MLM Training- The ONE Secret to Discovering Your WHY No One Teaches


mlm network marketing why

mlm why for home business


What would happen if you were able to pour “Success Kerosene” on your home business?

Are you wondering what many people never hit their goals in network marketing and give up?

Are you aware that in multi level marketing, that there is ONE thing that needs to happen but rarely does?

Do YOU know WHY you are doing network marketing?

Do YOU know WHY you are putting up with the No’s and the negatives?

Sure, many people say they want this or that for their life. But that is NOT what I am talking about. it does not matter if you are using mlm online recruiting, social media recruiting, or traditional offline. If you do not know the WHY of the matter- the HOW will never work like you want it to.

I have been blessed to coach hundred of people. But yet, at the very beginning, they all answer “yes” when I ask them if they know their WHY. But then when we get into the coaching, they realize they have never gone deep enough to truly discover the REAL WHY and how they tap into it.

That is why I am writing this article. To help you discover your REAL WHY and then get you focused on what I call your :


This is what DRIVES YOU past all the negatives and negative people in any home or small  business.

Your Success Driver is the ONE critical thing in your mlm business that will determine much of what you do in the hard time, and yes, there will be some in network marketing. But the WHY is what is BEHIND the Success Driver.

Your WHY is the Force or Power behind what is Driving your Success and You to achieve your dreams. And most people do not reach their goals or achieve what they want in network marketing, because they do not have the WHY Power behind their efforts nor their focus.

Ok, then how do you find your REAL WHY in doing this business?


it is understanding what WHY stands for in simple terms.

WHY = What Has You.

Or.. What Has Your (heart)

There is a certain something that has your heart that DRIVES you to perform. And my WHY was my daughter, “Binky,” as I call her. She was THE Reason I made the calls when I did not want to, I made the appointments when I did not feel like going, and do the presentations when I was bored stiff doing them. I kept her picture for years on my telephone and when I did not feeel like working, I looked at her picture and knew I could not let her down.

She has been the reason I have worked like a dog for the last 20 some years in this great profession – to give her something that she can give for generations to come: Security and wealth. So MY why actually is FAMILY and FAMILY Security for Generations to come. That got me out of bed in the morning and still does. as well as Jodi my beloved bride- LOL. She works as hard as I do and we both work well together.

What Has You?

What do you get EMOTIONAL about?

What are you PASSIONATE about?

What do you DREAM About?

What MOVES YOU when you think about it?

What EXCITES you to think about becoming it?

What do you VALUE more than anything?

What ONE THING do you want your home business to ADD to your life that is not there now?

What is IMPORTANT to you more than anything in your life?

Within these questions, you will find the reason and WHY of why you are doing this business, and KEEP DOING this business, no matter what.

If you know the WHY- the HOW will find a way to Drive Success in your life like a bulldozer and tsunami combined and that alone will explode your mlm home business!

Build a HUGE List – over your PHONE? HOW?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

FREE ebook- Over 50 Social Media Recruiting Secrets by a # 1 Corporate Recruiter!

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Home Business Training- The 7 Most Powerful Words You Can Say


home business work at home

home business mlm butler

This is going to be a very short but powerful post.

In any home business, you want to create RESULTS.

I have had the great blessing of having a couple of mentors that have been in valuable.

One of the most powerful lessons I learned from an 8 Billion Dollar Producer- are 7 words.

These words have proven over and over to be magnetic in recruiting, team building, as well as life.

They are powerful on social media sites, skype calls, mobile conversations, face to face, and with online marketing.

What are they?

“How Can I Help Serve Your Dream?”

Simple and to the point for an mlm business.

And if you are in network marketing, they work amazingly well in leading your team.

Use them. They will transform your mlm network marketing home business.

Linkedin Recruiting Training that WORKS? Read this.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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Home Business MLM- Happy LABOR Day and It’s 5 Success Secrets

home business labor day mlm

home business mlm labor day


Happy Labor day 2011 folks! 

We at DFTI wish you and your family and home based business a great day and hope your weekend was awesome. If you think about it, LABOR day is a powerful day. It stresses the amazing 5 secrets of success for your mlm home business.

Now…you may be thinking that I am out of my mind.

Well, my wife Jodi may agree with you, but hear me out. We all LABOR online as well as offline to build a business of some sort. We all labor diligently daily. Because of that, i want to give you what I call “The 5 LABOR Secrets of a Home Business” in celebration for labor Day!

What are those LABOR Success Secrets? We will take the word “LABOR” and use it as an acronym.

1. L stands for LEAD.

If you are laboring on any business, you must TAKE THE LEAD and WAIT ON NOTHING. That is what WON stands for- Wait On Nothing. And if you DO that, you will find your business growing at a much faster pace and you have won the race.

Taking the Lead is not waiting to be told what to do. You just go out and do it. As Nike says, “Just Do IT!” And that is a secret that all successful people know. Take the lead and KEEP IT. Make something happen in a powerful way and then continue to make something happen.

If you take the Lead- the Lead will take you higher and farther than you could ever imagine.

2. A stands for ASCEND.

If you are laboring with your business, then you must Ascend and RISE ABOVE the mediocrity in your thinking and in your expectations. You should have LOFTY goals that STRETCH YOU and GROW you in your home business. Many folks stay on the same level in their thinking and their actions. You need to Ascend higher and go BEYOND what you believe you can do in network marketing.

There is nothing like the thrill of the realization of when it hits you- you did the impossible. or what you THOUGHT was impossible. The thrill of that is beyond words and will Ascend your thinking higher to a place that it will stay. No one will be able to talk you out of your business.

You have risen above their negative words.

3. B stands for BLUEPRINT.

This is critical for any and all success. You need a Blueprint- a PLAN- a Daily Method of Operation that you will take action on day after day. But not just any action. It must be action that will produce the results that you need to start and grow in business.

Do you have a daily Blueprint of your business? What does it lead you to? Is it concise and powerful? Does it have a form of accountability? Does it motivate you to do the actions daily?

Your PLAN must be leading you towards Success. Does yours?

4. O stands for OPEN.

Are you OPEN for business 24/7? Or are you focused more on certain hours? I would suggest being open 24/7 by automating a LOT of what you do with software. Many people today -with a home business and even a traditional business-use software. This is a powerful way for your doors to be OPEN 24/7.

There are many night owls in the US and around the world that software can connect with- while you sleep! Being open 24/7 is a great way to keep leads coming in as well. There are many forms of software, and many types out there to choose from. Whether you choose a “funnel marketing” software, or a social marketing software, or a lead generating software, make sure you let it keep your doors open 24/7.

5, R stands for RELENTLESS.

I LOVE that word. It is such a powerful and moving word. And that has to be at the CORE of your LABOR in your mlm home business. You must be relentless in ALL you do, and refuse any other option except AOMS!  (All Out Massive Success)  Be unrelenting in your thinking, your focus, your actions, your belief, your expectations, and your taking the lead. It is amazing the power that will come form your business with that kind of Labor activity.

Hope this has helped you and Jodi and I want to wish everyone a happy Labor Day 2011 and God’s blessings upon your life, and your mlm home based business!

How can you acquire 100 leads a day and recruit one a week MINIMUM?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

This you GOTTA SEE! Social Recruiting Secrets from a #1 Corporate Recruiter!

Home Business Training- How to CRUSH IT DAILY in Your MLM Business

mlm home business success

MLM Home Business Home run


There is a reality in MLM home business that most people miss. I did for years.

But sometimes you learn some things that open your eyes to things that really make a difference.

If you are really struggling in your business, I would suggest that you take the next saying to heart in your home business. I believe it will help you and your endeavors.

If you want a HOME RUN OUT OF THE PARK CRUSHING SUCCESS….here is a Truth:

“Wishing upon a star for Success will never get you or your business in orbit. There is no Success fairy as promoted by the Tooth fairy. It is UP TO YOU to move from Wishing to CRUSHING this business with RELENTLESS I WILL NOT BE DENIED GET OUT OUT OF MY WAY I AM HEADED STRAIGHT TO THE TOP I AM DESTINED TO BE A STAR NON-STOP Action.”

Many people today wish things would be better.

They wish that their life would get better.

They wish their home based business would grow.

They wish that their income would increase.

Nothing wrong with that.

But WISHING something to happen?

With Wishing….You may as well go fishing.

WISH = Woefully Impotent Success Hope.

You need to change from Wishing something to DOING something— and then SUCCEEDING.

Succes in MLM s is a by product of ACTION that is taken to create a Result that you want. You have EVERYTHING you need on the inside of you – to Succeed massively with your home business.

But you need to quit Wishing and start CRUSHING this business with a powerful Decision and Consistent Daily Action with your daily plan and Success Blueprint.

You are going to CRUSH this business!

CRUSH = Consistent Results Unleashing Success Hourly!

 Now THAT is way better than WISHING upon a star. Start CRUSHING your way to BECOMING a STAR in your company. All it takes is RELENTLESS action and DOING the RIGHT THINGS everyday to elevate your MLM home business.

How do YOU create leads in Social Media? READ THIS.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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MLM Training -The 3 Best Traits for a Powerful Prospect

mlm home business prospecting

mlm prospecting 3 traits


You may agree that MLM is a wonderful profession if you own a home based business. No doubt. And just like any other business model, there must be FRESH MLM business leads coming in everyday.

Most retail stores advertise in the newspaper and radio.


Because they want to get new eyes and dollars to spend in their stores. NEW potential business is critical for a store to survive.

It is the same with MLM and network marketing.

Your home business needs MLM LEADS.

And it needs lots of them. There are numerous ways to generate leads for your home based business. But the problem is- many are NOT the right kind of prospect. The lead lacks the 3 traits that must be there to really be a good prospect.

If you are using an online leads program, or gathering leads the more traditional ways, you must find those leads and prospects that MATCH the 3 critical traits that a good MLM prospect needs.

What are these three traits:


If your prospect is not dissatisfied about something about their life, then the odds are, they are not going to move into your business. Yes, they may be wanting more out of life, and more income, but it is the dissatisfaction  that CATALYZES the actions that compel them to join you in your home business.

Dissatisfaction is connected to their REASON for doing something different. Everyone has their reasons for doing something and they vary. The stronger the reason, the more powerful the dissatisfaction can be.

A good MLM home business prospect needs to have what i call “the itch for change” and be willing to scratch it. They may want to change their income, job, lifestyle, and more. But the dissatisfaction must be STRONG and something that MOVES THE MLM PROSPECT towards you to enroll.


If the timing is wrong for an mlm prospect, then they will not move. They may have the skills, the dissatisfaction, the leadership, and the desire to do something, But if they do not have TIMING on their side, they will not move.

There are many reasons why a person has bad timing in their life. It could be children’s needs, marriage, divorce, psychologically bad timing, emotionally bad timing, or even professionally bad timing. But if timing is not good, then odds are they will not enroll with you.

How can you tell if it is bad timing?

 Ask them.

They will let you know and know quickly. Also, just notice what is happening around and in their life. many times you can see clues to timing.


The home business mlm prospect MUST have a daring to act if they are going to move. There are many prospects in the world that are totally dissatisfied, and timing is good in their life but they lack the DARE to act.

They may be listenting to family and friends, and being influenced by unmotivated people. They may have grown up in a family that taught them the more traditional path of life. They may simply be fearful of failure and that is killing their taking action and daring.

If that is the case, then ask for referrals and move on.

The mlm prospect MUST have these three critical traits to be a GOOD and VALID prospect for your business. If they lack these, then GET THEM AS A CUSTOMER.

Check your mlm prospect on these three traits and that will lead you what to do with your home business mlm prospect.

Find Endless Prospects easily for your home business. How? read this.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

101 Prospecting tips? That No One will tell you?

MLM Blitz Training-How to Instantly Relate to Your Prospects 3

MLM Home business network marketing training on how to instantly relate to your prospects easily.

This will help you relate to your prospects in a way that will draw them towards you.

How do you create a prospecting avalanche?

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Social media secrets to recruiting? Click here for training


MLM Blitz Training Video-How to Instantly Relate to Your Prospects-Part 2

MLM Home business training for network marketing on How to Instantly Relate to your Prospect when prospecting. This will help you in your home business and mlm recruiting.

Discover the Secrets of FREE Endless leads that produced Billions in Volume!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Home Business Training-Who is YOUR Decision of Influencer?

home business influence

home business influence

You may not know it, but MLM and Network Marketing have a certain power to direct YOUR life as well as others. Influence can come from many directions for a home business.

BUT….It can be a GOOD influence or a BAD influence.

It depends on who you are listening to, as well as what you are saying to YOURSELF.

People in general I believe want you to succeed, but some will not. You must understand that you have what I call “The Decision of the Influencer” to make. You must decide WHO is going to have  more influence over the Success of your business. It will determine EVERYTHING.

But we will get to that in a minute.

Influence from the wrong place can be a killer for your MLM business. You work at home business could suffer dramatically in it’s results and it’s momentum. But that is something that you have to step back and take a look at.

But here is something else for you to consider as well. Here is a quote I put out a while back that talks about the “Decision of the Influencer.”

“The Power you have INSIDE OF YOU influencing your Success, is far beyond any and all power OUTSIDE OF YOU – influencing your failure.”

It is called “The Influencer.”  We all have them. But the biggest one is INSIDE of you. The Power you have inside is THE influencer in many respects to your success in your home based business.

What “powers?”

The Power of your Thinking.

The Power of your Decisions.

The Power of your Actions.

The Power of your Vision.

The Power of your Determination.

The Power of your Emotions.

The Power of your Faith.

It ALL works together to form an UNDENIABLE Power of Success that you can live in, walk in, breathe in, stay in and Succeed in on a daily basis. YOU were BUILT for Success, and are HEADED TO Success. You must accept that fact.

And every Prospect will be drawn towards it LIKE A MAGNET! when you make that Decision of the Influencer, people will RESPOND TO YOU more positively. They will FEEL something different from you and like it. It is the Power that is radiating from you.

But that will happen ONLY:

IF the right Influencer is influencing you along the way. There is SO MUCH MORE inside of you that you can give to your destiny and Success. It is someone that you may have forgotten about, or never knew was there. But it is a power for undeniable Success in network marketing.

It is called the Power of the BIG YOU.

There is a small little you on the inside, and a BIG YOU. You must decide which one will run your life and build your home Business. The Big You is waiting for you to step back and say:

“I am bigger than any negatives, nay sayers, any NO I get, any doubter, any assumer, any slacker, any discourager, and any loser that will come against me and try to stop me.”

So the question is, WHO are YOU going to listen to and focus on their advice and influence?

There is ONLY one answer if you are to Succeed- the BIG YOU and all the Power that it brings to this world and to your MLM home business Success.

Want to Learn how to Multiply Your Leaders in your Group? Click here

 blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Endless Leads is a Result of Something. Click here to find out.

Home Business MLM- Take Your Place of GREATNESS NOW

home business greatness

home business mlm greatness

In your MLM home business, there is a place that you need to move to and it is waiting for you and your home based business. This place is where the players in network marketing live and stay. it is a place that millionaires are birthed and nutured. It is a place that can only come from experience and wisdom.

And it is a place that is the Place of ELEVATION for life and your home business. It is a TRIPLE THREAT.

It is called the Place of Success, Leadership and GREATNESS.

And it is time to TAKE YOUR PLACE and let the world know that you are ON THE MOVE and on the way with your home business. Success waits on NO ONE. It continues to MOVE seeking the ones that are READY and able to engage it in their life.

Are YOU READY for that place?

I hope so as your business will explode if you are. People are PULLED towards leaders that are in that place. It is a Magnetism unlike any other. It has a suction power that pulls people towards you because they sense something GREAT is about to happen. They want to be a part of it and possibly join it.

People are looking for someone on THAT PLACE to follow and help them get there. THAT is what WE DO. That is WHO WE ARE. We help people UP and beyond what is stopping them so they can enter into THAT PLACE of Greatness.

Take your place on your team and let your upline know that there is a NEW place holder on the team and it is getting ready to IGNITE and ROCK their world.

Take your place in the corporate webinars and conference calls and BE VISIBLE. This is a critical piece to your Success and all Leaders are visible to their team as well as their upline and corporate.

Take your place in the top producer category in your company. It is waiting for you.

There is NO ONE and NO THING that can stop you from this. This place is waiting on you, and waiting on your Power to connect to it.

TAKE YOUR PLACE….in your mind and heart.

Get rid of all the negative thoughts of others you have bought into, and the naysayers poisonous rants. In your mind, TAKE YOUR PLACE of Brilliance as you are a Superstar…as that is what is WAITING ON YOU.

NO ONE else on earth has that place of Success that belongs to YOU.

Step UP and Step OUT and take your business more seriously and more powerfully. This is a life changing business and profession.


Step INTO who you REALLY ARE and leave the weak, the tired, the complainers, the victims,  the excuse makers behind. TAKE YOUR PLACE of Power and Position with the Leaders in this amazing profession.

And notice it says “TAKE” not ask for.

It BELONGS TO YOU and is WAITING on your Action and Decision.


It’s time you were in that Place of Success, Power, Leadership, and Passion.

Your Place….is waiting on your Greatness to be UNLEASHED in your life, network marketing and work at home home based business.

ELEVATE your GREATNESS with this ONE Teaching!

 blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

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Home Business MLM-One Word Can UP Your Image Dramatically?