Home Business Training-The Secret to “Urgent Patience” in MLM

home business success urgency
In my home business, in 1989, I remember talking to my mentor, and asking him what is the REAL Secret to Success in a home business. Let’s move past all the hype and rah rah and get to the bottom line.
He was eating breakfast one morning, as we were at a national conference. He had called me and asked me to join him and of course I did. What an honor. I wanted so bad to get to the TRUTH about the MLM profession and then start succeeding at it. I KNEW this was my calling in life, but yet it was not doing what I needed it to do.
So when I asked him this question, he did not even look up from his raisin filled oatmeal. He said something so profound that it still rings in my ears today.
What did he say?
“Patience is the secret to home business success Doug. But it must be Urgent Patience. The single greatest Success trait of all Millionaires in the Home Business Profession is PATIENCE. Most people out-patience themselves right out of this profession as they are urgently working, but not patiently waiting – for their skill set and leadership to grow.”
Wow. I was stunned.
This was pure GOLD as no one had ever said that to me before. Maybe no one cared enough to tell me the truth.
Who knows?
But it really hit me like a 2 by 4 when he said those words.
It is called:
Hurry up and wait.
That is how most entrepreneurs SHOULD feel. They want to have a sense of urgency, but yet they know they need to be patient because all businesses take time and effort. Especially in the MLM home business profession.
Most home business owners are willing to give the effort …for a while.
It is the TIME that it can take many have a challenge with.
Don’t outpatient yourself out of this incredible network marketing profession.
Where your home business is today is nowhere close to where it will be 3 years from now.
Keep focused and talking to NEW people with NEW CONVERSATIONS. Keep sharing your company’s information.
What you are doing today is planting seeds. They may not grow next week. It may be next year.
Seeds of prospecting.
Seeds of social networking.
Seeds of recruiting.
Seeds of presentations.
Seeds of webinars.
Seeds of in home meetings.
Seeds of exposures that will grow at a later time.
All these seeds ARE GOING TO GROW as God has ordained that seeds grow.
Just make sure you are around and active when the harvest season comes flooding in!
And that season is right around the corner for your network marketing mlm home based business.
Master Social Media in Network Marketing! Click to find out how!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
Create a PROSPECTING AVALANCHE – click here to find out HOW!
Home Business-MLM Leadership “ARE YOU ALL IN?”
There comes a time that there must be a DECISION in a home business that cannot be altered or changed.
It is all part of MLM Leadership and building a Team of Leaders. You cannot expect to build a team of Leaders when you are not focused like one and acting like one.
There comes a time that you have to draw a line in the sand and face the truth about Success in your home business.
It is a decision for what I call “FINAO.”
Failure Is Not An Option.
In my life, failure does not exist. Getting the wrong results does, but not failure.
Especially if you are decision bound to something.
And this will require you to possibly make some changes that you do not want to make, are you may be not aware that things need to be changed, or you simply say that you will do that you have to do to build your success in MLM.
Leadership in MLM and a home business requires a bigger than average COMMITMENT.
It requires a bigger than average DESTINY.
And it requires a bigger than average HEART connected to the Vision and the Dream. Especially with a home business.
Are you giving that in your home business?
Are you giving all you need to give in your network marketing business?
Imagine anyone starting a company in Corporate America and they say that they will give only half of what is required.
We would call that person half hearted and going nowhere.It is the same with many home business owners. They simply are not giving all that is needed to give to succeed in a home based business.
Are YOU?
Today I want to ask you what I call the Make or Break question:
Read that again.
There is a philosophy I learned years ago that you must be “ALL IN” to achieve Success that ENDURES.
You must be “ALL IN” to live a life that goes ALL OUT. READ THAT AGAIN.
This means your heart is all in the business, your thinking, your belief, your focus, and your time. You are simply not working the business, but you are LIVING the business when you work.
Are YOU ALL in or just part in ?
It is FELT in your Words.
It is SEEN in your Actions.
It SCREAMS in your Belief.
I am NOT Talking about time or a clock,. or hours. The hours are not the focus here.
I would rather someone give 3 ALL IN hours than 20 HALF IN.
The 3 would produce 100 times more than the 20 that are half hearted and barely started.
Leadership is about being ALL IN and being ALL ABOUT.
Are YOU ALL IN in your MLM and home business?
Discover the Power of Social Media prospecting for your home business!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved