One Simple Question You Can Ask to Explode Your Recruiting

One Simple Question that Can PULL a TON of People Towards You and Your Home business.

Have you ever wondered why many people are not willing to follow you or even look at your message you have to offer with your home business? There are many reasons why they do not. It can be quite frustrating and head shaking, but this can be addressed using bid writing services to help you better communicate your organisation’s message.

One of the biggest reasons I believe is people who are looking to build a team not understanding what I call “The Art of Gentle Recruiting.” This is something that I believe can help the average person that is struggling in recruiting and building a team to accelerate their results pretty quick. Most people are way too aggressive in their message and conversation to really get a lot of folks attention. Gentle Recruiting I have taught for years as a tactic and it really has worked for a lot of folks.

It is based on asking a very simple but powerful question to someone that is non-threatening and is a normal part of any conversation, online or offline. We have developed a lot of these “gentle questions” over time, but it only takes one.

And if done right, you can PULL the person towards you like a magnet on steroids. And again, of course it can be done offline as well as online which I do believe you need to be doing business with both strategies.

Ok….what is this simple little question you can ask in social media or face to face?

“Are you in a place in your life right now that you would be open to some additional income? Just curious.”

Simple but powerful. And you are not pressuring them or even trying to get them to do anything. You are simply asking a question and it is either YES or no. And most of the time in our private client coaching, they get a positive response.

There is something in recruiting we teach called “Impact Points” and that question has several which seem to work with most people when asked. We have researched it and it truly brings many times a great response from the prospect.

B blessed—d

Webinar Recruiting Secrets

Holiday MLM Recruiting Training Webinar

Holiday MLM Recruiting Training by Doug Firebaugh

You’re Invited!

To A Special Holiday Training Webinar…

Holiday Recruiting Webinar and Members Only Training Site

Featuring Doug Firebaugh & Diane Hochman & Over 20 Industry SuperStar Leaders!

Do you know how to take advantage of this special recruiting season for the next six weeks that can catalyze explosive momentum into 2013?

MLM Social Media- 3 Prospecting Secrets for LinkedIn Recruiting

MLM Linkedin Recruiting and Prospecting.

Have you ever been on LinkedIn and seen the millions of professionals there for your home business?

Are you currently working LinkedIn for your network marketing business?

How does your plan work on LinkedIn- or do you have one?

There are many great social sites out there, but for the professional and business owner, LinkedIn is the hottest prospecting site for a home business professional to get the word out about you and your products.

I ran across this great post by Jill Konrath, and it was amazing. I really like her style and how she sees things in the social world of business. I would suggest that you take notes and on her blog, she does a lot of videos as well, so you will learn from her as I have. Hey! I teach this stuff and have for 7 years, and still learning from great folks like her.

Here is her post:


3 Ways to Reach New Prospects on LinkedIn.

Link to Original Post.

Did you know that overall, you’re 5X more likely to get a sales call returned if you have a personal connection with someone? To me, that’s an amazing statistic. In a world where people are swamped at work and suffering from information overload, it’s the best way to capture their attention.

So what does that mean you should be doing? In essence, implementing a connection-based strategy to reach new prospects.

Here are three ways you can do that by leveraging your LinkedIn connections:

  1. The first thing you can do, is to check LinkedIn to determine if you know any of the same people. Look at their profile too. You might have gone to the same university or worked at the same company at some point in your career. When you reach out to them, make sure to mention the connection right away. This increases your odds of success by threefold.
  2. An even better approach is to have your mutual connection call your prospect to make an introduction. By doing this, you’re upping your chances of success by a factor of four.
  3. And, the best approach of all? Contacting a personal connection. You’re 11x more likely to get a return call. This means you need to strategically focus on developing relationships with people who are similar to your ideal customers. Go where they are — both on and off-line — and initiate a conversation. Make sure you keep in touch with them too. It’ll be well worth your time.

To sum it up, we’re in the Relationship Age, and who you know matters — a lot.

And that says it all folks- we ARE in a Relationship Marketing Age and we better know and learn how to market our mlm network marketing home business in this age.

FREE mp3 download- 2013 Recruiting Secrets” over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

The 3 Power Rules of facebook Recruiting

Your First Goal when Recruiting on Social Media

MLM Social Media- The 3 Power Rules of Facebook Recruiting

MLM Social Media Training.

Do you use facebook for your home business recruiting efforts?

Are you using facebook daily when working your network marketing business?

Are you frustrated with your facebook results when working your work at home mlm?

Many people are, as facebook has become well….quite soaked with a lot of marketers. There is nothing wrong with that, but often, we get so caught up in the latest “tools” and soft-wares for facebook that we forget why we are on it to begin with. Lots of bright new shiny objects are around, but there are the facebook basic rules for recruiting that may have seem to forgotten and their recruiting results have suffered, that is why serves small businesses with social media advertising. 

Have you seen a drop in your Facebook advertising success when recruiting? if so, odds are, you have moved away from the facebook basics that are a part of the foundational structure for working a home based business. That is the reason for this post.

By the way, i have not posted in 2 weeks as we have been working on our websites and moving them, updating them, and also have been on the road a lot. but I am back so lots of posts daily are now back.

What ARE the 3 basic rules of facebook recruiting? Well, they are more “understandings,”  then actual rules, but can make all the difference in your recruiting results. Social Media has grown to be a staple in the home business mlm field as far as prospecting. But there are still the basics that are to be focused on when recruiting on s social networking site. That is why I wanted to write this today, as there have been some people that have become quite discouraged using facebook for their sponsoring efforts.

Here are the 3 basic Rules for Recruiting on facebook:

1.  It is about RELATING- NOT just about Recruiting.

It is about building relationships. It is about connecting with people an d seeing how you can help them, as that is all part of the process in recruiting. When you start a conversation with someone on facebook, you are not there to see how you can recruit them.

You are there to see how you can help them, enlarge their life, and their lifestyle. Once you have done that, then recruiting them is the FRUIT of helping them in a way that adds VALUE to their life.

2.  It is about finding the RIGHT PERSON –not just A PERSON.

This is so true. Many people think that everyone they talk to is a prospect. They are NOT. many you talk to and approach simply are not for this business. That is why on facebook, I have always taught that you “Reverse the Recruiting.”

What is THAT?

Ask them who they know that would be a good leader in their area, as you and your business partners are looking for the right person to help you build a million dollar business in their state. This often will PULL that person closer to listen and see how they could be a part. Finding the RIGHT PERSON is critical when recruiting- even on facebook.

3. Help them FIND what THEY are Looking For – NOT what YOU are looking for.

People are looking for basically on thing in life: A BETTER  and more SECURE life. Show them how you and your network marketing business can help them achieve that. Ask them what they really would like to see changed in their life and then help them get it. You will recruit them just about every time.

Facebook is no different then normal face to face conversation and these are the 3 Power Rules of facebook recruiting for your mlm network marketing home based business.

FREE download- mp3- “2013 Recruiting Secrets” -over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane Hochman.

blessings…doug fireaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training Related posts:

Your FIRST Goal when Recruiting on Social Media

How to get the Attention of ANYONE in Social Media

MLM Training – 7 Great Ways to Lose a HOT Prospect

mlm home business prospect

mlm network marketing home business.

MLM Training on How NOT to Lose a Hot Prospect.

Do you ever Wonder where a prospect went when working your home based business?

Has a prospect ever gone “poof” and they were nowhere in sight when working your network marketing business?

How did you feel? Do you realize it more than likely was YOUR FAULT? Yes you read that right Mr. and Mrs. MLM.

It probably was your fault. And there are reasons why it more than likely it is.

There are many ways that you can turn a prospect off and I have been guilty of all of them. But over the years, we have learned that there are 7 major “no no’s” that you stay away from, and not make those mistakes. Here are 7 Great Ways to Lose a HOT Prospect-Are YOU Guilty of These?

Many people totally mess up great prospects because they are not paying attention. Not paying attention takes many a prospect out of the game. And it is YOUR fault. Paying attention is one of the most important things you can do for your business. 

Many team members think that the prospect is not sharp enough to see what is going on. But here is something that you need to know- THEY CAN SEE. They may never comment, but they are sharper then you give them credit. And often when you are not aware of that, you can lose a great prospect.

These 7 ways to mess up a HOT prospect are made daily by millions of people.

1) Lack of Authority and Presence.

Many people come across like they have no leadership or Authority.  This is unacceptable if you are going to build a great business. You MUST come across like you have the Authority to get the prospect to where they want to go in life. If you lack Authority, borrow your uplin’es until you develop yours.

2) Pressure.

All pressure is, is pressure on the inside of you, coming to the fore front and putting it on the
prospect. Pressure is the worst thing that today you can use as the prospect will smell it coming and mentally if not physically LEAVE.

3) Too Much Talking.

Let the prospect talk- and you listen. Say that 3 times. Ask questions and then listen intently. You should let the prospect talk 80% of the time- online or offline. You talk 20%. Become a professional
“Question Asker.” Ask questions and the LISTEN.

4) Hype.

People love excitement, but do NOT like hype. Kill the fake energy-that is what hype is. Did you GET THAT? It is FAKE and people hate fake.

5) Not Following Up.

Yep, this happens daily. People simply do not follow up. Hard to believe, but that is just the way it is. You need to follow up on EVERY prospect like clockwork. If you do not, then that will clean your clock in this business.

6) Talking about YOU and NOT the Prospect.

Think TINY = Their Interests NOT Yours. Talk about the prospect not you. talk about the prospect NOT YOU. Got it?  Think TINY!

7) Lack of Confidence.

This displays a lack of Leadership and Power. KNOW that you know. Study and Learn the info.
Practice-Drill-Rehearse and then do it again with your sponsor.. The practice some more to maximize your mlm network marketing home based business.

FREE mp3 download – “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

Your FIRST GOAL for Recruiting in Social Media

How to get a Cold Market Phone Appointment via Email

MLM Social Media- The Secret “Social Blitz Recruiting” Process

mlm recruiting home business social media

mlm recruiting social media network marketing

Are you looking for a social media recruiting path for your home business?

Are there tactics you already are doing for your mlm?

Do you use any social media recruiting processes with your network marketing business?

I have a tip that will rock your recruiting for your home business:

A SECRET WEAPON: Social Blitz Recruiting.

ACCELERATE the Pace of Social Recruiting- DRAMATICALLY.

There is also what we call “Social Blitz Recruiting.” We are coming out with a CD and Digital Training Resource very soon with a step by step training on Social Blitz Recruiting and how to create a Social Candidate Blitz.

This is a more laser focused way to create a “Mini Master Plan.” It does not get the power or numbers of the Master Candidate List that the Master Plan does, but Social Blitz Recruiting is “down and dirty” as Scott calls it, “fast and furious.”

The Master Social Recruiting Plan goes for QUANTITY and at the same time goes for QUALITY.

Social Blitz Recruiting goes for QUICKNESS. It focuses on the QUICK STRIKE, the QUICK PROCESS and the QUICK CONVERSION.

It involves running a “Social Blitz Post” on facebook, twitter, Linkedin, and other social sites simply stating you are looking for leaders in certain areas. Also you can place 30 second Social Blitz Videos as well for potential candidates to view and possibly help you with.

You can also send out a Social Blitz Text with a QR Code that sends people to a video or website. These were covered in the Social Recruiting 101 series.

Using the Social Blitz Recruiting tactics, you can recruit someone in Social Media in 24 hours.

You read that right.  24 hours.

Our Private Clients, who we coach, do it all the time.

How  does it work?

You must use what we call “Banner Posts” and these basically are posts and tweets that say something like:

“Looking for a leader in Dallas Texas. Time is of the essence. Please private FB me or direct message me on twitter @ name.  If you are leader, pleases respond.”

“If you know a Leader or great people person on Dallas Texas, please private FB me or direct message me @name. My company is looking for someone that can help us in that area and revenues are very good.”

“Our company is looking for a brand ambassador in Dallas Texas to help get our brand more out there and to help with other Leadership tasks. Please private FB me or direct message me @name on twitter or email me at @address. All inquiries will be confidential.”

These are examples of “banner Posts” that you post once or twice a day and all it is is “fishing” for people that are open to talking. Once you get a connection, then get them to a quick 5 minute Social Blitz Recruiting webinar with THEN or that evening or a video of one to tell them more of what you are looking for.

You should have 4 parts to your Blitz Presentation:

1. Introduction.

2. State the problem and personalize it. (You know someone that suffers with this don’t you?)

3. Amplify the problem with facts and figures. (With where you got them)

4. Solution. (Show them you have a solution / product and your company is looking to help people).

Invite to longer presentation or ask for referrals.

This is how you do Social Blitz Recruiting in your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”-over 15 secrets-with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

#1 Reason Why People Struggle with Lack of Leads

How to Accelerate Your Duplication of Your team

MLM Social Media- The 4 Step Social Media Recruiting Process

mlm social media network marketing

mlm home business social media

MLM Social Media Recruiting.

How do you use Social Media for recruiting for your home based business?

What are your daily actions for recruiting with your network marketing business?

Do you have any plans to educate yourself further with a work at home business mlm and social networking?

Social media is now a staple in the recruiting blueprint for most businesses that are home businesses. Most are on facebook, twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Pinterest, and more. There are many trainings out there that will guide you to market on social media, but few I have found train you on how to RECRUIT on social media.

There is a need for that and many “recruiting trainings” in social media are actually focused more on marketing and NOT recruiting. Why? I have no idea, but I want to give you a TRAINING that will show you a 4 step process of recruiting in social media.

I call it “Social Recruiting” and that is what it is. We actually have a product called “Social Recruiting 101” a 4 CD series that will show you how to recruit like a Master in the social media sphere.

There is something that EVERYONE needs in social media recruiting in mlm:

You NEED A PATH or Step by Step formula for Success.

The 4 Step Formula for Social Recruiting.

Here is a 4 step formula for the MASTER Blueprint PLAN:

 1. Social Connection –>  2. Social Conversation –>  3. Social Presentation –>            4. Social Conversion

Conversion is converting the Candidate to a Customer, Team Member, Referral Source, or
No Go-maybe later.


1. Social Connection.

 This comes from finding potential candidates and connecting with them by following them or friending them, or finding them in groups or by Social Listening and Locating. And this also includes people following you and connecting with you first.

2. Social Conversation.

This comes from comments, social threads, update conversations, social mail, direct
, and other forms of social communication.

3. Social Presentation.

 This comes from the potential candidate watching a quick video, attending a webinar,
going to a local social event meeting you, attending a conference call, a
twitter presentation, a facebook event,
and any other type of social
media information presentation.

4. Social Conversion.

 This comes when they convert to a Customer, a New Team Member, a Referral Source, or
a No Go. THIS is the Critical part as here is the “Master Law of Conversion:”

NOTHING HAPPENS until Conversion happens.


This Master 4 steps for Social Recruiting aligns with the 5 Steps of Awareness, Attention, Appreciation, Audience, and then Ambassador that are taught in Social Recruiting 101.

These are the 4 steps in the social media recruiting process for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download – “2013 Recruiting Secrets” -over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

3 reasons Why You are NOT Easily Getting Referrals

How to Turn an Objection into a Referral

MLM Training – Your FIRST GOAL for Recruiting in Social Media

mlm home business social media

mlm home business network marketing social media

Recruiting in Social Media for Home Business.

How do you communicate on social media for your home business?

Do you understand the power of the [process with Social Recruiting in your network marketing business?

What do you do to recruit people in social media?

The process of Social Recruiting in Network marketing is simple. You Connect with them on social media, and then you must get them to the FIRST Exposure. You MUST GET THEM ENGAGED in order to get them in  the recruiting funnel.

It ALL STARTS with the prospect AGREEING TO WATCH a webinar presentation or view a video. If you are going to recruit anyone, they MUST be educated to a certain point so they can SEE the vision of what you are doing with your home business.

Your first Social Media Recruiting goal for your home business?

Simple. Your candidate MUST eventually become a:


 Then the Participants who SEE and CONNECT to the Vision via a video or webinar, becomes a True Candidate.

How do you know they are a True Candidate?

They are OPEN to and WANT MORE information

You move the Candidate into MORE EXPOSURES by educating and informing them about your company, products, and income. Follow the sponsoring system that your company or upline put together.

(Once the Candidates have gone through a series of Exposures, they enter into the  Conversion Step, Converting the Candidate either into a:

 a. New Customer.

 b. New Team Member.

 c. Referral Source.

 d. A Definite No Go- maybe later.

These pretty much are what you can expect.

They either are willing to attend a presentation or watch a video about your business. Then some will enroll as a customer, a new team member with you, or your business is not for them at this time and they are not interested period.

NOTE: Your VERY FIRST Connection Goal is to eventually  CONVERT THEM into someone willing to attend a webinar or look at a video.


You MUST move them past the Social Conversation stage to the Social Presentation
. If you do not move them into the Presentation stage, you will never get them past just being what we call a “POTENTIAL Social Candidate.”

 NOTE: Many folks enjoy social media and PRETEND they are recruiting candidates with it.

Just like the “pretend candidate,” they are the pretend professional regarding social networking. DO NOT fall into that trap as many seem to do. Keep focused and keep moving forward.

DO NOT be just “social focused.” You MUST be TOTALLY ACTION FOCUSED on
Connecting daily with new candidates.

NOTE: Pretend does NOT pay very well in Social Recruiting.

That is why that you must create a sense or Professionalism and Urgency to start the success track of Social Recruiting.

But you cannot walk a path without doing it step by step, or drive a journey mile by mile.

It is the same with Social Recruiting in your mlm  network marketing Home Business.

FREE mp3 download: “2013 Recruting Secrets”- over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

MLM Training related posts:

How to get a Cold Market Phone Appointment via email

How to get the Attention of Anyone in Social Media 

MLM Training- 8 Things You Should NEVER Say During an Appointment

mlm network marketing home business

home business mlm network marketing

MLM Training on Sales language.

Do you ever say the wrong thing at the wrong time in your home based business?

Have you ever said something that was taken wrong in your network marketing business?

Have you ever rolled your eyes when someone was trying to sell you something from what they said?

I read something recently and really connectdd to it, and wanted to share it with you. I read it on SmartBriefs letter. 

(I included a couple of my thoughts with the titles.)

Here is it:  ENJOY!


The 8 things You NEVER Say during An Appointment.  by Matt Heinz

I’m sure you’ve heard all of these before, and I also bet you haven’t done much if any business with those who uttered them.

Of all the crappy sales pitches we hear daily, these phrases tend to be heard the most. And sometimes, even good salespeople will fall into their trap and wonder why their deal went dead.

This isn’t exhaustive, but these phrases you should clearly avoid:

1. “I think you’re making a mistake (If you do not enroll)”
A couple weeks ago I literally had a sales rep tell me I was “misallocating budget”  by working with their competitor. Nobody wants to think they are wrong, and if you’re explicit about that at the front of the sales process, you’re not doing much to build trust & credibility.

2. “Let me talk to my manager (or Sponsor.)”
Really? Am I buying a car now? Clearly some reps and lead qualification specialists don’t have complete authority to make certain decisions. But I’ve heard this phrase far too often when asking basic questions about a product, its features or flexibility. If you need to go to your manager too often, why am I talking to you?

3. “When can I speak with your manager? (or spouse) ”
Most salespeople want to speak with the most senior person possible. But if they make that clear to you, they’re basically telling you that you don’t matter, that they don’t think they can do business with you. Not very respectful.

4. “Tell me more about your company (or the J-O-B you have-rrrrrrrrr)”
Gone are the days when this information wasn’t readily available online, with 2-3 minutes of research time. Few of us have time to do the salesperson’s work for them. It implies that you’re lazy, haven’t done your homework, and probably don’t even know if what you’re selling is even relevant to me.

5. “What do you want to hear? (meaning I have not done my research with you)”
Who’s driving this sales call anyway? The sales rep should know enough about my company and situation to direct the conversation somewhere that can help me, provide me some insights, teach me something that will help me be more successful. Leave the conversation too open ended and I’ll have no idea where it should go, get frustrated, and move on.

6. “How can I help you?” (This is ok for recruiting openings in our profession)
Different question, similar problem. If you don’t know what problem of mine you think you can solve, you’ve already lost.

7. “Is this a good time?” (or…Got one minute? Won’t take any longer.)
Unless we’ve set an appointment, it’s never a good time. Plus, this is a great opening for the prospect to take back control of the conversation, say no, and shut you off before you even got started.

8. “You should…” (Or…”Here is an Idea that has proven over and over to work)
Later in the sales process, when you’ve already established a deep understanding of the prospect’s business, you may have the respect and authority to use these words. But up front, without that credibility, it makes you sound pompous. You don’t know my business, you don’t know my challenges, and I don’t appreciate you assuming that you do. Good bye.

These are 8 things that you should NEVER say when you are working your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download -“2013 Recruiting Secrets”-over 25 secrets- with doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…..doug firebaugh

MLM Training related Posts:

How to Get a Cold Market Phone Appointment via Email

3 Reasons Why You are NOT Getting Referrals

MLM Training – #1 Reason Why People Struggle with Lack Of Leads

mlm home business prospecting

mlm home business netowrk marketing prospecting

MLM Prospecting Tips and training.

Do you know what prospecting REALLY IS for your home based business– online or offline?

Are you aware that your perception of prospecting will affect your Success in your network marketing lead generation?

Is there a definition that you like to use for your work at home mlm business?

After a long time in this profession, I have come to the conclusion that there is a thing what I call your “Prospecting Lens.”

And this “lens” will determine what kind of prospecting success you have or DO NOT HAVE. The Lens of Prospecting is a very powerful “filter” that you use that will impact your prospecting paradigm and perspective tremendously.

Many folks do NOT have a “Prospecting Lens” but a “prospecting blindfold” that blinds them to all the possibilities of leads that they have available. Social sites often are the worst “blindfolds” because of the distractions and social culture on the net.

This is NOT how prospecting really needs to conducted. If you are prospecting ONLINE you must be aware that there are MILLIONS of people out looking for you. You MUST then “put yourself in front of that traffic.”

And you do that with the AWARENESS of WHERE your prospects are, and how they need to be connected to. You can use PPC, or Facebook ads, PPV, or a host of other different kind of traffic generation methods, but here is the secret from as psychological view:

If you “Prospecting Lens” is not FOCUSED on those places where your prospects are, then it does  not matter. You may as well be whistling “Dixie” as we say down south. The Lens of Prospecting must make it CLEAR where you look and what you do to find your prospects and most do not have that clarity nor the focus to engage that. And many if they even do, do it from a place of “hope this works” vs “this is going to be HUGE.”

There are 4 parts to the “Prospecting Lens:”


If prospecting is NOT a high priority in your business, you will always struggle with lead generation.


You MUST be aware of who is online, the software available to you online, who is AROUND YOU, and how many prospects you have in the recruiting funnel. Take a look at this Aspera software that allows you to move critical files and data sets of any size at a maximum speed over your existing infrastructure and worldwide IP networks.


Consistent engagement is the key. If you engage consistently in prospecting, you will make a fortune.


You MUST have a support system that will keep you accountable in your prospecting efforts. Often putting a “Sniper Team” together works really well. What is THAT?

“Supporting Next Initiative (for) Prospecting Exploding Results.” 

So….If you decide to put on your “Prospecting Lens” then you FIRST must know WHAT prospecting REALLY IS.

Prospecting is simply locating suspects for your business and then turning them into prospects by finding out if they are right for your business and products- or not.

It has been taught,  a person is a SUSPECT first, then a Prospect if they are who you are looking for, and you and your products are who/what they are looking for.

Prospecting according to Webster’s Dictionary is “looking for GOLD.” SWEET!

Here is a “Lens of Leadership” Secret to Prospecting:

“It is NOT who you know…it is who THEY know, and then who they know, and then who they know…”
It is called “The LINKING Principle of Prospecting.”
If you do prospecting correctly, it can be an endless “chain of links” to thousands of people for your business and products. This is called also “Referral Recruiting.”
<If you would like to access unlimited FREE Leads that are high converting, check out
Referral Recruiting. It will rock your world.>
These are some thoughts about the Lens of Prospecting for your mlm network marketing home business.
blessings…doug firebaugh
MLM  Training related posts: