Social Media MLM- The 4 Levels of Social CONNECTION?

social media mlm

social media mlm for home business

If you think about it, Home business social media is a fast growing arena in the home based business profession. And we have been training on it for 6 years. There are many GREAT teachers and other trainers out there and we are honored just to be a part of it. we discovered social media around 2004 with myspace (where in the world did THAT go?) and then moved onto facebook, twitter, and now the new google+. It is an amazing time to be in the network marketing profession.

Many folks train on marketing in social media and we do too, but we want for this training, to really focus in on the FOUNDATION of social networking. It is critical that you understand that there is a BASE PLATFORM that social media rests upon as far as actions. And this platform you must master in every area of social media, be it video, blogging, podcasting, texting, posting, etc.

What is the BASE PLATFORM of taking action for home business social media?

The base of Home Business Social Media Marketing is about Conversation.

No Doubt. Conversation RULES as far as being the DRIVING FORCE in the social media experience in MLM. NEW conversations as well are vital to the growth of your home business.

But the platform the base is HOSTED on I believe is:


Conversation does not occurwithout a Connection, and without a reaching out on someones part via a post, video, podcast, comment, tweet,, cinchcast, or whatever you choose for the delivery of your message.

Connection, though is the START of where it all begins to happen in Social Media. It is at the NUCLEAR CORE of social networking.

First comes the Catalyst, then the Connection, then the Conversation.

Whether it is tweets on twitter, friends on facebook, and users on LinkedIn – it still starts with Connection in the Social zone.

Are you Connecting on a regular basis? And if you are, how are you doing it?

Connection, according to the dictionary, is “when 2 things come together and meet.”


That works as far as social media. Connecting with folks that you have something in common with is all part of the home business social media marketing process. But if you think about it, there are different types or levels of Connection, and social media really demands a higher level of connection in mlm marketing.

All Marketing is, (no matter if you are a traditional marketer or a home based marketer,) is the process of exposing your message or product to a prospect in some way. Yes, that is a simple definition, but within it, you must CONNECT your message with someone. There must be a CATALYST to make it happen, like an advertisement, phone call, squeeze page, or an article online. But something MUST start the process of marketing and recruiting.

Here is the process :  < Catalyst >- Attention- Connection- Conversation- Collaboration.

Hence, the 4 levels of Connection in social media.

1) Attention.

This is the weakest form of Connection in home business social media. No matter whether it is on LinkedIn, or Facebook, it is the weakest. This form of Connection many people make the mistake of thinking they have Connected here and immediately start bombarding folks with recruiting and marketing messages. That is a HUGE no no. Attention means that you have Connected their eyes, mind, or curiosity with something, but it is NOT enough to start the home business marketing process effectively. Yes, you can start here, but rarely does it prove to be effective. This Connection is only where someone NOTICES you message.

2 Connection.

This is where a person in the home business marketing process, is “hooked” by something in your message or offer. It could be a phrase, video, free giveaway, download, image, or color. But SOMETHING has not only gotten their attention, but has Connected their mind to a further look. the psychology of this is to switch in their curiosity, and desire for more information. They have “plugged in” enough to Connect to your message and consider it.

3) Conversation.

This is the third level of Connection, This is where the Conversation has moved beyond curiosity, and now has elevated to communication. They may want to know more about the message or product. They may want to know more about you.  They may want to know more about the benefits and value of the product. But Conversation does take place and can take place many times over the course of time before you move to the 4th level of Connection.

4) Collaboration.

This is where you both agree that you will Collaborate in some way and is some fashion to work together. This may come in the form of a recruit, sale or purchase, an appointment, a referral, a new person in your home business, a new mlm customer, or even a referral, partnership or Joint venture. Collaboration is something that has many possibilities.

The ultimate goal in home business marketing is to make something happen that creates a win/win situation for both the marketer and customer.  And these 4 levels of Connection can create a LOT of new recruits and profit if you are consistent and relentless. 

Many network marketers never get past the Attention stage as they are more interested in RESULTS then a Relationship. They have it backwards. Relationship is a much better catalyzer of Results. Since you have taken the time to Connect on a higher level, they have learned to TRUST you, and trust more of what you suggest or say.

Do not make that mistake in home business social media marketing. Take it to the highest level every time, and see your results increase dramatically in your home business social media zone.

Discover how to fuse social media and network marketung as a success force!

blessings.. doug firebaugh

(c) 2011   all rights reserved

Dissover the prospecting secrets that produced over 5 BILLION in Volume!

Home Business Training-The Secret to “Urgent Patience” in MLM

home business success

home business success urgency

In my home business, in 1989, I remember talking to my mentor, and asking him what is the REAL Secret to Success in a home business. Let’s move past all the hype and rah rah and get to the bottom line.

He was eating breakfast one morning, as we were at a national conference. He had called me and asked me to join him and of course I did. What an honor. I wanted so bad to get to the TRUTH about the MLM profession and then start succeeding at it. I KNEW this was my calling in life, but yet it was not doing what I needed it to do.

So when I asked him this question, he did not even look up from his raisin filled oatmeal. He said something so profound that it still rings in my ears today.

What did he say?

“Patience is the secret to home business success Doug. But it must be Urgent Patience. The single greatest Success trait of all Millionaires in the Home Business Profession is PATIENCE. Most people out-patience themselves right out of this profession as they are urgently working, but not patiently waiting – for their skill set and leadership to grow.”

Wow. I was stunned.

This was pure GOLD as no one had ever said that to me before. Maybe no one cared enough to tell me the truth.

Who knows?

But it really hit me like a 2 by 4 when he said those words.

It is called:

Hurry up and wait.

That is how most entrepreneurs SHOULD feel. They want to have a sense of urgency, but yet they know they need to be patient because all businesses take time and effort. Especially in the MLM home business profession.

Most home business owners are willing to give the effort …for a while.

It is the TIME that it can take many have a challenge with.

Don’t outpatient yourself out of this incredible network marketing profession.

Where your home business is today is nowhere close to where it will be 3 years from now.

Keep focused and talking to NEW people with NEW CONVERSATIONS. Keep sharing your company’s information.

What you are doing today is planting seeds. They may not grow next week. It may be next year.

Seeds of prospecting.

Seeds of social networking.

Seeds of recruiting.

Seeds of presentations.

Seeds of webinars.

Seeds of in home meetings.

Seeds of exposures that will grow at a later time.

All these seeds ARE GOING TO GROW as God has ordained that seeds grow. 


Just make sure you are around and active when the harvest season comes flooding in!

And that season is right around the corner for your network marketing mlm home based business.

Master Social Media in Network Marketing! Click to find out how!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Create a PROSPECTING AVALANCHE – click here to find out HOW!

Home Business Training-Secrets to Connecting to Your Prospect Part 2

Home Business MLM-One Word Can UP Your Image Dramatically?

Home Business MLM- What Is Touching Your Prospect?

Home Business MLM Training-Why Recruit Small Business Prospects?

home business recruiting

home business small business

A home based business GOLD MINE for prospects?

Yes. A VERY Powerful One.

Today, you have many types of small business owners in social media and online. There are small business fan pages, professional fan pages, knols, blogs, wikis, and many other different kind of small business places to find prospects.

Many people ignore the small business owner.

I did not.

I recruited personally over 100 of them as they were a gold mine in CONTACTS. They already understood the power of running a business. And they already were doing it every day.

If I would have had social media in the 90s to recruit from, I would have recruited hundreds more as it truly makes it so much easier. But yet, many home business owners do no recruit small business owners.

It is quite puzzling to me. Especially in today’s economy- many of them are looking for alternative revenue sources.

I would suggest that you take a HARD LOOK at small business owners as they are a GOLD MINE in social networking as well as offline networking. And I DO believe we are in NETWORK marketing.

That is why I am going to say this ONE MORE TIME:

There is a virtual Gold Mine out in the marketplace online as well as offline,  for network marketing and home business that is being virtually ignored by most folks.

These small business owners have major Success ASSETS for Home Business Success.

And they are waiting on you to tap into. Small business professionals  have 5 things they bring to a home business and MLM that can prove to be absolutely invaluable:

1) Contacts around the country.
2) Existing clients.
3) Experience in the marketplace.
4) Exposure, credibility, and visibility to a lot of folks.
5) Capital that can purchase products.

Many of these owners today, because of the economy, are looking for other sources of revenue. They are major entrepreneurs, and understand the concept of multiple streams of income and revenue options, which are available in a Network Marketing home business.

Ok, who are these gold mines?

The Small Business Professional in your city and town.

And this Gold mine is endless as far as potential, possibilities, contacts, sales, and profit.

We all need to get into our warm market whether in social media or offline, and rarely is a warm market totally exhausted. Most people never call on a third of their warm market. That is an industry fact.

But we ALL know small business professionals in our warm market, and they are a lot of times very willing to take a look at a “secondary revenue source”.

Let me ask you some questions:

Who do you purchase things from on a regular basis?
Who do you buy your insurance from?
Who did you buy your real estate from?
Who do you purchase your groceries from?                                                                Who do you know that owns a small business?

Small business owners are looking today for how to expand, increase, improve, and enlarge their current business and profits, and network marketing has proven to be a great source of income for the right business owner.

Who would be some small business professionals in your town as well as on social media?

1) Print Shop Managers/Owners.
2) Book Store Managers/ Owners
3) Restaurant Manager/ Owner
4) CPA
5) Attorney
6) Stock Broker
7) Jewelry Store Manager/Owner
8) Service Station Owner
9) Local Pharmacy owner
10) Grocery Store Owner/ manager
11) Book keepers
12) Fitness Trainers
13) Health Professionals
14) Medical professionals
15) Consultants

The List is endless.

At the end of the day the biggest people that are going to want to use this sort of training are fitness and medical professionals. Why? because they are the ones that benefit from high end marking the most. Fitness and medical costs are through the roof and they really do need to do as much as possible to get going.

Fitness is something that is booming right now. More people than ever are looking to get fit and trying to become a better version of themselves every single day. The way they do it is through apps which they follow through on every day.

Online fitness has been BOOMING! The best way to keep learning more about it is through this site that has a lot of information on how you can keep going for success and how you can keep building yourself up every single day for weight loss and weight gain advice.

Everywhere you look is a potential Gold Mine for your MLM business when you drive around or when you are on facebook or twitter.. Even look in the yellow pages, and the Chamber of Commerce.

You will be shocked how large the market really is.  HUGE!

The average city has literally hundreds and even thousands of small business owners, and they all have one thing in common:

Wanting to enlarge and multiply profits.

Try to stay within the range of 10- 25 employees to start off. This is a good number and usually the owner is in a position to make the decisions without a lot of red tape.

Start contacting the small business owners you know, and ask for their help. Ask them to take a look at your Network marketing products and services, and consider making them available to their employees at a discount. Ask if you could do a mini seminar at their place of business after hours.

And then run the idea past them of having a secondary revenue source themselves with your products.

We were blessed to recruit hundreds upon hundreds of small business owners in our group, and it really was easy, once you got your first one.

They brought in the rest into MLM and Network Marketing. And that is why that I believe that the small business owner is one of the most overlooked prospect GOLD MINES in the home business profession.

ENDLESS LEADS? Yes- and most of them cost you NOTHING! Check it OUT!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

The OUTRAGEOUS HOUR Daily INSANE Deals? It is CRAZY Pricing and HOT training!

Home Business Social Media- Social Network Marketing …What IS IT?

home business social media

home business social media

In a home business today, you MUST be online.

If you are not, then you are operating your home business at a tremendous disadvantage.

And coming soon, you MUST BECOME MOBILE.

As everything is getting ready to be transferred to the “4th Screen” in marketing and social media.

if you are not ONLINE then you off course in your home based business.

That is s truism and have been teaching that for over 10 years. We have been in internet marketing for over 12 years and have been blessed to build a solid business online and worldwide, by marketing our MLM training resources.

But there is a NEW style of home business tactics I call “Social Network Marketing.”

 This is a poweful FUSION of social media, social networking, and network marketing blended together to create a social focused marketing of a home business.

There are MANY internet marketing types out that train on how to market a home business. And they are all good.

I highly recommend many of them if you are looking to find leads and work your business online and with what is called “Funnel marketing.”

Social Network Marketing is a little different as it is more SOCIAL focused than Funnel focused. It requires that a distributor/consultant join social networking sites, learn the ropes of how to work them, and then connect with like minded people that are looking for a change or MORE out of life.

THEN you need to move them through a system to find out if they are a MATCH for your home business. This requires knowing the process and how to move people through the process.

Whether facebook, twitter, or LinkedIn,  you must be what I call the “2 V’s of Social Network Marketing:


You must be on the social sites daily at least 15 minutes to comment on updates, build new relationships, and to add new content, videos, and photographs that you deem worthy. Visibility is what is going to guarantee CONNECTABILITY.

The more visible you are in social networking, then more credibility you are going to have as a social networker.


How are you VALUABLE to people that friend you or follow you? What can you ADD to their life that will IMPROVE, ENHANCE, EDUCATE, or ENLARGE what they are doing with their life?

Social Network Marketing is one of the most powerful ways to not only find home business leads on social sites, but also to build a business that spans the country and globe.

I would HIGHLY recommend that you take a minute and check out a powerful training resource that teaches you not only WHAT you need to do…but HOW to do it  in Social Network Marketing.

You can get a lifetime membership to this course and any new videos added for a ONE TIME tuition for ONLY $37.00 for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! This special is ENDING SOON.

That is a little over a dollar a day for 30 days. And that is IT. And this training course SOLD OUT in April when it was first offered. I would encourage you to check it out and see if this is something that could take your social media lead generation and home business fusion to a whole new level.

And remember:  VISIBLE and VALUABLE are 2 keys to creating a powerful presence in social media. And that is what it takes to get the attention and KEEP the attention of potential prospects in your social media home business.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Social Prospecting training that helped produce BILLIONS in Sales?

Home Business- 9 Secrets to a Prospecting Avalanche with “2 Streets Over”?

home business prospecting

home business prospecting

Home business prospecting is easy- if you let it be.

Home business recruiting is all part of building a home based business. There is much talk and training online about “funnel marketing” and social media marketing, and internet marketing. All of these are great and critical to the success of a home business.

But many times the more traditionl marketing and home business recruiting ideas can play HUGE into the success equation. There are many times that the more traditional approach in home business prospecting can reap huge dividends. I have been teaching social media prospecting as well as online prospecting for years. But yet the traditional methods have not lost their power for building a home based business either.

I would suggest that you look at a home business prospecting idea that we have been training for years that has proven to be an amazing little secret in prospecting.

MLM and Home business Prospecting is an action that many folks struggle with, and they really should not have to. Network marketing Prospects are EVERYWHERE if you are just aware of them.

In home business, we have what I call “Prospecting Radar” and most of the time, the distributor’s radar is turned off or ineffective.

There are more people than you can count on any given day that you walk past or drive by. There are according to the US government, about 150 homes in the average neighborhood. Each neighborhood has about 2.5 people in the house. And there are usually 5-7 neighborhoods between you and where you are employed.

That means there are about 2,200 people everyday you drive past or at least where they live. And there are about 40-50 neighborhoods in the average town.

You do the math. that is over 100,00 possible prospects for your mlm business.

One of the most powerful MLM Prospecting secrets is what we call “2 Streets Over” Prospecting.

There is more business in your neighborhood than you could possibly write.

“2 Streets Over” is a Home business Prospecting secret that we used for years. Most people Never work their neighborhood, but that really is crazy. You have something in common with all of them:

You are their neighbor, and have a geographical commonality and closeness.

Why not utilize that to your advantage?

What you need to do, is think about becoming the “Local Neighborhood ABC Company Rep” and start looking towards that journey. You can identify yourself in many ways as the local neighborhood ABC Rep, and introduce yourself as such. And you will be shocked at the nice response that you usually will get.

Even on social media, you can find people in your neighborhood and use that connection as a possible conversation point.

People seem to appreciate neighbors, and when you can show them something that would enhance their life, many folks respond in a positive fashion to this Network Marketing prospecting strategy.

How can you communicate this to your neighbors that you are in business?

1) Snail Mail.

Simply send them a piece in the mail introducing yourself as the neighborhood ABC Rep and you would love to meet them and give them a free gift. This gift could be a sample product, or a CD about a product, or a coupon for something free. You can call them to follow up as well if you choose to make the mail piece more effective.

2) Doorhangers.

This is a tried and true old school way of introducing yourself. Real Estate people use this a lot. An MLM company I am blessed to consult with, used door hangers on their “2 Streets Over” program. Their volume per consultant quadrupled for those who did this. The door hanger does not have to be complicated. Just let the door hanger introduce yourself, and tell them you would love to meet them sometime. We used “I am just hanging around wanting to meet you!” or “Is your future hanging on your boss’s decisions?”

3) Voice Mail.

You can find out your neighbors phone number by going to and do a reverse look up with the address. Call them and simply introduce yourself as a neighbor and you have a free gift for them. And the best gift is a sample of your products or services. Leave a 30 second message and your phone number. Be friendly and warm.

4) Hold a neighborhood Bar b que or cook out.

Hold a social function and invite your neighbors. They will appreciate the gesture, and you can get to know them and get their phone numbers and set up appointments as well when you call them a few days later.

5) Go for a walk daily, and talk to who you see.

Do this everyday at different times. Many people are outside working on the lawn between 6:30 pm and 9 pm. Introduce yourself, and talk about your neighbor, and what they do, how many kids they have, and their life. Get to know them. Then introduce yourself as the neighborhood ABC rep and then after you feel timing is good, ask them if they know anyone who would benefit from your products. Do this all over your neighborhood. Not just your street, but every street in your neighborhood. Tell them that you are their neighbor and you live “2 Streets Over” or a few streets over. This is sizzling Network Marketing Prospecting in action.

6. Social Networking.

There are websites such as and www.upcoming.orgthat allow you to subscribe to local functions and events. if you hold an event, make sure you put it on these sites and let other know about it in your region.

7. Give “Neighborhood Samples” out of your product and let them try your product for free.

This has been done over and over with many types of products and it is a great excuse to talk to neighbors 2 streets over. And it also gives you a reason to follow up and ask for referrals.

8. Ask a Neighbor for help and who they know that could benefit from your products.

You neighbors have a warm market that you need to tap into. Ask then for an introduction to a friend that has a challenge and show them your products or services has a solution for them. Your neighbors know a TON of folks.

9. Mail your neighbors every 90 days with a flyer or special with a personal note that will compel them to call you or ask about when they see you.

This alone will keep your name out in front of them and at the top of their mind if they should need a product like you market. make the mailer COMPELLING and magnetic.

Home business Prospecting “2 Streets Over” is a powerful way to get to know your neighbors, but also who they know. Be friendly, be warm, and always ask how their family is doing when you see them.

In your neighborhood is a gold mine. Are you digging it? That is one of the most powerful secrets there is.

You can connect with your neighbors by simply giving them a coupon when you see them and tell them this is for your business. You can send it via email, or even social mail. You can call your neighbors and invite them over for a luncheon and ask for referrals. There are so many possibilities.

I would encourage you to look at your neighborhood. Look at who your neighbors know. Look at where your neighbors work. Look at where your neighbors go and have fun. There are many ideas that you can get simply by thinking about who your neighbors are 2 Streets Over in home business prospecting.

Discover how to NEVER run out of people to talk to- it is so easy.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Home Business Prospecting training resources

Home Business Training- 5 Reasons Why You Hear the Word “NO?”

home business NO

home business NO


Home business entrepreneurs have to understand that they will run up against resistance.

I do mean Resistance. But not the kind that is physical. It is more mental and psychological. It is more emotional. But it is as devastating to some people as actually physical resistance.

It comes in the form of the word “NO.” Yeah yeah. I can hear you now. “I HATE the word NO!”

Ok…but do you KNOW WHY that you are getting that answer a lot? Have you studied the reasons why? Maybe I can help you understand better why this is happening.

Many people that have a home business face the fact that they get a never ending string of No’s  and never really understand why. They end up getting discouraged, and then many simply walk away  because they cannot handle the negative outcomes that keeps their MLM business in the doldrums.

Why do people continue to think that what they are doing is going to work if it isn’t working NOW? Amazingly, they continue to say and do the same things over and over and expect different results.

Yeah right. As if that is going to work.

And one of the biggest reasons that they get the word NO more than YES, is they do not understand why the prospect tells them NO. It really is quite simple to understand. But the average distributor/consultant does not think of that. They have an agenda and will stick to that agenda no matter what.

 That is why they are average. Ahem.

They simply do not connect to the reality that what they are doing is encouraging the prospect
to say NO, not YES.

What if you could discover the 5 Biggest reasons that prospects say No?

 Would that make a difference in your Success efforts? Of course it would. You have a goal of Success in your home business. But your prospect’s results are going to determine how your business goes.

So should you care about why they are telling you NO? OF COURSE! And that is the reason why for this article. So what are the 5 reasons why prospect’s tell you NO?

1) Lack of Perceived or Thought of  VALUE.

One of the biggest mistakes made in networking and in home businesses, is not creating enough VALUE in what you are saying. You need to create extreme VALUE with your products, business, and especially your Leadership.

It is ALL ABOUT VALUE. No matter if it is social media, offline or internet marketing.

Value is what people are looking for. Value is what people are expecting. Value is what people demand, and if you do not create that with your conversation, then you probably are headed for the NO ZONE.

The NO ZONE is where lack of Value lives, and does it’s ugly work.

2) Bad Timing in the Prospect’s Life.

Many prospect’s life is not conducive for having a networking home business. Not every one has the perfect time for that. Some prospect’s have things going on in their life that you may not know about. Divorce. Finding a new job. Relationship challenges with kids. Parental challenges. Emotional challenges.

Many people have different things in their life going on that may prevent them from joining you in your business, or even purchasing a product. Don’t freak if that happens. They may even be in an emotional funk. That is ok. That will pass. You can talk to them again. Don’t get all upset and depressed.

Just go to the next name on your list.

3) Prospect does not feel comfortable with you.

OUCH!  This one HURTS!

You may not sense it. You may not feel it. You may be oblivious to it. But it is there. The body language. The looking away. The silence. Not returning your phone calls.

Sometimes, the prospect simply does not feel comfortable with you. You really have done nothing wrong. You may have done a lot of things right. But yet,they do not feel comfortable with you. If this happens, and they say NO, ask them a simple question” “Help me understand this, Did I do something wrong in the process of sharing this with you?”

Odds are they will not tell you the truth, but they will know that you sense something that is not right. Move on to the next prospect and connect to that prospect in a powerful way.

4) They are Assuming the Wrong Things.

Many prospects assume that they have already heard this “pitch” before, and lump you into all the other network presentations they have heard. They assume you are no different. They assume you are only after their money. They assume you are not a professional. They assume you will disappear like all the others did.


Keep in touch and let them know of the updates as well as the Success you experience. Do not let their assuming that you are like all the others become the truth. Do something different. Be a professional. Stay in touch. Do not beg. Forget the business. Focus on the relationship.

You will be glad you did.

5) Bad Experience with a previous Company or Product.

“My mind is made up. Do NOT confuse me with the truth. I am living in the past.”

That is the slogan for these folks.

They simply do want to listen to you as they are still stinging from the last one that did not work. Or the last network marketing product that did not work. Or the last promise that did not work. Or the last person that became a part of the witness protection plan.

If someone tells you NO because they have had a bad experience with another home business company or product- say this:

‘Thank you for sharing that with me and I am so sorry. That is not right for anyone to get treated like that. Please tell me what happened as I do care about this and would like to make it up somehow…that is just not right.” And then listen to the prospect and let them talk. Many times they will talk themselves into doing business with you. Happened to me a lot.

Do not think it will work? Try it. You will be surprised.

These are the 5 Biggest reasons why prospects tell you NO. Learn them, and then turn them into something that will work FOR YOU- not against. Many times a NO is simply a “NOT NOW” in your Networking Home Business. Keep in touch, and keep in the Success Road.

NO is NOT the final word in many instances. They say “NO” because they do not “KNOW” yet. Sometimes, it takes more information, more education, sampling the product, another three way call, another post or video. This is critical that you NEVER accept NO as the final word.

NO = Not Now.  Try again in the future. And keep focused on the ultimate goal: Getting a string of YESES for your home based business.

How do you turn your business around in 1 Minute or Less?

Blessings…Doug Firebaugh

(c)  2011 all rights reserved

MLM Home Business Network Marketing