MLM Leadership – The ONE SECRET to Powerful Magnetic Leadership

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MLM Leadership Training.

What is Leadership to you in your home business?

What is the most important part of Leadership and network marketing?

What is the least important part of Leadership in mlm?

Leadership often is talked about and bantered about, but many folks do not understand the essence of Leadership. Leadership is the focus of Team Building. Team Building is one of the most critical actions that you take in order to build a long lasting business.

Leadership is often the focus of trainings in the home business profession, but the essence of the training is more motivational than educational. There is a huge difference between training leaders and powerful Leadership Training.

They are NOT the same thing. If you understand that you can train leaders, but not give them Leadership Training, then you will have discovered the errors often given to Leaders in weekend trainings.

Understanding the essence of Leadership is critical but also the power of defining Leadership. If you were to define Leadership, how would you define it? Many people define Leadership in network marketing as directing and guiding a team. That is true, but there is a more focused definition that you can use that is applicable to what our profession is about.

If there was only one word to define Leadership in ACTION, this would be it.

Put simply, leaders are creators — they create something where there was nothing before.

They crystallize the future into a tapestry woven with the threads of dreams, belief, and action.

Leaders create magnetic direction, powerful influence, hope, possibility, and environments for growth that grow teams as well as leaders.. Leaders have the extraordinary ability to see the invisible — the art of vision. Seeing the Invisible in the mind and knowing it can be created is part of the mystique of powerful Leaders.

They take a thought, and by sharing it with others and asking their help, bring it into existence. They create compelling visions that people can believe in — in Network Marketing, it’s often that most important of beliefs which can change our lives for the better.

Do YOU have a Vision for your team and Leadership?

Change is a sister word to Create. Leaders are change agents — they create positive change in people’s lives. They know that change must occur to increase or expand anything. Change creates new directions and perspectives which are what Network Marketing is all about.

Are you starting to see that Network Marketing and leadership are blended so tightly, it’s tough to tell them apart sometimes? Leaders don’t just accept change, they embrace it for themselves and make it part of their message. The power of their approach is in the choice to embrace rather than accept.

Leaders embrace the change that is needed and act upon it immediately in their mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets” -over 25 secrets – with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

How to Start  Conversation with strangers Scripts

5 Reasons Why You Must start a Home Business

MLM Training – What is at the CORE of Powerful Leadership and Team Building?

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mlm network marketing leadership

MLM Leadership Tips.

What part of Leadership plays into your network marketing home business?

How do you lead your work at home team?

What really is Leadership in your mlm business? Better yet, let’ ask a MILLION Dollar Question:

What Exactly IS this Thing Called Leadership?

Ok. Let’s start by asking this question for us to answer:

What IS Leadership?  It has been said that Leadership is influence. It is said that Leadership is persuasion. It has been said that Leadership is Vision plus Action. The definitions that are out there are many.

But in Network Marketing, there is one definition of Leadership that MUST be used and
embraced. This definition is truly at THE VERY NUCLEAR CORE of Leadership for
our profession. (We will cover a more technical definition in a bit.) What is
that CORE definition?

Leadership is a MOBILIZING ENERGY.

Read that again.

 Leadership is an Energy at the VERY CORE of a Leader that catalyzes people to achieve Successful outcomes they did not think they could ever achieve.

 It is a FORCE that radiates from them. It is a passion that burns inside of them. It is
a DRIVE that pushes the Leader to move forward. It is a VISION that no one else
sees that the Leader MUST move towards and accomplish. It is a MAGNETIC EMOTION that PULLS PEOPLE towards you. It is going to the very top of the mountain and taking a whole lot of people with you.

Leaders MOVE people.

They move people through the Power that is inside of the Leader and gets their team and
even customers to accomplish what they normally would not or even attempt.

 Leadership is about moving people towards something much bigger then what average people dream in life, so your people can live their dream throughout their life.

That is more of an “Inspiring” definition of Leadership. Now in order to have a more
rounded and well versed understanding of Leadership and what it is, let’s get to a more “technical definition” of Leadership. This will help you understand the Tactics of Leadership when we cover them.

Leadership is a set of skills, strategies, attitudes, and beliefs that we engage consistently, daily, and fervently for everyone’s benefit.

To define it specifically for Network Marketing:

Leadership in Network Marketing is boldly taking on the responsibilities and commitments of creating an empowering environment and a path to success that people willingly follow.

This is a powerful observation of Leadership for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download – “2013 Recruiting secrets” – over 25 secrets- with Doug and diane Hochman

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

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How to Start a Conversation with a Stranger Scripts

MLM Training – Looking through the Lens of Leadership Mastery

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mlm network marketing leadership

MLM Leadership Mastery.

Do you practice leadership daily in your home business?

Are you a Leader all day or only part of the time in your network marketing business?

Do you KNOW about the secrets to Leadership and the Lens of leadership?

What is the Lens of Leadership?

It is like putting on a pair of sun glasses.

But a very special pair that helps you see what Leaders envision and what Leadership requires for this business.

Leaders see things DIFFERENTLY.

These glasses shift and transform your Vision to see as a Leader DOES in order to accomplish what a Leader MUST. This is critical. And we are going to help you develop these lenses so you can work your business through the eyes of a Leader, not just a distributor.

 These Leadership glasses could even be considered a form of a “filter” that filters out what the average see and forces you to see what the Extraordinary see. They are very powerful lenses and you must learn to build your business and life looking through them.


Leadership in Network Marketing is the MASTER skill.

Everything rises and falls on Leadership. This includes your volume, numbers on your team, a well as your paycheck. Leadership is THE determining factor in your success in this business. Everything revolves around Leadership and as we move forward you will begin to see that this is true.

Million Dollar Secret:  Your paycheck is nothing more than a reflection of your Leadership.

 If you do not like your paycheck, then do something about your Leadership as that is what is causing it to be what it is.

You MUST have a well defined and comprehensive understanding of what Leadership IS and what it is NOT.

We are going to be covering in the next few posts the secrets to Leadership and Team Building. But it will do NO good if you are not well versed in the knowledge as well as Power
of Leadership and have a total connection of what TRUE Leadership is.

YOUR understanding of Leadership will determine the scope and power within your Lens
of Leadership.  What you VIEW FOR your business, you will DO IN your business.

Otherwise, your VIEW will determine your DO.

What you SEE your business will BE.

 GO HUGE in the View of what’s Possible. Go HUGE in the View of Success. Do NOT limit
yourself to what YOU think is possible, but what you and YOUR TEAM can DO to elevate all possibilities together.

You MUST get your Vision as well as Sight in total focus as a Leader sees. And that is
why we are going to go over the foundational aspects of Network Marketing Leadership so the rest of these posts make perfect sense to you for your mlm  network marketing home business. 

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets! with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

The Secret Success Power of becoming Unreasonable

How to start a Conversation with a Stranger Scripts

MLM Leadership- 6 Traits that All Powerful Team Leaders Have in Common

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mlm network marketing leadership

MLM Training on Leadership.

Are YOU a leader in the home business profession or like to consider yourself one?

Are you looking to become a BETTER Leader in your network marketing business?

How would you like some mlm leadership tips that will rock your Success as a leader?

Here is an article from Smartbriefs that I really like and know that you will enjoy it as I did. It was found in Forbes Magazine (written by Scott Edinger) as a training article for leaders.

here is the post from Forbes:


In my previous Harvard Business Review blog I have written about marketing leadership being the toughest of the functional leadership roles. No other position demands such a disparate set of competencies, ranging from financial management and forecasting, to inspiring and motivating a geographically dispersed team.

In my blog about the keys to marketing leadership, I noted that visionary leadership is particularly important in the sales and marketing  function. While working with sales and marketing  leaders over the last two decades, I have found six areas of strength in the best of them:

1. Driving for results is the top priority.

Nearly every sales and marketing leader I have had the opportunity to work with has had a relentless focus on achieving “the number.” That is, the revenue number for their team or organization. A vital component of the vision for a sales organization is the achievement of the top (and often, bottom) line growth objective.

2. Coaching and developing others is the cultural norm.

These leaders posses a clear perspective on the importance of onboarding and inculcating new members of the team, as well as developing their existing talent. This vision includes a recognition that sales and marketing is one of the few disciplines in which professionals gain the majority of their knowledge and experience from peers and managers. There are few college degrees in sales.

3. Strategy is the name of the game.

A strategy comes to life during the interaction between an organization and its clients. Most often, this happens with the sales and marketing organization in the acquisition and management of clients. As a result, the actions of everyone in the marketing organization need to be carefully aligned to support that strategy. And the vision for the sales organization must express that strategy clearly.

4. Working as a team makes the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

I have seen few selling efforts succeed on the hard work of a sales and marketing professional alone (though in fairness I have seen some.) More often than not there is a team of support professionals from marketing, product development, and service that have helped to make for a successful client experience. Sales professionals are frequently in a position of leading that team, which requires cross-functional collaboration to be a part of that vision.

5. Motivating to action is the objective.

A sales and marketing leader’s vision ought to inspire and create confidence in order to achieve the organizational goals. By its nature a powerful vision expresses a hopeful future about what your organization will be. That envisioned future state ought to provide a level of excitement about where you are headed and inspire people to carry out the actions required to achieve it. Further, as a sales leader, you are the message, so your behaviors must show that you are the exemplar of these characteristics.

6. Effective communication is the foundation.

A terrific vision for a sales and marketing leader that is not well-communicated will lie fallow. This is more than just eloquent speaking ability – it has everything to do with conveying value. Not just talking about a vision, but also listening, and asking questions that provoke interest and uncover needs.

Visionary leadership is frequently discussed in theoretical or fuzzy terms. When sales teams in particular look to their leaders, they expect vision in practical, sometimes even tactical terms. They want that vision to be clear and unequivocal, and to be guided by that vision. Using these guidelines to help you craft a vision for your sales organization or team, you can create a pithy and concise vision that compels them to action.

This is an article from smartbriefs on marketing leadership for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”-ove 25 secrets! by Doug and Diane hohcman!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

How to Send a Magnetic Invitation for your MLM In Home Meeting

The 4 Styles of Communication in MLM Recruiting

MLM Training- 10 MLM Leadership Resolutions for 2013 Success

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mlm network marketing leadership

MLM Leadership New Years resolutions..

Have you come up with your new years resolutions yet for your home based business?

Are you planning on changing things in 2013 for your work at home network marketing efforts?

Are you locked and loaded for 2013 for your mlm leadership?

leadership in 2013 will be a critical factor in your success and team building. All of us get that. But what about YOUR leadership changes and growth? Are you planning on increasing your leadership or working with your team?

Here is an article from Smartbriefs training letter about 10 Leadership New years resolutions with a few additions. I believe that it will help you and your leadership in 2013.

Here is the home business leadership article:


10 Leadership New Years Resolutions for Home Business teams.

Having trouble coming up with a good New Year’s leadership resolution?

Here’s a list of 10 to pick from. These are things that leaders know they should do but often don’t.

Don’t overdo it — just pick one and commit to it.

Feel free to submit your own in the comments section — there’s nothing like a public declaration to hold yourself accountable.

For 2013, I’m going to:

1. Develop a Mission Statement for my team or organization.

The “charter” will include our purpose (or mission), our vision, our values, long-term (two to three years) goals, objectives, and action plans. I’ll involve my team in the development of the charter, make sure it’s communicated clearly and consistently, and follow up on a regular basis to track progress, revise, and celebrate achievements.

2. Reach out to someone who helped me become the leader I am today.

I’ll write a letter, sens an email, or better yet, maybe even pay a visit, and let them know specifically what they did and why it was so important for me and thank them for their mentoring and caring about my destiny.

3. Schedule and hold regular one-on-ones with each of my team leaders.

We’ll use that time to discuss concerns, opportunities, progress on goals and development; celebrate achievements; or just touch base on what’s going on in our busy lives. If I have a conflict, I won’t cancel the leaders’ meeting — instead I’ll reschedule it.

4. Decide what’s important to me as a leader — what I stand for and why.

I’ll share this with others and consistently act in a way that demonstrates these values and beliefs. This will become my Leadership GPS and my driving force in my life.

5. Be more accountable.

I’ll admit my mistakes, fix them, learn from them, and stop pointing fingers or placing blame. it’s MY team and MY responsibility as a leader.

6. Improve my presentation skills and the way I communicate.

I’ll take a course, join Toastmasters, hire a coach, practice, and get feedback from others. I will read books, listen to the Home Business Radio Network, watch leadership videos, and more.

7. Listen more and better.

I’m going to seek to understand the other person’s point of view and emotions and force myself not to evaluate, judge, or offer my own point of view until I am sure I have understood theirs.

8. Get feedback on my leadership skills.

I’ll take a multi-rater assessment or figure out some other ways to get an accurate assessment as to how I am perceived by others. I will ask my upline to assess as well and other leaders that I respect.

9. Mentor someone.

I’ll make myself available to help someone else become even better than me. If not someone I know in my team, I’ll volunteer my time to an organization or charity.

10. Be more innovative.

I’m going to look for possibilities and ask “why not” and “what if.” I’ll take a course or read a book on what it takes to be an innovative leader, and pick two or three things to implement and practice.

Dan McCarthy is the director of Executive Development Programs at the University of New Hampshire. He writes the award-winning leadership-development blog Great Leadership and is consistently ranked as one of the top digital influencers in leadership and talent management. He’s a regular contributor to SmartBlog on Leadership.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets-with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

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The Psychology of Recruiting Small Business owners in 2013

How to Follow Up and Start the MLM Closing process

MLM Training- The Power of Leadership vs. Motiivation for Your Team?

mlm leadership home business

mlm home business network marketing

MLM Leadership Motivation Training.

Do you know the difference between Motivation and Leadership in your home based business?

How do you motivate your people in your network marketing team?

Do you motivate through Leadership in your mlm?

Many leaders today can get Leadership and Motivation confused, or at least not clear. This is a powerful post from Smartbriefs that I believe will help you in your home business efforts.

PLEASE — like.retweet/plus+/pin/share with your team!


The Difference between Leadership and Motication.

Here’s something that might surprise you:

The best leaders do not attempt to motivate their employees, athletes, students or children.

In fact, those people in leadership positions who try to light fires for others tend to not keep their jobs for long. It may be different with teams that are part of a Success Culture as say, direct selling, but it still can apply. However, those who know the difference between leadership and motivation create a different legacy; their impact on others endures.

The difference between leadership and motivation, to me, is summed up like this:

  • Leadership: A consistent example of rising above any and all circumstances. Leadership is external.
  • Motivation: The inner knowledge or insight that makes rising above circumstances possible. Motivation comes from within.

So, in my opinion, leadership is not about encouraging, pushing or cheering on; it’s about pointing others inward so they recognize that the ability to be motivated rests with them. If you are a parent, for instance, you know that it is virtually impossible to motivate your children to work hard at their studies.

But you can lead.

You can show your children, by example, that no matter how sick you might get or how difficult your circumstances might appear, you can passionately apply yourself to your own job or projects. Thereby pointing your children inward to their innate ability to rise above any circumstance (and excuse) and crack the books with pride and vigor.

My message about leadership is simple: Great leaders serve to bring out the inner wisdom and free will of those they serve.

Instead of inducing people to view life situations a certain way (or their way), great leaders demonstrate that there are an infinite number of ways to view any life situation.

To illustrate, one of my mentors, Sydney Banks, must have given hundreds of seminars and lectures during his lifetime. Like clockwork before each talk, the audience would file in with notebooks in hand.

While Syd was incredibly generous with his wisdom, he would always instruct those in attendance not to take one single note. His words were his alone — his interpretation of “truth,” he would say. He wanted the audience to develop their own feelings and ideas, and draw their own conclusions, not follow in his footsteps.

I believe, then, that great leaders are those individuals who, like Sydney Banks, set great examples.

Why can’t we simply leave leadership right there?

Who came up with the belief that leaders must be motivators of others anyway?

We must recognize the difference between leadership and motivation, because if we don’t, our companies, teams, schools and even families will be overrun by followers incapable of lending an imaginative hand, let alone coming through when the chips are down.

Motivation is personal; leadership brings out personal potential for the benefit of the greater good.

Take note of the difference.

The business, sports and political worlds — actually the world, in general — can use more of both in the mlm home business network marketing business.

FREE mp3 download- “The 7 Biggest Mistkaes Made in Network Marketing No One will tell You”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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MLM Mobile Recruiting baiscs and Tools

Magnetic Body Lnaguage Secrets when Recruiting

MLM Recruiting- How to Avoid Recruiting DISTRACTIONS

mlm home business distractions

mlm home business distractions

MLM Recruiting Distractions.

Do you struggle with distractions in your leadership recruiting for your home business?

How you handle distractions with your network marketing recruiting?

What is your biggest distraction for your mlm business?

Distractions are all part of Leadership, as you must learn to manage and control them.

In building a downline for your home based business, you MUST gert rid of distractions that are slowing you down and stopping you.

This is a GREAT article from Smartbriefs on How to manage Distractions in your Leadership..


One of the greatest challenges of leadership is managing time, a limited resource that has to be used with the utmost care and consideration. Especially in the buolding of a home business that seems to always attract distractions. if you are woking from home, there can be many.

As the saying goes, there are only so many hours in a day“, and the leader must be able to stay focused on those tasks and activities that truly matter.

That task is complicated by the daily presence of many distractions that the leader must avoid, lest putting themselves (and their company) in jeopardy.

There are three distractions that are particularly dangerous for your home based business:

The “Bright Shiny Object.”

It’s a new product, a new project, or a new partner, a new training or concept that catches your eye.  It’s sounds really cool, and there’s probably a lot of buzz going on about it in the corridors and the field, and probably even in the business pages.

The problem is, it’s not really right for you or the company, or it’s a very long shot for success.  But it’s really cool!  So you devote a lot of time on it, at the expense of other, more viable and profitable things. WASTING TIME!

The “Black Hole.”

You have committed a lot of effort and money to a particular project or new idea and you are trying to guide it to a successful conclusion.  Trouble is, about 25% of the way in it becomes pretty clear that things aren’t going well (and you are going overboard), and you face a decision – pull the plug now (with all the resulting hand wringing and blame from your downline), or, ask for more money and trudge on.

You choose the latter, and enter the black hole – pressing dangerously on in the hope that somehow, someway it will get pulled out in the end. But it rarely does.

The “Fire Drill.”

The phone rings, and it’s your sponsor or upline or corporate.  He saw a blog post yesterday from an unhappy team member or customer – it was a pretty ugly one, but when you dug into it the day before it appeared to be an isolated case that could be routinely handled by you no sweat, since you had set up a protocol for cases exactly like this one.

Your upline looks at it differently – it’s a complete breakdown of customer service or accessibility that needs an extensive review and discussion.   You then start the fire drill – two days of phone calls, e-mails, and meetings involving many members of your team, devoted to that single blog post.

These kind of distractions CAN be avoided.    It’s all a matter of leadership perspective – that ability to take a step back, and “see” the bigger picture.   It also requires something else that is even more essential –


The courage to put down a bright shiny object in the face of all that “coolness”.

The courage to stop a black hole project dead in its tracks and take the heat.

And, the courage to tell your boss you will not conduct a fire drill because of a single and isolated incident.

Perspective and courage are your best tools for time management – use them well, and wisely.

And one more thing – beware of that smartphone too; lots of bright shiny objects there.  Believe me, I know….  :-)

These are some powerful ideas for your mlm home business network marketing success.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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MLM Leadership Secrets to Getting Your team UN-Stuck

6 Powerful Ways to Approach People on Social Media

MLM Training- How Caring Accelerates Your MLM Team Building

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mlm home business

MLM Team Building Tips.

Are you displaying the amount of caring that it takes to build a home business?

The success of team building for your network marketing business will depend on your CARING.

Do you understand how CARING works in your mlm success?

There is an ol saying that states, “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”  This statement I heard first in the 80’s but it is still true today.

I ran across this great article on Smartbriefs  and it is about caring and thought it would be something that we call could learn from. Caring is one of the greatest secrets to Team Building- and it can accelerate it dramatically.


At a sales conference I recently attended, I watched a sales manager pass out sales awards to his global sales team. He passed out thirty-nine separate awards. There were three to five people nominated or eligible for each of the awards.

This sales manager announced each of the nominee’s names, and then he rattled off some personal fact about the individual, how long they’d been with the company, their annual sales figure, their highest monthly sales figure, as well as the number of months that they reached a sales figure over a certain amount.

He did all of this from memory. No notes. No slide deck.

It was an impressive display, to say the least. I pressed him as to why he went to such great lengths to do all of this from memory when most people would have been content to use notes. He didn’t offer up much, so I pressed him a little more and he told me a story. It’s a short story, but it explains everything.

When this sales manager was selling for another company, he won the national award for producing the highest sales. When the principal of the company presented him with the award, the principal didn’t know his name.


He had to prompt someone to give him the name. Now that this sales manager has his own team (and it’s a massive team), he makes it a point to know all of his people by name, their spouse’s name, as well as all kinds of personal details.

Why does he go to such lengths?

He does this because he cares.

It’s the company’s culture to care about their people, and this is just one demonstration as to how they manifest caring. But it’s a staggeringly powerful display of caring about people.

No one wants to be anonymous.

No one wants to be a transaction.

Everyone has the need to be acknowledged, to be significant, to matter.

Sometimes the most powerful lessons you will ever learn come from having a bad manager or leader. If what someone else once did hurt you, doing the exact opposite is a safe bet.

NOTE: The power of caring is unmatched in it’s power—both inside and outside of the company. It’s the foundation of trust. And it breeds results.


What does it mean when you remember someone’s name?

Does it mean something if you forget?

How do you ensure that people know you care about them?

How important are the details?

by Anthony Iannarino

These are some powerful ways to display that you CARE about your team in your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

6 Powerful Ways to Approach People in Social Media

10 Holiday Recruiting Secrets for Local Social Mobile

MLM Training- 7 Ways YOU May be Working Yourself OUT of Network Marketing?

mlm network marketing home business begging

home business mlm begging

MLM Success Tips.

Are YOU working yourself out of your home  business?

Are YOU unknowingly getting ready to exit network marketing?

How will you know what you are doing with your mlm business?

There are many distributors in our home business profession that actually are slowly working themselves OUT of network marketing and mlm- and they have NO clue they are doing it.

Are YOU?

Let me explain….

We all have heard it.

It echoes over and over and over.

 “Work hard and you WILL Succeed! Be a busy beaver! Put the hours in! Hard work is all you need! Who needs sleep?”

But yet, many network marketing work at home distributors work very hard and long hours and do not ever succeed and end up leaving this business.

I know thousands of people that actually worked themselves OUT OF THIS BUSINESS!

How did this occur?

 1) These distributors were working very hard and very long hours and became totally exhausted with little results to show-so they left.

 2) These distributors were trying to be in too many places doing too many things at the same time-and got burned out.

 3) These distributors were talking to people who were not really interested –and led the distributor on- which started creating resentment for the industry from the distributor.

 4)  These distributors were trying to find people who would talk to them—not find prospects that were looking for them.

 5) These distributors were trying to “keep the plates spinning” so none would fall and break. But they were not aware that they were spinning the wrong plates – the wrong way.

 6) Theses distributors were being way too busy, spending way too many hours – “working this business, being BUSY”- but not BUILDING this business.

 7) These distributors were listening to the WRONG PEOPLE in their upline – who were not willing to do what they were asking OF THEIR DOWNLINE.

And I could list another dozen reasons…

These distributors attempted many of the right things for success—but did them totally wrong, totally exhausted, or totally discouraged.

They became frustrated, and many even became desperate.

And they ended up practicing in their business, without even knowing it, something that
creeps up on you and takes over your business:

“Net-BEG Marketing™”

 They end up begging people- without even being aware of it – to give them some time or to
join their business. So if you want your own business InventHelp is there to assist you at anytime with many researchers, illustrators, writers as well as customer service representatives and other staff.

This business is Net-WORK Marketing. It is NOT “Net-BEG Marketing.” You do NOT have to spend your time begging people for an appointment, or to buy something from you, or even to listen to you. There are MILLIONS of people looking for you and want to talk to you, but you must be where THEY ARE and Visible in that Market,

You move into “Net-BEG Marketing” slowly, and quietly. I have seen many people move into it their first couple of years, and someone had to steer them out of it-IF they could. You lose your power in this business and come across with a “NEEDY focus” — not a power focus.

You end up NEEDING the prospect, not the prospect needing you.

The prospect feels it and backs away. And it eventually gets to the point that many folks are mentally “on their knees” begging people for their time and money, and not even aware they are doing it.

They literally are “working themselves OUT of mlm home business network marketing.”

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

Why MLM Mobile Recruiting will be a GAME CHANGER

The Most Powerful Success Magnet in MLM Recruiting

MLM Training- How to MAXIMIZE Duplication in your Home Business Team

mlm home business duplication

mlm network marketing duplication

MLM Duplication of Success.

How do you maximize the 4 step Leadership formula for Duplication and Multiplication for your home based business?

What does it take to empower your business and network marketing efforts?

How does the 4 step Duplication and Multiplication process work and what are the ACTIONS that need to be taken for mlm?

Knowing and DOING are  2 totally different things as many people seem to know what to do, but then do not do it. Some seem to grasp the process but yet, ignores the power actions that it takes to make the duplication happen on their home business team.


Are you aware of what it takes to MAXIMIZE the 4 Step Duplication formula? That is the reason for this post. We want to get it into you this information so you can apply these actions to your home business.

They are simple but powerful actions that product powerful results.

There is a 4 step formula I have been teaching for over 20 years to move up the Training
Levels quickly. Last POST we went over the WHAT of the 4 steps, and now we are going to go over how to MAXIMIZE these steps and take action with them.

Lets start with:

 1) TELL.

TELL the person what they are supposed to know and do, and make sure that they learn it, and got it done. This is called education. Here is also where you want to ROLE PLAY ROLE PLAY ROLE PLAY!  Practice what you have told them to do. And practice, drill, and rehearse even more. Let them get a feel for what they are going to be doing.

2) SHOW.

SHOW the person then how to do it LIVE and do it RIGHT. Take them on an appointment. Get them on some calls or webinar with you so they can listen. Let them hear you prospect. Let them see you do a presentation online and offline. Let them hear you close someone. Let them SEE what you do and how to do it.

3) TRY.

Now, let them TRY what they have learned, seen and heard. After they have tried what they saw you do and heard you do, then you need to COACH them. Discuss what was great- and what needs to be improved. And then let them try it again, until they have it down successfully.

4) DO.

And then they eventually will be DOING it by themselves– and ready to teach and EQUIP others with this simple philosophy of training.

You may be asking, “How long does this take?”

Simple. No more than a week or 2 of effort. People are smarter than you think if you do
training RIGHT.

Even in social media- if people are not engaged in talking with people, connecting,
doing events, going local, and all there is to do, they will be wasting their time.

YOU have to get them on the computer and SHOW them how to set up a facebook profile or twitter account. This is SHOWING- not just learning. There are many educated people with a home business that never get started.

Do NOT beone of them. Use this post to help you accelerate your success in your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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