mlm home business Christmas recruiting
MLM Holiday Recruiting.
Have you ever during the Holidays tried to recruit someone for your home based business?
Did you KNOW what to do or how to do it for your network marketing business?
Would you like to know some secrets to Holiday Recruiting in mlm?
By the way- if you are interested in Holiday Recruiting secrets, go to: Holiday Recruiting Secrets.
This has holiday tips from Myself, Diane Hochman, and over 30 super stars in our profession that have given some HOT holiday Recruiting tips. CHECK IT OUT as it has over 4 hours of tips!
The holidays are a great time to network and recruit. I know. Some folks say the opposite. But I recruited for 4 years in a row someone – ON CHRISTMAS EVE! It is not hard to do. And these 10 Holiday Recruiting Tips I believe will help you in your holiday business building for your home business.
Here are 10 “Holiday Recruiting Secrets” for the Holiday Season and beyond!
1. Always seek out the Host and thank them for putting this on.
This is critical in ANY meeting or event during the holidays. ALWAYS make sure they know that you are there and hold a conversation with them as they may be an influencer and know the person you are looking for. And if you are the host, seek out the Influencers and spend some time with them. Get to know them. Ask them if you can take them to lunch after the holidays to chat.
If you are on an online event, make sure you contact the host/ trainer of the event and thank them and get to know them. “Social Up” with them and connect with them to form a “Social Web” and eventually take it offline if possible.
2. Always be the first to break the ice.
Whether you are on a social site, or offline, approach people with a simple, “Hey! I have not met you. My name is < > what is yours?”
Or….”Hey! I have not had the honor of meeting you and would love to connect online. Are you on facebook or Google+? I love your photos you have been sharing. Here s my twitter / facebook name….”
3. Always use the “W5” Networking template in Holiday Live Networking environments that you do not know people.
Always ask “Who – What – When – Where – Why.”
Who do you WORK for or With?
What do you do?
When did you start <or start your company>?”
Where is it located?
Why do you work there? <Why did you start your company?>” if they own the company. Get their contact information.
4. Always ask for a “Contact Number” or a “Mobile Number” NEVER a telephone number.
“I have really enjoyed this conversation. Just curious would love to chat again. Do you have a contact/mobile number/card?”
Here is a MILLION DOLLAR SECRET for LIVE Offline Holiday Recruiting:
Get your mobile phone out, ask them “Do you have a contact number? I would like to lock it in my phone.”
5. Always set a Goal for Holiday Contact Acquisition.
Contact Acquisition is THE ENGINE for your LIVE Networking Success. This alone will keep you FOCUSED on WHY you are there and not to spend all your time with one person. Set a goal for at least 3 contacts and hour. This will provide you ample time to hold a good conversation with folks and move on to the next one.
If online, set a goal to connect with at least 5 new people every session.
6. Always “Boomerang Your Network” before you leave the Holiday Networking event.
Find the people you connected with, and thank them again for their time. Make sure you do this, as it “reconnects” the conversation to the prospect. This is a boomerang for connections.
This says three things:
You are truly a professional, you care about them and their success, and you look forward to connecting again after the first of the year. That sets you apart as well as 95% of people do NOT do this.
7. Always get their Social Media and Mobile info and connect with them the next day.
You are starting to build a “Credibility Net” and you will be remembered for being so prompt in the social world. Thank them again for their time and send them a classic Success audio mp3- “The Strangest Secret” by Earl Nightingale.
8. Ask some “Drill Down Questions” during the Holiday Recruiting conversations.
“That is interesting. Tell me more…”
“What happened after that?”
“What were you thinking at that point?”
“Where do you see yourself with your company 3 years from now?”
If online, same thing- keep it focused on THEM and what they are holding a conversation about.
9. Always Listen First when approaching an Influencer’s “circle” and then introduce yourself to them when and opening occurs.
In the Holiday Recruiting LIVE Networking world, there are “Conversation Circles” that happen when an Influencer is speaking.
FOCUS on who the Influencers are, and then become a “passionate listener.” Approve of their conversation by smiling, and nodding your head. Yes this is elementary, but you would be shocked at the number of folks that do NOT do that.
And if you are on social media, let them know- “I agree!” ‘You are so right!” “Totally on target.” You get the drift.
10. Send them a text to their mobile 48 hours after the event saying you enjoyed the event, suggesting a lunch and you BUY.
“I really enjoyed the event and great talking to you and connecting. Let’s connect at lunch soon- I am buying.”
This will show them you are serious about your building a relationship, and will show you are a true professional as well in mlm network marketing home business.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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