MLM Training- 5 Recruiting Connection Questions for Finding The Right Person

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mlm recruiting home business

MLM Recruiting Right Person.

Are you working too hard to recruit the RIGHT people in your home business?

Are you asking the WRONG questions for your network marketing efforts?

Do you want to know how to connect with prospects online as well as offline in mlm?

There are many ways to connect to your home based business prospect, but finding the RIGHT person often is a challenge.

Today, people are more worried about finding the right person, then ever becoming
the right person
. We are taught that you must go out and find that “special person’ and they will make you wealthy.

That is why most people struggle in this business. They are engaging the wrong action with
the wrong focus and the wrong intentions. This business is about Finding- there is not doubt. But we make it so much harder than it really is.

Understand my friend…the people that you are looking for, are NOT looking for the next best
product or the next best big opportunity. Far from it. They are NOT looking for the next great recruiter or “hypester” to come along.

They are looking for something that they can powerfully connect their heart and
destiny to
in order to help empower and enlarge how they feel about themselves, their
lifestyle, and their future.

You want to find people that have a heart to do something more in their life, to become
more, to help others more, and make it the best that their life can be than just the average person.

A New prospect’s words often are listened to -and believed–when they say that they are going to enroll and work your business-and they never get going. They never get started.

They “Stay on Stop.”

And you wait. And you wait. And you wait. And you wait some more.

It happens everyday.

How can you get past that frustration?

Simple. I have taught this for over 40 years.

It is called “The 5 Connection Questions.”

These are questions that will show you IF they truly are CONNECTED to the idea and
dream they say they have with THEIR HEART and it is REAL— or if is just a lot of talk — as much of it is.

In a conversation, ask them these questions…

1) “Tell me, what is your heart truly set on when you think about what you want to do with your life?’

They may tell you that it is too late, or they have a family now, or they think that
there is too much going on to think about an extraordinary life.  Many will say that there are too many things stopping it.

Ask them, ‘What would your heart be set on if that (or those things) was not a factor?”

Or….. they may tell you exactly what they want to do.

 2) “How would your life change if you accomplished that?”

LISTEN CLOSELY to what they are saying.

Get them back into the emotion of wanting that dream in their life. This will help them
to reconnect to the power and emotion of their dream.

Ask, “What would that change look like?”

 3) “How far are you from (starting or accomplishing) that in your life?”

This gets them thinking again about a starting point. If you can get them thinking about
a starting point to possibly pursue their dream again—they can become very

Most people still have their heart connected to a dream although most though have buried it
and moved on.

4 “I want to ask you a very serious question, and would like a serious answer. If there was an option that could help build that extraordinary life or dream-
without really changing what you are doing-would it be worth exploring and
knowing about—with absolutely no strings attached?”

If they say, “No,” simply ask or say, “That is interesting. Help me understand why you
would feel that way.” Listen and see why they feel that way and see if they truly feel that way or if they have been taught to think that way.

5)  Then…you go one of 2 directions depending on
their answer:

a) YES — “Great- here is what we need to do first…”


b)  NO —“That is fine- I understand. But let me ask you this-what honestly are your options you have right now to change?”

The 5 Connection questions will help you FIND or REVEAL the right heart that is
willing to truly go the distance in network Marketing.

Now do NOT get me wrong. If they are simply too scared or programmed to move towards your business, then do NOT push them. That is just where their heart
is. Accept that and move in a different direction for now.


 People can change — and so can their circumstances.

Now it is time for YOU to show the right heart. Simply say,

 “Thank you for being honest with me as I only want what is right for you. Tell you what- why don’t we take a look at the product and see who you know that it might be a good fit for. Who do you know that has a ___________ challenge in your family?”

And that has worked to the tune of nearly 9 Billion Dollars worth of heart.

Understand— it is NOT the right talent that will make you wealthy in network marketing. There are many broke VERY talented people in network marketing.

It is NOT the right thinking that will make you wealthy. Sure it helps, but there are
a lot of broke positive thinkers in network marketing.

It is NOT the right actions that will make you wealthy. They help in the long run, but there are a lot of VERY busy, highly trained people going broke in network marketing.

It is NOT the right beliefs that will make you wealthy. I know people who truly believed they would succeed, but could not perform at all as needed in the marketplace. They were not trained properly.

And it is NOT becoming a “professional student” who learns all there is to know about MLM and looking for THE ONE SECRET that will make you wealthy. I know some people who probably know this industry better than I do- and are totally broke and have been for years.

People want to CONNECT- to the Idea you are sharing, the Product you are introducing, and
the Hope you are Giving- with their heart.

Yeah, yeah, I can hear you now talking about this being “hairy fairy” and that is just not
who you are. THAT is why you have been struggling in network marketing if you have been.

 It is ALL about the prospects heart being connected to YOU, the PRODUCTS, the VISION of
the Company, and mostly the HOPE of this business working for them and their
family to increase their LIFESTYLE.  TALK LIFESTYLE and connect their heart to that picture you paint with your words.

It ALL Starts there and Ends there, whether you want to believe it or not.

They want to FEEL GOOD- about their life and future. You can help them do that.


Quit looking for the right person. You will not find them. Start looking to connect to the right heart and somehow—someway–the right person will end up right in front of you.

 Use this information in your mlm network marketing home based business!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all right reserved

MLM training related posts:

Secrets to a GREAT MLM Power Point Presentation

Secrets of Recruiting Like a Leader with Questions


MLM Recruiting- Secrets of Recruiting like a LEADER (with Questions)

mlm recruiting network marketing

mlm home business recruiting

MLM Recruiting Leadership.

Do you understand what LEADERSHIP is in a home business team?

What are some of YOUR Leadership recruiting questions for your network marketing business?

How do YOU lead the prospect that you are trying to recruit in your mlm efforts?

MLM Leadership is one of the most powerful but rarely taught parts of our business. And Recruiting Like a Leader is even MORE RARE. This is an incredible article that is PACKED with insights and secrets to not only Leadership but recruiting LIKE a Leader.

This is an interview that blew me away (I read a LOT) and wanted to share with you.

Take notes folks- THIS ROCKS!!!!

This interview with Kevin Liles, founder and C.E.O. of KWL Enterprises, a talent management and brand development firm, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant.

Kevin Liles of KWL Enterprises says it’s important to be “willing to sacrifice everything for what you believe in.”

Corner Office

Every Sunday, Adam Bryant talks with top executives about the challenges of leading and managing. In his new book, “The Corner Office” (Times Books), he analyzes the broader lessons that emerge from his interviews with more than 70 leaders.

Q. What are some important leadership lessons you’ve learned?

A. I’ll start with one of my early failures. I wanted to be the host of a new hip-hop show, and I didn’t get the job. I was the biggest guy in the marketplace. Given what I’d done, that should have sold me. But I didn’t sell myself. So, after that, I realized that no matter what I have done before, I had to learn the art of selling. I had to learn the art of explaining my value proposition when I show up somewhere. How do I differentiate myself? I know who I am. I’m very clear. If I’m meeting someone, I’m very clear about their value proposition, and I know what my value proposition is. So as long as we do what we’re supposed to do, we’ll get everything done.

Q. Let’s say I’m about to start working for you as a direct report. What do I need to know about the kind of boss you are?

A. Well, the reason I’m hiring you or having you directly report to me is because I want to be influenced by you, period. No. 2, there are things I love to do, things I’m great at, things I’m good at, and things I’m bad at. The things I’m bad at and the things that I don’t love to do, you should learn to really do. Because I want you to become an asset, not just somebody like me. And that is what I constantly push any new hire to do — “You cannot be like me. You can’t outdo me. I’m the best at what I do. But the reason I want you on my team is because I think you add something different to the team.”

And I constantly push myself and I push the team. Don’t be the same person you were yesterday. If I’m not helping you grow, if I’m not helping you put a new tool in your toolbox, then I’m not doing the job, and you shouldn’t be working for me. Because I have to inspire people when they’re with me, and I have to be inspired.

Q. What kind of behaviors do you have zero tolerance for?

A. Lack of commitment. Lack of passion. I would never fire somebody for a mistake. I would fire them because they don’t have passion, and they let me knock them off their point of view too easily. If you love something, I’ve got to let you do it. That’s how I came up. I allow people to make the mistake — not to the detriment of the company, but to a point where they feel like they have ownership of it.

I’ve always felt that whatever I did, I owned it. I mean, call it arrogance. Call it passion. Call it taking the weight of the world. Call it responsibility. The point is, you were not going to outperform me at something that I felt I owned. It’s a mentality. It’s a way of life. If I’m the intern, I’m the president of interns. If I’m a regional manager, I approach the job like I’m the president of regional managers. But that’s every day in anything I do. I don’t get involved in things halfway. I create foundations. I tell people I’m going to change somebody’s life because I really feel that I’m going to change their life. I take ownership in it. It’s not about having a share in something; it’s about taking ownership of every single thing you do.

Q. Do you see that quality much in other people?

A. You don’t see it a lot. You’re starting to see it more because people have no choice. Because they’re starting their own businesses. They’re coming up with different things. And the Internet has given us an opportunity to be Generation E, for entrepreneurs, empowerment and education. So I think you’ll start to see a lot of it more. But what I’m talking about is where you’re willing to sacrifice everything for what you believe in. Everybody doesn’t have that.

Q. Tell me more about how you prospect, recruit, and hire.

A. I don’t look at a résumé. I go by referrals. I go by people I trust. I’ve always said, there’s something about a résumé. You can make it say what you want it to say. But if I go to war — and we are at war, with our industry transforming itself — I need people who are going to go to battle every single day. They don’t want to sleep. They want to figure it out. I want to work with the kind of people who hurt when something’s not right.

Q. So when a job candidate sits down with you, how does that conversation go?

A. I’ll ask them, “What made you consider that I could help you with your goals in life?” Because I never look at it like you’re coming to work for me. I only want to provide a platform for you to be greater. And I’ll have the conversation where I ask them: “What’s your value proposition? What are you going to do for my company that we’re not doing already?” If they can’t offer me a value proposition, it doesn’t matter.

Q. Are some people thrown by that?

A. Absolutely. I’ll tell you a story. I hired one girl on the spot. We were wrapping up, and I said: “Well, thank you for coming out. I appreciate the conversation.” She said: “Mr. Liles, you asked me about my value proposition. But I’d like to ask you a question. What would make you not hire me? I’m qualified.” I said, “I don’t know. You’re hired.” I wanted her to want it. I look for things like that in people.

Q. What are your other favorite questions for job interviews?

A. “How do you feel about philanthropy? What is your purpose in life? Tell me about your family.” I believe a great father is a great employee. I believe a great mother is a great employee. I believe someone who’s willing to give up their free time to help others is a great employee. I believe that if your weekends are spent on yourself, then you’re not going to sacrifice for the company.

These have been some powerful recruiting questions you will ever hear for for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

blessings..doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

MLM branding- How to Set Yourself Apart from the CROWD!

A Powerful Secret to MLM Recruiting- Re-Create a Future

MLM Prospecting- The Magnetic Prospecting Rule of BWPA.

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mlm home business recruiting

MLM Recruiting Offline.

Are you using offline recruiting and prospecting tactic for your your home based business?
Have you ever used more traditional methods to recruit for your network marketing business?
What kind of success have you experienced with offline mlm recruiting tactics?
Offline (Traditional) prospecting and recruiting is still a mainstay for the home business profession. A whole lot more people are recruiting OFFLINE then online still today. But online recruiting has gotten very popular the last few years.
Many folks think that they do not want to go and talk to their friends and family, because they do not want to “bug” them. That is not even close to what happens when you are prospecting them as a possibility for your mlm business.
The secret is to have a “balance” between the offline and online prospecting worlds, and then gravitate to which one you like more and feels “more like you.” Many people prefer offline methods more so then online as that is what they feel comfortable with. And that is the reason for this post.
Offline is CRITICAL to develop powerful relationships with your prospects, and with your recruits. Are you doing that?
Offline prospecting tactics today are getting more popular than the last 5 years.
Things seemed to have changed.
It used to be ALL about social media and online, but offline has found favor again.
Nothing like a personal touch in prospecting.
Mobile is the “new darling” of the internet and social world, but combined with the offline tactics, it accelerates it’s power dramatically.
•There are 3 powerful secrets to Offline prospecting:
1. NO Pressure.
Make it light and friendly. Get the pressure off, and prospect like a professional.
2. Make it ALL About the prospect.
•It is NOT about you. Think T.I.N.Y.
Their Interests Not Yours.
People really do not care about your issues or problems. They care about THEIRS FIRST. Then THEIRS SECOND. And then MAYBE…yours third.
3. Keep them ENGAGED in the Process.
Keep them INVOLVED. It is not enough to get the INTERESTED, You must get them INVOLVED. If you get them involved, you have PULLED them towards you and now you can more easily recruit them.
MAGNETIC Prospecting Secret:

The Rule of BWPA.

•This is prospecting rule that simply says, “Be Where People Are.”
Look in newspapers.

Newspapers are the best place to look for where events are happening.

Radio remotes.

These are great places to be where people gather.
Chamber parties.

These are a great place to meet business professionals and start connecting with them.
Athletic events.

Sports events are a special place to meet parents of the players.

Shopping special ads.

People like to shop. They stay for hours. They are conversations waiting to happen.

Any Special event.
Wherever people ARE, you Must BE. It is critical that you understand that. They are conversations that are waiting to happen for your mlm network marketing home based business.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
MLM training related posts:

MLM Recruiting- The Magnetic Power of The Recruiting EXPERIENCE

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mlm home business recruiting

MLM Recruiting Training.

Do you understand the Power that PULLS people towards your marketing in your home business?

How do you relate to your prospects in your network marketing business and keep YOU in their mind?

Are you building a personal brand that can be FELT and not just remembered for your mlm efforts?

Today, things are changing, and with the social media and the mobile media now exploding, the power of your brand must go beyond just being a “cute” thing or a “hip” thing. It must be a FELT thing. Feelings are SO powerful in branding and getting even more so.

Personal Branding today is getting more and more critical to recruiting. There are so many ways to create and build a brand, but things are changing at the speed of thought, and it is getting faster. That is why that we need to understand that branding is not even what it was 5 years ago.

Recruiting online is changing as well, being known is GOOD, but being UNFORGETTABLE is better. That is the reason for this post, to share some ideas with you that will help you with your recruiting and branding.

So…what is a great secret that will help you in the recruiting and branding world?

It’s No Longer about what People Remember, but about how long people REMAIN – in the Feeling and Emotion.

People can remember things, names, events, products, places, movies, songs, and many other things.

But all it is, is a memory.

Memories for the most part, do not move people towards an action. It is just a great memory.

But feelings and Emotions do. People that get emotional about a product move themselves and others towards the product. People that like how they feel when they are using a product-will continue to use it. People who like how they feel when they are around you-will join you.

A secret about today’s marketplace is the secret of “Remaining in the Experience.”

You MUST get people to remain in the feeling of the appointment or phone call long past the goodbye. People today want to FEEL and EXPERIENCE a product, website, song, movie, or restaurant, not just hear about it.


 Products that make people feel better about themselves become instant hits. People that help people feel better about themselves become instant Successes. Do not market just benefits as often is espoused.

That is for yesterday’s market.

Move up to a higher level of Home Business and start marketing the EXPERIENCE of what your products do. And the reason why the experience is so great?

All the benefits that come with it.

Market the experience of total peace in owning your own home business.

Market the experience of increased self esteem when you use your skin care products.

Market the experience of amazing productivity when you use your energy drink. 

Market the experience of total beauty with weight loss.

Market the experience of love or joy with travel products.

 Market the FEELINGS- not just the benefits.

BMW figured that one out. Do did Nike. So did Columbia sportswear. So did Ruth’s Chris Steak house. So did Apple. So did Hilton.

So should you in your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

How to maintain Control when YOu are Recruiting

The Biggest Branding Mistake You can Make when Forming Your Brand

MLM Recruiting- A Powerful Secret to Recuiting: Re-Creating a Future

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mlm recruiting training

MLM Recruiting Tips.

Do you recruit daily for your home based business?

How do you recruit online or offline or both for your mlm business?

Is your network marketing business focused on sponsoring people or just selling people?

Recruiting in a home business is something that is about many things and can be done in many ways. But the secret to recruiting is moving a dream into a REAL possibility, and a REAL destiny.

And that is what this post is about:  Re-Creating a destiny that most people thought was not possible any longer. Many people’s dream machines are broken and they no longer engage their imagination to focus and blueprint their life. They have a tendency to give up and give in tot life and it’s negatives.

YOU must rise above that, and help people in a way that will help them to restore and recreate their dreams and destiny and then help them move along to those goals and dreams.

There is a reality in home business recruiting that many people seem to miss in out profession:

 It’s no longer just about Recruiting-but about Re-Creating.

What doe that mean? What does that LOOK LIKE?

Great question. Here are some examples that will help you understand:

Apple Ipod recreated how music was listened to.

Flip Video camera recreated how videos were taken and uploaded.

Youtube recreated how videos were watched.

Myspace, Plaxo,  and Facebook recreated how people connected.

Twitter recreated how people communicated.

Pinterest recreated how picures and image were shared.

Instagram changed how photos were sent via mobile.

Web logs (blogs) recreated how news was read.

Basecamp recreated how projects were done jointly.

Podcasting recreated how people learned.

And the list is almost endless in today’s marketplace. And no one had to be recruited. No one had to be pressured.

NOTE: Recreate something that will add value to life in a unique and powerful way and people will recruit themselves.

You will not have to enroll anyone, as they will enroll themselves.

What is it that YOU can do, help with, or bring to the table that will help people recreate and resurrect their dreams in their mind and life?

What is it that your product or business can do that will help recreate how things are done, how people live, how people operate their business, and how income can be obtained?

Move beyond just being a distributor. Anyone can be a distributor or consultant. Move beyond the typical representative for a company.

 Move up to a higher level of Home Business. Move past where everyone else is and move to a place that most will never aspire for.

Don’t just be a recruiter. Become a Re-creator and help people recreate their life and living to be something they never thought possible.

If you do that, you will have people beating down your door to enroll in your business.

Yes it will take some serious thought, but all great marketing campaigns do.

Tell them how your products help recreate how life is lived.

Tell them how your products help recreate how nutrition is dispensed in their bodies.

Tell them how your skin care products help recreate a more beautiful look and feel.

Tell them how your anti aging products help recreate their lost youth.

Tell them how your travel products help recreate exciting relationships that have gone stale.

And tell them how your business can help recreate a dream that maybe they lost years ago of financial freedom.

Move up to a higher level of Recruiting – to the level of Re-creating. Then let your prospects recruit themselves in your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training Related Posts:

How to Maintain  Magnetic Control when Recruiting

11 Question to Ask to help Form Your Personal Brand

MLM Twitter- 5 Tips on How to Use Twitter for Recruiting

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mlm network marketing twitter

MLM Twitter Recruiting.

Do you use twitter for your recruiting for your home business?

Do you know HOW to maximize twitter for your network marketing efforts?

Are there  twitter followers that you are wasting on your mlm business?

Twitter is an often misunderstood social site, and it really does matter in the social sphere when building a business. It has over 250 million users, and that is almost as big as the US. True, it is smaller then facebook, but twitter carries a powerful punch when it comes to marketing.

Follow Doug On Twitter

I read a LOT and I recently ran across on Social Media University a cool post on Twitter Tips- from Zoober Training – for business and wanted to share it with you as thought it to be useful. It has some GREAT tips for building a home business for twitter which are very applicable to direct sales, network marketing or party plan.

Check it out and LIKE THIS POST!

Twitter Tips for Businesses

Tip #1 – Make the most of lists

Organise who you follow into lists so you can easily see what the current
trends and topics are in the different segments that you target. For example,
you can create lists for:

  1. Existing customers
  2. Prospects
  3. Competitors
  4. Industry analysts/commentators
  5. Press.

You can keep up to 500 people/organisations in each list, making it easier to
filter the important tweets from the not so important and respond accordingly.
You can also then just send your tweets to those individual groups so your
social media marketing is targeted and personalised, just like marketing should

Tip #2 – Use the branding options

Regularly update the visual branding on your page so that it reflects your
company but also promotes the things about it that you want it to. Insert
campaign artwork, use graphics to highlight important company news and
coordinate the link colours used in the tweets with your brand colours. Regular
updates like this will make you stand out as a company that’s got a lot going on
and one to watch.

Tip #3 – Create Twitter landing pages

Don’t just link back to your home page or product/service pages all the time.
This will be really boring for everyone. Create value-adding landing pages that
make those followers glad they clicked. You can even have a permanent Twitter
landing page to link out to from your bio rather than just the company website,
where you can introduce the visitor to your company in a way that matches with
Twitter’s more relaxed and informal tone.

Tip #4 – Put your followers to work

Create a special offer for your followers to attract more attention for your
business along the lines of a loyalty programme. For followers that re-tweet
regularly, provide a free consultation, a free ticket to an event or a free
sample of your product. This way you’ll reach more Tweeters, with the added
bonus of the re-tweeter endorsing your brand.

Tip #5 – Think creatively

Social media offers businesses ways to interact with their customers in ways
never dreamed of before. Make the most of the new channels to do new and
creative things with your marketing – create games, videos and communities for
them to interact with. Don’t just bombard them with hard sell messages.

For more info:  Zoober Training

These are 5 Powerful Twitter tips for Recruiting for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

Social Media Leadership- THE Secret to Social Recruiting

The 3 Biggest Mistakes made in Social Recruiting- part ONE

MLM Training- How To Maintain Magnetic CONTROL when Recruiting

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mlm recruiting home based business

MLM Training on Recruiting Control.

Are you too controlling in your recruiting for your home based business?

Are you too weak and not controlling enough in your network marketing recruiting?

What do you do to have control in your mlm recruiting?

Control is important in recruiting as it is part of Leading the prospect.


You can also be making a HUGE mistake made when recruiting for your home based business.

What IS a HUGE mistake made in recruiting for your network marketing business?


The Recruiter being TOO CONTROLLING and TOO DOMINATING in the initial connection and conversation.

Some Corporate Recruiters think they are in the marines. They seem to have an overbearing focus and attitude. They don’t hold a conversation with the candidate. They hold a presentation with the home business candidate. They tell the candidate what is going to happen and they come across like a total control freak.

“You must be IN CONTROL, but not controlled by control.”


This sometimes happens when a home business Recruiter wants to establish their power or authority from the very beginning.

And they blow the initial connection and conversation with the candidate right out of
the water.

A candidate wants to feel you are a controlled Leader, but not a controlling leader. There is a HUGE difference. Don’t come across strong armed or as if you are their marine commander.

In Social Recruiting, the mlm candidate is your PARTNER in the PROCESS of Finding a MATCH that WORKS. That goes for BOTH corporate recruiting as well as home
business recruiting.

NOTE:  In a home business, your goal is to find a potential “partner” that will explore some possibilities with you. Then you both decide in this pseudo “partnership” if your business is a MATCH for where they see themselves going in life. And you must decide if they are a match for who you are looking for in your business.

That is as bottom line as I can make it.

Here is what I said to every network mar candidate: “I am your partner in this connection process. I will recommend nothing without your best interest at heart and the company’s best interest as well. That is how a partnership works. Wouldn’t you agree?”

 Connect with a magnetic approach.

Be warm, but not cozy.

Be a Leader but not a commander.

Be a friend in the making but make them FEEL that is happening.

Be energetic but not anxious. You can use CBD products from CBD Armour to relieve anxiety throughout the day.

Be an encourager and an elevator to the potential candidate. Notice their skills that others have ignored. Make them feel glad they connected with you.

Be a connector but wait on the natural connection. You will know when that happens as you will feel it.

And be a spotlight for the candidate, not stand in the spotlight.

It is ALL about how you can serve them and help them find a MATCH that will be a destiny shaper in many ways.

This is a post that will help you balance control when recruiting foe your mlm network marketuing home business.

FREE Monday Night Generic webinar LIVE with Doug Firebaugh 10 PM EST

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

11 Questions to ask to helo you Form Your Social brand

The Biggest Branding Mistake You Can Make

MLM Social Media- Leadership is the Secret to Recruiting in Social Media

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mlm home business social media

Social Media Recruiting for MLM.

What is Leadership to you in a home business? Do you really know?

How do you engage Leadership in your mlm business or do you?

What is the real secret to network marketing leadership regarding building a business ot team?

All these questions are often ignored as many people in the home business profession do to understand that leadership for the most part s the Nuclear Core of the process of doing this business. It is critical.

The Power of leading someone is a power that is Magnetic and PULLS people towards you as you move along. It is much like a train with cars attached to the back of it, and the cars willingly and silently follow the engine wherever it goes.

That is a picture of Leadership in the home based business profession. And it can be an amazing site to see a good leader in network marketing.

Leadership is often described as “Influence” and “Persuasion” and being a “catalyst.” All f those are great images of a Leader and play well into building a business that will grow and then eventually duplicate.

Leadership is the power behind duplication,.

But also, Leadership is the Power behind another critical element of this business:

The Secret of Recruiting Leadership.

It is called “Recruiting Leadership.”

Social Recruiting is a lot about helping to lead people to where they want to
go in life,
but cannot get there WITHOUT YOU.

It is ALL about them feeling you can LEAD THEM to the employment they seek, or the future they are dreaming of.

And that is why in Social Recruiting you must display some serious “Recruiting Leadership” and lead them to the success promised land.

We call it the “RIAFOL Principle” of Recruiting.

“Recruiting is A Form Of Leadership.”

Whether in social media, or offline, you are ASKING people to FOLLOW YOU and your
THAT Requires and DEMANDS Leadership – no matter the
platform of conversation.

Are you coming across too anxious? Too reaching?

Chill out bubba. (Or “bubbette”)

Let the initial conversation unfold naturally and EXPOSE your potential employment, or home business a little at a time.

There is an exception: If they are jumping up and down and say that they want to talk NOW about your offer of employment or what you can do for them- TALK to them NOW. This would include being interested in your home business as well.

That is when you take it to the next level and  “start exploring some possibilities” with the candidate.

This is the Secret to Leadership in Recruiting and how it can impact your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Monday Night Generci Network Marketing Training LIVE with Doug!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training Related Posts:

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MLM Social Media- The 3 Biggest Mistakes Made in Social Recruiting- # 2

mlm network marketing social recruiting

mlm home business social recruiting

MLM Social Media Recruiting.

Are you coming across like you are way to anxious during recruiting for your home business?

Are you thinking and acting in ways that show you are needy for your network marketing business?

Are you coming across as powerful or weak in your mlm?

Often we are unaware that we are sending out “desperation” signals to the prospect and they can FEEL them and SENSE them. And that is a killer to any business. Are YOU sending out desperate signals to the prospect unknowingly? I did, for the first couple of years.


Someone called me out and told me what I needed to do, and I changed my approach, and BAAAM!  it made all the difference in the world.

This is part 3 of a series about social recruiting which I did with a # 1 Corporate Recruiter nationwide for a recruiting firm. We did this as a way to serve the profession and get the message out about you CAN do this.

But sometimes mistakes are made, and there is one that is HUGE and I hope that you can move past it and get into a powerful groove with it.

What is the big mistake?

The Recruiter being TOO ANXIOUS, TOO WANTING, and TOO NEEDY.

A sure sign of a Corporate Recruiter or Home Business Professional that lacks control as well as Leadership is when they are too anxious as they HAVE to make a sale or fill a position this week.

They come across like they are UNDER PRESSURE.

Let me give you how the candidate or home business prospect sees that scenario:

They see you down on your knees, hands clasped, saying, “Please, Please, Please.”

Folks, you need to practice what I call “Distantly Close.”

Never let them know you NEED THEM or the company does. You can come across like that simply with your energy and excitement.

Always tell them you BELIEVE this MIGHT be a fit.  NEVER seem as if they are your only OPTION.

Let them know you are working with some other good candidates and they are one of the
best on that list.

A candidate needs to feel there is some POWERwith you and what you do. They need to be REASSURED that you are the one they need to follow and hook their destiny up with. They
need to KNOW that YOU KNOW what you are doing and are in control and KNOW where you are taking them and how to get them there.

Never be needy for your mlm network marketing home business!

FREE Monday night generic network marketing webinar- Monday 10 PM EST LIVE with Doug

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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MLM Social Media- The One CRITICAL Thing in Social Recruiting- Control Factor

network marketing social media recruiting

mlm social recruiting home business

MLM Social Media Recruiting.

How much social media recruiting do you do for your home based business?

Are you on social networks a lot for your network marketing business?

What your mlm? Do you use social media?

Social Recruiting is one of the most powerful but misunderstood strategies you can use for your business. It works and there are a billion people just on facebook alone.

What are YOU doing to get out in the social media space when recruiting?

There is ONE  factor that is  MUST to understand when recruiting in social media and most do not.

What is it?

According to a # 1 Corporate Recruiter in the nation with a recruiting firm, it is:

The CONTROL Factor. 

Lets explore that subejct with him…

NOTE: You must be in control of the initial connection, not the potential candidate (PROSPECT). That includes a home business candidate as well.

Remember- YOU must know who YOU are looking for – and THEY must know YOU WILL ACCEPT NO LESS.

Either they are who you are looking for, or you can help develop them to be that person.

Let me give you an example of the 6 Actions:

You have LOCATED a possible prospect on LinkedIn or Fast Pitch Networking. They seem to be sharp and who you are looking for and you have connected with them on some posts and updates.

You CONNECT with them via a conversation, post, tweet, or a video that says something to get their attention. It can be a simple request for a friend on a social site. DO NOT be pushy, too friendly, too complimentary, too willing to connect, or even semi desperate. Come across as smooth and in control.

 You EXPLORE possibilities. Are they looking? Are they open? Are they dissatisfied in their employment or status in life? You create the dialogue that will reveal to you where they are and if they really are a TRUE candidate.

You MATCH their skill set and education with the potential employment that may be a fit. In the home business profession this would be simply educating them on what you do, and then seeing it is a match to what they see as possible for their life and future.

You DECIDE with them, if this is a fit or not. If it is a fit, you then let the client and the candidate decide together as to what they are going to do -or not do.

In the home business profession this would be simply asking if this is something that makes sense to them, and if they can see themselves helping others succeed with their own business.

 Then they either EMPLOY the candidate or you CONTINUE Searching. If they employ the candidate, all is well for the most part. If they do not offer employment, or the candidate rejects the offer, then you Continue Searching for a better fit for both. It is the same with the home business recruiter.

If your candidate decides your business is not for them, you Continue Searching looking for someone that would be a better fit for you and your business. But still attempt to get the one who got away – as a customer!

It is not rocket science. It is all about finding what is best for both the client and the candidate and them connecting them. But your initial connection should be a warm but not cozy communication.

Find out about them, ask a LOT of questions, edify their accomplishments, and make it ALL about them.

In Social Recruiting, that is what I call the “Golden Magnet.”  Draw them in by making  them the star of EVERY conversation.

This is a critical element to becoming a powerful recruiter in the Social Media Recruiting space for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Monday Night Network Marketeing Training LIVE webbar wth Doug!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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