Home Business-MLM Leadership “ARE YOU ALL IN?”

home business commitment

home business commitment

There comes a time that there must be a DECISION in a home business that cannot be altered or changed.

It is all part of MLM Leadership and building a Team of Leaders. You cannot expect to build a team of Leaders when you are not focused like one and acting like one.

There comes a time that you have to draw a line in the sand and face the truth about Success in your home business.

It is a decision for what I call  “FINAO.”

 Failure Is Not An Option.


In my life, failure does not exist. Getting the wrong results does, but not failure.

Especially if you are decision bound to something.

And this will require you to possibly make some changes that you do not want to make, are you may be not aware that things need to be changed, or you simply say that you will do that you have to do to build your success in MLM.

Leadership in MLM and a home business requires a bigger than average COMMITMENT.

It requires a bigger than average DESTINY.

And it requires a bigger than average HEART connected to the Vision and the Dream. Especially with a home business.

Are you giving that in your home business?

Are you giving all you need to give in your network marketing business?

 Imagine anyone starting a company in Corporate America and they say that they will give only half of what is required.

We would call that person half hearted and going nowhere.It is the same with many home business owners. They simply are not giving all that is needed to give to succeed in a home based business.

Are YOU?

Today I want to ask you what I call the Make or Break question:


Read that again.


There is a philosophy I learned years ago that you must be “ALL IN” to achieve Success that ENDURES.

You must be “ALL IN” to live a life that goes ALL OUT.  READ THAT AGAIN.

This means your heart is all in the business, your thinking, your belief, your focus, and your time. You are simply not working the business, but you are LIVING the business when you work. 

Are YOU ALL in or just part in ?

It is FELT in your Words.

It is SEEN in your Actions.

It SCREAMS in your Belief.

I am NOT Talking about time or a clock,. or hours. The hours are not the focus here.

 I would rather someone give 3 ALL IN hours than 20 HALF IN.

The 3 would produce 100 times more than the 20 that are half hearted and barely started.

Leadership is about being ALL IN and being ALL ABOUT.

Are YOU ALL IN in your MLM and home business?

Discover the Power of Social Media prospecting for your home business!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

Do these 10 things and watch your home business explode!

Home Business Training- Are You a RESULTS or METHOD Person?

home business results

home business mlm results


In a home business in network marketing, Results RULE. No doubt.

So do Methods with a lot of people.

Methods are taught, discussed, argued, ignored, and engaged every day.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of apparent understanding between the 2, may folks are having a challenge with their home business.

Are you struggling? Are you having a difficult time with your home based business?

Maybe this training can help clarify what the problem is, and maybe change your perspective of who you should be and what you should focus on.

Many people today in Home business and Network Marketing do not understand why they are struggling in their mlm business.

And many folks are either because they blame the recession, the government, the profession itself.. They do what they believe they need to do, but yet their home business results are not what they want in MLM.

Is that happening to you? Are you experiencing some results that maybe well…..stink?

There are many different types of people in MLM and Network Marketing, from CEOs of Corporations, to Stay at Home Moms, to those who are just getting their careers started and even folks who are just loving connecting with new people on social media sites. And within all of these great folks, there is a secret that we discovered years ago while working a home business very hard.

There are many different types of automobiles out on the road, and many different types of outfits and suits and jeans to wear. Many of them sell well, and others not so well.

There are many different kinds of places to eat out in the world, and some make big money, and others struggle everyday to keep the doors open and the bills paid.

There are many network marketers that are out really working everyday and working very hard, and some making great money, while the largest portion of home business owners do not.

Here is a Million Dollar Question:

What is the difference between all of these great folks, and what they seemingly are doing? What makes the ones that are doing great different than the ones who are not? Many folks have given a lot of potential answers to this question  in Network Marketing, and many answers truly are great!

But we at DFTI have been observing over the last 15 years how people function and live in life, and also in success. It is the same with MLM and a Home Based Business. All people want to Succeed in Network Marketing, but few actually do at the level they really want to.

It does not have to be that way.

If you will look at other similar but yet different entrepreneurial ventures, it is the same as in Real Estate and Insurance, and Stock Brokerage. All that enter into those wonderful enterprises want to make it work. And most want to make it work huge. But the truth is, most never make it work at all, as they have fallen prey to a Secret that I ran across 15 years ago, and it has made all the difference in the world as far as Success in my life I have been blessed with.

I call this amazing little secret that has guided my life for several years as well as Success:

 “The RMR- Results-Method Reality.”

This little secret that made such a difference in my life, can make a huge difference in your life. It can change everything about you, and your business, and how you view life. It can change all aspects of your Network Marketing business, and even how you approach it and engage it. It can even change people around you just by being around you.

Ok, what is the “Results- Method Reality?”

Understand this:

There are two types of people in this business and two types only — Method people and Results people.

The difference between the two is huge in everything they do.

1) Method people choose the method they are willing to use and accept the results.

2) Results people choose the results they want, and accept whatever method it takes to obtain them.

Method people’s favorite song is “I did it My Way and got what I could!”

Results people’s favorite song is “Whatever I Need to do to get the Results I want!”

Method folks have a tendency to work Network Marketing on THEIR TERMS, and expect Network Marketing to bow to their ways of doing business.

MLM demands a certain concept and model of working, and being a certain mindset, and if you do not work within that concept and model, and be who you need to be, then Network Marketing can be a very frustrating experience for you.

Results people are focused totally on what results they want, while method people are focused on how they want to do this business, and what is comfortable.

Results people refuse to focus on comfort, but focus on construction. They want to construct a business no matter what it takes or how long it takes.

And the biggest difference between Results people and Method folks, is HEART.

Results people seem to have the heart to make it happen, while method people seem to have the heart to make it easier.

That alone is a Million Dollar Difference in the approach to this business. Most millionaires in Network Marketing are RESULTS people. Rare are the mlm millionaires that are Method people.

If you are going to be a powerful and successful home business leader in Network Marketing, may I suggest you become a results person, and use whatever method it takes to achieve your dreams. That is what we call “total personal leadership” — the direct result of leading and moving yourself past all the limitations you harbor in your heart, and creating things in your life as never before.

Leaders relentlessly prospect, approach, present, follow up, and sign up new people. And then they teach their distributors to go out and do the same thing, and look for the same results.

You MUST train on the methods of how to do this business, but do not get lost in that. Become a Results person, and accept whatever it takes, however long it takes,and whatever path it takes, to Succeed in Network Marketing.

If you give MLM and Network Marketing all you got, then it will in return, give you all it has.

And that is called a great answer to getting wealthy in MLM and Network Marketing. If you do own a home business, focus on taking ACTION and getting the results you WANT by doing what it TAKES for home based business success.

That is what millionaires do. Whatever it takes to get the Successful RESULTS in their home business.

Are you looking for more RESULTS in your home business prospecting? Click here

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011   all rights reserved

Social Network Marketing Training? THIS is HOT!  Click here

Home Business Training-Is Your Business a YES or NO Business?

home business mlm

home business mlm yes


A home business is built many ways and with many tools.

One of the 2 tools that a network marketing business is built with is YES and NO. Many MLM distributors do not realize that their home based business is being built by someone else.



Many a home business is being built by someone else the distributor knows through powerful Influence,and they are using the NO tool to do it.

Many a work at home distributor in a home based business has left the profession because someone else was building their business-with negative words and actions that influence the distributor over time to give up and simply walk away.

I almost walked away my first 4 years -5 times- due to negative comments and people’s influence over my life.

Thank God I was able to GROW BIGGER than their negatives.

Isn’t it TIME that you moved  you and your work at home business into the YES ZONE?

Isn’t it time that you simply took CONTROL of your MLM destiny and quit letting someone else “build” -or in this case destroy- your business.

I do a lot of private one on one consultation and I am amazed at how many people let others dictate and build their business with their negative and poisonous “not going to happen” focus. And eventually the distributor gives in to the verbal and emotional assault of others -and quits.

And they could have gone on to build a dream business that would have given them an amazing life. But yet they built their business on the foundation of someone else’s NO.

Here is a quote that I sent out a while back over twitter  as well as facebook and LinkedIn hat got a lot of feedback:

“It is those that say a resounding YES to Home Business Success as well as Life that live a Larger then normal life, have a Larger than normal business, and have a more Powerful than normal income. Say YES- and QUIT LISTENING to the NOs that are trying to STOP YOU. “

The word YES.


It is a FOCUS.

It is an ACTON.

It is a BELIEF.

It is a MIND SET.




Yes is one of the most powerful words in all language and MLM. It simply says “I will move forward with that.”

But a DECIDED YES also includes a silent- “And I will NOT BE STOPPED.”

Many people build a home business as well as live a life of NO because they were taught that and grew up in that NO culture. But you can change that in a heartbeat.

Change your DECIDED DESTINY from NO to YES.

Yes I am succeeding with my Home Business.

Yes I am the top earner for my Company.

Yes I am the most powerful Leader on my Home Business Team.

Yes I am building a team of 50,000 people in my Home Business.

Yes I am living a lifestyle that most only dream of with my Home Business.

YES I am doing it NOW and No Thing, No Lie, No Person, No Result, No Insult, No Lack of Understanding, No or No Crisis will STOP ME and my Home business..


THAT is a mind set well abovethe norm in the crowd of mediocrity, and you will RISE above everyone and everything that tries to stop you.

Say “YES” to being Invincible and Unstoppable!

Say YES to the Greatness inside of you and the great destiny that lies before you.

If you do that, people will RESPOND MORE POSITIVELY to you, and are drawn more powerfully towards you.

God put a YES LIFE there and does NOT want it wasted.

Neither DO YOU! 

Today…Say “YES!” to a Million Dollar Home Business!

This is something you MUST KNOW about for Succeeding in a Home business!

LEAVE A COMMENT Below about what kind of YES home business you are building!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

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Te 10 Things I will NOT have in my life because of NO

Home Business- 9 Secrets to a Prospecting Avalanche with “2 Streets Over”?

home business prospecting

home business prospecting

Home business prospecting is easy- if you let it be.

Home business recruiting is all part of building a home based business. There is much talk and training online about “funnel marketing” and social media marketing, and internet marketing. All of these are great and critical to the success of a home business.

But many times the more traditionl marketing and home business recruiting ideas can play HUGE into the success equation. There are many times that the more traditional approach in home business prospecting can reap huge dividends. I have been teaching social media prospecting as well as online prospecting for years. But yet the traditional methods have not lost their power for building a home based business either.

I would suggest that you look at a home business prospecting idea that we have been training for years that has proven to be an amazing little secret in prospecting.

MLM and Home business Prospecting is an action that many folks struggle with, and they really should not have to. Network marketing Prospects are EVERYWHERE if you are just aware of them.

In home business, we have what I call “Prospecting Radar” and most of the time, the distributor’s radar is turned off or ineffective.

There are more people than you can count on any given day that you walk past or drive by. There are according to the US government, about 150 homes in the average neighborhood. Each neighborhood has about 2.5 people in the house. And there are usually 5-7 neighborhoods between you and where you are employed.

That means there are about 2,200 people everyday you drive past or at least where they live. And there are about 40-50 neighborhoods in the average town.

You do the math. that is over 100,00 possible prospects for your mlm business.

One of the most powerful MLM Prospecting secrets is what we call “2 Streets Over” Prospecting.

There is more business in your neighborhood than you could possibly write.

“2 Streets Over” is a Home business Prospecting secret that we used for years. Most people Never work their neighborhood, but that really is crazy. You have something in common with all of them:

You are their neighbor, and have a geographical commonality and closeness.

Why not utilize that to your advantage?

What you need to do, is think about becoming the “Local Neighborhood ABC Company Rep” and start looking towards that journey. You can identify yourself in many ways as the local neighborhood ABC Rep, and introduce yourself as such. And you will be shocked at the nice response that you usually will get.

Even on social media, you can find people in your neighborhood and use that connection as a possible conversation point.

People seem to appreciate neighbors, and when you can show them something that would enhance their life, many folks respond in a positive fashion to this Network Marketing prospecting strategy.

How can you communicate this to your neighbors that you are in business?

1) Snail Mail.

Simply send them a piece in the mail introducing yourself as the neighborhood ABC Rep and you would love to meet them and give them a free gift. This gift could be a sample product, or a CD about a product, or a coupon for something free. You can call them to follow up as well if you choose to make the mail piece more effective.

2) Doorhangers.

This is a tried and true old school way of introducing yourself. Real Estate people use this a lot. An MLM company I am blessed to consult with, used door hangers on their “2 Streets Over” program. Their volume per consultant quadrupled for those who did this. The door hanger does not have to be complicated. Just let the door hanger introduce yourself, and tell them you would love to meet them sometime. We used “I am just hanging around wanting to meet you!” or “Is your future hanging on your boss’s decisions?”

3) Voice Mail.

You can find out your neighbors phone number by going to anywho.com and do a reverse look up with the address. Call them and simply introduce yourself as a neighbor and you have a free gift for them. And the best gift is a sample of your products or services. Leave a 30 second message and your phone number. Be friendly and warm.

4) Hold a neighborhood Bar b que or cook out.

Hold a social function and invite your neighbors. They will appreciate the gesture, and you can get to know them and get their phone numbers and set up appointments as well when you call them a few days later.

5) Go for a walk daily, and talk to who you see.

Do this everyday at different times. Many people are outside working on the lawn between 6:30 pm and 9 pm. Introduce yourself, and talk about your neighbor, and what they do, how many kids they have, and their life. Get to know them. Then introduce yourself as the neighborhood ABC rep and then after you feel timing is good, ask them if they know anyone who would benefit from your products. Do this all over your neighborhood. Not just your street, but every street in your neighborhood. Tell them that you are their neighbor and you live “2 Streets Over” or a few streets over. This is sizzling Network Marketing Prospecting in action.

6. Social Networking.

There are websites such as www.meetup.com and www.upcoming.orgthat allow you to subscribe to local functions and events. if you hold an event, make sure you put it on these sites and let other know about it in your region.

7. Give “Neighborhood Samples” out of your product and let them try your product for free.

This has been done over and over with many types of products and it is a great excuse to talk to neighbors 2 streets over. And it also gives you a reason to follow up and ask for referrals.

8. Ask a Neighbor for help and who they know that could benefit from your products.

You neighbors have a warm market that you need to tap into. Ask then for an introduction to a friend that has a challenge and show them your products or services has a solution for them. Your neighbors know a TON of folks.

9. Mail your neighbors every 90 days with a flyer or special with a personal note that will compel them to call you or ask about when they see you.

This alone will keep your name out in front of them and at the top of their mind if they should need a product like you market. make the mailer COMPELLING and magnetic.

Home business Prospecting “2 Streets Over” is a powerful way to get to know your neighbors, but also who they know. Be friendly, be warm, and always ask how their family is doing when you see them.

In your neighborhood is a gold mine. Are you digging it? That is one of the most powerful secrets there is.

You can connect with your neighbors by simply giving them a coupon when you see them and tell them this is for your business. You can send it via email, or even social mail. You can call your neighbors and invite them over for a luncheon and ask for referrals. There are so many possibilities.

I would encourage you to look at your neighborhood. Look at who your neighbors know. Look at where your neighbors work. Look at where your neighbors go and have fun. There are many ideas that you can get simply by thinking about who your neighbors are 2 Streets Over in home business prospecting.

Discover how to NEVER run out of people to talk to- it is so easy.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved

Home Business Prospecting training resources

Home Business Training- The Success Power of STARTING

home business start

home business success start


In a home based business, there is NO more powerful Success secret than THE START.

Many people are stopped by the Start in MLM.They let their fears and old emotions get in the way and never really START the process of Success. Oh…they may start to INTEND to do something, but yet never get around to it.

Is that YOU?

 Do you have a challenge of simply getting the key in the ignition and starting your Success Engine? You may think you are not ENOUGH, or do not HAVE ENOUGH, or maybe simply are not SMART ENOUGH.

Does NOT matter. I love this quote from one of our Presidents:

“Do what you can, with what you have, with where you are…”
Theodore Roosevelt


Just start.

Nike says it — “Just Do It!(tm)”

We say “Just Start!”

Doesn’t matter if you do not have all the education, training, tools or Success manuals for a Successful home business.

Doesn’t matter if timing isn’t perfect for a home business. Many times it will not be.

Doesn’t matter if you are not in the perfect place to do what your heart burns for, and has dream for, whether massive success, or massive lifestyle.

Start. Now.

The least known people in the world who got started years ago, now are millionaires/billionaires.

Steve Jobs.

He started Apple Computer — totally underfunded, understaffed, misunderstood.

But he got underway.

He Started.

Bill Gates.

He started. Well, you know, that Seattle company. He started in a dorm room, with no money, and only one gear:

Success OverDrive. And his drive is what got him over the tough spots.

He Started.

Michael Jordan.He started. And was stopped several times, but he kept starting over, and over. And well, you know. He did pretty good.

Boy did He Start!

And the list is endless.

All great Successes have one thing in common:

A Starting point. An Ignition. A Spark. A first step.

What are you not starting? And why aren’t you? Isn’t it TIME you STARTED heading towards a massive home business and quit playing around with it?

What is holding you back?

Fear? Doubt? Lack of Self Esteem? Lack of Knowledge? Bad Parents? Bad Childhood? Bad hair Day?

No Money? No Time? No Credit? No help? No education? No Way?

All the “Pat” excuses that everyone accepts as a “reasonable” factor not to do anything?


The average say, “Come on! Let’s be REASONABLE and not live in a fantasy world! Success is for others! Not in our family!”

There is no “Reasonable” with Creating Massive Success. Successful people are some of the most unreasonable people on earth. They refuse to listen to other’s reason for mediocrity and giving up.

Only the “Unreasonable” create new destinies for their life, and for thousands of others, and change becomes their mantra.

Reasonable is staying put. Unreasonable is Starting Power.

There are No excuses for not starting.

You wanna know what Start stands for?

“Success Taking Action (that) Removes Timidity.”

That’s why you need to Start.

The timid will never RULE in the marketplace.

What’s the VERY FIRST THING you need to do to create your Success Dream and Passion in your Life with your network marketing company?

Write it down.

Break it down into the 3-4 tasks required to complete it.

See it on the Movie Screen in your Mind as Successful.

Review it and Rehearse it on your “Screen”, over and over.

Get 2 pieces of paper.

On one, write all the reasons you cannot do this and succeed.

On the the other piece, write all the reasons you MUST do this and succeed.

NOW– Tear one of them up.

And if you chose the reasons you MUST Succeed:

Start. Just Start.

There’s where the Success Magnet is:

Being Totally, Radically, Absolutely Unreasonable in your Achievement and Success pursuit in your home business. Your STARTING will make such a powerful difference in your mind set and attitude it will blow you away.

GET SERIOUS and just START and watch your Success explode in your mlm home business!

Never fear Prospecting Again! Here is how to EXPLODE your Leads that want to talk to you!


Doug Firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

What are the Secrets to Billion Dollar Prospecting?

Home Business -WHAT IT REALLY TAKES to Succeed in Network Marketing

Home based business decision
Home based decision


What it REALLY Takes…

There are only 2 types of distributors in the home business profession:

1. Those that are Succeeding.

2. Those that are NOT.

I am not sure which one you are in, but regardless, you are one of the two.

Recently on a radio show, Iwas asked what it REALLY took to succeed in a home business. Fair question. I thought for a minute and I said that there was all of the expected answers:





Skill Set.


But I said that wile all those are crtical, I fel that what is really the most important determining factor was rarely taught or even discussed. After 25 years in a profession, you observe, and learn, and then determine the facts as they are. We all do it. You do it. But we still have a tendency to keep to the more traditional answers as they are more accepted.

I believe that what it REALLY takes to succeed in Network Marketing is one thing:


 Plain And simple.

Most people choose to TRY this business, NOT Decide to Succeed in it. Most people join a company, but not decide to become a PART OF THE VISION.

A Decision is unalterable and is unstoppable. A choice can be changed like your clothes. A Decision is from the heart. A choice is from the mind and is fleeting like most thoughts.

DECIDE and then let the POWER UNLEASHED  by your Decision carry your business to higher levels of success.

A person will respond to a person that has made a Decision to succeed much more positive than someone who has chosen to “see what happens” with there business. It is what they are FEELING from your Decision- a Power that will not be DENIED. There is little power in choice- only selection.

Choice determines direction… Decision determines DESTINY.

Decide. Plain and simple. Those that choose… generally lose. Those that Decide… get the prize.

How simple.

That is what it REALLY TAKES to succeed in an MLM and Network Marketing Home business.


Doug Firebaugh http://www.passionfire.com

© 2011 PassionFire International. All rights reserved.


MLM and Network Marketing-The Skill That All Success Depends On

Less is More.

What does that mean?

Less talking is more powerful, as you increase your MLM arsenal to succeed and win in MLM and Network Marketing..

And expand your bullets to hit the MLM Victory bullseye…through the Incredible Power of…


Do you realize Listening is a Power that can be exercised and tapped into and with it, you can change lives…including your own?

My mentor taught me that …

“Doug…Listening is the Million Dollar MLM Skill…..Master it, and you have mastered the Power Core of MLM Communication, Connection, and Caring…found in MLM and the Heart of Success”.

If you study great leaders, most were great listeners, and learned from it. Who do you know that is a great leader in your MLM Business or your Community? If you study them, study their Listening habits…. “Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of Listening when you’d preferred to talk.” Doug Larson

When you listen next time with someone…give 100% attention,and don’t let anything distract you…remember…this is their time with you…respect it.

Lock onto not just the Moment, but the Message within the Moment.(CLUE!!!!!) REALLY Listen and you will be surprised what you hear that you’ve missed before…

The 4 MLM Direct Sales Factors.
For this article, let’s engage:

1) An Active MLM Listening… not just with your ears, but also with your eyes and heart…

2) A Powerful MLM Body Language… Look in your folks eyes, and lean their way, to show connection.

3) A Caring Focus… Listening starts with the heart.

4) A Content MLM focus… Listen for the content, not just the intent… in your Home Business.

5) An Empowering Attitude… Encourage and edify all that has been said, show gratitude for them thinking enough of you to share…

When you listen, you are… Leveraging & Increasing Success That Empowers Now.

Your Listening will Leverage the Power found within it to Increase Success in Empowering the Now in MLM. Absolutely nothing can Empower a situation, a moment, or a person, for Success, like Focused, Magnetic listening.

The MLM Million Dollar Skill.

People are not only Attracted to it…

But compelled to be a part of it…and are drawn towards it….

The Power of Listening truly is the “Million Dollar MLM Skill…”

Most People treat it like a 5 dollar attitude…

My Mentor also said…

“The last word in listen is ten… Listening is 10 times more Powerful, and Success Attracting in the long run, than talking….”

Are you Listening?????


Doug Firebaugh http://www.passionfire.com

©2011 PassionFire International. All rights reserved.

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Home Business Success – MLM Network Marketing Training Article

MLM Success Training / MLM Leadership Training / MLM Recruiting

Doug Firebaugh Home Business Success Training

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