Home Business Training- The ONE Word You NEVER Say

home business silence

home business silence

Home business

has come a long way.

Especially in social media and social networking.

A Home based business is truly a business of communication and interaction. I have seen and experienced much interaction on may of the popular social sites and some not so popular.

I have been observing over the last couple of years words in social media and offline that PULL people into the conversation and others that seem to push them away.

I was on facebook today and saw a thread that one of the people was really pushing her skin care line and the other person was pushing to get away for  her.

Cannot blame a girl for trying to market, but there is a huge difference between a Conversation and a Presentation. She was doing the latter unknowingly.

In a home business conversation you must watch your words that you say in order not to turn the prospect off.

There is ONE word that seems to be conversation poison for some reason. If you own a home business, I would suggest that you learn what it is, and use it rarely. There are many words out there that are used for MLM but this one seems to slow down any forward movement in a lot of the social conversations I have observed as well as the traditional conversations.

What would that word be?

One used quite often by network marketing professionals.

But not SAVVY network marketing professionals.

What is that word?


That is ONE word that turns people off silently…and can be deadly in a conversation. I have seen conversations shut down totally from the use of that word. Did not matter if it was social media or in a home meeting.

It can be a KILLER of a word when it comes to a recruit or sale.

Ok…what word should you use? Fair enough.


I used this word for years and still do when talking to people about training or doing live events. It may not make sense to you, but let me explain.

“You asked me how much the fee is to bring me in? The Value would be <amount> per person.”

“You asked what the Value is to be able to be able to get this weight loss product? It would be 97.00”

“This really will end up costing you nothing. The Value of the product is 147.00 but the way that your skin will appear and feel after a couple of days, you will see that the Value is so much more than that.”

Get them focused ON VALUE.

Not cost.

if you do, you will find that many people that would have turned away, will continue to show interest in your MLM and Home Based business.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011   all rights reserved


MLM – The 5 Most Powerful Parts of Home Business Recruiting

home business recruiting

home business recruiting

Home business

owners for the most part, are very happy people. I have found that over the years, most people that I meet that own a home based business are a lot happier than those that are just in a job.

Nothing wrong with a job at all.

Thank God that jobs exist as they put food on the table and do pay bills.

But Home business owners seem to have a whole different attitude about life and energy for the future. I have had one for 25 years, and think that there is no better way to create a lifestyle. Others may argue, but you cannot dispute the results. And those attitudes and “parts” of a home business are powerful recruiting magnets.

There are 5 powerful “Parts” to a Home business, or I call them parts. They actually are 5 HUGE “Recruiting Tools” that people that own a home business can use in recruiting, and use them to become magnetic. 

What are the 5 parts?

1. Anticipation.

Most home business owners have a more powerful anticipation for their life and future. They seem to have a much stronger expectation that life is going to be better and more fun. And often times, that is exactly what happens. The anticipation “part” is one of the most magnetic parts in recruiting.

“Can you imagine anticipating every day being the best day of your life and tomorrow is going to be better?”

2. Education.

Most people quit learning after their schooling and their personal development has stopped or slowed down dramatically. Home business owners in MLM are on an education path that trains and teaches them to STRETCH themselves. It teaches them newskill sets. It teaches them new ideas. It teaches them new paradigms. And it teaches them new possibilities and hope. Those are very magnetic things for recruiting in network marketing.

What I have learned since I have started my home business is beyond words. I am not the same person and am so much more confident about life.”

3. Restoration.

Many home business owners have had their DREAMS RESTORED. They started dreaming again, and looking forward to life. Home business owners have had their FOCUS restored. They have had their BELIEF restored. They have had their CONFIDENCE restored. And they have had their GREATNESS restored to full power. These are powerful magnets to recruiting in MLM.

“I have got my dreams back and am more excited about helping people then I have ever been. Wow. It feels so good to be excited again.”

4.  Inspiration.

Home business owners have their inspiration restored as they are inspired again to go out and conquer the world. Many people talk motivation motivation motivation. But True Success comes from Inspiration and not just motivation. Motivation can fade. Inspiration is in it for the long haul.

“I am so inspired by the people I have met and really has helped me to see what life really is and can be!”

5. Termination.

Home business owners seems to terminate in their life what is not working. They terminate negative beliefs. They terminate negative thinking. They terminate negative actions. They terminate small focus. They terminate limiting opinions. They terminate restrictive input. And ….they terminate lack and less in their life. Truly a home business can be a terminating experience – in a powerful and profound way.

“I just don’t think the same anymore. I think so much bigger and more powerful and it keeps life exciting and imagine thinking that way all the time! How would that change your life?”

These are the 5 “parts” to a Home business and Success in MLM. Study them and include them in conversations that you hold with people for reasons to engage an MLM network marketing home business!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved


Home Business- The 3 Things You Will Need No One Will Tell You

home business mom

home business mom

A Home business is simple enough to start.

Many folks do everyday and are happy they did and work very hard.

But…then something happens. They start going itno the FUNK ZONE and start questioning if it was a good idea to start their own business. It is all part of the  process of ANY Start up of any kind. But especially Home based businesses.

The reason?

There are 3 things that are critical to your success that most home business owners never even know. That is why I am writing this. I want you to deal in REALITY and understand you need these 3 things to success in network marketing.

Ok…what are those 3 things?

1. A PLAN that WORKS YOU- not you work it.

This is critical.

 It must be a plan that you feel GOOD about and dsoes not overwhelm you or intimidate you. You work the plan that you k now will keep you happily working but STRETCH YOU enough to get the results you need.

2. A Product that says “CONNECTION!”

You MUST be emotionally connected to your product and services. If you are not, you will find this home based business profession is a long road to haul. An emotional connection is powerful and magnetic and draws people towards you.

Most people are NOT connected emotionally to their product….and thus…struggle in marketing it effectively.

3. A Promise that keeps you- you not just not keep it.

Your product and home business must PROMISE something. It must promise Increase, Enlarging, Expansion, Elevation, Changing, Transforming of a life- something that will move the prospect to buy it and join you.

BUT- also it MUST keep YOU as you are so connected and sold on the promise that it becomes part of your language and lifestyle. THAT is what will keep you miving through the hard and tough times.

These 3 things you MUST have for your mlm network marketing business to succeed in home business.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved


MLM – It is NOT about Movement or Motion but EMOTION

mlm people

home business mlm people

Home business mlm business

requires something that is missing in many presentations and efforts:



MOVING PEOPLE – not just hyping them,

A ‘Lot of times, people are BUSY being BUSY and getting little if anything done. They focus on being in MOTION and not being in THE EMOTION that will draw people towards you and create a hope and possibility FEELING for their life.

So often in social media, or even traditional presentations there is a lack of emotion and FEELING.

What happens, as I recently saw on facebook, when there is no Feeling involved, there is a need to pressure of FORCE something to happen.

That is not a good thing and will drive many people away.

If you focus on what YOU GET out of network marketing, and not what the prospect gets, you will come across as pressureful and greedy and will turn your prospect off. I see this quite often online. And people do not even realize they are coming across like that.

I saw this on LinkedIn just last week. The guy was obnoxious and was really pressuring people on a public message to look at his business.

Forcing and demanding people to listen comes across as desperate and a possible  scam.

Lighten up and focus on what you have for the prospect.

On social media, always make it about what the prospect can GET.

“This ebook is FREE…”

“Imagine this happening to you and your family.”

“Dreams are useless if they stay in your mind. How would you like to see them in real life?”

Whether Video or Audio, or just a post, or face to  face, show EMOTION and show VALUE to the prospect in your tweets, posts, and appointments. My favorite emotion phrase I use a lot is this:

“I am so passionate about this,  I am sharing this message with people that I believe will see the extreme help it offers. If you have a second I would like to SHOW YOU SOMETHING that has made an amazing difference to my life…”

Maybe you should consider the same thing in your MLM Home Based Business.

blessings..doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved


Home Business Training- The 4 Phases of Growth for an MLM Team

home business phases

home business phases

Home Business 

Growth has Phases.

Just as the seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter, so goes home based business. There is no secret that there are phases or seasons to any business growth.

Home based businesses are no exception.

Home business growth comes in a step by step, methodical growth.

It is called phases, or seasons.

You may disagree and think differently. But after 25 years in this profession, I can tell you that is the truth.

ALL MLM growth comes from seasons and phases of growth.

That is one of the best kept secrets in Network Marketing…it is a business of phases and growth…

What is a phase?

It is a period of time in your life that you go through and through those times you experience many things…one being growth…

Your MLM organization is no exception….it will go through 4 phases of growth…if you let it…


Most downlines never go through all 4 phases, as they get stuck in one and stay there…


You will stick with it and continue building your group till it reaches the phase you want it to be at…


The Four Growth Periods.

What are the 4 Phases of MLM organizational growth?


This Phase is the first period of time that you and your fledgling downline will go through….and it can be a rough one…

This period of time is where you are new, and really don’t know the business, your skin is not 2 inches thick, you have no prior experience in MLM, and you are on a major learning curve, and you will make mistakes….

This is where you are actually developing your belief and trust in the industry, and many things can shake your focus and belief….





Set Backs.

People telling you NO.

And the list goes on…

You really are fragile in this business, because you have not developed your “Success Muscles” to help you go on in face of adversity…and your group is as well…

This is where a lot of people quit…they never “get it” that you must grow beyond the Fragile Phase to build a business….

They got their feelings hurt constantly by their negative prospects…because they were in the Fragile phase and never grew beyond it….

In the Fragile stage is where most people quit, as they cannot take the Negatives and Disappointments that are innate to MLM and entrepeneurism…but their problem was NOT the negatives…

But their lack of understanding how to take them and what was REALLY happening with that kind of response….


This second phase is where you have grown beyond the Fragile phase, and now your group is starting to grow more solid and be more consistent in Volume and paychecks…

In the Solidifying phase, you start to see some Leaders emerge, and volume becomes solid and steady….as well as paychecks start to get steady and consistent…

When your group moves into this phase, you will know it and sense it as well….your leaders will start to experience success as well as you and it is consistent…and you will see some leaders start to create their own identity in this business…

And you will sense some beginnings of momentum as well….

You will start to see some growth in your group that you had absolutely nothing to do with, and it will continue….

And you will see some new faces starting to show up in your group that you don’t know who they are, or their names….

THAT is when you will FEEL your group starting to Solidify….and that is where the majority of people quit…

80-90% of people who leave this business leave during the first 2 stages….and most leave during the first….

For a HOT Training Resource on Leadership Building: “Unleashing the Leadership in Your Downline” Click here for details.

The Money Phases.


This phase is where the big money starts showing up. You can make a living in the solidifying phase…a nice one…but this phase is where the big checks start showing up, and show up they do…not only for you, but also your leaders as well…

This phase is where you start to have “Layered Leadership” and that simply means you have Leaders in layers in your downline in many legs…and they now start to have Leaders showing up in their group as well….and the numbers in your group now number in the thousands, and many are active Leaders….

The Mature Phase also shows that your leaders have taught and duplicated how to build leaders in their group, and the dynamics of your group here become exciting as “Mature Pockets” start showing up and they no longer need you, as they have “splintered” into their own leadership organization…

This phase, $100,000 a year is commonplace…
And Millionaires to be start showing up….


This is the “WEALTH CREATION” Phase….this phase is where Wealth is created and accumulated and Millionaires roll up in this business….

This phase is where no matter what you do, you cannot mess up your business…and it will continue on in the event of your death…

The Rock Solid Phase is where also you have many Mature “Pockets” of distributors in your group, and now you have Mature Leaders that have big groups and many layers of Leadership…

Many people get close to this phase but never achieve it as they lack the Leadership skills to take it to this level…and many are close to it, but yet don’t understand it is that last 10% effort that most never give that determine the Rock Solid phase.

So those are the 4 phases of Organizational Growth in MLM….

Fragile, Solidifying, Mature, and Rock Solid.

Where do you see your group heading?

The answer to that will determine your future in MLM and Network Marketing…..


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

© 2005-2011 PFI / all rights reserved


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