MLM Training- Words that Turn your Conversation into a Conversion?

mlm home business network marketing conversion

mlm home business conversion

Are your mlm home business words working FOR YOU or AGAINST YOU?

Are you not getting the RESULTS you want with your words and presentations?

 It does not matter whether you are talking in a VIDEO, WEBINAR, or LANDING PAGE of FACE to FACE , your words are saying SOMETHING and DOING something.

But…what ARE they saying and WHAT are they doing?

Many online and offline marketers in network marketing seem to pay more attention to their BACKLINKS then their “word links.” You words “link” picture and emotions to what you are saying. What kind of pictures ARE they painting? If you have a squeeze page, and it is NOT converting- maybe your words are NOT working.

The Power of your words are amazing. But they can also be destructive. It will depend on what you say and the emotions that your words PULL. If you are on a video and using words that do NOT paint a picture, then odds are you will not have a converting video.

What ARE 4 words that will Convert?

1. FREE.

People LOVE free, and the more the better. This will also work face to face, as you give FREE samples or FREE trials. Also, you can give FREE consultations if you are in a skin care or nutrition company. You can also give FREE business “assessments” to a person’s business in network marketing. FREE is always a word that will convert a lead into a prospect.

2. NOW.

People love to be LEAD. Read that again. And again. People LOVE to be lead to a higher place in life, to a more powerful promise, and a more lucrative lifestyle. They want to be LEAD to their DREAMS.

But they want it NOW.

We live in a microwave society as you know. People have the attention span of a millisecond. So with that in mind, you use the word NOW. It is a subconscious trigger that people will respond to. We have used it for years and it WORKS.


Many people today are TIRED of the “same ol same ol.” Especially today. If you can get the reader to RELATE to the same tired worn out life, then you are going to move them towards you. “Tired” creates an emotion of “YES! I am!” And this also is a great word for “water in the face” reality check.

“Aren’t you TIRED of seeing other people EXPLODE their business, while all you do is struggle? Aren’t you TIRED of being Sick and TIRED of it?”

4. YES.

YES is a word that PULLS people towards you. Why? We live in such a NO WORLD, and when they see or hear the word YES, it psychologically PULLS the prospect towards you. Many people “say” YES but few POUR IT.

What do I mean? You must “pour” the word “yes” by combining it with:

“YES you CAN!”  “YES it WILL!”  “YES it DOES!”  “YES means YES!” “YES! Just  CLICK HERE!”

You are “pouring out the word” from a vial of possibilities and hope. You are “pouring” out possibilities and potential for their dreams to come true. And you are there to help them create that life that they never thought possible.


This word has proven to convert in all instances. It works on landing pages, conversations, videos, podcasts, and any other form of online and offline communication. “Partner Up” is a powerful word phrase that converts. “Partner in the process” is another word phrase that works. Prospects like the idea and picture that the word “partner” paints. Use it.

These are 5 words that will help you turn any kind of Conversation into a Conversion in your MLM home business.

LinkedIN Recruiting Training- are YOU recruiting Professionals?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Endless Prospecting and all Tactics Cost Nothing

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MLM Training- 2 Reasons Why Your Online Marketing will Fail

mlm online recruiting for home business

online mlm recruiting for network marketing

Is your online recruiting and marketing working like you want it to?

Are you recruiting the numbers that others say they are?  (Check for exaggeration folks.)

What do you think your challenge is if you are not getting the results?

Online marketing and recruiting is one of the most powerful and hugely effective ways to recruit and market today.

Many struggle at it though and there are reasons why. I was talking with Sheila today, she is with a home business company, and she has been marketing online. She said that she was really struggling and did not know what she was doing wrong.

I have been marketing online for 11 years, and have learned a few things along the way. So I asked her some of the typical questions about her funnel, her upsell, her communication within her pages, keywords, and the rest.

Then I asked her another question that seemed to leave her speechless:

Have you automated your home business?

She was clueless as far as that went. She had no idea of what I was talking about.

From that conversation I have come to the conclusion that there are 2 reasons why many home business marketers fail marketing online:

1.  Lack of Automation.

This is amazing. You can put your business on automatic pilot getting backlinks, visitors, comments, pings, and the like. All you have to do is understand these tools are available.

I would recommend one tool right off the bat:

This is a great tool for getting your work syndicated. I use it and it is great.

2. Lack of PASSION.

Online marketing REQUIRES Passion for marketing online. The only difference between those that CRUSH IT out of the park, and those that do NOT- is Passion.

I have listened to so many webinars and so many podcasts and interviews and read so many blogs on online marketing. I have spent thousands of dollars learning it. But the one thing that seems to distinguish the successful for  the not so successful is:


Crank it up. If you are going to recruit online, you MUST be Automated and MUST BE PASSIONATE about helping people online.

If you adjust these 2 things in your business, do not be surprised if your online marketing and recruiting starts to explode in your mlm home business.

LinkedIn Recruiting Training- do you know these secrets?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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MLM Recruiting- The 2 Things you NEVER SAY When Recruiting Prospects

mlm recruiting

mlm recruiting online and offline


Is your MLM recruiting efforts paralyzing your Success in network marketing?

Are you tired of prospects that just disappear and it seems for no reason?

MLM Recruiting is highly popular as network marketing and  is all about Team Building, as you know. And mlm recruiting is geting to be a focus of many online marketers today.

And to build a home business team, you need to understand WHAT to SAY to your prospect whether online or offline.

Social media conversation today is critical, as well as online marketing. But what happens, no matter the strategy you are following, if you say the WRONG THING to the prospect?

You will repel them, and they pretty much will find another possibility to look at and consider.

But what if…

What if you KNEW 2 things that you should NEVER say in your recruiting efforts?

And you are SAYING THEM unknowingly?

Here are 2 things that you NEVER say to any kind of a home business prospect- online or offline:

1. You are going to GET RICH- I promise.

People today, especially in social media, are way too savvy to buy into that line. It will not only brand you as someone who does not know what she is doing, but also does not seem to care.

No one knows who will become rich in network marketing. That is up to the person, and the very ones you think never willl, DO. And the ones you think absolutley WILL…end up struggling big time.

Say this instead,“Have you ever dreamed of becoming wealthy? I have too. And I have run across what I believe is a vehicle that can help the right person get there. Let me take a second and tell you a little bit about it, and you may see what I saw immediately the wealth potential.”

2. “You would be PERFECT for this…”

Well, this is another turn off, as the majority of folks know that you do not know them that well. Saying someone would be perfect for this is a gamble at best. You do not KNOW if they would be. You HOPE they would be, but you do not KNOW.

Operate in Integrity.

Here is what you need to say, “Your personality is amazing, and I believe could be worth a fortune with the right company. Let me share something with you and see if this would be something right for you…”

Words Rule MLM.

Online as well as offline. Even in videos, and webinars.

Make sure that your words are insuring Success in all you say in your home business mlm business.

22 Secrets of Endless leads!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

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MLM Training – The Words that Transformed My Fear of Calling People


mlm home business training

home business phone fear

Is there a FEAR that you are struggling with in your home business mlm?

Have you ever been paralyzed by some kind of fear that took you over?

What is that doing to YOU and your home based business?

In a home business, everyone has some form of FEAR. It could be the fear of the phone, as well as the fear of some form of rejection.

Who knows?

I had a billion dollar producing mentor that taught me something I have never forgotten. His words were so amazing at times. They often were like gold nuggets that he would drop into your ears and they would explode wisdom into your mind and heart.

And often, it would leave me shaking my head in just what I had heard.

Genius. Absolute genius.

I had a fear. It was a fear of calling people. I am not sure why, but it was there. And it stopped me cold from building my network marketing business.

THEN I hear THOSE Words.

 The words that revolutionized my business. And I want to share them with you.

Here they are:

“Doug, what you fear is stopping you. What is stopping you is controlling you. What is controlling you – is controlling your business. That is why you MUST ENGAGE what you fear NOW. You will find that the fear was a total deception to begin with. And that ONE THING, if you engage it no matter how fearful it is,  will do more to explode your business than any other thing you can do.”

He was so right.

Take these words to heart. They are TOTAL GOLD.

And they will put GOLD into your MLM home business.

Here are Billion Dollar Prospecting Secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

How do You FUSE Social Media and Network Marketing?

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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Home Business Training- The 7 Most Powerful Words You Can Say


home business work at home

home business mlm butler

This is going to be a very short but powerful post.

In any home business, you want to create RESULTS.

I have had the great blessing of having a couple of mentors that have been in valuable.

One of the most powerful lessons I learned from an 8 Billion Dollar Producer- are 7 words.

These words have proven over and over to be magnetic in recruiting, team building, as well as life.

They are powerful on social media sites, skype calls, mobile conversations, face to face, and with online marketing.

What are they?

“How Can I Help Serve Your Dream?”

Simple and to the point for an mlm business.

And if you are in network marketing, they work amazingly well in leading your team.

Use them. They will transform your mlm network marketing home business.

Linkedin Recruiting Training that WORKS? Read this.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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MLM Training – 3 Quick Secrets of Building a Recruiting List

home business mlm recruiting

Home Business mlm recruiting

What do you for your home business MLM do everyday to build a recruiting list?

Do you ever feel like that you are finding ALL THE WRONG PEOPLE?

Do you HAVE a Recruiting List?

Do you know what it is?

A Recruiting List is a list that is BEYOND an mlm leads or network marketing prospect list.

 It is a list that you have researched their profile on social sites, learned about them and who they seem to be, and are prepared to connect with them in a whole new way.

Many home business multi level marketing leaders think that building a list is the answer.

 It is NOT.

Many prospects that are on a prospect list are not really that interested in your offer. But the ones that you have on a Recruiting List have proven they at least have an interest.

What can you do to build a Recruiting List in your network marketing?

1. Get them engaged and interacting with you in some CONSISTENT way.

To build a recruiting list, you must get them to MOVE towards you, and get them CONNECTED to YOU. Send them something to DO, READ, WATCH, or invite them to skype you or join you in a text chat.

Interaction guarantees Recruiting TRACTION.

2. Ask them questions that will reveal if they are a OPEN to something additional.

“What do you think of where you work? Tell me about it.”

“Is this a good time in your life to ever look at additional income?”

“Have you ever thought about putting your income on auto-pilot and doing it online?”

3.  Be Direct and simply Ask if they are Open to New ideas.

“Are you keeping your revenue options open? I  would like to share some free information with you that may help some folks you know.”

‘What is your feeling about additional income at this point in your life?”

“Have you ever considered owning a business?”

Being Direct and to the point can scare some folks in MLM, but it works. It saves you time, and money, and emotion, and can often show that you are a serious Leader thsat Values their time.

Especially on social networking sites, as it does cut through the fluff and wasting of time.

CAUTION: There is a difference between being DIRECT and being rude or arrogant. I am simply talking about being Direct in a nice way and cutting a lot of the initial chit chat down to where it is not impeding your recruiting efforts.

Yes, some people may need more initial chat then others, but use common sense.

Spend time with those who are GROWING in life, not stagnating.

Building a Recruiting List can also be done with opt in pages that are more DIRECT and to the point. 

Yes, you will get fewer opt ins, but you will build a better list for recruiting for your MLM network marketing home business.

Recruit with ease on LinkedIn? Read this!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Finding Leads when you are not even looking?

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Network Marketing Recruiting- 11 Quick MLM Recruiting Tips

mlm network marketing recruiting

network marketing recruiting


What happens when you start your recruiting in network marketing for your home business? What do you FEEL?

Do you feel like you could almost lose your breath because the fear of recruiting has hit you?

Do you wonder why it is so easy for others, but not for you?

I have good news. Recruiting in network marketing mlm is easy. And fun. And that is why I wanted to give you 11 quick tips on how to recruit in network marketing so it would inspire you and educate you on what to do and NOT to do.

Relax. It gets easier. Here are some network marketing recruiting tips to help:

1) “Start letting the home business prospect totally dominate the conversation.”

Whether online, social media, or offline, ask so many questions, that the prospect ends up dominating the conversation. Find out about their life, interests, family, dreams, and then their future. Let them become the super star of the conversation, and you ONLY listen. They are telling you how to recruit them. Encourage them and congratulate them. Keep them in the spotlight and make them feel like a million dollars!

2) “Start recruiting through their eyes, not  yours.”

We all have a tendency to recruit through our views and filters, and not the prospects.  Look through their eyes whether online or offline,   as far as where they currently are, financially, emotionally, family, socially, and career wise. Start in their world, and then lead them to your world of Network Marketing Home Business Success.

3) “Start Focusing on ONLY on what the prospect wants, not you.”

Again we have a tendency to focus on what we can GAIN out of a conversation, not give. This secret is simple and to the point. You are talking to the home business prospect online or offline,  to see what the prospect is looking for, and wanting in their life. Let your MLM business be the delivery vehicle of their dreams.

4) “When you do a presentation, including webinar, or video, paint word pictures as you present your information.”

Painting word pictures in your presentation is a powerful magnet for recruiting. Why? We think in word pictures, not letters. Paint vivid pictures with your words of the prospect enjoying the life they want, and making the money they desire in their Home Business. Put them in the picture.Ask them these word painting questions:

“Imagine the feeling of you…” “Can you see yourself…? “What would it look like if….?”

5) “Start Using the type of words -and phrases- that the prospect understands, NOT Network Marketing-ease.”

Many folks expect that the prospect understands the language of network marketing. They DON’T! Don’t use the words like “downline” or “upline”. A prospect probably will have no clue of what that is. Start Using words they can understand, and feel comfortable with, like “team”, “Support system,” and “Leaders.”

6) “No matter what, start using the word YOU at least 4 to 5 times more than you use the words me or I.”

We love to talk about ourselves. Our new car. Our new home. Our new…blah blah blah. There is nothing more telling than when a Network Marketing distributor uses the words “me” and “I” more than the word “You.” The word “You” psychologically draws the person towards you and lacks ego in your network marketing recruiting efforts.

7) “Start Letting off the pressure when you recruit. RELAX. Unknowingly, you are sending a silent signal to your home business prospect that will kill your business.”

Pressure is a form of insecurity. READ THAT AGAIN. When a distributor starts putting pressure on someone, it shows there is pressure built up inside of them. Back it off, or it will turn them off. Start using phrase that are magnetic like “I am not sure if this is something that would be right for you or not…” “I am not sure this would be a fit for you…” –great phrases to let off the pressure in your network marketing recruiting efforts.

8) “Do NOT Assume you know what the Prospect wants. Let the prospect tell you what they are looking for, not you tell them.”

We can run our mouths and talk about what we want to talk about in recruiting. What about the prospect? Many times we have a tendency to tell a prospect what their life could be like, without understanding they may want something different. Ask “If all things were possible, what are you looking to do with your life?” Then listen. They are telling you what you need to know to recruit them into your Network Marketing business.

9) “Do NOT forget the people you know but don’t overwhelm yourself! Do your warm market list- 10 names at a time. You will write many more down.”

Many people think of writing down 100 names, and shut down. They get paralayzed. Here is a tip: When you start your warm market list of who you are going to call, many times people get paralyzed with thinking about 100 or 200 names to come up with. Start with 10 and then another 10…then another 10…you get the idea. It is easier psychologically, and less intimidating. You STILL come up with 200 names, but psychologically, you do it with only 10% of the perceived “pressure” to complete a 100 name list.

10) “Never settle for who is at the top of their mind. Double the size of your warm market list INSTANTLY with the One Golden Question.”

One question can turn a memory jogger into a GOLD MINE of leads. ask: “Who do I know that they know?” or “Who do you know that they know?” This question works as a multiplier of your names, and has the potential to explode your potential business with more names than you realized you knew.

11) “Never start COLD in network marketing recruiting. Practice and Role Play your Recruiting with someone before you ever make the first call.”

You will pull a “recruiting muscle” in your mind if you are not careful. And then you will start to doubt yourself because you are getting a LOT of No’s becuase you di not practice first. If you are going to mess up, mess up during practice, and continue to mess up with your sponsor. Practice and get some “experience” before you make the first Live Recruiting call. It will put you light years ahead, and it equips you for the real thing in MLM.

These are 11 Quick tips for network marketing recruiting for your mlm home business.

Linkedin Recruiting Secrets- read this!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011

Social Network Marketing Training tips-for YOU

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MLM Training Tips- 3 Quick Secrets on Building a Team Online

home business mlm online team building

mlm online team building

Have you ever considered, for your home business  recruiting online, but yet when you thought about building a team, you shut down as nothing seems to work?

Did you ever recruit someone in your MLM and then from time to time tried to work with them online- and you got frustrated as they were never available for you?

That is normal for a lot of MLM leaders that work online. There are many mistakes made when building a team online, and we have seen a lot of those being done.

This really can make you feel like you are inadequate and cannot do this business right.


Well, you ARE adequate and there is NOTHING wrong with you.

But there are some network marketing home based business team building secrets that you may want to consider if you are going to build an online team across the country. It might serve you well to take example from the success had by the Thailand team building from TeamXL. There are quite a few things to prepare for and having all the foresight to do so without examples is a stretch. Do yourselves a favour and read about how to do it properly.

Many software companies out there do offer great tools to find people via the internet, and recruit people online.

But here is THE Million Dollar Question:

How do you KEEP people in your mlm home business team? How can you reduce your attrition, which normally online is enormous?

Well, I got some good news for you.

Here are 3 secrets to building online that will help you MULTIPLY your team, versus lose your team on a monthly basis, or so it seems like.

1. Create a SYSTEM of training that is sent to them for at least for the first  14 days.

The first 2 weeks are CRITICAL.

You are being “tested” by your team and you do not even know it. We have found that the first 2 weeks of a new team member’s journey are the most important. They need to be EDUCATED, MOTIVATED, and ACTIVATED to go out and work their new home business.

Get an account with and learn the system. It is an autoresponder system and you are going to have to have one to grow a team online.

Assume they know NOTHING. Start there. Give them the very basics of this business, including what IS network marketing. Make it so basic that even a 5th grader could understand it.

The cover the actions they need to be doing and send them an email or social mail covering each action one day at a time.

Then give them GOALS to achieve everyday that are obtainable. Focus them on GOING and SHOWING and not just Learning and Yearning.

2. Create an Online Success Environment with a daily webinar for 10 minutes.

This “Focus Webinar” helps focus the new people and get them GOING and SHOWING. It will display your Leadership as well as your commitment.

You do this everyday for 10 minutes. It can be in the morning or at lunch time. But do it DAILY.

Why daily?

It establishes a great CONNECTION with your new members, builds momentum, as well as shows them they need to do the same thing for their new people.

You can get a great free webinar software to do this at:

Spotlight each new member in the webinars, and congratulate them for their efforts.

Give them daily a LEADERSHIP QUOTE and one tip for building their business. Give them a chance to ask questions as well. This will create a community feel to it. Then tell them how much you are looking forward to them walking across the stage as a top earner.

3. Send “Encouragement Texts” daily and let the new people know you appreciate them.

These are simple one or 2 line messages stating you believe in a person and that keep up the great work as every top earner in the company started the same way.

Feature them on social sites and make them feel like a super star. Tweet about them. Post about them. Youtube about them. Cinchcast about them. And more of the same on other social sites.

If you do these things, you will see that your new team members STAY LONGER, WORK HARDER, and GROW BIGGER in your MLM network marketing home business.

Prospecting Secrets for the New Person?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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MLM Training- Google+ and Rankings of Your Site


google mlm home business

google home business

Home business websites are ranked by google. But with the addition of google+ there are many new things coming as far as ranking information.

Here is what google has to say about it:

Google+ Ranking Information

Here is an excerpt:

How does +1 affect search results?

+1 helps people discover relevant content—a website, a Google search result, or an ad—from the people they already know and trust. The +1 button appears on Google search, on websites, and on ads. For example, you might see a +1 button for a Google search result, Google ad, or next to an article you’re reading on your favorite news site.

Adding the +1 button to pages on your own site lets users recommend your content, knowing that their friends and contacts will see their recommendation when it’s most relevant—in the context of Google search results. In addition, a user’s +1’s appear on the +1 tab of their Google Profile. While +1’s are always public, users can choose to make the +1 tab visible or invisible on their profile.

When a signed-in Google user is searching, your Google search result snippet may be annotated with the names of the user’s connections who’ve +1’d your page. If none of a user’s connections has +1’d your page, your snippet may display the aggregate.

Read and comment if you wish.

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Social Network Marketing Training Secrets