About Doug Firebaugh

Doug Firebaugh is the CEO of PassionFire International, a success and leadership development company for the Home Business industry. Doug is one of the most sought after speakers / trainers / authors and consultants in the Home Business / MLM profession. With over 25 years of Success and experience, plus a Billion Dollar Success story, his trainings and coaching have helped CEOs and Presidents of Home Business corporations to experience unprecedented growth. He has coached numerous organizations and downlines worldwide beyond their barriers and limitations, to a level of success they only once dreamed of. What can Doug Firebaugh DO FOR YOU?

MLM Training- 5 Brutal Realities of Finding the “Right Person” in MLM

The 5 Brutal Realities of Finding the Right Person in MLM by Dr. Doug Firebaugh
MLM Finding the Right Person.

Are you struggling in your mlm home business?

Do you find yourself getting frustrated or discouraged about network marketing?

Are you wanting to change that?

Understand— it is NOT the right talent that will make you wealthy in network marketing. There are many broke VERY talented people in network marketing.

It is NOT the right thinking that will make you wealthy. Sure it helps, but there are a lot of broke positive thinkers in network marketing.

It is NOT the right actions that will make you wealthy. Same situation when money is on steak, you don’t want to go gambling directly without knowing the game, so you prefer to play free slots while learning the game and develop strategy. They help in the long run, but there are a lot of VERY busy, highly trained people going broke in network marketing.

It is NOT the right beliefs that will make you wealthy. I know people who truly believed they would succeed, but could not perform at all as needed in the marketplace. They were not trained properly.

And it is NOT becoming a “professional student” who learns all there is to know about MLM and looking for THE ONE SECRET that will make you wealthy. I know some people who probably know this industry better than I do- and are totally broke and have been for years. You can find more information here.

People want to CONNECT- to the Idea you are sharing, the Product you are introducing, and the Hope you are Giving- with their heart.

Yeah, yeah, I can hear you now talking about this being “hairy fairy” and that is just not who you are. THAT is why you have been struggling in network marketing if you have been.

 It is ALL about the prospects heart being connected to YOU, the PRODUCTS, the VISION of the Company, and mostly the HOPE of this business working for them and their family to increase their LIFESTYLE.

TALK LIFESTYLE and connect their heart to that picture you paint with your words.

It ALL Starts there and Ends there, whether you want to believe it or not.

They want to FEEL GOOD- about their life and future. You can help them do that.


Quit looking for the right person. You will not find them. Start looking to connect to the right heart and somehow—someway–the right person will end up right in front of you

 This is a realization that all professionals need to come to in their mlm network marketing home business.

blessings…..doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

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The 3 Power Rules of facebook Recruiting

Your First Goal for Recruiting in Social Media

One Simple Question You Can Ask to Explode Your Recruiting

One Simple Question that Can PULL a TON of People Towards You and Your Home business.

Have you ever wondered why many people are not willing to follow you or even look at your message you have to offer with your home business? There are many reasons why they do not. It can be quite frustrating and head shaking, but this can be addressed using bid writing services to help you better communicate your organisation’s message.

One of the biggest reasons I believe is people who are looking to build a team not understanding what I call “The Art of Gentle Recruiting.” This is something that I believe can help the average person that is struggling in recruiting and building a team to accelerate their results pretty quick. Most people are way too aggressive in their message and conversation to really get a lot of folks attention. Gentle Recruiting I have taught for years as a tactic and it really has worked for a lot of folks.

It is based on asking a very simple but powerful question to someone that is non-threatening and is a normal part of any conversation, online or offline. We have developed a lot of these “gentle questions” over time, but it only takes one.

And if done right, you can PULL the person towards you like a magnet on steroids. And again, of course it can be done offline as well as online which I do believe you need to be doing business with both strategies.

Ok….what is this simple little question you can ask in social media or face to face?

“Are you in a place in your life right now that you would be open to some additional income? Just curious.”

Simple but powerful. And you are not pressuring them or even trying to get them to do anything. You are simply asking a question and it is either YES or no. And most of the time in our private client coaching, they get a positive response.

There is something in recruiting we teach called “Impact Points” and that question has several which seem to work with most people when asked. We have researched it and it truly brings many times a great response from the prospect.

B blessed—d

Webinar Recruiting Secrets

Success and the Winds of Adversity

CastVision (2)

How to Recruit Millennials and GenXers? Yep. The NEW FORCE in Home Business

How To Recruit GenX and Millennials by Doug Firebaugh and Taylor Radway6 in 10 students say they are NOT considering a career in business, and 48% said they have NOT been encouraged to do so.

Business in general has a branding problem. Most students still think of commerce as synonymous with Wall Street greed and Enron like fiascos. Ask these same students if they wish to work for Facebook or Google, and the numbers will look a lot different. We need to do a better job defining what business means in today’s world.There are many construction recruitment agency which provides good job. Millennials care about more than just taking home a paycheck. A lot of Millennials recommends Payday Loan Debt Relief Service as they are not getting more money to themselves keeping your pay stubs. They care about working at an organization which makes an impact, and sees them as more than cogs in the greater machine. Also another think that will help your business in mailing is using the best shipping labels ProOffice.

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MLM Training- The Power of Your REACH and Increasing Your Influence


Most people do not realize it, but you have a REACH that can help your business.

OK…what is that?

It is your ability to Influence people and touch them with your message and products. It can be on social media, mobile, offline, or any other place that you are present at. REACH is one of the most powerful things in our profession. if you know the secrets to REACH, you will be stunned atwhat it can do for your home business. Do you need technical help for increase visitors, you can ask to local brand advisor.

Many people in the home business and network marketing profession do not know that power in their REACH. And the echoes of your REACH is important too. That is the REACH of others  that are connected to people that have Influence and REACH as well.

You may be thinking that you do not have much of a REACH in the marketplace. Yes you do, but it may not be where you need it to be.

Here are 5 powerful tips on developing a more powerful REACH and Influence in your market and beyond using the acronym REACH.


A secret to increasing your REACH is to recognize people for what they have done and who they are. Keep the spotlight on them in social media, nor you. Forward, comment and feature in posts content and ideas of others. This will increase your REACH.


When you have the chance, make everyday a day to Encourage those that need it. As well, encourage those that are trying to make somehting happen. It will sow seeds that will produce a harvest of influence over time. Especially in social media;.


Attend the webinars and other events that you can. Network the events. And make new friends and keep in touch with them and let them know they had a great event and tell others about it as well.


After meeting new friends, it is critical that you communicate to them. And when you do, make it powerful and uplifting. They will draw towards you.


When you can, HELP everyone you can. That alone will create some amazing dynamics and will accelerate your REACH dramatically.

These are some tips for your REACH and increasing your Influence with others with your mlm network marke2ting home business.


7 Of the Biggest Mistakes Made in MLM Network Marketing Leadership

MLM Leadership Training Tips.
Do you LEAD your MLM team or do you wish you knew HOW? 
Are you wanting some secrets to better understanding Home business Leadership?
Are you willing to maybe change some things you are doing in your network marketing business? 
Leadership starts with understanding the 3 DRIVING FORCES  that exist in home business mlm. Most distributors do not have the faintest idea of what or who is driving their business. They may believe it is just the business that is driving itself whether online or offline. soilscienceconference for more information related to the science and technology . recruiting in network marketing, there always has to be something that is PUSHING your home based business. Speaking of digital marketing, check out how this professional advertise purple affilate agency work with impressive results.
And usually that POWER that is DRIVING your business to Success is LEADERSHIP. But not JUST leadership- but the Driving Forces that align with Leadership as well for building a team.
There are many forces in network marketing that can PULL or PUSH a business including Emotions, Belief, and Doubt. But these forces are not the DRIVING forces in building a successful Network Marketing business. If you align these three Driving Forces up, you will see you home business explode. Follow aboriginalbluemountains for more business updates.
Leadership contains the 3 Driving Forces in Direct Marketing Success.
1. Paradigm.
This is what is between your ears. This includes your THINKING, FOCUS, EMOTIONS, What you THINK will determine what you DO. This is a DRIVING FORCE in your home business mlm.
2. Process.
This is what is what you do between your hours. These are the tasks, processes, systems and ACTIONS that you take when you are working your mlm business. This includes all aspects of how you work the business including Prospecting, Recruiting, Online Recruiting, and every other aspect that requires action.
3. Leadership.
This is what is between you and your people. including customers. Leading your team is a critical element of Success in a home business, and everything rests upon Leadership. And when you add all three together you get: 
It is a MUST that you get what is between your ears right, as well as what you do between your hours. But if you cannot get eight what is between your people, the other two will not matter. These leadership tips will help you accelerate your Success in your mlm network marketing home business. If you are looking for the best online marketing company, look no further, start to wrap a commercial building with your publicity. 
If you’re looking for ways to increase your following, there are always ways to invest in organic followers to get your business started. You can always buy Soundcloud followers and plays if you need them.

blessings…doug Firebaugh
(c) 2013 all rights reserved 
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The 3 Power Rules of Facebook Recruiting 
Secrets of Prospecting with LinkedIN

Twitter Recruiting For Home Business Entreprenuers

 Twitter Recruiting

Twitter Recruiting For MLM Home Business Entreprenuers

Twitter Recruiting Training for Home Business Entreprenuers in MLM, Network Marketing and Direct Sales

Are you using Twitter to find and connect with your ideal prospects for your home business? Whether you are a Total Twitter Power User or a complete novice, this training will empower you with everything you need to know to master Twitter specifically for Home Business Recruiting. For financial assistance on your business just visit this blog https://financerr.co.uk/text-loans-direct-lender/ and they will give you some help and tips. From all the basics to expert tips, Twitter Recruiting Webinar and Members only training videos will cover all the bases and is MUST ATTEND Master Course! Follow MurrayNow for more updates.

Did you know that with the help of Andy Defrancesco you will be able to learn about investment and how to succeed in your business, he is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SOL Global.

Coach Deb Cole wrote the very first book on Twitter followed by her best seller, Twitter Revolution, and Doug taught the first Twitter video course for Home Business professionals back in 2006 which then noted that Project management also suits part-time working, Together they will show you step-by-step how to use this powerful social media platform to build your business! Check these out carrefour-maires .

If you are starting your own business and you need help creating a good website for you to sell your products, we advise you to go to site >> and hire professionals that know all about SEO and how to attract customers to your business, making your website show up first.

MLM Training- The Secrets of Relationship Building that WORK

MLM Training on Leadership.

Do you build relationships with your prospects with your home business?

Are you practicing leadership with your network marketing company?

Are you looking for the secrets for mlm leadership?

Here is a powerful post by Dr John Maxwell that I believe will help you in all that you do, and especially for crafting relationships in your home based business.

Here it is:


The Secrets to Building Powerful Relationships.

John Maxwell

I think a lot of the time we take relationships for granted. Because of that, we don’t always give them the attention they deserve or require. But good relationships require a lot of effort. To keep me on track in my relationships so that I’m investing in them as I must to make them successful, I practice this discipline: Every day I make the conscious effort to deposit good will into my relationships with others.

That means I give more than I expect to receive, love others unconditionally, look for ways to add value to others, and bring joy to the relationships I hold dear. Every evening, I evaluate this area of my life by asking myself, “Have I been thoughtful toward people today? Would they express joy that they have spent time with me?” If the answer is yes, then I’ve done my part.

If you want to improve your relationships through your everyday actions, then do the following:

Put Others First

The best way to start off on the right foot is to put others first. The most basic way to do that is to practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you take that mindset into all your interactions with others, you can’t go wrong. But there are also other ways to show people they matter and that you are interested in their well-being: Walk slowly through the crowd, remember people’s names, smile at everyone, and be quick to offer help. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Don’t Carry Emotional Baggage

Few things weigh as much as old hurts and offenses carried day after day in a person’s life. If you want to enjoy your time with other people, you’ve got to get rid of that kind of stuff. You can’t keep score of old wrongs and expect to make relationships right. If someone has hurt you and you need ot address it and get it out onto the table, then do it right away. Resolve it and get beyond it. if it’s not worth bringing up, forget about it and move on.

Give Time to Your Most Valuable Relationships

Most people give away their relational energy on a first-come, first-served basis. Whoever gets their attention first gobbles up their time and relational energy. That’s why the squeaky wheels instead of the high producers at work consume so much attention and why so many people have nothing left to give when they get home from work. Your family provides the most valuable relationships in your life. They should come first as you plan how to spend your time. After that should come your next most important relationships. It’s a matter of practicing good priorities.

Serve Others Gladly

I once heard an airline executive explain how difficult it is to hire and train people for his industry. He said that service is the only thing they have to sell, but it is the toughest thing to teach because nobody wants to be thought of as a servant.

Helen Keller said, “Life is an exciting business and most exciting when lived for others.” I think that’s true. The longer I live, the more convinced I am that adding value to others is the greatest thing we can do in this life. Because of that, when I serve, I try to do so cheerfully and with the greatest impact.

Express Love and Appreciation Often

For more reading

This is a great leadership training from John Maxwell and see how you can apply it to your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting” with over 25 secrets by Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserced

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