network marketing recruiting
What happens when you start your recruiting in network marketing for your home business? What do you FEEL?
Do you feel like you could almost lose your breath because the fear of recruiting has hit you?
Do you wonder why it is so easy for others, but not for you?
I have good news. Recruiting in network marketing mlm is easy. And fun. And that is why I wanted to give you 11 quick tips on how to recruit in network marketing so it would inspire you and educate you on what to do and NOT to do.
Relax. It gets easier. Here are some network marketing recruiting tips to help:
1) “Start letting the home business prospect totally dominate the conversation.”
Whether online, social media, or offline, ask so many questions, that the prospect ends up dominating the conversation. Find out about their life, interests, family, dreams, and then their future. Let them become the super star of the conversation, and you ONLY listen. They are telling you how to recruit them. Encourage them and congratulate them. Keep them in the spotlight and make them feel like a million dollars!
2) “Start recruiting through their eyes, not yours.”
We all have a tendency to recruit through our views and filters, and not the prospects. Look through their eyes whether online or offline, as far as where they currently are, financially, emotionally, family, socially, and career wise. Start in their world, and then lead them to your world of Network Marketing Home Business Success.
3) “Start Focusing on ONLY on what the prospect wants, not you.”
Again we have a tendency to focus on what we can GAIN out of a conversation, not give. This secret is simple and to the point. You are talking to the home business prospect online or offline, to see what the prospect is looking for, and wanting in their life. Let your MLM business be the delivery vehicle of their dreams.
4) “When you do a presentation, including webinar, or video, paint word pictures as you present your information.”
Painting word pictures in your presentation is a powerful magnet for recruiting. Why? We think in word pictures, not letters. Paint vivid pictures with your words of the prospect enjoying the life they want, and making the money they desire in their Home Business. Put them in the picture.Ask them these word painting questions:
“Imagine the feeling of you…” “Can you see yourself…? “What would it look like if….?”
5) “Start Using the type of words -and phrases- that the prospect understands, NOT Network Marketing-ease.”
Many folks expect that the prospect understands the language of network marketing. They DON’T! Don’t use the words like “downline” or “upline”. A prospect probably will have no clue of what that is. Start Using words they can understand, and feel comfortable with, like “team”, “Support system,” and “Leaders.”
6) “No matter what, start using the word YOU at least 4 to 5 times more than you use the words me or I.”
We love to talk about ourselves. Our new car. Our new home. Our new…blah blah blah. There is nothing more telling than when a Network Marketing distributor uses the words “me” and “I” more than the word “You.” The word “You” psychologically draws the person towards you and lacks ego in your network marketing recruiting efforts.
7) “Start Letting off the pressure when you recruit. RELAX. Unknowingly, you are sending a silent signal to your home business prospect that will kill your business.”
Pressure is a form of insecurity. READ THAT AGAIN. When a distributor starts putting pressure on someone, it shows there is pressure built up inside of them. Back it off, or it will turn them off. Start using phrase that are magnetic like “I am not sure if this is something that would be right for you or not…” “I am not sure this would be a fit for you…” –great phrases to let off the pressure in your network marketing recruiting efforts.
8) “Do NOT Assume you know what the Prospect wants. Let the prospect tell you what they are looking for, not you tell them.”
We can run our mouths and talk about what we want to talk about in recruiting. What about the prospect? Many times we have a tendency to tell a prospect what their life could be like, without understanding they may want something different. Ask “If all things were possible, what are you looking to do with your life?” Then listen. They are telling you what you need to know to recruit them into your Network Marketing business.
9) “Do NOT forget the people you know but don’t overwhelm yourself! Do your warm market list- 10 names at a time. You will write many more down.”
Many people think of writing down 100 names, and shut down. They get paralayzed. Here is a tip: When you start your warm market list of who you are going to call, many times people get paralyzed with thinking about 100 or 200 names to come up with. Start with 10 and then another 10…then another 10…you get the idea. It is easier psychologically, and less intimidating. You STILL come up with 200 names, but psychologically, you do it with only 10% of the perceived “pressure” to complete a 100 name list.
10) “Never settle for who is at the top of their mind. Double the size of your warm market list INSTANTLY with the One Golden Question.”
One question can turn a memory jogger into a GOLD MINE of leads. ask: “Who do I know that they know?” or “Who do you know that they know?” This question works as a multiplier of your names, and has the potential to explode your potential business with more names than you realized you knew.
11) “Never start COLD in network marketing recruiting. Practice and Role Play your Recruiting with someone before you ever make the first call.”
You will pull a “recruiting muscle” in your mind if you are not careful. And then you will start to doubt yourself because you are getting a LOT of No’s becuase you di not practice first. If you are going to mess up, mess up during practice, and continue to mess up with your sponsor. Practice and get some “experience” before you make the first Live Recruiting call. It will put you light years ahead, and it equips you for the real thing in MLM.
These are 11 Quick tips for network marketing recruiting for your mlm home business.
Linkedin Recruiting Secrets- read this!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011
Social Network Marketing Training tips-for YOU
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