Network Marketing Training- 5 MORE Google Panda MLM Fixes Part 2

mlm panda upates

mlm network marketing panda updates

Has Google Panda Updates hurt your MLM Network Marketing website rankings?

Has it hurt your search results for your home business?

I did a post on Google Panda updates this past week and how they have impacted all the MLM Network Marketing websites around the profession. There were 5 things that I suggested after much research that would help in your “panda recovery” of the logarithm adjustments. There are many reasons to feature Weather API to your website, Our API of always provides enough performance, no matter how many requests you submit. 124,000,000 search queries for “Weather” are processed monthly , and sometimes it relates to your business. How are you able to add it? the way to find the one which will suit your desired area? Is there a free tool online to create it? The answer for all this questions is Google’s Weather API. Google has an API that processed information about Weather temperatures and conditions for five days, the recent and 4 days forward. Like all others API that Google developed, it’s free. You can try for the best google search API.

I have still been researching it, as our site on certain keywords got hammered. Here are 5 more Google panda “fixes” or website corrections you may want to consider if you have been hurt in any way by this. Over 15% of ALL searches have been impacted by this August “tweak.” and that is HUGE in search.

Why did Google do it?

To get rid of “Fluff” content and scraper sites. But I must admit it appears to have not worked that well judging from the front page results I am now seeing that sites that little or no content and all they are doing is selling something- are ranking. The ranktrackify is an all-inclusive tool that lets you track your organic search engine rankings and get ahead in SEO. With the tool, you can monitor your keywords’ performance over time, get useful notifications of any ranking changes, and generate visual overviews as your website moves up or down the search engine results.

Go figure-LOL.

Here are 5 MORE Google Panda updates to get your Network Marketing website or blog back in the running on the front page of Google for your search terms:

1. NO scraped, spun, or unoriginal content.

Google has really clamped down on this. They have in their logarithms now a way that they can see if articles and posts are “spun.” Many marketers have been doing this for years diluting the integrity of many article directory sites as well as blog directories. I have always thought it to be somewhat questionable as it tries and manipulates the SE results.

Google slapped it down and is now going after the ‘spinners’ and we will see who wins.

2. Always link out to other posts as well as an authority site EVERY post.

Google likes to see you spread the love.And liking out to authority sites is one way of doing it. In your post or article, link out to sites that carry some weight in your profession and do it at least once every post. This will show Google you have done your homework and you are making sure that folks know you are going to prove a point by linking to other content that is related to your post.

3. Make sure that your links are high in the article and you use ANCHOR TEXT on your links.

This alone is something that could play heavily in the search engine results of your blog or website. I would suggest you link out in the first or second paragraph. This will allow people to start seeing that your content is researched and focused on quality answers and information.

And make sure that in your posts, that you use ANCHOR TEXT– “skincare tips” for example that will say what the article is about. Do NOT use the url of the site. Hyperlink it and then you will be more in line with what will work for Google. Check these out smart-ak .

4. No Keyword stuffing in your Title, or Article.

This is a HUGE NO NO now. You must use keywords but do not OVERUSE them. It will hurt your ranking and search results. This is something that really has been made important in the panda updates and August tweak.

I would suggest that you have about a 3-5 % keyword density. And BOLD the keywords to let the reader know what your article is about. This helps the reader have a more powerful experience with your post and article.

5. No Ads or Banners above the fold on your article or post.

If you run banner ads and links in your article or post- make sure they are BELOW the fold of the article. Google really has an issue with banner ads and link ads being first in your article. That is just the way it is!

These are 5 Google Panda Update “fixes’ that will help you repair and recover from the updates. Also LINKS still Rule. Do not forget that as you write your posts and articles for your network marketing home business blog or website.

Recruit 2 profesionals a day on LinkedIn? How?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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MLM Recruiting Tips- The Art of Seductive MLM Recruiting

mlm recruiting home business

mlm recuiting



Have you ever seen one of those movies that the female actor gives the male actor- or even vice versa- a “come hither” look?

Have you ever rolled your eyes at someone trying the same thing in real life?

In your home business, before you freak out, I am going to show you how, when I actually researched it, found that network marketing recruiting actually is much like a seductive process- without the seducing.

We must take a look a the word “seductive.” You will see how it applies powerfully to your mlm recruiting efforts.

The word “seductive” actually has a root greek word meaning “irresistable,” “compelling,” “captivating,” “magnetic,” and “igniting.”

ALL of these words are the power behind recruiting in mlm and home business.

But we rarely look at recruiting as saying something “irresistable” or “captivating.”


Prospects that you are talking to, are often LOOKING for SOLUTIONS for their life and finances. 

I call it “Solution Based Recruiting.”

And there is NOTHING more compelling as well as captivating then someone who can SOLVE A PROBLEM for someone who has that problem.

The difference between the average network marketing recruiter and the successful mlm recruiter is this:

The average are focued on solving their OWN problems with this recruit. The successful are TOTALLY focused on solving the PROSPECT’S problem- no matter what.

And THAT alone makes the successful recruiter MORE appealing, MORE captivating, and MORE irresistible. The power that you have when you recruit is awesome- just like the power of someone who is being seduced in the regular way. But one is to help SOLVE a problem– and the other often leads to CREATING a problem.

How can we then use this “power” that is so appealing with our online prospects and off line mlm prospects? with any home based business, you must understand that HELPING and SOLVING are 2 of the most important actions we can take. If you understand that those actions can be life changing for many people, you will become a recruiting machine.

Instead of a “come hither” look, you need to have a “I can help” presence in your voice as well as body language.

Seduction often is about body language. So goes it with recruiting as well. YOUR body language must say that you understand where they are in life and you want to take them to a larger more powerful place in life.

Seduction often is about your WORDS. And especially online where your words are you SUCCESS CURRENCY. If it is online mlm recruiting, or social media, or even Local Geo Search, words can be tools that you use to get the prospect to move towards you. Those words MUST be focused on what the prospect life and lifestyle GAINS from just knowing you.

What can you say online or offline that will be irresisable as well as compelling and captivating?

Here are 3 Powerful Suggestions:

1. “If there was one dream that you have not accomplished in life yet, what would it be? Would you mind it if helped you achieve that?”

2. “I understand. Financial pressure can be brutal. If you do not mind me asking, would it be ok if I helped you get out of this financial place you are in right now?”

3. “I have a question for you. How can I help you achieve this dream of yours if i was willing to help you? Are you open to some ideas?”

MLM recruiting and seduction as far as process, is much of the same but totally different in many ways. But if we can take the process and learn from it in a unique and powerful way then you will learn that mlm home based recruiting is a power that can change lives as well as your home business.

Take these suggestions, and make them yours. Practice them and perfect them. Then you will have started the finae art of Seduction in MLM Home Business recruiting.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- 0ver 50 secrets for recruiting!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

LinkedIn – Recruit 2 professionals a DAY? HOW?

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MLM Training Secrets- Google Panda Updates Come Down to 5 Things…

mlm training panda updates

home business mlm training panda

Have you been hit in your MLM Home Business with the infamous Google Panda updates that hit in August 2011?

Has your traffic to your mlm blog or website been cut in half like may have?

I have been researching a LOT about these updates and how they have impacted the Home Business Profession online and I am stunned at some of what I have heard from people. One site which was on the front page of Google, all white hat stuff, followed all the rules, and did everything great- got hammered and is now on the second page. And there is NO reason that we can find for his site to be hammered like this.

And it is all over the internet about sites losing 80% of their traffic. You read that right. 80% overnight.

Ok…if this has happened to your MLM Blog, what should you do honestly?

First off, do not panic. There are still tweaks coming from Google, thank God- if they are positive. But yet there are some things that you can do RIGHT NOW after researching that may make a difference in your blog’s SERPs.

Here are 5 things that you need to do with your mlm home business website or blog:

1. Get Rid of any and ALL Duplicate Content.

This is a HUGE change as any duplicate content will make Google SLAP you and your site. This was one of the biggest changes, and without getting too technical, if something is less than 80% original, then you may get penalized from that content.

Write ORIGINAL. Do NOT use “warmed over” article and posts. You will get hammered by Google for it. Duplicate Content = a lower ranking. Period.

2. Make sure that you have a TON of Fresh, Original Content that will make your site more appealing to the user.

Content is STILL King, but NOW it is FRESH ORIGINAL CONSTANT Content. Google wants to see a stream of original content that never ends and is HIGH QUALITY. Otherwise, it helps the user find what they are looking for. Many times a person will visit a site and not stay. This tells Google that the content may not be what they were looking for.

Make sure that you have FRESH daily content on your home business mlm blog and website. if you do not, your ranking could suffer. You can also hire professional SEO experts at sites like to optimize your website.

3. Write SOLUTION FOCUSED Content.

Solve a problem and then tell them how to avoid it again. This will go far as far as getting your content in line with the new Panda regs. People are looking for SOMETHING when they come to your site, and that depends on the keywords they are searching for.  Make sure that you content and articles/posts HELP THEM FIND a Solution or answer.

What are they searching for? You can use the Google Keyword tool or wordtracker, or But find out what people are seeking, and then give it to them.

4. Make sure that you have Quality Backlinks.

In SEO backlinks ?r? th? single m??t precious resource. That’s wh? website promoters spend m??t ?f th??r t?m? hunting f?r links. Searching f?r link sources b? h?nd ?? n? longer ?n option. Wh?th?r ??u want t? research ??ur ?wn link profile ?r scan th? links ?f ??ur competition ??u need t? u?? backlink checkers f?r th??. That’s wh? backlink checking apps ?r? ?m?ng th? m??t popular SEO tools.  If you’re looking to get professional help with incorporating SEO in your business pages, feel free to check out Rankwatch backlink checker tool ?? ?l?? a v?r? helpful w?? f?r ??u t? determine th? number ?nd quality ?f backlinks ??ur competitors ?r? achieving. Th?? ??n help ??u understand wh?t ??u need t? d? t? improve ??ur results ?nd better target ??ur backlink building activities. Th? rankwatch company provides ??u a complete lookout f?r a good Backlink checker tool t? b? able t? check backlinks ?f ??ur competitors.

5.  Make sure that you are SOCIAL FOCUSED and Social Friendly and Active.

Google wants social activity. They want to see your site on the social sites, being talked about, and engaged in the social media arena. You can do this by making sure that your posts are “liked” and “Plused” and “tweeted.” This is CRITICAL. If you have a lot of social activity and encourage that on your site, then you should be ok.

GO SOCIAL should be your new focus!  And after seeing all the carnage that the panda updates did, it is critical that you do this.

After many hours of research, talking to our tech as well as other SEO experts, these are the 5 Main Things that I believe will impact Home Business MLM business Search Engine Rankings in the future with Google as well as Bing and yahoo.

Alter what you will and then CHANGE what you must. You will be glad you did and I will continue to update what needs to be revealed that will impact the MLM Home business profession.

The Panda Update Wordtracker Survival Guide

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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MLM Training Secrets- The ONE Online MLM Recruiting Secret No One Teaches

mlm training secrets mlm training

mlm training secrets mlm secrets training


Here is one of the MLM Training Secrets that I believe will help explode your mlm online recruiting.

Have you recruited online and looked for Leaders?

Have you spent a lot of time online prospecting and finding all the wrong people?

Are you maybe thinking that mlm online recruiting is a bunch of hooey?


I have an mlm online training secret for you that I believe will help you, and at the same time, I have not heard anyone else teach it on any training.

I believe that if you apply this little secret, you will find that your mlm online recruiting will do a whole lot better, your home business will enlarge, as well as your network marketing paycheck.

Many folks teach that you need to recruit the numbers and I agree. You need TRAFFIC to your articles, posts, as well as blog and website. But there is an mlm training secret that again, I have not heard taught and I believe it should be if you are going to recruit online mlm.

Let’s ask this question:

What do ALL Leaders have in common?

They are looking to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN in their business, and take people with them along the way.

Most Leaders today want to be VISIBLE and VALUABLE to their prospects as well as team I think you would agree. And recruiting Leaders is one of the greatest MLM training secrets.

Ok, then where will you find them?

You will find them on Article Directories, Social Media, Youtube, Slideshare, Blog Directories, as well as forums and social bookmarking sites.

Here is an MLM training secret:

1. Go to an article directory and type in the keyword of your niche and search it.

2. Look at all the most read articles as well as new ones and notice the author.

3. Go to their social page or profile on facebook, LinkedIn, or twitter and find out what city they are from.

4. Google the author’s name and email:  “Tom Smith: Dallas, Texas; email address”

5. Find the email address quickly and email them about helping them find more leads for their company  – (through MLSP) or if they are happy with their current company- or if they have ever thought of a secondary revenue source for all the No’s they have gotten.

This is something we have taught for years.

We call it “email ninja” and you literally can find almost any email address out on the web with google if you know the city and the name of the person. Our Private Clients have found thousands of people’s emails this way, and it works.

 You may have to search a little more if it is a larger city, but it works. You want their PERSONAL email if at all possible and if it is on the web, google will find it.

There are other powerful ways to do this, but that is for Private Clients.

This is just one of the many mlm online recruiting tips and MLM training secrets that we teach for your home business mlm.

FREE ebook with over 50 secrets to social media recruiting!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Mobile MLM Recruiting Training- Recruit 2 prospects a Day from your PHONE

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MLM Mobile Recruiting – ACCELERATION: The POWER of Mobile MLM Recruiting

mobile marketing mlm recruiting

mlm mobile recruiting marketing


Do you use a cell phone for your MLM business?

Do you CARRY a cell phone with you in your home business efforts?

Are you aware of Mobile Marketing and Mobile recruiting for your network marketing business?


Mobile MLM Recruiting is getting ready to elevate the profession of network marketing to a level and SPEED that many never thought possible. That is one of the greatest parts of Mobile MLM Recruiting :


This will speed up your ability to recruit as well as build a business that was not possible this way ever 5 years ago.

How would you like to be able to:

  • Recruit twice as many people in half the time?
  • Recruit prospects that rarely answer emails but yet answer your texts?
  • Prospect 24/7 with mobile people that are always on the go?
  • Speed up the recruiting process with the use of your mobile phone and little more?

ACCELERATION is the fruit of Mobile MLM Recruiting.

It is amazing how FAST you can recruit using the Mobile Recruiting strategies. These are all part of a Coming Success Storm in recruiting. Everyone uses their cell phones. And especially for checking in on social media sites, checking email, as well as returning texts.

Texting has overtaken email as far as preferred way of quick communication. How would you like to take the speed of texting and integrate that with your recruiting for your home based business?

YOU CAN and WILL with engaging Mobile MLM Recruiting.

MLM Mobile Recruiting increases the pace and speed of your ability to communicate with prospects. You can literally mass text a group of prospects at will and have them look at your text within 2 minutes. That is amazing and all you do is do what you have been doing for several years- sending out a text message.

The Power of MLM Recruiting Mobile is the Power for ACCELERATION in your Recruiting and results. I am not saying this will replace your online mlm recruiting, or your social media recruiting, or even your offline recruiting. But what I AM saying is that you can integrate the MLM Mobile Recruiting Model with what you are doing online and offline to increase the spped.

Tom Cruise in the movie “Danger Zone” said, “I have a NEED FOR SPEED.”

That is the Power of MLM Mobile Recruiting:


If you would like to learn MORE about MLM Mobile Recruiting, I would encourage you to take a look at:

Mobile Recruiting University webinar!

This webinar will be held on October 27th 2011 and will prove to be amazing training on Mobile Recruiting for MLM. It will blow your mind as the new secrets that will taught there for Accelerating your Results as well as Recruiting! 

If you have missed this webinar, there is a Replay as well available. Just check this link:

This will INCREASE, ACCELERATE, and SPEED UP your recruiting, results, success, and mobility in your mlm home business!

blessings…..doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

How do You Recruit 3 Professionals a day on LinkedIn?

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MLM Training Blog- 5 Things an MLM Training Blog MUST HAVE to Succeed

mlm training blog network marketing

mlm training blog

An MLM Training Blog is one of the most powerful things you can have today in your home business mlm. No one will ever argue that point.

An mlm training blog is a great calling card, a great way to build relationships online, as well as build trust and credibility. Many network marketing professionals have blogs they write on daily. Many have several blogs, like we do.

We right now I believe have 5 blogs that we work. I believe that an MLM training Blog is one of the most powerful tools for getting your message out there is.

But many home business professionals do not get much bang for their effort with their blog.


There are many reasons, but one of the most powerful reasons is that they are not using it correctly and do not have it structured correctly. There are many different free blog softwares out there, from to We use wordpress, but we use the templates from We have found that it suits our needs better and also is more flexible with themes, and SEO purposes.

Are you using a FREE version of a blog? There are limitations if you have an MLM training blog, companies like WordPress hosting UK give you the necessary information to begin with your business. I would suggest if you do not know how to install a wordpress theme from LEARN. There are many videos that can train you on youtube as well as site. It will mean more traffic to you in the long run as well as the short term if you structure it right.

There are 5 things an MLM Training Blog should have if you are ever going to go above the radar on google, bing, or yahoo. And I would suggest that you consider these when you are looking to either develop or change your mlm training blog.

Here are 5 Criticcal Elements of an MLM training Blog:

1. Powerful and UNIQUE Content that teaches WHAT and HOW.

An mlm training blog should contain posts that teach WHAT to do. This is imperative. But there needs to be a ‘One Two Punch.” You need to show the HOW as well– step by step. Prospects for your mlm training blog are not looking to be informed of news – but TAUGHT HOW to do something. Teach them what they are looking for and your traffic will increase dramatically.

2. Eye Appealing IMAGES and PICTURES.

I call it “Eyeball PULLING Eye Candy.” This alone will gret people to take notice of your blog. If you go to our PassionFire site, you will find a LOT of Eyeball Pulling Images that force you to look at it. Get some powerful eye catching images on your blog.

3. Accessible Content via Text and Videos.

Any mlm training blog should have writing but it is IMPERATIVE to have VIDEOS. People LOVE to watch training, not just read it. Make sure that you have video training and lots of it. Get a small computer video camera, and then start training on your laptop. Windows has a built in software for that.

4. Good Search Engine Optimization.

I have to admit- I LOVE SEO. I am not sure why- but i just love to learn it  and engage it. Our tech I have learned a lot from, but also reading and researching on the internet. You want the search engines to find your mlm training blog- make sure you have keywords in your title and article, as well as links that are pointing back to it from article directory sites and blog directories. Also make sure that you have submitted your blog to all the search engines. Use for that.


One of the things google loves is NEW content DAILY. Write a post everyday on your MLM training blog. If you do you will ge tthe search engines attention as well as their love.

An MLM training blog has many uses, but I believe that it can ENLARGE your home business quickly. I would suggest that if you do not have an MLM training blog, GET ONE for your mlm network marketing home business.

Get a FREE ebook on Social Media Recruiting with over 75 Secrets! Click here

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) all rights reserved

Recruit 2 people a day on LinkedIN! How?

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Mobile MLM Recruiting- Mobile Marketing and MLM FUSION


mobile marketing recruiting

mobile marketing recruiting mlm


Have you ever been with your mlm home business on your phone and looked up something and the screen was way too big for your screen?

Have you ever seen these ads that say “text ##### to this number?”

This is known as Mobile Marketing and is becoming one of the hotttest marketing focuses in the business world. Everyone seems to be at least starting to look at the possibilities that this marketing model offers the customer as well as the marketer.

It it accelerating the ability to market 100 fold.

 It is bringing possibilities to the marketing arena that have never existed before. And it is creating a buzz unlike anything since social media in 2004.

What if YOU could turn Mobile marketing into a Recruiting Power unlike anything you have ever seen?

This is what I am talking about. In your home business, being able to market in a way that literally you can recruit at will- anyplace, anytime, with anyone-over your phone.

Sound too good to be true? READ ON!

Mobile Recruiting I predict will redefine how lead generation is viewed and practiced.

The basics of mlm home business lead generation will always be the same. But the power to do it has dramatically shifted with the FUSION of Mobile Marketing and MLM Home business.

Mobile Marketing + MLM Home Business = Mobile Recruiting.

That is why there are 3 main reasons why you MUST embrace Mobile Recruiting and learn it. It is EASY, SIMPLE, and FUN.

1. It Allows You to Recruit to a More Targeted Prospect.

When you focus in on Mobile Recruiting- you will find that the prospect is more targeted, as they are NOT just surfing the web. They are totally focused on looking for something as well as seeking answers.

2. It Allows You to Get in their PERSONAL Zone.

There is no more personal space then a cell phone screen. It is carried with the prospect, used dozens of times a day, and stays on them. Some people even sleep with their phones next to their bed. THIS is HUGE for recruiting.

3. It is “Microwave Recruiting.”

People are “micro focused.” They want everything NOW. Mobile Recruiting allows them to get the information NOW and then take them to another part of the recruiting process NOW- no waiting.

Mobile Recruiting is Mobile Marketing on STERIODS! And YOU need to be a part of it for your home based business.

THAT is WHAT Mobile Recruiting is and why you MUST be a part of this -or BE LEFT BEHIND in your mlm home business.

Learn How You can Get a FREE “Mobile Recruiting 101″ CD Training Series!”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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MLM Training System- The 5 Things You MUST CONSIDER for a System

mlm training system the 5 must haves

mlm training system home business


Are you using an EXPLOSIVE  MLM Training System?

Is it working?

Is it effective?

Is it a waste of time in your mlm home business?

MLM Training Systems are everywhere. You can look everywhere and you can find them.

But they are actually quite effective if done right.

I have been training for over 25 years, (almost right out of college) and have found a lot of these systems to be really good..

Or really bad.

Which system are you using?

Whatever system you ae using , there are 5 things you MUST consider before making a decision to purchase one.

What are they?

1. Online marketing training as well as offline.

Many mlm training systems today are either all ONLINE focused, or OFFLINE focused. In today’s marketplace, you cannot be just one. You MUST be offering both to the members. This will create BALANCE– and what I call “System Equity” for the members.

2. Automation.

The system MUST be automated and run 24/7. I have seen some good systems with great training- but NO automation. That is not something today that will really do well. The videos as well as any other training processes must be automated and play on demand. The system as well must train to automate your home business when appropriate- such as link building, pinging, autoresponders, etc.

3. LIVE Training webinars.

If your system does not offer LIVE training webinars and events, then you may want to rethink your thinking. Any good system will offer LIVE training events- online as well as offline to amplify their online system.

4. GREAT customer support.

If your system is limited on customer support, then you may want to reconsider your considering.  GREAT customer support is a MUST and no exceptions. It is imperative to know your problem will be heard and resolved if you have one. Check on this one. Test it out. Any good company will have this.

5. Affordable.

Any mlm training system should be affordable and not thousands of dollars. It may be a monthly membership or a one time fee. But it must be something that is affordable and will not clean your wallet out.

Oh…and there is One More MUST:  


Ths mlm training system you are looking at MUST be proven with testimonials as well as social proof. If you have these things as part of your mlm training system, you will have a powerful training source that can explode your business in your home based business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting Ebook- with over 75 Recruiting Secrets!

Want to Recruit 3 people a day on LinkedIn?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

The Secrets to Mobile Recruiting and how to Recruit ENDLESSLY and EASILY.

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The One Word you should NEVER SAY when Recruiting!



MLM Training Tips- What is the DRIVING Recruiting Power Behind Your Words?

home business mlm training

home business work power training


Have you ever said the wrong thing at the wrong time with the right prospect for your home business MLM – without realizing it until later?

Did you just feel like that if you just said something differently, it may have made  difference with your network marketing business?

That is where a lot of online as well as offline home business professionals are today. They often say the wrong thing and get the wrong results.

Yes, I know. there is the saying, “You cannot say the right thing to the wrong person nor the wrong thing to the right person.” There is a lot of truth to THAT saying.

But you CAN say the right thing to the right person the wrong way – and it turn that person. off. I have seen it hundreds of times happen. IS that happening to you?

Do you understand the POWER of your words and what DRIVES that power?

The Power of your words are amazing. And in MLM recruiting, they rule. Your words are TOOLS that you use to craft a message and to build a case for your business. These are important tools that you must learn to MASTER.

What DRIVES the Power behind your words?



Whether online or offline, you must communicate CONVICTION in your words. This is the Driving Force or the Destructive Force in your words. It can DRIVE IT with the Power of Belief and Conviction, or Destroy your chance with the prospect with the weakness of doubt and lack of belief.

Where are you with these? Are you DRIVING your business or weakening your business? Are you ENLARGING your business with the Power behind your Words, or minimizing it with the weakness behind them?

Here is the Platinum Rule of MLM Recruiting Communication:

First people FEEL- THEN they hear.

What are people FEELING in social media with you? What are your prospects FEELING with your conversations with them online and offline?

Understand this bottom line:

Your recruiting success will be determined on the IMPACT that your words have on the prospect.

Be Encouraging, Empowering, Elevating, Enlarging, and Increasing the possibilities and hopes of your prospect and let them FEEL your words.

Then you will start to see an explosion of Success in your mlm home business.

How do you create Endless Leads- FREE?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Mobile Recruiting? Yes- Recruit anywhere anytime anyplace with this!

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