MLM Training – 3 Quick Secrets of Building a Recruiting List

home business mlm recruiting

Home Business mlm recruiting

What do you for your home business MLM do everyday to build a recruiting list?

Do you ever feel like that you are finding ALL THE WRONG PEOPLE?

Do you HAVE a Recruiting List?

Do you know what it is?

A Recruiting List is a list that is BEYOND an mlm leads or network marketing prospect list.

 It is a list that you have researched their profile on social sites, learned about them and who they seem to be, and are prepared to connect with them in a whole new way.

Many home business multi level marketing leaders think that building a list is the answer.

 It is NOT.

Many prospects that are on a prospect list are not really that interested in your offer. But the ones that you have on a Recruiting List have proven they at least have an interest.

What can you do to build a Recruiting List in your network marketing?

1. Get them engaged and interacting with you in some CONSISTENT way.

To build a recruiting list, you must get them to MOVE towards you, and get them CONNECTED to YOU. Send them something to DO, READ, WATCH, or invite them to skype you or join you in a text chat.

Interaction guarantees Recruiting TRACTION.

2. Ask them questions that will reveal if they are a OPEN to something additional.

“What do you think of where you work? Tell me about it.”

“Is this a good time in your life to ever look at additional income?”

“Have you ever thought about putting your income on auto-pilot and doing it online?”

3.  Be Direct and simply Ask if they are Open to New ideas.

“Are you keeping your revenue options open? I  would like to share some free information with you that may help some folks you know.”

‘What is your feeling about additional income at this point in your life?”

“Have you ever considered owning a business?”

Being Direct and to the point can scare some folks in MLM, but it works. It saves you time, and money, and emotion, and can often show that you are a serious Leader thsat Values their time.

Especially on social networking sites, as it does cut through the fluff and wasting of time.

CAUTION: There is a difference between being DIRECT and being rude or arrogant. I am simply talking about being Direct in a nice way and cutting a lot of the initial chit chat down to where it is not impeding your recruiting efforts.

Yes, some people may need more initial chat then others, but use common sense.

Spend time with those who are GROWING in life, not stagnating.

Building a Recruiting List can also be done with opt in pages that are more DIRECT and to the point. 

Yes, you will get fewer opt ins, but you will build a better list for recruiting for your MLM network marketing home business.

Recruit with ease on LinkedIn? Read this!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Finding Leads when you are not even looking?

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LinkedIn MLM -How One Change in Madelyn’s Profile Brought 9 New Recruits?

mlm linkedin

home business linkedin recruiting

Doug Training
Your personal Home Business Success on LinkedInoften can be elusive if you are not doing the right things. Often when prospecting, you do not realize that other people actually are looking at your LinkedIn profile and considering doing business with you.

It happens daily. And it happens to a Private Client of mines.

Her name is Madelyn.

She lives in Tampa. And she was having a challenge with Lnkedin as she did not know what to do with her talents, education, and profile. She had created a linkedIn profile but left it there.

She was told: “Build It and they will COME!”

Errrrr…not really. You must be VISIBLE on LinkedIn to be seen.

She emailed me asking a question as she had been on some FireCalls on monday night. I eventually got the email and called her as she was asking about becoming a Private Client. She was very bubbly and energetic. We agreed to work together and started the journey.

I suggested on her social sites that she make some changes, especially on her LinkedIn profile. She was not where they needed to be. She made ONE SMALL CHANGE and people started contacting her about her skin care products on LinkedIn.

And she used the LinkedIn 4 step recruiting process. And the next thing you know- she got her FIRST RECRUIT from LinkedIn!

By the way- THREE DAYS LEFT until the LinkedIN Recruiting 101 webinar! September 22! And if you are reading this after the fact, there is a Replay available Discover from the # 1 Coroporate Recruiter in the Nation for a Recruitment firm his secrets to recruiting on LinkedIn! They have been especially adapted for home business!

Clike Here to Learn more about it!

How did Madelyn recruit 9 people in a single week on LinkedIn? (She did that the last week in August 2011.)


She resarched the keywords that people were looking for, concerning her product line benefits, and then created what we call a “Magnetic Profile.” She started PULLING people into her profile and converting them. And she does that almost weekly today.

She followed the Magnetic Formula for her Profile Keyword mix, and then created the EXACT Profile she was told to. She started getting contacted about helping professional women answer their skin QUESTIONS on LinkedIn as well as educating them. She even got some conference call offers to speak to wonen about skincare.

Her business started to increase – a lot.

The keyword formula is simple. But it MUST BE EXACT.

It is 10%-7%-5%  keyword mix – and in that order.

This will come very close to maximizng your profile’s search power the LinkediN search tool seems to like. And you will be seen on LinkedIn as a “Go To” Profressional that LinkedIn loves and promotes on their search tool

And YOU can have that happen to if you just use the Magnetic Formula for keywords and search terms. You will learn the secrets of creating a profile that PULLS people toward you at the LinkedIn Recruiting 101 webinsr.

BECOME HIGHLY VISIBLE on LinkedIN with your home based ml.m business and products!

BECOME a RECRUITING MAGNET on LinkedIn with your business!

Experience the results that  Madelyn did and others have! Put your business on auto pilot with LinkedIn!

Then you will find that you too will be recruiting 9 people in ONE WEEK with LiinkedIn for your MLM Home Based business!

blessngs……doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Discover the Power of Endless Prospecting Leads that NEVER STOP!

Home Business Training- QR Codes and their Power for MLM Recruiting

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

In your home business success, things DO change, and either you change with them or you don’t.

There have been  LOT of changes the last 10 years in the MLM network marketing profession..

Use to be that “myspace” was the HOTTEST property going for recruiting. THEN “social media” and “social networking” came along.

THEN facebook showed up.

THEN twitter.

THEN youtube.

THEN LinkedIn.

And the list is almost endless of the social sites out today.

THEN G2 and G3 , and now G4 iphones and Smart Phones have come out which the technology is amazing. Especially for MLM home business recruiting.

There is a NEW technology that actually has been in Japan for quite sometime, but has made it’s way to the US. It is something that I believe is a GAME CHANGER in marketing, as well as Home business marketing and recruiting.

It is called a “QR Code.”

According to wikipedia, this is what a QR Code actually  is:

“A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode  (or two-dimensional code) designed to be read by smartphones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded may be text, a URL, or other data. Today, Japan and South Korea are the major users of these codes”

Here is what one looks like:

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

QR Code for home business mlm recruitng

This is a QR Code.

It contains symbols made up of characters and all, at least for now, black and white. It is a type of a “bar code” that we see on everything that is marketed in retail stores today.

You use your Smart Phone and scan the QR code,, and it decodes the code.

QR codes have proven to be very useful in all kinds of marketing -online and offline-and time saving related applications that is more suitable for smartphone and social networking users.  We are starting to see QR codes show up on all kinds of marketing materials such as movie posters, promotional posters for various products, billboards, flyers, among other things.  The QR codes have also been even seen on newspaper ads, business cards, artwork, and many other everyday items. Swag bags are great as a promotional technique so read more to learn more about it.

Concerning home business and network marketing, there are two main things that you have to have when you deal with QR codes:

1. An up to date mobile phone with a camera and Internet connectivity
2. A QR code reader installed.

Here is how a Smartphone works with the QR Code reader:

1. You snap or scan a picture of the QR code with your phone camera.

2.  The phone then will “resolve” the code- or decode it- and resolve it to a link on the internet on your phone. Otherwise, within 15-30 seconds, a webpage or landing page shows up on your phone with the information that the smart code POINTED TO.

This could be a Speical price, a special offer, or any other kind of marketing special you are offering.

Imagine the Recruiting Possibilities using a QR Code with “Moble Recruiting.”

Ok…how would this apply to home business mlm recruiting? We have tested this out for recruiting the last 6 months with our Private Clients, and the results were impressive to say the least.

You can put QR codes on any piece of marketing materials, and when you give them out or they run across it on your website or even email, they scan the QR code, and it takes them to your landing page or online destination planned.

The possibilities are ENDLESS in social media and social networking, and MLM RECRUITING.

We actually are coming out soon with a training resource called “QR Code Recruiting (for Home Business.)” That will teach you STEP by STEP how to make QR Codes, where you can make them, and also powerful QR Code resources that can help you accelerate your QR Code recruiting for your home business.

What is the secret to recruiting with QR Codes?


Just consider QR Codes as a “DOORWAY” or a “MAP” or a “CONNECTOR” or a “COMPASS” that Points To a particular online page or image that you want the prospect to view and act upon. Consider it much like a “Treasure Map” and the QR Code has the destination code where the treasure is. You get the picture.

That is one of the biggest secrets to QR Code recruiting for your mlm home business. It is going to be a Monster tool for MLM recruiting for your home based business.

Social Media and MLM Fused together for Endless Leads? How?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

How to Recruit Anyone,  Anywhere, Anytime

Outrageous Hour Daily Special Offers! 12-1 PM Eastern

Outrageous Hour Daily Deal!

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Free MLM Home Business Private Coaching Session with Doug FirebaughWhat if you could be coached personally by Doug 1-0n-1?

Imagine just you and him on the phone planning, analyzing and strategizing your business to achieve your next level breakthrough of success. Doug Firebaugh knows how to Teach Leaders how to Build Leaders. In fact that is his true forte. Anyone who has ever had lasting success in the home business profession knows that Effective Leadership Development is a MUST in order to build a perpetual wealth vehicle through their home business.

Obviously there are only so many hours in the day so make sure you don’t hesitate and end up missing out! Remember, procrastination is the thief of dreams!


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The Millionaire Road Treasury Two Home Business Wealth SeriesThe Millionaire Road Treasury One Home Business Wealth SeriesDetails:

  • For every order of $500 or more in training materials from our MLM resource center, you will receive a One Hour PRIVATE CONSULTATION with Doug Firebaugh coaching you on his EXLUSIVE and Personalized Leadership Blueprint.
  • This is a $1000.00 Value (Doug’s hourly rate for Private Consultation with Corporations and Leaders in the Home Business Profession).
  • It is a fact that Doug’s consulting has produced BILLIONS in additional revenues for multiple worldwide home business corporations in the last 10 years.
  • You will receive a “Destiny Profile” to complete and submit, and then you and Doug can both agree to the TOPICS NEEDED for your personal private coaching session.
  • An agreed to appointment will be scheduled for your session.
  • A 30 day Written Success Plan will be developed that will help focus you and engage you on the tactics and strategies that you need to accomplish with this.
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In addition to all this, you also qualify to receive Both Millionaire Road Series as part of your Bonus Offers, a nearly $200 value!

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Home Business- The 3 Things You Will Need No One Will Tell You

home business mom

home business mom

A Home business is simple enough to start.

Many folks do everyday and are happy they did and work very hard.

But…then something happens. They start going itno the FUNK ZONE and start questioning if it was a good idea to start their own business. It is all part of the  process of ANY Start up of any kind. But especially Home based businesses.

The reason?

There are 3 things that are critical to your success that most home business owners never even know. That is why I am writing this. I want you to deal in REALITY and understand you need these 3 things to success in network marketing.

Ok…what are those 3 things?

1. A PLAN that WORKS YOU- not you work it.

This is critical.

 It must be a plan that you feel GOOD about and dsoes not overwhelm you or intimidate you. You work the plan that you k now will keep you happily working but STRETCH YOU enough to get the results you need.

2. A Product that says “CONNECTION!”

You MUST be emotionally connected to your product and services. If you are not, you will find this home based business profession is a long road to haul. An emotional connection is powerful and magnetic and draws people towards you.

Most people are NOT connected emotionally to their product….and thus…struggle in marketing it effectively.

3. A Promise that keeps you- you not just not keep it.

Your product and home business must PROMISE something. It must promise Increase, Enlarging, Expansion, Elevation, Changing, Transforming of a life- something that will move the prospect to buy it and join you.

BUT- also it MUST keep YOU as you are so connected and sold on the promise that it becomes part of your language and lifestyle. THAT is what will keep you miving through the hard and tough times.

These 3 things you MUST have for your mlm network marketing business to succeed in home business.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

MLM – It is NOT about Movement or Motion but EMOTION

mlm people

home business mlm people

Home business mlm business

requires something that is missing in many presentations and efforts:



MOVING PEOPLE – not just hyping them,

A ‘Lot of times, people are BUSY being BUSY and getting little if anything done. They focus on being in MOTION and not being in THE EMOTION that will draw people towards you and create a hope and possibility FEELING for their life.

So often in social media, or even traditional presentations there is a lack of emotion and FEELING.

What happens, as I recently saw on facebook, when there is no Feeling involved, there is a need to pressure of FORCE something to happen.

That is not a good thing and will drive many people away.

If you focus on what YOU GET out of network marketing, and not what the prospect gets, you will come across as pressureful and greedy and will turn your prospect off. I see this quite often online. And people do not even realize they are coming across like that.

I saw this on LinkedIn just last week. The guy was obnoxious and was really pressuring people on a public message to look at his business.

Forcing and demanding people to listen comes across as desperate and a possible  scam.

Lighten up and focus on what you have for the prospect.

On social media, always make it about what the prospect can GET.

“This ebook is FREE…”

“Imagine this happening to you and your family.”

“Dreams are useless if they stay in your mind. How would you like to see them in real life?”

Whether Video or Audio, or just a post, or face to  face, show EMOTION and show VALUE to the prospect in your tweets, posts, and appointments. My favorite emotion phrase I use a lot is this:

“I am so passionate about this,  I am sharing this message with people that I believe will see the extreme help it offers. If you have a second I would like to SHOW YOU SOMETHING that has made an amazing difference to my life…”

Maybe you should consider the same thing in your MLM Home Based Business.

blessings..doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Home Business Training- The 4 Phases of Growth for an MLM Team

home business phases

home business phases

Home Business 

Growth has Phases.

Just as the seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter, so goes home based business. There is no secret that there are phases or seasons to any business growth.

Home based businesses are no exception.

Home business growth comes in a step by step, methodical growth.

It is called phases, or seasons.

You may disagree and think differently. But after 25 years in this profession, I can tell you that is the truth.

ALL MLM growth comes from seasons and phases of growth.

That is one of the best kept secrets in Network Marketing…it is a business of phases and growth…

What is a phase?

It is a period of time in your life that you go through and through those times you experience many things…one being growth…

Your MLM organization is no exception….it will go through 4 phases of growth…if you let it…


Most downlines never go through all 4 phases, as they get stuck in one and stay there…


You will stick with it and continue building your group till it reaches the phase you want it to be at…


The Four Growth Periods.

What are the 4 Phases of MLM organizational growth?


This Phase is the first period of time that you and your fledgling downline will go through….and it can be a rough one…

This period of time is where you are new, and really don’t know the business, your skin is not 2 inches thick, you have no prior experience in MLM, and you are on a major learning curve, and you will make mistakes….

This is where you are actually developing your belief and trust in the industry, and many things can shake your focus and belief….





Set Backs.

People telling you NO.

And the list goes on…

You really are fragile in this business, because you have not developed your “Success Muscles” to help you go on in face of adversity…and your group is as well…

This is where a lot of people quit…they never “get it” that you must grow beyond the Fragile Phase to build a business….

They got their feelings hurt constantly by their negative prospects…because they were in the Fragile phase and never grew beyond it….

In the Fragile stage is where most people quit, as they cannot take the Negatives and Disappointments that are innate to MLM and entrepeneurism…but their problem was NOT the negatives…

But their lack of understanding how to take them and what was REALLY happening with that kind of response….


This second phase is where you have grown beyond the Fragile phase, and now your group is starting to grow more solid and be more consistent in Volume and paychecks…

In the Solidifying phase, you start to see some Leaders emerge, and volume becomes solid and steady….as well as paychecks start to get steady and consistent…

When your group moves into this phase, you will know it and sense it as well….your leaders will start to experience success as well as you and it is consistent…and you will see some leaders start to create their own identity in this business…

And you will sense some beginnings of momentum as well….

You will start to see some growth in your group that you had absolutely nothing to do with, and it will continue….

And you will see some new faces starting to show up in your group that you don’t know who they are, or their names….

THAT is when you will FEEL your group starting to Solidify….and that is where the majority of people quit…

80-90% of people who leave this business leave during the first 2 stages….and most leave during the first….

For a HOT Training Resource on Leadership Building: “Unleashing the Leadership in Your Downline” Click here for details.

The Money Phases.


This phase is where the big money starts showing up. You can make a living in the solidifying phase…a nice one…but this phase is where the big checks start showing up, and show up they do…not only for you, but also your leaders as well…

This phase is where you start to have “Layered Leadership” and that simply means you have Leaders in layers in your downline in many legs…and they now start to have Leaders showing up in their group as well….and the numbers in your group now number in the thousands, and many are active Leaders….

The Mature Phase also shows that your leaders have taught and duplicated how to build leaders in their group, and the dynamics of your group here become exciting as “Mature Pockets” start showing up and they no longer need you, as they have “splintered” into their own leadership organization…

This phase, $100,000 a year is commonplace…
And Millionaires to be start showing up….


This is the “WEALTH CREATION” Phase….this phase is where Wealth is created and accumulated and Millionaires roll up in this business….

This phase is where no matter what you do, you cannot mess up your business…and it will continue on in the event of your death…

The Rock Solid Phase is where also you have many Mature “Pockets” of distributors in your group, and now you have Mature Leaders that have big groups and many layers of Leadership…

Many people get close to this phase but never achieve it as they lack the Leadership skills to take it to this level…and many are close to it, but yet don’t understand it is that last 10% effort that most never give that determine the Rock Solid phase.

So those are the 4 phases of Organizational Growth in MLM….

Fragile, Solidifying, Mature, and Rock Solid.

Where do you see your group heading?

The answer to that will determine your future in MLM and Network Marketing…..


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

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