MLM Training – 5 Prospect PULLING MLM Recruiting Resolutions

mlm network marketing new years

mlm home business new years resolutions

MLM New Year Resolutions.

Are you making new years resolutions for your home business?

Are you planning on changing up some things for your network marketing recruiting?

Are you wanting to know some secrets that will help you for 2013 in your mlm?

The power of  new year mlm resolution is what a lot of folks do not understand for their home business. It can change your future if you allow it to.

Most new year resolutions never last, and that is a fact. Most gym clubs explode in membership during the first of every year, and 60 days later, most of the new attendees are no longer coming.

This is common and so predictable fro many home business owners.

Does this happen every year with your network marketing business? Direct sales is a powerful profession but it still requires the RIGHT work, not just the work that keeps one busy. Is that you? Do you stay busy but not productive? Do you keep the same actions going and not producing the right results when recruiting?

I would suggest that you make some new year resolutions that WORK and not just another promise broken to yourself.

Here are 5 new year resolutions for mlm recruiting for your home based business:

1. I resolve to focus this year on PERSONAL PRODUCTION.

It is ALL about Personal Recruiting and production. Everything revolves around Production and this year you are going to quit depending on others on your team to recruit and you shall become a recruiting machine. DOUBLE your production this year and next year will be an amazing year.

2. I resolve this year to become EFFECTIVE- not just Efficient.

Effective is the KEY word n 2013. You must become effective in all that you do, and this means you must MASTER some skills that you have not yet. Mastering recruiting is easy. Quit recruiting and start SOLVING issues. Start HELPING with the prospect’s dreams and not drama. Efficient is doing the right things. Effective is doing things RIGHT.

3. I resolve this year to work daily with a DPOA.

You MUST have a DOPA. What is that?  A Daily Plan Of Action. You MUST have a daily plan that you work relentlessly. You cannot “shoot from the hip” and expect to succeed in your home business. A daily plan gives your day STRUCTURE and a blueprint to follow. If you just “wing it” then all you will ever have is a low producing business.

4. I resolve this year to call my “Chicken List.”

We have everyone that we would LOVE to recruit but there is no way we can call them as it scare us to paralysis. But here is how you do it:  Call them and take them out to lunch and interview them about Success or Leadership. What is Success to them? What is the secret to Leadership? What is their secret to Success? Then ask them for input on your business and then ask them for a referral of who could benefit for your products.

5. I resolve this year to learn 5 NEW Prospecting Skills or Tactics.

Constant education is critical. You MUST get up to date with some of the latest skills and tactics and software available. Get on social media and learn it. Start using Mobile Recruiting for your home business. Start doing things that will PRODUCE more and LEVERAGE your time and recruiting efforts.

These are 5 Powerful MLM recruiting new years resolutions that you need to engage for your network marketing home based business.

FREE mp3 download “2013 Recruiting Secrets”-over 25 secrets with Doug and Diane Hochman!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

How to Ask a Prospect to Attend an event

Mobile Recruiting Tools and Strategies

MLM Training- How to Follow Up & Start the Closing Process Step by Step

mlm home business closing

ml, network marketing follow up

MLM Presentation / Follow Up How To Training.

Do you have a step by step system for presenting and following up for your home based business?

Are there secrets to present and follow up for network marketing?

Are you using any of them for your mlm?

Doing a presentation and following up are critical to the success of your home business. There are many ways to do it, and if yours is working,then keep doing what you are  doing. But if you are looking for some secrets that work-step by step- here are some ideas for your mlm business.

Let’s take a quick look at some ways to do this…

Now… you’re in their houses, and looking at them… what tools do you need with you, and what do you say?

Be Prepared to do Business!

On a One on One Retail Appointment, you need:

  • Your company NETWORK MARKETING Presentation Brochure
  • Your company NETWORK MARKETING Product Catalogue and PRODUCT.
  • Yor company NETWORK MARKETING CDs, DVDs.

A One on One Presentation should follow the Presentation Brochure or Online one..

We advise you to take a mac ipad or droid notebook  if you have one, and show the online video presentation or Power Point. Or let them view the 24/7 webinar presentation at their leisure.

If you are simply going to tell the prospect about your home business Network Marketing company, which occasionally you will be in a situation that requires that strategy, then follow the your Network Marketing company Presentation brochure. It was created to do brief One on One Presentations and show the MLM Hybrid Marketing Concept.

THEN, you must see where they are and if they are ready to sign up.

 “What’s Next?” —You need to eventually move the prospect into the path of moving towards making a Decision. There are “Directing Phrases or Questions” you can use:

Is this making sense to you?”

 “What did you like best about what you’ve heard so far?”

 “Can you see yourself becoming successful in something like this?”

 “On scale of 1-10, with one being no interest, and ten being ”This Rocks”, where do you see yourself?”

 “Is there any reason why we cannot partner up with this and start building an amazing business?”


 “Based on what you have heard, do you see yourself more as a customer or a Reseller?”

 “Would you like to partner with me and host a gathering for your friends to share this? Let me explain how that works…”

If they want to be a NETWORK MARKETING customer:

“Great! Let’s get your name in the computer, and place an order for your NETWORK MARKETING membership.  We need to know whether you see yourself as a Preferred Customer (wholesale prices), or a Retailer (if you’d like to know how to get your Network Marketing products for free by sharing them with your friends, and earning enough money to cover them)… OK!  Let’s get the paper work done…”

Fill out their application online and ask if they can suggest a referral for you.

Once the Customer paperwork is completed and they are an official customer, you still need to address how they can help you for referrals in your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets” over 25 secrets from Doug and Diane Hochman-to access click this link

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

3 Little Known ways to Make MLM sales through Social Media

The Power of MLM Leadership vs Motivation

MLM Training- 5 Reasons Why Santa Wants You to Have a Home Business

mlm home business santa

mlm network marketing home business

MLM 5 Reasons Why Santa Endorses a Home business.

Are YOU ready for Christmas for your home based business?

Do you have a Christmas Tree as Today is Christmas eve?

How about a Christmas Decorations for your network marketing business?

Here is a note to the world:

Santa OWN A HOME BUSINESS in a multitude of ways and he wants you to own one as well. He works from home, and also works to be in everyone else’s home as well. He BELIEVES in home businesses, and is an advocate for it as well. You can find more info at fundingwaschools.


There are 5 reasons why Santa wants you to have a home business this Christmas eve. We are going to go over the acronym “SANTA” and the 5 reasons why business plan consultants want you to have a home business.

1. S stands for SECURITY.

There is NO real security when you have a job, as you are always 2 words from losing it. “You’re FIRED! as Donald Trump so aptly says. Many people, because of the bad economy, will lose their job with no way to earn a living except find another job. That is NOT security, and not a way to live a secure life. Yes, keep your job and pay your bills. But start a home business and start working on your wealth.

2. A stands for ASSURED.

The single greatest reason many people stumble through life is lack of assurity about their future. A home business will  give you that assuredness as YOU start to build a destiny. There is NO assurance that you will have a destiny with a job alone.

3.  N stands for  NORMAL.

Santa knows that it is normal to have your own home business, as that is how the majority of businesses today started. And it also will give you a normal path to an extraordinary life. Normal is the way most peop;le try to live, never realizing the US was built on small business owners.

4.. T stands for THINKING.

Your thinking will change when you have your own business in retail merchandising or in any other industry, as it forces you to think BIGGER and more BOLDER, and more Powerful. Most people do not think for themselves, as they let others do their thinking. A home business will allow you think more for yourself. Studying the business strategies of accomplished CEOs such as Andrew Defrancesco can also help you create a better home business.

5.  A stands for ALTERNATIVES.

Most people do not have alternatives or options for their life. A home business gives you alternative paths and options most do not have. Santa wants you to have alternatives for 2013 and a home business will give that to you.

These are 5 reasons why Santa wants you to have an mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download “2013 Recruiting Tips” with Diane Hochman with over 25 secrets to recruiting in 2013!

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

10 Tips to hold a Power Meeting in MLM

4 Powerful Ways to answer the What Is It? Question

MLM Training- 3 Little Known Ways to Make Sales through Social Media

mlm training sales network marketing

mlm home business network marketing

MLM Social Media Marketing.

Would you like to know 3 ways that you can make sales using social media for your home business?

Are you using social media for your network marketing business?

Are you building a list of customers for your mlm business?

I read a LOT and one of the things I read is Smartbriefs, and I LOVE their newsletter. Here is an article from their newsletter, and from Duct Tape Marketing.

Smart salespeople have learned to tap the power of social media, but sadly, many companies still see social media tools and networks as a pointless and even scary place for their sales teams to focus.

social sellingIt’s amazing to me that this mentality remains. I realize that there is potential for confusion if sales reps are left “out in the wild” to create their own messages and brand assets, but the downside of restraining this powerful approach is far greater.

Today’s qualified prospect is often far easier to find and reach using social channels.

Today’s prospect often shares invaluable buying signals and data via social channels.

My first job out of college was a sales job and I recall one of my mentors coaching me on the ways to scan a prospect’s office for clues to information that might provide conversation starters and common ground. Things like diplomas, photos and awards were data points for relationship building.

Today this data, as well as information about buying patterns, challenges, company culture and news that may impact purchasing needs, is often shared freely in social networks.

There’s a famous saying that’s often applied to the world of business –

It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

The influx of social behavior in the sales environment has transformed this equation to – It’s not who you know, it’s what you know about who you know.

And it’s never been easier to know a great deal more about who you know.

While the process of sales may always involve face to face education and persuasion, many elements of prospecting, relationship building and adding value can be greatly aided through the consistent use of social media.


Blending social media data into CRM systems is becoming commonplace, but smart salespeople are taking it much deeper by mining networks like Twitter to develop and save searches related to their products and services.

When someone complains about or asks about something related to their search they may find an open invitation to start a conversation with a prospect.

Your lead mining toolbox might include:

  • Twilerts – a service that sends you alerts via email when your search terms are used on Twitter.
  • Google Alerts – a free service that sends alerts for your chosen search terms when they are found in Google.
  • TweetDeck – a free app that allows you to monitor Twitter for search terms and follow selected lists of Twitter users.
  • Google Reader – a free tool that allows you subscribe to and read RSS feeds. By subscribing the blogs and news feeds of prospect companies you can scan for important nuggets. I also use the Reeder app on my iPhone to make it easier to scan and share content I find.


Mining social networks is only part of the equation. Social networks are all about connecting and, in many cases, discovering who is connected to whom. Using research tools such as InsideView or SalesLoft can open unlock potential opportunities for connection.

A particularly useful tool for following job changes, a tremendous network connecting practice, is This tool mines LinkedIn and alerts you to profile changes in your network.


A great deal of relationship building energy is focused on getting and closing the deal, but as most sales professionals know, the long term money is in continuing to grow the relationship after the sale. This is where loyalty, repeat purchases and referrals happen.

This is where socially enabled tools for content sharing, filtering and curating shine. One of the best ways to establish increased value is to provide value in ways that may be, or at least seem to be, unrelated to the products and services you offer.

I believe that some service providers are being chosen these days based on their ability to find and share the good stuff in addition to making sense of the changing stuff.

Your Engaging toolbox might include:

  • Using your Google Reader play to create industry specific feeds.
  • Using tools such as Storify or to create custom pages.
  • Using Q and A sites like Quora to hone in on key industry challenges.

The changing world of sales has in some ways become more complex and in others more open, but one thing will likely never change – the sales professional that consistently finds ways to offer more value will win for your mlm network marketing home based business.

FREE mp3 hour long download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”-over 25 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

Leadership vs Motivation for your MLM Team

Mobile Recruiting Basics and Tools for Success

MLM Training – 8 Different Ways to Share Your Home Business Story

mlm home business sales

mlm network marketing home business

MLM Sharing Your Presentation.

Have you developed a story for your success or efforts for your home business?

What kind of story do you have for your network marketing business?

Are you willing to develop a story that will create success in your work at home mlm?

Your personal story is critical as it will point the people to you, and also develop credibility for you as you grow in this business. Tadam black stock will definitely guide you in a more better way.

How can you share your story in a way that will be meaningful and work for you?

So let’s take a look at how else you can SHARE your NETWORK MARKETING story:

TYPES OF SHARE Exposure events:    


This is an online video or webinar that tells the story online and is personal.

2. One on One Appointments.

This is a face to face or voice to voice LIVE appointment with your prospects.

3. In Home NETWORK MARKETING Business Reception.

This is a powerful way to tell your story to a group of people in a home setting. Follow oceannenvironment for more tips.

4. Brief Personal Overviews via Conference Calls  & Web Casts.

Webinars as well as Skype presentati0ns are a powerful way to share your story and products.

5. Executive Luncheons/ Dinners for Professionals.

These are a POWER MAGNET  meetings. A professional luncheon done correctly, can recruit many professionals into your business.

6. Local Events (Hotel)

These are coming back into vogue, and work well when done correctly.

7. Regional NETWORK MARKETING Events

These are great for corporate exposure.

8. National NETWORK MARKETING Events

These are the BIG MAMA meetings, as they are the BEST to expose and tell your story from the big stage.


In building your NETWORK MARKETING dream business, your goal in the first week is to get at least one appointment. Share the line of products and the value of your Network Marketing with friends.  They should have already had some form of exposure to NETWORK  MARKETING and your company by you.  If your friend has been on a conference call, or three way, that is even better!

BOTTOM LINE MESSAGE FROM YOUR HEART! The Four things you need are: 

  • The NETWORK MARKETING System works!  It’s exciting! (Energy & Enthusiasm)
  • What if it works for YOU? (Hope)
  • Try it now!       (Create Sense of Urgency).
  • Who else can you think of? (Referrals)

There are some people who will want to meet with you first before they agree to an appointment. There are many ways to do an appointment. These are some suggestions for your mlm network marketing home based business.

FREE mp3 Hour Long Audio Download “2013 Recruiting Tips”- click here to access

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

How to Ask a Prospect attend an Event -Online or Offline

6 Ways to Answer What Are You Selling Question

MLM Training- How to Ask a Prospect to Attend an Event- Online or Offline

mlm home business webinars

mlm home business events

MLM Prospect Attending an Event.

Do you have any trouble getting prospects to attend a webinar event for your home business?

How do you get them to your network marketing recruiting webinar?

How do you invite them to your mlm webinar?

There is so much information out there and it can get confusing. We suggest to keep it very easy to do and duplicate.

This is training on a 4 Step Recruiting System that we recommend you follow and focuses on inviting people to look attend an event for a presentation after they have had an intitial exposure.

The actual process of working this business and making money is:

1) FIND   (people you know)

2) ASK  (with CD/DVD/Video/Mobile Video/Sizzle call/Audio)

3) SHARE  (Invite them then to the daily Recruiting Webinar / Conf call or do a Three Way with your sponsor.)


 You need to reach out and SHARE some education and information with them. Getting them to see the message of your home business company is a must. To do this, you must turn their dreams into possibilities and beyond.

The SHARE step is the Presentation about your NETWORK MARKETING. company There are many different ways to create a Presentation, including using tools and events. But the NUMBER ONE SHARE Tool is the weekly Webinar / Conference call .

Invite your prospects to a special presentation of only 30 minutes, and even available 24/7 online at:

What are you doing at 12 noon today? Do you have 15 minutes that you can spare to attend online a webinar about what you saw on the DVD?”

Here are some other ways to use your tools to create a SHARE experience:

 NETWORK MARKETING DVDS: Hand them out for viewing.

NETWORK MARKETING CDs telling the story: Hand them
out for listening.

NETWORK MARKETING Brochures: Show them to inform of
available Products.


NETWORK MARKETING business cards: Hand them out for
contacting you.

(Also use online videos, landing pages, and other online marketing tools.)

The SHARE Presentation:  INVITING People to see the Online Recruiting Webinar.

The Single Greatest Wayto SHARE your Network Marketing company is to let your prospect listen to the National Webinar / Teleconference. INVITE them to this and let them hear a presentation that is guaranteed to be professional and powerful. You will LISTEN and LEARN the  presentation as well.  It doubles as a training tool for the new Reseller/distributor.

 1.“I am so glad that you enjoyed the video/audio/CD! Having a home business is one of the true ways to create a better life today. Let me ask you a question. Do you have 15 minutes at noon today or tonight at 9 pm? We are having a national Online Success Presentation that says it better than I can, and I would love for you to be my guest. Will you be my guest?”

 2. “Donna, I am so glad that you liked the DVD I gave you. It has changed my life Here is what we need to do next. Are you busy tonight for about 15 minutes at 9 pm? I would love for you to hear one of our top Leaders in the company who is going to do an incredible presentation on how to Succeed long term with Network Marketing.  Can I count on you to be on the call with me as my guest?”

 3. “Frank, this excites me. I am excited that you liked the DVD. Tell you what–why don’t you join me as my guest on a special webinar tonight that will present in-depth information on how to succeed with Network Marketing? It will last about 15-20 minutes. Can I count on you to be my guest?”

These are 3 powerful ways to ask a prospect to view a meeting/event for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE “2013 New year Recruiting Tips” mp3 audio download- to access click here

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

6 Ways to Answer What are You Selling Question

Mobile Recruiting Tools and Strategies

MLM Training – 10 Tips on How to Hold a Power Team Meeting

mlm meetings home business

mlm network marketing tips

MLM How to Hold Power Team Meetings.

Have you ever held a meeting for your home based business team?

What did you do for your network marketing team meeting?

Are you wanting to know how to do a CRUSHINGLY Powerful meeting?

I recently read in Salesbriefs Training letter a GREAT article on how to hold Power Meetings – Online and Offline–and 10 tips to guide you along. I thought this worthy of sending out and letting you enjoy as I did. These tips can be also for a webinar meeting or skype meeting, or any other type of online meeting.

RCKING HOT Success tips for you!


The Young Entrepreneur Council is an invite-only nonprofit organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses via live video chats, an expert content library and email lessons.

Here are 10 Tips for holding a Power Team Meeting:

No. 1: Keep the Excitement Up

Team meetings are all about creating excitement. Never let them become gripe sessions or chances to drone on about boring procedures, especially if it’s day 1 for a new employee. Play pump-up music before you start. Talk about big plans. Get everyone revved up, then break! Keep the meeting short, sweet, and 100% positive!

No. 2: Get an Outside Perspective

We utilize sales coaching to bring outside opinions or approaches to our sales. The team can get exhausted with the same old “song and dance” from the sales manager; an outside presence tends to spur new life. They can vent frustration, bounce ideas, and ask for help, getting a different response than they’re used to.

No. 3: Keep It Short and Sweet

Keep it short and sweet. Come with an agenda and stick to it. If you open the door for additional ideas, you end up not being effective at what you meant to accomplish.

No. 4: Flip the Format.

Let the sales or marketing team run the meeting and present to you. Give them the data that they need such as past performance and let them create the charts and presentations. They will then see where they are and be forced to come up with their own plans and give you all the reasons for the decline or increase. Use that as an opportunity to thank them, show them you trust them and then fire them up.

No. 5: Analyze Up-to-Date Reports

My best tip for running a productive sales or marketing team meeting is to ensure the reports are accurate and up-to-date before the meeting is scheduled. These reports should be available to analyze during the meeting, which will lead the meeting in the correct fashion.

No. 6: Have Weekly One-on-Ones

Group meetings are important so that everyone can share lessons learned, and strategize to offer better value to customers. But weekly — or even daily –one-on-one meetings are critical to making sure that you catch any issues. Not only will your sales or leadership team feel encouraged because the manager is interested in their work, but you will be able to make quick changes to optimize 2013.

No. 7: Come Prepared

There is a major difference between running a “meeting” and a “status check-in.” In meetings, we set an agenda, have people prepared ahead of time, and discuss more strategic planning, leaving with action items. “Check-ins” are limited in time and more tactical; we discuss current deals, roadblocks, and reconnect on projections.

No. 8: Stand Up — Literally

Instead of sitting around a conference room table and trudging through an agenda, have everyone stand. Not only does standing retain attention, it also encourages everyone to get to the point and end the meeting quickly.

No. 9: Establish Preset Goals & Metrics

I believe in shorter meetings that focus on pre-established metrics and goals that are clearly tied to the compensation of the sales or home business marleting team. That way, each member of the team has a vested interest in the outcome, and can know what to expect and how to best prepare.

No. 10: Interact!

The best way to run an effective sales meeting is to make it interactive. New distributors attending a meeting where top-down information is disbursed with no dialogue will lose interest fast. Plus, your team members may have creative and innovative suggestions to improve sales. Make sure you give them a meeting agenda beforehand so they know what kinds of feedback you’re looking for.

These are 10 power tips for a Rocking Meeting for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE “Recruiting 2013” mp3 audio download-click on link to access over 25 tips for your Recruiting!

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

4 Ways to Answer What Is It? Question

6 Powerful Ways to approach prospects on social Media

MLM Training- How to Answer “I Am Not Interested in Anything Like That”

mlm network marketing home business

mlm home business not interested

MLM “I am Not Interested in That” Answer.

Have you ever gotten someone telling you something that stopped you in your tracks in your home based business?

What did you say to that in your network marketing efforts?

Do you KNOW what to say?

In a home business, you are going to get a LOT of questions from time to time, and you will need to know how to address them. I get a LOT of questions every week and if you can flow with the answers, you will find your confidence SOARING!

Here are some questions and statements you will hear from time to time and WHAT TO SAY:

1. “I am not interested in anything like that…”

“I agree!  I would not be interested either if I did not know what I know about this. But are you interested at least in finding out how you can help me? As a friend I really need your help.”

“I am glad you said that. You don’t have enough information to be interested. Let me share some free information with you and you can take it with you.”

“Thank you for being honest. Now let me be honest with you. I said the same thing until I understood what was going on. take 30 seconds and listen and then you can tell me you are not interested.”

2. “I don’t have time for anything like this…”

“That is the exact reason you need to take a look at this!  You hold conversations everyday, don’t you?  Couldn’t you take a mere 30 seconds a couple times a day to ask a question, and put that person in touch with me. This act alone could put you in a position to start earning money?”

“Thank you for saying that! Many people do not think they have time as they do not know it takes a mere 30 seconds a day! Let me explain!”

“I can relate! I did not think I had time either until I figured out that it wa something that i did as I lived life. I call it Lifestyle Marketing. Let me explain….”

3. “I don’t have the money…”

“I understand, and I totally appreciate that. What if I could show you a way to put yourself in a position where you didn’t  have to worry about income anymore? You could help people that you know, and you could actually earn money in the process.”

“Thank you for your honesty. I can appreciate that and I am so sorry. Let me ask you a question: What is your plan to change that?”

“Thank you for sharing that with me. Let me ask you a question…if I could share an idea with you that could change that and money would no longer be a worry, how would that FEEL?”

These are suggested responses to questions you may hear when recruiting with your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power-over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

How to Avoid MLM Recruiting Distractions

How to Answer the What Is It? Question

MLM Training- The Power of Leadership vs. Motiivation for Your Team?

mlm leadership home business

mlm home business network marketing

MLM Leadership Motivation Training.

Do you know the difference between Motivation and Leadership in your home based business?

How do you motivate your people in your network marketing team?

Do you motivate through Leadership in your mlm?

Many leaders today can get Leadership and Motivation confused, or at least not clear. This is a powerful post from Smartbriefs that I believe will help you in your home business efforts.

PLEASE — like.retweet/plus+/pin/share with your team!


The Difference between Leadership and Motication.

Here’s something that might surprise you:

The best leaders do not attempt to motivate their employees, athletes, students or children.

In fact, those people in leadership positions who try to light fires for others tend to not keep their jobs for long. It may be different with teams that are part of a Success Culture as say, direct selling, but it still can apply. However, those who know the difference between leadership and motivation create a different legacy; their impact on others endures.

The difference between leadership and motivation, to me, is summed up like this:

  • Leadership: A consistent example of rising above any and all circumstances. Leadership is external.
  • Motivation: The inner knowledge or insight that makes rising above circumstances possible. Motivation comes from within.

So, in my opinion, leadership is not about encouraging, pushing or cheering on; it’s about pointing others inward so they recognize that the ability to be motivated rests with them. If you are a parent, for instance, you know that it is virtually impossible to motivate your children to work hard at their studies.

But you can lead.

You can show your children, by example, that no matter how sick you might get or how difficult your circumstances might appear, you can passionately apply yourself to your own job or projects. Thereby pointing your children inward to their innate ability to rise above any circumstance (and excuse) and crack the books with pride and vigor.

My message about leadership is simple: Great leaders serve to bring out the inner wisdom and free will of those they serve.

Instead of inducing people to view life situations a certain way (or their way), great leaders demonstrate that there are an infinite number of ways to view any life situation.

To illustrate, one of my mentors, Sydney Banks, must have given hundreds of seminars and lectures during his lifetime. Like clockwork before each talk, the audience would file in with notebooks in hand.

While Syd was incredibly generous with his wisdom, he would always instruct those in attendance not to take one single note. His words were his alone — his interpretation of “truth,” he would say. He wanted the audience to develop their own feelings and ideas, and draw their own conclusions, not follow in his footsteps.

I believe, then, that great leaders are those individuals who, like Sydney Banks, set great examples.

Why can’t we simply leave leadership right there?

Who came up with the belief that leaders must be motivators of others anyway?

We must recognize the difference between leadership and motivation, because if we don’t, our companies, teams, schools and even families will be overrun by followers incapable of lending an imaginative hand, let alone coming through when the chips are down.

Motivation is personal; leadership brings out personal potential for the benefit of the greater good.

Take note of the difference.

The business, sports and political worlds — actually the world, in general — can use more of both in the mlm home business network marketing business.

FREE mp3 download- “The 7 Biggest Mistkaes Made in Network Marketing No One will tell You”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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MLM Mobile Recruiting baiscs and Tools

Magnetic Body Lnaguage Secrets when Recruiting

MLM Training – 6 Ways to Answer the “What are You Selling?” Question

mlm home business selling

mlm home business

MLM “What are You Selling?” Training.

Have you ever been asked a question by a prospect that you could not answer for your home based business?

What did you do to connect your network marketing business to it?

Do you have a desire to learn what to say concerning those questions regarding a work at home mlm?

Questions from prospects are important as they show some growing interest, and possibly a buying signal. But if you cannot answer these questions, you will lose the sale or the prospect.

Many leaders do  not train on specific questions – but I believe that is a mistake. Whether you are on social media, online, offline, or any other place, you really need some ammunition to answer a prospect’s questions.

Here is a question that is often asked by new distributors:

What if they ask questions or give me an objection?

When you start using marketing tools your company has, you will get questions, and maybe even objections.   Again, keep in mind, the less you say the better off you will be.  Use the
following suggestions to develop your own brief (one or two sentence) response that shows you are comfortable with NETWORK MARKETING.

Don’t become defensive. 

Be confident, positive, and  brief in your responses.

Here are some  Suggested Responses to “What are you selling?”

1.  “I actually am not looking to sell you anything, as this may not be for you.  I only would like to get your input on something in the < industry> that I think is amazing and has helped me!  It helps <product benefits> . You will definitely learn something and you might know someone who could benefit from these types of programs to purchase products for their car!”

2. “Thanks for asking me that. I am not selling anything. I am letting people know about something I have run across that has really made a difference in my life. It will help a lot of people, and and I believe it could help,you.”

3. “Great question! I am not selling anything. I am sharing an idea with people to let them know about something that I believe will help people <benefit> and I think you would agree that would help people. Let me explain….”

4. “Selling something? Nope. Not at all. I am simply sharing something that really helped me and I think can help others with <  benefit >  let me explain…”

5. “Me sell something? Thats funny. I am not much of a sales person. I am sharing something that I ran across recently that I believe can help people. It helped me, and if I did  not know about this,  knowing what I know, I would want to.”

6. “Do you know anyone that suffers from/would like to improve <topic>? I have run across something  that has helped me with that and I want to help others with the same thing.”

These are 4 powerful ways to answer the question “what are you selling?” for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiitig ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

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