home business mlm results
In a home business in network marketing, Results RULE. No doubt.
So do Methods with a lot of people.
Methods are taught, discussed, argued, ignored, and engaged every day.
Unfortunately, because of the lack of apparent understanding between the 2, may folks are having a challenge with their home business.
Are you struggling? Are you having a difficult time with your home based business?
Maybe this training can help clarify what the problem is, and maybe change your perspective of who you should be and what you should focus on.
Many people today in Home business and Network Marketing do not understand why they are struggling in their mlm business.
And many folks are either because they blame the recession, the government, the profession itself.. They do what they believe they need to do, but yet their home business results are not what they want in MLM.
Is that happening to you? Are you experiencing some results that maybe well…..stink?
There are many different types of people in MLM and Network Marketing, from CEOs of Corporations, to Stay at Home Moms, to those who are just getting their careers started and even folks who are just loving connecting with new people on social media sites. And within all of these great folks, there is a secret that we discovered years ago while working a home business very hard.
There are many different types of automobiles out on the road, and many different types of outfits and suits and jeans to wear. Many of them sell well, and others not so well.
There are many different kinds of places to eat out in the world, and some make big money, and others struggle everyday to keep the doors open and the bills paid.
There are many network marketers that are out really working everyday and working very hard, and some making great money, while the largest portion of home business owners do not.
Here is a Million Dollar Question:
What is the difference between all of these great folks, and what they seemingly are doing? What makes the ones that are doing great different than the ones who are not? Many folks have given a lot of potential answers to this question in Network Marketing, and many answers truly are great!
But we at DFTI have been observing over the last 15 years how people function and live in life, and also in success. It is the same with MLM and a Home Based Business. All people want to Succeed in Network Marketing, but few actually do at the level they really want to.
It does not have to be that way.
If you will look at other similar but yet different entrepreneurial ventures, it is the same as in Real Estate and Insurance, and Stock Brokerage. All that enter into those wonderful enterprises want to make it work. And most want to make it work huge. But the truth is, most never make it work at all, as they have fallen prey to a Secret that I ran across 15 years ago, and it has made all the difference in the world as far as Success in my life I have been blessed with.
I call this amazing little secret that has guided my life for several years as well as Success:
“The RMR- Results-Method Reality.”
This little secret that made such a difference in my life, can make a huge difference in your life. It can change everything about you, and your business, and how you view life. It can change all aspects of your Network Marketing business, and even how you approach it and engage it. It can even change people around you just by being around you.
Ok, what is the “Results- Method Reality?”
Understand this:
There are two types of people in this business and two types only — Method people and Results people.
The difference between the two is huge in everything they do.
1) Method people choose the method they are willing to use and accept the results.
2) Results people choose the results they want, and accept whatever method it takes to obtain them.
Method people’s favorite song is “I did it My Way and got what I could!”
Results people’s favorite song is “Whatever I Need to do to get the Results I want!”
Method folks have a tendency to work Network Marketing on THEIR TERMS, and expect Network Marketing to bow to their ways of doing business.
MLM demands a certain concept and model of working, and being a certain mindset, and if you do not work within that concept and model, and be who you need to be, then Network Marketing can be a very frustrating experience for you.
Results people are focused totally on what results they want, while method people are focused on how they want to do this business, and what is comfortable.
Results people refuse to focus on comfort, but focus on construction. They want to construct a business no matter what it takes or how long it takes.
And the biggest difference between Results people and Method folks, is HEART.
Results people seem to have the heart to make it happen, while method people seem to have the heart to make it easier.
That alone is a Million Dollar Difference in the approach to this business. Most millionaires in Network Marketing are RESULTS people. Rare are the mlm millionaires that are Method people.
If you are going to be a powerful and successful home business leader in Network Marketing, may I suggest you become a results person, and use whatever method it takes to achieve your dreams. That is what we call “total personal leadership” — the direct result of leading and moving yourself past all the limitations you harbor in your heart, and creating things in your life as never before.
Leaders relentlessly prospect, approach, present, follow up, and sign up new people. And then they teach their distributors to go out and do the same thing, and look for the same results.
You MUST train on the methods of how to do this business, but do not get lost in that. Become a Results person, and accept whatever it takes, however long it takes,and whatever path it takes, to Succeed in Network Marketing.
If you give MLM and Network Marketing all you got, then it will in return, give you all it has.
And that is called a great answer to getting wealthy in MLM and Network Marketing. If you do own a home business, focus on taking ACTION and getting the results you WANT by doing what it TAKES for home based business success.
That is what millionaires do. Whatever it takes to get the Successful RESULTS in their home business.
Are you looking for more RESULTS in your home business prospecting? Click here
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
Home Business Training-What EXACTLY To Say to a Negative Prospect?
home business argument
Prospects of a home business in mlm can say the darndest things. That reminds me of a kid’s show a while back, “Kids can say the Darndest things.”
But it is so true. Your home business prospect and also even family and friends can be NEGATIVE over nothing. You can take guidance of mysunrise over this.
But that is not just innate to network marketing. Every entrepreneur puts up with negheads almost on a daily basis when they are starting their business. In a Fortune magazine survey in 2001, they asked multi millionaire business owners what was their number one obstacle their first 12 months. Check these out fivebough .
Over 80% of them put friends and family. And of course prospects would fail in that category as well in a home business. It is like you just want to say to the negheads and naysayers:
“There they go again.”
One more time.
Friends and family spouting off Negative comments, input, and opinions about your home business and your MLM future. You can get so mad sometimes that you just want to walk away and say, “forget it” r something worse. You stare at them and wonder what to say or do, but yet the words of reply only get caught in your throat.
This is a battle yu will not win. People that are convinced of something do not want the facts. Been there.
You may attempt to play some form of “verbal judo,” or “word wrestling” but they have you in a head lock with their words and questions and you just slink back into the chair and can feel so defeated and dejected.
But here is the worst part and the most hurtful part to their negative comments:
They actually are starting to make sense with their logic. Or at least seem to.
You stand or sit there and just take the negative vomit.. And that is what it is spewing all over you and your home business . And you just wish you knew what to say. But you remain silent. It does make you think and wonder. And your mind starts to develop questions that can kill your home based business. And you actually start to ask these questions:
“Could they actually be right?”
“Are they telling me the truth?”
“Could they actually have a point here?”
“What if they really ARE right?”
And the doubt and the fear slowly start creeping in, and you start to question your own decisions, actions, and future.
This happens everyday in the land of home businesses and network marketing . Negative people start to try and stop you because of their own fears and insecurities and many times- they are very successful.
But it is time that cam to an abrupt halt.
Understand this:
Negative well meaning people — are still — negative. (Read that again.)
They may mean well, but there has never been any Success accomplished in any home business with a negative focus and a negative language.
So what do you do?
Here are 3 things that can say to help neutralize their negative comments when they appear out of their mouths:
1) “I appreciate that comment, but let me ask you a question: Who in the world sold you on THAT?”
2) “Thanks for sharing, but what you just said does not match up at all to what I have researched about this company and products. Would you like to see a little of my research?”
3)”That is an interesting way to look at it. There are several other ways to look at that I have found as well. Let me explain…”
And there is also a secret to doing this:
You KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW and NOTHING can shake that Knowing that you are doing a great thing and will Succeed massively.
It is called the single most powerful “velvet hammer” when you answer a negative prospect. Confidence tells the negative MLM prospect that you understand that they have an “opinion” but you are not buying what they said. They will FEEL that in your words.
Most negative prospects are just that way: negative.
So you have a decision to make:
Are you going to let the negative mlm prospect influence or even dominate your business, or are you going to continue with confidence and not worry about the naysayers. the negheads, the not so hots, and the never will be’s?
It will determine much about your future success in your MLM and Network marketing business. These people have an influence over you and you may not realize it. They can either influence you to slow down or even quit, or influence you to prove them wrong and to go out and CRUSH IT.
I would suggest to ignore the negheads that are “eggheads” and move on with your business. They will NEVER pay a bill you have or really have anything positive to say about your business. Accept it and move on. You will be so glad you did as that is one of the biggest secrets to MLM network marketing and home business success.
Looking to create an Endless prospecting Tidal Wave?
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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