM and Network marketing business.

If you expect to succeed at a level that most only dream of, then you must become bulletproof with your prospect’s words. Simply makes a decision that your prospect’s words will NOT influence you. They will only embolden you to move ahead STRONGER and more powerfully in your mlm home business.

Discover how To Bullet proof your Home Business!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Find Endless Leads FREE – How you do it!

MLM Blitz Training Video-How to Instantly Relate to Your Prospects-Part 2

MLM Home business training for network marketing on How to Instantly Relate to your Prospect when prospecting. This will help you in your home business and mlm recruiting.

Discover the Secrets of FREE Endless leads that produced Billions in Volume!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Social Media MLM- Why Brand Your Home Based Business?

home business branding
home business branding

Your home business requires that you build a reputation and a solid one at that. Many people in MLM do not seem to think that is is important.

They are wrong.

They hear you must brand from many sources, but yet for some reason it does not happen in their home based business. Many folks simply do not think it is a game changer and it is unnecessary.

Their question is NOT why is my busines slowly failing?

Here is what they are asking:

Why Brand my home business in social media?

You probably have asked this question before as well in your network marketing business..

Let’s get Real…

Maybe you have asked twice.

I know I did a few times in 2005-until the “light went on” and I discovered some things that proved to be worth 7 figures in business to our Brand.

But just what IS branding in home business social media and how do you participate in it?

Branding is a marketing technique, strategy, method, or action that has the massive potential to elevate your online and social media home business to the top. It involves helping your customers every time they think of you to form a recognizable association -mental , emotional, or other–with you.

What can you do to make that happen to your home based business so it works FOR YOU?

Link your business with a powerful and unique design, logo, slogan, and/or color and observe the positive results and imaging that starts to take place in people’s minds.

It is critical that you take the branding efforts to a new level and understand that there are 3 things that people look for in branding in a home business:

1) What they are FEELING.

Branding is all about emotion and feelings when it comes down to it. Either it feels RIGHT, or it does not. And if it does not, then your brand will be extinct before too long.

2) What people are SEEING on the video in their mind.

Videos are attention-grabbing clips that a business may produce to interest targeted or most popular market audiences on their product, services, or brand. These would be additional enticing promoting approaches to persuade prospective shoppers and customers. Videos ar dynamic promoting ways nowadays with their distinctive charm to specific business if diligent efforts ar incorporated into a dynamic video that captivates viewers’ attention and spurs interests.

The first factor you’ve got to {try to to|to try and do} with video promoting is to administer it a try. The additional you experiment, the higher your outcomes can become. strive everything that involves mind so fathom what works and what does not. this can be the simplest thanks to build video promoting palmy.

Looking for animation companies in singapore is very effective once it involves palmy on-line promoting as marketers determine what would enamor target audiences’ attention. it’s imperative for the business owner or vendor to think about the correct customization of their promoting or complete message betting on the business goals or client preferences.

This allows the business to make a compelling story with a selected message on the complete or company that might attract the eye of targeted market viewers.

3) What are they EXPECTING.

What is the prospect EXPECTING to happen or experience with your brand? This is critical because your brand must be consistent as well as credible.

Brands create a feeling of recognition, remembrance, and familiarity.

If customers have seen your logo or meme, insignia, or company name, they are more likely to continue to consistently select your product or service. Also, they are more apt to refer and suggest them to others. Referrals through word of mouth can be an extremely powerful form of advertising and it can build your brand and accelerate it.

A brand helps possible customers remember your mlm home business as well as the emotions surrounding it. (Nike). People may know little about your life and business philosophy or reputation. However, if they can recognize your brand, the chances are greater that they will do business with you.

Branding your home business creates memory in the mind of the public. We call it “Memory Magnet.” Your brand must draw people towards you and your message and product every time they think of it.

When the public remembers your brand and familiarizes themselves and others with it, they will come back. Customers are more likely to remain devoted to your mlm business and are apt to buy further products or services from you based on the brand of the initial product with which they had success.

This called building a book of business you can count on.

People are willing to pay more for home business products or services that they highly regard. This means that customers are likely to pass up cheaper prices with competitors if your brand has made a positive impression on them. If clients believe in your product, they will pay for it.

That is why you need to brand yourself as the “Premier Provider” in your niche and market, so you can charge what your brand is really worth to grow your network marketing business.

When you have distinguished and set yourself and your business apart through branding, the marketing has the capability of becoming so profound, that little else is necessary.

Developing your brand takes time and effort, but after it has been solidified, and after customers have had the chance to identify with it, your home business sales can increase naturally. You won’t have to spend as much time planning home business marketing strategies to attract the public in your social media marketing strategies for your mlm home business.

How can you FUSE Social Media and Network Marketing to gain Endless leads? Click here Video production

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rghts reserved

Learn the Secrets of Social Recruiting from a #1 Corporate Recruiter!

Home Business- What is the MATTER in YOUR Thinking? Or Does It Matter?


mlm home business training

home business thinking


In a home business, many things matter. And some matter a LOT.

Actions matters.

Belief matters.

Results matter.

Focus matters.

The Right Strategy matters.

Many things matter. But there are a couple of things that matter more than most in a network marketing business.

Here is a quote I tweeted out a while back:

“Success is not a matter of just what you THINK- but the MATTER in your Thinking as well. What matter does your Thinking consist of?”

It does not matter.


YES – it does MATTER- in your Thinking.

Instead of Thinking “I cannot do this,” how about “I am getting incredible at this daily.”

Instead of Thinking “All I ever get is NO,” how about “I am getting a LOT of yeses and moving my business forward.”

Instead of Thinking, “This business is soooo hard,”  how about “This is the easiest thing I have ever done. All I have to do is talk to and connect with people.”

It DOES matter what matters is in your Thinking.

Make it Powerful and Positive. Make it Moving and Memorable. Make it Focused and a Force for Success in your life and home business mlm.

I watn you to get this next TRUTH that is for your home based business success:

“Your Thinking will lead you to WHAT IS FOUND WITHIN IT!”

Make your mlm home business a PASSION for helping and blessing people. If you do, you will find Success you never dreamed of.

Audit your thinking.

Force yourself to THINK POWERFUL. 

The MATTER in your thinking DOES MATTER.

If you ever expect to create wealth in your network marketing home business.

Create a Never Ending Flood of Free leads- with these ideas!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Networking and Network Marketing FUSED Together for Massive Success!

Home Business Training-7 Biggest Mistakes in Closing the MLM Prospect

mlm closing the prospect

home business mlm closing

In a home based business, there has to be a time that the MLM prospect is asked to DO SOMETHING.

They have seen a video.

They may have seen a webinar.

They may have tried the product.

They may have been to a LIVE home business meeting.

But you know in your gut that it is TIME to get them to MOVE ON or MOVE OUT.

In network marketing, it is often called CLOSING.

We prefer the word “Navigating” as that is actually what you are doing. You are helping to “navigate” the person to the decision that is RIGHT FOR THEM.

But there are 7 HUGE mistakes that we have found that distributors make that truly push the prospect away or even worse, make them angry.

And if you are making even ONE of these mistakes, you need to throttle it back and stop in your MLM business.

Here are the 7 Biggest Mistakes made in “Closing” the MLM Prospect:

1. Too Much Pressure.

If you pressure the prospect to make a decision, usually it will be NOT to do this business. Yes, you must MOVE the prospect, but not through pressure. That is a HUGE mistake made in this profession. Take off the pressure and see how the prospect responds. I believe you will like how it turns out. I would suggest you to check h-t to know things to avoid and things to do in business.

2. Talking the prospect out of Joining.

WHAT???  Yep. You do that with way too much verbiage and way too much conversation. Too many words= I am CONVINCING YOU. Convincing is NOT Closing. Closing is simply asking questions and reassuring the prospect that all is well and the need for your product and business is real. I would suggest ask a question and then remain quiet. Let them make their mind up with you encouraging them…but not talking them out of it.

3. Lack of Leadership.

“Closing” is leading someone to a decision that is BEST for them-not just you. Prospects are looking for SOLUTIONS and you need to come across like a LEADER and provide the Solutions they are looking for. Lead them with your words and Success stories you tell them, as well as your strength. Leadership Power is 70% of “closing” a home business prospect. Most focus on the other 30% – what to say and do. That is EXTREMELY important- but only 30% of the equation.

4. Being too Timid or Lacking Confidence.

Timidity does NOT pay well in network marketing. Neither does lack of confidence. You must come across like you not only are Confident, but CONVINCED that this profession is the greatest thing that ever happened to your life and finances. This alone will play well.  The prospect is looking for YOU for a CLUE of what to do, and your confidence will tell the prospect ‘I KNOW where I am going and how to get there. Come with me!”

5. Buying into the Prospect’s Excuses and Lameness.

Prospects  often will give you an EXCUSE as to why they cannot do this business. Most of them are not valid. They are simply giving you a knee jerk response they have learned as a child. Do NOT just accept their excuse as a valid truth.  Ask them about it. Get them to really see that is is not a valid excuse as they have gifts and talents yet to be discovered. Encourage-Encourage-Encourage.

6. Playing Defense and NOT Offense.

Ok. Defense is only good for ONE THING- protection. And if you are in a “protection” mode and not a “motion” mode, the prospect will sense it. You must be aggressive- but not pushy. There is a HUGE difference. Playing defense is coming across as “PLEASE!” You do not NEED them. This profession is NOT for the needy. It is for the Strong and Convinced. Quit playing defense afraid the prospect will tell you NO. If you expect that, then you will get that. Be UP and be POWERFUL. Play offense and EXPECT a YES.

7. Being Emotionally Attached to the Prospect’s Answer.

2 very Important Words:  DON’T CARE.

Those are 2 business transforming words regarding the response of the prospect. If you are DETACHED to the prospect’s response, you will be so much more MAGNETIC to the prospect. Be detached to the answer. Be detached to the words of the prospect as they need to know you do NOT need them- THEY NEED YOU to move their life forward and into a bigger and grander lifestyle.

Are YOU making these mistakes?

I would suggest that you change your actions if they are in Closing your MLM and Home business prospect.

Network marketing Leadership Building- How Do You Do That?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

MLM prospecting Training- for Endless leads

Home Business Training-Who is YOUR Decision of Influencer?

home business influence

home business influence

You may not know it, but MLM and Network Marketing have a certain power to direct YOUR life as well as others. Influence can come from many directions for a home business.

BUT….It can be a GOOD influence or a BAD influence.

It depends on who you are listening to, as well as what you are saying to YOURSELF.

People in general I believe want you to succeed, but some will not. You must understand that you have what I call “The Decision of the Influencer” to make. You must decide WHO is going to have  more influence over the Success of your business. It will determine EVERYTHING.

But we will get to that in a minute.

Influence from the wrong place can be a killer for your MLM business. You work at home business could suffer dramatically in it’s results and it’s momentum. But that is something that you have to step back and take a look at.

But here is something else for you to consider as well. Here is a quote I put out a while back that talks about the “Decision of the Influencer.”

“The Power you have INSIDE OF YOU influencing your Success, is far beyond any and all power OUTSIDE OF YOU – influencing your failure.”

It is called “The Influencer.”  We all have them. But the biggest one is INSIDE of you. The Power you have inside is THE influencer in many respects to your success in your home based business.

What “powers?”

The Power of your Thinking.

The Power of your Decisions.

The Power of your Actions.

The Power of your Vision.

The Power of your Determination.

The Power of your Emotions.

The Power of your Faith.

It ALL works together to form an UNDENIABLE Power of Success that you can live in, walk in, breathe in, stay in and Succeed in on a daily basis. YOU were BUILT for Success, and are HEADED TO Success. You must accept that fact.

And every Prospect will be drawn towards it LIKE A MAGNET! when you make that Decision of the Influencer, people will RESPOND TO YOU more positively. They will FEEL something different from you and like it. It is the Power that is radiating from you.

But that will happen ONLY:

IF the right Influencer is influencing you along the way. There is SO MUCH MORE inside of you that you can give to your destiny and Success. It is someone that you may have forgotten about, or never knew was there. But it is a power for undeniable Success in network marketing.

It is called the Power of the BIG YOU.

There is a small little you on the inside, and a BIG YOU. You must decide which one will run your life and build your home Business. The Big You is waiting for you to step back and say:

“I am bigger than any negatives, nay sayers, any NO I get, any doubter, any assumer, any slacker, any discourager, and any loser that will come against me and try to stop me.”

So the question is, WHO are YOU going to listen to and focus on their advice and influence?

There is ONLY one answer if you are to Succeed- the BIG YOU and all the Power that it brings to this world and to your MLM home business Success.

Want to Learn how to Multiply Your Leaders in your Group? Click here

 blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Endless Leads is a Result of Something. Click here to find out.

MLM Blitz Training- Secrets to Connecting To Your Prospects 5

MLM Prospecting-Secrets to Connecting to the Prospect Part 4

MLM Prospecting- The POWER Formula for Finding Endless Leads

mlm prospecting

mlm prospecting for home business

There are many home business tactics and actions that are needed to create success in your MLM business.

There is none more critical- ESPECIALLY if you are a newbie in this great profession, than MLM Prospecting for your home based business. Finding and gathering leads are absolutely a MUST- either online or offline.

There is much debate over “online prospecting, “Social prospecting,” and “Traditional prospecting’ and I get asked a LOT what a home business professional should do and which one.

My answer?


  YOU need to do them ALL and create a BALANCE that will build a tight business, not an exit turnstile business that so many people seem to build. They find a LOT of leads, but yet they LOSE a lot of folks as well. They just do not stick.

But enough about that. Let’s get back to MLM prospecting and the POWER  formula for finding leads.

MLM Power Prospecting can bring in the results you desire for your network marketing home business, and the number of prospects you are looking for. There is NO DOUBT about that fact.

MLM Power Prospecting is a paradigm shift in what you do to prospect. It is a different focus than most. Most people in network marketing, whether online or offline,  do not Power Prospect because there is no real power that they can connect to to energize what they are doing.

Their Power comes from what THEY WANT, and not what the PROSPECT IS LOOKING FOR. And that produces NO power for the prospect to plug into. Many people get fooled into thinking that this new idea is “THE ANSWER” to MLM prospecting. I read about one recently that you are supposed to make it all about you and your Success and make them want what you got. Get them envious…you are a ROCK STAR!!!  Yes if you try hard enough…you can be LIKE ME!

Give me a break. Your goal is to make THE PROSPECT the rock star…not you.

Lot of GREAT social media, funnel marketing, and offline prospecting ideas out there, but if they are NOT TOTALLY FOCUSED ON THE PROSPECT…

Sorry, you are out of commission and out of magnetism….won’t work.

Sure, there are the online  “one site wonders” that promise you the moon,and guarantee all you do is send them money and they will show you the secrets to mlm prospecting. And to be honest, a few do work, and should be considered. But MLM POWER Prospecting comes from another source, not another secret, tool, book, cd, seminar, or even an mlm training article like this one.

MLM Power Prospecting comes from WITHIN YOU and you totally MUST CONNECT to that Inner Power that draws and PULLS people towards you.

And when you connect to these following 5 “Prospect Connectors” you will experience a new MLM Prospecting Power and Surge in your MLM Prospecting that will blow your mind. It has a ton of folks and it WORKS.

What are the 5 “Prospect Connectors” to the Power within?

Let’s us the word POWER and take each letter one at a time:

1) P stands for PASSION.

What are you passionate about in your life? That is the Success Driver behind your MLM Prospecting. Not only to find people that can become a part of your “Passion Walk” but also become a part of their own. Passion attracts people to you like nothing else can, and then weld them to your dream like a blowtorch.Passion is the FIRE that burns in the belly, that drives you to go way beyond what you thought was even possible. People are attracted to that like a magnet on steroids.

What are you truly Passionate about even if you are not currently pursuing it in your life? Start pursuing it, with your mlm business helping to drive it and fund it, and let other people be the doorways that will not only help create that in your life, but also their own passion in theirs.

People will follow PASSION a whole lot quicker than they will a presentation. Passion is a sure MAGNET that will PULL people your way. And your job is to “Transfer the Passion” to the prospect. Get them passionate about THEIR future and destiny. Get them passionate about THEIR POSSIBILITIES with your business. Make sure YOUR passion ignites THEIR dreams and passion for the future.

2) O stands for OPENER.

MLM Power prospecting is about being an “Opener”, not a closer. It is about opening people’s minds, hearts, eyes, and futures to what they can be, not what they are. MLM Power prospecting is focusing the prospect on the power of their own dream, and then show them how to create the Opening in their life with your business. This focus relies on conversation, not just a network marketing presentation.

Opening someone’s mind up to what is truly possible is beyond just power, but now you have tapped into PURPOSE which carries with it a whole different realm of power. Talk to them about what THEY WANT in life. Show them the doorway with your network marketing company,and then open the door as you describe what their life will be like working with you. And then let them discover their purpose through the Power of opening their “CANS” in life, not cant’s.

Two VERY opening magnetic words:  “WHAT IF…?”  Use those often.

3) W stands for WHERE They Are.

Start prospecting from where the PROSPECT IS, not where you are. Most people in MLM try to grab the prospects’ hand, and drag them into Network marketing. Not a good choice.

There is something we have taught for a while:

Start in their world, and then lead them to yours.

Where you start is as important as where you finish.Do not put pressure on the prospect. That is not MLM Power Prospecting, but Poor prospecting. And you will lose the prospect just about every time.

Ask a lot of questions and get to understand where they are in life, and what challenges they are facing. Understand them before you ever try to recruit them. Understanding turns the average prospect in to a willing prospect.

4) E stands for ENGAGE RADAR.

You have what we call “MLM Prospecting Radar” and you need to keep it engaged at all times. You need to ask three questions:

“Who is around me right now and do I know them?”

“If I do not, do I want to?”

“Are they alone or with a group of people?”

Then simply go over and if they are with people, then listen, and comment from time to time on what is said. If they are alone, then simply go up and introduce yourself with this MLM Power Prospecting Phrase:

“Hey I don’t mean to be rude …I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Tom, and if you don’t mind me asking, what would your name be?”

5) R stands for REASSURE.

MLM Power prospectors are masters at REASSURING PEOPLE.. They reassure prospects that they DO have the talent to succeed in life, they DO have the skills that are necessary for Success, they DO have the personality that Success demands, and they WILL succeed at life if they work with you, work hard, and learn the Success trainings of your mlm company.

Reassurance is NOT hype. Hype is all over this industry, and it really is a turn off to most. Reassurance is simply introducing the prospect to a new world that they could be living, and explaining to them that you will be helping them and walking with them as they get their Success Journey started.

Let the prospect know you will be there for them, and will not disappear like others have. Assure them sincerely and with integrity.

That is what Network marketing Power Prospectors do. Everyday, and with everyone. The Power is in the focus. And their focus is simply to open new doors and NEW OPTIONS WITH PEOPLE  that will pour the Power of Success in the prospect’s life and future.

What a difference that would make in your business. The POWER of MLM prospecting for your home business can be found in your INTENTIONS for prospecting. Are you prospecting to HELP YOU or prospecting for how you can HELP THEM?

Are you prospecting for YOUR GAIN or for THEIR GAIN?

Are you prospecting for what YOU CAN GET….or what you CAN GIVE THE PROSPECT?

Your MLM prospecting destiny can be found in your answers to the above questions for your MLM home based business!

What are the prospecting secrets that produced over a Billion in Volume? Click to Find out.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

How do YOU prospect in social media? Find out the Secrets here!

Home Business MLM- Take Your Place of GREATNESS NOW

home business greatness

home business mlm greatness

In your MLM home business, there is a place that you need to move to and it is waiting for you and your home based business. This place is where the players in network marketing live and stay. it is a place that millionaires are birthed and nutured. It is a place that can only come from experience and wisdom.

And it is a place that is the Place of ELEVATION for life and your home business. It is a TRIPLE THREAT.

It is called the Place of Success, Leadership and GREATNESS.

And it is time to TAKE YOUR PLACE and let the world know that you are ON THE MOVE and on the way with your home business. Success waits on NO ONE. It continues to MOVE seeking the ones that are READY and able to engage it in their life.

Are YOU READY for that place?

I hope so as your business will explode if you are. People are PULLED towards leaders that are in that place. It is a Magnetism unlike any other. It has a suction power that pulls people towards you because they sense something GREAT is about to happen. They want to be a part of it and possibly join it.

People are looking for someone on THAT PLACE to follow and help them get there. THAT is what WE DO. That is WHO WE ARE. We help people UP and beyond what is stopping them so they can enter into THAT PLACE of Greatness.

Take your place on your team and let your upline know that there is a NEW place holder on the team and it is getting ready to IGNITE and ROCK their world.

Take your place in the corporate webinars and conference calls and BE VISIBLE. This is a critical piece to your Success and all Leaders are visible to their team as well as their upline and corporate.

Take your place in the top producer category in your company. It is waiting for you.

There is NO ONE and NO THING that can stop you from this. This place is waiting on you, and waiting on your Power to connect to it.

TAKE YOUR PLACE….in your mind and heart.

Get rid of all the negative thoughts of others you have bought into, and the naysayers poisonous rants. In your mind, TAKE YOUR PLACE of Brilliance as you are a Superstar…as that is what is WAITING ON YOU.

NO ONE else on earth has that place of Success that belongs to YOU.

Step UP and Step OUT and take your business more seriously and more powerfully. This is a life changing business and profession.


Step INTO who you REALLY ARE and leave the weak, the tired, the complainers, the victims,  the excuse makers behind. TAKE YOUR PLACE of Power and Position with the Leaders in this amazing profession.

And notice it says “TAKE” not ask for.

It BELONGS TO YOU and is WAITING on your Action and Decision.


It’s time you were in that Place of Success, Power, Leadership, and Passion.

Your Place….is waiting on your Greatness to be UNLEASHED in your life, network marketing and work at home home based business.

ELEVATE your GREATNESS with this ONE Teaching!

 blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

A Billion Dollars Worth of Prospecting GOLD? for 37.00?