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Are you tired of people trying to stop you in your business?
Is it time that you made that decision taht you will not be denied?
Is your home business worth fighting for?
No matter what happens… YOU WILL NOT BE DENIED!
Keep pressing in!
Doug Firebaugh
mlm explosion
How would you like to have a radio network that focuses ONLY on the home business professional and you can tune in everyday and learn a lot to help your mlm business?
Would having access to some of the greatest thought leaders in the home business and network marketing industry help?
Where else can you discover the secrets of the most successful leaders in marketing and mlm?
It will be a history making day, and will change the game in our direct selling profession. It will not only UP the game but also morph into a more professional image and business. This will help you in many ways, and the education and growth you will get will be beyond any measure .
The 24/7 Home Business Radio Network will have many features:
1. Home Business Training from experts and top earners from all over the world.
2. Social Media training from the best of the best in the Home Business Profession.
3. Party Planning Training from the most powerful voices and trainers in the party planning world.
4. Affiliate Marketing Training from the most powerful experts out there.
5. Network Marketing MLM training from powerhouses that have done it and are doing it.
6. Small Business Marketing Training from powerful small business consultants that have worked with hundreds of successful businesses and owned them as well.
7. Internet Marketing training from legends in the industry, and the most successful out there.
8. Sales and Motivation training from legends and the biggest names in speaking and training.
9. Personal Development training form the most powerful Leaders in the world of Leadership.
10. Mobile Marketing Training from the experts that are paving the way for home business success on mobile devices.
11. News in the Home Business Profession- that impacts everyone and inspires us all.
12. Music, Music, and more Music to GET YOU UP and GOING! From the 80s’, 90s, 20002, current hits of today, and even an occasional classic rock for all the boomers out there!
13. Million Dollar Minutes- an exclusive on HBRN and will inspire you to greater heights and Success!
15. The OFFICIAL Home Business Radio Network launch POWER SONG! Special, Powerful, and Inspiring!
14. PLUS so much more things coming!
If you are looking for a 24/7 MENTOR for your business that will help you, encourage you, and empower you, then this is the radio network for you.
You can listen to it on just about any mobile device, as well as there are social media badges and widgets that will soon be available so you can listen to HBRN on any social media site!
Join us at 3 pm EST at: Home Business Radio Network and join us as the launch of the most powerful broadcast resource launches worldwide in the home business profession!
FREE mp3 download- “the 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing No One will Tell You”
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 recruiting secrets!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
MLM Training related posts:
mlm network marketing training wave
Would you like to create an “Acceleration Tsunami” in your home business mlm?
What would it take for YOU to become an Accelerator that catalyzes people to acceleration?
How would that impact your network marketing business and team?
In a recent post that I wrote yesterday, I talked about the 4 positions in life that people occupy and how to recruit them as well as understand who they are in your organization. This is important as you will see as your team grows these 4 positions being filled, as well as in the prospects that you talk to.
All mlm prospects fall into one of those 4 categories that you are planning on recruiting. Depending on the category they are positioned, will influence heavily their ability to succeed or fail at your work at home business.
But there is a way that you can create an “Acceleration Tsunami of Success” in your home business, and there is a secret that you must be aware of.
To do that-
If you are going to catalyze Acceleration in your results, volume, team, or anything else, it all starts with who you see in the mirror.
Acceleration of success starts with a DECISION for YOU to change, and then implement it.
You may have to rescript your thinking and talking, as well as your expectations. You will have to start creating a new, powerful INPUT STREAM into your mind, that will start the change process from where you are, to becoming an ACCELERATOR. You cannot stay the same, and expect things to change. This input comes for listening to CDs, to watching online videos, to reading powerful ebooks, to talking to Successful people and upline about Success and Leadership and what advice they can give you.
I am all the time asking how can I improve, how to get to the next level, and what comes after that. YOU should be doing the same thing. That;s what Acclerators DO.
Accelerators are all over the new technology on the internet, as well as social media and mobile media in their network marketing business.
Most people that gravitate to the new social networking and mobile marketing processes that are now available on the internet and mobile devices, will see income and even wealth much quicker than the average person that does not use it daily for business. These new social /mobile sites as well as technology and software, accelerate the ability to communicate, prospect, present, follow up, communicate, and close the prospect faster than anything that has ever existed in the network marketing profession.
The new Billion Dollar Producers will come from this social mobile community.
The new Billion Dollar Producers will come from this social mobile community.
The Accelerator Position is where the new millionaire are going to come from. THAT is a powerful statement and is the reason YOU need to embrace the new internet social / mobile processes and sites, and let them become a part of your network marketing home business work.
And that means DAILY.
People who are in the Acclerator position also love taking people with them. They are the bloggers and video heads that educate people on the new things their business offers. They are the internet radio and TV pros and podcasters that educate people on the new ideas that have helped others. They are the wiki and mobile marketing folks that make the community get involved and reach out to them about their products and business. They are the tweeters, texters, SMSers and IMers that make the micro blogging communication go.
And I do mean if you truly want to succeed at Network Marketing Home business today. You must at least get into a process that allows you to connect to the acceleration power of the internet and social / mobile sites and start there. Do you want to honestly create the income that sets you free?
Then take a Billion Dollar Trainer’s advice and move in to the Acceleration Position.
The future of this industry will be with the Accelerators and the Growers. And even the Growers should be moving towards embracing the attitude of the Accelerator.
Here is an “Acceleration Script” you can use daily to KEEP ON TARGET with your Success in network marketing:
“I will not be stopped, or delayed in moving towards my goals and dreams. I will stay ahead of the curve- and I will set my OWN curve because they do not move as fast as I want. I will not listen to anyone that does not get it, and I will be educated only by those who have already been there and proven themselves to be the real deal. PLEASE – Enough of the hype, and the promises. Give me REAL – Keep it REAL- and nothing else. I am the new upcoming millionaire in this business and that is the ONLY destiny I have. Twitter / facebook / google+ /text me if you want to go with me.”
These are 3% of the population. And the 17% of the population that are the Growers should grow to become an Accelerator that will be un-denied and unstoppable in any home based direct sales business.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 recruiting secrets!
blessongs…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
MLM training Related posts:
The 3 Step Leadership Blueprint of Building a HUGE Team
The MLM Recruiting Rule of BWYPA
Are you open to seeing your home business accelerate dramatically?
What is there is a phrase or a word you can use that many people can relate to and even know many that can as well for your work at home business??
What if you could use it online, in social media, skype, mobile recruiting, as well as offline networking?
In the marketplace today, unemployment is at nearly 9% and some say by may 2012 it could be at 10%.
What can we do about it that will HELP people survive a layoff? Is there a way that people can move past it and rise above it?
There is a RULE that we have been teaching for quite sometime that has made a huge difference in people’s mlm businesses. it has opened up possibilities in prospect’s minds that were not quite sure of the message being shared.
What is a Word that you can use that everyone can realte to somehow?
And the Rule of Layoffs for MLM recruiting is:
There are NO LAY OFFS when you own your own business from home.
There are only PAY OFFS.
Many people do not realize just how many layoffs have occurred from September 2009 to December 2011. According to the US Government- there were nearly 7 million layoffs during that period, more than any other period -and the last 3 decades combined.
There is an estimate that there will be more jobs lost coming in summer 2012. Possible Layoffs still are over the news and all over the internet.
Lets say you are on facebook or twiter and talking to someone or you may be on a conversation on LinkedIn.
Here is a question that you can ask your prospect:
“Just curious…in your circle of friends and family- do you know anyone that has been laid off?”
This question gets to the VERY CORE of much of the economic challenges that people have today, and you can help them in a way that a job never could.
Yes, a new job would TEMPORARILY take care of their issue…but..
They are putting themselves in the same position that got them there to begin with!
Here is a little mlm recruiting secret that you can use:
Do not talk just layoffs.
Your own business will never let you be laid off. It will let you be paid off- over and over and over- in PROFITS that Multiply.
With over 7 more million jobs being lost the last 3 years, layoffs will still be a hot topic for all of 2012 and probably longer. Yes there is an election coming, and something positive actually may happen in 2012, but don’t count on it according to most economists. Just focus on PRVENTING the prospect from going through a layoff.
When someone gets laid off, most panic. They have no “safety net.” You can give them a safety net with your home business.
Tell them you can help them prepare economically for ANYTHING that would possibly happen in their career- or lack of one. Focus on the LOSS OF REVENUES and INCOME does NOT have to happen if they get laid off.
They can still pay their bills and enjoy life even during a layoff with their OWN HOME BUSINESS.
Talk about it. Focus on it. Look at it. But then- have a solution for it.
Talk Layoffs. Talk about their own work at home business.
But focus on PAYOFFS with a network marketing home business.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
MLM Training Related Posts:
mlm home business new rules
How does someone go about changing their home business success DAILY?
Would you like to discover how to do that?
Do YOU know the New Rules of Home business and what they can do for your network marketing business?
There is a reality for 2012 that will hit every network marketer between the eyes:
In the Home Business arena today, there are three very important words that are more than true.
Those 3 words are right at the very core of a shift in the Home Business and Network Marketing Profession. What worked 5 years ago, may not work today, as there are New Rules that have been laid over the Home Business grid, and either you play by them-or you don’t.
If you do not, then that can end up possibly working against you in the long run.
Many MLM companies have come and gone over the years, and I have seen some succeed wildly, and others struggle massively. And there many times is no rhyme or reason why it happens. But today, with the introduction of the new Rules of Social Media and Mobile Marketing and Recruiting in Home Business, things are transforming right before our eyes.
The same traditional unchanging principles will always work for your Home business, but the approach to them are changing as we speak, and transitioning many companies either into dynamos – or dinosaurs.
Depending on the decisions being made, the same thing can be said for Teams in Network Marketing. Some teams are accelerating their growth like crazy through mobile recruiting and social media, while others look at those teams as if they are crazy. All this is occurring because of the introduction of Social Media Marketing and Mobile Recruiting and Marketing in the Home Business Profession.
There is a New Marketplace evolving in the network marketing arena and we must accept that.
There are New Rules that we have found that absolutely must be embraced and internalized, if you are going to embrace Success in this New Social Mobile Marketplace. Yes, you can still do it the old fashioned way and succeed, but it today is a longer and harder path than what lies before you with the New Rules of home Business Success.
Let’s see what they are.
New Rule 1: Today, it is NO Longer about just Conversion, but Conversation. Conversion is VERY important, but Conversation is IMPERATIVE.
The focus of Network Marketing has always been and generally always will be converting people into customers or distributors. That is the thrust of most businesses –at least gaining new customers. But today’s companies that are accelerating sales massively are not focused on just conversion, as many people today are tired of “The Pitch.” Ask anyone you know.
People today have been pitched, sold, recruited, called, pressured, hassled, manipulated, congregated, and have become totally frustrated with the old ways of communication from Network Marketers.
People are tired of the mlm pitch-and want THE PATH.
They want a Conversation that leads them to NEW Ideas, New Possibilities, New Thinking, and New Solutions to problems that no one else has taken the time to give them.
You be the one.
You be the leader they are looking for and lead them with words that guide and direct to Value and Solutions-not just Volume and Selling.
Look at the highly successful companies today. They are playing by New Rules and adopting New Tactics.
So should you.
The new way to start the conversion process today is back off—and hold a CONVERSATION- about the prospect, their challenges, your solutions, and how the two can intertwine. It can be online through Social Media Conversation, or through Mobile devices, or it can be offline and through face to face or voice to voice Conversation.
Make each prospect the superstar of your conversation and make it about their wants and desires. Take them to places of possibility that they never thought possible through the New Media. If you do, you will be holding many more conversations with them as your new Success partner in your mlm home business.
FREE social recruiting ebook- “Social Recruiting Power”- over 50 recruiting secrets- FREE!
FREE social Media Recruiting 101 webinar- watch it now FREE! (a $97.00 Value!)
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
Social Media MLM Related Posts:
Social Media Recruiting- Contacts vs Content?
mlm money for home business
Have you ever been looking for a GREAT reason to go out and talk to people about your home business?
Do you ever wonder about the REAL reasons WHY people need -and the power behind that need – of a home business?
I have been doing a lot of research lately, and have found some interesting facts that ONE stood out like a sore thumb.
I do research so that I can better understand trends as well as statistics that paint a picture of the profession that we are in- network marketing.
And a lot of these stats in research are quite boring and a lot simply not what pertains to our profession. But one statistic EXPLODES the reasons why people are needing more money today as well as a home business.
Many people have great reasons to be looking for an alternative income for their home as well as family. I know people that are hurting and laid off here in Michigan. It is s tough time for a lot of folks.
Bur what if I could give you a reason to start a home business that is worth a solid $26,000.00 NOW?
For sure?
Would that be something that would help you in your mlm home business efforts for your network marketing efforts?
Many people when they approach people about their home business seem to focus on what THEY can gain from it, not the prospect. That is a loser of an idea as it is the prospect that should be focused on, understood, and start where the prospect is in their life journey.
Let me give you a how to that I believe can open up a LOT of conversations with people looking for more in their business and life.
I was listening to the radio and ABC news came on, and they were talking about on the show that a little over 50% of the US workers today — makes only a little over $26,000.00 a year.
And the average US government worker makes over $100,000.00 a year! (click to read report)
I nearly drove off the road as I heard that. Ok, I thought, let’s see if that is really true as I believe little I hear in the media.
But WOW!
It was true.
Sadly true.
The average worker today makes a little over $26,000.00 a year- but that is HUGE for our profession as with that knowledge, we can arm ourselves with this information and hold conversations about it.
Whether online, on social media, mobile conversations, or face to face this is something that has proven to get people’s attention:
“Let me ask you a question: did you hear recently that over half of the US population makes only $26,000.00 a year? And the average government worker makes over $100,000.00 a year? Do YOU work for the government? No? How would you like to get a government sized paycheck with your own business and tell that 26,000.00 that it is just not enough?”
This is HUGE as it truly can focus people on the REALITIES of what is happening today in the US as far as income.
And with the MLM profession you truly can make a difference in their life, as well as lifestyle by comparing their income with the reality of the US government, and then let them know that amount is possible with their own business.
Engage this tactic and see what kind of response you get. I researched it. I tried it. And the response I received was MORE than positive.
And I know you will get the same response for your MLM home business as well..
How do You Recruit 2 Business Owners a week using LinkedIn? Click here.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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