MLM Social Media- BEST 5 Social Sites to Find and Recruit Prospects?

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mlm social media

MLM Social Media Best Recruiting Sites.

WHERE are YOU PLANNING ON LOOKING for your home business prospects in social media?

Do you have a particular favorite for your mlm business prospecting?

What would it mean to know where the best sites are to recruit in social media?

This is a HUGE question as social media is so varied and eclectic. There are SO MANY
social networking sites that you can waste your time on many of them.

Where is the BEST Place PROVEN to work for recruiting?

Here is a secret: Find 3 or 4 PRIMARY social media sites as well as 3 or 4 secondary social media sites and “nest” there or a while.

Work them daily and relentlessly.

Why only this many?

Why shouldn’t you be working 100? After all, there are over 4000 social sites out there!

The Reason?

Credibility and Visibility.

If you show up on a social site only on occasion, you will not be viewed as a true participant in that social media site.

You must have a consistency in your visibility.

Did you catch that?

You must have a Consistency in your Visibility.

Many do not.

They are on a social site only once in a while and expect to be taken seriously as a social
networker. Your consistency in presence is a determining factor in your making friends, as well as your posts and questions being seen and addressed.

No, you do not have to spend all day on a site.

But being there for a few minutes every day goes a LONG way in Social Recruiting for a home business.

Yes, as a corporate recruiter, you must be consistently visible on the job boards as well
as the social career sites. No doubt. But it is not as nearly as important as when you own a home business. In corporate recruiting, we use resume sites as well as social media. In home business, it is more focused on social media and funnel marketing.

Consistency in Visibility must include you being active daily and weekly in:

 # 1 :  Conversations.

        Making new friends.

  • Getting new followers and connections.
  • Updates.
  • Videos.
  • Posts.
  • Tweets.
  • Comments on threads.
  • Joining groups.
  • Sharing your photographs with people.
  • Sharing your thoughts.

How simple.

But yet many do not remain consistent in their efforts. All of that would take maybe 15
to 20 minutes a day. If you invest 30 minutes a day in social media, you can find some golden possibilities for candidates.

WHERE are you planning on looking for possible prospects?

I would recommend 5 sites that have worked well for me, to start if you want to locate
candidates for your home business:





Fast Pitch Networking.

(And now maybe Pinterest- new kid on the block)

 NOTE: The number one corporate recruiter in the nation for a national recruiting firm  says, “And If I was working a home business I would work NICHE sites, including sites like This is a real estate social networking site that houses thousands of real estate agents open to alternative cash flow options. But I would work it gently and not aggressively. I would focus on the main social sites,  but still work niche sites.”

There are other social media sites out there, but these are the ones I personally have recruited the most from. And I just started with Google+ recently but the results have been very impressive so far.

These social sites I have mentioned seem to offer the best possible candidates for recruiting in home business network marketing mlm.

FREE Monday Night LIVE Network Marketing webinar- 10 pm EST

blessings…..doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

25 secrets to Maximizing the Recruiting Power of your Business card

6 Secrets to Twitter Success in a Home business


MLM Training- What Do YOU WANT Your Social Media Prospect to DO?

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mlm social media

MLM Social Recruiting Your Prospect.

WHAT do YOU Want Them TO DO?

Defining this is critical. If you do not have a PLAN in place in Social Recruiting as
far as what you want them to do, you are planning to fail.

It is not good enough identifying who YOU are looking for. You must know what they are TO
DO when you find them. And you must know what YOU are to do when you locate that candidate.

What is your Social PLAN to move them forward in the initial recruiting process?

Scott says,
“It was when we came up with what I call ‘The IFP’ (Initial Filter Plan) for when we located a candidate that really helped activate and accelerate the
recruiting process. We needed a very brief step by step action list for the
candidate to complete. The candidate went quickly through the 3 actions, as it was not difficult to complete quickly.  It took maybe 4 or 5 minutes.

 This helped identify where the candidate REALLY was as far as employment possibilities. We actually put it together to FILTER OUT the candidates that were not serious. I believe that if you are in the home business profession, you need an initial  filtering system for Social Recruiting as
well. It really makes you look professional and you end up pursuing who is
truly interested in your home business via social media.”

I will tell you the first thing we asked them to do was fill out a quick 7  question online survey asking about their  current employment and possibilities about future employment.

We called it “The Destiny Profile.”

 It was focused on finding the Dissatisfaction and the PAIN in their job- if it existed. It also asked about the type of boss, type of position, and  the JOY they were looking for
in a Dream job. It took maybe a total of 3 minutes or less.

It really helped frame the conversation and the direction we needed to go, as well as
potential of the candidate. You may want to consider a similar process for your
home business social candidates.

What you want your social media prospect to DO is critical and must be well thought out. YOUR JOB is to help RELIEVE the PAIN they are going through in their life.

These are some ideas on understanding WHAT you want your prospect to DO, being clear on it and understanding that if they do not DO something, you will never recruit them in your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mlm mp3 download- “The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made IN Network Markting NO ONE will tell YOU

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

Do You Know these 5 Social Recruiting Questions?

14 Tips on maximizing your Visibility on YOUTUBE

MLM Twitter- 5 Ways to DOUBLE Your Twitter Followers in 10 Minutes a Day


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MLM Twitter Tips for Home Business.

Do you use twitter for your home based business?

Are you an avid twitter marketer for your network marketing business?

How would you like to learn how to double your followers on twitter?

(Follow Doug On Twitter)

There is a blogger on Social Media Today that I love to read. His name is Brad Smith and he is REALLY good.

Here is a post that will rock your social world on twitter.


Social media doesn’t have to be time consuming.

But there’s no reason you have to check Twitter every hour. Too many people confuse busyness with effectiveness.

In fact, 10 minutes a day is all it takes to engage with others and grow your followers.

Here’s 5 easy things you can start using this week.



1. Do Less

You can’t always get better results with doing more.

So instead, try to do less but focus on the essential.

Your results will skyrocket if you set constraints, like setting a timer for 10 minutes per day, and establish accountability, with time tracking software like RescueTime.

Start by looking at your own daily routines and activities. You’re probably wasting hours surfing the net or hanging out on Twitter.

The opportunity cost of that time is huge. For example, instead of hanging out on another Twitter Chat, you should be doing this…


2. “Top-Down” Strategy

People think that social media is only about community management.

So they get on Twitter and tweet to an empty room, or try to interject or interrupt others in order to “engage the conversation“.

That’s a really ineffective use of your time.

A better strategy is to put yourself in a position where others want to contact you .


  • Offer to speak for free to local organizations
  • Contribute guest content to other websites
  • Help a nonprofit with their social media strategy
  • Create a free tool, plugin, or theme and email it to relevant bloggers
  • Run a promotion with another brand or blog

The possibilities are only limited to your imagination. But every time the goal is to give freely to people who have influence or control over communities of people.


3. Automate

One of the best things about internet marketing is the tools that help you automate different processes. These tools also help you appear really active.

They will send out a consistent stream of updates through-out the day, night and weekend, giving the appearance that you’re always “staying engaged”. Here are two of my favorites.

Import the Tweet Old Post WordPress plugin to automatically send out posts from your archives. You can set up the time frequency, add hashtags, or even a brief message before or after each update. You can also specify a date range, so people will only get posts from the past 3 months, or posts from a year ago.

Another useful tool is Twitterfeed, which will send out Tweets automatically from RSS feeds you enter. So you can load your own fee, or your favorite blogs, and it will take care of the work for you.


4. Curate

Curating other people’s content helps you build thought leadership and can also create reciprocity. And again, there are a variety of tools that make this process instant and pain-free.

Start by grabbing a collection of your favorite blogs and loading them into a RSS reader like Google Reader.

Now you can quickly scan the headlines each day and pick out the best articles to share with everyone else. Then use Timely or Buffer to schedule these updates through-out the day. These tools also help you optimize each update to go out at the best times of the day. That means greater visibility, increased reach, and more click-throughs.

Add a few thoughts to each to personalize your message and show off your personality. Because people on Twitter don’t just want to see your links, they want to know why you like it. Then they can emotionally connect with your point of view and leave their own comment.


5. Engage

You’ve removed a lot of the time consuming aspects of Twitter in the first four steps.

What’s left is the important part – engaging with other people.

But when you start following hundreds of people, your home stream quickly becomes useless. So start creating Private Lists for the important people you want to connect and stay in touch with. For example, you can have one for “Bloggers & Journalists”, one for “Customers/Clients”, one for “Friends” and another for “Influencers”.

Now every time you login, you’ll immediately know what’s going on in your important circle of contacts.

And you can spend the bulk of your time communicating and using Twitter for the reason it was created – connecting with other people.

These are 5 Powerful ways to double your following on twitter for your mlm network marketing home business!

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Powet- over 50 recruiting secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts;

9 Success Signals for a Powerful First Impression

THAT would happen if You only talked to TWO PEOPLE a DAY????

Social Media MLM – Do YOU know the 5 CRUCIAL Social Recruiting Questions?

mlm training

mlm network marketing

Social Media Recruiting MLM.

Do YOU know the 5 Social Recruiting Questions for your home business?

Do you USE social media to recruit in your network marketing business?

How would it help your mlm business and social recruiting to know them?

In Social Recruiting, it is not enough to understand about the 4 personality types as far  as where they are in social media. You must understand what we call “The 5 Social Recruiting Questions.”


Defining a starting point is critical. In anything you do. That means whether it is a book, movie, song, business, or recruit. This will give you a point that you can look at and know where you are going from there.

NOTE: You cannot change what you are not aware of. And you cannot be aware of what has no defined starting point. And if you have a starting point in Social Recruiting, and then that place points to more powerful and magnetic questions, you can become a social recruiting magnet.

So many people are on social media trying to recruit candidates but yet do not know the
questions that need to be asked.

Yes, there are the typical questions that everyone seems to ask on social media. We all know
what they are.

But we are talking about is something different. What we are talking about are basic FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS that MUST BE ASKED before you EVEN BEGIN Social Recruiting.

 These are the questions that will determine pretty much everything else that is said and
done in your Social Recruiting.

I call this “prep work.”

  You are PREPARING for Success and engaging the candidate so their response is more positive than most, so your results are more powerful than most.

The Number One Corporate Recruiter for a National Firm  says, “These 5 questions are what we asked on a weekly basis. They could almost be considered a social blueprint consisting of questions. These questions put a real powerful Social Recruiting blueprint together right before your eyes in what you need to focus on. Of course that is just the basic starting point, but they do get to the CORE of what Social Recruiting is truly all about. If a person
who is recruiting in social media is honest with these questions, you can
recruit almost anywhere you go in social media.”

The biggest mistake that is made at the very beginning in Social Recruiting is that most
people are “Recruiting Blind.”

They do not SEE what is in front of them as they do not know what to look for and because they do not know what to look for they try and recruit anyone that is willing to talk to them. But that creates a frustrating and discouraging situation.

The person you are talking to and looking to recruit may just be a friendly person who really
has not interest in changing jobs. They may be a socializer who likes to use social media for social reasons and enjoys the social atmosphere. And of course, they may be friendly because they may be trying to recruit you!

You cannot be blind when recruiting.

You must see what is out in front of you and be aware of who is a REAL candidate and who is only a social participant.

What are the 5 Social Recruiting Questions?


It al starts with who YOU are looking for. If you cannot define that person or candidate, then you will never find them.

The odds of finding who you are looking for in Social Recruiting go up exponentially if you
KNOW who are looking for, the traits they need to have, the skill set required, and have all of that written down for total clarity.

  • Are you looking for a mom?
  • Are you looking for a Leader?
  • Are you looking for someone who is unemployed?
  • Are you looking for someone dissatisfied?
  • Are you looking for a good communicator?
  • Are you looking for an energetic person?
  • Are you looking for someone who is knowledgeable
    already about network marketing?
  • Are you looking for someone already that  a business?

Define the Targets.

What traits do you want them to have? LIST THEM.

What would the DREAM Candidate look like if you could find them?  Write it DOWN-DESCRIBE the person.

What would be considered unacceptable? Who would you have to walk away from?

What would be the ONE THING that would make a candidate PERFECT?

What can you see you and the candidate doing together, successfully? What would that Success look like?

Would they have what we call the “First PLACE Traits” of a True Winner?




Consistent Communicator.

Energetic and Encourager.

This is the first Question that you must ask in social media recruiting for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download “The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in  Network Marketing NO ONE Will Tell YOU!”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

9 Success Signals for a Powerful First Impression

14 Tips on Maximizing Your Visibiltiy on YouTube



MLM Social Media- Six Secrets of Twitter for Home Business Success

mlm twitter

mlm twitter

Social Media MLM Twitter.

Do YOU use twitter for your home business?

Do you KNOW how to use it Powerfully and make it work for you and your network marketing business?
How do YOU use in in your mlm efforts?
Twitter seems to attract just about every kind of person, and from every walk of life.
Some people GET twitter and others do not. I love twitter, and think the site can really create some great exposure for you.
Many folks use twitter in many ways. Some use it occasionally and other use it all day. And it both works, and works well.
Twitter is a “micro blogging” site, and like others, you can send a message to your followers in 140 characters. That forces you to SHRINK your message to a bite size piece of communication
There are 6 ways to help build business with twitter:
1) Drive people to your blog.
2) Drive people to your website.
3) Drive people to your Podcast.
4) Brand yourself repeatedly.
5) Drive people to your internet webinar/ Conference call / internet TV cast.
6) Drive people to your “meet up.” 
After you have been on twitter for a while, you will make connections and then friends that can help introduce people to you that can use your products or business.
Develop “Doorways.”
These are people on twitter that can lead to someone else or something else. That alone can MULTIPLY your exposure and success in your mlm business.
Doorways lead to other doorways. And doorways always can OPEN new possibilities that can lead to new mlm business.
Twitter can open thousands of doors if done right. With over 200 million people on twitter, you can connect with a TON of prospects for your home based business.
Lets cover these briefly:
1) Drive people to your blog.
You can ask a question or state something that can compel people to click on your url to your blog tweet.
2) Drive people to your website.
You can ask someone to please give you their opinion on it as far as attraction or functionality.
3) Drive people to your Podcast.
You can give a FREE download to a podcast and get a lot of traffic.
4) Brand yourself repeatedly.
Use the same slogan, names, or themes in all you do. This will brand you well on twitter.
5) Drive people to your internet webinar/ Conference call / internet TV cast.
“Now broadcasting LIVE-join in the fun!” This can promote what you are doing NOW and drive traffic to your event.
6) Drive people to your “meet up.”
Tweet or Direct Message about local meet ups. Tweet even DURING the tweet up and then after wards as well to tell of the fun and who you met.
These are 6 ways to create a Powerful Twitter Success in your network marketing home based business.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
MLM training related posts:

MLM Social Media- 7 Biggest Mistakes Made while Recruiting on Facebook

MLM Facebook Recruiting.

Do YOU recruit on facebook for your home business mlm?

Are YOU active on facebook with your network marketing business?

Would you like to know the 7 biggest mistakes made in facebook recruiting?

I believe that facebook is a GREAT recruiting space. But you MUST know that there are things you DO NOT DO.

What are the 7 Biggest Mistakes made while recruiting on facebook?

1) Being TOO Aggressive in getting your message out to people.

Many folks on facebook are way too pushy in their recruiting efforts. The reason are many. They are excited, they are new, and they don’t know. But many times, you will find that even though someone tries to help, they still will not listen.

If you are too aggressive and too pushy, that will spell one word:


That is what amateurs do on facebook when recruiting. They are looking for what the prospect can give them, versus what the leader can give the prospect.

2) Not giving the relationship time to grow before you start the recruiting process.

Relationships are the nuclear fuel to this profession and social media. But yet, many people JUMP IN and do not give the relationship time to gel or form. That is a mistake.

Relationships take time. Even if you connect with the person- give the relationship time to gel and settle so you can find out where your business can help them and solve a problem. If you do not do this and continue to push the prospect- you will push the prospect away and they will not be coming back.

3) Inconsistent Visibility.

You cannot spend all your time on facebook, come on. But yet, you MUST be consistent in when people SEE YOU and hear FROM YOU. If you are not, they will not take you seriously in your social media efforts.

If you spend only 20 minutes a day on facebook, the amount of recruiting you can do, IF done correctly, is staggering.

4) Broadcasting and NOT Conversing.

There are 2 ways to communicate on social media: Broadcast and Conversation.

Many facebook folks recruiting prospects ONLY broadcast updates with links and “take a look at my business.” THAT is a mistake. CONVERSATION is the MAGNET.

It will PULL the prospect into the thread of communication, and give you a better opportunity to get your message out but yet in a more personal way. Broadcasting is good, but Conversation is better.

5) Not establishing yourself as THE AUTHORITY.

Many people talk about becoming THE EXPERT. But I beg to differ. There are many experts out there that carry NO influence nor make any difference. Many are ONLY fact filled geeks.

If you are SERIOUS about recruiting on facebook- start using the word “Authority” and establish yourself as THE GO TO PERSON, and then when you speak, it will carry more clout and magnetism.

6) Not promoting what your friends and followers do.

It is NOT ABOUT YOU, nor your home based business. It is about what YOUR FRIENDS are doing. Re-post what your friends are doing, and do it OFTEN. Tag them in the post. And make sure they see YOU are promoting them a LOT.


Because they will promote YOU and your message. That is human nature. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours. So if you are recruiting on facebook- make the OTHER PERSON the STAR! And they will return the favor.

7) Not hooking up facebook to LinkedIn, twitter, slideshare, wordpress, youtube, pinterest, and all the other social sites that will send your efforts to facebook.

I really do not think I need to explain this.

It is called a “social web.”

Weave a social web and you will find your recruiting on facebook exploding your mlm home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

The 2 Most explosive Words in any Home Business

7 More Closing Phrases NO ONE will TEACH YOU


MLM Social Media- 14 Powerful Youtube Tips for Maximizing Your Visibility

MLM Social Media Youtube.

Do you record videos for your network marketing home business?

Do you have a youtube account set up properly for your mlm business?

Do your recorded videos you do for your home based business get out there and are they shared with people?

Everyone knows about youtube, unless you have been living in a cave. it is one of the most powerful social media sites that exists, and a great place to market your home business via video.

But many people have not set up their account nor maximized their youtube account and what it can do for their business. That is why I wanted to focus on youtube.

Yesterday it was LinekdIn, today it is youtube.

I believe you can drive a lot of traffic as well as get great exposure with youtube, and all it has to offer the home business professional. I would suggest you take the tips that are listed, and do a check up on your youtube account and see if these tips are a part of your youtube focus.

If they are not, I would suggest using them in your youtube efforts as they truly will help your youtube marketing and recruiting.

Here are 15 quick tips on youtube:

1. Create a custom YouTube background with key information and a look and feel consistent with your home business company / personal brand.

2. Add key social media information to your Twitter background. Include url to
social networking profiles, other YouTube channels, blog, website, twitter
handles etc.

3. Create or refresh YouTube bio to ensure it best supports your current
business, products, and differentiation and keywords your audience is seeking.

4. Subscribe and/or become friends with other YouTube channels in your home business industry or niche.

5. Subscribe and/or become friends with realted YouTube channels in your
industry or niche.

6. Create videos that includes content and discusses visiting your other social
platforms for our home business.  Make it relevant and give the viewer a reason to do such.

7. Include everytime your website or blog url within the video title and description.

8. Add tags/keywords relevant to your target market audience, content and industry or home business niche.

9. Add to videos opening and closing title slides or captions that include your
url or Twitter handle.

10. Create a video that describes how to best engage with you and your home business brand via the different social networks.

11. Create a video describing an upcoming offline, in home, or an event online that the prospect can attend.

12. Record a video of a client providing a testimonial.

13.  Record a video at the next local networking event asking people a
question related to the home business or network marketing industry or niche.

14.  Record a video about a recent blog post you wrote that your audience

This will help you accelerate your success on youtube with your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

Maximizing your Linkedin Recruiting and Visibility

3 Powerful MLM prospecting Tips No One will tell You

MLM Training- The Most Powerful Way to Comment on a Blog That Gets NOTICED

MLM Blog training.

Are you looking for the most powerful way to  comment on a blog post in home business?

Would you like to know how to INSURE your comment gets noticed?

How would getting a SURE comment back from others helo your traffic in your network marketing efforts?

Here is a secret:

“Commenting on people’s blogs is a great prospecting tool. But you MUST use a Social Magnetic Prospecting Tool on their blog that can GUARANTEE the blog owner get back with you and ask questions.”

I remember back in the early 2000s the first time I heard the word “blog.”

I was like…what? I laughed as it sounded so funny to me. But when I found out what it was, I got so excited that I could not sleep for days.

I saw the power within the blog for the Home Business Profession and MLM. Wow. It blew me away. I started training after the learning the ropes, how to use a blog for our profession and since then blogging has gotten to be HUGE.

Commenting on someone’s blog is a nice way to create an awareness that you are there and start a conversation with the owner. But there is a very simple tool that can GUARANTEE
a response in your prospecting efforts on their blog and most people do NOT do

What is it?

ASK A QUESTION on what they wrote and make it a VALID SINCERE question that they will feel flattered that you asked.

READ the post all the way through and then ask a question about something that will create a conversation between you and that person.

One of the bggest mistakes made is commenting on something that you have not read, and it happens as lot. And it looks rather foolish that you have not taken the time to actually read it and know it.

What would you think if someone made a comment on your blog and it was nowhere near the content provided?

You would think that it was a someone tht was simply trying to spam your wall and even may be a “bot.”

Read it all the way through and KNOW the content and what you are commenting on.


This is how you do it. I have asked a TON of questions on different people’s blogs and have ended up getting a lot of business from it. They went to my website and saw my profile
on facebook and Linkedin and the next thing I know I am getting an email form


And it has worked like crazy for my private clients as well.

Do NOT be afraid to let yourself succeed. That is what is missing in most lives. Permission from US to allow ourselves to succeed.

Allow and then SOAR in to a new level of mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

FREE mp3 download- Thr 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

Do You come Across like a Professional or an Amateur?

The 2 Types of MLM Prospects and what NOT to Do



MLM Social Media- The “OPEN” Social Media Prospect and How To Recruit Them

mlm social media

home business social media

MLM Social Media prospecting.

Do you understand the OPEN Type of Social Media MLM prospect?

What if you could FIND them and the RECRUIT them into your home business?

Would that help you in your mlm social media efforts?


The OPEN are just that. They are OPEN to new possibilities, but not necessarily aggressively looking for a new career or business. They LOVE to learn about new options, and learn how they would impact their future.

It is NOT that they are not interested in change or doing better. They are. They are just not in the “NOW Gear” as the Lookers are.

The Open are NOT unhappy with where they are as far as career or employment. Many are content. But yet they know and sense that there is MORE in life and are open to learning about different options.

This includes even a part time business possibility.

They are for the most part very pleasant to talk to. They do communicate on social sites with an eye to possibilities for their future.

You can find them attending webinars and conference calls to learn about things that might be educational for them and offer new ideas that may help them.

That is one of the main differences between the Looker and the Open:

Lookers are focused on LEAVING. The Open are focused on LEARNING.

One is focused on a Destination and the other more on Education.

The Looker is looking to leave and find a new career path.

They are open to attending a webinar or conference call, but they have a real sense of urgency.

The Open are open to learning about a new career or opportunity and loves to view videos as well as attend webinars to learn. They move at their own pace and enjoy the

The Open are “gatherers of information” to assess new ideas as well as new options and information. They LOVE trying samples and getting free things. They are highly recruit-able
if they find what “feels” right to them.

And the Open will always want COMPLETE information prior to moving to a new career or business. Most are NOT in a rush.

Traits of the OPEN:

Education focused-Loves new information.

Wants to do better-eventually.

Patient – for now.

Happy with where they are, but could be happier.

Focused on Emotional Connection.

Ambitious, but at their pace.

Leader, but will follow.

Highly Curious.

Communicates at a pace slower than a Looker.

Does NOT want to be hyped.

Needs strong Leadership.

Totally VALUE based to move them.

VERY Relationship based.

 How do you recognize the Open when they appear?

Look for them on webinars.

Look for them on LinkedIn Discussion groups.

Look for them on facebook groups.

Look for their questions on twitter.

Look for their questions DURING a webinar.

Look for them at LIVE social events.

Look for them on

The number one corporate recruiter for a national recruiting company says, “Many people totally blow it with trying to communicate with the Open. They do not understand their ‘lifestyle language.’

All 4 types have their own lifestyle language. The Looker has a bottom line- ‘let’s get it said- is this what I am looking for’ language. The Open have a ‘let’s
learn about it and then see how it FEELS’ language. One language is focused on how it LOOKS according to their needs, and one is focused on how it FEELS. Both are great candidates for new options in their career, but timing and speed appears to be the main differences. Both are in social media daily, and can be
connected to IF approached correctly.”

The Open are the “GRAZERS” in Social Recruiting. They “graze” daily on new information and education. They “graze” daily on webinars, conference calls, videos learning about new things and options. They are very social and love NEW connections on social media. They
are Connectors and Responders.

They are always commenting on how much they learned with a video, article, post, or audio podcast. They love the power of making new friends in social media. And most of the friends they have they are loyal to, and their friends are loyal to them.

The Open are more RELATIONSHIP based where the Lookers are more RESULTS
based with their social activities.

HINT: Scott says, “Tell the Open you are looking for people who are open to learning about how to do better in life and partnering with you- to help others do the same thing.”

That alone will get their attention.

This is how you recruit and talk to the Open Social Media Type of Prospect in social media network marketing for your home business.

FREE mp3 download “The 7 Biggest mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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MLM Social Media- 5 Ways to get a Social Media Prospect’s Attention

mlm social media

mlm social media

MLM Social Media Tips.

What is the initial MAIN focus for people who initially get into Social Media Marketing for their home business?

What do people WANT to happen in network marketing social media?

What is their main FOCUS for their home based business?

If we were REALLY honest, we would say….

It’s to get people’s ATTENTION.

That is human nature and part of who we are. If you cannot get the prospect’s attention, then you are wasting your time. Attention is CRITICAL for social media success in recruiting in network marketing.

But there are certain things you can do to insure a smooth you get the RIGHT attention of the people.

Here is what we call “The MLM Social Media Attention Process:”

Awareness ? Connection ? Conversation? Attention.

This 4 step Attention Process can create a lot of exposure for you. It can get you out there quickly, and keep you out there is you do it right. It can help make a difference between a known brand….a POWERFUL brand.

Make sure your conversation is VALUABLE– and leaves people saying “Wow!”

1) Be Consistent.

In your Message and Method.
In your Profile and Process.
In your Value and Visibility.
In your Presence and Purpose.
In your Tweets and updates.
In your Efforts and Energy.
In your Posts and Performance.

2) Ask open questions and seek answers and solutions.

This can be a great attention getter on social sites. Ask, and then LISTEN. Then listen some more.
Put the other person in the role as an expert- and seek their advice initially. Do this DAILY.
Direct message people with a question to personalize the communication. Ask about their expertise and give them a time to shine!

3) Share information with people that most do not know about.

There is so much out on the web. So many people, so much content, so many videos, and so many blogs.
Find the little known information people do not know about on obscure blogs and posts, and videos. Be the Authority as well as a RESOURCE.
Do not send out the same information that has been out there. Be fresh-and new. Be unique. Say it in a different way. Say in a more powerful way. Say it in a way that forces the person to LISTEN. That alone will get their attention.
Take the time to do this-it pays off.

4) Recognize the contribution and conversation.

Attention is a hook. It is what hooks people to take a further look. Hook them with YOU.
What is YOUR hook? What is your PULLING power? What will people remember? You must pay attention to THEM- your prospect!
Here is a secret: Make sure that you appreciate and recognize the efforts of all in the conversation and all in the social circle.
And…Don’t placate, but admire. Don’t kiss up, but step up and say what is of Value. People do not like insincere flattery. They like compliments from the heart.

5) Come up with a phrase, hook, logo, icon, or avatar that is magnetic that WILL get Attention.

Many people have a phrase that they repeat over and over. Or some folks have a hook that works- like copyblogger. Brian has a great hook. Or a logo that is unforgettable. Or an avatar of you that makes people take a second look. Something that will PULL THEIR EYEBALLS towards YOU.
That will not only get their attention- but also keep you  REMEMBERED!

These are 5 Powerful Ways to get a Prospects Attention in Social media for your mlm home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets

FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing No One will tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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