MLM Training- 7 Powerful MLM Telephone Prospecting Scripts for Recruiting

mlm prospecting telephone

mlm telephone home business

MLM Telephone Prospecting Scripts.

Do you have a question or phrase that you use in your home business?

Are you asking the RIGHT questions in your network marketing business?

Would you like to learn 7 powerful mlm telephone scripts?

The single greatest tool you can still use today in your mlm prospecting and recruiting in your netwok marketing business is the TELEPHONE.

Yes, I am a huge fan of online recruiting, and teach it. But you STILL must use the telephone in your reaching out, training, and opening up the relationship to the next level.

Even cold market calling on the telephone. I did that for years and used numerous talking point scripts that worked.

I have done several posts on mlm telephone prospecting scripts as well as mlm recruiting scripts, but these 7 scripts ROCK and will help you in your mlm telephone prospecting.

Here are 7 powerful MLM Telephone Prospecting Scripts for Recruiting:

 1) “I wanted to make you aware of it.”

“And Robin, when I ran across this, I though this would be something you could use, and I wanted to make you aware of it.”
“Larry, there are a lot of great things I have seen lately, but one I have found stands out, and I wanted to make you aware of it.”
“Tisa, I need to talk to you, because I have stumbled across something that I know you will want to be made aware of, if you are not already. Have you ever heard of_________?”

2) “If the right thing came along…?”

“By the way, let me ask you a question. You said last week that you needed more money. If the right thing came along and you knew it was right for you, and you could make great money without changing a thing you are doing-would you want to know about it?
“And I have an off the wall question I want to ask you- if the right thing came along and you knew it was right for you and you could make really good money with it, would you want to explore it?”

3)  “Have you heard about this yet?”

“Just curious… Have you been head about this—it is about an amazing advancement in (Technology, Skin care, Nutrition, Internet, Travel, Insurance, etc)? Here… take a look at this… it’s amazing!”
“Don, have you heard about this yet? Someone showed it to me and I was blown away by it. Let me show you….”
“Lois, have you heard about this yet-a new way to ___________.”

4) The Power Practice Approach 1 – “Live Presentation.”

Tom, are you busy? I need some help. I have recently partnered with a company that has asked me to do 5 presentations this week, and I need someone to practice on before I go live. If I am going to mess up, I would rather it be in front of you, then someone else. When do you have ten minutes this week I can run by?”

5 ) The Power Practice Approach 3 – “Nervous.”

“Terri, I need your help on something. I recently joined up with a company, and to be honest, they have asked me to do some presentations this week, I am really nervous about doing them without practicing first, and was wondering if I could practice on you first. I really need your help. When would be a good time?”

6) The Power Practice Approach 4 – “Keep your checkbook.”

“Terry, I could use your help this week. I have recently joined up with a company and they have asked me to do several presentations this month. I need to practice on someone before I do the presentations. Keep your checkbook in the drawer, as I am not going to try and sell you anything- I just need to practice on someone. When are you going to be home?”

7)  From the Heart Approach.

“Karen, I need your help on something. I have done something I have always wanted and dreamed of doing- I have started my own business. I wanted more control over my future and life. Now before you start rolling your eyes, I want you to know I am very aware of the risks, but it is also a risk if I never did it.
 How you can help me is simple- I would like for you to look at possibly becoming a customer, and even pointing me in the right direction of someone you might know that this business would be right for and needs some extra income. And the worst case scenario I need you at least as a cheerleader cheering me on as your support would mean the world to me. When can we get together?”

These are 7 mlm telephone prospecting scripts that will help enhance your mlm prospecting for your home based business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets

FREE mp3 download – The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

A Powerful Social Media Recruiting Formula

12 Powerful MLM Telephone Recruiting Scripts



MLM Social Media – The Most Powerful Secret of Pinterest Recruiting

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mlm home business pinterest

MLM Pinterest Recruiting for Home Business.

Are you using Pinterest in your home business recruiting efforts?

Are you familiar with Pinterest and how it can accelerate your Personal brand Building in your network marketing recruiting?

Would you like to learn THE ONE SECRET that Pinterest can be for you in your mlm recruiting?

Pinterest is one of the most powerful NEW Social media sites that is taking the social world by storm and this is good news for your home business. Pinterest is taking the business world by storm as well.

In network marketing, when you have this kind of amazing growth, you can immediately see the prospecting and recruiting potential for your team building. Using the Pinterest software for your recruiting is easy, if you know HOW.

That is why we are doing the Pinterest Recruiting Webinar Thursday April 26th at 8 pm EST- to train you on HOW to recruit with Pinterest and HOW to maximize your recruiting success. For more information, check it out:

Pinterest Recruiting Webinar

What IF there was a way that you can look at Pinterest and use this for your home business recruiting in a way that will MULTIPLY your success? There is a way and it will help you understand WHY you must get on Pinterest.

First off, the Images that you “pin” on Pinterest, STAY on the internet and on your boards that you pin to.

This makes you have literally an “Evergreen Recruiting Magnet” that will PULL people to look at your images for YEARS if you do this right.

And what IF you had a link to your blog or website linked to EVERY image and even other images that you pin to Pinterest?

You would have an “Evergreen Recruiting Magnet” that would lead your prospects to YOUR blog and they will see your message that you want them to see.


You know that now with Pinterest you can create an Evergreen Recruiting Source that will never go away.

You also know that you can link your blog or website to EVERY image and drive traffic to your message.

So here is a Secret that you MUST embrace that will help you see the recruiting power of Pinterest in mlm and network marketing:

Your “pins” or images that you pin on your boards, are actual “little sales people” or “marketing reps” that are out there 24/7 that are PULLING EYEBALLS to your images, and then creating a curiosity of who you are and there the image leads. These images will actually drive prospects to your  webinars and landing pages.

And if you think about it, your ‘sales people” are MULTIPLIED every time when someone else “pins” your image to their board. And this will only MULTIPLY the possibility of prospects seeing your image and clicking on it.

That is WHY you want to be on Pinterest and recruiting.

Pinterest can put your mlm recruiting on SUCCESS STEROIDS!

It is a three step process:

1. CAPTIVATE the prospect with your powerful image or photo.

2. CONNECT with the prospect via your message and other social sites.

3. CONVERT into a prospect that wants to look at your business or products.

If you do these three things, and MULTIPLY your recruiting with Pinterest, you will see some amazing results in your mlm network marketing recruiting for your home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets

FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will TELL You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

Most Powerful Closing Question You can Ask your Prospect

The Power of Pinterest in Your MLM Recruiting

MLM Training – The Climb to the Top of Success in Home Business

MLM Training - The Climb to The Top in Your Home Business

Many home business professionals often attempt short cuts in their mlm network marketing business, which often leads to a falling out of this business. Check glenoriegrowers to know all the latest updates about businesses.

A slower, more focused and determined climb to the top of your pay plan is much more powerful and is what Home business  Leaders do.

Don’t JUMP up a ladder, but CLIMB up the ladder and with Power and Passion and that way you will hit not only the mark in your home based business,

BUT THE TOP Where Most ONLY DREAM of Hitting!


FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

MLM Social Media- A Powerful Social Media MLM Prospecting Formula

social media mlm prospecting

mlm social media

MLM Social Media Prospecting Tips.

Do your network marketing prospects always seem to be less than you need in numbers?

Are you frustrated that you never have ENOUGH MLM Prospects?

Would you like to learn a little MLM Prospecting Secret that GUARANTEES you will have an overflow of home business prospects?

Here is a little MLM Social Media Prospecting Tip you your network marketing business:

It is all about your prospects “falling through the cracks”- you MUST have so many prospects in the pipeline to follow up on, you cannot keep up and forget to call some of them back.

Simply, most people do not anywhere near the number of folks they need looking at their business. It seems that there is almost a “prospecting mediocrity” that exists and tells
people that if you have 4,5, or 6 people looking at the business, you are doing
this business right.


That is why most people fail in this business, because of all the “Mediocre Myths” out in
the industry. Most people do not understand that the number of people you have
looking at the business plus the quality of people equals the amount of your
ongoing Success. It is that simple. Let’s put it in a different format:

Number of PEOPLE + Quality of PEOPLE = Your ongoing Prospecting Success in Network Marketing.

Yes, belief, personal development, decision, and Leadership are critical elements as
well, but it is the number and the quality of prospects that you have that really tell the story.

And many distributors/consultants have way too few people at any one given time looking at the business.


Setting Prospecting Limits.

They limit themselves to a narrow group of people that eventually they reach the limit to
what they can do with the list. And then they end up leaving saying the business
does not work.

It DOES work, and works well. IF you know how to work it RIGHT and give it time to
work. But most people simply do not believe that because of their lack of

But do NOT let that be you.

There is a new medium that can bring more prospects to you than you can call on- and it is the Social Media and Mobile Marketing phenomenon.

You need to become a part of it to find the number of people you need to create Success.

Donni had a business and was struggling in it. She was not a happy camper because she quit
her job when she had her baby, and this HAD to work. But it was not. She was
starting to get worried, as her husband.

Donni decided to follow some advice, and get into the social media zone. She studied
it, and learned it well, and within 45 days, her whole business had turned
around, because she was getting 5-15 leads a DAY, and all because she followed
a well thought out plan.  Her volume grew dramatically, and so did her income. She went from having 3 to 4 people in the pipeline to over 40 in the pipeline.

Today, she has tripled what she earned at her job, and it continues to grow monthly. Would YOU like to have that kind of Success? You can and will- all you need to do is learn what I am teaching you on this blog, and the PRACTICE it, and then DO IT.

Does it REALLY take a lot of folks to succeed?

Words of Wisdom.

Let’s listen to what my Mentor has to say:

 “Someone asked me one time how do you REALLY know you are doing this business right? I simply answered, ‘When your prospects start falling through the cracks.’ That means that you have so many people in the pipeline looking at the business that literally you forget to call some of them because there are so many people to follow up on. How can you do that today with people being so guarded?

 “Simple. Go Social. Learn all you can about the new Social Media approach to Network Marketing prospecting and recruiting- known as Recruiting MagneTechs. This is magnetic power for your finding leads and recruiting. Finding good leads is the most critical piece of the Success puzzle in Network Marketing.

But most do not find these kind of great leads because they limit themselves to who they know. Can calling people that you know work? Absolutely! It works great and is part of the traditional way to do this business. And everyone who gets into this industry needs to start calling on the people they know. But also- not be limited to that number either.

“If you are going to succeed today long term, you need a blend of the traditional way of doing this business, and the non- traditional. It is called “Co-Traditional Network Marketing.” If you can blend the two in your business, you will find that your business will be in OVERDRIVE and start giving you the results that you are looking for.

 “Does it take some time? Of course. Every new path in any industry has a learning curve. But you can shorten that curve by 80% by finding a good program that will teach you what you need to do to make that happen.  

“Folks that understand and embrace the new Social and Mobile path of Success in home business, will become the new millionaires in this wonderful industry.”

How many do YOU have in the pipeline looking at the business?

And if you are just looking at having a home business, you need to start it off right.
Call your warm market, but also start familiarizing yourself with the social media market. Both combined can make a tremendous one-two punch in your mlm social media prospecting.

 FREE Social Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

FREE mp3 download- “The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training Related Posts:

7 Power Branding questions for Creating a Peronal Branding

12 Power MLM Prospecting Scripts that WORK

MLM Training- Most Powerful Closing Question You can Ask Your Prospect

mlm network marketing

mlm home business closing

MLM Closing Tips.

Do you struggle with your “closing” as many people call it for their network marketing business?

Do you have a “pat” way that you close your prospect or do you try different things in your home based business?

What would be your closing ratio for your network marketing business when you ask for the order?

Many distributors struggle and do not need to.

First off, I do not call what most call “Closing the Prospect” Closing.

I really shy away from it, as it has a tendency to cast a negative message unknowingly to yourself. When you use the word “Close” it has a tendency to be a win or lose proposition.

You win.


You lose.

Nothing much inbetween. You either CLOSE them or you do not.

I prefer something more…well…GENTLE and something that will not be seen as a “transaction for MY gain” as often it comes across like that. I have seen “closers” that ALL they focus on is what THEY can get out of the prospect, not what the prospect can get to improve their life.

In network marketing, I have found throughout the world in my travels, EVERYONE feels the same way about this- they DO NOT want to FEEL like they have been CLOSED.

I had a leader out of Perth Australia recently say that the biggest complaint he hears from his team’s “closing” is that is was way too MANIPULATIVE and pressured.


That is how many distributors/consultants come across. They are trying to manipulate the prospect into their business and do it quickly.

You are going in a losing proposition that will never build a long term home based business.

Ok, then what can we do to close the mlm home business prospect?

We came up with what we call The “You are Probably Waiting” Navigator.

What is a Navigator?

Great question.

I do not like to call these phrases or questions “Closes” as it is NOT what they are. They are “Navigators” that navigate the prospect to the decision that is right for them.

Closing ENDS things.

Navigating CATALYZES and OPENS things to happen.

So what did we come up with that was so powerful?

A very simple question that lays it out and the mlm prospect appreciates your honesty.

Here it is:

“You are probably waiting for some fancy, well rehearsed, manipulative close….something that is really tricky. That is not who I am. I respect your decision and want only what is best for you and your family. Look, either you see this or you don’t. Question is, do you believe we would make a GREAT TEAM if we started working this together?”

That’s it, ands has worked wonders through the years. Online as well as offline. And I would suggest that you spend some time practicing it, and getting it down in your own words.

If you do, don’t be surprised if you start seeing some amazing results in your mlm network marketing work at home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

FREE mlm mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes made in Network Marketing NO ONE will tell You”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training Related posts:

5 Reasons Why Audios/Videos will Rock Your Home business

The Power of Pinterest in your MLM Recruiting



MLM Training- Are YOU One of the 3 Stooges in Your Home Business?

mlm network marketing three stooges

mlm home business

MLM Three Stooges.

Do you know a Home business stooge that you may be prospecting for your network marketing business?

Are you familiar with the Three Stooges?

How would you like to learn how they can possibly play into your home based business?

I love PR and Local Media for a home business. You can get an enormous amount of prospects and exposure for your business. That is here the Three Stooges come in.

Marsha Friedman who is an incredible PR expert, has this really cool post about the Three Stooges and PR,  but is SO applicable to a home business and your prospects, as well as your mlm team.

This is a FUN post, and I know you are going to enjoy it. Here is a home business strategy wrapped around the Three Stooges…

Don’t  be a Stooge When it Comes to Marketing

Article  at a glance:

If you hire a PR firm, let it do its  job.
Go ahead and make waves – get   noticed!
Never believe “no one’s interested in you.”

The guys I know are all looking forward to The Three Stooges remake opening  in theaters this weekend. They think Moe, Larry and Curly’s  harebrained schemes, silly missteps, and thwacks, smacks and blindside attacks are hysterically funny.

Heck, I don’t need to go to the movies for slapstick – I’ve got men in my life!   (Kidding, of course.)

Everyone – yes, women, to – can be a stooge now and then. Lifelong “Stooges” fan Alex  Hinojosa, our senior campaign manager at EMSI, says if you  watch enough of their films, you start seeing their  personalities in the people you meet. And just like on the big screen, the Moes, Larrys and Curlys of the world get  themselves into loads of trouble. It happens all the time with  PR.

The Moe:   

He’s the client who knows everything. (So why on earth did he hire PR professionals?) Moe will bark and bang and bully to get things done his (or her) way even though he’s never coordinated a media campaign, never worked in radio, TV or newspapers and doesn’t know a tweet from a twit.

He’s the client who insists on rewriting his media pitches because he thinks they should be longer and more detailed. (Succinct communications are what catch the attention of busy journalists and show hosts, but he disagrees.) He insists his angle is  much more likely to interest a talk show host, even though  he’s never hosted a talk show. Would you perform surgery on yourself? Moe would! And, with disastrous results!

If you’re going to be a Moe, at least get a better haircut.

The Larry:

Easygoing and passive, he doesn’t want to stir up controversy or offend anyone. No matter what the medium, he  insists on appealing only to audiences and show hosts that already agree with his message, so he misses out on the opportunity to win over new fans – and their friends.

The Larrys are also easily  forgotten. If they won’t do, say or write anything provocative  during their marketing campaign, they won’t engage their audience, which means few will remember them.

The Larrys tend to quietly  go along with everything their PR agency suggests. They don’t  ask questions when they have them and they don’t contribute  their ideas. Their campaigns may be a bit lackluster, because  they’re afraid they’ll bother somebody if they actively participate.

The Curly:

He’s the star of the stooges – and he doesn’t even  know it. The Curlys are the clients with great stories,  powerful messages and a big lack of self-awareness. “Why would  anyone want to interview me?” they ask.

In truth, everyone has a  great story and a pro will find it and use it. Nothing breaks  my heart more than to hear someone tell me, “I was with an agency and I paid them thousands of dollars, but all I got was one mention in a weekly paper in Boondocks, Idaho. No one’s  interested in me.”

What a cruel blow to a  person’s self-esteem! PR companies that tell you “no one’s   interested” are really saying, “We didn’t get results, so we’re blaming you.”

Yes, your message, the  energy and interesting content you bring to the media and the  quality of your book or product will determine whether you ultimately meet all of your goals. But don’t believe for a minute that no one’s interested in you. It’s simply not  true.

From what Alex tells me  the actor who played Curly in the original “Stooges” was painfully insecure in real life. That led to heavy drinking,  overeating and other self-destructive behaviors, which took a  terrible toll on his health. He suffered a stroke in 1946,  never fully recovered and died six years later. Such a sad end for a man who made so many people laugh.

The Three Stooges  makes for great entertainment on the big screen, but if you  want a successful media campaign, don’t be a stooge! When you’ve hired a team of professionals with a strong  track record and plenty of years in the business, trust them.  Let them do their jobs.

Be ready to participate in your campaign by asking questions, sharing ideas and providing  any materials or information that might be useful.

And remember, you do have  a story that others want to hear. You’re no less important   than the next guy.  Don’t make me knock you over the head with a dead fish for you to believe that!

See you at the movies!

Check Marsha’s other posts out!

Marsha Friedman


I LOVE this post and I hope you will too! This is a great comparison of what you may face with your home business and local media as well as PR.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets

FREE mp3 download- The 7 biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training Related posts:

5 Reasons Why MLM Recruiting Audios/Videos will Rock your Home business

9 Reasons Why Home Business Radio Network Will Explode your Business


MLM Social Media- The 7 Power Branding Questions for Creating a Personal Brand

mlm social media

home business social media

The 7 Power Branding Questions for Personal Branding.

There are certain Social Media Trainings that you must have for a network marketing home business-are you aware of that?

Do you know the 7 Power Branding Questions you ask for a Powerful Personal Brand?

Would you like to learn them for your mlm business?

We have taught so many aspects of social media for network marketing and home business the last 6 years, including some exclusive trainings like:


1)   Power Branding on social sites.

2)   Multiple Branding Channels

3)   Partial Branding when needed.

4)   Emotional Branding through Value.

5)   The 5 Anchors of Branding.

6)   Branding your meme.

7)   Connection Marketing.


What is Connection Marketing?

It is a series of powerful marketing strategies that combine the Power of Connecting
with people and the branding of your MARK with them which heavily influences their
perception of you. Developing relationships is what Leadership is all about. It is also the basis for recruiting and building a team. Your Personal Brand comes from first CONNECTING with people. Then from that connection, help them ON PURPOSE, developing a particular opinion or perception (or MARK) about you.

Just as cattle is branded with a MARK that identifies who they are, you need to brand a
MARK in the marketplace that goes before you, stays on people’s minds, and follows you when people think or talk about you. This MARK identifies their perception and your reputation that is in their mind and has “marked” you every time they think of you- good or bad.

 That is why a great Brand is so necessary in today’s market. It will set you apart and in some instances elevate you above all the rest in people’s perception of who you
are and what you have to offer.

Million Dollar Question:

How do you develop a Brand in the social media market as well as your own market? There is
no way that we can cover that here, as it is an 8 hour workshop that we do LIVE
to help people reposition themselves in the marketplace.

But there is something we train on that we call “The 7 Word Branding Plan.”™

Let’s very briefly cover this 8 hour seminar to see what MARK you want to leave into
the marketplace.

Let’s ask some questions that will help you FOCUS on developing a brand that will work.

1)   What ONE WORD do you want people to think when they think of you?

2)   What ONE IMAGE do you want people see when you cross their mind?

3)   What ONE FEELING do you want people to feel when they think of you?

4)   What ONE PERCEPTION do you want out in the marketplace that goes before you?

5)   What ONE THOUGHT do you want in people’s minds about you?

6)   What ONE RESULT do you want people to think of when they think of you?

7)   What ONE EXPECTATION do you want people to be looking for when they think of you?

Now, write your answers down and take a look at the 7 words.

What do they have in common?

What one thing do they all connect to?

That is the start of your Brand that can  elevate you above all the rest in the market place when prospecting and recruiting.

If you followed this exercise, you will have started a UBM- a:

Unique Branding Mark

– that people will start to remember and connect to. That is why it is called “Connection Marketing.” People buy often from you because of their initial perception and connection to you, and how you are making them feel. That is why your UBM must elicit trust and make people feel glad they heard about you, found out about you, or talked with you.

If you take a look at the word BRAND – it simply stands for: – (and THIS should be
your focus and goal for your brand)

Bringing (to) Remembrance A Niche (that) Delights

Every time people think of you, you want them to think of YOU and your NICHE that you have carved out that makes them smile and direct them to a thought, image, or movement.

They are delighted that you exist because of your brand. They are delighted to refer people to you. They are delighted to tell people about you. They are delighted to do business with you. And they are delighted to stick with you, because they love the brand that you have marked out in the marketplace.

If you are having trouble recruiting or prospecting, then it may be the brand that people
are seeing. It may be sending out all the wrong messages.

Here is an interesting discussion: “If you are sending out the wrong message
about yourself unknowingly, you are going to get the consequences of that,
unwittingly. Your brand is who you want people to remember- and in some
instances, forget. Be careful of the silent message you are sending out. It can
destroy your business if you are not careful.

 Many people unknowingly send silent signals out to people and that forms a not so good image in the minds of folks. That is not what you want. Your brand is your calling card and reputation. Keep it clean, powerful, and memorable. Make sure they get an emotional jolt when they think of you that makes them feel good- not a jolt that does the opposite.”

 Work on how you are perceived, and what you are known for– Especially if you
are getting on the social media path. It will make all the difference in the world with your recruiting and prospecting.

Branding is a MUST in all respects in social media. We can teach you how to develop a million dollar brand. All you have to do is learn how to develop YOU as a valuable commodity in the marketplace.

Then unleash your brand into the world for your mlm network marketing home business!

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training Related Posts:

7 Powerful Team Building No One will Tell You

12 MLM Prospecting Scripts that WORK!

MLM Prospecting Tips- 4 Little Known MLM Prospecting Secrets

MLM Prospecting Tips.

Do you prospect for new leads for your home business?

How do you prospect for your leads in your network marketing business?

Would you like to learn 4 little known mlm prospecting tips that will ROCK your home business?

Here are 4 mlm prospecting tips:

MLM Prospecting Tip # 1

In any social conversation, phone conversation, IM conversation, text conversation, skype conversation, webinar conversation, public meeting and prsentation, use the prospect’s or guest’s name. If you are at an in home meeting, hotel meeting, or luncheon meeting, Introduce yourself to them before the meeting starts. Even on a webinar, tell the prospect you are glad that they are there.”

 Sweet sweet music.

It sounds like a symphony of sweet violins and cellos playing in harmony together.

It sounds like 5 part perfect harmony.

It sounds like a baby’s first cry.

It sounds like a summer night’s beautiful orchestra.

It is PURE PERFECTION in communication.

Ok…what is it?


The prospect’s sweetest sound to their ears will always be their name. And that is why you need to USE IT and USE IT OFTEN.

Nothing keeps a prospect or audience focused more than using their names in the Network Marketing conversation or even a presentation.

They will all sit up and take notice and be especially attentive and alert to you.

And on social media, ask the person if they have a great name, where that name came from. Draw them in with the sweetness of their name.


Success in prospecting is nothing more than deciding to become that. YOU are an incredible prospector.

You must simply live into that truth.


 MLM Prospecting Tip # 2.

 “Prospect where people are, not where you feel comfortable going. Prospect BEYOND your comfort level to take your business to a NEW level.”

 It is called a PROSPECTING RUT.

It is a rut that many people get in and never leave.

You continue to go and talk with people that you are comfortable with, but yet…

They never come into the business or buy a product.

You even go to the same comfortable places HOPING someone will talk with you, but yet, you never talked with them.

You go to the same stores.

You go to the same bank branch.

You go the same old places….no variation.

NOTE:  Ahem.

There are more prospects in facebook groups than you could imagine.

There are more great prospects in LinkedIn than you can imagine.

What? You do not feel comfortable with that kind of social online prospecting?


There are more prospects in one Networking meeting at the Chamber of Commerce meeting then 10 movies you want to go see.

There are more prospects in a work at home show in your city than you can imagine.

There are more prospects in a mall working there than you can imagine.

 Fish where the whales are, not the minnows.

Prospecting for minnows is easier and makes great wholesale customers, but whales don’t get tossed and lost with every change of the tide.


Leadership is YOU. Success is YOU. Achievement is YOU. You must allow yourself the reality of that to sink in. YOU are already that. You just have to make it REAL in your life. UNLEASH
YOUR Success!

MLM Prospecting Tip # 3

 When Prospecting, don’t just try and recruit your prospects. There is a much more powerful way to do it. Connect them to the amazing Possibilities of your business and connect that possibility to their DREAMS…and let them recruit themselves.”

 I really do not have anything else to say about this nugget.


It really is that simple.

a. Find the Pain or Problem.

 b. Connect that Pain to your solution- your business.

 c. Then make the pain go away in their imagination – working
with you

End of story.

All prospecting is, and will ever be, is connecting the prospects heart to the Hope and Possibility that they CAN have the life they have always dreamed of, and you will help them get it with your Network Marketing products and company.

It is that simple.

End of pain.

There is MORE inside of YOU.
Reach DOWN and pull the Greatness up and then DO what you have been putting
off. SUCCEED wildly with it. Then Let the nay-sayers know they were WRONG!  UNLEASH your Greatness!

MLM Prospecting Tip # 4

Quit Prospecting. Start Elevating. Lift people up first, and they will be more open and more drawn towards you. Encourage, Lift, and Pour Into the prospect all that your business
offers. Let them FEEL the business…not just hear about it.

There is a saying, “Pour it ON!”

I say, “Pour it OUT!”

 AndPour It IN!”

The greatest secret to prospecting is not about numbers or keep talking to people or even “throw it up against the wall and see what sticks” which I abhor that statement.

It is about POURING INTO the Prospect the Hope and Possibility that their life can be what they have always have DREAMED working with you.

Pour in kind words.

Pour in compliments.

Pour in a solution to their pain.

Pour in your Leadership for them to follow.

Pour in your heart and CARE about what they want.

They will move from prospect to friend.

And it s so much easier to recruit a friend than a stranger.

 YOU are able to do ANY and ALL things. YOU just must believe you can. Life is waiting on you….what are YOU waiting for?

These are 4 Powerful MLM Prospecting Tips that will rock your MLM network marketing direct sales home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

FREE mlm mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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MLM Prospecting – 7 More MLM Prospecting Scripts NO ONE will Tell You

mlm recruiting secrets

mlm prospecting scripts

MLM Prospecting Scripts Training.

How do you approach people in your home business recruiting?

What words do you use when you are prospecting for your mlm or for your direct sales team?

Would you like to learn 7 powerful MLM Prospecting Scripts that have proven to WORK when you use them?

I am a big fan of certain types of mlm prospecting scripts, but I believe they must “FEEL” natural, normal, and non-threatening. many scripts out there come across like they are “prepared” and not off the cuff.

The secret to creating a successful prospecting script is to make it more Talking Points, and not just a long script.

Many mlm prospecting scripts are LONG and laborious. You must use Talking Points that are more “sound bytes” that can be used in ANY conversation.

And the other issue is that many scripts sound like they are READ or “agenda driven” whether online prospecting or social prospecting, or offline prospecting.

Here are 7 Powerful MLM Prospecting Scripts that can be used in ANY conversation that you may hold.

1. “If the Right Thing came Along…”

“Jesse- if the right thing came along, and you knew it was right for you– to increase your income-would you want to know about it?”

2. “Would you Turn it Down?”

“And I have an off the wall question. If someone showed you how to make an extra 8,000 this year helping people, would you turn it down?”

3. “The Economy is Impacting Everybody.”

“And I think you would agree that the economy is hammering everybody. What are you planning on doing about it? Are you keeping your options open?”

4. “Increasing Your Income.”

“I have a question. Does increasing your income this year interest / apply to you at all?”

5. “How Important to increase.”

“How important is it to you to increase significantly your income this year?  Why?  Do you have a sec?

6. “Has Anyone Told You?”

“Has anyone told you yet about the ABCD Company? Do you have a second-you need to know.”

7. “You’ll Appreciate.”

“Larry-you will appreciate me telling you this. Do you have a second? Let me share this with you.””

MLM prospecting scripts are used daily, and many are very effective, and some not so effective. These scripts or “Talking Points” are very powerful and need to be ROLE PLAYED.

You need to practice these scripts with someone and perfect them until you have them sounding absolutely a part of any conversation.

If you get these talking Points to that point, they will explode your mlm network marketing recruiting efforts for your home business.

FREE Social media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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MLM Recruiting- 5 Reasons Why Recruiting Audios/Videos Rock Your Business

mlm recruiting video and audio

mlm recruiting video home business


MLM Recruiting Audios and Videos.

Do you use audio and videos to recruit for your home based business?

How do you use them or are you even using them correctly in your network marketing efforts?

Would you like to know WHY you MUST use them in your network marketing business?

Audios and Videos for your mlm home business recruiting are critical. They are as important as the words you use yourself.

What kind of audios and videos can you use?

There are many of them available. There are audio podcasts, CDs, and mp3s that can be used for mlm recruiting. The videos that are available are numerous. Your company should have recruiting videos for you to use, and they should also be on DVD for you to carry with you.

The audio and video are nothing more than TOOLS that can be used for recruiting and building your business in direct sales QUICKLY and Powerfully.

There are many tools that are available to use, but there are really nothing better and more powerful than recruiting audios and videos. They can be used online and offline, and offer a way for you to get your message out in a professional way. They are great branding tools for your business as well.

WHY you use mlm recruiting audios and videos are numerous. Here are 5 HUGE reasons why you MUST use audios and videos.

1. MLM recruiting Audios offer a third party credibility.

Your home business company offers a third party credibility for you in your network marketing endeavors. Your company has put together audios and videos that can be used as a “credibility builder” for you if you are still building your credibility as a leader.

Your company has more credibility with the mlm prospect as the recruiting audio/video is usually done with an “unbiased” approach by someone who tells the story of your company.

2. MLM Recruiting Audios/Videos can say it with a different perspective.

Recruiting videos and audios can offer a totally different perspective, as often they can look like mini television shows and can be quite engaging. The audios often have pumped up music and a voice that is engaging and a story that rocks. 
It is a powerful way to let the prospect HEAR and SEE the story of your company from a third party perspective that can be very powerful.

3. MLM Recruiting Audios/Videos can be in 25 places at once.

MLM recruiting audios and videos allow you to be 25 places at one. They allow you to do a presentation in multiple places AT THE SAME TIME. Look at mlm recruiting audios and videos as “little employees” that can go out and tell your story, and do it in a way that can help recruit prospects – 25 at a time.
These recruiting tools really do help you MULTIPLY your presence and results in amazing ways.
And you can have 25 DIFFERENT presentations being done in one night, or one week, depending on how fast you want to move.

4. Audios are a great duplicable activity.

MLM recruiting audios and videos are very easy to duplicate as far as activity. They are easily learned as far as how to approach people, and often it is a “Push-Play” scenario. Push the listen or watch button and listen to it or watch it PLAY.
These are great for the new distributor as it is EASY to do, and very effective in telling the story of the company, products, and business.
Anyone can hand out or send an audio or video. Thus, it can be learned and done by just about anyone, and then taught to be done as well.

5. MLM Recruiting Audios/Videos move the senses and imagination.

One of the most powerful reasons why videos and audios work in recruiting for your home busness is because it ENGAGES THE IMAGINATION. Videos and audios can PAINT a POWERFUL picture, and do it with music, actors, scripts, and imagination. Often, mlm recruiting audios and videos can evoke the emotion of HOPE and POSSIBILITY that can MOVE the prospect to curiosity.
This will move them to ask questions and want more information. This can move the prospect into the Recruiting Funnel and they can then transform into a customer or distributor.
If you are not using recruiting audios or videos, I would suggest you START. Nothing can build your mlm business faster than mlm network marketing recruiting audio and video tools.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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