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MLM Handling Objections Tips.
Do you ever get objections in your home based business when you are working?
Have you ever been stumped with an objection in your network marketing efforts?
How did you handle it?
Many people do NOT like to talk about objections as they simply are something that people fear, but yet do not know what to do. And of course people do not like to talk about what makes them uncomfortable.
But unless you GET COMFORTABLE with objections, then you probably will not like to even acknowledge they exist. (smile) But I believe that you MUST be able to handle what stops most people in network marketing and mlm.
Here is a secret: if you can master objections, you have mastered the hardest part of this business.
So…Let’s talk about Objections.
Objections are simply smoke and mirrors with most people. They are ways that people have learned to respond from people they know and like. They have been “programmed” to respond in a particular fashion without even thinking. They are words that they have heard over and over and learned to respond in that fashion to ideas and concepts they are not familiar with.
When it comes to objections, many people make 2 very big mistakes:
1) They argue with the prospect. (This will get you NOWHERE.)
2) They make the prospect resistant towards talking further by trying to overcome the objection. Dumb.
When someone starts disagreeing with you- that is normal. It happens almost daily in normal conversation in life. Here, I will prove it:
Dinner. Have you ever suggested a place to eat and someone said they did not like that restaurant or food? Did you quit eating after that?
Movies. Have you ever wanted to see a movie but your date wanted to see something else? Did you give up movies after that?
Store. Has anyone ever wanted to go to a particular store but someone wanted some other store because they liked their selection better? Did you give up shopping?
Of course not.
IN ALL 3 cases, their were objections, but yet we just took them in stride and moved on with our life.
You got to admit, it happens everyday. It can happen in every other conversation and people are going to disagree with you with some TOUGH objections dealing with life. But yet, we don’t give up. We get up the next day and face some form of objections again.
That is what we need to do with business objections from people- what we do with every other objection in life we get.
Here is a HUGE Objections Tip: When someone disagrees with you – Make them glad they brought the objection up. Make them feel good about your response. Make them feel like that it was ok to disagree with you. THANK THEM for their objection.
Yes- you read that right.
Because you are taking back the power in the conversation and neutralizing the power in the objection.
Here is what you say and even turning an objection into a referral:
“I want to thank you for bringing that up. That really shows me that you have been thinking and I appreciate that kind of thought process.”
“I think you would agree that decisions are tough to make without all the correct info-right?”
“This very well may not be for you-but I would encourage you to listen only for a couple of minutes- and after that…
“If it is not, then I will thank you for your time. But you still may be able to help me. You know who I am looking for, and maybe you can point me in the right direction as far as someone you know. Would that be ok?”
This is known as “setting up a referral” from an objection. Works really well and works most of the time!
Learn how to set up a referral from an objection and watch your recruiting explode in your mlm network marketing home business.
FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”-over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane Hochman
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2013 all rights reserved
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