MLM Training- The Power of “Breaking the Success Barrier” Script

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mlm home business thinking

MLM Success Scripts.

Do you ever struggle with your home business?

Have you ever felt like quitting your network marketing profession?

Does direct selling have it’s moments that you just feel like giving up?

About 4 years ago, we came up with a Success Declaration Script as part of the “Re-Scripting the Mind” Program. We believe that what goes into your mind- good or bad- will come out in your life. I have been a big believer in putting the Good, the Powerful, the Mighty into your mind. And this declaration I believe can help anyone.

Re-Scripting the Mind is a simple thing, but a profound thing. In Network marketing, or direct selling, you must be on your game and focused. But many times…

Our thoughts become our greatest enemy.

This Re-Scripting Declaration will help you start to battle those negative thoughts and input what needs to be inputted and jettison what needs to be removed.

As Earl Nightingale once said, “We become what we think about.”

This Success Declaration I believe will help you put into your mind what you MUST in order to get out of life what you want.

Read this daily, and read it at least 3 times a day.

In Private Coaching, I have suggested the first week to read it once an hour.4

This will help you focus and get your game on with your mlm home based business.


Breaking the Success Barrier

(c) 2012 all rights reserved  Doug Firebaugh

My Personal Success Breakthrough is at hand!

Today, I draw a line in the sand. It is my day of total transformation. I have made THE Decision. I will no longer settle for a life of less. My family will no longer settle for a life of less. I no longer will expect less. Our Creator did not put us on this earth to live a life of struggle.

My family deserves the best that life has to offer. So do I. I now know that I have been misled in what I can do with my life. I now know that I have been living a life that I did not have to live. I have decided today that Success and Wealth belong to me.

I now know that struggle is optional. I will struggle no longer. I am worthy of Success and Wealth. Today, the worry and fear STOP. I forgive the people who taught me this life philosophy for they did not know any better. I forgive myself for not believing in me like I should have. Today I see the Truth.

 There is a Millionaire Inside of me, and today, I release that Millionaire from my heart.

 Today- everything changes. God is smiling. I finally get it. It’s my turn, it’s my time, and it’s my life. Today the TRUE me – the one that is UNSTOPPABLE and totally UNDENIABLE- just showed up.

I would suggest that you read this daily for your network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook-Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

FREE mlm mp3 download “The 7 Greatest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training Related Posts:

6 Powerful Training Opening Phrases that PULL on the Telephone

The Power of Posture by Ray Higdon





MLM Training-The Psychology of the MLM Telephone Prospect

MLM Telephone Psychology of the Prospects.

Do you understand the Psychology of the Telephone for your Home Based Business?

How do you view the mlm prospect you are talking on the telephone?

Would having an understanding of the psychology of the mlm telephone prospect help?

Understanding your prospect, no matter if they came from online or offline, is critical. One of the most powerful ways you can understand is from a psychological aspect. This will help you in a lot of ways to better your telephone success.

The Psychology of the PROSPECT.

You prospects are looking for certain things. They are looking for the things we all are. You need to embrace what they are looking for, and then engage that in your future phone calls.
MLM Telephone Prospects appreciate many things. If you understand that, your calls will become more powerful.

What things are they looking for?

1. Genuine Conversation.
2. Genuine Interest in THEIR Interests.
3. Genuine Helping and Transforming Focus.

DO NOT have the focus of “I want something FROM you —  Have the focus of “I have something FOR YOU.”

It is called “The Birthday Gift” state of emotion.

Turn the Telephone into a “Transform-a-phone!”

The Psychology of the PROSPECT on the telephone.

1. Do NOT Pressure.
2. Do NOT talk about anything but them and their dreams and wants.
3. Do NOT make them uncomfortable.
4. DO make them laugh.
5. DO make them totally RELAXED.
6. DO “pour into” them with golden words of encouragement.

Every phone conversation is a “Vial of Gold” that you pour the Gold into the person’s heart

GOLD= Gift Of (a) Larger Destiny.

Your Success Language.

Understand that there is a “Success Language” that you must speak.

We call it “PowerTALK”

It is NOT just the language of your words.
It is NOT just the language of your thoughts/ mind.
It is the Language of the HEART and what they feel.  

“Heart Set- not just mind set.”

Jere is a golden rule for communication:  First people FEEL- THEN they hear.

PowerTALK combines the Mind Language and the Heart language to form — Success Language.

That is a powerful tool for your mlm network marketing home  business for your telephone success!

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook-Social Recruiting Power -over 50 recruiting secrets

FREE mp3 download-The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved


MLM Training Related Posts:

MLM Prospecting Daily Plan that Works!

One of the Greatest Opening Questions You can ask

MLM Training- 6 Powerful Telephone Opening Phrases for Recruiting

mlm telephone training

mlm home business

MLM Telephone Training Opening Lines.

What do you usually say to your mlm prospects over the phone?

How do you come across on the telephone in your network marketing business?

Would you like 6 powerful tips on how to open up a conversation about your home business?

Here are 6 mlm telephone training opening lines that WORK and I have used them for years successfully:



1) The 4 Power Words in approaching anyone-warm or cold market.


“Mary, do you have a second? I need your help.”
“Mary, are you busy? I need your help on something.”
“Mary, I need your help with something- do you have a second?”

2) “Maybe you can help me.”

“John, maybe you can help me—do you have a second?”
“Tom, I need to chat with you, maybe you can help me.”
“Mary, if you are not busy, maybe you can help me with something.”

3) “I need a favor.”

“John, I need a favor- do you have a second?”
“Larry, are you busy? I need a favor from ya.”
“Tom, I need a favor –I know you can help me.”

4) “Could you give me hand on something I am working on?”

“John, could you give me a hand with something? I could really use some help with finding the right people.”
“Mary, could you please give me a hand on something? I need your input on a product.”
“Terry- do you have a second?  I need a hand with a something new I am doing. Here is how you can help…”

5) “Do you have a second?”

“Mary, do you have a second? I could use some help with a new thing I have run across.”
“Luke, do you have a second? I need a hand with something that you may be able to help me with.”
“Teresa, do you have a second? I need to get your honest opinion on a product that I have run across that I feel you need to know about.”

6) “I have run across the most amazing thing.”

“Lisa, I have run across the most amazing thing, and wanted to know if you are aware of it. Have you heard of_________?”
“And speaking on something different, I have run across the most amazing thing.”
“And by the way, before I go, I wanted to share an idea with you. I have run across the most amazing thing.”

You have heard that it is a NUMBERS GAME.

That is only partly true.


You MUST work the numbers- but effectively and powerfully.
You MUST sift and sort- but do it effectively with effective focus, expectations, and words.

5 out of 10 calls will be PRACTICE.

Understand the “Looking for You” Rule:

Quit looking for who you are looking for.

START looking for those who are looking for you and watch how you explode your mlm telephone success in your home based business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets

FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You


blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training Related Posts:

An MLM Prospecting Daily PLAN that WORKS

7 MLM Telephone Training Secrets No One Will Tell You



MLM Training- One of the Greatest Opening Questions for MLM Recruiting

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mlm home business training

MLM Recruiting Question.

Have you ever asked the wrong question to a network marketing prospect?

Have you ever ever walked away frustrated because of so many negative responses from your home business prospects?

How would you like to discover an opening line that RARELY if ever gets a negative response?

(By the way- check out as it will blow your mind. It will teach you step by step how to find targeted leads- 50 million of them online on press release sites, contact them, and recruit them. Check it out NOW!)

There are many ways to start a conversation with people for your direct sales business. I have found that there are 2 different kinds:

1. The kind that sound robotic, agenda driven, and “I am going to get something from you today!” approach that feels pressured and not relaxed.


2. The kind that PULLS people towards you immediately and makes the prospect FEEL comfortable and relaxed.

Now here is a million dollar question:

Which one would YOU prefer to have asked of YOU?


I want to tell you a story.

Her name is Lori. Lori was with a weight loss company, and she was struggling a lot. Her business had stalled and she had no answer for why. Because of that, her upline was putting pressure on her. She wanted her to do more meetings, more presentations, more three ways, and more work. And she did. But it started impacting her family. She was gone more, and she was beginning to  not like her direct marketing business. As a matter of fact her husband was getting to the point that he wanted her to stay home and be a mom.

So she quit.

But she had a lot of weight loss product that she had to get rid of, and called me and asked what she should do. I asked her some questions, and found out that her upline had sabotaged her career unknowingly by forcing her to go into desperate mode, not her normal smiling friendly marketing mode.

I asked her to tell me what she was asking folks when she initially contacted them. She did, and I must admit, it was NOT what it should have been as it was pressured. Her upline gave her the script.

She had turned a warm approach into something that was not relaxed, and not natural for her.

I suggested she ask one simple question and then forget about it.

She said ok, and then we chatted about other things.

3 weeks later, she called me.

What should have taken 3 months to do and get rid of, she had done in 3 weeks.


She got back to being herself, and asked the question we discussed and ONLY that question.

And by the way…

She engaged her business with a new power and today has one of the largest teams in her home business company..


WHAT was the question she asked?

Understand, that this is for a weight loss company,  but the question can be used for anything.

Here is it:

“Hey, you know some people dont you? I am doing some research. How many people do you know that are struggling with their weight? Would you like to help them?”


Here is for skin care:

“Hey, you know some people dont you? I am doing some research. How many people do you know that are not totally happy with how their skin looks? Would you like to help them?”

Here is for travel:

“Hey, you know some people dont you? I am doing some research. How many people do you know that would love to go on a vacation at about 20% of the normal cost? Would you like to help them do that?”

This approach is what we call “The Research Connection.”

Try it. Put your niche and products in there and practice it.

Dont be surprised if you see an explosion in your appointments in your network marketing home business!


FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets

FREE mp3 download – The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE Will Tell You”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training Related Posts:

7 MLM Telephone Training Secrets NO ONE Will tell You

How to Get Unlimited Social Media Leads



MLM Prospecting- The Magnetic Power of Posture by Ray Higdon

mlm prospecting home business

mlm home business prospecting


MLM Prospecting with Powerful Posture

 Are You prospecting your prospects with a POWER?

Are you using a weak prospecting approach in your mlm business?

Could you use some help in your mlm network marketing prospecting for your home business?

Hanging in La Joya

 You always hear me preach about having posture in your MLM prospecting but I think some don’t understand what I mean. In this blog I am going to share my exact responses to common network marketing objections.

My Secret MLM Prospecting Tips

When I train people how to get better at MLM prospecting I instruct them to maintain their power. To me, the most important thing about prospecting is energy management. I want the prospect to understand that I am in control and I am going to build this with or without them. I am NOT seeking their approval nor do I NEED them in my business if they are not the right type of person.

There is always a point in a conversation where the balance of power is defined. This happens when either the prospect or you make a power move, typically, this is the prospect pulling away. MOST networkers fall for this and then pursue them down the energy drain versus maintain their power. Let me share with me what I mean…

Prospect: I just don’t think I can do this type of business.
Rookie: What do you mean? You know everyone! You would be awesome!

This increases the resistance in the prospect and you have lost your power. Let me give you some more examples:

Prospect: I need to think about it.
Rookie: What’s there to think about it? We’re gonna be rich! It’s awesome!

Prospect: I need to do some research.
Rookie: What’s there to research? I just showed you the presentation, it’s awesome!

In all of the above examples you have lost the power in the MLM prospecting conversation. Let me show you how to do it, the Ray Higdon way =).


Taking a Break with My Sweetie


Power and Postured MLM Prospecting

Always maintain your power. I believe it so much that my first audio CD is actually called Maintaining Your Power.  This is where you use your power to give the prospect a different, more qualified feel. This is without being rude, but, by maintaining your power when you are MLM prospecting. Here are the same objections but handled with power. Keep in mind, this is MY way, others would have you use some salesy approach or a hard close which I am personally uncomfortable with and I have found most people are too. Here are the examples:

Prospect: I just don’t think I can do this type of business.
Me: You’re probably right. Do you know anyone that has been affected by the economy that might want to make extra money?

Prospect: I need to think about it.
Me: Take your time. Because I spend so much time training and coaching people, I don’t want someone coming in not being sure this is something they want to do. In the meantime do you happen to know a financial planner?

Prospect: I need to do some research.
Me: Cool. There are about 150 videos online, I would suggest going through each and every one of them before you make a decision, lets see if this thing is a fit for you or not. We spend so much time training and coaching I wanna make sure this is a fit for you before you get started.

Prospect: I need to talk to my wife/husband.
Me: Perfect, I definitely think that is a smart idea. Before I spend a lot of time training you, I wanna make sure this is the right fit for you and your family.

Now, some of you are shaking your head and thinking but Ray, this won’t get them signed up on the spot! Well, how is that approach working for you? I don’t like to pressure people and one of the reasons is I have seen people get a signup from a reluctant person just to have them quit the next day. I could care less about a little signup bonus, I want to bring people in that are gonna stick. Now, despite what you may be thinking, these tactics about 70% of the time turn the prospect around on the spot and they then signup. Is this a refreshing way to handle MLM prospecting? Leave me your comments on your thoughts =)

If you enjoyed this post please comment and share if you want more content like this

This is a great post by my buddy Ray Higdon. Visit his blog at

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training Related posts:

A Powerful MLM Prospecting Blueprint that WORKS!

7 MLM Telephone Mastery Secrets No One will tell You


MLM Training- The Power of Unlimited Social Media Lead Generation

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mlm home business social media


MLM Social Media Secrets.

Are you operating your home business with unlimited prospects?

How do you do that and is that important to your network marketing business?

Why is unlimited leads and access to a million leads so important today for your direct sales business?

You MUST have Unrestricted and Unfettered access to Unlimited prospects to create Wealth in your home business today. Things have changed and continue to.

 That says it all.

 You simply need to have access to millions of leads that are just waiting on you to call them. Yes, you read that right. They are waiting on you to call them. But first, you must find them. And the best part- is they are FREE and no charge.

 Sound too good to be true?

 Sound like a dream that you wish was true?

  It is true. And it is all over the internet. All you have to do is know where to go, what to do, how to access them and how to recruit them the way today requires.

 Do you know how to do that?

 If you do not- you need to learn and learn fast.

 Today, the warm market is still a VERY viable way to gather leads and build your business. But a mistake is made everyday. The distributor restricts their lead gathering process to just one market –the people they know- and that market has restrictions and boundaries.

You are limiting yourself to a very microscopic, small part of the possible leads that you can find to recruit. YES, you need to work your warm market, but today, you need to also have a bigger market, a more powerful market, a more magnetic market that will help you find the people that you need to connect.

 Terry, who lives in Tampa,Florida found this to be true. She was working her warm market and getting a LOT of resistance, negative responses, and nos. She actually was so discouraged, that she was thinking of getting out of the business and going back to her job full time. She had backed off to part time to work her business.

 Why was this happening? She was finding out what many new folks do when they start a home business.

 Her friends and family looked at her as Little ol Terry and not a business person or an entrepreneur. She was not taken seriously, and many people just told her she was wasting her time. When she started working some online to find leads via social networking and other methods, – she found more quality leads in 7 days then she had in 7 weeks.

Her recruiting Success increased dramatically, and her income followed that path as well. She today regularly gets 10- 20 new leads a day, and has never looked back. Yes, she still works her warm market, but knows that there has to be more than that today to succeed at Network Marketing.

How are boundaries set up?

 It all starts with clinging to traditional thinking. Many folks in Network Marketing think that the only way to work this business is the old way- the trusted way- the sure way- the tried and true way. But they are making a grave mistake:

 They are using an old cell phone mind set in an Iphone world.

They are using the typewriter in a mobile marketing world.

They are using snail mail in an RSS Feed and SMS world.

Things have changed in network marketing and being able to have unrestricted access to an infinite number of leads free is a MUST to succeed in today’s business.

 Every business has growth and change. Every industry has transformation. The home business market is no different. It has evolved and changed the last 5 years to the point that those who do not embrace that change- will be the former distributors of tomorrow. There are way too many people gathering leads online by the thousands, to say that it does not work.

 Where are they finding them?

 On the internet.

On the social marketing sites.

On the blogs and microblogging sites.

On the podcast sites.

On the book marking sites.

On photo sites.

On pay per click.

On search engines.

On wiki pages.

And the list goes on.

 The new Millionaire to be in our industry will be playing by rules, strategies, and tactics that even 5 years ago,  would not have even been thought about because they did not exist.

 Are YOU going to be left behind? Are YOU going to be one of those that simply does not get it?

 NO! You are going to unleash a social media storm in your business and life and take both to a whole new level of Success!


 By changing and expanding your strategies for finding leads, and gathering prospects for your business. You MUST understand that 7 billion dollars was done through the power of ADAPTION. There were things that had to be adapted to- and changed- to continue moving forward. When the industry started changing in technology- I had to shift as well as the industry.

 Let’s listen to this conversation from my mentor: 

“I remember when the telephone was the only prospecting tool. There were no cell phones and computers–they were only seen in sci-fi movies. Yet, when the advent of the cell phone came, I adjusted. That is one of the biggest secrets to Success today in network marketing- adjusting and adapting. When the fax was really hot in the 80s, we adjusted and adapted. It was a great tool as was the voice mail when it came out. But again, things change.

 Then came the personal computer, internet and email. We adjusted and adapted again, and used the tools that progress had brought to the table. If I had not adjusted and adapted, my business would have suffered. There were people in my group that did adapt and did not skip a beat. Then there were those who did not – and many got buried in the wave of change. I have found that a billion dollars can be found on top of the wave of change- not at the bottom. Some people say you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Well, first off, I am not a dog- and second off you CAN teach someone that has seen it all new techniques, methods, and tactics.

 My suggestion is that you adjust and adapt to this Social Media marketing phenomenon. It is a blessing and more. You can gather more free leads from so many places at once- than any other thing I have seen in my 40 years in this industry. No restrictions, no boundaries, and no walls. Yes, it will take you a while to get it down, but once you do, you will have leads pouring in quicker than you can call on them. THAT is how you create a billion dollar business in Network Marketing and home business mlm.”

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets

FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE Will Tell You”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training Related Posts:

7 MLM Telephone Mastery Secrets No One will tell You

5 Powerful ways to Conquer Call Reluctance

MLM Training- A Powerful MLM Prospecting Daily Blueprint that WORKS!

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mlm network marketing prospecting


MLM Prospecting Secrets.

Do you have trouble finding leads for your home based business?

What are the mlm prospecting methods that you use that work- or do you have any?

Would you like to learn a 4 Step MLM daily prospecting blueprint that has proven to WORK?

Here is a Million Dollar Prospecting Gold Nugget:

“You need a PLAN for your Prospecting. If you do NOT have one, you are planning to fail.”

 What is your PLAN for Prospecting DAILY?

 We call it your Daily Prospecting Blueprint.

 You would not build a house without a blueprint.

You should not build a business without a prospecting blueprint.

 Imagine the house that would be built if it was built just on a whim and no blueprint.

 Here is a simple but powerful 4 task prospecting blueprint that you can use daily if you choose. I used it for years, and it worked amazingly.

It is not complicated nor does it take any special software, although those things are great as well. But this will focus you on 4 things that PULL prospects into your radar.

 It goes with the word PLAN.

1.  P stands for Phone Calls.

 I always made at least 10 calls a day to NEW LEADS. Out of those calls I usually talked to  4-5 people and usually got  2 people willing to take a look.  I left a lot of voice mail message as well, and we will go over that in another post.

 2. L stands for Looking.

 I went out everyday and LOOKED for 5 new names or possible people to hold conversations with. You do this in social media, networking, daily conversations, walk arounds, and anywhere you are at the moment. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN while you are online and offline for anyone who may BE who you are looking for, or KNOWS who you are looking for.

 3. A stands for Ask.

 I asked 2 people everyday if they would help me find someone who would benefit from my products. I asked people I knew and people I did not know, I would simply strike up a conversation and then ask them if:  “They might be able to assist me in locating someone they knew I might be able to help.”

 4. N stands for Network.

 My goal was to add ONE NEW NAME to my referral network DAILY. In social media today, that is so easy to do getting people to follow you or you friend them. From a traditional standpoint, networking is simply meeting someone new and getting a card and asking if they want to grab a tea sometime. That is so simple but yet powerful. It is the same thing with social media…but online.

 Develop a PLAN and then everyday DO IT- no exceptions.

 There is such GREATNESS inside of you that you need to unleash on the world.

 It starts TODAY. 

“Most people silently walk past a gold mine everyday- people who KNOW who you are looking for.”

 I was on facebook recently coaching someone on prospecting and I connected with someone in the town where my client I was working with lived. I wanted to show my client  how easy it was to create a NEW conversation with someone in social media (or offline) and get that person interested in talking about your business – in less than 15 seconds.

 They found that hard to believe as most people do. But it really is not that hard.

 I started a conversation and asked them if they might do me a favor.

 They said they would try and asked what they could do.

 I simply said, “I have helped people in all 50 states create what they could not create in their own life- a powerful lifestyle that most never live. These folks today have new homes, new cars, and most travel to places they once only dreamed of. I am looking for someone in your hometown to help me locate some people I can help. Would you help me find that person?”

 They answered back:

 “You just found them. Tell me more.”

 There is amazing power inside of you. YOU can DO what I just taught. RELEASE that power in your business and SOAR with your network marketing mlm home business.

FREE mp3 download – The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing No One will Tell You

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

Blessings…doug Firebaugh

© 2012 all rights reserved 

 MLM Training Related Posts:

7 MLM Telephone Training Secrets no One Will Tell You

5 Reasons to Send Out Press Releases for your Home business



MLM Training- The 4 Points and 4 Tiers of Social Media MLM

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social media network marketing


MLM Social Media Secrets.

Have you ever thought of combining social media in your home based business?

If you have not you are BEHIND THE TIMES in your mlm business.

What if you could learn the basics of social media for a home business mlm that will start you on the right track?

You need a traditional as well as a non—traditional track of Success that leads you to the enrollment of distributors/consultants in your business.

 You have the traditional track of:




Follow up.


 But then you also need a non-traditional track of success as well.  This would include what we teach as a part of Network Marketing 4.4™ — the NEW Social School of Home Business Success. It is a 4 point / 4 tier Platform that you can integrate powerfully in your home business that works.

 We call it “Co-Traditional” Network marketing.

 It is an integration of tradition with non-tradition. Old school meets theSocialSchool. And it is what is being taught in The Coming Success Storm program.

 What are the 4 points and 4 tiers?

 The 4 Points is a track that you use to keep on track. The points are:

 1)   Exposure — on Social sites.

2)   Connection – with people you have drawn towards you.

3)   Value added – giving to the new friendship with Value.

4)   TIO.  Take It Offline. You need to create a more powerful relationship with influence and persuasion- offline- via phone or even face to face.

 This 4 point system can create an enormous exposure vehicle as well as connection system for Recruiting MagneTechs.

 The 4 Tiers are:

 1)   Social Networking Sites.

2)   Blogging.

3)   Broadcasting. (Videos, podcasting, livecasting, mobilecasting)

4)   Pictures.

 These are the 4 tiers that you can build a tremendous prospecting and recruiting track with.

 1)   Social sites are a MUST to create the exposure you need online.  You need to be visible on social sites like these:

Google Plus



 2)   Blogging and micro blogging will help brand you and get your message across of your product as well as business in writing. Here are a few sites.


3)   Broadcasting will position you as an expert, and will give you the way of getting your voice and message out that is broadcast over the internet, its downloadable, and can be virally marketed. Here are a few sites to start with:

Meta Cafe 

Podcast411  (Podcasting tutorial) 

Ustream TV


4)   Pictures will give you an opportunity to PERSONALIZE your message and efforts with your face and as well as images that are uploaded to social sites. Here are a few sites to start with:


 These 4 points and 4 Tiers will help you move in a more powerful way in your business, 

 If you are SERIOUS about your Network Marketing business, this will help you create a massive amount of leads that you can follow up on and help solve the prospecting puzzle so many Home Business Professionals  struggle with in network marketing.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets

FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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3 Compelling Reasons why you MUST Send Out Press Releases

MLM Training- 7 MLM Telephone Training Secrets NO ONE Will Tell You


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mlm network marketing telephone success


MLM Telephone Secrets of Success.

How often do you us the telephone in your mlm network marketing business?

What do you SAY to the home business prospect when you chat with them?

Are your words working or are hindering your work at home business?

The telephone can be one of the GREATEST tools you have or can be one of the most FRUSTRATING tools you have-depending on how you see it and use it.

Many home business professionals have used the phone with great success.

Why does it work for SOME and not for others in network marketing?

GREAT question!

They have figured some things out, and that is the reason for this post. After researching telephone mastery and making 100,000 calls myself, we have found 7 MLM Telephone Secrets that we believe will make a huge difference in your business and results on the telephone.

Here are 7 of the most Powerful Telephone Mastery Secrets that exist:

1) “The Million Dollar 15.”

You can get more done in a focused 15 minute time of making phone calls then 2 hours.
Commit to 15 minutes a day to FOCUS and FIND 1 good prospect a day. The power of n intense focus is known, and but it can really stand out in an mlm telephone session.
Get FOCUSED on a 15 minute time slot, and rock the phone.

2) “Focus on Who THEY KNOW.”

Focus your efforts on who the prospect knows initially, and then transition to them.
Sometimes, with mlm prospects, focusing on who they know often can lead to a better response than initially focusing directly on the prospect.

3) “Focus on making them glad that you called and wanting to you to call again.”

Encourage, empower, edify, and exalt.
Often  a little encouragement can be all you need to recruit someone into your business. This is a master tool that works every time..

4) “A short phone call carries Power, a long phone call often – Poison.” 

Make the call short and simple. Respect their and your time. Often the poison of desperation can sneak up on you and you can sound desperate talking to your prospect. This is not cool.

5) “I have REALLY enjoyed this call- it’s been great –thanks.” 

A gracious exit on a phone call can be worth a million dollars. Often, we do not exist a call or finish a call with any kind of grace. Be gracious and let them know you have enjoyed their time, appreciate their  time, and look forward to doing it again. You will be glad you did. 

6) There are what we call “The Four Ns of the Telephone Call” 

A phone call needs to be NORMAL.
A phone call needs to be NATURAL.
A phone call needs to be NON-THREATENING.
A phone call needs to be NICE – NO MATTER WHAT happens!
DO NOT let the prospect steal your Power for Success by making you angry!

NICE= Now In Control (of) Emotions


7) POUR into them, and create a “5 Minute Drill.” 

“I am not sure if anyone has told you—but…you have an amazing personality….an infectious energy….
The GOLD of their Personality.
The GOLD of their Energy.
The GOLD of their Communication skills.
The GOLD of their People skills.
The GOLD of their Sincerity.
Leave with a Million Dollar Touch for your mlm prospects in your network marketing work at home business.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012  all rights reserved
MLM Training Related posts:

MLM Training- 5 Reasons to Submit Press Releases for Your MLM Business

mlm training network marketing

mlm training on press releases

MLM Press Release Reasons to Send Out.

Have you ever heard of PR web?

Have you ever sent out a press release for your team in network marketing?

Do you think that having potentially thousands of NEW eyeballs on your press release would be worth considering one?

I thought so.

Many folks do not submit press releases for their business as they do not know the power nor the stickiness of a press release on the web. We have submitted press releases and 3 years later, are still showing up on Google.

THAT is great exposure.

What if YOU could learn how to do that?

(You WILL Learn that if you are there for the Press Release Recruiting webinar!

This is a webinar that will teach you step by step how to tap into 50 million targeted leads and these leads cost you NOTHING-and they are already qualified. Might want to check this out)

Stickiness of a press release can keep your message out on the net not only for years- but we have had press releases picked up a year later by people who have communicated with us about it and they just found it. You can follow melodyeotvos for more business tips.

How and what did WE DO?

What made them call and why after a year are people STILL calling?

The press release can be a very valuable tool not only for recruiting, but for exposure for what you are doing in your home based business. It has proven to be a powerful message delivery mechanism, and also a great way to get your name out there quick.

5 Powerful Reasons.

Here are 5 reasons why you should send out a press release that will help accelerate your business. (You will learn 52 reasons on the webinar-one for each week.)

1. A New Team Member.

If you have a new team member, and are excited about this person..


Send out a press release about this person and interview them and get their name up in lights. Feature them as a new super star in the making and they will be MOTIVATED to become it.

2. A Special Event.

One of the least used but most powerful reasons to send out a press release is if you are attending an event- especially a regional or national conference! Make it sound special and like this is a HUGE deal for you to be there, and make the press release personal and fun.

This will get you out there and give you a tool to recruit with as well when you are there.

3. A Promotion in Rank.

If you are promoted to the next pin level, then you should let the world know. Send out a brief press release about it and tell why it means so much to you as well as how you feel.

And if one of your team members gets promoted….yes, send a press release out as well!

4. A Special Incentive Award.

If you have won a car, like a BMW, or have been included on an exclusive trip, then let the world know and again, make it personal and fun. Let the world know how you feel, how hard you worked, and what this can mean to anyone that works hard and refuses to give up.

Make it INSPIRING- and touching.

5. If you have a new blog, or updated your blog, or a new fan page.

Let the world know of you have a new blog, or website, or video, or fanpage. This is imperative as any business today lets the world know about their blog upgrades and their fanpage activity.

Keep the world informed.

Let them know WHO YOU ARE and why they should get to know you.

These are 5 reasons why you should submit press releases for your network marketing home based business in mlm.

FREE mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network marketing NO ONE will tell you.”

FREE Social Media Recruitng ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 recruiting secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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3 HUGE Press Release Mistakes Made with a Home business

3 Reasons Why You MUST Submit Press Releases in MLM