MLM Leadership – The ONE SECRET to Powerful Magnetic Leadership

mlm home business leadership

mlm leadership home business network marketing

MLM Leadership Training.

What is Leadership to you in your home business?

What is the most important part of Leadership and network marketing?

What is the least important part of Leadership in mlm?

Leadership often is talked about and bantered about, but many folks do not understand the essence of Leadership. Leadership is the focus of Team Building. Team Building is one of the most critical actions that you take in order to build a long lasting business.

Leadership is often the focus of trainings in the home business profession, but the essence of the training is more motivational than educational. There is a huge difference between training leaders and powerful Leadership Training.

They are NOT the same thing. If you understand that you can train leaders, but not give them Leadership Training, then you will have discovered the errors often given to Leaders in weekend trainings.

Understanding the essence of Leadership is critical but also the power of defining Leadership. If you were to define Leadership, how would you define it? Many people define Leadership in network marketing as directing and guiding a team. That is true, but there is a more focused definition that you can use that is applicable to what our profession is about.

If there was only one word to define Leadership in ACTION, this would be it.

Put simply, leaders are creators — they create something where there was nothing before.

They crystallize the future into a tapestry woven with the threads of dreams, belief, and action.

Leaders create magnetic direction, powerful influence, hope, possibility, and environments for growth that grow teams as well as leaders.. Leaders have the extraordinary ability to see the invisible — the art of vision. Seeing the Invisible in the mind and knowing it can be created is part of the mystique of powerful Leaders.

They take a thought, and by sharing it with others and asking their help, bring it into existence. They create compelling visions that people can believe in — in Network Marketing, it’s often that most important of beliefs which can change our lives for the better.

Do YOU have a Vision for your team and Leadership?

Change is a sister word to Create. Leaders are change agents — they create positive change in people’s lives. They know that change must occur to increase or expand anything. Change creates new directions and perspectives which are what Network Marketing is all about.

Are you starting to see that Network Marketing and leadership are blended so tightly, it’s tough to tell them apart sometimes? Leaders don’t just accept change, they embrace it for themselves and make it part of their message. The power of their approach is in the choice to embrace rather than accept.

Leaders embrace the change that is needed and act upon it immediately in their mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets” -over 25 secrets – with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

How to Start  Conversation with strangers Scripts

5 Reasons Why You Must start a Home Business

MLM Training – 4 Ways to Start a Social Media Conversation that PULLS People In

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mlm social media conversations home business

MLM Social Media Conversation Tips.

Are you using social media for your home based business prospecting?

Is there a certain social site you like for your network marketing efforts?

Are you on facebook or twitter?

Social Media has been around now since about 2003 with Myspace and Plaxo. Both are still around today. But many people still do not understand how to communicate to their potential prospects in social media.

It is not rocket science.

Do what you know to Do – and master it.

It is much like what you do and say face to face, and if you stick with that general rule, you will find that your communication on social media will be an asset to you and a pleasure with others. It will PULL people towards you out of curiosity, and out of appreciation of your recognizing them.

Too often we have “Agenda Driven” Communication, and this is a huge mistake. You must be focused on the agenda of the prospect- not yours. It does not matter what you want in social media.

It is a “reverse communication” zone.

You reverse your message from being focused on you, to totally being focused on the prospect. It works out better that way.And people will respond to you in a much better and more magnetic fashion.

How do you start a conversation on social media?

Many people are on facebook, pinterest, twitter, and google+ , Instagram, LikedIn and Youtube today. But many still struggle engaging a powerful conversation that MOVES prospects towards you and PULLS them in.

How does that happen?

Here are 4 poweful Conversation Starters that really work in online recruiting in social media and will position you as a true Leader and not just another network marketer:

1.  “Wow. This post / picture is powerful stuff. And I truly appreciate you sharing that with us. Is there a place that I can plug into that you share more info like this?”

This will get anyone’s attention. You are flattering them in a way that they will want to connect with you and from that you can then start adding Value to their life with your posts and images. You can then share them, tweet, them, and pin them so they can see that you are promoting them. Tis will not only get their attention, but also they will appreciate you.

It lets them know you want to connect on a more powerful basis with them and learn from them which anyone will be drawn towards.

2. “I totally agree on what you just said. I have a question: Do you have an ebook or any type of resource that goes into this further?”

Looking to someone as a Resource is a powerful way to Compliment them and get them to start a conversation with you. It is also a great way to create a connection that they will want to stay connected to, versus just on occasion.

You need to become a Success Resource, but also create the conversation with prospects that they are also a resource for many.

3. “This has really made a difference in my thinking. You have a gift that is obvious. I would love to connect with you because you are the type of Leader I would like to share with some folks I know. Can we connect on skype?”

4. “I totally agree with you. This makes so much sense. I also enjoyed your series of videos, as it helped. I would love to interview you for a project that i am doing on Success and Leadership.”

This will gie you a chance to really get to know them in a way that will become more personal, and you can talk to them about Success and Leadership by asking questions. Then you can later ask them for help in locating some “talent” in their city they live for you. They will listen to what you have to say.

These are simple but powerful ways to connect and engage social conversation in social media or your mlm network marketing home based business.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets” -mover 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

The 4 Listening Habits when Recruiting prospects in MLM

Looking through the lens of Leadership Mastery and Team Building

MLM Training – Developing Your Leadership Lens for Team Building


mlm home business leadership

mlm home business leadership network marketing

MLM Leadership Training.

Do you use Leadership principles with your home business team?

What are your tactics you use for leadership in your mlm?

Are you willing to discover what most do not know about network marketing leadership?

Today, we are going to cover:

Developing Your Leadership Lens.

We need to start developing your Leadership Lens that you will be looking through, and
focus that lens on what it needs to be focused on, not what others want you to focus on.

Let’s start this in depth Leadership process with some questions that need to be

1) What is going to be the driving force in your home business?

2) What is going to be the catalyst for taking your business to the next level and beyond?

3) What is going to ignite a success inferno in your business and stoke it every week?

4) What is going to create a downline wildfire of growth in your business?

5) What is going to direct, navigate and guide you through the challenges that may lie ahead?

These are tough questions and it may take a little time to ponder them. The answer should
be just one word, and one word only for all five questions. That word is going to be the defining factor in your ultimate success or lack of it. The answer is the kerosene that fuels a fire storm of success in your downline and your life
if you let it.

It is written on the walls of the successful distributors’ hearts, branded in their minds,
and reflected in their eyes. It is the catalyst for higher performance in anything, and can create more success in your business than you ever imagined.

It attracts success and wealth like a magnet on steroids, and contains all the secrets of
creating wealth in this business.

Anything that has been written about this business points to this enormous power in some way.

What is this answer, this message, I’m alluding to?

Leadership — true, pure, unbridled leadership — the most powerful force in your Home business success.

There is a saying about Leadership:  Passion is the Secret Weapon to Success,
and Leadership is the Secret Weapon to Network Marketing.”

When passion ignites, it can melt anything that gets in its way; passionate leadership is
like an electric power station with focused, contained power that can explode anything it touches.

That’s the power that will create new network marketing millionaires. Truly, no amount of
instruction, training, or teaching will ever equal the explosive success power of passionate leadership!

There are a lot of well-educated, well-intentioned folks who know the mechanics of this
business — all the right words, phrases and answers that sound great – but still lack the Success they desire. They have incredible potential, but lack the leadership focus and heart that their downline is starving for in their success journey.

That is why we are on a Leadership Journey. We are going to build an army of Leaders that
will get the message out about your business and products and give your team the Success and Outcomes they are looking for! Through this process, you will grow tremendously and so will your team in your mlm network marketing  business!

FREE mp3 download – ‘2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane hochman!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

The 7 Most Powerful Words you can use in Any Presentation

5 Things that Super Star Recruiters DO that the Average do Not

MLM Training – Looking through the Lens of Leadership Mastery

home business leadership mlm

mlm network marketing leadership

MLM Leadership Mastery.

Do you practice leadership daily in your home business?

Are you a Leader all day or only part of the time in your network marketing business?

Do you KNOW about the secrets to Leadership and the Lens of leadership?

What is the Lens of Leadership?

It is like putting on a pair of sun glasses.

But a very special pair that helps you see what Leaders envision and what Leadership requires for this business.

Leaders see things DIFFERENTLY.

These glasses shift and transform your Vision to see as a Leader DOES in order to accomplish what a Leader MUST. This is critical. And we are going to help you develop these lenses so you can work your business through the eyes of a Leader, not just a distributor.

 These Leadership glasses could even be considered a form of a “filter” that filters out what the average see and forces you to see what the Extraordinary see. They are very powerful lenses and you must learn to build your business and life looking through them.


Leadership in Network Marketing is the MASTER skill.

Everything rises and falls on Leadership. This includes your volume, numbers on your team, a well as your paycheck. Leadership is THE determining factor in your success in this business. Everything revolves around Leadership and as we move forward you will begin to see that this is true.

Million Dollar Secret:  Your paycheck is nothing more than a reflection of your Leadership.

 If you do not like your paycheck, then do something about your Leadership as that is what is causing it to be what it is.

You MUST have a well defined and comprehensive understanding of what Leadership IS and what it is NOT.

We are going to be covering in the next few posts the secrets to Leadership and Team Building. But it will do NO good if you are not well versed in the knowledge as well as Power
of Leadership and have a total connection of what TRUE Leadership is.

YOUR understanding of Leadership will determine the scope and power within your Lens
of Leadership.  What you VIEW FOR your business, you will DO IN your business.

Otherwise, your VIEW will determine your DO.

What you SEE your business will BE.

 GO HUGE in the View of what’s Possible. Go HUGE in the View of Success. Do NOT limit
yourself to what YOU think is possible, but what you and YOUR TEAM can DO to elevate all possibilities together.

You MUST get your Vision as well as Sight in total focus as a Leader sees. And that is
why we are going to go over the foundational aspects of Network Marketing Leadership so the rest of these posts make perfect sense to you for your mlm  network marketing home business. 

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets! with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

The Secret Success Power of becoming Unreasonable

How to start a Conversation with a Stranger Scripts

MLM Training – The Secret Power of becoming Radically UNREASONABLE

mlm home business work at home

mlm network marketing home business thinking

MLM Training Thinking tips.

Do you think in an unreasonable way for your home based business dreams?

Are you thinking in a way that would STRETCH most people for your network marketing business?

Do you BELIEVE that you can do ANYTHING?

Have you ever been told, “You are being Unreasonable?”

I have, many times in my life. And let’s be real with each other. We both know that statement is NOT a positive one. When someone told you that, let’s be honest…how did that make you feel?

Let me tell you how I felt. I felt that every time someone told me I was being unreasonable, I felt like I was doing something WRONG.

I felt like that I was not pleasing my Mom and dad, my friends, or anyone else that told me
that, and I truly felt kind of bad. I felt like that I was not “fitting in” and it was kind of strange.

 I ALWAYS have thought differently it seemed then most anyone else I knew.

I  have always thought BEYOND where I currently am, and bigger then most people ever did. I was always looking ahead to the next goal, the next dream, the next action, and that was normal…or so I thought.

And because of that, I often heard that I was an unreasonable person who was a “dreamer’
and “had their head in the clouds.” I remember hearing from my Mom, “Get your head out of the clouds and face reality.” 

Or from others I would hear, “Those things never happen to people like us.” Or even worse, “What do you think, money grows on trees?” Or “What do you think I am made of, Money?”

Or my favorite one I use to hear: “Be careful of what you wish for, as you probably
will end up being disappointed if it is too big.”

What did you hear growing up? If you are at all like us, you probably heard similar things.

Here is the Million Dollar Question: What did that do to SHAPE and MOLD your

Probably a LOT and you may not even be aware of it.

We all have been TAUGHT how to think at a very early age. By the age of 5, a lot of our
thinking processes and habits have been already developed and set. We learned it by watching our parents and care givers. That alone has doomed a lot of potential success for a lot of home business owners.

Yout thinking MUST become UNREASONABLE! Do NOT listen to reason why you cannot do this! YOU CAN! Think Unreasonable! Take Actions that are Unreasonable! BELIEVE Unreasonable!  DREAM Unreasonable! And SPEAK Unreasonable!

“I appreciate your input- but I do not think that way anymore. I believe that anything is possible even if you think that is being unreasonable!”

“Yes, I heard you, but to be honest, do not agree with you. My dreams are on the way and they are huge, and I know that is not what you want for my life, but I must live my life.”

“I want to change my world first, and then other’s in the future. I believe that Success is possible and on the way for many people that ow their own business including me.”

“You may  not agree with my burning desire for Success in my life, but with my business, it is going to happen and happen HUGE.”

Yes, you will get some nay sayers, BUT—when you succeed you will prove them WRONG!

Think HUGE! Think CRAZY Huge!

Become TOTALLY UNREASONABLE! That will go a long way to driving the nay sayers crazy and your success into your mlm network marketing home business!

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets! With Doug and Diane hochman!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

7 Most Powerful words to use in ANY MLM presentation

How to Start a Conversation with a Stranger Scripts

MLM Training – Are Your Daily Thoughts Poisoning Your Success?

mlm network marketing thinking

mlm network marketing home business thinking

MLM Thinking Tips.

Do you think about your thinking regarding your home based business?

Do you KNOW how you think and is it working for you in your network marketing business?

What do you do to think the way that you should-or do you even try in your mlm?

Let’s ask another powerful  question about who you know, love, and associate with…

What do your friends and family think and how do they think or DO they even really think like they should??

Odds are, believe it or not,  you are thinking that way too.  Most people think like their peers, friends, associates and families.  There is nothing wrong with that, but is that serving you well in life and business?  Or is it simply stifling your success progress for your home business and de-motivating you?

As a team member for your company, if you look at the word “THINKING,” and how it is spelled, you will see that the first word in Thinking is THIN! Yes THIN. WHOA do you say?  Then the million dollar question is do you have skinny thinking?  Worse yet….Do you have poverty thought patterns when you use your imagination and brain?  That type of thinking  and mindset will devastate your attitude, your actions, your results,  and your Business!  Fatten up your Thinking and you will absolutely fatten up your bank account with THINKING BIG.

There is a saying, “If you are going to think anyway, why not think absolutely HUGE? It takes the same effort but pays you so much better!”-
Donald Trump

So then if you take a look at the word “Thinking,” the last word in THINKING is KING! (Or Queen!) Do you have what we call Royalty Thinking?  Are your thoughts larger than the average person’s thoughts and imagination?  Royalty Thinking is focused on Abundance and Fullness, not Scarcity.  It is focused on being Extraordinary and more in your life and not just what is called Ordinary.

Understand this ONE SUCCESS RULE:

80% of ALL SUCCESS you will ever accomplish is, and always will be– PSYCHOLOGICAL.

What is BETWEEN your EARS will always determine the majority of that is between your
hours and RESULTS and Success. It is what is BEHIND the ACTION that will be the DRIVER of the Action and determined it’s Results.

If your thinking and belief for whatever reason are not passionate and powerful, your actions that you take daily  and weekly will be weaker and less effective then they should be if they were passionate. Many of the distributors in this great home business and direct sales profession suffer from that.

It is called “Mental Poison.”  Your thoughts can poison your thoughts in a way that is so subtle, but yet in the emd, your results are sabotaged and destroyed for any kind of Success. Are you doing that?

It’s time to change all that NOW and create a radical Shift in your Thinking that keeps your mind, focus, and vision on track and staying focused so you produce incredible RESULTS!! And THAT will help people feel a more positive, passionate, unstoppable,  and powerful you, and more magnetic you!

Let’s ask you this question again. Answer it if you DARE: What has your thinking, up until this point in your life, cost you in dollars?

That is a Million Dollar Question and you need to think about it.

This will make you think about how you think and how your imagination works for your mlm network marketing home based business.

FREE mp3 download “2013 Recruiting Secrets” -over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane hochman!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

5 Things that Super star recruiter do the average do NOT

How to Start a Conversation with Strangers Scripts

MLM Social Media- How to “Success Frame” A Conversation Before It Ever Takes Place?

mlm social media home business

mlm network marketing socia media

MLM Social Media Recruiting Tips.

Have you ever thought of how you could “frame” a conversation so that you can recruit someone for your home business?

Does the thought of positioning your network marketing conversation as a life changing conversation intimidate you?

Are you willing to consider some new ways that would make recruiting prospect EASIER in social media?

In our research, which has been going on since 2006 in social media, we have found many things that actually are quite surprising and interesting. There are folks that have recruited thousands off social media and then there are those that cannot recruit themselves for some reason.

We started looking at WHY these social media maniacs were recruiting so may people and found out that there were a few things that they were doing that others were not doing. And they knew that most were NOT doing it!

So we had to answer a question: What if it worked with anyone if they just learned it and mastered it? Well…that is what happened. There were some folks that we taught this “Framing”  of the conversation concept to and it worked. Their recruiting started to take off on social media and we wanted to share this with you.

We call it “Framing the Success PICTURE in Advance.”

You must FRAME in the prospects  mind the place that you can take them and are willing to go with them. it is a place that they cannot seem to get their by themselves.

Some folks call it Vision and the BIG PICTURE. Some folks call it a Destination or destiny. In social media, you need to paint with your words a vivid picture in what you can do for a person.

This includes creating a solution to their issues in life they want to change. This is actually the place where you are going to take them with your business and Leadership. Picture pages are the most visited pages in social media. Look at Pinterest, or now Instagram. All images and all the time!

OK. That makes sense to frame something as a picture sense it is the culture of social media. Then using that as a model and measure, let’s create s picture of where you are headed which need to be magnetic and quite  exciting, and what that picture has to offer anyone who will follow you to what could be considered “the promised land” where all their dreams can come true.

Does the picture have any kind of a name or anchor phrase that works? Does the picture you paint of your message move people emotionally or internally? Does it get them full of hope for their life and to where they can see that Success truly IS possible in their life?

Create and frame in their minds what I call a “Picture of Promise,” and then keep that picture in your Social Media Leadership front and center. It could be a skinny person, it could be an exotic vacation, it could be a new car or home, or a stress free life! It could be a host of things but the key is that you need to frame it that this is where you are headed and want to take  a LOT of people with you! It could be a beautiful complexion! The list is endless.

Maria, a great friend of mine, keeps a picture of what a person will look like IF–they learn about and start using her skin care system. She keeps this image FRONT AND CENTER on her social sites. She is not trying to sell anything except a possibility and HOPE. It is a Powerful picture of a Solution that leads to a powerful place of beauty and appealing skin. THAT is what you want!

This is a social media tip on framing your social media conversation for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secets- with Doug and Diane Hochman!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

5 Master Secrets of basic online recruiting

The 4 Styles of Communication in MLM Recruiting

MLM Training- 5 Things that Super Star Recruiters Do the Average Do Not

mlm recruiting superstars home business

mlm network marketing recruiting

MLM Superstar Recruiting Tips.

Have you ever wondered what was the difference between a superstar recruiter and the average in home business?

Would you consider yourself a super star recruiter or average in network marketing?

What do you think are the distinctions in the mlm process?

There are MANY distinctions in how top recruiters do their job and the average. Today I want to cover 5 things that over the years I have noticed are there. It does not matter if you are recruiting on mobile, local, social, or online marketing. The recruiting strategies and principles are pretty much the same as afar as the approach to recruiting.

Many leaders think that their team will do the steps to recruiting and succeed. But there are other elements to recruiting that need to be considered as well. Just as a chef prepares the food a little different then say another chef, the superstar recruiter does the same thing. They have small differences that make a huge difference.

The most powerful thing about those that CRUSH the recruiting process is that they see recruiting a little bit different then the average. They see it as something that will drive VALUE into people’s lives and change them. The average seem to see that recruiting is how you build a business that will help them earn money. Nothing wrong with that. But that is not the focus of recruiting and that is why that superstar recruiters RULE in a home business.

What are the 5 key distinctions?

1. Superstar Recruiters practice “VALUE Driven Recruiting.” The Average practice Volume driven Recruiting.

Do you see that? Value is the FIRE behind the top recruiter. They want to being a powerful Value to the marketplace and find people that can do the same. They do not recruit- but they DRIVE the life changing Value into the marketplace in multiple ways.

2. Superstar Recruiters spend less time with their prospects.

They are too busy talking to a lot of people and they spend almost half the time with the prospect that the average do. Thee average seem to try and convince people their business is for them. the Superstar recruiter does not. They simply talk to people and find out if they are in a place in their life to appreciate the life changing value of their business.

3. Superstar Recruiters qualify the prospect for their time. The average do not.

The top recruiters in our profession know the Value of their time as they are Value driven. They will not spend a lot of time talking to unqualified candidates. They will make sure they are who THEY are looking for, and will not go on if the prospect is not.

4. Superstar Recruiters use ALL of the Available Markets for Recruiting as they keep up with the technology and marketplace advances.

Superstar recruiters recruit using social media, mobile media, and online marketing tools. They are not limited to what others think is the “right way” to do it. The right way to the top recruiters is what works and works huge.

5. Superstar Recruiters Listen almost 4 times more the  the average recruiter and ask 3 times as many questions whether online or offline.

This is critical. Questions are tools that need to be mastered and the Superstar Recruiters are masters at asking the RIGHT questions to move the prospect forward.

These are 5 critical differences between the average and Superstar recruiters in the mlm network marketing home business profession.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane hochman

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

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How to Start a Conversation with any Stranger

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MLM Training- 5 Master Secrets of Basic Online Recruiting

Online MLM Recruiting Basics.

Do you use the internet for lead generation for your mlm home based business?

Are you using any kind of lead generation software with your network marketing business?

Are you prospecting online at all for your mlm?

Cold Marketing prospecting online is an amazing tactic if done correctly. There are 5 Powerful Master Secrets for Basic Online Recruiting for your home business prospecting you need to know.

Online Cold Market Recruiting is a powerful way to find leads on the internet. Some call it “Attraction Marketing” or “PULL Marketing” or “Funnel Marketing.”

If you are NOT omfortable with online recruiting, I would suggest that you learn it before ou spend any money on ads. There are HUNDREDS of secrets for Cold Market nline Recruiting, but here are some powerful Secrets that will help you  understand how to recruit online in the Cold Market.

1. You MUST “Tip the Scales” in your message or Offer.

If  you are going to ask for someone to spend some money for something, your VALUE must tip the scales DRAMATICALLY. They must perceive that your offer is more VALUABLE then the Cost of your offer. You can Tip the Scales with a side by side comparison and how the Value is so much more than the cost. You cna do this with testimonials. You can do this with Endorsements. You can do this with “Extra Added Bonuses.” There are many ways- just do it.

2. Your List MUST know YOU and Up front and Personal.

When you are mailing out to your list, they need to KNOW YOU. Know your likes, dislikes, hobbies, favorite music, what you read, they got to know you truly care about them, and going somewhere and want to take a LOT of people with you. Where do you go on vacation? what foods do you like? What is your favorite music? Let them INTO your personal side, and your results will explode.

3. Focus your Message on what people want CHANGED, IMPROVED, SOLVED or ENHANCED.

People do NOT want to learn how to become an expert classical guitarist. They want to learn a few songs to impress people, get approval, put a smile on their face, or to get their attention. They are looking for the RESULTS and RESPONSE from people. It is the same thing with online  recruiting. They do NOT want to become an online marketing guru rock star I am the world’s best teacher- they  want to know how to drive leads to a page so they can convert them into prospects.

Think BABY STEP first.

Keep the focus on WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR where they are. Show them how they can drive 20 leads a day to their landing page- not learn how the PPC engine works on Google Adsense or facebook. Keep it SIMPLE, FOCUSED and show them how they can get the RESULTS they want to start with- NOT the technicals.

4.   Find Out what People want to Purchase in your Niche, and then SELL IT to THEM.

Find out what people are searching regarding your niche. You can us these tools:


Search the keywords and find the ones that are highly searched, and also lightly searched as well- both work. We like to use keywords with as little as 5000 searches as most  of these keywords will have no competing ads and you may be the only one!

Once you have found the keywords that people are searching for in your niche, then write your emails and copy around those keywords as well as posts on your blogs. On social media, talk about your FREE report, Mastery Guide, ebook, video with Tips on what the keywords are focused on. Make sure that your copy on your landing page points to the keyword solution they are seeking.

GIVE the prospect what they are looking for- SOLUTION tips and ANSWERS through videos and other communication. THEN once you have them opting in for your free offer, then you are starting to build a list based on what they are seeking and truly interested in your niche and offer.

5.   If you cannot create a Landing page, then have someone create it for you- outsource it.
Here are three suggestions for you to research to get this done:

Give them the copy, and then you will be given a landing page that will match what you need to start recruiting online in the Cold Market for your mlm network marketing home based business.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”-over 25 secrets from Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all right reserved

MLM training related posts:

6 Powerful Leadership traits that all powrful team Leaders have

the 4 Styles of Communication in MLM Recruiting

MLM Training – How to Start a Conversation with Strangers Scripts

mlm training on conversation scripts

mlm training home business recruiting scripts

MLM Conversation Recruiting Scripts.

Do you ever stand in line talking to people about your home business?

Do you ever stumble over you own words about your network marketing business?

How do you even START an mlm conversation if you are standing in line or on a plane?

There are many ways to start a conversation- online or offline. There is a RULE that you must understand:


It is all about how you communicate and ask questions to people. It is how you approach people in the social media space, and mobile space. It is ALL about the communication. And no matter what you have learned about personal development and leadership- if you are not communicating that MOVES PEOPLE– you will not succeed long term.

Conversations are critical whether face to face or online. Starting a conversation that is MAGNETIC is even better and we are going to teach you several things that will help you in breaking the ice and starting a conversation with anyone that you want.

It ALL STARTS with Opening Conversations with People.

With any business, communication is critical. When you are out and about and you meet
people, how do you open up a conversation? When you are standing in a line? There are many different ways, but here are some that have proven to foster Connection as well as Magnetism in talking with people.

If in a bookstore:

 “Excuse me, have you read that book you are holding? Have you read anything by his author? I have been thinking of getting it. Oh- excuse me, did not mean to be rude-my name is___________”

Standing in line:

 “How are you? How do you like standing in line? Do you work around here? What do you do? Tell me about it…Oh I am sorry…I did not mean to be rude. My name is___________”

In a store with sales/employee:

“How are you? Do you
own this place? How long have you been working here? You like it? What is your favorite part? What is your least favorite? I have a company and I am really impressed with you. I would love to chat sometime.”

On a Plane:

 “How are you? Where are you from? Wow! I just started building a business there. Tell me about your town. What do you do for a living? Tell me about it.  Do you know a lot of people in your town? Not sure…but you may know who I am looking for in your city…maybe you can help me.”

These are great conversation starters that will work amazingly in your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download – “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane Hochman!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

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