MLM Prospecting Scripts- 5 Powerful Script Phrases that NO ONE Teaches

mlm proepecting scripts

mlm prosecting scripts funnel


Have you ever been for a loss of words when you are prospecting in your network marketing business?

Are you wondering what to say when someone says something negative to you?

Are you tired of people not taking you seriously in your home business?

Been there! Got many t shirts and that is why I am writing this article.

I have been so frustrated before by not knowing what to say. In the company I was in for 14 year, we had little if any mlm prospecting script training. We had some but not much training  period. That is why that I believe that MLM scripts and phrases can be important to the overall business success and prospecting you do.

Network marketing scripts can help you in three ways:

1. Increase your confidence.

2. Focus your activity.

3. Motivate you to increase your activity in talking to people.

It seems that when people know WHAT TO SAY,  they say it MORE OFTEN.

When people do NOT know what to say and have no mlm prospecting scripts-they say it LESS often. And I have seen this through the years over and over and over. People will talk MORE if they KNOW what to say. People will talk LESS if they feel that they are less than prepared with their prospecting language.

And that can be online or offline.

Online mlm prospecting scripts are powerful as they focus you in moving the prospect into a funnel. Offline mlm prospecting scripts do the same, but maybe engage the recruiting process a little slower. Knowing what to say at the right time can be a HUGE difference maker in the success you have in your home business.

When someone is new they often go through the fear of rejection. But in reality, the base of that fears lies in not the rejection but the fear of SAYING THE WRONG THING to the prospect.

 If a new person does not feel they are trained enough or comfortable with what they are planning on saying, they know the chance of hearing a NO increases, as their rejection fear. Your goal as a leader is to make sure that they KNOW what to say and then ROLE PLAY with your new recruit until they go it done.

If it is in social media then practice online with them as they approach you with their comments and words. If it is offline, same thing. Make sure that they are coming across like a professional and not a scared newbie that will get a NO for sure.

What are 5 MLM Prospecting Script Phrases that WORK online or offline?

1. Maybe you can help me…

This prospecting script phrase truly works wonders. This one phrase alone has recruited tens of thousands of prospects easily and powerfully. It really PULLS the prospect into your conversation.

2. Looking for some talent…

This mlm script has a very professional feel to it. It will help you put into words what you are doing that will get the attention of your prospect and keep it. Talent is a powerful word that corporate recruiters use- you should too.

3. Not sure this would be a fit…

This is what I call an “Exit Strategy” mlm prospecting phrase. It gives them an out. It allows them to walk away if they want to and takes any pressure off of the prospect.

4. Is this a good time in your life to consider more income…

This script is a very powerful one for people who are employed but maybe are tired of the rat race. It also works on prospects that have been in the work force a while and are looking for something bigger and better.

5. Has it ever crossed your mind to own your own business…

This mlm prospecting script is a phrase that gets down to the bottom line. It focuses the prospect on ONE THING and allows the prospect to even dream a little about what owning their own business would be like.

These mlm scripts have proven to work powerfully and are very MAGNETIC in PULLING the prospect towards you almost effortlessly. It creates a powerful recruiting conversation and can open up doors that maybe you thought were closed.

Use these mlm prospecting scripts and see if they do not increase dramatically your home business success and mlm prospecting!

Recruit 3 people a day from your phone- How? READ THIS.

blessings…doug firebaugh

LinkedIn Recruiting- the Secrets to Recruiting Professionals DAILY

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5 Powerful Question You Ask a Prospect but Few Do

14 Powerful MLM Prospecting Scripts and Phrases to Say


MLM Prospecting Tips-5 Powerful Questions You Ask a Prospect but Few Do


mlm prospecting training

mlm prospecting home business


How would you like to learn 5 questions that would PULL mlm prospects towards your home business like a MAGNET on steroids?

Would you like discover the Power of what questions can do for your mlm prospecting in your home business?

Would tripling your prospecting success be of interest?


Then read on.

 Because I want to share with you some  mlm prospecting tips that have made a huge difference in my business as well as a lot of other Private Clients.

There are often thoughts that a prospect has that can lead them down the prospecting path quickly. You must remember that an mlm prospect is looking for something. They are not just willing to talk to you  but they are LOOKING FOR SOMETHING.

Another truth is that the network marketing prospect is GOING THROUGH SOMETHING. You may not know what and they may not share it with you, but most home business prospects are. They may be going through something emotional, financial, oe even psychological, but most are going through something they want to change.

Another truth that I have found valuable along the way is that most mlm prospects are WANTING TO DO SOMETHING. There is something that the prospect wants to DO in their life, or with their life. If you take the time, online or offline, to find out what that one thing is they want to do, you will find that prospecting them is a lot more easier.

So, an mlm prospect is LOOKING for something, GOING THROUGH something, and wanting to DO something in their life. With being armed with that information, you can recruit almost anyone. That information is critical to a person moving their life forward, and beyond where they are now.

What will this do for the prospect and your mlm business if you help them with these three issues? It will elevate the prospect’s life as well as your business. It will create a solution for them that maybe they did not know existed. And it will paint you as THE SOLUTION to their problem that may be eluding them.

Imagine this scenario:

You are talking with your network marketing prospect, and you simply use a transition strategy and then ask 5 powerful questions that PULL THE PROSPECT towards you, and then into your business. Would that make a difference in your Success in your home business? Would that help the prospect that may be struggling to get past some issues?

Of course it would.

And you need to learn and master these “5 Magnet Questions” that I have found are very powerful to ask in social media and social networking as well.

What are these 5 magnet Questions?

First you use a transition question:

“I want to ask you an off the wall question if you don’t mind…” This will open up and transition the conversation to a place where you can ask these 3 questions.

Then you simply ask:

1. “What is the ONE THING that you would like to change for the better in your life if you could?”

2. “What would it mean to your life and family if that actually happened?”

3. “Would you be open to me assisting you not only to change that but put you in a position that you would never have to worry about that challenge again?  I ran across an idea that has totally worked for me and I know it can help you.”

4. ‘How would you honestly like to take back your  life and start living life on YOUR TERMS and not someone else’s?”

5. “Do you think we would make a great business team?”

These 5 questions have proven to be GOLD in mlm prospecting as they have been tested and refined over the years to where they are deadly powerful in recruiting. If you are on social media sites, or recruiting online, you will find these 5 questions will PULL people into your business- literally.

Most people LOVE being part of a team, as well as getting rid of an issue that they have been struggling with.

These 5 Magnet Questions address that powerfully.

Use the 5 questions on your prospects and see if that does not explode your success in your home business as well as mlm prospecting.

FREE 56 page “Social Media Recruiting” ebook with over 50 Social Recruiting secrets!

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Recruit 5 people a Day using your phone and Mobile Recruiting- READ THIS

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5 Words that Turn your Prospecting Conversation into a Conversion.

14 Powerful MLM Prospecting Phrases to Say


MLM Prospecting- How to Create the PERFECT Warm Prospect List

mlm home business memory jogger

mlm memory jogger friends

In your home business, there is all this talk about social media, and good reason. it is a great place to prospect and find leads.

But there is also the OTHER SIDE of the network marketing home business mlm profession.

The TRADITIONAL side that many people today in their home based business still follow, and ALWAYS WILL. Social media funnel marketing did not REPLACE traditional methods, but ENHANCED them with new strategies to empower the more traditional methods. And if you are part of the social media “funnel marketing” crowd, then congrats! You will do well with whatever system you are using. In home business is important to get in touch with the best contractors, see here now the best ones.

But there is still the NEED and DEMAND for the traditional methods, and I call it “BUSINESS BALANCED.”

If you are doing business in the “funnel” crowd, as well as the “Traditional” crowd, then you are BALANCED for the most part and woill see some great things occur in your business.

Others that do ONLY ONE– will see far more attrition and less leads then you need to build this business of network marketing.

The first thing you must realize- NO MATTER if you are brand new or a veteran, you gotta have people to talk to and show your presentation to.


And there is a traditional way of collecting a “starting list” of name that has been around since the beginning of this profession of MLM.

You must do what is called a “Memory Jogger”, which is a list of names of people that you know that you will call or contact to tell about your products or mlm business.

Most folks that do a memory Jogger find that they ofte  have some difficulty coming up with the names. The Network marketing Company you have partnered with should provide you with a list of “Mental Triggers” that will trigger your mind of people that you know and may have forgotten about.

Here is an interesting fact: It is a Psychological Fact that if you are 25 years or older, you know 1000 people.

You have just forgotten many of those folks so you need a reminder of who they are. That is the purpose for a Network Marketing Memory Jogger. To REFRESH your brain!

The list could contain names of family, occupations, associations, plus many more. You need to look at the list and come up with as many names as you can.

A list would look something like this:













Construction workers

Communication workers

Car Salesman



Electrical workers




Flooring Sales


Karate Instructors

Life Insurance Sales

Legal Assistants

Machine Shop workers

Retail Sales clerks

 You get the main  idea. It will help you think of people you have long forgotten or may not have even considered.

But you must come up with at least 50 names the first attempt.

This will give you what I call a “Working Inventory” for your MLM business.

Understand: Your REAL Inventory is NOT the products or Services your company sells. It is PEOPLE.

And you MUST have people to talk to about what you are doing. Many folks who start out have way too few names, and then complain that they have no one to talk to. Think of everyone you know WITHOUT judging their interest level, and write their name down. Use the Memory Jogger provided by your network marketing company, and do it with your upline. It will become a very important part of your beginning success in MLM.

Use the “Follow your Dollar” strategy to come up with names for your warm market list. WHO are you spending money with to live your life and purchase things for you and your family?

Who is your Insurance Agent?

Who did you buy your car from?

Who do you buy your clothes from?

Who sold you your house?

Who do you buy your airline tickets from?

Whose your doctor?

Who does your taxes?

Who is your Dentist?

Are you starting to get the point?

There are people you do business with. You need to let them know you could use their help in your new mlm network marketing enterprise.

Say, “I think you would agree that I do a lot of business with you, and I need your help with my new business.”

The power of the people that you know is beyond words. Doing a Memory Jogger is important to your getting off to a good start in Network Marketing. Make sure you do it and follow the suggestions your company recommends. I believe that for your home based business, you need a BALANCE between social media and traditional MLM. If you simply start making a list and understand they may KNOW who you are looking for, you are well on your way to massive success in your home business mlm.

Endless Prospects that are FREE to get! READ THIS!


(c) 2011/ all rights reserved

LinkedIn Recruiting 101- How to Sponsor 3 Professionals EVERY MONTH!

MLM Recruiting LinkedIn-3 Un-Breakable Rules of Recruiting on LinkedIn


mlm linkedin recruiting home business

mlm linkedin home business recruiting


In any MLM or Home Business using LinkedIn, there are many powerful secrets that can be discovered for sponsoring great candidates for your home based business. LinkedIn is a GOLD MINE of Professionals and ALL are looking to Network in some form.

 A #1 Corporate Recruiter in the nation for a recruitment company, who is a friend of mine, has 7 Rules that he adheres to that has allowed him to recruit more candidates in a year for his company through LinkedIn than the next 3 recruiters in his firm combined.

 He discovered social media in 2005 and has been a master at it, it seems, from day one. His “Rules” he uses for recruiting are powerful and has allowed him to even require $750.00 an hour for consulting and people and companies pay him gladly.

 These Rules are what he calls the “The 7 Un-Breakables” in his recruiting business and he does NOT break them for any reason.

 He has helped me put a webinar together which we will be doing on September 22, at 8 pm EST. It is called “LinekdIn Recruiting Secrets 101” and is a 3 hour webinar PACKED with how to become a Master Recruiter on LinkediIn with MORE additional videos in the Replay Room after the webinar as well. I would advise you to check it out LEARN for a master recruiter who has adapted his trainings especially for the home based business profession!

 Here are 3 of the Rules that Scott (my buddy) say that are Un-Breakable concerning LinkiedIn Recruiting:

  1. The Rule of ATTACK.

 NEVER attack people with your offer of placement or business. So may people do on Linkedin. People do NOT want to feel like they are being pressured or USED for their contacts or their desire to network. But many network marketers make the prospect FEEL that they have an agenda and only that agenda matters:

 To Recruit the Prospect.

 Attacking someone is when you immediately start talking about your offer before you even get to know the person and see if they are who you think they would be a good fit for your business or a good candidate.

 Scoot says, “Give them some breathing room and let them come to you. I have always connected with people, but then keep what I call ‘Distantly Close’ and when they showed signs of moving towards me, I moved towards them more. Yes, I told them I was interested in talking, but keep a little distance to see how they respond.”

 Never attack your prospect. CONNECT and then start constructing abridgeofTRUSTthrough your LinkedIn conversations and also taking it offline. Talk about what THEY DO for a living and let them ask you more about what you do. Send them a link for a free marketing ebook or video to add value to their business and to their job and life. Add Value from the very beginning with little known  information and then you can follow up asking if they like the gift. You will be amazed at how this works.

  3. The Rule of the LOCAL NETWORK.

 On Linkedin, there is a local network you belong to. I belong to the Greater Detroit network with over 30,000 professionals on LinkedIn.

 Scott says that alone is a GAME CHANGER as you can meet them face to face and personally get to know them. Candidates are easier to recruit if you connect with them face to face and they see you are REAL.

 PLUS you have that in common with them- you are a “neighbor” and can immediately talk about that fact. Talk about the local sports scene or upcoming events that you plan to attend, or anything that pertains to the local area.

 The more LOCAL FEEL you have to your conversations the more comfortable the prospect will be and want to meet you.

 All you need to do is communicate with them about their profile and tell them you are in their network and would love to invite them to a social meetup or even just meet them at starbucks.. tell them this:

 “I am looking to meet and network with professionals in our local area as I am learning so much from them about local business. Would you like to meet up and grab lunch or a tea?”

 Scott obviously talks to them about their future plans and placement options for a better job. You can talk to them about possible “Cash Flow Options” or “Revenue Ideas” that gives them life options for their future they may not currently have.

 Find out what network you are in and start looking for prospects to link to and then possibly meet up locally.

 3. The Rule of OPENING.

 Scott discovered they people on LinkedIn HATED to feel like they were being CLOSED on a deal or sale. They preferred to feel like they were being OPENED.

 Scott always pointed to the fact that a new job was an “Opening” to a whole new future and destiny. He was always focused on talking about how this would open future doors, open possibilities, open new connections, open new windows of networking.

 If you come across too strong in the “closing” part you will lose these professionals. Here is how Scott always “opened their minds and eyes:”

 “And what this will offer you is it will open up doors that you could never knock on and open up a whole new direction in your life that will give you more money, more security and more options in the future you do not have now. Isn’t your family worth that kind of security and door opening in your life?’

 LInkedIn is NOT about attacking, ambushing, pressure, or closing.

 It is a about Constructing Relationships that will lead to doors being opened with new contacts and also new business and REFERRALS for you. Follow these simple Rules and see if your business does not dramatically improve on Linkedin for your MLM Home business.

 These are 3 of the 7 Rules that Scott follows concerning his recruiting on LinkedIn.

 We will be covering the other 5 Rules in the LinkedIn Recruiting Webinar next Thursday, September 22 at 8 pm!  Check it out and REGISTER:

  Take your business up to a whole NEW Level on LinkedIn with the LInkedIN Recruiting Secrets 101 webinsr! The price is going up this weekend! So LOCK YOUR SPOT in this powerful content rich LinkedIn webinar featuring the #1 Recruiter in the NATION for a recruitment firm’s Secrets to recruiting on LinkedIn.

It will empower your home business with ENDLESS Professional LEADS for your mlm efforts in home business.

Social Network Marketing Secrets – READ THIS!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Recruiting Training on STEROIDS- and all the ideas are FREE

MLM Recruiting LInkedIn- How I Average 2 Linkedin Prospects a Day Contacting Me


linkedin recruitng mlm

linkedin recruiting secrets


LInkedIn Recruiting for home business is one of the most powerful ways to create an endless flow of HIGH QUALITY leads for your business.

 You only need ONE High Quality Lead for every 50 leads anywhere else! They are GOLD for your home based  business and income.



CREAM of the CROP.


And ALL are looking to NETWORK.

 How would You like a steady flow of High Quality Leads contacting you daily asking about your business and products?

 I average anywhere between 1 to 3 High Quality leads a day- CONTACTING ME for information on what I do and if I can help them.

 That is what is on LinkedIn folks- High Quality Leads and prospects! And if you know how, you can get more leads and business from LinkedIn then you can handle. You read that right.

 Just last night, I had someone email me about the possibilities speaking at a seasonal event in December. Then they mentioned about discussing possibly speaking  next June at a National Conference. They got my information on LinkedIn.

 What would that be worth to you HONESTLY if you had anywhere between 30 and 90 HIGH QUALITY leads EVERY MONTH for your home business and MLM?

 I think you would agree it would help dramatically.

Yes, you need other social sites as well, but there is NO BETTER PLACE for High Quality Leads then LinkedIn.

 How does this happen on LinkedIn for me? And how can it happen for YOU?

 There are what we call “The 3 V’s” of LinkedIn that you must be and practice which will set you above most people, and set you up for those kinds of High Quality leads seeking you out.


 You MUST be Visible on LinkedIn in many areas. You must understand the culture of LinkedIn – NETWORKING. And if you create a Visibility that people see you a LOT and learn that you are a “GO TO” person in your field, you will get a TON of leads on LinkedIn.

 Here is an Inmail I recently received:

 “Doug, I see that you are a consultant in the home business profession. I am a VP of Field Development for  <      >    I was wondering what your services include and do you do Social Media Workshops for Party Plan companies? Please let me know. I am interested in talking with you if you do.”

 Maria S.

 This is just one example of the High Quality leads that are possible for you if you are VISIBLE with your LinkedIn Profile and also networking.


 Being Visible is important, but being seen as Valuable is IMPERATIVE.

 High Quality Leads are looking for High Quality Answer and Solutions on LinkedIn. And you have a GREAT opportunity to create a Valuable Presence in your niche or profession with your words, connections, contribution, and presence on LinkedIn.

 Valuable to prospects is to be seen as AN AUTHORITY and also a Solution resource for the challenges that your prospects have and your products solve. If you are daily seen as an Expert and Professional, people will SEEK YOU OUT as they do our company.

 Become Valuable to people with SOLUTIONS, ANSWERS, INFORMATION, and FRIENDSHIP..


 Prospects must see you as VIABLE. This means that you will be in business NEXT YEAR and the following year. That is what a High Quality lead is looking for- to build a possible Relationship. Yes, they are looking for answers, but also Long term connections.

 You must be seen as a Viable Resource for information and solutions that can HELP MOVE PEOPLE BEYOND where they are. That is what your products, business, and expertise does. And if you are seen as Viable and Serious about your profession, people will SEEK YOU OUT.

 There are many secrets to becoming Visible, Valuable, and Viable that result in daily High Quality Leads seeking you out. And these prospects have the money to solve their problems as well. That is NOT an issue on LinkedIn.

 If you would like to take your business to a higher level and actually experience what I am blessed to everyday – with high Quality Leads contacting me for possible business-then I would suggest attending the “LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets 101” webinar Next Thursday September 22 at 8 PM est.

 Could you use 1 to 3 people contacting you DAILY asking about your business? Happens to my Private Clients daily as well as myself.

 A # 1 Corporate Recruiter in the nation for a Recruitment firm has helped me put this together, and it is incredibly powerful stuff.

 And the PRICE GOES UP THIS WEEKEND folks- so DO NOT DELAY. There are ONLY 250 seats and once they are gone- they are gone. And even if you register after the fact for the replay of the webinar- you will not receive the insane bonuses that you will get if you register NOW.

 Learn how to PULL High Quality Leads daily to contact you like I have been blessed to do- with the LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets 101 webinar.

 It will change your business and lead generation! Again, tuition is going up THIS WEEKEND.

 You CANNOT AFFORD NOT to attend for it will transform your home business!


blessings…doug frebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Endless leads on LinkedIn? READ THIS!



Home Business Training- The Psychology of LinkedIn Recruiting -Part 1

Home business linkedin recruiting

mlm home business linkedin recruiting


In a home business or mlm business, prospecting and finding good candidates for your business is imperative.Especailly PROFESSIONAL Candidates. If you do take the time to connect with GREAT leads, you often can be wasting your time with folks.

 The social media site LinkedIn has proven to be a GOLD MINE in finding great candidates for your business of network marketing. It is a place that houses over 120 MILLION professionals that average 107,000.00 in income a year.

Not shabby.

 With today’s marketplace, many professionals are SEEKING additional ways to drive revenues in their business as well as personal income, And LinkedIn is a GREAT place to connect with people and find the ones that are truly looking and OPEN to something new and additional cash flow.

There is a certain psychology in LinkedIn that I have noticed, and you MUST be adept to the nuances of it. Unlike any other social site I have been on, LinkedIn has it’s own culture, and it’s own rules that much are psychologically driven.

 The FIRST Psychological Rule of LinkedIn Recruiting is this found in ONE WORD:


 That is the KEY to this social site.

 Unlike facebook and twitter, LinkedIn DEMANDS from the very rules themselves a Professional approach, a Professional communication style, and a Professional mind set.

 What works on other social sites, DOES NOT WORK on LinkedIn. It is a step above the rest, and that includes facebook, Google+ and twitter. Yes, you need to connect with people and also to create relationships- no doubt. But you MUST create those relationships seen and sensed as a PROFESSIONAL Home Business Marketer, and not some “part time I want to recruit you I am going to make you rich” amateur.

 I see that often on LinkedIn and the person acting that way often does not even realize he / she is doing it.

 That is why I want to ask you 3 questions:

 1. Are you using LinkedIn daily?

 2. Are you creating a PROFESSIONAL BRAND on LinkedIn?

 3. Are you finding High Quality Prospects on LinkedIn?

 If you are NOT then I would suggest you look into it. Because you can find more quality professionals in a DAY on LinkedIn then you can in a week on any other social site. It is that powerful.

 Professional is the key word for LinkedIn.

 In EVERY aspect of brand building.

 You must be professional in your:

 Thinking. This is critical. Professional means you filter your thoughts through the lens of Leadership.

 Actions.  Your actions are your calling card on LinkedIn. Make sure that you act Professional and any and all requests are acted upon accordingly.

 Words.  Your communications must be Professional and focused on HELPING other Professionals. Yes, you want to find great candidates for your business, but FIRST  become a GREAT CANDIDATE for helping others in their business quest. It can be a simple “atta girl: or “atta boy.”

 Visibility.  You must be Visible on LinkedIn and there are many way to do that. But however you choose, BE PROFESSIONAL in your visibility.

 Connections. People on LinkedIn want to feel RESPECTED and Looked Up To. I have observed this for 6 years. Everything communication should sound respectful and you admire their Success. Yes, it may sound corny, but that is how many people are on LinkedIn. And may DO deserve that level of respect.

 Encouragement.  The secret to LinkedIn is to become an “Elevator” and elevate people through your encouragement. That alone will start branding you as a professional quickly.

 And the final thought is create a:

 “Professional Feeling” about who you are. When people think of you, or communicate with you, make sure that they FEEL the Professional side of you, and sense that you truly are one. Use the words that Professionals use, and NOT the words that so many marketers hype with.

 That does not play well on LinkedIn nor for the Success of  for your home business.

 If you want to discover the Recruiting SECRETS of a # 1 Corporate Recruiter in the nation, and learn his Step by step process and MUCH MORE, then check this out:

 LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets that will Explode your Leads

 blessings…doug firebaugh

 (c) 2011 all rights reserved

How to become a Social Media Magnet in Network Marketing



MLM Blitz Video Training- How to Instantly Relate to Your Prospect 5

MLM Network Marketing Home Business Training on MLM Prospecting by Doug Firebaugh

Social Media FREE Leads for Life? READ THIS.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved


Home Business MLM- What can MLM Recruiting Learn from Spammers?

home business mlm spam

home business mlm spam


If you have an MLM home business and are online, you know what spam is.

Everyone gets it and everyone hates it.

I ought to know.

We get spam on our home business training sites a LOT of spam. And I took it upon myself to do something crazy and totally out of the box.

I studied spammers and spamming and all their tactics- and was shocked at what I learned. As a matter of fact, in an obtruse sort of way, my respect for them sort of morphed into a less than hateful emotion. I actually after studying these little urchins discovered 7 things that really are quite educational when it comes to home business mlm success.

Online marketing is the rage and there a thousands of folks that have become wealthy because of it. Many of them are total spammers but yet knew what they were doing. What IF we could learn for them GOOD THINGS they do and apply them to the network marketing profession?

Here are 7 things that I learned when I went to the “University of Spam” and took “Spamming 101” : (lol)

1. Spammers are Relentless, Focused, Determined, and will NOT GIVE UP until they have reached their ROI Goals.

What would happen if YOU were like that and had a “spammer mentality?” What would happen to your work ethic? what would happen to your VOLUME and RESULTS?

What if you CONTACTED 100 new websites a day – even if it was automated–and connected your message to those websites? Then you followed up with the ones that respond and connected with them socially?

Enough said.

2. Spammers are DISCIPLINED to TAKE ACTION daily and hourly.

Many spammers are some of the most disciplined people that walk this earth. Most home business mlm owners are not. I have found through the years that many good folks in network marketing are “playing” at the business and it is more of a social club.

Spammers do not have time for social clubs. They are looking for FRUIT from the seeds they have planted. And they plant everyday, and sometimes every hour.

Do YOU do that with your business? How would you describe your Discipline level?

3. Spammers Compliment, Flatter, and make you GLAD they stopped by.

Spammers are great at this. Especially on blog comments and comment pages on websites. “I LOVE your blog. Wow. I am so glad I found it! I have bookmarked it and I will be dropping by again!”  This is an actual comment put on one of our sites- over 500 times- from one IP address.

You read that right. 500 comments from the same IP address. Now our spam filter stopped it, but still- THAT is amazing. 500 Compliments. 500 Flattering words. 500 times that they want to make you glad they dropped in.

Is that a CLUE or what? I have always taught that you MUST make people glad they talked to you. Spammers go a step further. They make you feel you are the most important person on the planet.

What would happen to your home business if YOU did that every conversation and every social communication?

4. Spammers are Automated and have mastered the systemic online software so they can be in 1000 places at one.

Spammers know how to duplicate their efforts. They have a SYSTEM. They USE the system and TRUST the sytem that it will give back to them the fruit of their efforts.

What is YOUR system? Do you HAVE one?

You need a system for your mlm business-an online one. One that will help you prospect and recruit as well as run your mlm business.

Spammers are SYSTEM DRIVEN. So should you be.

5. Spammers say in 5 words what most people say in 5 sentences.

You must have TOTAL CLARITY of your message. Spammers do. They have an unusual clarity of what they want to say it- and then they BOTTOM LINE IT.

What is YOUR BOTTOM LINE message? Can you put your message in 5 words and no more? This is one of the biggest discoveries of my little study. Spammers are incredible at communicating with few words but getting their point across.

How about YOU?

6. Spammers get Personal.

One thing that spammers do is they do get personal and want you to think you are going to be a great friend. Of course, we know that is not true, as most people would not want to know spammers. But they do a good job at making you think they are totally human and care about people like you do.

What would happen to your business if YOU did that- and MEANT IT?

Your home business prospects would be PULLED towards you like a magnet on steroids. People like the personal touch. I do. You do. Why not get a little personal and let people know you?

It works. Just ask a spammer.

7. Spammers ALWAYS have a strong Action Call and targeted destination for you to go to.

If you are an online home business marketer, make sure that you think “DO THIS” when you are ending your communication. I never send a post out, an email out, or anything else out without some form of an Action to take and a place to send them.


I am a business person just like you and I want to do business with you. If you have an offer that is of great Value- and our mlm training products are EXTRAORDINARY VALUE– then you owe it to the person or prospect to let them know about how you can ADD VALUE to their life with your offer.

What is YOUR ACTION to TAKE on your communications and conversations?

Where do YOU send them when you are ending your words and packing up to go somewhere else?

Give them an Action to TAKE by GIVING them something FREE! Like an ebook, video, or a pdf download.

Also, here is what SPAM stands for:

SPAM = Serious Productivity (by) Accelerated Marketing

No…I am NOT saying you need to SPAM people. What I AM saying is that we could take the good parts of what they do and makes many a lot of money and incorporate them into our daily efforts and mlm  home business.

How do YOU Fuse Social Media and Network Marketing?  Here are over 75 Secrets.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Free social media ebook – “New Rules of Home Business”





MLM Training -The 3 Best Traits for a Powerful Prospect

mlm home business prospecting

mlm prospecting 3 traits


You may agree that MLM is a wonderful profession if you own a home based business. No doubt. And just like any other business model, there must be FRESH MLM business leads coming in everyday.

Most retail stores advertise in the newspaper and radio.


Because they want to get new eyes and dollars to spend in their stores. NEW potential business is critical for a store to survive.

It is the same with MLM and network marketing.

Your home business needs MLM LEADS.

And it needs lots of them. There are numerous ways to generate leads for your home based business. But the problem is- many are NOT the right kind of prospect. The lead lacks the 3 traits that must be there to really be a good prospect.

If you are using an online leads program, or gathering leads the more traditional ways, you must find those leads and prospects that MATCH the 3 critical traits that a good MLM prospect needs.

What are these three traits:


If your prospect is not dissatisfied about something about their life, then the odds are, they are not going to move into your business. Yes, they may be wanting more out of life, and more income, but it is the dissatisfaction  that CATALYZES the actions that compel them to join you in your home business.

Dissatisfaction is connected to their REASON for doing something different. Everyone has their reasons for doing something and they vary. The stronger the reason, the more powerful the dissatisfaction can be.

A good MLM home business prospect needs to have what i call “the itch for change” and be willing to scratch it. They may want to change their income, job, lifestyle, and more. But the dissatisfaction must be STRONG and something that MOVES THE MLM PROSPECT towards you to enroll.


If the timing is wrong for an mlm prospect, then they will not move. They may have the skills, the dissatisfaction, the leadership, and the desire to do something, But if they do not have TIMING on their side, they will not move.

There are many reasons why a person has bad timing in their life. It could be children’s needs, marriage, divorce, psychologically bad timing, emotionally bad timing, or even professionally bad timing. But if timing is not good, then odds are they will not enroll with you.

How can you tell if it is bad timing?

 Ask them.

They will let you know and know quickly. Also, just notice what is happening around and in their life. many times you can see clues to timing.


The home business mlm prospect MUST have a daring to act if they are going to move. There are many prospects in the world that are totally dissatisfied, and timing is good in their life but they lack the DARE to act.

They may be listenting to family and friends, and being influenced by unmotivated people. They may have grown up in a family that taught them the more traditional path of life. They may simply be fearful of failure and that is killing their taking action and daring.

If that is the case, then ask for referrals and move on.

The mlm prospect MUST have these three critical traits to be a GOOD and VALID prospect for your business. If they lack these, then GET THEM AS A CUSTOMER.

Check your mlm prospect on these three traits and that will lead you what to do with your home business mlm prospect.

Find Endless Prospects easily for your home business. How? read this.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

101 Prospecting tips? That No One will tell you?

Home Business Training- QR Codes and their Power for MLM Recruiting

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

In your home business success, things DO change, and either you change with them or you don’t.

There have been  LOT of changes the last 10 years in the MLM network marketing profession..

Use to be that “myspace” was the HOTTEST property going for recruiting. THEN “social media” and “social networking” came along.

THEN facebook showed up.

THEN twitter.

THEN youtube.

THEN LinkedIn.

And the list is almost endless of the social sites out today.

THEN G2 and G3 , and now G4 iphones and Smart Phones have come out which the technology is amazing. Especially for MLM home business recruiting.

There is a NEW technology that actually has been in Japan for quite sometime, but has made it’s way to the US. It is something that I believe is a GAME CHANGER in marketing, as well as Home business marketing and recruiting.

It is called a “QR Code.”

According to wikipedia, this is what a QR Code actually  is:

“A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode  (or two-dimensional code) designed to be read by smartphones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded may be text, a URL, or other data. Today, Japan and South Korea are the major users of these codes”

Here is what one looks like:

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

This is a QR Code.

It contains symbols made up of characters and all, at least for now, black and white. It is a type of a “bar code” that we see on everything that is marketed in retail stores today.

You use your Smart Phone and scan the QR code,, and it decodes the code.

QR codes have proven to be very useful in all kinds of marketing -online and offline-and time saving related applications that is more suitable for smartphone and social networking users.  We are starting to see QR codes show up on all kinds of marketing materials such as movie posters, promotional posters for various products, billboards, flyers, among other things.  The QR codes have also been even seen on newspaper ads, business cards, artwork, and many other everyday items. Swag bags are great as a promotional technique so read more to learn more about it.

Concerning home business and network marketing, there are two main things that you have to have when you deal with QR codes:

1. An up to date mobile phone with a camera and Internet connectivity
2. A QR code reader installed.

Here is how a Smartphone works with the QR Code reader:

1. You snap or scan a picture of the QR code with your phone camera.

2.  The phone then will “resolve” the code- or decode it- and resolve it to a link on the internet on your phone. Otherwise, within 15-30 seconds, a webpage or landing page shows up on your phone with the information that the smart code POINTED TO.

This could be a Speical price, a special offer, or any other kind of marketing special you are offering.

Imagine the Recruiting Possibilities using a QR Code with “Moble Recruiting.”

Ok…how would this apply to home business mlm recruiting? We have tested this out for recruiting the last 6 months with our Private Clients, and the results were impressive to say the least.

You can put QR codes on any piece of marketing materials, and when you give them out or they run across it on your website or even email, they scan the QR code, and it takes them to your landing page or online destination planned.

The possibilities are ENDLESS in social media and social networking, and MLM RECRUITING.

We actually are coming out soon with a training resource called “QR Code Recruiting (for Home Business.)” That will teach you STEP by STEP how to make QR Codes, where you can make them, and also powerful QR Code resources that can help you accelerate your QR Code recruiting for your home business.

What is the secret to recruiting with QR Codes?


Just consider QR Codes as a “DOORWAY” or a “MAP” or a “CONNECTOR” or a “COMPASS” that Points To a particular online page or image that you want the prospect to view and act upon. Consider it much like a “Treasure Map” and the QR Code has the destination code where the treasure is. You get the picture.

That is one of the biggest secrets to QR Code recruiting for your mlm home business. It is going to be a Monster tool for MLM recruiting for your home based business.

Social Media and MLM Fused together for Endless Leads? How?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

How to Recruit Anyone,  Anywhere, Anytime