mlm recruitiing small business. for home business
MLM Recruiting Small Business Owners.
The Psychology of the Professional and Business Owner.
mlm recruitiing small business. for home business
business professional for mlm
Are you wanting to recruit professionals into your group for your network marketing business?
Do you know the Psychology of Recruiting professionals and how that would work for your home business?
Would you like to know?
Professionals and business owners today are looking for MORE.
More Profits.
More Business.
More Security.
If you can show them those things, you will be stunned how fast you can build a leg of professionals and business owners in your mlm home business. Recruiting professionals is easy, but FIRST you must make sure you get the psychology of that and what it entails.
I recruited ONE steel magnate into our group and he brought in…
He and his team brought in 41 presidents and CEOs of other companies in a 5 year period.
Will that happen to you?
It could and WILL- if you are aware of a few things.
Today, one of the greatest gold mines in network marketing and home business is in the Business owner and Professional.
They often are overlooked because most networker’s and home business professionals think they are unapproachable and unrecruitable.
That simply is not true. They VERY MUCH are.
There are Business Professionals everywhere who are looking for certain things that there job and career can NEVER give them:
1) True Security.
2) Freedom to do what they want to do for a living.
3) Time to do the things they love. 4) Emotional peace.
5) Personal satisfaction.
6) Excitement over their future.
7) Making a True Difference in the world.
It’s all about LIFESTYLE.
These are today’s current hot buttons of most professionals and owners.
What are business owners REALLY looking for?
1) PROFITS increase.
2) Less Stress.
3) More Independence.
4) Less hours.
5) More freedom and time to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
The Psychology of the Professional and Business Owner is about:
They are mainly TRADITIONAL Thinkers and marketers.
Most have gone through a lot to build their business so they are protective of it.
Most are focused on building their business and want no distractions.
And most of them have no interest in anything that they perceive will hinder them or take them away from their focus as their hearts are connected deeply to the business.
They have are NOT LOOKING:
To Be Pressured.
To be “Pitched.”
To be Hyped.
To be Recruited.
They ARE looking for MORE OPTIONS to gain profits for their time and for their business.
Share with them your business as a “Secondary profit Stream” and you will find a much more receptive and powerful response for your mlm network marketing home business.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!
FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You
blessings…doug firebaugh
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mlm home business power
What are the 6 MOST POWERFUL words in an mlm home business?
What words would carry more truth and MLM Leadership power in them then just about any words that you could ever say?
Would knowing these 6 powerful Leadership words help you in your network marketing business?
You know…lately I have been thinking about a LOT of things as people struggle in their network marketing business.
I have been getting so many emails and communications via social media and mobile communications that people are just “done.” They have been trying so hard and yet, they continue to get the results that they do no want.
They are ready to throw in the towel and give up on their dream as they feel that it is not going to happen- especially with the economy and all.
They end up frustrated.
They feel defeated.
They feel like a loser.
They want to quit and move on and get out of the home business profession.
I understand….I was there several times and know EXACTLY how they feel.
Well, I am not going to get up on my soap box and start preaching a Success sermon, but I will share with you what my mentor said to me one time and he has produced well over 8 Billion with one team!
You read that right.
One day at a National Conference, he knew I was feeling quite down and ready to quit. He could see it in my eyes. and he had amazing instincts as well as wisdom.
He sat me down over a brief lunch, and told me he wanted to chat. He asked some questions and then listened. I poured out my heart and told him that I was just ready to throw in the towel and give up on my dream and my business.
Then he looked at me for a long time, with his gentle eyes and spoke 6 words that pierced my heart and very soul…
These words were absolutely golden and so needed at a time that I nearly gave up on my work at home business.
I hope that you keep focused and these words and they help you as much as they helped me. They are GOLD.
What did he say?
This business, this home business profession is a lasting process- and it will try you, stretch you, and pull you in all kinds of directions. That includes mentally, physically, financially, and more.
Much more.
So read these 6 “Golden Words” every day and KNOW that you are going to CRUSH IT out of the park.
I am so glad he shared those pearls with me, and I can share them with you.
Truly, profound wisdom for a home business that is not growing like it should.
It is NOT how FAST…
But Did YOU LAST in your network marketing mlm home business?
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!
FREE MLM Training mp3 download – “7 Biggest Mistakes in Network Marketing No One will Tell You”
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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