MLM Network Marketing Training Tapping into the MLM Success Power of your Upline
by Doug Firebaugh
What is an upline in MLM and Network Marketing?
It is the “Line of folks above you” that are there to help you in your quest for MLM success. They all have the opportunity to make some money off of your network marketing efforts, and you need to know who they are, and what they have accomplished.
They are your SUPPORT TEAM as they have a vested interest in your MLM Success in Network Marketing. Use them for your Success and theirs as well.
What you need to do, is send each of them an email. Contact your sponsor and get their emails and telephone numbers and send them a letter introducing yourself.
The Power of Your Upline.
They can help you, train you, give you their insight from their mistakes, and generally help you with their experience for network marketing success.
There are some questions that I recommend asking your upline:
“What help create the success you have in your group?”
“What is the most important thing I can do right now to get my business started and why?”
“If you were me, what conference calls do I need to be on?”
“What made you decide to join our company and why?”
“What is the way that you keep motivated?”
“What one success secret is there to this business that has helped you the most?”
“How can I help be a part of the team and contribute?”
“Can I volunteer to do things and when?”
“What drives you to succeed?”
“What is the ONE Secret to Success in Network Marketing?”
These are the type of questions that an upline will appreciate..but understand:
The more VISIBLE you are to your upline, the more help and assistance you will probably get.
Make yourself known with your actions, help, and interest in what is going on with the company and team…PLUS get some quick Results.
BECOME A LEADER from the start. Don’t wait on people to call on you, or your mlm upline to recognize you.
BE PROACTIVE. And them some more. Let your upline know there is a Network Marketing WINNER and LEADER in the making in their downline. SHOW THEM you are a diamond in the rough!
Make a list of all your upline that gets paid on you and make it a priority to stay in touch and use them for building your business.
Yes, I know.
There are some uplines that have an Over-inflated Sense of Self Importance. (sigh.)
If you don’t get a response from them, understand that they have “Celebrityitis” and ignore them. They have their heads up their egos and cannot really help you.
Make a decision today that you WILL BECOME A LEADER, and will be part of the MLM Leadership Team.
NOTHING gets the attention of your upline and the company like NEW VOLUME!
Become known for your RESULTS! THAT is a HUGE secret.
RESULTS RULE. Period. With your upline and mlm company.
Also ask your upline what books they are reading and what tapes they are listening to. Study this business like a business, and keep learning.
There are some folks out there that think that they have all the answers, and if it didn’t come from them or the company, it cannot be any good.
That is a valid point to some degree as you must protect the culture of the company, and your upline should be careful of training that doesn’t stay on the company message and vision.
But a lot of the training out there is really good, and I personally have learned a lot from the trainers in the Network Marketing industry.
In PassionFire, we have a list of the top sites whose training ROCKS!
Look them up and visit their sites.
Get to know your upline, and let them know who you are.
BECOME VERY VISIBLE…and as your mlm success grows you will be glad you did for your MLM and Network Marketing business!
doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl
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