MLM Network Marketing Training Online Recruiting– The 10 Laws – Part 2
6) The Law of Trust. You must develop the trust factor with your prospects over time. With additional mailings and information, and also with some form of value added to their life.Trust must become a factor in your recruiting efforts.
Recruiting is the initial phase of developing a relationship…Trust MUST be there for your prospect to move forward in the process…
How do you create trust?
With additional exposures, and also asking questions about the person and his/her family once they respond to your initial communication…
If you study, or other major e-tailers, you will find them building trust with you by using your name, walking you through page by page, focusing on what you WANT and it is the same with creating a relationship on the web.
Do what you say you are going to do, keep their interests ahead of yours, reveal some things about your life they can relate to, and just “be a friend” in any way you can…
The best way to create trust is let it happen naturally over time and with multiple mailings…that is why ezines are a great way to recruit…
The Secret of the Network Marketing Newsletter.
Having your own newsletter is one of the best ways to keep people Involved in the MLM recruiting process, and can create great interest down the road. Being visible in chat rooms over a period of time is a great way to create and build trust with folks…
It’s called Exposure Frequency…the more frequent, the better. Trust is something that takes time and exposures….and effort on your part.
7) The Law of Follow Up. In Network Marketing, online and offline…The Fortune is in the Follow Up. If you are going to be successful on the net…you must follow up with your interested prospects…
Would you discover a gold mine and not finish the digging? It is the same concept…
The more you follow up, the more you check will go up! How do you follow up? With autoresponders, and a system that can be duplicated…and with additional information as well as a call to action each communication…
Keep the Gain/Loss front and center, and give them reasons to join your company, and how they will benefit working with YOU, and your upline…sell the support, and sell the training that is part of the program….
And continue to bring value to them, with how your program can enhance, increase and empower their life with each communication…. Believe it or not…over 80% of Network Marketers never follow up…
And I bet if you did the opposite, and followed up on 80% of your interested prospects… you would create a money machine…
8) The Law of Visibility. The More Visible you are on the net, with the search engines, ezines, emailings, classifieds, chat rooms, forums, and other exposure vehicles, the Less you will have to worry about a weak paycheck.
You MUST be visible on the internet. Your company probably will do what they need to do to get exposure, but so must you. If you build it, they WON”T come. Unless they know about you…keep your name out there and keep your message visible…
Being Visible on the net is simply advertising, in many forms…and most is free. Can you imagine opening a business and not advertising?
All mlm recruiting is is an advertising process that becomes an education process once you have gotten their attention.
The Secret of MLM Exposures in Your Business.
What are you doing to create exposures for your business to recruit? You must be systematic, and relentless in your visibility efforts…it’s called in advertising “Branding” and you are no different in recruiting…
You MUST get the attention of your prospect…but first you need to be “out there” to do anything…if you are advertising in ezines, it will take 3-5 exposures to make a lot of folks take action and visit your site…
Why? Probably they have gotten familiar with you in that ezine, and see you are serious…and of course others will click immediately to your offer to check it out…
And the secret to being visible is having a massive amount of exposure communications out on the net…it’s kind of like fishing…you need multiple lines out in the water…to catch multiple people’s attention…
9) The Law of Multiple Steps. You must use a Multi-Step process to recruit on the internet. It is a magnetic process that has proven to work on just about all marketing on the net. The average person that responds to your offer will have something in common with all the other folks who respond…
Lack of patience. The folks on the net you are wanting to recruit are notorious for being “click happy” and impatient…how do you get past that? Short bursts of information.
If you create a ‘trail’ that folks can follow and cyber walk down, and it is a step by step process, you will have a much higher chance of recruiting someone…
People don’t read the internet as much as “scan the internet”, and you must deliver your message with that in mind…and you must have a “building” process that each communication builds upon the least…even if it’s only 3, they still must build on each other…
Use a Multi-Step process to recruit on the internet, and you will have multiplied your chances of recruiting someone.
10) The Law of All. You must do it all on the internet to recruit…classifieds, ezine ads, search engines, forums, newsgroup, (be careful with these as they are a different recruiting process), bulletin boards, email, website, plus more…why?
The Power of ALL in MLM.
You never know who is looking, and never know who would be more focused on search engines than ezine ads…
ALL stands for Accessing Limitless Leads…
And if you do it all, that is what you will end up with….
That is the 10 Laws of Internet recruiting…for the folks who recruit on the net for their Home base and MLM Business …
Learn them, and use them to your advantage…
Blessings…doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl
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