MLM Recruiting- LinkedIn Recruiting Tips and Secrets for Home Business

LinkedIn Recruiting Training for MLM Home Business Network Marketing by Doug Firebaugh

LinkedIn Recruiting Training? Click Here

blessings…doug firebaugh


MLM Training- 2 Reasons Why Your Online Marketing will Fail

mlm online recruiting for home business

online mlm recruiting for network marketing

Is your online recruiting and marketing working like you want it to?

Are you recruiting the numbers that others say they are?  (Check for exaggeration folks.)

What do you think your challenge is if you are not getting the results?

Online marketing and recruiting is one of the most powerful and hugely effective ways to recruit and market today.

Many struggle at it though and there are reasons why. I was talking with Sheila today, she is with a home business company, and she has been marketing online. She said that she was really struggling and did not know what she was doing wrong.

I have been marketing online for 11 years, and have learned a few things along the way. So I asked her some of the typical questions about her funnel, her upsell, her communication within her pages, keywords, and the rest.

Then I asked her another question that seemed to leave her speechless:

Have you automated your home business?

She was clueless as far as that went. She had no idea of what I was talking about.

From that conversation I have come to the conclusion that there are 2 reasons why many home business marketers fail marketing online:

1.  Lack of Automation.

This is amazing. You can put your business on automatic pilot getting backlinks, visitors, comments, pings, and the like. All you have to do is understand these tools are available.

I would recommend one tool right off the bat:

This is a great tool for getting your work syndicated. I use it and it is great.

2. Lack of PASSION.

Online marketing REQUIRES Passion for marketing online. The only difference between those that CRUSH IT out of the park, and those that do NOT- is Passion.

I have listened to so many webinars and so many podcasts and interviews and read so many blogs on online marketing. I have spent thousands of dollars learning it. But the one thing that seems to distinguish the successful for  the not so successful is:


Crank it up. If you are going to recruit online, you MUST be Automated and MUST BE PASSIONATE about helping people online.

If you adjust these 2 things in your business, do not be surprised if your online marketing and recruiting starts to explode in your mlm home business.

LinkedIn Recruiting Training- do you know these secrets?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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The 4 Parts to Writing Eyeball PULLING Content

11 Quick MLM Recruiting Tips



MLM Training- The 4 Parts to Writing Eyeball PULLING Content


mlm network marketing

mlm home business secrets


I recently in my home business mlm education, ran across a 1932 article on advertising in an old magazine scanned and uploaded online on a website featuring old marketing material.

 It was amazing. I love the article and the feel of it. It was REAL and honest writing.

 I learned so much.

And it taught me something that I believe can revolutionize your MLM content writing for your network marketing business.

Have you ever read something in home business that you COULD NOT QUIT READING?

Did the content keep you so ENGAGED that you simply were forced to continue reading because of the flow of it?

Did that network marketing content PULL you in and keep you interested?

Odds are you were being PULLED by what I call “The 4 Eyeball PULLING Anchors” of writing content.

These 4 anchors were taught and applauded in the 1932 article I read, and I wanted to share them with you.

Again, I love reading about the marketing secrets of the past that ran successful businesses. It really can teach you the foundation of a lot of what and why we do what we do today.

If you are a content writer for your home business mlm, then you need to have a template that can use. This 4 part template must have been used back in the 30’s or even 20’s but it WORKS.

And I would advise for your home business to use this on blogging and article writing.

Here are the simple 4 Eyeball PULLING Anchors:

1. What I have for YOU.

This is a simple approach. What do you have for me? You answer that right off the bat.

BUT- make what you have for them a SOLUTION Driven WHAT.

“This is a powerful resource that will help you step by step learn how to get your body back in amazing shape no matter what shape you are in.”

2. What this means for you and how you GAIN from it.

This is about VALUE and BENEFITS. Make sure that you write it perfectly clear what the Value and benefits are to the reader.

“You will not only feel better and gain more energy, but you will not believe how amazing you will look in the mirror. Your body will look like a magazine cover.”

“Included in this powerful resource are 4 DVDs and nutritional education that will change your life and also outlook on life. It will help you look at life in a whole new way.”

3. Who YOU ARE.

Let them see you as a person, not some shadow behind a computer. Let them see you in a video, or some photos with your family they can RELATE TO and think, “This person is like me.”

If you get them  to see you are a REAL person like they are, you will find them coming back day after day to check out your content.

4. Here is what you DO Next.

Lead them to n action that will continue the flow of communication. Give them something to download. Give them something to watch. Give them something to read or listen to.

But whatever you do- KEEP THEM ENGAGED by leading them with an ACTION that contains VALUE and BENEFITS for them.

Give them something FREE. That seems to always work.

Use the 4 Eyeball PULLING Content Anchors when you write, and see if the do not increase your readership and results of your mlm home business success.

Social Network Marketing Secrets for YOU!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Prospecting Training on Steroids! READ this!

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Network Marketing Recruiting- 11 Quick MLM Recruiting Tips

mlm network marketing recruiting

network marketing recruiting


What happens when you start your recruiting in network marketing for your home business? What do you FEEL?

Do you feel like you could almost lose your breath because the fear of recruiting has hit you?

Do you wonder why it is so easy for others, but not for you?

I have good news. Recruiting in network marketing mlm is easy. And fun. And that is why I wanted to give you 11 quick tips on how to recruit in network marketing so it would inspire you and educate you on what to do and NOT to do.

Relax. It gets easier. Here are some network marketing recruiting tips to help:

1) “Start letting the home business prospect totally dominate the conversation.”

Whether online, social media, or offline, ask so many questions, that the prospect ends up dominating the conversation. Find out about their life, interests, family, dreams, and then their future. Let them become the super star of the conversation, and you ONLY listen. They are telling you how to recruit them. Encourage them and congratulate them. Keep them in the spotlight and make them feel like a million dollars!

2) “Start recruiting through their eyes, not  yours.”

We all have a tendency to recruit through our views and filters, and not the prospects.  Look through their eyes whether online or offline,   as far as where they currently are, financially, emotionally, family, socially, and career wise. Start in their world, and then lead them to your world of Network Marketing Home Business Success.

3) “Start Focusing on ONLY on what the prospect wants, not you.”

Again we have a tendency to focus on what we can GAIN out of a conversation, not give. This secret is simple and to the point. You are talking to the home business prospect online or offline,  to see what the prospect is looking for, and wanting in their life. Let your MLM business be the delivery vehicle of their dreams.

4) “When you do a presentation, including webinar, or video, paint word pictures as you present your information.”

Painting word pictures in your presentation is a powerful magnet for recruiting. Why? We think in word pictures, not letters. Paint vivid pictures with your words of the prospect enjoying the life they want, and making the money they desire in their Home Business. Put them in the picture.Ask them these word painting questions:

“Imagine the feeling of you…” “Can you see yourself…? “What would it look like if….?”

5) “Start Using the type of words -and phrases- that the prospect understands, NOT Network Marketing-ease.”

Many folks expect that the prospect understands the language of network marketing. They DON’T! Don’t use the words like “downline” or “upline”. A prospect probably will have no clue of what that is. Start Using words they can understand, and feel comfortable with, like “team”, “Support system,” and “Leaders.”

6) “No matter what, start using the word YOU at least 4 to 5 times more than you use the words me or I.”

We love to talk about ourselves. Our new car. Our new home. Our new…blah blah blah. There is nothing more telling than when a Network Marketing distributor uses the words “me” and “I” more than the word “You.” The word “You” psychologically draws the person towards you and lacks ego in your network marketing recruiting efforts.

7) “Start Letting off the pressure when you recruit. RELAX. Unknowingly, you are sending a silent signal to your home business prospect that will kill your business.”

Pressure is a form of insecurity. READ THAT AGAIN. When a distributor starts putting pressure on someone, it shows there is pressure built up inside of them. Back it off, or it will turn them off. Start using phrase that are magnetic like “I am not sure if this is something that would be right for you or not…” “I am not sure this would be a fit for you…” –great phrases to let off the pressure in your network marketing recruiting efforts.

8) “Do NOT Assume you know what the Prospect wants. Let the prospect tell you what they are looking for, not you tell them.”

We can run our mouths and talk about what we want to talk about in recruiting. What about the prospect? Many times we have a tendency to tell a prospect what their life could be like, without understanding they may want something different. Ask “If all things were possible, what are you looking to do with your life?” Then listen. They are telling you what you need to know to recruit them into your Network Marketing business.

9) “Do NOT forget the people you know but don’t overwhelm yourself! Do your warm market list- 10 names at a time. You will write many more down.”

Many people think of writing down 100 names, and shut down. They get paralayzed. Here is a tip: When you start your warm market list of who you are going to call, many times people get paralyzed with thinking about 100 or 200 names to come up with. Start with 10 and then another 10…then another 10…you get the idea. It is easier psychologically, and less intimidating. You STILL come up with 200 names, but psychologically, you do it with only 10% of the perceived “pressure” to complete a 100 name list.

10) “Never settle for who is at the top of their mind. Double the size of your warm market list INSTANTLY with the One Golden Question.”

One question can turn a memory jogger into a GOLD MINE of leads. ask: “Who do I know that they know?” or “Who do you know that they know?” This question works as a multiplier of your names, and has the potential to explode your potential business with more names than you realized you knew.

11) “Never start COLD in network marketing recruiting. Practice and Role Play your Recruiting with someone before you ever make the first call.”

You will pull a “recruiting muscle” in your mind if you are not careful. And then you will start to doubt yourself because you are getting a LOT of No’s becuase you di not practice first. If you are going to mess up, mess up during practice, and continue to mess up with your sponsor. Practice and get some “experience” before you make the first Live Recruiting call. It will put you light years ahead, and it equips you for the real thing in MLM.

These are 11 Quick tips for network marketing recruiting for your mlm home business.

Linkedin Recruiting Secrets- read this!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011

Social Network Marketing Training tips-for YOU

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MLM Training Tips- 3 Quick Secrets on Building a Team Online

home business mlm online team building

mlm online team building

Have you ever considered, for your home business  recruiting online, but yet when you thought about building a team, you shut down as nothing seems to work?

Did you ever recruit someone in your MLM and then from time to time tried to work with them online- and you got frustrated as they were never available for you?

That is normal for a lot of MLM leaders that work online. There are many mistakes made when building a team online, and we have seen a lot of those being done.

This really can make you feel like you are inadequate and cannot do this business right.


Well, you ARE adequate and there is NOTHING wrong with you.

But there are some network marketing home based business team building secrets that you may want to consider if you are going to build an online team across the country. It might serve you well to take example from the success had by the Thailand team building from TeamXL. There are quite a few things to prepare for and having all the foresight to do so without examples is a stretch. Do yourselves a favour and read about how to do it properly.

Many software companies out there do offer great tools to find people via the internet, and recruit people online.

But here is THE Million Dollar Question:

How do you KEEP people in your mlm home business team? How can you reduce your attrition, which normally online is enormous?

Well, I got some good news for you.

Here are 3 secrets to building online that will help you MULTIPLY your team, versus lose your team on a monthly basis, or so it seems like.

1. Create a SYSTEM of training that is sent to them for at least for the first  14 days.

The first 2 weeks are CRITICAL.

You are being “tested” by your team and you do not even know it. We have found that the first 2 weeks of a new team member’s journey are the most important. They need to be EDUCATED, MOTIVATED, and ACTIVATED to go out and work their new home business.

Get an account with and learn the system. It is an autoresponder system and you are going to have to have one to grow a team online.

Assume they know NOTHING. Start there. Give them the very basics of this business, including what IS network marketing. Make it so basic that even a 5th grader could understand it.

The cover the actions they need to be doing and send them an email or social mail covering each action one day at a time.

Then give them GOALS to achieve everyday that are obtainable. Focus them on GOING and SHOWING and not just Learning and Yearning.

2. Create an Online Success Environment with a daily webinar for 10 minutes.

This “Focus Webinar” helps focus the new people and get them GOING and SHOWING. It will display your Leadership as well as your commitment.

You do this everyday for 10 minutes. It can be in the morning or at lunch time. But do it DAILY.

Why daily?

It establishes a great CONNECTION with your new members, builds momentum, as well as shows them they need to do the same thing for their new people.

You can get a great free webinar software to do this at:

Spotlight each new member in the webinars, and congratulate them for their efforts.

Give them daily a LEADERSHIP QUOTE and one tip for building their business. Give them a chance to ask questions as well. This will create a community feel to it. Then tell them how much you are looking forward to them walking across the stage as a top earner.

3. Send “Encouragement Texts” daily and let the new people know you appreciate them.

These are simple one or 2 line messages stating you believe in a person and that keep up the great work as every top earner in the company started the same way.

Feature them on social sites and make them feel like a super star. Tweet about them. Post about them. Youtube about them. Cinchcast about them. And more of the same on other social sites.

If you do these things, you will see that your new team members STAY LONGER, WORK HARDER, and GROW BIGGER in your MLM network marketing home business.

Prospecting Secrets for the New Person?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Network Marketing Training for YOU- read this.

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MLM Training- 11 Blog Tips for Link Magnet Optimization

home business blogging mlm

home business blogging mlm

In a home business, How do you truly optimize your Link Building on your blog and create a destination that can become a viral monster in network marketing?

In the melbourneweeklyeastern blogging world, it is a lot about LINKING and who links to your website. This counts towards SEO and how the search engines rank your website. The more links you have , the better your website will appear to the search bots.

I think that it is hard to argue that Home business blogs are now part of the network marketing culture. It is imperative that you have a blog today or your MLM business. I cannot tell you how many times that someone has told me that their blog changed their whole business structure.

There is NO other option but having a blog,  if you are planning on succeeding into today’s marketplace. I have had one for 6 years and now I have multiple blogs for different reasons. I cannot imagine anyone in a home business not using this powerful tool.

You need to consider ramping up the blog you have as well.

That is the reason for this post.

I call it “Link Magnet Optimization.”

This is optimizing your blog for total recruiting and social media success. I I am going to share 11 quick tips and tricks used by professionals at a white label SEO company. These will  really make a difference in our blog’s performance and success at converting visitors into becoming part of the PassionFire family.

What are these 11 Link Magnet Optimization Tips?

1. Enlarge and Enhance your linkability.

Simply, put yourself in the reader’s shoes. What are they LOOKING FOR? ”


Give it to them over and over again. Then continue to give them what they are looking for in content.

2. Make bookmarking easy.

Make it VISIBLE and ASK THEM. It is that simple. You can use the Add This button. You may want to consider the Sociable Plugin if you have a WordPress blog.

3. Spotlight Those who Link Back to You and CONNECT.

List blogs which link back to you via permalinks, trackbacks or recently linking blogs (like the Yahoo & Google blogs do). Email them and thank them for their link. Get to know them and build a home business relationship. They will send more links and multiply your message to their base.

4. Mobilize your Content.

Repurposing your content will increase the link magnetism. Take your blog post and turn it into a youtube video, article, podcast, mp3, ebook, and pdf report. This will explode links.

5. Be a “Go To” Resource and Feature other blog’s content.

Become an Authority site and let people think of YOU when they think of your niche. Share the content of others. Copyblogger does this. So does ChrisBrogan. It has made their sites HUGE.

You have not heard of them before in your home business efforts?

Why do you think I just told you about them? Think RESOURCE integration, not just “All About ME Ego-ization.”

6. Respond to the folks that COMMENT as well as Contribute.

Spotlight the TRUE stars of your blog- the readers and contributors. Always respond to comments as well as people who share other resources. LINKS baby!

7. Jump in the Discussions on other blogs- and BUILD RELATIONSHIPS.

You have heard this before. But most do NOT do this for some reason. Jump in and comment on other people’s blogs. This wll provide links as well as building strong relationships that will multiply your message- and links-over time.

8. Target the Audience with Focused Content.

PULL people’s eyeballs into your blog with content and solutions that are EXACTLY what your readers are seeking.

Find out what their problems are, and then tell them how to solve them.

9. Use

This little website can get you all kinds of links over time. Are you using it? It submits your blog to over 90 directories and search engines.

10. Put your posts on

This is something most do not do. I get backlinks a lot from this one place as people click on the links in the post, and then link to it from the knol.

11. Become a Student of Writing Copy and Blogging- things change QUICKLY.

Keep up with the changes in the blogospere. Study copywriting to focus your home business message and make it more compelling. No one is better than Copyblogger.

Make sure that your blog is pumped up for Link Magnetism for your MLM Home Business.

MLM LinkedIn Recruiting- She Enrolled 5 Professionals -LAST WEEK – HOW?

linkedinin recruiting mlm home business

mlm linkedin recruiting home business


Many times in the MLM Home business profession you receive some interesting news that stirs you up.

This was the case for today.

I was talking with one of our Private Clients, and we were planning her schedule next week, and she dropped this bomb on me:

She had enrolled this past week FIVE LinkedIn Professionals and was excited. She works with a large nutrition company and her Success was quite unexpected, as she admitted. She felt that once she pulled the trigger on the secrets she learned about LinkedIn she would probably start seeing some results in a couple of months.

Not a couple of weeks.

But that happened in her network marketingbusiness. She enrolled 5 Professionals on LinkedIn in ONE WEEK and all she did was do what she had learned.

One of the things that she has mastered is the “Recruiting Blitz Webinar.”

 This is a particular type of webinar that not only is very professional- but very short. She can say in 10 minutes what most say in 45 minutes. And that is what professionals DEMAND:

Short and sweet.

A Recruiting Blitz Webinar is a special tool that has built many a home business team we have taught. But for LinkedIn, it is a monster. It is something that when done correctly, can set you apart form everyone else. It is NOT just a video that someone has done that your prospect sees.

No- a Recruiting Blitz Webinar is more personal and private. And it addresses much of the issues with professionals time schedules. And when you learn to do it right- you can literally recruit AT WILL.

The secret to a Social Recruiting Blitz Webinar is to say it in a way that the prospect or candidate gets the picture quickly and knows they can duplicate that system. It does not take a lot of time, and it does not take a lot of your prospect’s attention as well as time.

You can literally recruit someone in social media and on LinkedIN in 24 hours.

You read that right. 24 hours.

And our Private Clients are doing it. You can too as it is powerful and magnetic to the mlm home business prospect.

How does it work?

It starts by getting a fr-ee webinar account at:

And then mastering this simple but powerful webinar software. Then you need to create your “Blitz Presentation” that will PULL people towards you like a magnet.

How does that happen?

That is what the LinkedIn Recruiting 101 webinar is about if you would like to learn. You can attend it Thursday September 22, and ir starts at 8 pm EST and goes to 11 pm.

You will receive 3 insane  BONUSES as well – and if you do not attend- then your loss. It is an absolutely amazing webinar put together with me  by a #1 Corporate Recruiter in the nation for a national recruitment firm. He has adapted his secrets to the Home business profession.

and oh….by the way- price goes up tonight at MIDNIGHT.

So if you want a flood of Professional Leads that you cannot keep up with (GREAT problem to have) then REGISTER NOW to the LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets 101 webinar for your MLM Home Business in network marketing.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

 Create a Recruiting Flood in Social Media with Social Network Marketing- HERE

MLM Recruiting LinkedIn-3 Un-Breakable Rules of Recruiting on LinkedIn


mlm linkedin recruiting home business

mlm linkedin home business recruiting


In any MLM or Home Business using LinkedIn, there are many powerful secrets that can be discovered for sponsoring great candidates for your home based business. LinkedIn is a GOLD MINE of Professionals and ALL are looking to Network in some form.

 A #1 Corporate Recruiter in the nation for a recruitment company, who is a friend of mine, has 7 Rules that he adheres to that has allowed him to recruit more candidates in a year for his company through LinkedIn than the next 3 recruiters in his firm combined.

 He discovered social media in 2005 and has been a master at it, it seems, from day one. His “Rules” he uses for recruiting are powerful and has allowed him to even require $750.00 an hour for consulting and people and companies pay him gladly.

 These Rules are what he calls the “The 7 Un-Breakables” in his recruiting business and he does NOT break them for any reason.

 He has helped me put a webinar together which we will be doing on September 22, at 8 pm EST. It is called “LinekdIn Recruiting Secrets 101” and is a 3 hour webinar PACKED with how to become a Master Recruiter on LinkediIn with MORE additional videos in the Replay Room after the webinar as well. I would advise you to check it out LEARN for a master recruiter who has adapted his trainings especially for the home based business profession!

 Here are 3 of the Rules that Scott (my buddy) say that are Un-Breakable concerning LinkiedIn Recruiting:

  1. The Rule of ATTACK.

 NEVER attack people with your offer of placement or business. So may people do on Linkedin. People do NOT want to feel like they are being pressured or USED for their contacts or their desire to network. But many network marketers make the prospect FEEL that they have an agenda and only that agenda matters:

 To Recruit the Prospect.

 Attacking someone is when you immediately start talking about your offer before you even get to know the person and see if they are who you think they would be a good fit for your business or a good candidate.

 Scoot says, “Give them some breathing room and let them come to you. I have always connected with people, but then keep what I call ‘Distantly Close’ and when they showed signs of moving towards me, I moved towards them more. Yes, I told them I was interested in talking, but keep a little distance to see how they respond.”

 Never attack your prospect. CONNECT and then start constructing abridgeofTRUSTthrough your LinkedIn conversations and also taking it offline. Talk about what THEY DO for a living and let them ask you more about what you do. Send them a link for a free marketing ebook or video to add value to their business and to their job and life. Add Value from the very beginning with little known  information and then you can follow up asking if they like the gift. You will be amazed at how this works.

  3. The Rule of the LOCAL NETWORK.

 On Linkedin, there is a local network you belong to. I belong to the Greater Detroit network with over 30,000 professionals on LinkedIn.

 Scott says that alone is a GAME CHANGER as you can meet them face to face and personally get to know them. Candidates are easier to recruit if you connect with them face to face and they see you are REAL.

 PLUS you have that in common with them- you are a “neighbor” and can immediately talk about that fact. Talk about the local sports scene or upcoming events that you plan to attend, or anything that pertains to the local area.

 The more LOCAL FEEL you have to your conversations the more comfortable the prospect will be and want to meet you.

 All you need to do is communicate with them about their profile and tell them you are in their network and would love to invite them to a social meetup or even just meet them at starbucks.. tell them this:

 “I am looking to meet and network with professionals in our local area as I am learning so much from them about local business. Would you like to meet up and grab lunch or a tea?”

 Scott obviously talks to them about their future plans and placement options for a better job. You can talk to them about possible “Cash Flow Options” or “Revenue Ideas” that gives them life options for their future they may not currently have.

 Find out what network you are in and start looking for prospects to link to and then possibly meet up locally.

 3. The Rule of OPENING.

 Scott discovered they people on LinkedIn HATED to feel like they were being CLOSED on a deal or sale. They preferred to feel like they were being OPENED.

 Scott always pointed to the fact that a new job was an “Opening” to a whole new future and destiny. He was always focused on talking about how this would open future doors, open possibilities, open new connections, open new windows of networking.

 If you come across too strong in the “closing” part you will lose these professionals. Here is how Scott always “opened their minds and eyes:”

 “And what this will offer you is it will open up doors that you could never knock on and open up a whole new direction in your life that will give you more money, more security and more options in the future you do not have now. Isn’t your family worth that kind of security and door opening in your life?’

 LInkedIn is NOT about attacking, ambushing, pressure, or closing.

 It is a about Constructing Relationships that will lead to doors being opened with new contacts and also new business and REFERRALS for you. Follow these simple Rules and see if your business does not dramatically improve on Linkedin for your MLM Home business.

 These are 3 of the 7 Rules that Scott follows concerning his recruiting on LinkedIn.

 We will be covering the other 5 Rules in the LinkedIn Recruiting Webinar next Thursday, September 22 at 8 pm!  Check it out and REGISTER:

  Take your business up to a whole NEW Level on LinkedIn with the LInkedIN Recruiting Secrets 101 webinsr! The price is going up this weekend! So LOCK YOUR SPOT in this powerful content rich LinkedIn webinar featuring the #1 Recruiter in the NATION for a recruitment firm’s Secrets to recruiting on LinkedIn.

It will empower your home business with ENDLESS Professional LEADS for your mlm efforts in home business.

Social Network Marketing Secrets – READ THIS!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Recruiting Training on STEROIDS- and all the ideas are FREE