Home Business Training- Are You a RESULTS or METHOD Person?

home business results

home business mlm results


In a home business in network marketing, Results RULE. No doubt.

So do Methods with a lot of people.

Methods are taught, discussed, argued, ignored, and engaged every day.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of apparent understanding between the 2, may folks are having a challenge with their home business.

Are you struggling? Are you having a difficult time with your home based business?

Maybe this training can help clarify what the problem is, and maybe change your perspective of who you should be and what you should focus on.

Many people today in Home business and Network Marketing do not understand why they are struggling in their mlm business.

And many folks are either because they blame the recession, the government, the profession itself.. They do what they believe they need to do, but yet their home business results are not what they want in MLM.

Is that happening to you? Are you experiencing some results that maybe well…..stink?

There are many different types of people in MLM and Network Marketing, from CEOs of Corporations, to Stay at Home Moms, to those who are just getting their careers started and even folks who are just loving connecting with new people on social media sites. And within all of these great folks, there is a secret that we discovered years ago while working a home business very hard.

There are many different types of automobiles out on the road, and many different types of outfits and suits and jeans to wear. Many of them sell well, and others not so well.

There are many different kinds of places to eat out in the world, and some make big money, and others struggle everyday to keep the doors open and the bills paid.

There are many network marketers that are out really working everyday and working very hard, and some making great money, while the largest portion of home business owners do not.

Here is a Million Dollar Question:

What is the difference between all of these great folks, and what they seemingly are doing? What makes the ones that are doing great different than the ones who are not? Many folks have given a lot of potential answers to this question  in Network Marketing, and many answers truly are great!

But we at DFTI have been observing over the last 15 years how people function and live in life, and also in success. It is the same with MLM and a Home Based Business. All people want to Succeed in Network Marketing, but few actually do at the level they really want to.

It does not have to be that way.

If you will look at other similar but yet different entrepreneurial ventures, it is the same as in Real Estate and Insurance, and Stock Brokerage. All that enter into those wonderful enterprises want to make it work. And most want to make it work huge. But the truth is, most never make it work at all, as they have fallen prey to a Secret that I ran across 15 years ago, and it has made all the difference in the world as far as Success in my life I have been blessed with.

I call this amazing little secret that has guided my life for several years as well as Success:

 “The RMR- Results-Method Reality.”

This little secret that made such a difference in my life, can make a huge difference in your life. It can change everything about you, and your business, and how you view life. It can change all aspects of your Network Marketing business, and even how you approach it and engage it. It can even change people around you just by being around you.

Ok, what is the “Results- Method Reality?”

Understand this:

There are two types of people in this business and two types only — Method people and Results people.

The difference between the two is huge in everything they do.

1) Method people choose the method they are willing to use and accept the results.

2) Results people choose the results they want, and accept whatever method it takes to obtain them.

Method people’s favorite song is “I did it My Way and got what I could!”

Results people’s favorite song is “Whatever I Need to do to get the Results I want!”

Method folks have a tendency to work Network Marketing on THEIR TERMS, and expect Network Marketing to bow to their ways of doing business.

MLM demands a certain concept and model of working, and being a certain mindset, and if you do not work within that concept and model, and be who you need to be, then Network Marketing can be a very frustrating experience for you.

Results people are focused totally on what results they want, while method people are focused on how they want to do this business, and what is comfortable.

Results people refuse to focus on comfort, but focus on construction. They want to construct a business no matter what it takes or how long it takes.

And the biggest difference between Results people and Method folks, is HEART.

Results people seem to have the heart to make it happen, while method people seem to have the heart to make it easier.

That alone is a Million Dollar Difference in the approach to this business. Most millionaires in Network Marketing are RESULTS people. Rare are the mlm millionaires that are Method people.

If you are going to be a powerful and successful home business leader in Network Marketing, may I suggest you become a results person, and use whatever method it takes to achieve your dreams. That is what we call “total personal leadership” — the direct result of leading and moving yourself past all the limitations you harbor in your heart, and creating things in your life as never before.

Leaders relentlessly prospect, approach, present, follow up, and sign up new people. And then they teach their distributors to go out and do the same thing, and look for the same results.

You MUST train on the methods of how to do this business, but do not get lost in that. Become a Results person, and accept whatever it takes, however long it takes,and whatever path it takes, to Succeed in Network Marketing.

If you give MLM and Network Marketing all you got, then it will in return, give you all it has.

And that is called a great answer to getting wealthy in MLM and Network Marketing. If you do own a home business, focus on taking ACTION and getting the results you WANT by doing what it TAKES for home based business success.

That is what millionaires do. Whatever it takes to get the Successful RESULTS in their home business.

Are you looking for more RESULTS in your home business prospecting? Click here

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011   all rights reserved

Social Network Marketing Training? THIS is HOT!  Click here

Home Business Training-What EXACTLY To Say to a Negative Prospect?

home business argument

home business argument

Prospects of a home business in mlm can say the darndest things. That reminds me of a kid’s show a while back, “Kids can say the Darndest things.”

But it is so true. Your home business prospect and also even family and friends can be NEGATIVE over nothing. You can take guidance of mysunrise over this.

But that is not just innate to network marketing. Every entrepreneur puts up with negheads almost on a daily basis when they are starting their business. In a Fortune magazine survey in 2001, they asked multi millionaire business owners what was their number one obstacle their first 12 months. Check these out fivebough .

Over 80% of them put friends and family. And of course prospects would fail in that category as well in a home business. It is like you just want to say to the negheads and naysayers:

“There they go again.”

One more time.

Friends and family spouting off Negative comments, input, and opinions about your home business and your MLM future. You can get so mad sometimes that you just want to walk away and say, “forget it” r something worse. You stare at them and wonder what to say or do, but yet the words of reply only get caught in your throat.

This is a battle yu will not win. People that are convinced of something do not want the facts. Been there.

You may attempt to play some form of “verbal judo,” or “word wrestling” but they have you in a head lock with their words and questions and you just slink back into the chair and can feel so defeated and dejected.

But here is the worst part and the most hurtful part to their negative comments:

They actually are starting to make sense with their logic. Or at least seem to.

You stand or sit there and just take the negative vomit.. And that is what it is spewing all over you and your home business . And you just wish you knew what to say. But you remain silent. It does make you think and wonder. And your mind starts to develop questions that can kill your home based business. And you actually start to ask these questions:

“Could they actually be right?”

“Are they telling me the truth?”

“Could they actually have a point here?”

“What if they really ARE right?”

And the doubt and the fear slowly start creeping in, and you start to question your own decisions, actions, and future.

This happens everyday in the land of home businesses and network marketing . Negative people start to try and stop you because of their own fears and insecurities and many times- they are very successful.

But it is time that cam to an abrupt halt.

Understand this:

Negative well meaning people — are still — negative. (Read that again.)

They may mean well, but there has never been any Success accomplished in any home business with a negative focus and a negative language.

So what do you do?

Here are 3 things that can say to help neutralize their negative comments when they appear out of their mouths:

1) “I appreciate that comment, but let me ask you a question: Who in the world sold you on THAT?”

2) “Thanks for sharing, but what you just said does not match up at all to what I have researched about this company and products. Would you like to see a little of my research?”

3)”That is an interesting way to look at it. There are several other ways to look at that I have found as well. Let me explain…”

And there is also a secret to doing this:


You KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW and NOTHING can shake that Knowing that you are doing a great thing and will Succeed massively.

It is called the single most powerful “velvet hammer” when you answer a negative prospect. Confidence tells the negative MLM prospect that you understand that they have an “opinion” but you are not buying what they said. They will FEEL that in your words.

Most negative prospects are just that way: negative.

So you have a decision to make:

Are you going to let the negative mlm prospect influence or even dominate your business, or are you going to continue with confidence and not worry about the naysayers. the negheads, the not so hots, and the never will be’s?

It will determine much about your future success in your MLM and Network marketing business. These people have an influence over you and you may not realize it. They can either influence you to slow down or even quit, or influence you to prove them wrong and to go out and CRUSH IT.

I would suggest to ignore the negheads that are “eggheads” and move on with your business. They will NEVER pay a bill you have or really have anything positive to say about your business. Accept it and move on. You will be so glad you did as that is one of the biggest secrets to MLM network marketing and home business success.

Looking to create an Endless prospecting Tidal Wave?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

A Billion Dollars worht of Prospecting Training and Leads?

MLM Training- How to Get Past Discouragement and Frustration?

home business didcouragement

mlm discouragement

In any home based business, it is easy to get discouraged. It is easy to walk away.

Yes this is a simple business, but maybe not easy at times. Everyone goes through the stages of doubt and not sure this is for you.

Been there and done that.

But the question today needs to be asked:

Feel Like Giving UP?

As a Leader in your home business company, you are going to find there are times that you and your folks can get a little discouraged, or in some instances, a lot discouraged, and that requires what we at DFTI call “Discouragement Management”.

You MUST be able to get your team and people as well as yourself back on track and out of the slack.

How do you do that?

It starts with an understanding of what discouragement really is, and what creates it, and then what to do to get rid of it, and ALL Leaders need to know this.

First off, discouragement is simply an emotion that replaces courage, or the will to continue.

And just like the words displace, distrust, or dislike, this emotion creates the opposite of what once was..it is the Silent, Deadly Thief in a Distributors life, and you must know how to handle it in your home business.

There are basically 5 things that create discouragement in this business, and all else revolves around them:

1) Questioning yourself.

All discouragement starts with questioning yourself, consciously, or subconsciously..those deadly words -”Can I really Do this?” and it echoes in their heart.

2) Lack of Results.

This is a biggie. You can eject yourself from this business with no results. And this starts with questioning you, which sabotages your actions, which cripples your results.

3) Expectations too high.

This is done almost daily in this home business profession.The new person does not yet have the skill set to build a million dollar business, but expects to, and when it does not happen quickly, they think they cannot do this business.

4) Listening to the Wrong People.

This can discourage quickly, as people that the new distributor knows becomes negative and the distributor is not
inoculated to fend off the arrows. (This is a Must!)

5) Loss of a Vision OnFire.

People do this home business professions to Increase, Empower, or Improve something in their life. All Leaders know this. After you have been in a while, you can lose the Fire for your Vision, because slowly, silently, Doubt has crept in, created by distractions, or Lack of Focus, or lack of Empowering Relationships…growing into a Discouragement Tumor, then Cancer.

ok….What can we do to battle this?

1) First off, understand that most Discouragement is caused by Set Backs in the Distributors Heart.

What can create these Set Backs? We have found that most of these in home business are caused by one thing:

Communication Errors.

We get paid to do one thing –Communicate with people! And when Set Backs happen, most can be traced to the communication power (or lack of it) in the new person’s effort.

Sit down with the new person, (or your upline if you are down and out), and walk through the Prospecting with them to see if they have enough folks to talk to.

Go through how they are contacting people and listen live as they do it to see where the breakdown is. Take notes. Listen to their Presentation, and see where the breakdown is, as well as the Getting the Decision, and handling objections.

Somewhere in there, you will find the problem, I promise. Whether it is too weak communication, non-conviction communication, lack of enough communication, too much communication, or too strong communication, you will find the glitch.

And do not forget the “inner communication” within ourselves as we speak to others…If that is negative, so goes the appointment.

2) Have Home Office call the Down Distributor (someone of notoriety) and chat with the distributor to encourage them.

A little ‘Special Attention” has refired many down folks into SuccessInfernos! Also have a Top Earner call them as well and tell the Distributor about their own hard times and challenges..

3) Micro-Event a day.

What is that? Sit down with the new distributor, and make a list of easy, small actions you KNOW will be successful ( 5 phone calls, 5 letters out, 5 new prospects, etc) and celebrate their efforts and small successes. They MUST get back to
expecting Success, no matter how small, through micro-events.

4) Say the 4 Power Words.

Over and Over and Over, say the Most Powerful Words In Downline Building..

I BELIEVE IN YOU! (Do you know how long it has been for most people since they have heard those words? Usually it has been YEARS!

This is what we call home business “Battered Heart First Aid”.

WARNING: Some folks will become discouraged and when you try to help, will become almost co-dependent.

Always say ‘I cannot and will not do this Business For You, for that would cripple you. So I need to find out what is wrong, and correct it..so you can do this in a more Powerful Way..”

So In Summary — Special Attention, Focus on the Process, and Ignite their Hearts with the 4 Power Words.

Discouragement Managementis Imperative in this Business, as all Entrepreneurial Ventures. Take the time to ReEmpower the individual, and to ReFire them for Success with the above Suggestions.

And all you need to say to radically change their paradigm, is say and throw the “Discouragement Grenade: “I believe in you, and I see Great things in you, you dont even know they are there. LEAN ON MY BELIEF while we go through this valley, and I promise you, we WILL get through this, because as a Leader, I believe in the A.D.I.T. Principle..”All Discouragement Is Temporary”…and you and I are in this For PERMANENT Results! Now this is what we are going to do First…”

These words alone will ignite a fire that will burn bright and not go out. And if discouragement comes again you know what you must say and do for Success in your mlm network marketing home business.

Create a Prospecting Hurrucane of leads by doing this!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Media and Network Marketing Together to Ignite your Business?

Home Business- In Home Meetings-HOW to Do Them Step by Step

home business in ho meeting

home business in home meeting


So…you want to start In Home Meeting?

What are they? They are the get togethers of people who are looking at a business or learning about a product for a home business. They are a lot of fun and you can write a LOT of business doing these.

YES, I KNOW —they are “Old School,” but they are getting to be VERY POPULAR again in the Direct sales and Network Marketing profession. The rise of the number of In Home Meetings in 2011 have been staggering, I would suggest even if you are an internetwork marketer, you consider these. You can write a LOT of volume as well as recruit a LOT of folks at these get togethers.

In Home meetings (aka Private Business Receptions) and Party Plans are a great way to introduce your new MLM business to your warm market, and of course, there is a right way and a wrong way to do them. 

What is a Private Business Reception (PBR)? 

 It is when you invite people over to your home and have a “social-business” home business– network marketing meeting for about an hour or so, and dispense information to your friends about your mlm business and products and services. 

It is a powerful way to create some “instant success” in your business right off the bat, and you can sell a lot of product at a home meeting, or as some companies call it, a “party plan” or a “home party”. 

 Network Marketing has used this strategy for years, and has proven to be a successful venue for your business. Mary Kay has used it for years, as well as Beauticontrol, Amway, Jafra, NSA, Rodan and Fields, and many others as well.

  At a Private Business reception, or In Home Meeting, you can talk to many people at once, which is more EFFECTIVE than doing all one on one network marketing appointments. If you are going to be talking to people, why not talk to them in groups? 

One of the biggest secrets to wealth in MLM -talk to the majority of people you talk to in groups, whether it is a PBR, or Business Opp meetings, or Conference Calls. 

 It multiples your time. 

Why do a PBR? 

1)It is Comfortable.  Most people who you know wouldn’t mind coming over to your home and seeing a short business presentation to help you. 

 2)It is Convenient.  Many hotels are out of the way to many of your friends, and normally, driving to a friend’s home is not an ‘out of the way” thing… 

3)It creates a very “familiar” environment for business. Your friends who have been over at your home before, will see this as something that is “familiar”, and warm. 

4)It creates a great ‘Social” Focus as well. Everybody likes to socialize, and we as humans are social creatures for the most part. This can be fun and even exciting if done well, and it has food involved as well. 

 I have done numerous (hundreds) of PBRs and let me tell you, they not only were fun, but we wrote business out of them. 

OK. What do you do? 

 A) Decide who you want to come. Make a list of the people you truly would like to have at your home business network marketing meeting, and create a list of about 30 names. 

 B)Send them Invitations. Send them an invitation in the mail about your meeting, at least 2 weeks before it happens. 

For example, a rep for a nutrition company would send something like this: “You are cordially invited to a Private Business Reception at my home on Wed. the 22nd, to celebrate the opening of our new business in the Healthcare Industry. You will learn how important Healthcare is today for our personal lives, and also how to take advantage of a Trillion Dollar industry that is growing rapidly. It starts at ——–pm, and will end in about an hour. Food and drinks will be served and there will be prizes given away. RSVP. 

This invite is short, to the point, and tells them what it is all about. There are many ways to write an invitation, check with your sponsor to see what he/she recommends. 

 C) Buy the food and drinks for the Reception. Don’t over do it. Sodas and finger foods are nice, and all that is really needed. This is NOT a banquet, but a nice reception to celebrate your mlm business. NO ALCOHOL. This is a business meeting. 

 D) Follow up with a phone call. “Hello Nancy? This is Doug, I need your help on something. I recently sent you an invitation to a reception at my home, and I am following up because I really need you there. Can I count on you being there for me?” 

KEY Phrase: ”Can I count on you being there for me?” will often double your attendance at your meetings, as most people id they know they are being counted on will show up. 

 E) Make sure all Audio Video Equipment works. That is self explanatory. 

F) Greet them when they arrive with either a gift or food. Make them feel welcome and many folks have given away book markers, or anything along those lines as a “Thank you” for coming. Food works as well. 

 G) Have a social time of about 30 minutes prior to the meeting. Introduce your friends to those they don’t know and make sure people are eating and drinking a drink.

NOTE: Have a “Host’ Mentality.” Be the host and make sure everyone is comfortable. 

 H) Do a short 20 minute presentation on the Company, Products, and Comp plan. Check to see what your company has available. Make your presentation fun and informational. Ask a lot of questions to your attendees, and don’t sell, but simply tell. 

I) After the presentation, hand out the “PBR Profile. Say “I need your help. I would like for you to try our products, and also we are looking for a couple of people to partner up with to help introduce our program to this area. You may know someone that could use a secondary revenue source of an extra $1,000-2000 a month. Please fill out the form I just gave you. 

There are 5 questions.

  Name__________________________________ Telephone_____________________________ Email_________________________________

 1. “Do you like the idea of (Whatever the benefits are of your products? 

 2. “Do you know someone who could use and extra $1,000 a month without changing anything they are doing?” 

 3. “What part of what you have seen tonight did you like the best?” 

4. “What product do you believe will be the most popular?” 

5.  “Can you see yourself or someone you know becoming successful in something like this?”

 This profile will help you ascertain who truly has an interest and doesn’t in network marketing. 

J) Hand out the Information Packets. These simply contain brochures, audios and any other information piece you think they need… 

K) Socialize again and answer questions, and set follow up appointments. Ask — ”Which part did you like the best?” And then set up times to follow up one on one… 

NOTE:  Have a few of your closest friends people bring a drink or chips. This will insure they are there and this works every time… 

 Also, understand the “ Law of No shows.” You will have about 60-75% of the people that swear they will be there, not show up. Expect it. It is human nature, and its par for the course for a PBR. I am speaking from experience. 

 Yes there are exceptions, and pray you have 40% show up. 


 So. If you want 10 people to show up, invite 35-40, and you should have about that many show, and be thankful they do. Follow up with the no shows and simply say,”I still need your help. When can we get together for 15 minutes?” 

There are many ways to do a PBR and In Home Meeting. This is just one way, but a PROVEN way to write a lot of business in MLM and Network Marketing for your home business.

NOTE: There is no set way to ask for the order or “close” the prospect. Many recommend asking for the order in a group. Some say ask for the order individually. Some sat to already have someone who is wanting to sign up lined up to lead the way.

Make sure that your In Home Meeting or Party is FUN, ENTERTAINING, and BREIEF. Make them leave there wanting more from your Home based business and your In Home Meeting!

Great Resource for Party Plan training

Another GREAT Resource for party Planning

blessings…doug firebaugh’

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Media Party- How to Do One!

Home Business Training- What are You RADIATING about YOU to Your Prospect?

home business success

home business success

Many people in a home business do not understand the incredible power of what THEY ARE FEELING FROM YOU.

You may not know it, or even realize it, but you RADIATE something FROM YOU and IN YOU that impacts people in a powerful way.

Good or bad.

Often the “Radiation” that comes from us determines a LOT of what people decide to do.


And it happens more often that you think.

Here is a quote I recently put out:

“What people sense about you is often more important than what they hear from you. Your presence is your silent calling card, either in person or on the phone. What is your presence saying to your prospect?”

People have a sense about things.

They have a sense that guides them and directs them in many ways. Especially when it comes to making decisions to do things or not do things.

And they can tell quickly what you are really up to, and whether they want to talk to you or not about your home business, products, or anything else.

What SHOULD they be sensing about you?

What SHOULD they be perceiving ABOUT YOU?

Simple….they need to sense:

You are there to SOLVE A PROBLEM and HELP THEM move their life forward and upward by Caring, Sharing, and Solving.


No exceptions.

No other alternative.

THAT is the SUCCESS FOCUS of an MLM Network Marketing home business.

You are NOT there for a TRANSACTION.

 You are there for a TRANSFORMATION – whose fruit could LEAD to a transaction.

A Transformation in their weight, health, skin, income, self imae, and lifestyle. YOU are there to take their life to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL by taking their HOPE and POSSIBILITIES to a level that they have only dreamed.

Paint a picture with your words of how great life is going to be working with you.

Paint a picture with your words of their lifestyle being transformed right before their eyes.

Paint a picture with your words of their DESTINY being one of amazing potential.

THAT will be so magnetic that they will listen to anything you have to say about your home business.

Now THAT makes a LOT of sense!

Your presence is powerful. Make sure that it is radiating SUCCESS in your home based business.

Here is a Billion Dollars Worth of Prospecting Training!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Network Marketeing Secrets- for Social Media Success!

Social Media MLM- The Secret of Social Media Leadership?

social media home business

social media home business

In MLM and home business, there is one word and one only that can define what makes the difference between mediocrity and massive success.

Home based business success is TEAM DRIVEN. But a team without the Difference Maker goes nowhere quick.

What is that Difference Maker?


It is the Core Energy of any Home business Success and Social Media Achievement that one may obtain and is also the Core of any Social Media Success that one may achieve.

That is what Social Media Leadership is about. Powerful evolving Leadership that will redefine the web and social media in general and the future.

How and Why?

Everyone knows that MLM Leadership is comprised of many things and many factors.

The definition of Social Media Leadership is critical to understand when you are looking at a culture and vehicle that has yet to fully develop and evolve as a mature entity. That is still years away from happening.

What IS Home Business Social Media Leadership?

It is a Mobilizing Energy which mobilizes people, powered by Value, Influence and Direction. This means directing them to new, more powerful possibilities which come from online social networking efforts.

Here is the Bottom Line:

 Social Media Leadership is Moving people to more powerful places and possibilities online.

Social Media Leadership requires the Leader to create a magnetic energy filled with HOPE in their videos, podcasts, and writings that will move people towards you and your products.

You do this by Influencing them with Unexpected Value for their life from your message and Directing to New, more powerful paths of results and Success for their own lives.

That is what Social Media is about: New worlds of Possibilities and and new Thinking filled with Hope.

That is also what Leadership is about. Seeing new worlds of possibilities before others do, then leading them down a Value and Hope Driven path.

Are you doing that? Are you opening up doors of possibilities for folks and leading them through those doors?

Are you introducing “What could be” to people that still live in a “what used to be” world? You have a great chance to change a lot of lives through the power of Social Media Leadership.

Take the lead.

Take the Initiative.

Start something New.

 End something old.

Guide people to New Knowledge.

Direct them to Powerful People.

Embrace new thinking.

Plan bigger networks.

Engage more Value on the social sites.

Reveal the little known to the many.

Expose what most cannot believe to those who want to believe.

LEAD somewhere. Lead anywhere. But lead to a powerful message and place that will impact people powerfully and transition them to a new Hope.

You be that Message. You be that value.

You be Home business  Social Media GPS System and guide people step by step, connection by connection, conversation by conversation, down a powerful path that will direct them to something larger than themselves.

With Social Media Leadership you can:

1 Lead folks to new ways of communicating, connecting, and interacting with people that even 4 years ago was not possible.

2 You can lead folks to powerful new teachings that others have posted, recorded, or archived that they never knew were available through blogs, articles, videos and podcasts.

3 You can connect with folks that you do not know that are looking for direction and solutions. That is where you come in.

You must either have a solution – or BE the solution.

4 You can cast a vision in social media about where you are going and invite people to go with you.

5 You can guide folks to new thought leaders in home buiness social media.

6 You can empower and guide folks through the culture of social media and lead them to new ways of thinking, doing, and creating the results they are looking for in their life with your message.

7 You can also establish yourself as a Social Media Leader by simply taking the lead in an area that no one is leading, (and there are many places to do that) and start communicating hope and your thoughts of Value to folks that are a part of your social media circle.

Home Business Social Media Leadership draws people towards your message and then leads them to more powerful results that are available but most do not know exist. You want to lead folks to a message that can improve, enlarge, expand, and enhance their life and business.

Social Media Leadership is about “Grouping Up” and building a leading a large group of folks to a place that only YOU can take them with your message and leadership.

Become a personal Social Media GPS System and GUIDE folks to greater heights and results. And that is one of the biggest secrets to Social media marketing: Lead- don’t just persuade.

Home business social media leadership is the KEY to moving your business forward in social networking in a home business.

Social Network Marketing Training? For REAL?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Discover the Social Prospecting Sercrets of a Billion Dollar Producer

Home Business- The Recruiting RULE of No SEEDS-NO HARVEST

home business seeds

mlm seeds

Anyone who owns a home business knows that it is a lot like farming.

Think about it.

Everyday you are planting seeds- recruiting seeds– in your mlm  business to grow. Here is a quote that I recently sent out:

“All building a home business Success is …is farming. A farmer plants seeds and then fertilizes the seeds and waters them. And then expects a harvest to reap. But the farmer knows one undeniable fact and rule: No Seeds- No Harvest.”

The Secret to Home Business Success?


Plant Daily.

Plant Conversations.

Plant Samples.

Plant Appointments.

Plant Webinars.

Plant Hope.

Plant Possibilties.

Plant SOMETHING that can GROW your home business.

Every seed that you plant, COUNTS.

 No exception.

Just as the farmer does not know which seeds will grow, neither will you.

You have to trust The Eternal Grower and just do YOUR part.

Keep planting and recruiting and expecting a harvest. It will come and when it does it can overwhelm you…if you just…

Keep planting.


There are only 2 types of people reading this note:

Ones that WILL become Millionaires with their Home business….

And ones that will not.

YOU have to decide which one you will be in your recruiting for your MLM Home business.

Have You Seen this Training on Social Network marketing?

blesings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Billion Dollars worth of Prospecting Training?

Home Business Training-Is Your Business a YES or NO Business?

home business mlm

home business mlm yes


A home business is built many ways and with many tools.

One of the 2 tools that a network marketing business is built with is YES and NO. Many MLM distributors do not realize that their home based business is being built by someone else.



Many a home business is being built by someone else the distributor knows through powerful Influence,and they are using the NO tool to do it.

Many a work at home distributor in a home based business has left the profession because someone else was building their business-with negative words and actions that influence the distributor over time to give up and simply walk away.

I almost walked away my first 4 years -5 times- due to negative comments and people’s influence over my life.

Thank God I was able to GROW BIGGER than their negatives.

Isn’t it TIME that you moved  you and your work at home business into the YES ZONE?

Isn’t it time that you simply took CONTROL of your MLM destiny and quit letting someone else “build” -or in this case destroy- your business.

I do a lot of private one on one consultation and I am amazed at how many people let others dictate and build their business with their negative and poisonous “not going to happen” focus. And eventually the distributor gives in to the verbal and emotional assault of others -and quits.

And they could have gone on to build a dream business that would have given them an amazing life. But yet they built their business on the foundation of someone else’s NO.

Here is a quote that I sent out a while back over twitter  as well as facebook and LinkedIn hat got a lot of feedback:

“It is those that say a resounding YES to Home Business Success as well as Life that live a Larger then normal life, have a Larger than normal business, and have a more Powerful than normal income. Say YES- and QUIT LISTENING to the NOs that are trying to STOP YOU. “

The word YES.


It is a FOCUS.

It is an ACTON.

It is a BELIEF.

It is a MIND SET.




Yes is one of the most powerful words in all language and MLM. It simply says “I will move forward with that.”

But a DECIDED YES also includes a silent- “And I will NOT BE STOPPED.”

Many people build a home business as well as live a life of NO because they were taught that and grew up in that NO culture. But you can change that in a heartbeat.

Change your DECIDED DESTINY from NO to YES.

Yes I am succeeding with my Home Business.

Yes I am the top earner for my Company.

Yes I am the most powerful Leader on my Home Business Team.

Yes I am building a team of 50,000 people in my Home Business.

Yes I am living a lifestyle that most only dream of with my Home Business.

YES I am doing it NOW and No Thing, No Lie, No Person, No Result, No Insult, No Lack of Understanding, No or No Crisis will STOP ME and my Home business..


THAT is a mind set well abovethe norm in the crowd of mediocrity, and you will RISE above everyone and everything that tries to stop you.

Say “YES” to being Invincible and Unstoppable!

Say YES to the Greatness inside of you and the great destiny that lies before you.

If you do that, people will RESPOND MORE POSITIVELY to you, and are drawn more powerfully towards you.

God put a YES LIFE there and does NOT want it wasted.

Neither DO YOU! 

Today…Say “YES!” to a Million Dollar Home Business!

This is something you MUST KNOW about for Succeeding in a Home business!

LEAVE A COMMENT Below about what kind of YES home business you are building!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Relate Posts:

Te 10 Things I will NOT have in my life because of NO

MLM Prospecting- The HIDDEN Question the Prospect Always Asks?

mlm prospecting

mlm prospecting

Prospecting in MLM is something that MUST happen everyday.

In social media, online, internet, offline, and any other way that it takes to find quality prospect for your home business.

But many do not look at the mlm prospecting process from the PROSPECT’S point of view.

That is a MUST.

ALWAYS consider the prospect’s point of view and what they are thinking.

THAT is critical as it is the PROSPECT that must be motivated to move towards you. And knowing what they are thinking will pay handsomely down the road in your mlm prospecting.

Imagine this…

There you are.

You are right in the middle of this great mlm presentation and then suddenly the network marketing prospect seems to drift off, and you are losing them. They eventually come back to you, but there for a minute you were a little worried about what you were doing wrong.

You were doing nothing wrong.

They were just walking into THE QUESTION.

There you are.

You are in front of 50 people, and rocking the house with a great mlm prospecting presentation and everything seems to be going incredible. And then suddenly, one by one, the mlm prospects seem to be somewhere else, and not with you. HELLO! You look, and one by one, they are returning. You question what just happened.


They were just walking through THE QUESTION.

Every home business network marketing prospect that you have talked to, or ever will talk to, asks this question sometime during the path to the Decision in Network Marketing. We all make it, and we all think it with every thing we look at doing or buying. It is done everyday.

Many times, we ask it quietly, and other times we will drift off and think about it, and feeling what answer we can come up with.

Especially in MLM and Network Marketing and Home business.


“What kind of VALUE do I feel this has for my life, and is it enough Value for me to bring into my life?”

You may not think those exact words, but you will think them in some form.

VALUE RULES in making decisions to change, add, or delete anything in your life.

 It is the same in Home Business Network Marketing and MLM.

The Next time that you are presenting to a prospect, make sure you POUR ON THE VALUE.

These are questions that your mlm prospect will be thinking:

How will this create Value to the prospect’s future and family?

How will this create more Value in their lifestyle?

How will this bring more Value than what they currently have or doing?

How will this bring Value to their Dreams?

How will this bring Value to their life and future that they cannot get anywhere else or from anyone else?

VALUE is the KEY to unlocking the MLM Success Doors.

Are you turning it in your MLM and Network Marketing home business or are you missing it?

The MLM prospect MUST feel that what you are talking to them is of EXTREME Value, and if it is, you will find your business soaring in your MLM and home based business.

How did THESE Prospecting tactics turn into a Billion Dollars worth of Business?

Blessings…Doug Firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Media Training for Home business Success

Home Business- 9 Secrets to a Prospecting Avalanche with “2 Streets Over”?

home business prospecting

home business prospecting

Home business prospecting is easy- if you let it be.

Home business recruiting is all part of building a home based business. There is much talk and training online about “funnel marketing” and social media marketing, and internet marketing. All of these are great and critical to the success of a home business.

But many times the more traditionl marketing and home business recruiting ideas can play HUGE into the success equation. There are many times that the more traditional approach in home business prospecting can reap huge dividends. I have been teaching social media prospecting as well as online prospecting for years. But yet the traditional methods have not lost their power for building a home based business either.

I would suggest that you look at a home business prospecting idea that we have been training for years that has proven to be an amazing little secret in prospecting.

MLM and Home business Prospecting is an action that many folks struggle with, and they really should not have to. Network marketing Prospects are EVERYWHERE if you are just aware of them.

In home business, we have what I call “Prospecting Radar” and most of the time, the distributor’s radar is turned off or ineffective.

There are more people than you can count on any given day that you walk past or drive by. There are according to the US government, about 150 homes in the average neighborhood. Each neighborhood has about 2.5 people in the house. And there are usually 5-7 neighborhoods between you and where you are employed.

That means there are about 2,200 people everyday you drive past or at least where they live. And there are about 40-50 neighborhoods in the average town.

You do the math. that is over 100,00 possible prospects for your mlm business.

One of the most powerful MLM Prospecting secrets is what we call “2 Streets Over” Prospecting.

There is more business in your neighborhood than you could possibly write.

“2 Streets Over” is a Home business Prospecting secret that we used for years. Most people Never work their neighborhood, but that really is crazy. You have something in common with all of them:

You are their neighbor, and have a geographical commonality and closeness.

Why not utilize that to your advantage?

What you need to do, is think about becoming the “Local Neighborhood ABC Company Rep” and start looking towards that journey. You can identify yourself in many ways as the local neighborhood ABC Rep, and introduce yourself as such. And you will be shocked at the nice response that you usually will get.

Even on social media, you can find people in your neighborhood and use that connection as a possible conversation point.

People seem to appreciate neighbors, and when you can show them something that would enhance their life, many folks respond in a positive fashion to this Network Marketing prospecting strategy.

How can you communicate this to your neighbors that you are in business?

1) Snail Mail.

Simply send them a piece in the mail introducing yourself as the neighborhood ABC Rep and you would love to meet them and give them a free gift. This gift could be a sample product, or a CD about a product, or a coupon for something free. You can call them to follow up as well if you choose to make the mail piece more effective.

2) Doorhangers.

This is a tried and true old school way of introducing yourself. Real Estate people use this a lot. An MLM company I am blessed to consult with, used door hangers on their “2 Streets Over” program. Their volume per consultant quadrupled for those who did this. The door hanger does not have to be complicated. Just let the door hanger introduce yourself, and tell them you would love to meet them sometime. We used “I am just hanging around wanting to meet you!” or “Is your future hanging on your boss’s decisions?”

3) Voice Mail.

You can find out your neighbors phone number by going to anywho.com and do a reverse look up with the address. Call them and simply introduce yourself as a neighbor and you have a free gift for them. And the best gift is a sample of your products or services. Leave a 30 second message and your phone number. Be friendly and warm.

4) Hold a neighborhood Bar b que or cook out.

Hold a social function and invite your neighbors. They will appreciate the gesture, and you can get to know them and get their phone numbers and set up appointments as well when you call them a few days later.

5) Go for a walk daily, and talk to who you see.

Do this everyday at different times. Many people are outside working on the lawn between 6:30 pm and 9 pm. Introduce yourself, and talk about your neighbor, and what they do, how many kids they have, and their life. Get to know them. Then introduce yourself as the neighborhood ABC rep and then after you feel timing is good, ask them if they know anyone who would benefit from your products. Do this all over your neighborhood. Not just your street, but every street in your neighborhood. Tell them that you are their neighbor and you live “2 Streets Over” or a few streets over. This is sizzling Network Marketing Prospecting in action.

6. Social Networking.

There are websites such as www.meetup.com and www.upcoming.orgthat allow you to subscribe to local functions and events. if you hold an event, make sure you put it on these sites and let other know about it in your region.

7. Give “Neighborhood Samples” out of your product and let them try your product for free.

This has been done over and over with many types of products and it is a great excuse to talk to neighbors 2 streets over. And it also gives you a reason to follow up and ask for referrals.

8. Ask a Neighbor for help and who they know that could benefit from your products.

You neighbors have a warm market that you need to tap into. Ask then for an introduction to a friend that has a challenge and show them your products or services has a solution for them. Your neighbors know a TON of folks.

9. Mail your neighbors every 90 days with a flyer or special with a personal note that will compel them to call you or ask about when they see you.

This alone will keep your name out in front of them and at the top of their mind if they should need a product like you market. make the mailer COMPELLING and magnetic.

Home business Prospecting “2 Streets Over” is a powerful way to get to know your neighbors, but also who they know. Be friendly, be warm, and always ask how their family is doing when you see them.

In your neighborhood is a gold mine. Are you digging it? That is one of the most powerful secrets there is.

You can connect with your neighbors by simply giving them a coupon when you see them and tell them this is for your business. You can send it via email, or even social mail. You can call your neighbors and invite them over for a luncheon and ask for referrals. There are so many possibilities.

I would encourage you to look at your neighborhood. Look at who your neighbors know. Look at where your neighbors work. Look at where your neighbors go and have fun. There are many ideas that you can get simply by thinking about who your neighbors are 2 Streets Over in home business prospecting.

Discover how to NEVER run out of people to talk to- it is so easy.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Home Business Prospecting training resources