MLM Recruiting LInkedIn- How I Average 2 Linkedin Prospects a Day Contacting Me


linkedin recruitng mlm

linkedin recruiting secrets


LInkedIn Recruiting for home business is one of the most powerful ways to create an endless flow of HIGH QUALITY leads for your business.

 You only need ONE High Quality Lead for every 50 leads anywhere else! They are GOLD for your home based  business and income.



CREAM of the CROP.


And ALL are looking to NETWORK.

 How would You like a steady flow of High Quality Leads contacting you daily asking about your business and products?

 I average anywhere between 1 to 3 High Quality leads a day- CONTACTING ME for information on what I do and if I can help them.

 That is what is on LinkedIn folks- High Quality Leads and prospects! And if you know how, you can get more leads and business from LinkedIn then you can handle. You read that right.

 Just last night, I had someone email me about the possibilities speaking at a seasonal event in December. Then they mentioned about discussing possibly speaking  next June at a National Conference. They got my information on LinkedIn.

 What would that be worth to you HONESTLY if you had anywhere between 30 and 90 HIGH QUALITY leads EVERY MONTH for your home business and MLM?

 I think you would agree it would help dramatically.

Yes, you need other social sites as well, but there is NO BETTER PLACE for High Quality Leads then LinkedIn.

 How does this happen on LinkedIn for me? And how can it happen for YOU?

 There are what we call “The 3 V’s” of LinkedIn that you must be and practice which will set you above most people, and set you up for those kinds of High Quality leads seeking you out.


 You MUST be Visible on LinkedIn in many areas. You must understand the culture of LinkedIn – NETWORKING. And if you create a Visibility that people see you a LOT and learn that you are a “GO TO” person in your field, you will get a TON of leads on LinkedIn.

 Here is an Inmail I recently received:

 “Doug, I see that you are a consultant in the home business profession. I am a VP of Field Development for  <      >    I was wondering what your services include and do you do Social Media Workshops for Party Plan companies? Please let me know. I am interested in talking with you if you do.”

 Maria S.

 This is just one example of the High Quality leads that are possible for you if you are VISIBLE with your LinkedIn Profile and also networking.


 Being Visible is important, but being seen as Valuable is IMPERATIVE.

 High Quality Leads are looking for High Quality Answer and Solutions on LinkedIn. And you have a GREAT opportunity to create a Valuable Presence in your niche or profession with your words, connections, contribution, and presence on LinkedIn.

 Valuable to prospects is to be seen as AN AUTHORITY and also a Solution resource for the challenges that your prospects have and your products solve. If you are daily seen as an Expert and Professional, people will SEEK YOU OUT as they do our company.

 Become Valuable to people with SOLUTIONS, ANSWERS, INFORMATION, and FRIENDSHIP..


 Prospects must see you as VIABLE. This means that you will be in business NEXT YEAR and the following year. That is what a High Quality lead is looking for- to build a possible Relationship. Yes, they are looking for answers, but also Long term connections.

 You must be seen as a Viable Resource for information and solutions that can HELP MOVE PEOPLE BEYOND where they are. That is what your products, business, and expertise does. And if you are seen as Viable and Serious about your profession, people will SEEK YOU OUT.

 There are many secrets to becoming Visible, Valuable, and Viable that result in daily High Quality Leads seeking you out. And these prospects have the money to solve their problems as well. That is NOT an issue on LinkedIn.

 If you would like to take your business to a higher level and actually experience what I am blessed to everyday – with high Quality Leads contacting me for possible business-then I would suggest attending the “LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets 101” webinar Next Thursday September 22 at 8 PM est.

 Could you use 1 to 3 people contacting you DAILY asking about your business? Happens to my Private Clients daily as well as myself.

 A # 1 Corporate Recruiter in the nation for a Recruitment firm has helped me put this together, and it is incredibly powerful stuff.

 And the PRICE GOES UP THIS WEEKEND folks- so DO NOT DELAY. There are ONLY 250 seats and once they are gone- they are gone. And even if you register after the fact for the replay of the webinar- you will not receive the insane bonuses that you will get if you register NOW.

 Learn how to PULL High Quality Leads daily to contact you like I have been blessed to do- with the LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets 101 webinar.

 It will change your business and lead generation! Again, tuition is going up THIS WEEKEND.

 You CANNOT AFFORD NOT to attend for it will transform your home business!


blessings…doug frebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Endless leads on LinkedIn? READ THIS!



MLM Training Videos- How to Never Get a NO- Part 5

MLM Network Marketing Home Business Training Video “How to Never Get a NO part 5”

Socal Network Marketing Recruiting Training? THIS is a MUST READ!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

MLM Training Videos – How to Never Get a NO- Part 4

MLM Network Marketing Home Business Training by Doug Firebaugh “How to Never Get a NO Part 4

LinkedIN Recruiting 101- How to Master Prospecting on LinkedIn

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

MLM Closing – How to Close Your Home Business Prospect in 2 Steps?

mlm closing secrets

home business mlm closing


Your home based business Will never take off, if you never ASK for the prospect to DO SOMETHING.

That is what the successful do. They GET PEOPLE TO MOVE off dead center. And that is one of the best secrets to success in network marketing.

What would happen  if YOU just doubled getting people to TAKE ACTION? It would EXPLODE your home business!

Now IT’S TIME to do that very thing in your home business.

Here is a Scenario for your mm business: I want you to imagine going through your presentation. You’re really stoking the presentation going through a series of “Next Moves” to keep your mlm prospect involved and increase their knowledge and interest in your home business.

Then the TIME HAS COME for them to become DOERS:

It is Decision TIME in your home business.

There is a failure formula that many people have come to know unintentionally:

No Decision. No paycheck.

Understand that the last thing you want to hear at this point is a “Maybe.” it does not matter if you are doing an online recruiting process or a face to face- Decision time comes.

Home Business Secret: Maybes in this business will KILL YOUR BUSINESS. You MUST get Prospects Off the Fence!

The Decision is where the Involvement is either Agreed to or they are told you are not who we are looking for. You cannot make money in this home  business profession without bringing them to a Decision.

On the Fence = Off the Pay Plan.

In Network Marketing- NEVER Close.

So you want to try to bring them to a decision. And the most common way to do that is through “CLOSING”…

This business is NOT for everyone. Your job is not to Close people, but to help navigate them to a decision that is right for them…

By using what we call “Navigators”…

What are they?

Phrases to help LEAD people to the decision that is right for them.

Think about it…you don’t want people to sign up who will be a headache down the road. So sell them a product, get referrals, and Move Forward…

Here is what we call the “Master Navigator Questions” for online or offline, does NOT matter:

A. Start with…

You know, all I want is what is best for you and is right for you. This was for me, but you’re not me. I am not here to convince you of anything only to see if this is right for you.

B. Then ask…

Does this make sense? (answer)

What is the one thing that really got your attention? Yeah, a lot of folks like that part.

I’ve got an idea, let’s do this. Let’s get the paperwork out of the way so we can get you on your way…

What you have done is create an environment TO HELP THEM MAKE A DECISION!


People will appreciate this so much more than CLOSING them, online or offline…even though getting the decision online simply requires them taking action of some kind…

Navigation is LEADING.

People follow strength.

Be a Leader with Navigators instead of just getting them to sign an application. If you’re a leader, you will get plenty of apps.

Best of all – the Decision is simple to get.

You MUST help and guide people to a decision that is right for them.

If they do not join youComputer Technology Articles, they will REFER you to folks precisely because you didn’t try to pressure them to do something that was not for them. Get them as a customer and get referrals and you’ll achieve success in MLM and Network Marketing.


Either GET THEM to JOIN YOU or to REFER TO YOU or BE HONEST with you. Get them OFF THE fence and your Success will grow rapidly in your home business mlm.

LinkedIn Recruiting? Recruit 10 Professionals a MONTH on LinkedIn?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

101 MLM Prospecting Methods that DO NOT COST YOU A DIME

Home Business Training- How To Never Get a NO Part 3?

MLM Network Marketing Home Business Training by Doug Firebaugh on How To Never Get a NO part 3

Social Network Marketing -Finding More Leads a Day than most do a Month?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011

Prospecting that Produced Billions? And all tactics are FREE to do?


MLM Training Video- How to Never Get a NO in MLM – Part 1

MLM Network Marketing Home Business Training by Doug Firebaugh on How to Never Get a NO Part 1

Social Recruiting 101? How would you like to learn the secrets of a # 1 Corporate Recruiter in the Nation?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved


MLM Blitz Video Training- How to Instantly Relate to Your Prospect 5

MLM Network Marketing Home Business Training on MLM Prospecting by Doug Firebaugh

Social Media FREE Leads for Life? READ THIS.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved


MLM Leads- 5 Powerful Things to Say to Cold Market MLM Leads

home business mlm clold leads

home business mlm cold leads


You may agree, MLM home business leads come in many forms.

They can be Social Leads.

They can be Internet Leads.

They can be Referral leads.

They can be Traditional Marketing leads.

They can be Cold Market Leads of prospects looking for a home business.

We are going to take a look today at the Cold Market Leads that you can get with many companies as well as obtain them through effort yourself.

The critical thing with Cold market leads is WHAT TO SAY and HOW TO SAY IT, and WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO FEEL from you. When I coach Private Clients on Cola Market leads, it is always one of those 2 things that are an issue. if ou can master both of these issues in your Cold Market actions, you will find that you Will become a literal Recruiting machine that cannot be stopped.

We have found that MLM Leads are a great way to not only create activity in your home based Business, but also find some great people for your business. Many folks are looking for a home business, and MLM Home business Leads have proven to be a great source of Success.

 I worked cold market MLM leads for years nonstop, and was blessed with great Success in recruiting.

But LET ME WARN YOU: The cold market can be brutal,  VERY. It can be discouraging and frustrating if you do not do it right. But it also can be fun and easy if you know what to do.

 What are the 5 Secrets to What to Say to Cold MLM Leads?

 1) Make sure you know WO YOU ARE LOOKING FOR.

 Here is a Million Dollar Questions: What kind of person are YOU looking for? You need to make sure that the home business MLM lead knows that you are looking for a particular type of person, and that you would like to see IF THEY QUALIFY.

 There are 5 traits that you should always look for in an mlm network marketing lead. These traits will help you FILTER through the “DIRT” and get to the Gold. 

DIRT = Dis-Interested (with) Routine Thinking!

Here are the 5 traits:





Good communicator.

 Let them know that those are the traits you are looking for, and the traits that have proven to be needed for Success in Network Marketing. Also, a good track record of Success helps as well.

 2) No matter what you Do, make sure you give the Prospect an Exit Strategy.

 Here is a MLM Cold Market Secret that will empower you like nothing you have ever seen:

Make sure that you let them know they are free to end the call anytime they choose.

There are many ways to do this, but my favorite way is the FEEL FREE tactic we teach at DFTI Marketing. People will perceive with an Exit Strategy that there is NO pressure and that you are not trying to do anything except hold a conversation with them.

 “And feel free anytime during our conversation to end this call if you feel that this is something that simply is not right for you. Does that sound fair enough?”

 3) Make sure that you keep the topic, focus, and conversation 100% about them.

  here is a Rule that you need to understand when talking to Cold Market Home Business leads:

Ask, ask and ask question after question about the prospect. They want to see if you are interested in THEM as a person, not just recruiting them. Ask about their family, where they live, the type of work they do, what they like to do in their spare time, what kind of spare time they have, what kind of money they are looking out of a home business, why they are looking at a home business, and what kind of Success are they expecting if they start a home business.

 “Tell me about yourself” is the ULTIMATE Cold Market Home Business Lead opening phrase that can be magic in MLM Cold Market recruiting.

 4) PRIORITY # ONE :RELAX the prospect, then CONNECT to them.

 You MUST Relax the MLM Lead if you are going to be on the phone with them and hold a conversation with them.

 How do you do that?

The secret is to get them talking about themselves, and you MUST come across as totally relaxed and in control as well. Then find some things you have in common with the MLM lead, and connect with them on those things. It could be knowing someone in their city or state, same hobby, same type of family, same school attended, same industry you work in,etc. Find something to CONNECT with them, and it will be easier for them to connect to you.

5) Let them know that you only need 1 minute of their time.

 We found that if you simply say, “I really only need 1 minute of your time, as I am not sure this is something that would be right for you or not,” that will open them up much more to listen, and you will find that most people will appreciate the respect you just showed for their time. Many people are kept on the phone for 15,20,30 minutes at a time.

WHATEVER YOU DO -Don’t do that.

 Set yourself apart from the crowd. Give them a timeline, and stick to it. If they find that you have something they might be interested in, you will know it.

 Say, “Is this making sense to you so far?”

 They will let you know if it is – or is not. and if it is NOT-“What part of it have I not explained very well?”

  There are many great ways to create Success in MLM home business leads and in the cold market, but these 5 Secrets of What to Say  are the start of what you need to do in order to create a solid start with your MLM Lead and Cold market prospect for your MLM Home Business.

Here is How you Make A Cold market a Friend in 30 Seconds FLAT!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

 Here are ENDLESS leads for you- and all are FRE