mlm network marketing
MLM Success Tips.
Do you know what the MOST powerful tool you have for your mlm business?
What would that be for your home business?
Would knowing that secret HELP YOU in your network marketing business?
I wrote an article several years ago and I wanted to share with you today. It is SO TRUE and I know it will help you in your home based business.
Here is is….
A home business is built many ways and with many tools.
One of the 2 tools that a network marketing business is built with is YES and NO.
Many MLM distributors do not realize that their home based business is being built by someone else.
Many a home business is being built by someone else the distributor knows through powerful Influence,and they are using the NO tool to do it.
Many a work at home distributor in a home based business has left the profession because someone else was building their business-with negative words and actions that influence the
distributor over time to give up and simply walk away.
I almost walked away my first 4 years -5 times- due to negative comments and people’s influence over my life.
Thank God I was able to GROW BIGGER than their negatives.
Isn’t it TIME that you moved you and your work at home business into the YES ZONE?
Isn’t it time that you simply took CONTROL of your MLM destiny and quit letting someone else “build” -or in this case destroy- your business.
I do a lot of private one on one consultation and I am amazed at how many people let others dictate and build their business with their negative and poisonous “notgoing to happen” focus. And eventually the distributor gives in to the verbal and emotional assault of others -and quits.
And they could have gone on to build a dream business that would have given them an amazing life. But yet they built their business on the foundation of someone else’s NO.
Here is a quote I wrote:
“It is those that say a resounding YES to Home Business Success as well as Life that live a Larger then normal life, have a Larger than normal business, and have a more Powerful than normal income. Say YES- and QUIT LISTENING to the NOs that are trying to STOP YOU. “
The word YES.
It is a FOCUS.
It is an ACTON.
It is a BELIEF.
It is a MIND SET.
Yes is one of the most powerful words in all language and MLM. It simply says “I will move forward with that.”
But a DECIDED YES also includes a silent- “And I will NOT BE STOPPED.”
Many people build a home business as well as live a life of NO because they were taught that and grew up in that NO culture. But you can change that in a heartbeat.
Change your DECIDED DESTINY from NO to YES.
Yes I am succeeding with my Home Business.
Yes I am the top earner for my Company.
Yes I am the most powerful Leader on my Home Business Team.
Yes I am building a team of 50,000 people in my Home Business.
Yes I am living a lifestyle that most only dream of with my Home
YES I am doing it NOW and No Thing, No Lie, No Person, No Result, No Insult, No Lack of Understanding, No or No Crisis will STOP ME and my Home business..
THAT is a mind set well abovethe norm in the crowd of mediocrity, and you will RISE above everyone and everything that tries to stop you.
Say “YES” to being Invincible and Unstoppable!
Say YES to the Greatness inside of you and the great destiny that lies before you.
If you do that, people will RESPOND MORE POSITIVELY to you, and are drawn more powerfully towards you.
God put a YES LIFE there and does NOT want it wasted.
Neither DO YOU!
Today…Say “YES!” to a Million Dollar Home Business!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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