mlm home business
MLM Closing.
Closing an MLM home business prospect can be difficult for a lot of people…why?
How would you like to learn a powerful closing tool that has proven to move prospects when nothing else really could?
Would that create some excitement in your daily efforts for your network marketing business?
Many people today are looking for what I call “Success Insurance” for their business. This is something that will INSURE their home business success happening on a daily basis.
Even in a hard and difficult economy.
You need to understand that with an economy like we have, we need to be sensitive to the mlm prospect’s focus and needs for their daily life. Your prospect wants hat most other people want:
A great life and worry free life.
YOU must show them the way and get them to FEEL good about where you can take them concerning their dreams. If you do that one thing alone, and nothing else, it will explode your closing ratio.
“Closing” is term that I rarely use my self as it does not fit the psychology of what the prospect wants to see happen.
NO ONE wants to be “CLOSED.” Come on….that is the truth.
They want doors OPENED, and a new future OPENED, and a new destiny OPENED to their life.
This little mlm recruiting secret will help address that concern the mlm prospect might have when you are talking to them.
(NOTE: Here is a post that is a powerful post on Closing the prospect:)
“How to Close ANY MLM Prospect in 5 Seconds Flat”
Here is a powerful MLM Recruiting truth that has proven to be what I call a “Velvet Sledgehammer:”
MLM Recruiting Secret:
The Best INSURANCE is REASSURANCE when recruiting a home business prospect.
People are looking for “Destiny Insurance.”
They are not looking for “The Same ol same ol Life as it always has been Insurance.”
They are looking to be “insured’ and no matter what happens, they will be ok, with their income, jobs, housing, mortgage, and cars.
They are looking for “Lifestyle Insurance.”
Some are even looking for “Excuse Insurance” —so their excuses will be valid during these tough times and they can continue to use them.
If you are worried about protecting your business from false claims or culprits then their is Insync Insurance to protect your business.
But the best insurance for today’s tough times is REASSURANCE that reassures the prospect that they will be ok, they will be moving forward, and they will be in a BETTER PLACE next year then they are now- by working with you.
This is a Leaders’ way of communicating and directing the prospect to your business.
People are looking for Reassurance in their life direction.
Say this: “I understand that you are concerned- but let me assure you that you do not have to feel that way, as there is an incredible answer that has proven to be amazing with helping people like you and me . It is taking control with your own business from home. How would you like to never have to worry about money again? How does partnering up an building a big business sound? ”
People are looking to be reassured that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS– they will be fine and their family will be as well.
Reassure your prospect- to insure – their moving forward with you in your mlm network marketing home business.
FREE Recruiting 101 Webinar- Watch it now FREE! (a $97.00 Value!)
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- “Social Recruiting Power”- over 50 secrets!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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