home business mlm NO
What do you say in your home business when someone tells you NO?
That one word probably makes you feel like a louse and loser if you are in multi level marketing.
Many people that hear the word NO feel like that.
I used to feel that way, but I realized that the word NO was controlling me.
It was slowing me down.
It was making me focus more on what I just heard versus what I must say to the prospect.
That is a HUGE issue with many mlm network marketing professionals.
Work at Home folks need to understand this:
The word NO is NOT the end of the conversation.
Not when it is face to face.
Not when it is on the telephone.
And not when you are on social media sites.
It is the BEGINNING of a different phase of the conversation you are holding, that is all. it is the beginning of the “transition” phase where you transition them from a prospect to a referral source or a cheerleader.
Let me explain.
Many people simply are not for this business. And we need to understand that some never will be. But they still have Value to your future home business.
Leading you to other folks, or leading you in cheers. And that is the reason for this article.
You need to know the 3 things you can say when someone tells you NO that will keep the conversation going.
What are the three things?
1. “Thank you. I was beginning to sense this was not right for you at all. But maybe you can still help someone you know that might be struggling with what we have been talking about. Who comes to mind if you stop and think about it?”
2. “I really appreciate your honesty as I was feeling that this was really not a fit for you. But maybe you can help me. I know you know who I am looking for. Who would you recommend that I connect with that struggles with this issue of”….<weight loss, travel, skin problems, no energy etc>
3. “Thank you again for saying that you do not know anyone. I believe you. Would it be all right if I kept in touch and just kept you in the loop as far as my Success? It would mean a whole lot to me if you would be a cheerleader cheering me on!”
The conversation did not end in all 3 cases.
It just TRANSITIONED to a whole new place and focused on something less personal and more helpful. This little secret to mlm recruiting can prove to be an extremely powerful tactic if you are getting a lot of NOs.
In your home based business, getting a NO is not the worst thing that could happen. It may be the BEST things as it will GROW YOU and FORCE YOU to get BETTER. Either you Grow UP or you will GO OUT of this business eventually.
These are three things you can say when someone tells you NO in your MLM network marketing home business.
Where are the most prospects and the easy ones to find?
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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