network marketing social media
MLM Social Media for home business.
What kind of VALUE do you expect when you are thinking of buying something?
Is that kind of Value in your home business mlm?
What if you would add that kind of Value to your social media efforts-what would happen to your mlm social networking results?
The Power of Value in your social media home business is beyond words. Value is THE most powerful word that you can focus on in your mlm network marketing business. Value is the Nuclear CORE of social media marketing and multi level marketing.
Are YOU showing and giving Value to your mlm prospects in social media?
Value is a Power and Force in network marketing that reigns in social media. There is no more of a powerful Recruiting MAGNET to PULL people towards you, and to keep them beside you. That is a million dollar secret there- VALUE.
End of discussion.
No exceptions.
If you do not bring some kind of Value to the social conversation, you have missed it. I have tried to bring a lot of Value to all I engage and sometimes I miss the mark, but for the most part, it has been pretty consistent I hope!
We need to define what”Value” really is to the prospect because that is all that really matters to them.
Anything that a person perceives as Valuable to their life, family, and future. Value that PULLS people towards you is MAGNETIC VALUE.
Something that adds to the prospect, enlarges their destiny, teaches, directs, increases their income, improves the way they feel about themselves and how they look, and stirs the powerful force of emotions, happiness, and possibilities in a person’s life.
That is what you do in mlm social media for home business. You Add Value and lots of it to people’s lives.
The Power of VALUE Agents.
We all need to practice and become what I call “Value Agents”
Are you a Value Agent in Network Marketing Social Media? Do you bring Value that IMPACTS people- not just seeks something to GAIN for yourself?
Real estate agents market real estate. Value Agents market VALUE.
There are 4 powerful levels of Value I have found in Social Media Marketing and a Value Agent always is aware of the level they are operating on and the level they are striving to rise to. You need “Magnectic VALUE-this is Value that PULLS people towards you.
The 4 Levels of Magnetic VALUE.
What are the 4 levels of being a Magnetic Value Agent?
1) The Level of Typical Value.
This is the Value that just about everyone expects in some form. This is THE BARE minimum value you need to operate in be taken any kind of seriously in social media. This is Value that you bring that is at least worth reading, watching, and worth paying attention to. Typical Value is the level of Value that can be found all over the social zone, and people read the posts and listen to the podcasts, and view the videos, but then they move on to something and someone else. They see this as the “same ol-same ol.”
That is the socia response to the leve of Typical Value- consume the information and then move on. It really is tough to build any kind of a following with this low level of Value.
2) The Level of Unexpected Value.
This level is when you really start to gain some attention from people in social media. When you have unexpected Value in a video, post, article, comment, or podcast, it Stirs people’s emotions and and makes them pay attention to what you are giving and doing. It FORCES them to FOCUS on your content, message, or idea, as the Value of the content is so great that is takes them by total surprise. It helps them in their life some way, and PULLS them in to take notice of you and your message or content piece.
That is how people respond to Unexpected Value- You start to get their attention and it forces them to pay attention to you and and your content, message, or ideas- EVERYTIME you send one out.
3) The Level of Talked About Value.
This level of Value is what I call “Have You Heard of….or Did you SEE ?” Value. This is where you are creating and building such Value that the social BUZZ starts and people start talking about your message, content, or ideas. I have seen this a lot in the mlm social media sphere last 5 years, and it has been cool to watch. Folks that are virtually unknown become start. Chris Brogan– s social media superstar, had 10 readers on his blog 5 years ago- and now is THE go to guy in social media marketing and indeed has become a superstar in the social sphere with close to a million monthly readers. People talk about Chris and his blog all the time.. THAT is what I mean when I mention Talked About Value. It is Value that IMPACTS people with great content, ideas, and stirring thoughts. It is being a THOUGHT LEADER in many ways.
Thought Leaders n social media today have a tendency to START at this level.
That is how people in social media respond to concerning Talked About Value–Being noticed because you bring Value that is so much and so powerful and useful, that people start talking about you and getting you VISIBLE and noticed for the Value you bring to people’s lives.
4) The Level of Multiplied Value.
This is the supreme level of Value in social media. This level is where you have given so much Value in a post, video, article, audio, interview, or program that people do not just talk about it-they start to MULTIPLY it.
How does that happen?
By virally marketing it, sending it out to their friends, and telling people “you MUST read/see this.”
That is the Power and Success of Multiplied Value–They are not just talking ABOUT you- but now, they are TALKING FOR YOU.
They are MULTIPLYING Your MESSAGE, CONTENT, IDEAS as it all holds so much Value. You have your own personal causal press release army out in social media getting your message out to tens of thousands of people because they are so touched and moved by your Value and Message that they have no choice but to share it as it MOVED THEM , and they send it out into the social sea.
THAT is the NUCLEAR FUSE of social media marketing. When the Value is so great that people want to SHARE IT and SEND IT to everyone they know in the social media world.
How do you DO THAT?
Create a Social Media Avalanche with How Tos’ –Little Know info on what their interests are and what your mlm business can do for their life, Transforming Thoughts about what they are doing, living, and being, reveal New Social Sites, Directions, New Ideas on what they find interesting, New Possibilities in social media and your home business, and New Focuses that ADD, INCREASE, MULTIPLY, and TRANSFORM who they are and what they are doing. THAT will get noticed, connected to, embraced, and end up being multiplied by a ton of people.
Where are you in the 4 levels of a Value Agent? Are you a Value Agent or a Value Obsessed?
Let the Power and Force of Value drive your content and message. Make sure your Value and Message and Content bring so much Value to the masses they are Moved to Multiply the Message.
MOVE to MULTIPLY – that is a MILLION DOLLAR secret folks.
THAT is what will EXPLODE your mlm home business in social media network marketing.
FREE Social Media ebook- “Social Recruiting Power”- over 50 recruiting secrets!
FREE Prospecting 101 Webinar! Watch it NOW-FREE!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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