Online MLM Recruiting Basics.
Do you use the internet for lead generation for your mlm home based business?
Are you using any kind of lead generation software with your network marketing business?
Are you prospecting online at all for your mlm?
Cold Marketing prospecting online is an amazing tactic if done correctly. There are 5 Powerful Master Secrets for Basic Online Recruiting for your home business prospecting you need to know.
Online Cold Market Recruiting is a powerful way to find leads on the internet. Some call it “Attraction Marketing” or “PULL Marketing” or “Funnel Marketing.”
If you are NOT omfortable with online recruiting, I would suggest that you learn it before ou spend any money on ads. There are HUNDREDS of secrets for Cold Market nline Recruiting, but here are some powerful Secrets that will help you understand how to recruit online in the Cold Market.
1. You MUST “Tip the Scales” in your message or Offer.
If you are going to ask for someone to spend some money for something, your VALUE must tip the scales DRAMATICALLY. They must perceive that your offer is more VALUABLE then the Cost of your offer. You can Tip the Scales with a side by side comparison and how the Value is so much more than the cost. You cna do this with testimonials. You can do this with Endorsements. You can do this with “Extra Added Bonuses.” There are many ways- just do it.
2. Your List MUST know YOU and Up front and Personal.
When you are mailing out to your list, they need to KNOW YOU. Know your likes, dislikes, hobbies, favorite music, what you read, they got to know you truly care about them, and going somewhere and want to take a LOT of people with you. Where do you go on vacation? what foods do you like? What is your favorite music? Let them INTO your personal side, and your results will explode.
3. Focus your Message on what people want CHANGED, IMPROVED, SOLVED or ENHANCED.
People do NOT want to learn how to become an expert classical guitarist. They want to learn a few songs to impress people, get approval, put a smile on their face, or to get their attention. They are looking for the RESULTS and RESPONSE from people. It is the same thing with online recruiting. They do NOT want to become an online marketing guru rock star I am the world’s best teacher- they want to know how to drive leads to a page so they can convert them into prospects.
Think BABY STEP first.
Keep the focus on WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR where they are. Show them how they can drive 20 leads a day to their landing page- not learn how the PPC engine works on Google Adsense or facebook. Keep it SIMPLE, FOCUSED and show them how they can get the RESULTS they want to start with- NOT the technicals.
4. Find Out what People want to Purchase in your Niche, and then SELL IT to THEM.
Find out what people are searching regarding your niche. You can us these tools:
Search the keywords and find the ones that are highly searched, and also lightly searched as well- both work. We like to use keywords with as little as 5000 searches as most of these keywords will have no competing ads and you may be the only one!
Once you have found the keywords that people are searching for in your niche, then write your emails and copy around those keywords as well as posts on your blogs. On social media, talk about your FREE report, Mastery Guide, ebook, video with Tips on what the keywords are focused on. Make sure that your copy on your landing page points to the keyword solution they are seeking.
GIVE the prospect what they are looking for- SOLUTION tips and ANSWERS through videos and other communication. THEN once you have them opting in for your free offer, then you are starting to build a list based on what they are seeking and truly interested in your niche and offer.
5. If you cannot create a Landing page, then have someone create it for you- outsource it.
Here are three suggestions for you to research to get this done:
Give them the copy, and then you will be given a landing page that will match what you need to start recruiting online in the Cold Market for your mlm network marketing home based business.
FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”-over 25 secrets from Doug and Diane Hochman
blessings….doug firebaugh
(c) 2013 all right reserved
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