Archives for October 2011

MLM Training Tips- 3 Quick Online Recruiting MLM Training Tips

mlm online recruiting

mlm online recruiting

Have you ever considered online recruiting or online marketing for your home business in MLM?

Have you ever wished you could find MORE leads that want to talk to you that you DO NOT CHASE?

For the last 2 years, our Private Clients have been CRUSHING IT with online recruiting.

They have had not only outrageous results in some many instances, but have picked up hundreds of new leads A DAY- FREE. There leads cost them nothing and the leads came to them.

Sound crazy? It is TRUE.

There is enormous traffic on the interet. And the traffic all are looking for the same thing. And your job is to let these people know you EXIST and want to connect with them.

At any given time, there are MILLIONS of prospects looking for something that you have:


You just must be what I call “The Three V’s of Online Recruiting.” And if you are these 3 V’s you will start to see like our Private Clients have, a major increase in leads that want to talk to YOU.

But you MUST be the Three V’s. What are they in MLM online recruiting?


You make yourself  VISIBLE via social networking comments and conversation, writing articles and blog posts, putting up videos on youtube and other channels, doing podcasts and syndicating them, doing webinars online that instruct, writing ebooks and reports, learning online marketing and recruiting tactics.

There are MILLIONS looking for you. But YOU must get in front of them and get their ATTENTION. That is ahy you must be the NEXT V.


The online trafffic that is looking for something must not only take a quick look at what your message, but also SEE VALUE in your message. It does NO GOOD at all to have a GREAT message and be Visible, if your message is not going to PULL THEM IN.

Valuable means different thngs to different people. But for online traffic it is a message that will help them enhance, enlarge, empower, elevate, and incease their life and lifestyle in some way. That is why you MUST have GREAT UNIQUE CONTENT that the lookers can see you know what you are talking about and are VALUABLE enough to consider as a CONNECTION for their life.


The online traffic is looking for Viability. Something THAT WILL WORK and WORK NOW. We live in a microwave society and people want everything NOW. You must show them that you are a Viable Resource and Messenger that can help them achieve their goals and dreams as well as solve the problems that they are looking to SOLVE.




If you embrace thee three concepts in your MLM Home Business, you will start to se not only a tremendous surge in leads, but also Success in your mlm network marketing business.

Get a FREE Social Recruiting ebook on How to Recruit with social media!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Learn how to become a Recruiting Machine on LinkedIn!

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The ONE WORD You Should NEVER Say!

MLM Training- The 3 Steps to Total Failure in MLM?

homw business network marketing mlm

mlm home business influence


In your home business, have you ever gotten a negative comment from a friend or even just someone you barely know?

Have you ever gotten hurt by the pain of these comments of these unwanted comments and it impact your Activity and Success?

This is typical in network marketing and that is why that I am writing this- to encourage you and to empower you to move past these “people of influence” that can take you out of the MLM profession.

In MLM, many times you will get a negative response and NO support from people you know. They can be VERY nasty and shoot your dreams down like a balloon. And further , they may even provide “proof” that many people have tried a home business and rarely does it work, if ever.

“I had a brother in law try that and he ended up with a garage full of vitamins and his wife had a room full of skin care!”

“Oh NO! Don’t tell me you joined one of THOSE things! You stupid fool!”

“Oh come on! You got to be kidding! Don’t you know that you are gping to JAIL if you stay in that pyramid?”

I call these types of people the “Negative Infected.”

They are infected with such a bad case of “negative flu” that they cannot see anything positive about what you are doing. The sad part about it is that these Influencers are influencing you to do three things:

1. You STOP and begin to QUESTION what you have done.

No matter whether you are working online marketing or offline, you begin to question your decision.

2. You START asking other people’s opinions – and most agree with the Negative Infected.

This is where you start looking for ‘the truth” and you rarely will ever get it from these folks.

3. You are PULLED out of this business becuase of those who DO NOT want you to get ahead of them.


One of the single greatest reasons you hear from the neg-heads of the world is because they DO NOT want you to get ahead of them in life.

Much like the crabs in a bucket, when researchers put them in the bucket to observe, the crabs kept pulling each other down as one tried to get out. The crabs did not want each other to leave the bucket if they could not.

It is the same principle here. But DO NOT let the neg-heds pull you out of the greatest profession that has ever existed for home business entrepreneurs.

Do NOT listen to the CRABS of the world. They will make you and your home business “CRABBY.”

And always keep your eyes-online or offline- ON THE DREAM. This alone will help you get past those who will try and “keep you in the bucket” with them instead of you EXPLODING your home based mlm business.

Social Media Recruiting- the Secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Discover how to Recruit 5 people a week with LinkedIn!

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MLM Training- Words that Turn your Conversation into a Conversion?

mlm home business network marketing conversion

mlm home business conversion

Are your mlm home business words working FOR YOU or AGAINST YOU?

Are you not getting the RESULTS you want with your words and presentations?

 It does not matter whether you are talking in a VIDEO, WEBINAR, or LANDING PAGE of FACE to FACE , your words are saying SOMETHING and DOING something.

But…what ARE they saying and WHAT are they doing?

Many online and offline marketers in network marketing seem to pay more attention to their BACKLINKS then their “word links.” You words “link” picture and emotions to what you are saying. What kind of pictures ARE they painting? If you have a squeeze page, and it is NOT converting- maybe your words are NOT working.

The Power of your words are amazing. But they can also be destructive. It will depend on what you say and the emotions that your words PULL. If you are on a video and using words that do NOT paint a picture, then odds are you will not have a converting video.

What ARE 4 words that will Convert?

1. FREE.

People LOVE free, and the more the better. This will also work face to face, as you give FREE samples or FREE trials. Also, you can give FREE consultations if you are in a skin care or nutrition company. You can also give FREE business “assessments” to a person’s business in network marketing. FREE is always a word that will convert a lead into a prospect.

2. NOW.

People love to be LEAD. Read that again. And again. People LOVE to be lead to a higher place in life, to a more powerful promise, and a more lucrative lifestyle. They want to be LEAD to their DREAMS.

But they want it NOW.

We live in a microwave society as you know. People have the attention span of a millisecond. So with that in mind, you use the word NOW. It is a subconscious trigger that people will respond to. We have used it for years and it WORKS.


Many people today are TIRED of the “same ol same ol.” Especially today. If you can get the reader to RELATE to the same tired worn out life, then you are going to move them towards you. “Tired” creates an emotion of “YES! I am!” And this also is a great word for “water in the face” reality check.

“Aren’t you TIRED of seeing other people EXPLODE their business, while all you do is struggle? Aren’t you TIRED of being Sick and TIRED of it?”

4. YES.

YES is a word that PULLS people towards you. Why? We live in such a NO WORLD, and when they see or hear the word YES, it psychologically PULLS the prospect towards you. Many people “say” YES but few POUR IT.

What do I mean? You must “pour” the word “yes” by combining it with:

“YES you CAN!”  “YES it WILL!”  “YES it DOES!”  “YES means YES!” “YES! Just  CLICK HERE!”

You are “pouring out the word” from a vial of possibilities and hope. You are “pouring” out possibilities and potential for their dreams to come true. And you are there to help them create that life that they never thought possible.


This word has proven to convert in all instances. It works on landing pages, conversations, videos, podcasts, and any other form of online and offline communication. “Partner Up” is a powerful word phrase that converts. “Partner in the process” is another word phrase that works. Prospects like the idea and picture that the word “partner” paints. Use it.

These are 5 words that will help you turn any kind of Conversation into a Conversion in your MLM home business.

LinkedIN Recruiting Training- are YOU recruiting Professionals?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Endless Prospecting and all Tactics Cost Nothing

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Mobile Recruiting

Mobile Recruiting 2 CD Series by Doug Firebaugh

Click Here for Details

MLM Training- 2 Reasons Why Your Online Marketing will Fail

mlm online recruiting for home business

online mlm recruiting for network marketing

Is your online recruiting and marketing working like you want it to?

Are you recruiting the numbers that others say they are?  (Check for exaggeration folks.)

What do you think your challenge is if you are not getting the results?

Online marketing and recruiting is one of the most powerful and hugely effective ways to recruit and market today.

Many struggle at it though and there are reasons why. I was talking with Sheila today, she is with a home business company, and she has been marketing online. She said that she was really struggling and did not know what she was doing wrong.

I have been marketing online for 11 years, and have learned a few things along the way. So I asked her some of the typical questions about her funnel, her upsell, her communication within her pages, keywords, and the rest.

Then I asked her another question that seemed to leave her speechless:

Have you automated your home business?

She was clueless as far as that went. She had no idea of what I was talking about.

From that conversation I have come to the conclusion that there are 2 reasons why many home business marketers fail marketing online:

1.  Lack of Automation.

This is amazing. You can put your business on automatic pilot getting backlinks, visitors, comments, pings, and the like. All you have to do is understand these tools are available.

I would recommend one tool right off the bat:

This is a great tool for getting your work syndicated. I use it and it is great.

2. Lack of PASSION.

Online marketing REQUIRES Passion for marketing online. The only difference between those that CRUSH IT out of the park, and those that do NOT- is Passion.

I have listened to so many webinars and so many podcasts and interviews and read so many blogs on online marketing. I have spent thousands of dollars learning it. But the one thing that seems to distinguish the successful for  the not so successful is:


Crank it up. If you are going to recruit online, you MUST be Automated and MUST BE PASSIONATE about helping people online.

If you adjust these 2 things in your business, do not be surprised if your online marketing and recruiting starts to explode in your mlm home business.

LinkedIn Recruiting Training- do you know these secrets?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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MLM Recruiting- The 2 Things you NEVER SAY When Recruiting Prospects

mlm recruiting

mlm recruiting online and offline


Is your MLM recruiting efforts paralyzing your Success in network marketing?

Are you tired of prospects that just disappear and it seems for no reason?

MLM Recruiting is highly popular as network marketing and  is all about Team Building, as you know. And mlm recruiting is geting to be a focus of many online marketers today.

And to build a home business team, you need to understand WHAT to SAY to your prospect whether online or offline.

Social media conversation today is critical, as well as online marketing. But what happens, no matter the strategy you are following, if you say the WRONG THING to the prospect?

You will repel them, and they pretty much will find another possibility to look at and consider.

But what if…

What if you KNEW 2 things that you should NEVER say in your recruiting efforts?

And you are SAYING THEM unknowingly?

Here are 2 things that you NEVER say to any kind of a home business prospect- online or offline:

1. You are going to GET RICH- I promise.

People today, especially in social media, are way too savvy to buy into that line. It will not only brand you as someone who does not know what she is doing, but also does not seem to care.

No one knows who will become rich in network marketing. That is up to the person, and the very ones you think never willl, DO. And the ones you think absolutley WILL…end up struggling big time.

Say this instead,“Have you ever dreamed of becoming wealthy? I have too. And I have run across what I believe is a vehicle that can help the right person get there. Let me take a second and tell you a little bit about it, and you may see what I saw immediately the wealth potential.”

2. “You would be PERFECT for this…”

Well, this is another turn off, as the majority of folks know that you do not know them that well. Saying someone would be perfect for this is a gamble at best. You do not KNOW if they would be. You HOPE they would be, but you do not KNOW.

Operate in Integrity.

Here is what you need to say, “Your personality is amazing, and I believe could be worth a fortune with the right company. Let me share something with you and see if this would be something right for you…”

Words Rule MLM.

Online as well as offline. Even in videos, and webinars.

Make sure that your words are insuring Success in all you say in your home business mlm business.

22 Secrets of Endless leads!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

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MLM Training – The Words that Transformed My Fear of Calling People


mlm home business training

home business phone fear

Is there a FEAR that you are struggling with in your home business mlm?

Have you ever been paralyzed by some kind of fear that took you over?

What is that doing to YOU and your home based business?

In a home business, everyone has some form of FEAR. It could be the fear of the phone, as well as the fear of some form of rejection.

Who knows?

I had a billion dollar producing mentor that taught me something I have never forgotten. His words were so amazing at times. They often were like gold nuggets that he would drop into your ears and they would explode wisdom into your mind and heart.

And often, it would leave me shaking my head in just what I had heard.

Genius. Absolute genius.

I had a fear. It was a fear of calling people. I am not sure why, but it was there. And it stopped me cold from building my network marketing business.

THEN I hear THOSE Words.

 The words that revolutionized my business. And I want to share them with you.

Here they are:

“Doug, what you fear is stopping you. What is stopping you is controlling you. What is controlling you – is controlling your business. That is why you MUST ENGAGE what you fear NOW. You will find that the fear was a total deception to begin with. And that ONE THING, if you engage it no matter how fearful it is,  will do more to explode your business than any other thing you can do.”

He was so right.

Take these words to heart. They are TOTAL GOLD.

And they will put GOLD into your MLM home business.

Here are Billion Dollar Prospecting Secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

How do You FUSE Social Media and Network Marketing?

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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Home Business Training- The 7 Most Powerful Words You Can Say


home business work at home

home business mlm butler

This is going to be a very short but powerful post.

In any home business, you want to create RESULTS.

I have had the great blessing of having a couple of mentors that have been in valuable.

One of the most powerful lessons I learned from an 8 Billion Dollar Producer- are 7 words.

These words have proven over and over to be magnetic in recruiting, team building, as well as life.

They are powerful on social media sites, skype calls, mobile conversations, face to face, and with online marketing.

What are they?

“How Can I Help Serve Your Dream?”

Simple and to the point for an mlm business.

And if you are in network marketing, they work amazingly well in leading your team.

Use them. They will transform your mlm network marketing home business.

Linkedin Recruiting Training that WORKS? Read this.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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MLM Training- The 4 Parts to Writing Eyeball PULLING Content


mlm network marketing

mlm home business secrets


I recently in my home business mlm education, ran across a 1932 article on advertising in an old magazine scanned and uploaded online on a website featuring old marketing material.

 It was amazing. I love the article and the feel of it. It was REAL and honest writing.

 I learned so much.

And it taught me something that I believe can revolutionize your MLM content writing for your network marketing business.

Have you ever read something in home business that you COULD NOT QUIT READING?

Did the content keep you so ENGAGED that you simply were forced to continue reading because of the flow of it?

Did that network marketing content PULL you in and keep you interested?

Odds are you were being PULLED by what I call “The 4 Eyeball PULLING Anchors” of writing content.

These 4 anchors were taught and applauded in the 1932 article I read, and I wanted to share them with you.

Again, I love reading about the marketing secrets of the past that ran successful businesses. It really can teach you the foundation of a lot of what and why we do what we do today.

If you are a content writer for your home business mlm, then you need to have a template that can use. This 4 part template must have been used back in the 30’s or even 20’s but it WORKS.

And I would advise for your home business to use this on blogging and article writing.

Here are the simple 4 Eyeball PULLING Anchors:

1. What I have for YOU.

This is a simple approach. What do you have for me? You answer that right off the bat.

BUT- make what you have for them a SOLUTION Driven WHAT.

“This is a powerful resource that will help you step by step learn how to get your body back in amazing shape no matter what shape you are in.”

2. What this means for you and how you GAIN from it.

This is about VALUE and BENEFITS. Make sure that you write it perfectly clear what the Value and benefits are to the reader.

“You will not only feel better and gain more energy, but you will not believe how amazing you will look in the mirror. Your body will look like a magazine cover.”

“Included in this powerful resource are 4 DVDs and nutritional education that will change your life and also outlook on life. It will help you look at life in a whole new way.”

3. Who YOU ARE.

Let them see you as a person, not some shadow behind a computer. Let them see you in a video, or some photos with your family they can RELATE TO and think, “This person is like me.”

If you get them  to see you are a REAL person like they are, you will find them coming back day after day to check out your content.

4. Here is what you DO Next.

Lead them to n action that will continue the flow of communication. Give them something to download. Give them something to watch. Give them something to read or listen to.

But whatever you do- KEEP THEM ENGAGED by leading them with an ACTION that contains VALUE and BENEFITS for them.

Give them something FREE. That seems to always work.

Use the 4 Eyeball PULLING Content Anchors when you write, and see if the do not increase your readership and results of your mlm home business success.

Social Network Marketing Secrets for YOU!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Prospecting Training on Steroids! READ this!

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