Would You Like To Build A Million Dollar Business or Even Income?

Would You Like to Build a Million Dollar Business or Even Income? MLM Home Business Training Resources

Home Business Training- Are You a RESULTS or METHOD Person?

home business results

home business mlm results


In a home business in network marketing, Results RULE. No doubt.

So do Methods with a lot of people.

Methods are taught, discussed, argued, ignored, and engaged every day.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of apparent understanding between the 2, may folks are having a challenge with their home business.

Are you struggling? Are you having a difficult time with your home based business?

Maybe this training can help clarify what the problem is, and maybe change your perspective of who you should be and what you should focus on.

Many people today in Home business and Network Marketing do not understand why they are struggling in their mlm business.

And many folks are either because they blame the recession, the government, the profession itself.. They do what they believe they need to do, but yet their home business results are not what they want in MLM.

Is that happening to you? Are you experiencing some results that maybe well…..stink?

There are many different types of people in MLM and Network Marketing, from CEOs of Corporations, to Stay at Home Moms, to those who are just getting their careers started and even folks who are just loving connecting with new people on social media sites. And within all of these great folks, there is a secret that we discovered years ago while working a home business very hard.

There are many different types of automobiles out on the road, and many different types of outfits and suits and jeans to wear. Many of them sell well, and others not so well.

There are many different kinds of places to eat out in the world, and some make big money, and others struggle everyday to keep the doors open and the bills paid.

There are many network marketers that are out really working everyday and working very hard, and some making great money, while the largest portion of home business owners do not.

Here is a Million Dollar Question:

What is the difference between all of these great folks, and what they seemingly are doing? What makes the ones that are doing great different than the ones who are not? Many folks have given a lot of potential answers to this question  in Network Marketing, and many answers truly are great!

But we at DFTI have been observing over the last 15 years how people function and live in life, and also in success. It is the same with MLM and a Home Based Business. All people want to Succeed in Network Marketing, but few actually do at the level they really want to.

It does not have to be that way.

If you will look at other similar but yet different entrepreneurial ventures, it is the same as in Real Estate and Insurance, and Stock Brokerage. All that enter into those wonderful enterprises want to make it work. And most want to make it work huge. But the truth is, most never make it work at all, as they have fallen prey to a Secret that I ran across 15 years ago, and it has made all the difference in the world as far as Success in my life I have been blessed with.

I call this amazing little secret that has guided my life for several years as well as Success:

 “The RMR- Results-Method Reality.”

This little secret that made such a difference in my life, can make a huge difference in your life. It can change everything about you, and your business, and how you view life. It can change all aspects of your Network Marketing business, and even how you approach it and engage it. It can even change people around you just by being around you.

Ok, what is the “Results- Method Reality?”

Understand this:

There are two types of people in this business and two types only — Method people and Results people.

The difference between the two is huge in everything they do.

1) Method people choose the method they are willing to use and accept the results.

2) Results people choose the results they want, and accept whatever method it takes to obtain them.

Method people’s favorite song is “I did it My Way and got what I could!”

Results people’s favorite song is “Whatever I Need to do to get the Results I want!”

Method folks have a tendency to work Network Marketing on THEIR TERMS, and expect Network Marketing to bow to their ways of doing business.

MLM demands a certain concept and model of working, and being a certain mindset, and if you do not work within that concept and model, and be who you need to be, then Network Marketing can be a very frustrating experience for you.

Results people are focused totally on what results they want, while method people are focused on how they want to do this business, and what is comfortable.

Results people refuse to focus on comfort, but focus on construction. They want to construct a business no matter what it takes or how long it takes.

And the biggest difference between Results people and Method folks, is HEART.

Results people seem to have the heart to make it happen, while method people seem to have the heart to make it easier.

That alone is a Million Dollar Difference in the approach to this business. Most millionaires in Network Marketing are RESULTS people. Rare are the mlm millionaires that are Method people.

If you are going to be a powerful and successful home business leader in Network Marketing, may I suggest you become a results person, and use whatever method it takes to achieve your dreams. That is what we call “total personal leadership” — the direct result of leading and moving yourself past all the limitations you harbor in your heart, and creating things in your life as never before.

Leaders relentlessly prospect, approach, present, follow up, and sign up new people. And then they teach their distributors to go out and do the same thing, and look for the same results.

You MUST train on the methods of how to do this business, but do not get lost in that. Become a Results person, and accept whatever it takes, however long it takes,and whatever path it takes, to Succeed in Network Marketing.

If you give MLM and Network Marketing all you got, then it will in return, give you all it has.

And that is called a great answer to getting wealthy in MLM and Network Marketing. If you do own a home business, focus on taking ACTION and getting the results you WANT by doing what it TAKES for home based business success.

That is what millionaires do. Whatever it takes to get the Successful RESULTS in their home business.

Are you looking for more RESULTS in your home business prospecting? Click here

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011   all rights reserved

Social Network Marketing Training? THIS is HOT!  Click here

Home Business Training- What are You RADIATING about YOU to Your Prospect?

home business success

home business success

Many people in a home business do not understand the incredible power of what THEY ARE FEELING FROM YOU.

You may not know it, or even realize it, but you RADIATE something FROM YOU and IN YOU that impacts people in a powerful way.

Good or bad.

Often the “Radiation” that comes from us determines a LOT of what people decide to do.


And it happens more often that you think.

Here is a quote I recently put out:

“What people sense about you is often more important than what they hear from you. Your presence is your silent calling card, either in person or on the phone. What is your presence saying to your prospect?”

People have a sense about things.

They have a sense that guides them and directs them in many ways. Especially when it comes to making decisions to do things or not do things.

And they can tell quickly what you are really up to, and whether they want to talk to you or not about your home business, products, or anything else.

What SHOULD they be sensing about you?

What SHOULD they be perceiving ABOUT YOU?

Simple….they need to sense:

You are there to SOLVE A PROBLEM and HELP THEM move their life forward and upward by Caring, Sharing, and Solving.


No exceptions.

No other alternative.

THAT is the SUCCESS FOCUS of an MLM Network Marketing home business.

You are NOT there for a TRANSACTION.

 You are there for a TRANSFORMATION – whose fruit could LEAD to a transaction.

A Transformation in their weight, health, skin, income, self imae, and lifestyle. YOU are there to take their life to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL by taking their HOPE and POSSIBILITIES to a level that they have only dreamed.

Paint a picture with your words of how great life is going to be working with you.

Paint a picture with your words of their lifestyle being transformed right before their eyes.

Paint a picture with your words of their DESTINY being one of amazing potential.

THAT will be so magnetic that they will listen to anything you have to say about your home business.

Now THAT makes a LOT of sense!

Your presence is powerful. Make sure that it is radiating SUCCESS in your home based business.

Here is a Billion Dollars Worth of Prospecting Training!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Network Marketeing Secrets- for Social Media Success!

Home Business Training- The Success Power of STARTING

home business start

home business success start


In a home based business, there is NO more powerful Success secret than THE START.

Many people are stopped by the Start in MLM.They let their fears and old emotions get in the way and never really START the process of Success. Oh…they may start to INTEND to do something, but yet never get around to it.

Is that YOU?

 Do you have a challenge of simply getting the key in the ignition and starting your Success Engine? You may think you are not ENOUGH, or do not HAVE ENOUGH, or maybe simply are not SMART ENOUGH.

Does NOT matter. I love this quote from one of our Presidents:

“Do what you can, with what you have, with where you are…”
Theodore Roosevelt


Just start.

Nike says it — “Just Do It!(tm)”

We say “Just Start!”

Doesn’t matter if you do not have all the education, training, tools or Success manuals for a Successful home business.

Doesn’t matter if timing isn’t perfect for a home business. Many times it will not be.

Doesn’t matter if you are not in the perfect place to do what your heart burns for, and has dream for, whether massive success, or massive lifestyle.

Start. Now.

The least known people in the world who got started years ago, now are millionaires/billionaires.

Steve Jobs.

He started Apple Computer — totally underfunded, understaffed, misunderstood.

But he got underway.

He Started.

Bill Gates.

He started. Well, you know, that Seattle company. He started in a dorm room, with no money, and only one gear:

Success OverDrive. And his drive is what got him over the tough spots.

He Started.

Michael Jordan.He started. And was stopped several times, but he kept starting over, and over. And well, you know. He did pretty good.

Boy did He Start!

And the list is endless.

All great Successes have one thing in common:

A Starting point. An Ignition. A Spark. A first step.

What are you not starting? And why aren’t you? Isn’t it TIME you STARTED heading towards a massive home business and quit playing around with it?

What is holding you back?

Fear? Doubt? Lack of Self Esteem? Lack of Knowledge? Bad Parents? Bad Childhood? Bad hair Day?

No Money? No Time? No Credit? No help? No education? No Way?

All the “Pat” excuses that everyone accepts as a “reasonable” factor not to do anything?


The average say, “Come on! Let’s be REASONABLE and not live in a fantasy world! Success is for others! Not in our family!”

There is no “Reasonable” with Creating Massive Success. Successful people are some of the most unreasonable people on earth. They refuse to listen to other’s reason for mediocrity and giving up.

Only the “Unreasonable” create new destinies for their life, and for thousands of others, and change becomes their mantra.

Reasonable is staying put. Unreasonable is Starting Power.

There are No excuses for not starting.

You wanna know what Start stands for?

“Success Taking Action (that) Removes Timidity.”

That’s why you need to Start.

The timid will never RULE in the marketplace.

What’s the VERY FIRST THING you need to do to create your Success Dream and Passion in your Life with your network marketing company?

Write it down.

Break it down into the 3-4 tasks required to complete it.

See it on the Movie Screen in your Mind as Successful.

Review it and Rehearse it on your “Screen”, over and over.

Get 2 pieces of paper.

On one, write all the reasons you cannot do this and succeed.

On the the other piece, write all the reasons you MUST do this and succeed.

NOW– Tear one of them up.

And if you chose the reasons you MUST Succeed:

Start. Just Start.

There’s where the Success Magnet is:

Being Totally, Radically, Absolutely Unreasonable in your Achievement and Success pursuit in your home business. Your STARTING will make such a powerful difference in your mind set and attitude it will blow you away.

GET SERIOUS and just START and watch your Success explode in your mlm home business!

Never fear Prospecting Again! Here is how to EXPLODE your Leads that want to talk to you!


Doug Firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

What are the Secrets to Billion Dollar Prospecting?

Home Business-The One Secret to Mastering the Phone?

mlm phone fear

home business phone fear

Home business success

can be quite trying at times. it was for me.

Especially when it came to the telephone. I was not a fan of calling people. It took me a while to get the hang of it and nearly hung me with it’s cord.

I could not for the life of me get past the fear of picking up the phone. It was strange.

 Until I figured out some things that  made it easier and much more lucrative.

Even in social media. You must take it offline sometime. And calling people you have already established contact with can be harrowing at times. It has happened many times to many people.

So….what you are saying is that you are having somewhat the same trouble as I did?

Welcome to this elite club my friend! Most folks go through this and it can be quite frustrating.

Ledt me tell you what happens…You look at the telephone and weird things start to happen? Sound familiar?

Let me see — I bet I can describe it. I went through it, and fortunately now teach how to conquer it for Home Business MLM and Network Marketing.

1) You get a knot in your stomach.

2) You get anxious and start dreading the call.

3) You actually start sweating and heart pounds.

4) You begin to think of other things you need to do.

5) You decide to go do them.

Sound famliar?

That is what I used to do constantly until one day we realized some things that made a HUGE difference in our phone calls in home  business network marketing. When the “light went on” and we actually understood the Psychology of the Telephone, it made all the difference in the world.

On the telphone in mlm, your job really is to do one thing:


Your job is to talk to people and separate people into 2 groups:

People that are OPEN to new ideas.

People that are not open to new ideas.

How simple. How profound.

And the ones that are not open to new ideas right now, are simply people you put in your ‘later’ file. You are a messenger, and every phone call is simply a delivery vehicle.

 Either way, you have been successful at separating the people you talk to in network marketing.

And combine that with these three relizations, you will find some relief with Phone Struggle.

Here are the 3 realizations we had about the telephone in home business network marketing and what the REALITY is, versus what we think we are doing.

1) ALL a phone call is, is a CONVERSATION

That is it. It is simply a conversation that you have done a thousand times before. And the secret to getting past the phone phobia in MLM is to have NO agenda for the call except to hold a conversation with the person and see if they are open to a new idea.

That is it. You want to talk to them and see if they are open to a new idea that would help them. If they are not open, then talk about them. If they are open, then ask some questions about what they are looking to happen in their life and what they would like to improve. Have no agenda, except to help people, and if you can great. If you cannot, great. You have still held a conversation that went well.

2) Understand that all phone phobia is based on the fear of the wrong results.

If you knew you would get all yeses, then you would call people 24/7. But you know that you will not, so you get scared.

How about changing your paradigm?

How about looking at the phone call NOT from a results standpoint, but a PRACTICE standpoint, and you are calling people to practice and get better, and sharpen your skills? Results are partly a fruit of a good skill set and why not get better at it while you work?

Here is a Truth:

You are NOT in charge of results. You are only in charge of getting better at the phone which will improve your results dramatically.

Are you in the market currently for a $400,000 Bentley? No? If a friend of yours who is marketing them calls you and tells you about them, have they done something wrong? Just because they do not sell you one, should they quit selling them? Of course not. You simply were not in the market right now for one.

It is the same thing with your Home Business. Some people simply will not be in the market for the products or business you are marketing.

Do not worry about results. They will come. Worry about getting better, and getting an expertise in using the telephone that you can train your downline with.

3) Realize that Fear of the Phone is also an opinion. A wrong one.

You are calling to hold a conversation with someone to HELP THEM, not sell them or recruit them. Many people look at using the telephoine in network marketing as “bothering my friends.” That is an opinion in error. How can you bother friends when you calling to see if you can help them?

You do not know if they are who you are looking for, and if your mlm products and services are what they need. You are not bothering them, but offering them a message with some new information that could possibly help their life.

Make your opinion count. Get out of the “bother zone’ and into the “message zone.” You are NOT bothering peoeple. You are HELPING them. If your message is not received, then they are not open to new ideas. It is that simple.

Your job is to find out if they are open or not.


Look at the phone.

Touch it.

This is your conversation tool. This is your Wealth Vault and holds the keys to a lot of money in your life and other’s lives.

Your job is to call people and talk about THEM, and see if they are open to a new idea.

You are not in charge of results, and you are not in charge of what they say. You are in charge of talking about them and what is BEST FOR THEM.

Dial the number.

Start your normal conversation and ask about their life, family, and job.

Ask for their help. You need some people to try your products.

If they say yes- you have succeeded. They are open to new ideas.

If they say no, you have succeeded. You have found that they are not open to new ideas.

Are you bleeding or need a doctor? No?

See? Do this over and over, and hold conversations with people about them and what is best for them. You will find your phone phobia going away.

I would suggest if you are looking to master the telephone, then start by getting past your fear of the phone. That has been stopping a lot of folks recently and I wanted to address this issue! Become a telephone master in your MLM Home Business!

 Here is a GREAT Resource training to master the telephone!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Home Business Training- 5 Reasons Why You Hear the Word “NO?”

home business NO

home business NO


Home business entrepreneurs have to understand that they will run up against resistance.

I do mean Resistance. But not the kind that is physical. It is more mental and psychological. It is more emotional. But it is as devastating to some people as actually physical resistance.

It comes in the form of the word “NO.” Yeah yeah. I can hear you now. “I HATE the word NO!”

Ok…but do you KNOW WHY that you are getting that answer a lot? Have you studied the reasons why? Maybe I can help you understand better why this is happening.

Many people that have a home business face the fact that they get a never ending string of No’s  and never really understand why. They end up getting discouraged, and then many simply walk away  because they cannot handle the negative outcomes that keeps their MLM business in the doldrums.

Why do people continue to think that what they are doing is going to work if it isn’t working NOW? Amazingly, they continue to say and do the same things over and over and expect different results.

Yeah right. As if that is going to work.

And one of the biggest reasons that they get the word NO more than YES, is they do not understand why the prospect tells them NO. It really is quite simple to understand. But the average distributor/consultant does not think of that. They have an agenda and will stick to that agenda no matter what.

 That is why they are average. Ahem.

They simply do not connect to the reality that what they are doing is encouraging the prospect
to say NO, not YES.

What if you could discover the 5 Biggest reasons that prospects say No?

 Would that make a difference in your Success efforts? Of course it would. You have a goal of Success in your home business. But your prospect’s results are going to determine how your business goes.

So should you care about why they are telling you NO? OF COURSE! And that is the reason why for this article. So what are the 5 reasons why prospect’s tell you NO?

1) Lack of Perceived or Thought of  VALUE.

One of the biggest mistakes made in networking and in home businesses, is not creating enough VALUE in what you are saying. You need to create extreme VALUE with your products, business, and especially your Leadership.

It is ALL ABOUT VALUE. No matter if it is social media, offline or internet marketing.

Value is what people are looking for. Value is what people are expecting. Value is what people demand, and if you do not create that with your conversation, then you probably are headed for the NO ZONE.

The NO ZONE is where lack of Value lives, and does it’s ugly work.

2) Bad Timing in the Prospect’s Life.

Many prospect’s life is not conducive for having a networking home business. Not every one has the perfect time for that. Some prospect’s have things going on in their life that you may not know about. Divorce. Finding a new job. Relationship challenges with kids. Parental challenges. Emotional challenges.

Many people have different things in their life going on that may prevent them from joining you in your business, or even purchasing a product. Don’t freak if that happens. They may even be in an emotional funk. That is ok. That will pass. You can talk to them again. Don’t get all upset and depressed.

Just go to the next name on your list.

3) Prospect does not feel comfortable with you.

OUCH!  This one HURTS!

You may not sense it. You may not feel it. You may be oblivious to it. But it is there. The body language. The looking away. The silence. Not returning your phone calls.

Sometimes, the prospect simply does not feel comfortable with you. You really have done nothing wrong. You may have done a lot of things right. But yet,they do not feel comfortable with you. If this happens, and they say NO, ask them a simple question” “Help me understand this, Did I do something wrong in the process of sharing this with you?”

Odds are they will not tell you the truth, but they will know that you sense something that is not right. Move on to the next prospect and connect to that prospect in a powerful way.

4) They are Assuming the Wrong Things.

Many prospects assume that they have already heard this “pitch” before, and lump you into all the other network presentations they have heard. They assume you are no different. They assume you are only after their money. They assume you are not a professional. They assume you will disappear like all the others did.


Keep in touch and let them know of the updates as well as the Success you experience. Do not let their assuming that you are like all the others become the truth. Do something different. Be a professional. Stay in touch. Do not beg. Forget the business. Focus on the relationship.

You will be glad you did.

5) Bad Experience with a previous Company or Product.

“My mind is made up. Do NOT confuse me with the truth. I am living in the past.”

That is the slogan for these folks.

They simply do want to listen to you as they are still stinging from the last one that did not work. Or the last network marketing product that did not work. Or the last promise that did not work. Or the last person that became a part of the witness protection plan.

If someone tells you NO because they have had a bad experience with another home business company or product- say this:

‘Thank you for sharing that with me and I am so sorry. That is not right for anyone to get treated like that. Please tell me what happened as I do care about this and would like to make it up somehow…that is just not right.” And then listen to the prospect and let them talk. Many times they will talk themselves into doing business with you. Happened to me a lot.

Do not think it will work? Try it. You will be surprised.

These are the 5 Biggest reasons why prospects tell you NO. Learn them, and then turn them into something that will work FOR YOU- not against. Many times a NO is simply a “NOT NOW” in your Networking Home Business. Keep in touch, and keep in the Success Road.

NO is NOT the final word in many instances. They say “NO” because they do not “KNOW” yet. Sometimes, it takes more information, more education, sampling the product, another three way call, another post or video. This is critical that you NEVER accept NO as the final word.

NO = Not Now.  Try again in the future. And keep focused on the ultimate goal: Getting a string of YESES for your home based business.

How do you turn your business around in 1 Minute or Less?

Blessings…Doug Firebaugh

(c)  2011 all rights reserved

MLM Home Business Network Marketing

Home Business Training- Top 10 Mistakes Made in MLM Network Marketing?

Top 10 MLM Mistakes

Home Business Top 10 Mistakes

For Home Business success, it is very important to know WHAT TO DO in network marketing.

No doubt.

if you do not know what to do, then you will find yourself chasing your tail and accomplishing very little. I know. I did that for 3 years. Fortunately there are great uplines as well as trainers that can teach you EXACTLY what to do in your home business including social media, recruiting, internetwork marketing, prospecting, team building, and other topics.


Sometimes it is as good to know what NOT TO DO as well. Mistakes in this profession can not only kill your business, but also your dreams and ambition for Success. if i had not studied Success and leadership, and understood this, I might not be writing this today. I might be flipping hamburgers or something. You never KNOW!

Over the last 25 years, I have found there are 10 big mistakes that are made over and over, and most often do not realize they are making them. So to help you in your MLM Home Business, here are the Top 10 Mistakes that are made in MLM and Network Marketing home business:

1) Listening to People Who Have Never Succeeded.


People that have never really succeeded at anything in their life suddenly become the authority on Success, and try to talk you out of this amazing profession. Do NOT let that happen, as that is like listening to a garage mechanic when you have a serious heart problem- or a tree farmer when you have need of surgery- or vice versa.

Listen to those who have done it and are willing to help you in your home business. I cannot tell you how many people told me not to waste my time when I got started. These people nearly pulled me out of this home business profession. Today, they look at  me and say I got “lucky” and could not repeat the Success.

Wrong. It is amazing how people are when you prove them wrong. Even your family.

2) Talking About the Past and what has Not Happened – Constantly.

Folks- THE PAST is OVER. MOVE ON. Do NOT dwell in the past. It is history. LEARN from the past- but do not re-live it or live in it everyday. It simply is too damaging to your dreams for your home business in MLM.

The secret to succeeding outrageously during hard times is keeping you and your prospects- FORWARD FOCUSED. Keep them looking toward where you are TAKING THEM– not what has already taken them.

Did you GET THAT? Keep them focused on where you are taking them- not what someone has said or got them to believe that has taken them for a ride of mediocrity in life.

3) Saying You are Going to Keep Trying.

Although it is Noble and admirable, THAT is a mistake! As trying in network marketing promotes weakness and is bound for mediocrity and will never be anything except the language for the failure.

There is no TRY- it is either ENGAGE- to not. It is either TAKE ACTION or not .

If you take action saying “I am going to try,” then what you are really saying is “I am going to give a half hearted effort and see what happens.”

How about- “I am going to hit this one out of the park – no matter what anyone says. I am finished trying- I am now in the Victory Mode!”

People will FEEL that from you- and respond accordingly. People follow winners and Leaders.

4) Talking to the Same Market.

Get out of your comfort zone in your home business market- and go find some people you don’t know and change their lives. Quit talking with people in the same mindset as everyone else that has told you NO. Get out- interrupt your pattern you have developed- and start a new one.

Get Uncomfortable- as that is the secret to Success in a Home Business. Talk to people you do not know to stretch your possibilities and grow your skills.

Hold 2 Conversations a day with NEW people you do not know. CONNECT with them in the social media arena, or out in the grocery store. Now you are talking a wealth mindset.

The 2 Most important 2 words to create New Success: “New Conversations.”

5) Continuing using the Same language that has proven NOT to Work.

Patterns and Routines can kill your success. Especially one that do NOT WORK.

Many people will continue to talk themselves out of this business. They will continue to say, “I hope this works,” “Well, I will see what happens,” “I am just not good at this.”

WRONG! You are GREAT at this!

Release that part of you deep inside. Quit talking the language of the Mediocre and putting yourself down. When you do that, unknowingly, you are programming yourself for that to happen.

Change your language- and focus.

Start focusing on what you are going to SUCCEED at. Start talking your “Success Language.” “This next quarter is going to be the best 3 months of my life- and my business is going to be INCREDIBLE- no matter what recession happens. I am going to show people how to thrive during it.”

6) Going the Same Places as You Always Have.

Change your locations that you do business. WHAT??? I LOVE My grocery store. Great. Just go to a different one for some frozen food and start new conversations with people you do not know.

Folks,  THIS INCLUDES Social Media. Find new niche sites. Find new social networking sites that few are working. Find new groups on facebook and LinkedIn and join them, and then start befriending them.

LEARN THIS: The Huge Success  you are looking for will be hidden in conversations that you were afraid to Start.

7) Thinking You are a Part Time Distributor or Consultant.

You are in a part time wealth vehicle. And you are NOT just a part time rep. You are working a secondary business that will end up being your primary income. (READ THAT AGAIN.)

If you just got that- then people will start feeling something totally different in your words- and start responding in a different manner as well.

MYTH: You have to leave your kids and family to work this business as it needs to be worked!

Wrong. You do NOT have to constantly leave your life and go and work this business leaving your family behind. That is a formula for stress and guilt. You work this business as you live your life. You take it with you. You leave it behind with people. You let it talk while you do what you do when you are living your life.

It is called ‘Lifestyle Marketing.” You live your lifestyle and work your business as you do. Let off the pressure and guilt. Live your life- and take your business with you and talk to people as you are out and about. Talk to people about who they know. Talk to people about how you love your secondary business- as it is portable and flexible.

You will FEEL SO Much better. People will be thinking, ” Now, I can do THAT!”

9) Following Up, and NOT Following Through.

Most people do not know this, but when you think “follow up,” you are totally agenda driven and people FEEL that in your words and in your actions. It has a “I want something” tone to it.

A “Follow through” is a SHIFT– and it is not wanting something- but COMPLETING something. And psychologically, people will respond to that in a much more powerful fashion. We taught that to our Leaders for years- and they ‘got it.”

The secret to Phil Mickelson’s mind boggling golf game- according to him- is his Follow Through. If your follow through is great, everything before it worked too. He COMPLETES the golf swing– not just takes one.

Follow through has a whole different feel to the prospect than follow up. If you do that, you will see what I mean. People LOVE the Feeling of someone completing something.

Why? Many folks simply do not so that.

10) Thinking it is what you DO that will create Success for you the Next 90 Days.

Let me be clear about something- ALL actions taken produce results. Right or Wrong. Most people get the wrong results continually.


It is NOT about taking action that will produce Success for you in the next 90 days. Millions will take action and still struggle in their home business– with network marketing, social media, internet marketing, and whatever they do.

It is NOT about Action- but what is BEHIND THE ACTION.

It is not that a race car can go 250 miles per hours that is pushing it. It is what is behind it and inside of it that makes that possible. Same way for an athlete. It is what is BEHIND the action and Inside of it that drives it. It is the same way in a great presentation. It is the emotion BEHIND it that drives it. Same way in Networking.

It is how you PURPOSELY SEE the result in your mind-which then takes over and influences your actions dramatically-almost “programming” of sorts what will happen. It is kind of cool how God made that, and it really is powerful.

Image the Success result that you want in an action and then once you have soaked your brain with it continually- then take the action- expecting that result. If it does not work a once- keep going, it will. Been doing that for years.

Actions are great to take- no doubt- but Imaged Actions are the type of actions that TAKE YOU- to a whole new level of result.

These are the Top 10 Mistakes that Many Distributors Make in MLM and Network Marketing Are YOU?

May I suggest that you do not in your Network marketing home business. AVOID these mistakes at ALL COST. No matter if you are only doing ONE- get rid of it. It will make a big difference in your home business success.

Triple the Number of Leads you have OVERNIGHT- GUARANTEED!

blessings…..doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Home Business Training Resources special!

Home Business Training- A Billion Dollar Paradigm Shift?

home business billion dollars

home business billion dollars

Home business

success requires growth and transformation along the way, no doubt.

Many people today play with their home business.

They refuse to GROW and STRETCH themselves like they should. They need to create a paradigm shift that will take their Thinking, Belief, Expectations, and RESULTS to a level they never thought possible.

If you do that one thing- people will start RESPONDING to you differently. They will be more positive as they will FEEL a level of Success they do not have in their life. You may not be there yet yourself, but you must create that paradigm shift in your mind.

But a BILLION DOLLAR Paradigm Shift?


That is what happened to me with the 7 Billion Dollar Networker.He totally shifted my paradigm from thinking MILLIONS to BILLIONS in home business volume.

Think about the change and the level of thinking that would require from someone. A Billion dollars is a LOT of volume and money. So is a Million dollars, but what a shift in thinking that does to you.

When I made the Billion Dollar Shift in the mid 90s it was awesome. I started thinking much bigger and expecting much bigger. And it showed in how people responded to my conversations. “Billion” was not a part of most people’s perspective, and it really STRETCHED people in their home based business.

What about YOU?

What about thinking about doing a BILLION DOLLARS in volume in your home business?

Does it seem POSSIBLE?

Does it feel like it would FORCE YOU TO GROW?

It makes you MAGNETIC.

It would DRAW people towards you, as most do NOT talk billions. And when you tell someone that your goal is to help the company build a Billion Dollar Business….

THAT will get people’s attention in a whole new way. Your home business would take on a whole new level of image and power.

Have YOU thought of moving into the Billion Dollar Zone?

The first time I was introduced to think a Billion Dollars, I laughed. It was so foreign and out of reach. I was struggling to pay bills. But once I got a hold of it and understood that it is just a different and higher level of conversation, it eventually started feeling normal and natural.

And since then, and because I embraced the possibility…I have been blessed to build a Billion Dollar Success story.

Billion Dollar Prospecting is about that ONE THING:

Moving your prospecting success to a level that maybe may feel uncomfortable, but I can tell you- it will transform who you are when you move to that level.

Yeah, you may get the nay sayers and the neg-heads as I call them. But you will start seeing what is REALLY possible in your home business and MLM.

Do YOU have the gumption and the GUTS to take it to a Billion Dollar Level and Zone?

 If you do, then you will enroll in the Billion Dollar Prospecting Course.

Do NOT be just the “freebies” takers that are not willing to invest in their home based business. Most people spend more than 37.00 at a dinner that is unhealthy and will not change anything their  life.

Folks, we are talking LIFE Transforming here and Business Transforming education.

I encourage you to move to the Billion Dollar Level of Success! That is what Billion Dollar Prospecting will do- take your Lead generation to a whole new level and create a radical prospecting paradigm shift.

But do you have the GUTS to DO JUST THAT? 

ENROLL NOW in the Billion Dollar Prospecting Course…


It’s TIME to GET SERIOUS Folks.   NOW! If I did not think this would help your business — I would not be talking about it.

If you are in network marketing, start RISING to the Level of a Billion Dollars at least in your mind. That is so critical as it will set you apart from the  majority of people in network marketing. YOU are the BEST and deserve the best that life has to offer. RISE to the Billion Dollar Level NOW!

That thinking and belief level alone will start transforming your Success in your MLM Home Business!

blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Home Business Training Resources that IGNITE your business

Network Marketing- The Words that Turned My Business Around in 30 Seconds?

billion dollar words mlm

mlm billion dollar words

Network Marketing

Home  Business Success can be a challenge to say the least.

I used to be the world’s most prolific quitter of this network marketing business.

Or at least was. 

 I quit on the average about 4 times a month when I was in the fire of things and recruiting like crazy.

Let me clarify….when I was struggling like crazy.

Sound all too familiar?

I often said “This is stupid. I am NO good a this. I can make more money bagging groceries.” And then I would think for a while and then decide to try again.

And I tried.

And I tried.

And I tried.

And I got REAL tired of trying network marketing and nothing happening. My home based business was becoming a Home BOMB Business because I was bombing out big time.

For the life of me, I could not think of why everything I was trying…was not working. Folks, I am talking for THREE LONG YEARS- I was like Moses in the desert.

I tried everything.

All I was getting was a bunch of sand.

Then my mentor, who I call “The 7 Billion Dollar Networker” said something one day that hit me like a ton of bricks. I always had a tremendous amount of respect for his genius in this business. But that one day, my respect for him grew even more because of what he said.

He simply said, “Trying something guarantees weakness. There is  no power in trying. I have watched you as you ‘ve tried this business for over 3 years. Quit trying and start DOING what needs to be done and do it powerfully. DOING is 1000 times more likely to Succeed than  just trying.”


Those words changed my whole career in the Home business profession.

And all it took was 30 seconds for him to turn my business totally around. THAT was a Divine Revelation and a Power Boost for my Home Business Success that is STILL working in my network marketing success.

Want to Discover How To Turn Your Business Around in Less than 1 Minute?

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

25 Little Known Ways to Drive traffic to your website

Home Business- Are You Talking OPTIONS When Recruiting in MLM?

home business options

home business options

Home Business

Success Wisdom:

“Options in life are the Magnet to a home business.
Most people lack options for anything else except

what they are doing. Having a powerful OPTION
for more income alone can make you MAGNETIC.”

Doug Firebaugh
Talk OPTIONS with your home business.

Income options.

House options.

Car options.

Vacation options.

Career options.

Dream options.

Success options.

Revenue options.

Destiny options.

Life options.

Options are part of the GOLD of a powerful network marketing home business.

Simply ask what their options are if their income should stop or if they even have any.

“Just curious…what options have you planned for you and your family if your income should suddenly go away tomorrow?”

A “Security Option” for an income – is a powerful option to have and to bring up.

“Have you ever considered a Security Option your your Income?”

You can provide that security option with your mlm home business.



3 CONTENT RICH Training FR-EE Bonuses!

Private Training Course to Accelerate your business:

  “How to Turn the Lazy Days of Summer into a Sponsoring Tsunami!”

a 3 HOUR Content Rich webinar!  Check it Out as thousands already have:

Explode your Home Business With the Remaining Summer days!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Explode your Prospecting and Leads Generation NOW!