Home Business MLM- Happy LABOR Day and It’s 5 Success Secrets

home business labor day mlm

home business mlm labor day


Happy Labor day 2011 folks! 

We at DFTI wish you and your family and home based business a great day and hope your weekend was awesome. If you think about it, LABOR day is a powerful day. It stresses the amazing 5 secrets of success for your mlm home business.

Now…you may be thinking that I am out of my mind.

Well, my wife Jodi may agree with you, but hear me out. We all LABOR online as well as offline to build a business of some sort. We all labor diligently daily. Because of that, i want to give you what I call “The 5 LABOR Secrets of a Home Business” in celebration for labor Day!

What are those LABOR Success Secrets? We will take the word “LABOR” and use it as an acronym.

1. L stands for LEAD.

If you are laboring on any business, you must TAKE THE LEAD and WAIT ON NOTHING. That is what WON stands for- Wait On Nothing. And if you DO that, you will find your business growing at a much faster pace and you have won the race.

Taking the Lead is not waiting to be told what to do. You just go out and do it. As Nike says, “Just Do IT!” And that is a secret that all successful people know. Take the lead and KEEP IT. Make something happen in a powerful way and then continue to make something happen.

If you take the Lead- the Lead will take you higher and farther than you could ever imagine.

2. A stands for ASCEND.

If you are laboring with your business, then you must Ascend and RISE ABOVE the mediocrity in your thinking and in your expectations. You should have LOFTY goals that STRETCH YOU and GROW you in your home business. Many folks stay on the same level in their thinking and their actions. You need to Ascend higher and go BEYOND what you believe you can do in network marketing.

There is nothing like the thrill of the realization of when it hits you- you did the impossible. or what you THOUGHT was impossible. The thrill of that is beyond words and will Ascend your thinking higher to a place that it will stay. No one will be able to talk you out of your business.

You have risen above their negative words.

3. B stands for BLUEPRINT.

This is critical for any and all success. You need a Blueprint- a PLAN- a Daily Method of Operation that you will take action on day after day. But not just any action. It must be action that will produce the results that you need to start and grow in business.

Do you have a daily Blueprint of your business? What does it lead you to? Is it concise and powerful? Does it have a form of accountability? Does it motivate you to do the actions daily?

Your PLAN must be leading you towards Success. Does yours?

4. O stands for OPEN.

Are you OPEN for business 24/7? Or are you focused more on certain hours? I would suggest being open 24/7 by automating a LOT of what you do with software. Many people today -with a home business and even a traditional business-use software. This is a powerful way for your doors to be OPEN 24/7.

There are many night owls in the US and around the world that software can connect with- while you sleep! Being open 24/7 is a great way to keep leads coming in as well. There are many forms of software, and many types out there to choose from. Whether you choose a “funnel marketing” software, or a social marketing software, or a lead generating software, make sure you let it keep your doors open 24/7.

5, R stands for RELENTLESS.

I LOVE that word. It is such a powerful and moving word. And that has to be at the CORE of your LABOR in your mlm home business. You must be relentless in ALL you do, and refuse any other option except AOMS!  (All Out Massive Success)  Be unrelenting in your thinking, your focus, your actions, your belief, your expectations, and your taking the lead. It is amazing the power that will come form your business with that kind of Labor activity.

Hope this has helped you and Jodi and I want to wish everyone a happy Labor Day 2011 and God’s blessings upon your life, and your mlm home based business!

How can you acquire 100 leads a day and recruit one a week MINIMUM?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

This you GOTTA SEE! Social Recruiting Secrets from a #1 Corporate Recruiter!

Home Business MLM- What can MLM Recruiting Learn from Spammers?

home business mlm spam

home business mlm spam


If you have an MLM home business and are online, you know what spam is.

Everyone gets it and everyone hates it.

I ought to know.

We get spam on our home business training sites a LOT of spam. And I took it upon myself to do something crazy and totally out of the box.

I studied spammers and spamming and all their tactics- and was shocked at what I learned. As a matter of fact, in an obtruse sort of way, my respect for them sort of morphed into a less than hateful emotion. I actually after studying these little urchins discovered 7 things that really are quite educational when it comes to home business mlm success.

Online marketing is the rage and there a thousands of folks that have become wealthy because of it. Many of them are total spammers but yet knew what they were doing. What IF we could learn for them GOOD THINGS they do and apply them to the network marketing profession?

Here are 7 things that I learned when I went to the “University of Spam” and took “Spamming 101” : (lol)

1. Spammers are Relentless, Focused, Determined, and will NOT GIVE UP until they have reached their ROI Goals.

What would happen if YOU were like that and had a “spammer mentality?” What would happen to your work ethic? what would happen to your VOLUME and RESULTS?

What if you CONTACTED 100 new websites a day – even if it was automated–and connected your message to those websites? Then you followed up with the ones that respond and connected with them socially?

Enough said.

2. Spammers are DISCIPLINED to TAKE ACTION daily and hourly.

Many spammers are some of the most disciplined people that walk this earth. Most home business mlm owners are not. I have found through the years that many good folks in network marketing are “playing” at the business and it is more of a social club.

Spammers do not have time for social clubs. They are looking for FRUIT from the seeds they have planted. And they plant everyday, and sometimes every hour.

Do YOU do that with your business? How would you describe your Discipline level?

3. Spammers Compliment, Flatter, and make you GLAD they stopped by.

Spammers are great at this. Especially on blog comments and comment pages on websites. “I LOVE your blog. Wow. I am so glad I found it! I have bookmarked it and I will be dropping by again!”  This is an actual comment put on one of our sites- over 500 times- from one IP address.

You read that right. 500 comments from the same IP address. Now our spam filter stopped it, but still- THAT is amazing. 500 Compliments. 500 Flattering words. 500 times that they want to make you glad they dropped in.

Is that a CLUE or what? I have always taught that you MUST make people glad they talked to you. Spammers go a step further. They make you feel you are the most important person on the planet.

What would happen to your home business if YOU did that every conversation and every social communication?

4. Spammers are Automated and have mastered the systemic online software so they can be in 1000 places at one.

Spammers know how to duplicate their efforts. They have a SYSTEM. They USE the system and TRUST the sytem that it will give back to them the fruit of their efforts.

What is YOUR system? Do you HAVE one?

You need a system for your mlm business-an online one. One that will help you prospect and recruit as well as run your mlm business.

Spammers are SYSTEM DRIVEN. So should you be.

5. Spammers say in 5 words what most people say in 5 sentences.

You must have TOTAL CLARITY of your message. Spammers do. They have an unusual clarity of what they want to say it- and then they BOTTOM LINE IT.

What is YOUR BOTTOM LINE message? Can you put your message in 5 words and no more? This is one of the biggest discoveries of my little study. Spammers are incredible at communicating with few words but getting their point across.

How about YOU?

6. Spammers get Personal.

One thing that spammers do is they do get personal and want you to think you are going to be a great friend. Of course, we know that is not true, as most people would not want to know spammers. But they do a good job at making you think they are totally human and care about people like you do.

What would happen to your business if YOU did that- and MEANT IT?

Your home business prospects would be PULLED towards you like a magnet on steroids. People like the personal touch. I do. You do. Why not get a little personal and let people know you?

It works. Just ask a spammer.

7. Spammers ALWAYS have a strong Action Call and targeted destination for you to go to.

If you are an online home business marketer, make sure that you think “DO THIS” when you are ending your communication. I never send a post out, an email out, or anything else out without some form of an Action to take and a place to send them.


I am a business person just like you and I want to do business with you. If you have an offer that is of great Value- and our mlm training products are EXTRAORDINARY VALUE– then you owe it to the person or prospect to let them know about how you can ADD VALUE to their life with your offer.

What is YOUR ACTION to TAKE on your communications and conversations?

Where do YOU send them when you are ending your words and packing up to go somewhere else?

Give them an Action to TAKE by GIVING them something FREE! Like an ebook, video, or a pdf download.

Also, here is what SPAM stands for:

SPAM = Serious Productivity (by) Accelerated Marketing

No…I am NOT saying you need to SPAM people. What I AM saying is that we could take the good parts of what they do and makes many a lot of money and incorporate them into our daily efforts and mlm  home business.

How do YOU Fuse Social Media and Network Marketing?  Here are over 75 Secrets.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Free social media ebook – “New Rules of Home Business”





Social Media MLM – The Social Recruiting Power of these 5 NICHE Sites


mlm social niche site

mlm social niche site home business


You probably know MLM Social media has taken the world of business by storm.

I predicted it 6 years ago, and a lot of folks laughed.

 No one is laughing now.

I called it back then  “The Coming Success Storm” and man, has it been a STORM. It has changed every part of business as well as home business in everything that it touched.

Including mlm and network marketing.

In the growth of social media, there have been what are called “niche sites.” These are “specialized” or “focused” or “special interest” sites that house fewer folks than say facebook, but they are a GOLD MINE in social media mlm recruiting.

Niche sites are something I LOVE to train on as it truly is overlooked in many arenas in the home business profession. These sites I have found in private coaching, to be easier to recruit on as well as more fun. But being on the RIGHT niche sites are critical.

I have found 5 Social Niche sites that are GREAT places to recruit and if you do it RIGHT, can prove to be virtual gold mines for social media mlm.

1. http://ziggs.com/

Ziggs is a great site to meet, connect, and build your brand online. I would suggest that you look at the site and see if it would be a fit for you. Our private clients have had good results in connecting with the RIGHT people and enrolling them. You need to decide if this would be a good business social networking niche site for you.

2. http://www.spoke.com/

This is another interesting business social networking site. It is different than ziggs as it is focused on “spoking” your contacts and you are the hub. You can connect with new folks as well and it has a lot of potential for a niche site. Take a look at it and see if this would be right for you. It really is a great niche site.

3.  http://www.xing.com/

This is a site I have been a part of for several years and it a great site. It carries 11 million people on it and a LOT of potential as far as connections. As in all niche site I would encourage you to check it out and see if this would be a fit. We have had great success meeting people locally and recruiting them. As in all social sites, do NOT attack and recruit. Connect and construct the relationship so that they will be glad to offer you some help finding the right people.

4. http://ryze.com/

Ryze is also a great business social niche site. I would recommend that you check it out and see what they offer. There are a TON of folks on this site, and all are business professionals. You can meet a LOT of heavy hitters on this site, and I would recommend that you join it.

5. http://www.gobignetwork.com/

This is a TOTAL niche site. It is a niche site for startups. It is a COOL site to meet people that are wanting to do better and go higher in life. You can meet great people that already are motivated, and want to do great things. I would suggest that you check it out and see if it is a fit. And there is also this killer start up social niche site (check it out):


I hope that you have learned something about possible social niche sites in the social media arena. These sites are only a START to the hundreds of powerful social niche sites out on the web for your mlm home business success!

Social Network Marketing? What is THAT? Read this.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets? By a #1 Corporate Recruiter? Click NOW!

Home Business Training- How to CRUSH IT DAILY in Your MLM Business

mlm home business success

MLM Home Business Home run


There is a reality in MLM home business that most people miss. I did for years.

But sometimes you learn some things that open your eyes to things that really make a difference.

If you are really struggling in your business, I would suggest that you take the next saying to heart in your home business. I believe it will help you and your endeavors.

If you want a HOME RUN OUT OF THE PARK CRUSHING SUCCESS….here is a Truth:

“Wishing upon a star for Success will never get you or your business in orbit. There is no Success fairy as promoted by the Tooth fairy. It is UP TO YOU to move from Wishing to CRUSHING this business with RELENTLESS I WILL NOT BE DENIED GET OUT OUT OF MY WAY I AM HEADED STRAIGHT TO THE TOP I AM DESTINED TO BE A STAR NON-STOP Action.”

Many people today wish things would be better.

They wish that their life would get better.

They wish their home based business would grow.

They wish that their income would increase.

Nothing wrong with that.

But WISHING something to happen?

With Wishing….You may as well go fishing.

WISH = Woefully Impotent Success Hope.

You need to change from Wishing something to DOING something— and then SUCCEEDING.

Succes in MLM s is a by product of ACTION that is taken to create a Result that you want. You have EVERYTHING you need on the inside of you – to Succeed massively with your home business.

But you need to quit Wishing and start CRUSHING this business with a powerful Decision and Consistent Daily Action with your daily plan and Success Blueprint.

You are going to CRUSH this business!

CRUSH = Consistent Results Unleashing Success Hourly!

 Now THAT is way better than WISHING upon a star. Start CRUSHING your way to BECOMING a STAR in your company. All it takes is RELENTLESS action and DOING the RIGHT THINGS everyday to elevate your MLM home business.

How do YOU create leads in Social Media? READ THIS.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

How do you develop powerful Leaders in your group that STICK?

MLM Training -The 3 Best Traits for a Powerful Prospect

mlm home business prospecting

mlm prospecting 3 traits


You may agree that MLM is a wonderful profession if you own a home based business. No doubt. And just like any other business model, there must be FRESH MLM business leads coming in everyday.

Most retail stores advertise in the newspaper and radio.


Because they want to get new eyes and dollars to spend in their stores. NEW potential business is critical for a store to survive.

It is the same with MLM and network marketing.

Your home business needs MLM LEADS.

And it needs lots of them. There are numerous ways to generate leads for your home based business. But the problem is- many are NOT the right kind of prospect. The lead lacks the 3 traits that must be there to really be a good prospect.

If you are using an online leads program, or gathering leads the more traditional ways, you must find those leads and prospects that MATCH the 3 critical traits that a good MLM prospect needs.

What are these three traits:


If your prospect is not dissatisfied about something about their life, then the odds are, they are not going to move into your business. Yes, they may be wanting more out of life, and more income, but it is the dissatisfaction  that CATALYZES the actions that compel them to join you in your home business.

Dissatisfaction is connected to their REASON for doing something different. Everyone has their reasons for doing something and they vary. The stronger the reason, the more powerful the dissatisfaction can be.

A good MLM home business prospect needs to have what i call “the itch for change” and be willing to scratch it. They may want to change their income, job, lifestyle, and more. But the dissatisfaction must be STRONG and something that MOVES THE MLM PROSPECT towards you to enroll.


If the timing is wrong for an mlm prospect, then they will not move. They may have the skills, the dissatisfaction, the leadership, and the desire to do something, But if they do not have TIMING on their side, they will not move.

There are many reasons why a person has bad timing in their life. It could be children’s needs, marriage, divorce, psychologically bad timing, emotionally bad timing, or even professionally bad timing. But if timing is not good, then odds are they will not enroll with you.

How can you tell if it is bad timing?

 Ask them.

They will let you know and know quickly. Also, just notice what is happening around and in their life. many times you can see clues to timing.


The home business mlm prospect MUST have a daring to act if they are going to move. There are many prospects in the world that are totally dissatisfied, and timing is good in their life but they lack the DARE to act.

They may be listenting to family and friends, and being influenced by unmotivated people. They may have grown up in a family that taught them the more traditional path of life. They may simply be fearful of failure and that is killing their taking action and daring.

If that is the case, then ask for referrals and move on.

The mlm prospect MUST have these three critical traits to be a GOOD and VALID prospect for your business. If they lack these, then GET THEM AS A CUSTOMER.

Check your mlm prospect on these three traits and that will lead you what to do with your home business mlm prospect.

Find Endless Prospects easily for your home business. How? read this.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

101 Prospecting tips? That No One will tell you?

Home Business Training- QR Codes and their Power for MLM Recruiting

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

In your home business success, things DO change, and either you change with them or you don’t.

There have been  LOT of changes the last 10 years in the MLM network marketing profession..

Use to be that “myspace” was the HOTTEST property going for recruiting. THEN “social media” and “social networking” came along.

THEN facebook showed up.

THEN twitter.

THEN youtube.

THEN LinkedIn.

And the list is almost endless of the social sites out today.

THEN G2 and G3 , and now G4 iphones and Smart Phones have come out which the technology is amazing. Especially for MLM home business recruiting.

There is a NEW technology that actually has been in Japan for quite sometime, but has made it’s way to the US. It is something that I believe is a GAME CHANGER in marketing, as well as Home business marketing and recruiting.

It is called a “QR Code.”

According to wikipedia, this is what a QR Code actually  is:

“A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode  (or two-dimensional code) designed to be read by smartphones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded may be text, a URL, or other data. Today, Japan and South Korea are the major users of these codes”

Here is what one looks like:

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

This is a QR Code.

It contains symbols made up of characters and all, at least for now, black and white. It is a type of a “bar code” that we see on everything that is marketed in retail stores today.

You use your Smart Phone and scan the QR code,, and it decodes the code.

QR codes have proven to be very useful in all kinds of marketing -online and offline-and time saving related applications that is more suitable for smartphone and social networking users.  We are starting to see QR codes show up on all kinds of marketing materials such as movie posters, promotional posters for various products, billboards, flyers, among other things.  The QR codes have also been even seen on newspaper ads, business cards, artwork, and many other everyday items. Swag bags are great as a promotional technique so read more to learn more about it.

Concerning home business and network marketing, there are two main things that you have to have when you deal with QR codes:

1. An up to date mobile phone with a camera and Internet connectivity
2. A QR code reader installed.

Here is how a Smartphone works with the QR Code reader:

1. You snap or scan a picture of the QR code with your phone camera.

2.  The phone then will “resolve” the code- or decode it- and resolve it to a link on the internet on your phone. Otherwise, within 15-30 seconds, a webpage or landing page shows up on your phone with the information that the smart code POINTED TO.

This could be a Speical price, a special offer, or any other kind of marketing special you are offering.

Imagine the Recruiting Possibilities using a QR Code with “Moble Recruiting.”

Ok…how would this apply to home business mlm recruiting? We have tested this out for recruiting the last 6 months with our Private Clients, and the results were impressive to say the least.

You can put QR codes on any piece of marketing materials, and when you give them out or they run across it on your website or even email, they scan the QR code, and it takes them to your landing page or online destination planned.

The possibilities are ENDLESS in social media and social networking, and MLM RECRUITING.

We actually are coming out soon with a training resource called “QR Code Recruiting (for Home Business.)” That will teach you STEP by STEP how to make QR Codes, where you can make them, and also powerful QR Code resources that can help you accelerate your QR Code recruiting for your home business.

What is the secret to recruiting with QR Codes?


Just consider QR Codes as a “DOORWAY” or a “MAP” or a “CONNECTOR” or a “COMPASS” that Points To a particular online page or image that you want the prospect to view and act upon. Consider it much like a “Treasure Map” and the QR Code has the destination code where the treasure is. You get the picture.

That is one of the biggest secrets to QR Code recruiting for your mlm home business. It is going to be a Monster tool for MLM recruiting for your home based business.

Social Media and MLM Fused together for Endless Leads? How?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

How to Recruit Anyone,  Anywhere, Anytime

Home Business Training-The 6 Golden Words a 7 BILLION Dollar Producer Told Me

Home business GOLD

Home Business GOLD Training

A home business training mlm site like we have at PassionFire posts everyday education and trainings that we believe will help move you forward in your home based business. There are many GREAT other speakers, trainers, and authors out in the profession, and we are just honored to be a part of it.

Sometimes we will daily give “how to” education. Other days we will give “why to” education  And other times, like today, we give “Reality” education that can only come from experience. After 25 years, you learn a thing or two.  And starting in my mid twenties till now- it has been a blessed journey.

Wow. We are celebrating 25 years in this profession this November.  Whew. We are going to have an online party to CELEBRATE and YOU are invited!

In our approach to training and education, we have shifted and morphed the home business trainings to fit the marketplace for years, as Social Recruiting Mastery is an example. That has been one of the most fun parts.  And it Will continue to be FUN moving along this journey with YOU.

Ok…enough about that. Let’s get to the training today.

Hope that your Labor Day weekend is rocking! Jodi and I wish you a great and restful time with your family.

You know, the last few months, I have been getting so many emails and communications via social media that people are just “done.” And I mean DONE.

Cooked. Burned out. Looking for an Exit sign.

They are ready to throw in the towel and give up on their dream as they feel that it is not going to happen- especially with the economy and all.

Hmmm….who you have YOU been listening to?

Well, I am not going to get up on my soap box, but I will share with you what my mentor said to me one time and he has produced well over 8 Billion with one team!

That is BILLION with a “B.”

These words were golden to me and so needed at a time when I nearly gave up.

I hope that you keep focused and these words help you.

What did he say?

“Those that LAST, end up FIRST.”

This business, this home business profession is a LASTING process- and it will try you, stretch you, and pull you in all kinds of directions.

That includes mentally, physically, financially, and more.

But here is THE TRUTH:


Much more.

So read these 6 “Golden Words” every day and KNOW that you are going to CRUSH IT out of the park.

Gone baby gone. Cannot even find the ball.

I am so glad he shared those pearls with me, and I can now share them with you.

Truly, profound wisdom for a home business that is not growing like it should.

It is NOT how FAST…



Outlast the nay sayers.

Outlast the negatives.

Outlast the small thinkers.

Outlast the petty people.

Outlast those who simply will never ‘get it” about Success.

Outlast the friends and family.

Outlast those who settle for mediocrity. YOU NEVER WILL.

THAT is what Success requires, and demands.

Now it is YOUR TURN to ROCK your business and Shut Down – those who will NOT SHUT UP.

Outlast – to come – In FIRST in your MLM home business.

How do you FUSE Social Media with MLM and create ENDLESS LEADS?

blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Discover how to build a Team that STICKS and MULTIPLIES

MLM Blitz Training-How to Instantly Relate to Your Prospects 3

MLM Home business network marketing training on how to instantly relate to your prospects easily.

This will help you relate to your prospects in a way that will draw them towards you.

How do you create a prospecting avalanche?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Social media secrets to recruiting? Click here for training