MLM Training Video- How to Never Get a NO in MLM – Part 1

MLM Network Marketing Home Business Training by Doug Firebaugh on How to Never Get a NO Part 1

Social Recruiting 101? How would you like to learn the secrets of a # 1 Corporate Recruiter in the Nation?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved


MLM Blitz Video Training- How to Instantly Relate to Your Prospect 5

MLM Network Marketing Home Business Training on MLM Prospecting by Doug Firebaugh

Social Media FREE Leads for Life? READ THIS.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved


MLM Blitz Training Video- How to Instantly Relate to Your Prospect 4

MLM Network Marketing Home Business Training on MLM prospecting by Doug Firebaugh

Endless leads for FREE? Read This!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved


Home Business Training- QR Codes and their Power for MLM Recruiting

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

In your home business success, things DO change, and either you change with them or you don’t.

There have been  LOT of changes the last 10 years in the MLM network marketing profession..

Use to be that “myspace” was the HOTTEST property going for recruiting. THEN “social media” and “social networking” came along.

THEN facebook showed up.

THEN twitter.

THEN youtube.

THEN LinkedIn.

And the list is almost endless of the social sites out today.

THEN G2 and G3 , and now G4 iphones and Smart Phones have come out which the technology is amazing. Especially for MLM home business recruiting.

There is a NEW technology that actually has been in Japan for quite sometime, but has made it’s way to the US. It is something that I believe is a GAME CHANGER in marketing, as well as Home business marketing and recruiting.

It is called a “QR Code.”

According to wikipedia, this is what a QR Code actually  is:

“A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode  (or two-dimensional code) designed to be read by smartphones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded may be text, a URL, or other data. Today, Japan and South Korea are the major users of these codes”

Here is what one looks like:

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

This is a QR Code.

It contains symbols made up of characters and all, at least for now, black and white. It is a type of a “bar code” that we see on everything that is marketed in retail stores today.

You use your Smart Phone and scan the QR code,, and it decodes the code.

QR codes have proven to be very useful in all kinds of marketing -online and offline-and time saving related applications that is more suitable for smartphone and social networking users.  We are starting to see QR codes show up on all kinds of marketing materials such as movie posters, promotional posters for various products, billboards, flyers, among other things.  The QR codes have also been even seen on newspaper ads, business cards, artwork, and many other everyday items. Swag bags are great as a promotional technique so read more to learn more about it.

Concerning home business and network marketing, there are two main things that you have to have when you deal with QR codes:

1. An up to date mobile phone with a camera and Internet connectivity
2. A QR code reader installed.

Here is how a Smartphone works with the QR Code reader:

1. You snap or scan a picture of the QR code with your phone camera.

2.  The phone then will “resolve” the code- or decode it- and resolve it to a link on the internet on your phone. Otherwise, within 15-30 seconds, a webpage or landing page shows up on your phone with the information that the smart code POINTED TO.

This could be a Speical price, a special offer, or any other kind of marketing special you are offering.

Imagine the Recruiting Possibilities using a QR Code with “Moble Recruiting.”

Ok…how would this apply to home business mlm recruiting? We have tested this out for recruiting the last 6 months with our Private Clients, and the results were impressive to say the least.

You can put QR codes on any piece of marketing materials, and when you give them out or they run across it on your website or even email, they scan the QR code, and it takes them to your landing page or online destination planned.

The possibilities are ENDLESS in social media and social networking, and MLM RECRUITING.

We actually are coming out soon with a training resource called “QR Code Recruiting (for Home Business.)” That will teach you STEP by STEP how to make QR Codes, where you can make them, and also powerful QR Code resources that can help you accelerate your QR Code recruiting for your home business.

What is the secret to recruiting with QR Codes?


Just consider QR Codes as a “DOORWAY” or a “MAP” or a “CONNECTOR” or a “COMPASS” that Points To a particular online page or image that you want the prospect to view and act upon. Consider it much like a “Treasure Map” and the QR Code has the destination code where the treasure is. You get the picture.

That is one of the biggest secrets to QR Code recruiting for your mlm home business. It is going to be a Monster tool for MLM recruiting for your home based business.

Social Media and MLM Fused together for Endless Leads? How?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

How to Recruit Anyone,  Anywhere, Anytime

Home Business Training-What EXACTLY To Say to a Negative Prospect?

home business argument

home business argument

Prospects of a home business in mlm can say the darndest things. That reminds me of a kid’s show a while back, “Kids can say the Darndest things.”

But it is so true. Your home business prospect and also even family and friends can be NEGATIVE over nothing. You can take guidance of mysunrise over this.

But that is not just innate to network marketing. Every entrepreneur puts up with negheads almost on a daily basis when they are starting their business. In a Fortune magazine survey in 2001, they asked multi millionaire business owners what was their number one obstacle their first 12 months. Check these out fivebough .

Over 80% of them put friends and family. And of course prospects would fail in that category as well in a home business. It is like you just want to say to the negheads and naysayers:

“There they go again.”

One more time.

Friends and family spouting off Negative comments, input, and opinions about your home business and your MLM future. You can get so mad sometimes that you just want to walk away and say, “forget it” r something worse. You stare at them and wonder what to say or do, but yet the words of reply only get caught in your throat.

This is a battle yu will not win. People that are convinced of something do not want the facts. Been there.

You may attempt to play some form of “verbal judo,” or “word wrestling” but they have you in a head lock with their words and questions and you just slink back into the chair and can feel so defeated and dejected.

But here is the worst part and the most hurtful part to their negative comments:

They actually are starting to make sense with their logic. Or at least seem to.

You stand or sit there and just take the negative vomit.. And that is what it is spewing all over you and your home business . And you just wish you knew what to say. But you remain silent. It does make you think and wonder. And your mind starts to develop questions that can kill your home based business. And you actually start to ask these questions:

“Could they actually be right?”

“Are they telling me the truth?”

“Could they actually have a point here?”

“What if they really ARE right?”

And the doubt and the fear slowly start creeping in, and you start to question your own decisions, actions, and future.

This happens everyday in the land of home businesses and network marketing . Negative people start to try and stop you because of their own fears and insecurities and many times- they are very successful.

But it is time that cam to an abrupt halt.

Understand this:

Negative well meaning people — are still — negative. (Read that again.)

They may mean well, but there has never been any Success accomplished in any home business with a negative focus and a negative language.

So what do you do?

Here are 3 things that can say to help neutralize their negative comments when they appear out of their mouths:

1) “I appreciate that comment, but let me ask you a question: Who in the world sold you on THAT?”

2) “Thanks for sharing, but what you just said does not match up at all to what I have researched about this company and products. Would you like to see a little of my research?”

3)”That is an interesting way to look at it. There are several other ways to look at that I have found as well. Let me explain…”

And there is also a secret to doing this:


You KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW and NOTHING can shake that Knowing that you are doing a great thing and will Succeed massively.

It is called the single most powerful “velvet hammer” when you answer a negative prospect. Confidence tells the negative MLM prospect that you understand that they have an “opinion” but you are not buying what they said. They will FEEL that in your words.

Most negative prospects are just that way: negative.

So you have a decision to make:

Are you going to let the negative mlm prospect influence or even dominate your business, or are you going to continue with confidence and not worry about the naysayers. the negheads, the not so hots, and the never will be’s?

It will determine much about your future success in your MLM and Network marketing business. These people have an influence over you and you may not realize it. They can either influence you to slow down or even quit, or influence you to prove them wrong and to go out and CRUSH IT.

I would suggest to ignore the negheads that are “eggheads” and move on with your business. They will NEVER pay a bill you have or really have anything positive to say about your business. Accept it and move on. You will be so glad you did as that is one of the biggest secrets to MLM network marketing and home business success.

Looking to create an Endless prospecting Tidal Wave?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

A Billion Dollars worht of Prospecting Training and Leads?

Home Business Training- What are You RADIATING about YOU to Your Prospect?

home business success

home business success

Many people in a home business do not understand the incredible power of what THEY ARE FEELING FROM YOU.

You may not know it, or even realize it, but you RADIATE something FROM YOU and IN YOU that impacts people in a powerful way.

Good or bad.

Often the “Radiation” that comes from us determines a LOT of what people decide to do.


And it happens more often that you think.

Here is a quote I recently put out:

“What people sense about you is often more important than what they hear from you. Your presence is your silent calling card, either in person or on the phone. What is your presence saying to your prospect?”

People have a sense about things.

They have a sense that guides them and directs them in many ways. Especially when it comes to making decisions to do things or not do things.

And they can tell quickly what you are really up to, and whether they want to talk to you or not about your home business, products, or anything else.

What SHOULD they be sensing about you?

What SHOULD they be perceiving ABOUT YOU?

Simple….they need to sense:

You are there to SOLVE A PROBLEM and HELP THEM move their life forward and upward by Caring, Sharing, and Solving.


No exceptions.

No other alternative.

THAT is the SUCCESS FOCUS of an MLM Network Marketing home business.

You are NOT there for a TRANSACTION.

 You are there for a TRANSFORMATION – whose fruit could LEAD to a transaction.

A Transformation in their weight, health, skin, income, self imae, and lifestyle. YOU are there to take their life to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL by taking their HOPE and POSSIBILITIES to a level that they have only dreamed.

Paint a picture with your words of how great life is going to be working with you.

Paint a picture with your words of their lifestyle being transformed right before their eyes.

Paint a picture with your words of their DESTINY being one of amazing potential.

THAT will be so magnetic that they will listen to anything you have to say about your home business.

Now THAT makes a LOT of sense!

Your presence is powerful. Make sure that it is radiating SUCCESS in your home based business.

Here is a Billion Dollars Worth of Prospecting Training!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Network Marketeing Secrets- for Social Media Success!

Home Business-The One Secret to Mastering the Phone?

mlm phone fear

home business phone fear

Home business success

can be quite trying at times. it was for me.

Especially when it came to the telephone. I was not a fan of calling people. It took me a while to get the hang of it and nearly hung me with it’s cord.

I could not for the life of me get past the fear of picking up the phone. It was strange.

 Until I figured out some things that  made it easier and much more lucrative.

Even in social media. You must take it offline sometime. And calling people you have already established contact with can be harrowing at times. It has happened many times to many people.

So….what you are saying is that you are having somewhat the same trouble as I did?

Welcome to this elite club my friend! Most folks go through this and it can be quite frustrating.

Ledt me tell you what happens…You look at the telephone and weird things start to happen? Sound familiar?

Let me see — I bet I can describe it. I went through it, and fortunately now teach how to conquer it for Home Business MLM and Network Marketing.

1) You get a knot in your stomach.

2) You get anxious and start dreading the call.

3) You actually start sweating and heart pounds.

4) You begin to think of other things you need to do.

5) You decide to go do them.

Sound famliar?

That is what I used to do constantly until one day we realized some things that made a HUGE difference in our phone calls in home  business network marketing. When the “light went on” and we actually understood the Psychology of the Telephone, it made all the difference in the world.

On the telphone in mlm, your job really is to do one thing:


Your job is to talk to people and separate people into 2 groups:

People that are OPEN to new ideas.

People that are not open to new ideas.

How simple. How profound.

And the ones that are not open to new ideas right now, are simply people you put in your ‘later’ file. You are a messenger, and every phone call is simply a delivery vehicle.

 Either way, you have been successful at separating the people you talk to in network marketing.

And combine that with these three relizations, you will find some relief with Phone Struggle.

Here are the 3 realizations we had about the telephone in home business network marketing and what the REALITY is, versus what we think we are doing.

1) ALL a phone call is, is a CONVERSATION

That is it. It is simply a conversation that you have done a thousand times before. And the secret to getting past the phone phobia in MLM is to have NO agenda for the call except to hold a conversation with the person and see if they are open to a new idea.

That is it. You want to talk to them and see if they are open to a new idea that would help them. If they are not open, then talk about them. If they are open, then ask some questions about what they are looking to happen in their life and what they would like to improve. Have no agenda, except to help people, and if you can great. If you cannot, great. You have still held a conversation that went well.

2) Understand that all phone phobia is based on the fear of the wrong results.

If you knew you would get all yeses, then you would call people 24/7. But you know that you will not, so you get scared.

How about changing your paradigm?

How about looking at the phone call NOT from a results standpoint, but a PRACTICE standpoint, and you are calling people to practice and get better, and sharpen your skills? Results are partly a fruit of a good skill set and why not get better at it while you work?

Here is a Truth:

You are NOT in charge of results. You are only in charge of getting better at the phone which will improve your results dramatically.

Are you in the market currently for a $400,000 Bentley? No? If a friend of yours who is marketing them calls you and tells you about them, have they done something wrong? Just because they do not sell you one, should they quit selling them? Of course not. You simply were not in the market right now for one.

It is the same thing with your Home Business. Some people simply will not be in the market for the products or business you are marketing.

Do not worry about results. They will come. Worry about getting better, and getting an expertise in using the telephone that you can train your downline with.

3) Realize that Fear of the Phone is also an opinion. A wrong one.

You are calling to hold a conversation with someone to HELP THEM, not sell them or recruit them. Many people look at using the telephoine in network marketing as “bothering my friends.” That is an opinion in error. How can you bother friends when you calling to see if you can help them?

You do not know if they are who you are looking for, and if your mlm products and services are what they need. You are not bothering them, but offering them a message with some new information that could possibly help their life.

Make your opinion count. Get out of the “bother zone’ and into the “message zone.” You are NOT bothering peoeple. You are HELPING them. If your message is not received, then they are not open to new ideas. It is that simple.

Your job is to find out if they are open or not.


Look at the phone.

Touch it.

This is your conversation tool. This is your Wealth Vault and holds the keys to a lot of money in your life and other’s lives.

Your job is to call people and talk about THEM, and see if they are open to a new idea.

You are not in charge of results, and you are not in charge of what they say. You are in charge of talking about them and what is BEST FOR THEM.

Dial the number.

Start your normal conversation and ask about their life, family, and job.

Ask for their help. You need some people to try your products.

If they say yes- you have succeeded. They are open to new ideas.

If they say no, you have succeeded. You have found that they are not open to new ideas.

Are you bleeding or need a doctor? No?

See? Do this over and over, and hold conversations with people about them and what is best for them. You will find your phone phobia going away.

I would suggest if you are looking to master the telephone, then start by getting past your fear of the phone. That has been stopping a lot of folks recently and I wanted to address this issue! Become a telephone master in your MLM Home Business!

 Here is a GREAT Resource training to master the telephone!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Article Marketing for MLM -5 Elements EVERY Article MUST Have?

mlm article marketing for home business

mlm article marketing for home business

Home business and

Article Marketing go hand in hand. The two are made for each other. One is a vehicle and the other helps drive the engine.

Article marketing I have been doing for nearly 10 years. It has been an amazing way to meet people as well as get a message out.

And of course, to train as well as educate the folks on some pretty cool things. Ahem.

Now I am going to get up on my soap box.

Recently I have been observing some articles that are…well…let’s just say are less than quality content. Ezine articles got smart. Chris Knight over at decided to go to 500 words per articles because a lot of articles were disguised advertisements for a lot of affiliate marketing, MLM, as well as internet marketing scams.

It is all over the place. Low quality articles that are deceptive at best.

I just shake my head when it comes to social media articles and what I call  the teaching and practice of “Deception Marketing.”

It is a total lack of ethics and integrity.

I am amazed by a lot of the social networking articles on the article marketing resources. Many neophytes in network marketing and social media try to come across as network marketing “experts” and social media “experts.” And when a little research is done-you find that many of the authors have not even been in the business 5 years- or even 3. They simply are doing what they have been taught to do and doing it over and over.

And they pitch and sell-pitch and sell- and pitch and sell.

Nothing wrong with that I guess.

Or is that really what articles are supposed to do?

And another thing I have found is that many of their articles contain little or no training or any useful  information that will help people in their issues with life.

Now I have a REAL issue with that.

If you are honestly going to write an article as an “expert” – then give them expert advice, training, or something of VALUE.

COME ON folks!

Tough to do-if you have not done it. I have done it a lot-and done it in a big way. The training articles of Deception Marketing also contain mostly the same old warmed over stuff- the same ideas, tactics, and the same verbiage that has been out in the article directories for years. I call it “Recycled Mold.”  The info is so old, it contains marketing mold.

What happened to the USP? Or even being unique and SETTING YOURSELF APART?

Or even branding yourself as something different?

Well, maybe I am wrong- but I believe there are 5 Elements that a Network Marketing Social Media article should contain on any article resource directory in Article Marketing:

1) Unique training and information-NOT just useless selling.

Many people are looking for SOLUTIONS-not to be sold something. I have a lot of emails that people are asking why that all the trainings in these directories are a bait ands switch? They promise training but end up getting pitched on the newest deal or “opportunity.”

Been there as well as I have taken the time to look up other topics in article directories and found that good old Deception Marketing. And again- having a resource box with an offer is GREAT and that is how you do it. But let’s just not pitch in the article itself. It gives all of the authors in MLM /Social Media a black eye and bad rap.

GIVE some training / information as that is expected in an article is it not? That is what “experts” do- if there is really such a thing. GIVE something UNIQUE that will HELP people- and solve a problem for them. You will be taking your articles up to a whole new level. Get rid of the same ol same ol and THINK like an expert- write like an expert- and get creative like an expert would. That is the minimum we all should do.

2) A SOLUTION that has PROVEN to WORK.

THAT is imperative. If you are going to get in the article network marketing and social media marketing zone- make your article SOLUTION focused– not selling focused. That is what a Social Media and MLM “expert” does.

People are seeking answers to problems. They are looking for how to’s-not “here -buy this.” Create a solution for people- a REAL solution-not something that is disguised as one to sell something. Build your credibility, not your gullibility.

3) A Presentation- not a Pitch.

Articles are an information source- and a training haven. Professional authors understand that you want to create a BOND and RELATIONSHIP with the person reading your article. They will stay with you and read your blog and other articles. THAT is money in the bank. They will become raving fans of yours- instead of resentful foes that feel cheated by your article.

If you PITCH someone in your article- you have developed a short term relationship. If you PRESENT a solution or an answer- you are well on your way to developing a long term relationship-the secret to successful article marketing.

4) Your Article must contain IMPACT.

Impact is the key to a great article. Your article must create a “Wow” impact- and show them you are a TRUE expert-not someone pretending to be. The social media “gurus” teach personal branding. We have for years as well. But it takes 3 things to be branded as an Expert:




Impact is a fruit of “been there-done that” and the social proof that you are truly an expert. Impact is a fruit of having the KNOWLEDGE that experts that can Impact people in a powerful way. And Impact is taking a “TINY” focus- “Their Interests Not Yours.” Their interest in your article for the most part, is learning and solving. Make sure that your article has that within it- and you will have the impact to move people to want to know more about you.

5) Your Article MUST Contain ENOUGH Content AND – Content that is Valuable and Worth Reading.

I see a lot of “articles” of 75-100-words that only there for one reason it seems–to point to the resource box. THAT is what I call an “Article Pitch” or “Pretend Article.” It is PURE Deception Marketing. They use an article to “pitch” their offer and dilute all of the other articles in the directory.

There used to be a commercial asking “Where’s the BEEF?” Well- Where’s the Content? And many of the article directories today have gone to a minimum of 600 words to insure there IS content that is worth reading.

Now yes, there are really good articles in these directories from some really great writers. It is not all “fake it and write it.” There are great newer authors as well as older ones–that are VALUE focused– not Volume focused.

One is focused on giving Value to the reader- and the other to sell Volume for themselves. One is short term and the other is long term.

Guess which one is the most successful at building business? Yep- the Value focused article that delivers.

I have been blessed to write the last 8 years over 1000 on line published articles on over 300 directories-so I know a little bit about this. Let’s quit pretending to be authors and start giving TRUE Value first- THEN build a connection with the reader about what you have to offer.


Connect with the reader with TRUE Solution Based Value. Direct them to your offer through your resource box. Build a relationship with them then, through a blog,conference calls, or newsletter.

Folks, as we say from my home state of Texas: This ain’t rocket science. It is simply understanding the process.

You will have so much more success in your Social Network Marketing efforts if you are HONEST and INTEGRITABLE about your writing and delivering content via article marketing. If you oppose Deception Marketing like I do, great. if you practice it then do not be surprised if you stay frustrated with your MLM Network Marketing Home Business.

Looking for a resource that teaches you ths secrets of ENDLESS Prospects?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Check this Social Network Marketing Training Out>

Home Business Training- The 3 Things that Stops Everyone?

home business stress

home business stress

Home based businesses

require the proper education and training on ALL aspects of building a business as well as yourself. That is the purpose of this home business training.

If you have been in Home Based business for a while you will find that there are a lot of times that you just feel like walking away. The pressure is real and the frustration can drive you crazy.

I nearly quit the first 2 years I was in this profession 4 times and wow! What that would have cost me if I had!

Home business survival when you are new is typical and must be dealt with. But after awhile it goes beyond survival to making a decision that you are staying…or leaving.

I have found that there are 3 things that stops everyone. But the ones that Succeed in home business are the ones that get past these 3 hurdles and makes these 3 things a STEP versus a stumbling block. You learn that in home business training.

What are the 3 things that stop everyone and what can you do about it?

1. Fatigue.

This is a killer of many a home business. The owner catches fire, but burns too bright and then starts to burn out and then burn up.They become fatigued and just worn out.

And then fade out.

This business is where you must PACE yourself. Any business owner will tell you that you must go at a steady pace versus run a race. And take care of your body and diet. Eat energy foods, exercise, and drop some pounds if you need to as that alone will keep you tired.

2. Stress.

If you are constantly stressed out because of your mlm business– you are working it all wrong. This business is Lifestyle Marketing. You work  it as you live your life, not live your life as you work your business.

You could try getting FluxxLab™ CBD vape cartridges that are among the best for an entourage effect of calmness for anxiety, stress and also insomnia to help you sleep, is recommended to use a dab pen with some kind of CBD oil. To reduce stress and anxiety you should eat healthy food. you can order healthy CBD food from KushieBites website, they provide healthy and delicious food product like honey, cookies, jelly beans, gummies, nutella etc.

Just like humans, cats can feel down too and they can even get sick. If you’re a cat owner, check out the best CBD oil for cats with cancer to help your cat heal.

You TAKE IT WITH YOU-not it takes you with it and dominates your life.

Stress can stop the best in this profession because of the worry and anxiety that goes with it. Let up and let go. Take a break and get with your kids or spouse and destress your life and business. To reduce stress you can try tianeptine sulphate or sodium, You can tianeptine buy from Tianeptine Shop.

It is NOT worth losing your health and lifestyle and more trying to make it work. You are working it wrong.

Do not try and MAKE it work- LET it work naturally and you will find that your home business will start growing.

3. Opinions.

Ahhh those pesky opinions of others, I could write a book on what I was told over the years. Opinions can stop you cold in your tracks. Especially from a person of influence.

My suggestion is when people start giving you negative opinions, smile and simply say, “I really appreciate you caring, but I don’t think that way anymore. I know that I will succeed and build a tremendous business and I would love your support even if it is only as a cheerleader.”

Opinions can make your business jump the track if you are not careful. Learn to listen to people that have BEEN THERE and can take you to where you want to go. If someone has a negative opinion, so be it. It probably will not change and it is best if you do not try to change it.

Becoming successful will change their minds without any forcing from you.

These are the 3 things that can stop anyone in a home based business. Make sure that you watch out for these hurdles when you are growing and building your home business in network marketing.

If you are looking for an amazing Team Building Training Resource this it it! I co-led a group of over 80,000 people. Learn what we did and how that can happen to YOU:

Secrets to Building Leaders

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

MLM Network Marketing Training Resources

Home Business Training- Facts about Home Based Business Industry

hmoe business happy

home business happy


Home Business

 is growing and growing rapidly.

With the economy the way that it is, many people are looking to other streams of income in order to pay their bills and to keep their lifestyle intact. Their jobs are being cut or their income is being reduced, leaving the family in a predicament that they had no control over.

Sound familiar?

That is why many new people are looking to get into their own home business and have more control over their destiny.

But the question is- what are some of the facts that you need to know about the Home Based Business industry and the MLM Network marketing arena?

Let’s take a quick look at some Home business facts:

  1. In 2000 there were about 9 million home businesses in the USA.
  2. IN 2005 there were a little over 11 million home businesses- impressive growth for the industry.
  3. In 2010 it EXPLODED with over 18 million home businesses being run out of the home. THAT is a result of the economy and people wanting more say and control over their future.
  4. Number of homes with a Home business with ongoing ACTIVE offices:  About 35 Million
  5. 10% of the homes in the US now run a home business out of their domicile.
  6. 51% of all small businesses run out of the home as a home business.
  7. There is 40% LESS failure with a home business then a regular franchise or brick and mortar business.
  8. Every 11 seconds, there is a new home based business that is launched out of a home.
  9. The products sold by a home business today can compete in all aspects with any other available products on the market.
  10. The number of home businesses that operate and market daily in social media are 82%.
  11. 2012 expects to have over 20 million home businesses in the USA.
  12. Almost 7 out of 10 home businesses are still in business after 3 years.
  13. Of the 18 million home businesses, nearly 7 million produce 50% of the owners income yearly.
  14. 10 % produce over 400,000.00  a year in revenues- 1 out of 10!
  15. 40% produce over 100,000.oo a year in revenues.
  16. Home Business employees average: 1.8 per home business.
  17. Number of home businesses in marketing: 67%
  18. Annual revenues worldwide  for home businesses:  427 BILLION Dollars
  19. Number of home businesses worldwide:  estimated 109 million.
  20. Projected Home business  US revenues this year:  108 Billion

If you are looking to start a home business then these facts may open your eyes to the amazing possibilties of an MLM Network Marketing team and Home business.

blessings…doug firebaugh

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Home business