Home Business Training- What to Do When a Prospect Goes Ballistic?


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Home business success is about being able to build your business NO MATTER what happens, is said, or is done.

Many Leaders have gone through a Ballistic Prospect before, but rarely shares what to do with her/his Leaders.

Many times, in calls as well as face to face meetings, or even public meetings, there can be a negative prospect or even a Ballistic prospect that really gets upset.

What do you DO?

What do you SAY?

Home business Success requires that you build your business with prospects that are HAPPY to be talking with you, not upset. You WILL occasionally run across those types that for whatever reason, are just upset at life and take it out on you.

Do NOT fight back with words.

There is NO reason to play verbal judo and start lowering yourself to that level of communication, remember that at the end you will obtain  performance reviews from your customers. Many times, whether in person or on facebook- ESPECIALLY on social media sites- that is what they want. (Every home business training should cover some aspect of this as it happens on social sites.)

They want to get an “anger thread” going and get everyone’s attention and comments.

Do NOT go there as that is a fight that you cannot win.

If someone gets upset, and even goes Ballistic, here is what you type in on social sites, or simply say:

“I am sorry. My intentions were not to upset you, but simply inform you of something that has made a tremendous difference in my life and lifestyle. Obviously, this is not for you, so let’s go ahead and end this part of the conversation with my apologies.”

Simple, to the point, and leaves you looking like a True Leader in your home business mlm business.

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2011 all rights reserved

The Billion Dollar Secrets to Prospecting

MLM – It is NOT about Movement or Motion but EMOTION

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Home business mlm business

requires something that is missing in many presentations and efforts:



MOVING PEOPLE – not just hyping them,

A ‘Lot of times, people are BUSY being BUSY and getting little if anything done. They focus on being in MOTION and not being in THE EMOTION that will draw people towards you and create a hope and possibility FEELING for their life.

So often in social media, or even traditional presentations there is a lack of emotion and FEELING.

What happens, as I recently saw on facebook, when there is no Feeling involved, there is a need to pressure of FORCE something to happen.

That is not a good thing and will drive many people away.

If you focus on what YOU GET out of network marketing, and not what the prospect gets, you will come across as pressureful and greedy and will turn your prospect off. I see this quite often online. And people do not even realize they are coming across like that.

I saw this on LinkedIn just last week. The guy was obnoxious and was really pressuring people on a public message to look at his business.

Forcing and demanding people to listen comes across as desperate and a possible  scam.

Lighten up and focus on what you have for the prospect.

On social media, always make it about what the prospect can GET.

“This ebook is FREE…”

“Imagine this happening to you and your family.”

“Dreams are useless if they stay in your mind. How would you like to see them in real life?”

Whether Video or Audio, or just a post, or face to  face, show EMOTION and show VALUE to the prospect in your tweets, posts, and appointments. My favorite emotion phrase I use a lot is this:

“I am so passionate about this,  I am sharing this message with people that I believe will see the extreme help it offers. If you have a second I would like to SHOW YOU SOMETHING that has made an amazing difference to my life…”

Maybe you should consider the same thing in your MLM Home Based Business.

blessings..doug firebaugh

(c) 2011  all rights reserved
