MLM Prospecting – 7 More MLM Prospecting Scripts NO ONE will Tell You

mlm recruiting secrets

mlm prospecting scripts

MLM Prospecting Scripts Training.

How do you approach people in your home business recruiting?

What words do you use when you are prospecting for your mlm or for your direct sales team?

Would you like to learn 7 powerful MLM Prospecting Scripts that have proven to WORK when you use them?

I am a big fan of certain types of mlm prospecting scripts, but I believe they must “FEEL” natural, normal, and non-threatening. many scripts out there come across like they are “prepared” and not off the cuff.

The secret to creating a successful prospecting script is to make it more Talking Points, and not just a long script.

Many mlm prospecting scripts are LONG and laborious. You must use Talking Points that are more “sound bytes” that can be used in ANY conversation.

And the other issue is that many scripts sound like they are READ or “agenda driven” whether online prospecting or social prospecting, or offline prospecting.

Here are 7 Powerful MLM Prospecting Scripts that can be used in ANY conversation that you may hold.

1. “If the Right Thing came Along…”

“Jesse- if the right thing came along, and you knew it was right for you– to increase your income-would you want to know about it?”

2. “Would you Turn it Down?”

“And I have an off the wall question. If someone showed you how to make an extra 8,000 this year helping people, would you turn it down?”

3. “The Economy is Impacting Everybody.”

“And I think you would agree that the economy is hammering everybody. What are you planning on doing about it? Are you keeping your options open?”

4. “Increasing Your Income.”

“I have a question. Does increasing your income this year interest / apply to you at all?”

5. “How Important to increase.”

“How important is it to you to increase significantly your income this year?  Why?  Do you have a sec?

6. “Has Anyone Told You?”

“Has anyone told you yet about the ABCD Company? Do you have a second-you need to know.”

7. “You’ll Appreciate.”

“Larry-you will appreciate me telling you this. Do you have a second? Let me share this with you.””

MLM prospecting scripts are used daily, and many are very effective, and some not so effective. These scripts or “Talking Points” are very powerful and need to be ROLE PLAYED.

You need to practice these scripts with someone and perfect them until you have them sounding absolutely a part of any conversation.

If you get these talking Points to that point, they will explode your mlm network marketing recruiting efforts for your home business.

FREE Social media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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