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MLM Training- Are You Using these 7 Delay Tactics of Call Reluctance?

mlm training
Overcoming Call Reluctance in MLM.
Do you hesitate to make phone calls for your mlm home business?
Do you stare at the phone and wait for you to ‘feel” like call your network marketing prospects?
Do you know what the 7 MLM Call Reluctance Delay Tactics are that most use when they do NOT call their prospects?
Read on….
There are plenty of home business programs designed to assist marketing professionals overcome their issue of sales call anxiety with better sales and marketing approaches and scripts, but few get to the heart of the problem — showing how to get past a little inner critic that continually tricks one into any of the following powerful delay tactics:
1. Waiting for the right time to call your mlm recruiting prospects.
Call answering can also be a real challenge for a business but did you know that you can outsource your call answering to a professional company so that they answer all of the calls for you? It’s an excellent way to save time and ensure that your calls and answered very professionally so definitely worth a try. Sales and marketing home business professionals constantly find reasons why now isn’t a good time to call — it’s too early in the morning, it’s too close to lunch, it’s too close to closing time, it’s the day before a holiday, it’s a holiday, it’s the day after a holiday.
They even convince themselves that there’s no use calling prospects, when it’s 20-30 minutes before an event or meeting. They justify that they’ll just get into the swing of things, when it will be time to go.
2. Preparing the perfect MLM Prospecting script.
It’s hard to argue that carefully chosen words don’t stand a better chance than “shooting from the hip.” However, too often sales professionals spend their time crafting and re-crafting and then writing and rewriting, and then again, rescripting a script, instead of using their telephone to connect with and listen to their prospects, as a means to develop the most effective mlm recruiting script.
3. Organizing your Place of Business.
Home business professionals are often found cleaning their desks, devising the perfect calling regimen, and arranging a superb filing system, convincing themselves that they need to be really organized to handle all the new business that prospecting will generate. Instead of using their prime time to make mlm prospecting calls, they spend time getting ready to make prospecting calls.
4. Becoming a “Permanent Student” or known as a training junkie.
“The trained will always do more than the untrained” is a great philosophy to hide behind, when one feels too uncomfortable to make prospecting calls. In lieu of making mlm prospecting calls, home business professionals attend the newest sales seminar or read the latest sales book on prospecting, with the hope of discovering how to end the sales call anxiety they feel.
Then do nothing.
5. Finding more important things to do that FEELS more Comfortable.
Home business professionals almost always justify doing any other task before making those prospecting calls — checking email, brainstorming with coworkers, keeping in touch with current customers, attending networking meetings, etc.
6. Waiting for the prospect to call YOU back…..NOT!
If it only required one call to get prospects calling back to become clients, many companies wouldn’t bother hiring a sales force or recruitng a marketing team. Waiting for an mlmprospect to call back, after leaving a message or two is simply an excuse not to call, which only prevents the recruiting process from advancing.
7. Knowing that everyone hates pushy sales people and YOU will not be one!
Many home business professionals will do anything to avoid being considered just another pushy sales person, even if it means never picking up the telephone to call a prospect. In the attempt to escape being “pushy,” they actually avoid making calls at all.
Making any of the above common Delay tactics simply means that one experiences what most sales and markeeting home business professionals experience. The best way to break free of these costly stalling mistakes is to stop waiting for a magic panacea to end all sales call anxiety.
NOTE: Placing focus on sales call anxiety only increases it.
Almost all sales professionals relate to the little inner critic that nags at them to go get a cup of coffee before making that first prospecting call, or to get better prepared by first attending a sales seminar. They know what it feels like to be busy all day long but never doing what they originally set out to do :
Call their network marketing prospects!
The problem is that mlm distributors are waiting for that perfect time, when they have overcome sales call reluctance. However, the key is to move the focus from call reluctance to call willingness. Instead of mindlessly obeying the inner critic that tells one to wait, sales professionals must learn to counteract it by seizing the phone. Then the process of moving from call reluctance to call willingness becomes far easier than one thinks in your network marketing home business!
FREE Social Recruiting ebook-social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!
FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes made in Network Marketing NO ONE Will tell YOU!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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The 2 Types of MLM prospects and what NOT To Do!
The Psychology of Recruiting Business Professionals and Business Owners
MLM Prospecting Scripts- 5 Powerful Script Phrases that NO ONE Teaches

mlm prosecting scripts funnel
Have you ever been for a loss of words when you are prospecting in your network marketing business?
Are you wondering what to say when someone says something negative to you?
Are you tired of people not taking you seriously in your home business?
Been there! Got many t shirts and that is why I am writing this article.
I have been so frustrated before by not knowing what to say. In the company I was in for 14 year, we had little if any mlm prospecting script training. We had some but not much training period. That is why that I believe that MLM scripts and phrases can be important to the overall business success and prospecting you do.
Network marketing scripts can help you in three ways:
1. Increase your confidence.
2. Focus your activity.
3. Motivate you to increase your activity in talking to people.
It seems that when people know WHAT TO SAY, they say it MORE OFTEN.
When people do NOT know what to say and have no mlm prospecting scripts-they say it LESS often. And I have seen this through the years over and over and over. People will talk MORE if they KNOW what to say. People will talk LESS if they feel that they are less than prepared with their prospecting language.
And that can be online or offline.
Online mlm prospecting scripts are powerful as they focus you in moving the prospect into a funnel. Offline mlm prospecting scripts do the same, but maybe engage the recruiting process a little slower. Knowing what to say at the right time can be a HUGE difference maker in the success you have in your home business.
When someone is new they often go through the fear of rejection. But in reality, the base of that fears lies in not the rejection but the fear of SAYING THE WRONG THING to the prospect.
If a new person does not feel they are trained enough or comfortable with what they are planning on saying, they know the chance of hearing a NO increases, as their rejection fear. Your goal as a leader is to make sure that they KNOW what to say and then ROLE PLAY with your new recruit until they go it done.
If it is in social media then practice online with them as they approach you with their comments and words. If it is offline, same thing. Make sure that they are coming across like a professional and not a scared newbie that will get a NO for sure.
What are 5 MLM Prospecting Script Phrases that WORK online or offline?
1. Maybe you can help me…
This prospecting script phrase truly works wonders. This one phrase alone has recruited tens of thousands of prospects easily and powerfully. It really PULLS the prospect into your conversation.
2. Looking for some talent…
This mlm script has a very professional feel to it. It will help you put into words what you are doing that will get the attention of your prospect and keep it. Talent is a powerful word that corporate recruiters use- you should too.
3. Not sure this would be a fit…
This is what I call an “Exit Strategy” mlm prospecting phrase. It gives them an out. It allows them to walk away if they want to and takes any pressure off of the prospect.
4. Is this a good time in your life to consider more income…
This script is a very powerful one for people who are employed but maybe are tired of the rat race. It also works on prospects that have been in the work force a while and are looking for something bigger and better.
5. Has it ever crossed your mind to own your own business…
This mlm prospecting script is a phrase that gets down to the bottom line. It focuses the prospect on ONE THING and allows the prospect to even dream a little about what owning their own business would be like.
These mlm scripts have proven to work powerfully and are very MAGNETIC in PULLING the prospect towards you almost effortlessly. It creates a powerful recruiting conversation and can open up doors that maybe you thought were closed.
Use these mlm prospecting scripts and see if they do not increase dramatically your home business success and mlm prospecting!
Recruit 3 people a day from your phone- How? READ THIS.
blessings…doug firebaugh
LinkedIn Recruiting- the Secrets to Recruiting Professionals DAILY
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MLM Network Marketing Home Business Training on MLM Prospecting by Doug Firebaugh
Social Media FREE Leads for Life? READ THIS.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
MLM Prospecting- The POWER Formula for Finding Endless Leads

mlm prospecting for home business
There are many home business tactics and actions that are needed to create success in your MLM business.
There is none more critical- ESPECIALLY if you are a newbie in this great profession, than MLM Prospecting for your home based business. Finding and gathering leads are absolutely a MUST- either online or offline.
There is much debate over “online prospecting, “Social prospecting,” and “Traditional prospecting’ and I get asked a LOT what a home business professional should do and which one.
My answer?
YOU need to do them ALL and create a BALANCE that will build a tight business, not an exit turnstile business that so many people seem to build. They find a LOT of leads, but yet they LOSE a lot of folks as well. They just do not stick.
But enough about that. Let’s get back to MLM prospecting and the POWER formula for finding leads.
MLM Power Prospecting can bring in the results you desire for your network marketing home business, and the number of prospects you are looking for. There is NO DOUBT about that fact.
MLM Power Prospecting is a paradigm shift in what you do to prospect. It is a different focus than most. Most people in network marketing, whether online or offline, do not Power Prospect because there is no real power that they can connect to to energize what they are doing.
Their Power comes from what THEY WANT, and not what the PROSPECT IS LOOKING FOR. And that produces NO power for the prospect to plug into. Many people get fooled into thinking that this new idea is “THE ANSWER” to MLM prospecting. I read about one recently that you are supposed to make it all about you and your Success and make them want what you got. Get them envious…you are a ROCK STAR!!! Yes if you try hard enough…you can be LIKE ME!
Give me a break. Your goal is to make THE PROSPECT the rock star…not you.
Lot of GREAT social media, funnel marketing, and offline prospecting ideas out there, but if they are NOT TOTALLY FOCUSED ON THE PROSPECT…
Sorry, you are out of commission and out of magnetism….won’t work.
Sure, there are the online “one site wonders” that promise you the moon,and guarantee all you do is send them money and they will show you the secrets to mlm prospecting. And to be honest, a few do work, and should be considered. But MLM POWER Prospecting comes from another source, not another secret, tool, book, cd, seminar, or even an mlm training article like this one.
MLM Power Prospecting comes from WITHIN YOU and you totally MUST CONNECT to that Inner Power that draws and PULLS people towards you.
And when you connect to these following 5 “Prospect Connectors” you will experience a new MLM Prospecting Power and Surge in your MLM Prospecting that will blow your mind. It has a ton of folks and it WORKS.
What are the 5 “Prospect Connectors” to the Power within?
Let’s us the word POWER and take each letter one at a time:
1) P stands for PASSION.
What are you passionate about in your life? That is the Success Driver behind your MLM Prospecting. Not only to find people that can become a part of your “Passion Walk” but also become a part of their own. Passion attracts people to you like nothing else can, and then weld them to your dream like a blowtorch.Passion is the FIRE that burns in the belly, that drives you to go way beyond what you thought was even possible. People are attracted to that like a magnet on steroids.
What are you truly Passionate about even if you are not currently pursuing it in your life? Start pursuing it, with your mlm business helping to drive it and fund it, and let other people be the doorways that will not only help create that in your life, but also their own passion in theirs.
People will follow PASSION a whole lot quicker than they will a presentation. Passion is a sure MAGNET that will PULL people your way. And your job is to “Transfer the Passion” to the prospect. Get them passionate about THEIR future and destiny. Get them passionate about THEIR POSSIBILITIES with your business. Make sure YOUR passion ignites THEIR dreams and passion for the future.
2) O stands for OPENER.
MLM Power prospecting is about being an “Opener”, not a closer. It is about opening people’s minds, hearts, eyes, and futures to what they can be, not what they are. MLM Power prospecting is focusing the prospect on the power of their own dream, and then show them how to create the Opening in their life with your business. This focus relies on conversation, not just a network marketing presentation.
Opening someone’s mind up to what is truly possible is beyond just power, but now you have tapped into PURPOSE which carries with it a whole different realm of power. Talk to them about what THEY WANT in life. Show them the doorway with your network marketing company,and then open the door as you describe what their life will be like working with you. And then let them discover their purpose through the Power of opening their “CANS” in life, not cant’s.
Two VERY opening magnetic words: “WHAT IF…?” Use those often.
3) W stands for WHERE They Are.
Start prospecting from where the PROSPECT IS, not where you are. Most people in MLM try to grab the prospects’ hand, and drag them into Network marketing. Not a good choice.
There is something we have taught for a while:
Start in their world, and then lead them to yours.
Where you start is as important as where you finish.Do not put pressure on the prospect. That is not MLM Power Prospecting, but Poor prospecting. And you will lose the prospect just about every time.
Ask a lot of questions and get to understand where they are in life, and what challenges they are facing. Understand them before you ever try to recruit them. Understanding turns the average prospect in to a willing prospect.
4) E stands for ENGAGE RADAR.
You have what we call “MLM Prospecting Radar” and you need to keep it engaged at all times. You need to ask three questions:
“Who is around me right now and do I know them?”
“If I do not, do I want to?”
“Are they alone or with a group of people?”
Then simply go over and if they are with people, then listen, and comment from time to time on what is said. If they are alone, then simply go up and introduce yourself with this MLM Power Prospecting Phrase:
“Hey I don’t mean to be rude …I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Tom, and if you don’t mind me asking, what would your name be?”
5) R stands for REASSURE.
MLM Power prospectors are masters at REASSURING PEOPLE.. They reassure prospects that they DO have the talent to succeed in life, they DO have the skills that are necessary for Success, they DO have the personality that Success demands, and they WILL succeed at life if they work with you, work hard, and learn the Success trainings of your mlm company.
Reassurance is NOT hype. Hype is all over this industry, and it really is a turn off to most. Reassurance is simply introducing the prospect to a new world that they could be living, and explaining to them that you will be helping them and walking with them as they get their Success Journey started.
Let the prospect know you will be there for them, and will not disappear like others have. Assure them sincerely and with integrity.
That is what Network marketing Power Prospectors do. Everyday, and with everyone. The Power is in the focus. And their focus is simply to open new doors and NEW OPTIONS WITH PEOPLE that will pour the Power of Success in the prospect’s life and future.
What a difference that would make in your business. The POWER of MLM prospecting for your home business can be found in your INTENTIONS for prospecting. Are you prospecting to HELP YOU or prospecting for how you can HELP THEM?
Are you prospecting for YOUR GAIN or for THEIR GAIN?
Are you prospecting for what YOU CAN GET….or what you CAN GIVE THE PROSPECT?
Your MLM prospecting destiny can be found in your answers to the above questions for your MLM home based business!
What are the prospecting secrets that produced over a Billion in Volume? Click to Find out.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
How do YOU prospect in social media? Find out the Secrets here!
MLM Prospecting- The HIDDEN Question the Prospect Always Asks?

mlm prospecting
Prospecting in MLM is something that MUST happen everyday.
In social media, online, internet, offline, and any other way that it takes to find quality prospect for your home business.
But many do not look at the mlm prospecting process from the PROSPECT’S point of view.
That is a MUST.
ALWAYS consider the prospect’s point of view and what they are thinking.
THAT is critical as it is the PROSPECT that must be motivated to move towards you. And knowing what they are thinking will pay handsomely down the road in your mlm prospecting.
Imagine this…
There you are.
You are right in the middle of this great mlm presentation and then suddenly the network marketing prospect seems to drift off, and you are losing them. They eventually come back to you, but there for a minute you were a little worried about what you were doing wrong.
You were doing nothing wrong.
They were just walking into THE QUESTION.
There you are.
You are in front of 50 people, and rocking the house with a great mlm prospecting presentation and everything seems to be going incredible. And then suddenly, one by one, the mlm prospects seem to be somewhere else, and not with you. HELLO! You look, and one by one, they are returning. You question what just happened.
They were just walking through THE QUESTION.
Every home business network marketing prospect that you have talked to, or ever will talk to, asks this question sometime during the path to the Decision in Network Marketing. We all make it, and we all think it with every thing we look at doing or buying. It is done everyday.
Many times, we ask it quietly, and other times we will drift off and think about it, and feeling what answer we can come up with.
Especially in MLM and Network Marketing and Home business.
“What kind of VALUE do I feel this has for my life, and is it enough Value for me to bring into my life?”
You may not think those exact words, but you will think them in some form.
VALUE RULES in making decisions to change, add, or delete anything in your life.
It is the same in Home Business Network Marketing and MLM.
The Next time that you are presenting to a prospect, make sure you POUR ON THE VALUE.
These are questions that your mlm prospect will be thinking:
How will this create Value to the prospect’s future and family?
How will this create more Value in their lifestyle?
How will this bring more Value than what they currently have or doing?
How will this bring Value to their Dreams?
How will this bring Value to their life and future that they cannot get anywhere else or from anyone else?
VALUE is the KEY to unlocking the MLM Success Doors.
Are you turning it in your MLM and Network Marketing home business or are you missing it?
The MLM prospect MUST feel that what you are talking to them is of EXTREME Value, and if it is, you will find your business soaring in your MLM and home based business.
How did THESE Prospecting tactics turn into a Billion Dollars worth of Business?
Blessings…Doug Firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved