MLM Training- 3 Things You Can Say when They Say NO


home business mlm network marketing

home business mlm NO

What do you say in your home business when someone tells you NO?

That one word probably makes you feel like a louse and loser if you are in multi level marketing.

Many people that hear the word NO feel like that.

I used to feel that way, but I realized that the word NO was controlling me.

 It was slowing me down.

 It was making me focus more on what I just heard versus what I must say to the prospect.

That is a HUGE issue with many mlm network marketing professionals.

 Work at Home folks need to understand this:

The word NO is NOT the end of the conversation.

Not when it is face to face.

Not when it is on the telephone.

And not when you are on social media sites.

It is the BEGINNING of a different phase of the conversation you are holding, that is all. it is the beginning of the “transition” phase where you transition them from a prospect to a referral source or a cheerleader.

Let me explain.

Many people simply are not for this business. And we need to understand that some never will be. But they still have Value to your future home business.



Leading you to other folks, or leading you in cheers. And that is the reason for this article.

You need to know the 3 things you can say when someone tells you NO that will keep the conversation going.

What are the three things?

1. “Thank you. I was beginning to sense this was not right for you at all. But maybe you can still help someone you know that might be struggling with what we have been talking about. Who comes to mind if you stop and think about it?”

2. “I really appreciate your honesty as I was feeling that this was really not a fit for you. But maybe you can help me. I know you know who I am looking for.  Who would you recommend that I connect with that struggles with this issue of”….<weight loss, travel, skin problems, no energy etc>

3. “Thank you again for saying that you do not know anyone. I believe you. Would it be all right if I kept in touch and just kept you in the loop as far as my Success? It would mean a  whole lot to me if you would be a cheerleader cheering me on!”

The conversation did not end in all 3 cases.

It just TRANSITIONED to a whole new place and focused on something less personal and more helpful. This little secret to mlm recruiting can prove to be an extremely powerful tactic if you are getting a lot of NOs.

In your home based business, getting a NO is not the worst thing that could happen. It may be the BEST things as it will GROW YOU and FORCE YOU to get BETTER. Either you Grow UP or you will GO OUT of this business eventually.

These are three things you can say when someone tells you NO in your MLM network marketing home business.

Where are the most prospects and the easy ones to find?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

How Can you Combine Social Networking and MLM?

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MLM Training- 3 Quick Ways to Open Up a Social Conversation

home business social media

home business social mlm conversation


Are you tired in your home business of trying to get people’s attention and they seem to ignore you?

Do people seem to “disappear” when you start to talk to them about your home based business?

In MLM in social media, there are many people trying to get people’s attention to talk to them about their network marketing business.

How do you set yourself apart from all the other networkers out in the social zone and get people’s attention? It is easy if you understand how to, and it is quite powerful.

Many people in social media, whether on google+, facebook, LinkedIn, or whatever, use these places to prospect for their business. And what happens is they do not understand that there is a process of conversation in social media. That process starts with an Impactful Conversation that you start with someone.

If you create IMPACT with your initial communication, then your odds of recruiting them just skyrocketed.

People are NOT recruited by what you say…

But how you made them FEEL.

That is why that you need some powerful “Ice Crushers”- not ice breakers. And I believe the more powerful the Ice Crusher is, the more powerful the Impact.

Here are three quick Ice Crushers that will work for you in social media when you are connecting with people on their blog or commenting on their post:

1.  “Wow. That is powerful stuff. And I truly appreciate you sharing that with us. Is there a place that I can plug into that you share more info like this?”

This will get anyone’s attention.

It lets them know you want to connect on a more powerful basis with them.

2. “I totally agree on what you just said. I have a question: Do you have an ebook or any type of resource that goes into this further?”

Looking to xomeone as a Resource is a powerful way to Compliment them and get them to start a conversation with you.

You need to become a Resource, but also create the conversation with prospects that they are also a resource for many.

3. “This has really made a difference in my thinking. You have a gift that is obvious. I would love to connect with you because you are the type of Leader I would like to share with some folks I know. Can we connect on skype?”

This alone will almost guarantee that you get an audience with this person.

It calls them a Leader and also displays their leadership through your comment.

Ice Crushers are something we have been teaching for a while for social media to our Private Clients.

These are only 3 that get the conversation going in a way that you can eventually ask this question:

“Are you at a point in life that you are open to secondary revenue sources?”

That is not an Ice Crusher, but an Ice Melter for your MLM home business in social media network marketing.

What are the Secrets to GUARANTEED Prospecting Success? Read this.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Here are some secrets to LinkedIn Recruiting.

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The 3 best Traits for a Powerful Prospect

How to Never Get a NO

Social Media Home Business- 3 Quick Copy Fixes on your Blog

mlm blogging for home business

blogging for home business magnet

Do you often wonder why your home business blog is not converting like you need?

Does your blog get traffic but yet for whatever reason prospects do not seem to join you or even opt in?

Do you ever feel like your blog is just a desert with no water?

There are a lot of folks in network marketing that have this issue.

Home Business MLM blogs are what I have been focusing on for a while as many folks are struggling with their blogs.

The reason?

Weak Copy.

It does NOT MOVE the READER to DO ANYTHING or even invite them to come back.

Your copy, or what you write, needs to be STRONG and Powerful like a Magnet that PULLS people back to your blog.

Here are 3 Quick Secrets of good copy for home business blogs.

1. Write from THEIR perspective FIRST, yours second.

You need to look through your reader’s eyes, and not yours.

What are they lo0king for?

Relate to that in your writing and copy.

What are they struggling with?

Write in that focus and let them know you understand and you have been there as well.

Create a SOLUTION for them and make it easy to embrace and engage. Tell them WHY this solution will work and you have been where they are.

CONNECT with their pain, and that will be YOUR GAIN.

2. Tell a Story that they can say, “Hey- that is ME!”

The more CONNECTED a reader feels to you, the more they will relate and come back.

Drive the connection DEEP and tell a story that will move them motivate them, inspire them, change them.

They will want more of that you got, and they will be back.

3. Paint a Picture of the Life they COULD BE LIVING in vivid, Detailed, 3 dimensional colors.

When you write copy, make sure that you PLACE THE READER in the land of LARGE LIVING and in LIVING COLOR.

Talk DETAILS and describe the life that you can help them obtain.

“Can you imagine sitting on the beach, 90 degrees, smell of coconut oil, sound of the waves crashing, people laughing, music playing, suntan oil glistening, you are at total peace and loving life, and you just earned another $2000.00 dollars today? THAT is the life I want to talk to you about…”

Use these tips.

Fix your copy.

These are 3 quick Fixes for copy on your blog and your home business mlm.

Social Network Marketing Secrets Told- READ THIS!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Want to Learn how to Recruit 7 people a month on LinkedIn?

Related Posts:

The One LinkedIn Recruiting Secret No One Knows

The Secrets of Making a Magnetic LinkedIn Profile




MLM Training- 11 Blog Tips for Link Magnet Optimization

home business blogging mlm

home business blogging mlm

In a home business, How do you truly optimize your Link Building on your blog and create a destination that can become a viral monster in network marketing?

In the melbourneweeklyeastern blogging world, it is a lot about LINKING and who links to your website. This counts towards SEO and how the search engines rank your website. The more links you have , the better your website will appear to the search bots.

I think that it is hard to argue that Home business blogs are now part of the network marketing culture. It is imperative that you have a blog today or your MLM business. I cannot tell you how many times that someone has told me that their blog changed their whole business structure.

There is NO other option but having a blog,  if you are planning on succeeding into today’s marketplace. I have had one for 6 years and now I have multiple blogs for different reasons. I cannot imagine anyone in a home business not using this powerful tool.

You need to consider ramping up the blog you have as well.

That is the reason for this post.

I call it “Link Magnet Optimization.”

This is optimizing your blog for total recruiting and social media success. I I am going to share 11 quick tips and tricks used by professionals at a white label SEO company. These will  really make a difference in our blog’s performance and success at converting visitors into becoming part of the PassionFire family.

What are these 11 Link Magnet Optimization Tips?

1. Enlarge and Enhance your linkability.

Simply, put yourself in the reader’s shoes. What are they LOOKING FOR? ”


Give it to them over and over again. Then continue to give them what they are looking for in content.

2. Make bookmarking easy.

Make it VISIBLE and ASK THEM. It is that simple. You can use the Add This button. You may want to consider the Sociable Plugin if you have a WordPress blog.

3. Spotlight Those who Link Back to You and CONNECT.

List blogs which link back to you via permalinks, trackbacks or recently linking blogs (like the Yahoo & Google blogs do). Email them and thank them for their link. Get to know them and build a home business relationship. They will send more links and multiply your message to their base.

4. Mobilize your Content.

Repurposing your content will increase the link magnetism. Take your blog post and turn it into a youtube video, article, podcast, mp3, ebook, and pdf report. This will explode links.

5. Be a “Go To” Resource and Feature other blog’s content.

Become an Authority site and let people think of YOU when they think of your niche. Share the content of others. Copyblogger does this. So does ChrisBrogan. It has made their sites HUGE.

You have not heard of them before in your home business efforts?

Why do you think I just told you about them? Think RESOURCE integration, not just “All About ME Ego-ization.”

6. Respond to the folks that COMMENT as well as Contribute.

Spotlight the TRUE stars of your blog- the readers and contributors. Always respond to comments as well as people who share other resources. LINKS baby!

7. Jump in the Discussions on other blogs- and BUILD RELATIONSHIPS.

You have heard this before. But most do NOT do this for some reason. Jump in and comment on other people’s blogs. This wll provide links as well as building strong relationships that will multiply your message- and links-over time.

8. Target the Audience with Focused Content.

PULL people’s eyeballs into your blog with content and solutions that are EXACTLY what your readers are seeking.

Find out what their problems are, and then tell them how to solve them.

9. Use

This little website can get you all kinds of links over time. Are you using it? It submits your blog to over 90 directories and search engines.

10. Put your posts on

This is something most do not do. I get backlinks a lot from this one place as people click on the links in the post, and then link to it from the knol.

11. Become a Student of Writing Copy and Blogging- things change QUICKLY.

Keep up with the changes in the blogospere. Study copywriting to focus your home business message and make it more compelling. No one is better than Copyblogger.

Make sure that your blog is pumped up for Link Magnetism for your MLM Home Business.

MLM Training- 5 Quick Things that will KILL your MLM Online Recruiting

online mlm recruiting

MLM Recruitng Online recruiting


Are you doing Online MLM Recruiting?

Home businesses today are focused a lot on online recruiting.

Funnel marketing is what many call it.

We have called it “Funnel Recruiting” for years.

And it is highly popular in finding prospects online. Many people in MLM are engaged with this type of recruiting and I encourage anyone to look at it. It can be a gold mine if done right.

That is the reason for this post.

Many people do NOT do it right.

Our Private Clients all use some form of online recruiting and sponsoring. They are coached how to do it, and then to take it offline asap. And they do, and do it very well. All are highly talented professionals.

But we have found there are 4 really powerful mistakes that can KILL your online recruiting dead.

And that often happens with people in network marketing and home business.

What are the Killers?

1. Too Much Pressure.

I cannot tell you how many folks I have talked to that have told me horror stories of folks being pressured to join a company by relentless marketers on the internet.

Folks, it is either for the person, or it is NOT.  Period.

Quit looking so desperate and let the person go after they have indicated they are not interested.

They are NOT who you are looking for.

2. No Autoresponder.

Automation is the ONLY way to go online. And if you are not IN FRONT of the people you are trying to recruit in their email, then odds are, they will forget about you.

Put an autoresponder together with Aweber, and then learn the system. it is a great system, And then STAY IN FRONT of your prospects while you sleep.

3. Unprofessional Image.

Being “Hip” is good to a point So is being cute.

But this is STILL a business. Come across like you are SERIOUS about your business and this is no game. Some folks trying to recruit people try to be “hip” and “cool.”

Cool doesn’t work for most.

It cools the prospect off. 

Be professional and have a standard of EXCELLENCE.

That is what Leaders do.

4. Not Following a System.

Systems are CRITICAL online and recruiting in a home business. If you are not using one, then odds are you are “winging it” at best in your MLM recruiting online.

SYSTEM stands for:  Save YouSelf Time Energy (&) Money.

There are many great recruiting systems out there, as well as your company may have one.


5. Not Taking It Offline.

There is the Golden Rule of TIO in Online MLM Recruiting:

Take It Offline.

This is how you become more HUMAN to the person and more REAL. If they connect with you IN PERSON or at least over the phone, odds are they will be 100% more loyal to you as a Leader in your MLM Home Business.

BONUS TIP:  Talking about How Great You Are, and NOT Them.

This is one of the biggest mistakes made. Keep your comments and online conversation focused on WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR THEM, and not what you can get from them. Shut your mouth about you. Make it ALL about them.

If you are struggling online with recruiting- GET SERIOUS. Odds are you are doing more than one of these problematic actions.


Start systemetizing your mlm recruiting online for your Home Business.

Endless Leads Secrets that Cost you Nothing to DO.

blessngs…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Network Marketing- what are It’s Success Secrets?


The 3 Best Traits for a Powerful Prospects

The 4 Steps to Social Media Magnetic Success




LinkedIn MLM -How One Change in Madelyn’s Profile Brought 9 New Recruits?

mlm linkedin

home business linkedin recruiting

Doug Training
Your personal Home Business Success on LinkedInoften can be elusive if you are not doing the right things. Often when prospecting, you do not realize that other people actually are looking at your LinkedIn profile and considering doing business with you.

It happens daily. And it happens to a Private Client of mines.

Her name is Madelyn.

She lives in Tampa. And she was having a challenge with Lnkedin as she did not know what to do with her talents, education, and profile. She had created a linkedIn profile but left it there.

She was told: “Build It and they will COME!”

Errrrr…not really. You must be VISIBLE on LinkedIn to be seen.

She emailed me asking a question as she had been on some FireCalls on monday night. I eventually got the email and called her as she was asking about becoming a Private Client. She was very bubbly and energetic. We agreed to work together and started the journey.

I suggested on her social sites that she make some changes, especially on her LinkedIn profile. She was not where they needed to be. She made ONE SMALL CHANGE and people started contacting her about her skin care products on LinkedIn.

And she used the LinkedIn 4 step recruiting process. And the next thing you know- she got her FIRST RECRUIT from LinkedIn!

By the way- THREE DAYS LEFT until the LinkedIN Recruiting 101 webinar! September 22! And if you are reading this after the fact, there is a Replay available Discover from the # 1 Coroporate Recruiter in the Nation for a Recruitment firm his secrets to recruiting on LinkedIn! They have been especially adapted for home business!

Clike Here to Learn more about it!

How did Madelyn recruit 9 people in a single week on LinkedIn? (She did that the last week in August 2011.)


She resarched the keywords that people were looking for, concerning her product line benefits, and then created what we call a “Magnetic Profile.” She started PULLING people into her profile and converting them. And she does that almost weekly today.

She followed the Magnetic Formula for her Profile Keyword mix, and then created the EXACT Profile she was told to. She started getting contacted about helping professional women answer their skin QUESTIONS on LinkedIn as well as educating them. She even got some conference call offers to speak to wonen about skincare.

Her business started to increase – a lot.

The keyword formula is simple. But it MUST BE EXACT.

It is 10%-7%-5%  keyword mix – and in that order.

This will come very close to maximizng your profile’s search power the LinkediN search tool seems to like. And you will be seen on LinkedIn as a “Go To” Profressional that LinkedIn loves and promotes on their search tool

And YOU can have that happen to if you just use the Magnetic Formula for keywords and search terms. You will learn the secrets of creating a profile that PULLS people toward you at the LinkedIn Recruiting 101 webinsr.

BECOME HIGHLY VISIBLE on LinkedIN with your home based ml.m business and products!

BECOME a RECRUITING MAGNET on LinkedIn with your business!

Experience the results that  Madelyn did and others have! Put your business on auto pilot with LinkedIn!

Then you will find that you too will be recruiting 9 people in ONE WEEK with LiinkedIn for your MLM Home Based business!

blessngs……doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Discover the Power of Endless Prospecting Leads that NEVER STOP!

MLM Prospecting- How to Create the PERFECT Warm Prospect List

mlm home business memory jogger

mlm memory jogger friends

In your home business, there is all this talk about social media, and good reason. it is a great place to prospect and find leads.

But there is also the OTHER SIDE of the network marketing home business mlm profession.

The TRADITIONAL side that many people today in their home based business still follow, and ALWAYS WILL. Social media funnel marketing did not REPLACE traditional methods, but ENHANCED them with new strategies to empower the more traditional methods. And if you are part of the social media “funnel marketing” crowd, then congrats! You will do well with whatever system you are using. In home business is important to get in touch with the best contractors, see here now the best ones.

But there is still the NEED and DEMAND for the traditional methods, and I call it “BUSINESS BALANCED.”

If you are doing business in the “funnel” crowd, as well as the “Traditional” crowd, then you are BALANCED for the most part and woill see some great things occur in your business.

Others that do ONLY ONE– will see far more attrition and less leads then you need to build this business of network marketing.

The first thing you must realize- NO MATTER if you are brand new or a veteran, you gotta have people to talk to and show your presentation to.


And there is a traditional way of collecting a “starting list” of name that has been around since the beginning of this profession of MLM.

You must do what is called a “Memory Jogger”, which is a list of names of people that you know that you will call or contact to tell about your products or mlm business.

Most folks that do a memory Jogger find that they ofte  have some difficulty coming up with the names. The Network marketing Company you have partnered with should provide you with a list of “Mental Triggers” that will trigger your mind of people that you know and may have forgotten about.

Here is an interesting fact: It is a Psychological Fact that if you are 25 years or older, you know 1000 people.

You have just forgotten many of those folks so you need a reminder of who they are. That is the purpose for a Network Marketing Memory Jogger. To REFRESH your brain!

The list could contain names of family, occupations, associations, plus many more. You need to look at the list and come up with as many names as you can.

A list would look something like this:













Construction workers

Communication workers

Car Salesman



Electrical workers




Flooring Sales


Karate Instructors

Life Insurance Sales

Legal Assistants

Machine Shop workers

Retail Sales clerks

 You get the main  idea. It will help you think of people you have long forgotten or may not have even considered.

But you must come up with at least 50 names the first attempt.

This will give you what I call a “Working Inventory” for your MLM business.

Understand: Your REAL Inventory is NOT the products or Services your company sells. It is PEOPLE.

And you MUST have people to talk to about what you are doing. Many folks who start out have way too few names, and then complain that they have no one to talk to. Think of everyone you know WITHOUT judging their interest level, and write their name down. Use the Memory Jogger provided by your network marketing company, and do it with your upline. It will become a very important part of your beginning success in MLM.

Use the “Follow your Dollar” strategy to come up with names for your warm market list. WHO are you spending money with to live your life and purchase things for you and your family?

Who is your Insurance Agent?

Who did you buy your car from?

Who do you buy your clothes from?

Who sold you your house?

Who do you buy your airline tickets from?

Whose your doctor?

Who does your taxes?

Who is your Dentist?

Are you starting to get the point?

There are people you do business with. You need to let them know you could use their help in your new mlm network marketing enterprise.

Say, “I think you would agree that I do a lot of business with you, and I need your help with my new business.”

The power of the people that you know is beyond words. Doing a Memory Jogger is important to your getting off to a good start in Network Marketing. Make sure you do it and follow the suggestions your company recommends. I believe that for your home based business, you need a BALANCE between social media and traditional MLM. If you simply start making a list and understand they may KNOW who you are looking for, you are well on your way to massive success in your home business mlm.

Endless Prospects that are FREE to get! READ THIS!


(c) 2011/ all rights reserved

LinkedIn Recruiting 101- How to Sponsor 3 Professionals EVERY MONTH!

LinkedIn MLM Recruiting- One Little Secret No One Knows About

linkedin mlm recuriting

linkedin recruiting home business


Home business mlm training for the most part if you are marketing online, is focused on “funnel marketing” and the like. I believe that can be a powerful way to market, but the attrition is unbelievable when it comes to keeping people on your team.

Christopher Dittemore, an internet marketer and network marketer says that the problem often when you use only a “funnel” system is the number on team members you lose can be enormous.

That is why we focus a lot on social networking, as our Private Clients are having great success with LinkedIn. Yes they are using funnel marketing as well as traditional methods. But we are finding that LinkedIn is an incrdible site for recruiting people who are looking for 2 things:

1. To network with others.

2. To take their career and life to a better place.

You can PULL these people towards you by giving away something FREE.

How would you like to know a little secret that hardly anyone knows that will allow you to us ANCHOR TEXT in your profile and create a live link to a free report or ebook?

How would THAT work for your hme business?

How would that happen?

I will tell you in a minute, but I want to ask you to check out a webinar that we are doing on September 22 (or you may  be reading this after the fact and you can still check it out as there is a replay of it) called LinkedIn Recruiting 101.

It is a Powerful webinar with the secrets of a #1 Corporate Recruiter in the  nation for a recruitment firm. He shares his secrets then we applied them to the network marketing profession. This webinar will ROCK YOU BUSINESS.

Check out LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets!

So how would you put an anchor link (three are allowed) that offers something free?

1.Go to the “edit” section on your profile for websites. It is under your “Connections” link.

2. Click on “edit” for the first link. This will take you to the edit link page. In the drop down box next to “websites” you will find it lets you put a link in for Personal, Company, Blog, Rss feed, etc.

3. Click “other.”

4. A new box appears to the right of it that allows you to put text in the box instead of the word “blog” showing or “RSS” showing. Put in something that would cause a prospect to click on it.

“FREE ebook on recruiting- 101 secrets!” Or what you feel would work.

Then go to the next link below it and repeat.

Then go to the next link below it and repeat it again.

This will allow you to have anchor text show up on your LinkedIn profile with a LIVE link and a compelling offer to take them to a page to possibly get them to opt in.

This little known secret is quite “ninja” and I believe will explode your potential lead capturing from LinkedIn.

Like this little secret? This is the type of LinkedIn training you will get in “LinkedIn Recruiting 101.”

Our Private Clients are CRUSHING IT with LinkedIn.

They are recruiting like crazy. You can too!  Just join us September 22 at 8 pm EST for the LinkedIN Recruiting Secrets 101 webinar. If you missed it, you still can get it! Just check out the link and see how you can become a recruiting magnet on LinkedIn.

It will teach ou how to recruit on LinkedIn Powerful professionals for your home based business.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Network Marketing Endless Leads? How? Read this.



MLM LinkedIn Recruiting- She Enrolled 5 Professionals -LAST WEEK – HOW?

linkedinin recruiting mlm home business

mlm linkedin recruiting home business


Many times in the MLM Home business profession you receive some interesting news that stirs you up.

This was the case for today.

I was talking with one of our Private Clients, and we were planning her schedule next week, and she dropped this bomb on me:

She had enrolled this past week FIVE LinkedIn Professionals and was excited. She works with a large nutrition company and her Success was quite unexpected, as she admitted. She felt that once she pulled the trigger on the secrets she learned about LinkedIn she would probably start seeing some results in a couple of months.

Not a couple of weeks.

But that happened in her network marketingbusiness. She enrolled 5 Professionals on LinkedIn in ONE WEEK and all she did was do what she had learned.

One of the things that she has mastered is the “Recruiting Blitz Webinar.”

 This is a particular type of webinar that not only is very professional- but very short. She can say in 10 minutes what most say in 45 minutes. And that is what professionals DEMAND:

Short and sweet.

A Recruiting Blitz Webinar is a special tool that has built many a home business team we have taught. But for LinkedIn, it is a monster. It is something that when done correctly, can set you apart form everyone else. It is NOT just a video that someone has done that your prospect sees.

No- a Recruiting Blitz Webinar is more personal and private. And it addresses much of the issues with professionals time schedules. And when you learn to do it right- you can literally recruit AT WILL.

The secret to a Social Recruiting Blitz Webinar is to say it in a way that the prospect or candidate gets the picture quickly and knows they can duplicate that system. It does not take a lot of time, and it does not take a lot of your prospect’s attention as well as time.

You can literally recruit someone in social media and on LinkedIN in 24 hours.

You read that right. 24 hours.

And our Private Clients are doing it. You can too as it is powerful and magnetic to the mlm home business prospect.

How does it work?

It starts by getting a fr-ee webinar account at:

And then mastering this simple but powerful webinar software. Then you need to create your “Blitz Presentation” that will PULL people towards you like a magnet.

How does that happen?

That is what the LinkedIn Recruiting 101 webinar is about if you would like to learn. You can attend it Thursday September 22, and ir starts at 8 pm EST and goes to 11 pm.

You will receive 3 insane  BONUSES as well – and if you do not attend- then your loss. It is an absolutely amazing webinar put together with me  by a #1 Corporate Recruiter in the nation for a national recruitment firm. He has adapted his secrets to the Home business profession.

and oh….by the way- price goes up tonight at MIDNIGHT.

So if you want a flood of Professional Leads that you cannot keep up with (GREAT problem to have) then REGISTER NOW to the LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets 101 webinar for your MLM Home Business in network marketing.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

 Create a Recruiting Flood in Social Media with Social Network Marketing- HERE

MLM Recruiting LinkedIn-3 Un-Breakable Rules of Recruiting on LinkedIn


mlm linkedin recruiting home business

mlm linkedin home business recruiting


In any MLM or Home Business using LinkedIn, there are many powerful secrets that can be discovered for sponsoring great candidates for your home based business. LinkedIn is a GOLD MINE of Professionals and ALL are looking to Network in some form.

 A #1 Corporate Recruiter in the nation for a recruitment company, who is a friend of mine, has 7 Rules that he adheres to that has allowed him to recruit more candidates in a year for his company through LinkedIn than the next 3 recruiters in his firm combined.

 He discovered social media in 2005 and has been a master at it, it seems, from day one. His “Rules” he uses for recruiting are powerful and has allowed him to even require $750.00 an hour for consulting and people and companies pay him gladly.

 These Rules are what he calls the “The 7 Un-Breakables” in his recruiting business and he does NOT break them for any reason.

 He has helped me put a webinar together which we will be doing on September 22, at 8 pm EST. It is called “LinekdIn Recruiting Secrets 101” and is a 3 hour webinar PACKED with how to become a Master Recruiter on LinkediIn with MORE additional videos in the Replay Room after the webinar as well. I would advise you to check it out LEARN for a master recruiter who has adapted his trainings especially for the home based business profession!

 Here are 3 of the Rules that Scott (my buddy) say that are Un-Breakable concerning LinkiedIn Recruiting:

  1. The Rule of ATTACK.

 NEVER attack people with your offer of placement or business. So may people do on Linkedin. People do NOT want to feel like they are being pressured or USED for their contacts or their desire to network. But many network marketers make the prospect FEEL that they have an agenda and only that agenda matters:

 To Recruit the Prospect.

 Attacking someone is when you immediately start talking about your offer before you even get to know the person and see if they are who you think they would be a good fit for your business or a good candidate.

 Scoot says, “Give them some breathing room and let them come to you. I have always connected with people, but then keep what I call ‘Distantly Close’ and when they showed signs of moving towards me, I moved towards them more. Yes, I told them I was interested in talking, but keep a little distance to see how they respond.”

 Never attack your prospect. CONNECT and then start constructing abridgeofTRUSTthrough your LinkedIn conversations and also taking it offline. Talk about what THEY DO for a living and let them ask you more about what you do. Send them a link for a free marketing ebook or video to add value to their business and to their job and life. Add Value from the very beginning with little known  information and then you can follow up asking if they like the gift. You will be amazed at how this works.

  3. The Rule of the LOCAL NETWORK.

 On Linkedin, there is a local network you belong to. I belong to the Greater Detroit network with over 30,000 professionals on LinkedIn.

 Scott says that alone is a GAME CHANGER as you can meet them face to face and personally get to know them. Candidates are easier to recruit if you connect with them face to face and they see you are REAL.

 PLUS you have that in common with them- you are a “neighbor” and can immediately talk about that fact. Talk about the local sports scene or upcoming events that you plan to attend, or anything that pertains to the local area.

 The more LOCAL FEEL you have to your conversations the more comfortable the prospect will be and want to meet you.

 All you need to do is communicate with them about their profile and tell them you are in their network and would love to invite them to a social meetup or even just meet them at starbucks.. tell them this:

 “I am looking to meet and network with professionals in our local area as I am learning so much from them about local business. Would you like to meet up and grab lunch or a tea?”

 Scott obviously talks to them about their future plans and placement options for a better job. You can talk to them about possible “Cash Flow Options” or “Revenue Ideas” that gives them life options for their future they may not currently have.

 Find out what network you are in and start looking for prospects to link to and then possibly meet up locally.

 3. The Rule of OPENING.

 Scott discovered they people on LinkedIn HATED to feel like they were being CLOSED on a deal or sale. They preferred to feel like they were being OPENED.

 Scott always pointed to the fact that a new job was an “Opening” to a whole new future and destiny. He was always focused on talking about how this would open future doors, open possibilities, open new connections, open new windows of networking.

 If you come across too strong in the “closing” part you will lose these professionals. Here is how Scott always “opened their minds and eyes:”

 “And what this will offer you is it will open up doors that you could never knock on and open up a whole new direction in your life that will give you more money, more security and more options in the future you do not have now. Isn’t your family worth that kind of security and door opening in your life?’

 LInkedIn is NOT about attacking, ambushing, pressure, or closing.

 It is a about Constructing Relationships that will lead to doors being opened with new contacts and also new business and REFERRALS for you. Follow these simple Rules and see if your business does not dramatically improve on Linkedin for your MLM Home business.

 These are 3 of the 7 Rules that Scott follows concerning his recruiting on LinkedIn.

 We will be covering the other 5 Rules in the LinkedIn Recruiting Webinar next Thursday, September 22 at 8 pm!  Check it out and REGISTER:

  Take your business up to a whole NEW Level on LinkedIn with the LInkedIN Recruiting Secrets 101 webinsr! The price is going up this weekend! So LOCK YOUR SPOT in this powerful content rich LinkedIn webinar featuring the #1 Recruiter in the NATION for a recruitment firm’s Secrets to recruiting on LinkedIn.

It will empower your home business with ENDLESS Professional LEADS for your mlm efforts in home business.

Social Network Marketing Secrets – READ THIS!

blessings…doug firebaugh

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Recruiting Training on STEROIDS- and all the ideas are FREE