MLM Recruiting- A Powerful Closing Secret NO ONE Teaches

mlm home business closing

mlm home business

MLM Closing.

Closing an MLM home business prospect can be difficult for a lot of people…why?

How would you like to learn a powerful closing tool that has proven to move prospects when nothing else really could?

Would that create some excitement in your daily efforts for your network marketing business?

Many people today are looking for what I call “Success Insurance” for their business. This is something that will INSURE their home business success happening on a daily basis.

Even in a hard and difficult economy.

You need to understand that with an economy like we have, we need to be sensitive to the mlm prospect’s focus and needs for their daily life. Your prospect wants hat most other people want:

A great life and worry free life.

YOU must show them the way and get them to FEEL good about where you can take them concerning their dreams. If you do that one thing alone, and nothing else, it will explode your closing ratio.

“Closing” is  term that I rarely use my self as it does not fit the psychology of what the prospect wants to see happen.

NO ONE wants to be “CLOSED.” Come on….that is the truth.

They want doors OPENED, and a new future OPENED, and a new destiny OPENED to their life.

This little mlm recruiting secret will help address that concern the mlm prospect might have when you are talking to them.

(NOTE: Here is a post that is a powerful post on Closing the prospect:)

“How to Close ANY MLM Prospect in 5 Seconds Flat”

Here is a powerful MLM Recruiting truth that has proven to be what I call a “Velvet Sledgehammer:”

MLM Recruiting Secret:

The Best INSURANCE is REASSURANCE when recruiting a home business prospect.

People are looking for “Destiny Insurance.”

They are not looking for “The Same ol same ol Life as it always has been Insurance.”

They are looking to be “insured’ and no matter what happens, they will be ok, with their income, jobs, housing, mortgage, and cars.

They are looking for “Lifestyle Insurance.”

Some are even looking for “Excuse Insurance” —so their excuses will be valid during these tough times and they can continue to use them.

If you are worried about protecting your business from false claims or culprits then their is Insync Insurance to protect your business.

But the best insurance for today’s tough times is REASSURANCE that reassures the prospect that they will be ok, they will be moving forward, and they will be in a BETTER PLACE next year then they are now- by working with you.

This is a Leaders’ way of communicating and directing the prospect to your business.

People are looking for Reassurance in their life direction.

Say this:  “I understand that you are concerned- but let me assure you that you do not have to feel that way, as there is an incredible answer that has proven to be amazing with helping people like you and me . It is taking control with your own business from home. How would you like to never have to worry about money again? How does partnering up an building a big business sound? ”

People are looking to be reassured that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS– they will be fine and their family will be as well.

Reassure your prospect- to insure – their moving forward with you in your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Recruiting 101 Webinar- Watch it now FREE! (a $97.00 Value!)

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- “Social Recruiting Power”- over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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What can we Learn from a #1 Corporate Recruiter in the Nation?

Social Media Recruiting- What is More Important-Content or Contacts?

MLM Training Secrets- 3 MLM Secrets on How to Soar Above a Bad Economy

mlm home business

mlm soaring home business


MLM Training Secrets.

If you could learn three secrets to Network Marketing would you LEARN them and not just read them?

Would accelerating your home business be something that you would want to happen in a DAILY BASIS?

Here are 3 MLM Training Secrets that will help explode your MLM business quickly.

MLM secrets 1:

People are looking for “Destiny Insurance.”

They are looking to be “insured’ with their income, jobs, housing, mortgage, and cars. They are looking for “Lifestyle Insurance.” They Are looking for “Excuse Insurance” so their excuses will be valid during these tough times.
But the best insurance for today’s tough times is REASSURANCE that reassures the prospect that they will be ok, they will be moving forward, and they will be in a BETTER PLACE next year then they are now- by working with you.
People are looking for Reassurance in their life direction. “I understand that you are worried- but let me assure you that you do not have to feel that way, as there is an incredible answer. It is taking control with your own business from home.”
People are looking to be reassured that NO MATER WHAT HAPPENS– they will be fine and their family will be as well.
Reassure your prospect- to insure – their moving forward with you.
MLM Training Secret Secret 2

Talk Smaller Goals and Goals that are more reachable. That is where people are During Tough Times.
People during tough times have a tendency to “downsize their dreams.”

They have a tendency to think, act, and accept smaller due to the Fear factor. When you are talking to a prospect- TALK WHERE THEY ARE.
Do NOT make the mistake of talking where they are NOT and they miss your message. You start talking to them where THEY ARE– not where you are.
Start where their mindset is.

Talk where their focus is.

Talk where their heart is.

This is what they understand and comprehend. Ask, “What is the ONE THING you want to do this year because of these tough times?’ And then listen to what they say. They are telling you what they want and are looking to happen.
Then you help them make that happen with your business. “I agree- that is important and I am there with you. This is what I have done and would love to walk this path of Success together as a team.”
MLM Training Secret 3

You first must LISTEN to the prospect and listen to their language. If they are saying anything about the economy and the times, you need to make a mental note of that. They are worried and looking for help.
Then you CONNECT with the prospect. “I can relate to that and you are so right. Things are a little tough right now- but we can help change that.” Connection is the forerunner to New Direction.
Then you AGREE with the prospect. “I agree with you that you must do something-change something-and I am right there with you.” 

MLM Training Secret:  “Agreement is the forerunner to Partnership.”

Read that AGAIN!
Then you TRANSITION them to a New Possibility. ‘Here is an idea that we have found that has really helped people during these times, and I think can help a lot of people. Imagine NOT being worried about the economy because you have no income worries. How would that FEEL?”
LCAT —  Listen-Connect-Agree-Transition.

 That is a MUST during any economic times- but especially TODAY for your mlm home business success.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- “Social Recruiting Power”- over 50 recruiting secrets- FREE

FREE Recruiting 101 webinar- watch it NOW- FREE! ($97.00 Value)

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

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The Magnetic Secret of Solution Bases Recruiting

5 Powerful MLM Recruiting Tips No One will Teach YOU

MLM Leadership- The 4 Performance Quadrants of Team Members


mlm leadership

mlm leadership


MLM Leadership Training.

How would you like to know where your leaders and team lies within a certain Success Performance structure?

In MLM Leadership, it is EVERYTHING to understand how to assess your team as well as your leaders. You may have some under performing leaders and also some star leaders. But how do you determine that?

There is a Success Performance Quadrant that I ran across from one of the over 100 things I subscribe to. Yes,  I read a LOT to learn and keep up with all, the current marketing and leadership trends in business. There is something called “SmartBriefs” which I subscribe to, and it ha taught me SO MUCH over time about many things concerning business. And it also has kept me abreast of all the changing trends in the marketplace and business in general.

The MLM Success Performance Quadrant is  a great tool to see how your people are performing as well as who needs some help and who is CRUSHING IT.

Here is the Quadrant:

MLM Leadership Quadrant

MLM Success Quadrant


 As you can see, The Potential is on the left side, and the Performance is on the bottom. This provides you with a Quadrant that you can assess where your leaders are as well as your team. YOU need to assess where YOU are on the MLM Success Quadrant and figure out what you need to do as a leader and to increase your own Potential and Performance.

Here is a Success Formula:


Your Potential is ever increasing- if you let it. Your team’s potential must be tapped into and this chart helps you see where you need to do that.

Your Performance will always be a Factor in your Results. Your Performance will always be THE determining factor in your Results.

Take a look at this MLM Success Quadrant and see how you can improve YOU as well as elevate your team’s Performance through tapping into more of their Potential. Believe in the team. Encourage the leaders. Empower the Possibilities.

This could be a great tool for you to start understanding better how to lead your team as well as Leaders.

And see where YOU are on the Quadrant and be honest with yourself. If you fins that your Potential is much greater than what your performance is showing- you are well ON your way to building a HUGE MLM Home Business Organization.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- “Social Recruiting Power”- over 50 secrets to recruiting!


 blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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Home Business Video – 2 Secrets of Team Building Success from Steve Jobs




mlm team building


MLM Network Marketing Home Business Team Building Success Secrets from Steve Jobs.

This is a short video with 2 HUGE Secrets to Success building teams as well as a marketing business. It is not only adaptable to a home business, but seems almost focused on it.

May Steve jobs rest in peace.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- “Social Recruiting Power” – over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

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Network Marketing Training-How to make a Holiday Online /Offline Audio Greeting


mlm holiday tree

mlm training holiday home business


 MLM Recruiting Holiday Season Training.

Are YOU ready for the holidays and all that brings with it for your home based business?

How would you like an mlm recruiting tool that also serves as a Christmas or new years audio card?

Would that help you this year  in sending this year’s cards and greetings?

It is a tradition as you know to send out holiday greetings to family and friends that are on your holiday list. It has been done for hundreds of years and is a part of the holiday culture around the world. You may even get some cards this year as well from various places and from various people.

What would happen if you could set yourself apart from the crowd and actually GET THE ATTENTION of some folks that you would love to get introduce your home business mlm to?

 Getting the attention of folks over the holidays actually is a whole lot easier than you think. But you must know how to do it, without coming across like everyone else seems to do during this time of year.

Here is a little history of Christmas Holiday cards from  our research:

Christmas is the largest card-sending holiday in the United States with approximately 2.5 billion cards sent annually.

Annual e-card sending industry-wide is estimated at less than 300 million. More than 20 paper cards are sent for every one e-card.

According to esearch, nearly three-fourths of consumers who send holiday cards do so because they know how good it feels when they receive a holiday greeting. 

How about THAT for being able to utilize the holiday season as a way to build your business via something that is done 2.5 BILLION times during the holiday season?

Here is an idea for a Holiday Card that you can send out ONLINE or OFFLINE that will help set you apart and also DRAW PROSPECTS to you.

It is called the Holiday Season Audio Greeting!

What is THAT?

It is an audio recorded on CD – or an mp3 that is online – that will help you EXPLODE your mlm prospecting during the holiday season.

How does it work?

You can record an audio holiday greeting at your home on your computer.  You can use windows media on your computer, or use a free recording software download  like “Audacity.” You will need a microphone as well as an understanding on how to use Audacity. There are videos on youtube to learn how if you do not know.

 You can also use an mp3 recorder that you can get at radio shack

Here are some more audio holiday greeting mp3 recording options. You can burn the recording to a CD.

Record a greeting something like this:

“Hey Mary! Lisa here and I just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, Happy new year and a great holiday season. During this time of the year, we all take time to reflect on the holiday season and what is important in life, and who is important to you. You are very important to me, and I wanted you to to hear in my own voice how much I appreciate you, and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Happy holiday season and happy new year!”

Send out with your Holiday, New year, and Christmas cards a CD you recorded especially for that person, and wish them happy holidays. And then tell them you would love to chat with them the first of the year, as you want to give them something very special-  the gift of success in life. This is a great way to introduce the concept of network marketing success to folks.

This is a powerful way to set yourself apart during the holiday season, and set yourself up for a conversation about your home business to your potential mlm prospects during the holiday season!

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power= over 50 social media recruiting secrets


blessinbgs…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Mobile Recruiting – recruit 2 people a day via your PHONE! Read this.

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Special Thanksgiving MLM Recruiting Secrets

The ONE THING that will slow your MLM Holiday Business Down

MLM Training- The ONE Ancient Leadership Secret NO ONE Teaches

mlm team building home business
mlm team building success


MLM Team Building Downline.

Have you ever wondered why your mlm team is NOT GROWING?

Has it crossed your mind that maybe you are not doing network marketing correctly somewhere in your home business team building?

Would you like to know a secret that has EXPLODED  mlm teams that we have coached?

There are many ways to build teams and organizations today. The Network Marketing Home Business Profession is NOT the same business and profesions it was even 10 years ago.

Things have changed for the better and it has been been transformed into more powerful tools and tactics because of social media as well as online recruiting and team building tactics. We have been teaching these for years, but there are some Leadership secrets of network marketing that I see still not being taught in the public arena.

Home Business Team Building.

So many people have asked me in seminars “Why isn’t my team GROWING and why has it stagnated?”

That is a million dollar question with many possible answers.

Today, a growing team requires a much different focus and approach then it used to. Yes, the foundational mlm leadership principles are still there, but the leadership strategies have changed in many ways. Most have not kept up with them and adapted their team building mlm efforts to them.

3 Ways to Build an MLM team.

There are three basic ways to build a Home business downline today:


This is where you build your team using online software and social media sites that you utilize for communication and for training. Thia alone has transformed much of MLM Leadership and team building. The issue is, is there is NOT that personal connection that so many people need to stay motivated and engaged. But this is a powerful tool for building.


This is where you build it the traditional way and do it all face to face, conference call, and live in home or hotel meetings. This STILL works and works well for a lot of people.


This is where you build your mlm downline with BOTH  online and offline. This strategy is the BEST I believe because it allows you to build your team with a variety of tactics and those that prefer online can use online, and the more traditional folks can use offline.

BUT- you need BOTH team building strategies in today’s marketplace to effectively recruit and build an mlm leadership organization.

So then, why do a LOT of people experience the pain of a SLOW growing donwnline or a NO GROWING downline?

There actually are MANY reasons. But the most common reason that we have seen and observed- FEW teach if it is taught at all.

What would you do if you could have ONE IDEA that would start your downline GROWING again?

This is a very simple- but powerful and profound leadership tactic that few teach.

Ancient Team Building Secret.

I am a HUGE fan of the Good Book- and read it daily  I love the ancient wisdom it contains, as well it is a cornerstone of my faith.

One of the things that the Good Book talks about- is something called “prophecy.” This is where you call something or predict something will happen and then have faith it will happen through the workings of God. Now I am NOT preaching here, but want to introduce a concept to you about mlm team building:

“Prophetic Leadership.”

This type of Leadership is where you CALL someone a Leader, SPEAK to that Leadership, TREAT  them as a Leader, SEE them as  Leader, BELIEVE they are a Leader, REFUSE to call them a distributor, and BUILD the IMAGE of Leadership into their minds, spirits, and heart.

And then they will BECOME a leader because you BELIEVED in them, when most have not.


SPEAK into the Leader.

“Prophetic Leadership” is “re-imaging” a person in their mind with words like:

“You are such a Leader. I am so proud of you.”

“If you could see the Leader in you I see, you would be amazed.”

“I call you s Leader because that is what you are- a Powerful Leader.”

SPEAK to that image and belief and let the distributor embrace that concept and picture of themselves in their mind and watch their Leadership GROW and the TEAM grow.

Why does it WORK?


People will RISE to the Level of your Expectations.

That is Leadership 101. And when you Speak Into their life and heart, they will start to accept it over time, and then move towards it, and then achieve the expectation you have set forth as a Leader yourself.

Prophetic Leadership is a POWERFUL way to build a network marketing downline and team.

SPEAK to tha mountain and and call it a Leader. And watch this MLM Leadership secret EXPLODE your mlm team building and Home Business success!

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- “Social Recruiting Power”- over 50 recruiting secrets!

FREE Prospecting 101 webinar- Watch it NOW- FREE!

blessings…doug firebaugh

Recruit 2 people a day from your phone! Mobile Recruiting Secrets Unleashed! Click link

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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FREE Team Building 101 webinar- watch it NOW

4 Powerful Secrets of Building Superstars on your Team!


MLM Training Tips- 4 MLM Secrets to Building Superstars in Your Downline

mlm downline team building leadership

mlm downline team building


Are you looking to build a network marketing mlm team that STICKS and does not go away?

Would you be open to learning how to build a downline online or offline that GROWS and does not GO away?

Many people today in the home business network marketing arena do not build teams correctly. They build downlines that are shaky and not solid. And a shaky downline is at risk to going somewhere else if you are not careful.

I believe that building a team online still must have some offline time. I have watched mlm teams that are built soley online that never really lasted. The goal of building an mlm downline is to BUILD IT ONCE and not over and over as so many home business professionals seem to do.

But it will require looking for the right people on your team.

The reasons that distributors build their downline over and over are many. But the biggest reason is that most network marketing distributors are too focused on “the next recruit” versus BUILDING the NEXT SUPERSTAR.

Did you get what I just wrote?

You need to decide this:

If you are looking for the next recruit or looking for the NEXT SUPERSTAR in your team and working with them.

Yes, you must always be bringing in new personal recruits, but you must balance that with the power of “Superstar Building.”

Here is a Billion Dollar Tip:

What you focus on Building IN your team- ends up being ON your team.

How do you locate the future superstars in your home based business?

You must look for 4 things in your team:

1. New recruits that are VISIBLE and VOCAL.

Many future superstars are Visible and Vocal and want you to know that they are now a part of the team. I am not saying they have to run their mouth. I am saying they are on every webinar and conference call with a guest, and letting you know they are on. They want you to know you can count on them for guests and building.

2. New recruits that are CALLING YOU.

Future superstars do not wait on much. They just pull the trigger and GO. They call you and ask questions as well as ask for your help. They call you to let you know of the success they are having. They call you to let you know that they are available to help if you need them. And they call you to talk to prospects they have already talked with. In your mlm downline, this is GOLD.

3. New recruits that are sponsoring more than the average number monthly.

These are your workhorses. They sponsor more than the average, and do it every month. Your job is to work with those they have sponsored and get them in the training system quickly. Do not let their new recruits go untrained. Your new recruit may be training them. Make sure they are and working with them online and offline.

4. New recruits whose Success is being talked about by others on the team.

This is always a great indicator of the next future superstar- people talking about what they are doing in your downline. If you hear about someone – give them a call and congratulate them for their success and thank them for their efforts. Or you can text them, facebook them, twitter them, or whatever means of communication you see as right. Pay attention to them and call them “Superstar” to let them know they are headed that way.

Call out what you want to see in your group and let your people hear it. They will respond accordingly.

These are 4 powerful mlm downline building tips that will help increase and accelerate your building of your home business mlm downline.

FREE 56 page ebook on Social Media Recruiting- over 50 Secrets! Click to download

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all right reserved

Mobile Recruiting- recruit 5 people a day from your phone! READ THIS.

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Home Business Training- The 7 Most Powerful Words You Can Say


home business work at home

home business mlm butler

This is going to be a very short but powerful post.

In any home business, you want to create RESULTS.

I have had the great blessing of having a couple of mentors that have been in valuable.

One of the most powerful lessons I learned from an 8 Billion Dollar Producer- are 7 words.

These words have proven over and over to be magnetic in recruiting, team building, as well as life.

They are powerful on social media sites, skype calls, mobile conversations, face to face, and with online marketing.

What are they?

“How Can I Help Serve Your Dream?”

Simple and to the point for an mlm business.

And if you are in network marketing, they work amazingly well in leading your team.

Use them. They will transform your mlm network marketing home business.

Linkedin Recruiting Training that WORKS? Read this.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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Home Business Training-The 6 Golden Words a 7 BILLION Dollar Producer Told Me

Home business GOLD

Home Business GOLD Training

A home business training mlm site like we have at PassionFire posts everyday education and trainings that we believe will help move you forward in your home based business. There are many GREAT other speakers, trainers, and authors out in the profession, and we are just honored to be a part of it.

Sometimes we will daily give “how to” education. Other days we will give “why to” education  And other times, like today, we give “Reality” education that can only come from experience. After 25 years, you learn a thing or two.  And starting in my mid twenties till now- it has been a blessed journey.

Wow. We are celebrating 25 years in this profession this November.  Whew. We are going to have an online party to CELEBRATE and YOU are invited!

In our approach to training and education, we have shifted and morphed the home business trainings to fit the marketplace for years, as Social Recruiting Mastery is an example. That has been one of the most fun parts.  And it Will continue to be FUN moving along this journey with YOU.

Ok…enough about that. Let’s get to the training today.

Hope that your Labor Day weekend is rocking! Jodi and I wish you a great and restful time with your family.

You know, the last few months, I have been getting so many emails and communications via social media that people are just “done.” And I mean DONE.

Cooked. Burned out. Looking for an Exit sign.

They are ready to throw in the towel and give up on their dream as they feel that it is not going to happen- especially with the economy and all.

Hmmm….who you have YOU been listening to?

Well, I am not going to get up on my soap box, but I will share with you what my mentor said to me one time and he has produced well over 8 Billion with one team!

That is BILLION with a “B.”

These words were golden to me and so needed at a time when I nearly gave up.

I hope that you keep focused and these words help you.

What did he say?

“Those that LAST, end up FIRST.”

This business, this home business profession is a LASTING process- and it will try you, stretch you, and pull you in all kinds of directions.

That includes mentally, physically, financially, and more.

But here is THE TRUTH:


Much more.

So read these 6 “Golden Words” every day and KNOW that you are going to CRUSH IT out of the park.

Gone baby gone. Cannot even find the ball.

I am so glad he shared those pearls with me, and I can now share them with you.

Truly, profound wisdom for a home business that is not growing like it should.

It is NOT how FAST…



Outlast the nay sayers.

Outlast the negatives.

Outlast the small thinkers.

Outlast the petty people.

Outlast those who simply will never ‘get it” about Success.

Outlast the friends and family.

Outlast those who settle for mediocrity. YOU NEVER WILL.

THAT is what Success requires, and demands.

Now it is YOUR TURN to ROCK your business and Shut Down – those who will NOT SHUT UP.

Outlast – to come – In FIRST in your MLM home business.

How do you FUSE Social Media with MLM and create ENDLESS LEADS?

blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Discover how to build a Team that STICKS and MULTIPLIES