Archives for December 2008

MLM Network Marketing Training -Success in the Business of MLM

home business success

home business success

“If you really want something in Network Marketing , you can figure out how to make it happen…” Cher

That is so true….

Do you realize everything you REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted in your life…

You have gotten?

Think about it….it’s true.

The Want Factor in MLM.
And if you don’t have success in your life and MLM business you probably don’t really want it bad enough to figure a way to get it in your life..

So…what DO you want if not Success?

CONGRATS! You figured out a way to get it already!!!!

And you probably don’t even realize it…

I know about this one…been there done that!


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2011 / all rights reserved

MLM Network Marketing Training -Your MLM Success

“MLM Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion….you must set yourself onFIRE!!!!”  Reggie Leach



is a quote!!!

The Million Dollar MLM Question.
Today, are you going to be an INFERNO for MLM SUCCESS… or or an Ember of Mediocrity?



Light the Flame of Network Marketing Success!


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2011 PFI / all rights reserved

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Home Business Success – MLM Network Marketing Training Article

MLM Success Training / MLM Leadership Training / MLM Recruiting

MLM Network Marketing Training – MLM Success Secrets

“There are no secrets to success… only preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

 Colin Powell

Learning from failure.

THE way to create MLM Success is to learn from how you failed…

But failure school actually is nothing more than DIRECTING school…

Because you are learning how to direct yourself through challenges that otherwise…

Might have stopped you.


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2007 PFI / all rights reserved

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Home Business Success – MLM Network Marketing Training Article

MLM Success Training / MLM Leadership Training / MLM Recruiting

MLM Recruiting for Home Business Success Through the Power of Conversation

MLM Conversation.

The REAL secret to recruiting in Network marketing…

If you think about it…The secret to this business IS Conversation, and it is something we all have done for a long time, and many have even mastered.

Then let me ask an obvious question here: Why do people not use more conversation as a recruiting tool?

Good question….

According to psychologists, we hold as adults around 100-150 conversations a day minimum…and these can be very strong recruiting tools if properly utilized.

Have you ever talked to someone and after they have walked away, youthought..”Shoot! I wished I would have mentioned my company or product…?”

Well….nowadays, you really need to be more professional with your approach in conversations, and also in general…people today get hit up a lot by telemarketers and less than professional mlm’ers, and you need to have a much more professional and focused approach that gets their interest when their defenses are down…

That is why conversation is such a great tool…most people during a conversation is at ease and their defenses are at bay…not up…

The Power of Your Words in Network Marketing.

The power in your words and connection in your relationship can prove to be magnetic in your home business to many folks…So….

If there was a way to ask something that would come across like you are not really trying to carry on a recruiting conversation but a caring conversation…Would you want to know about it? Hope so!

There is a question that I have used, and taught for years that seems toreally strike a chord with people…and gets them to really think…

nd the question is so soft that it usually gets a positive response…When I used it, it rarely got anything but a continued conversation and interest…

The Question Script for MLM Recruiting.
1)”John….let me ask you a personal question that I have asked some other folks..I’m just curious…what is the biggest concern you have as far as where your future is headed?” (Security…time…education for kids, retirement…etc)

2)”That really is important to you isn’t it?”

3) “Let me ask another question…if I could help you address that concern with a company and home business program that I have recently run across, would you take a serious look at it and see if it would be something that might be right for you?” (usual answer is “sure”…)

Then you simply move them into a conversation about your company, product and what else that is deemed appropriate…

Easy? Yep!

Does it work? YEP!

Has it proven effective? Absolutely!

Will you try it? Good question!!!!!!!!

I encourage you to try this “Conversation MLM Recruiting” strategy and see ifit works as good as it has for others…And don’t be surprised if you end up with a new person you have sponsored!


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire International

copyright 2005/ all rights reserved

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Home Business Success – MLM Network Marketing Training Article

MLM Success Training / MLM Leadership Training / MLM Recruiting

MLM Network Marketing Training MLM Leadership – The Two Golden Words – Part 2

3. After a while, the new MLM distributor gets to know some “Veteran Distributors..” and these folks “Tell it the way it is…”..and whine and complain to the new distributor, and the newbie starts to lower their dreams and goals to “Fall in line” with what is “real” in a home business MLM…compromising their life again…

What if Abraham Lincoln had compromised His Standards?

What if Thomas Jefferson had Compromised His Standards?

What if Mother Teresa had compromised Her standards?

Greatness in ANY Leadership endeavor starts with a NO COMPROMISE Mindset and “Heartset” as well…..

And the sad part about it, a lot of MLM Leaders are the one’s who compromise their New Distributor’s dreams and standards because they have not been diligent in their own pursuit of success…(Are you guilty?) What can you do?

The No Compromise Campaign in MLM.
Start a “NO COMPROMISE Campaign” with your Network Marketing group….

1. Announce it to your group….and tell them NO ONE is going to steal their future as long as you are their Leader…NO ONE!

2. Tell them that Compromise is NOT AN OPTION in your group…amd you will STAY THE COURSE-REACH THE DREAM…which is the true Secret of Leadership in this Business…

And the 3 most important words to drive your campaign:


A HOT MLM Training Resource on MLM leadership: “Unleashing the Leadership in YOU”

3. And “NO COMPROMISE” Flyers, button, stickers, whatever you want to promote the message….and everytime you chat with your Leaders…remind them…

Only People who DON”T ACHIEVE THEIR DREAMS… compromise…We WILL achieve our dreams…. NO MATTER WHAT!

And one final thought…

The Last word in Compromise is Promise….Are you focused on that part of the word? If you have compromised, you have broken a Sacred Leadership Promise, and Trust, to Navigate your folks to Success…

What does a promise mean to you? What does your Vision and your Folk’s Vision mean to them?

The Power of “Can-Promise” in Your Network Marketing Business.
DON”T let life, or negative people compromise your future, dreams, and Success… Don’t Compromise….. but CAN-Promise…. and Lead your people to a future that CAN and WILL be achieved…but only with a NO COMPROMISE Leadership…..


Compromise… The “Creeping Cancer” of MLM Leadership…

Cut the Tumor out at the Heart of the Cancer….with Radical and Massive Radiation Treatment called…

Passionate Leadership!


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 / all rights reserved

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Home Business Success – MLM Network Marketing Training Article

MLM Network Marketing Success Training / MLM Leadership Training / MLM Recruiting

MLM Leadership –The Two Golden Words – Part 1

By Doug Firebaugh

Many a Leader in Network Marketing get into the business, and really go after it….they see where they want to go, and truly start on an excited journey to success….but little by little, it starts to fade…

Ever seen that in you or your folks? The gleam in their eyes has started to fade, and the pounding in their heart is not as strong, and the Fire in their words is now burning low…

Where did it go? What happened?

And as a Leader, you think” What caused it?”, and why can’t you see this “Creeping Cancer” start? You can…

And you can actually help prevent it…with what we at PassionFire call “The Two Golden Words…”

Too many times in MLM Leaders are blindsided by something that most Leaders are not even aware of, or at least not focused on it….and if they were, the “Creeping Cancer” could be at least diagnosed, and dealt with on an emergency basis…

As a Leader, or an Aspiring Leader in Network Marketing, you will build an organization, and many times will shake your head at people quitting, walking away, for no apparent reason….

And most of the time, it is caused by one thing….and it truly is a ‘Creeping Cancer” in your business and the Industry as a whole…as well as Life itself…

What is that Cancer?

The Cancer that Eats Away at MLM Success.


And what are the Two Golden Words in MLM Success?


Simply…you, as a Leader, must promote and enroll your folks in a No Compromise Vision…(CLUE!!!) How does this happen?

Well…it starts with a Lack of awareness that this can and will happen, and if it is not focused on and handled, will grow as a part of how most mediocre people live their lives…

Little by little, inch by inch..a little compromise here…a little compromise there…Lowering their standards and expectations for success…. ..that is how this home business becomes a low priority with folks after a while…

It’s called “The Rust Factor”…Just as a new piece of steel if left to the elements will rust…so does your Vision and dreams if left to the “Elements of Compromise…” The “Rain of Doubt…” The “Wind of Frustration… ” The “Hail of Negatives” The “Storm of Adversity….” The “Heat of Anger….”

RUST…..Regressing Under Someone-else’s Thinking….

Do you do that???

Lower and regress you dreams under someone else’s Little thinking and “advice”? DON”T!!!!!!!!!

The New MLM Distributor.
How does this happen with the new distributor?

1. The new distributor sets high goals, and starts their business, but after a little while with little results, they lower their dreams, and compromise their success…and life…and future..and expectations..

2. The new distributor starts their business, and as they start contacting their warm market, the people they hold in high regard are negative to them, and want to “Bring them down to earth”…

And to “reality”…and due to their Influence, the new distributor compromises His/Her success by lowering or abandoning their dreams, to please their friends…to “Fit in” and not rock the “Boat of Acceptance….”


doug firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI /all rights reserved

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Home Business Success – MLM Network Marketing Training Article

MLM Success Training / MLM Leadership Training / Network Marketing MLM Recruiting

MLM Network Marketing Training -Why Can’t People Succeed in it – Part 2

home business woman angry

home business woman angry

4) Have you intensely educated yourself on how to REALLY do this business effectively and professionally …or have you chosen not to?

5) Have you been telling yourself the truth about what you are REALLY doing daily in your business…or NOT doing…or have you chosen NOT to?

6) Have you talked to enough people today to create some serious MLM Fire in your business, or have you chosen not to?

7) Have you focused on what will create success, not comfort, and then done it, or chosen COMFORT?

8) Are you going to finally GET SERIOUS about this business and give yourself permission to succeed…or deny yourself that choice?

9) Are you going to listen to all your excuses and reasons why Network Marketing won’t work…or have you chosen not to…and you just go out and do it and prove everyone wrong?


Your choices and decisions in this business will dictate WHAT YOU PUT INTO YOUR HOURS, and the effect those hours have on your business…


All your home business is …and ever will be…is a summary of what you and your downline have put…or NOT PUT…into the hours you have worked your business……Garbage in….Garbage out…

Are You Kidding Yourself in MLM?

Most kid themselves into thinking they have been working, and in reality, they have not been constructing a business…but conning themselves into constricting a future…


I hope so…..I want this article today to be like a 2X4 up against your heart and get you to see what is REALLY your choices and desires for you in this Network Marketing industry….

if you do, and step up and start changing those choices into decisions and then let that decision become unalterable…it’s Success or Nothing…Freedom or Nothing…

Then you will find the Success Track that all leaders need to be on with their folks and with their Vision…

2 Words….IT’S TIME. To get Serious about building a Serious Business…


The Seriousness Factor in Your MLM Business.


The SERIOUSNESS of your actions in this business will ALWAYS determine the SERIOUSNESS of your paycheck. Now THAT’S Leadership Reality! if you choose to believe that..and GET SERIOUS…get yourself a new bank account…you are gonna need it..


doug firebaugh / PassionFire International

copyright 2005-2011 / all rights reserved

MLM Network Marketing Training – Why Can’t People Succeed? – Part 1

home based business angry woman

home business angry woman

For a home business…

Great Question!

Answer…they can.

I got in a conversation recently with someone who asked that question, and they were convinced beyond my words that MLM simply is something that people cannot do..

nd they walked off still thinking that way….Sad.

But it is a really good question, and I believe needs to be addressed from a point of reality and truth…not hype and promises. It is so true that most folks don’t succeed in network marketing, and the reason why is one that they don’t want to hear, don’t want to believe and don’t want to deal with.

But understand…

The MLM Leadership Factor.

Leadership is about telling folks what needs to be said, not what they want to hear. And sometimes leaders in this business can be outcasts because they stand up for the brutal truth, not some candy coated platitude that is more for tickling the ears then changing a life.

I get emails a lot about how my writings are too blount and brutal and I need to lighten up…

Get over it. The truth needs to be told in this industry, and until folks can get a grasp on it, they will never be successful nor rich. What is the answer to the question?

(smile)….you may or not believe it…… but you are struggling and failing in this Network Marketing business…Because you have chosen to do so.

Period. That’s it.

Nothing more…and I can hear the profanities now coming off my computer screen…and they echo throughout the industry…The “Excuse Brigade” is now in action again, and clinging to their excuses like a vine to a pole…like odor to garbage.

And that is all their excuses are…..Garbage. let me explain…

It takes a certain amount of work, activity, belief, energy, education and relentless pursuit to create any success of any kind in any endeavor…all Leaders know this.

And luck has a way of showing up when you have chosen to engage all of the above effectively.

Let me ask you a few questions…and for once in this business….look at yourself and answer them brutally honest….

The 9 Brutal Questions of MLM Leadership.
1) Have you REALLY given TOTALLY all you got the last 30 days in this business when you worked it or have you chosen not to?

2) Have you had the level of activity that is REALLY needed to succeed in MLM…or have you chosen not to?

3) Have you decided that NOTHING will stop you from success…or have you chosen that you will stop you??

4) Have you intensely educated yourself on how to REALLY do this business effectively and professionally …or have you chosen not to?

5) Have you been telling yourself the truth about what you are REALLY doing daily in your business…or NOT doing…or have you chosen NOT to?

6) Have you talked to enough people today to create some serious MLM Fire in your business, or have you chosen not to?

7) Have you focused on what will create success, not comfort, and then done it, or chosen COMFORT?

8) Are you going to finally GET SERIOUS about this business and give yourself permission to succeed…or deny yourself that choice?

9) Are you going to listen to all your excuses and reasons why Network Marketing won’t work…or have you chosen not to…and you just go out and do it and prove everyone wrong?

WAKE UP GUYS!!! Your choices and decisions in this business will dictate WHAT YOU PUT INTO YOUR HOURS, and the effect those hours have on your business…

For a HOT Training Resource: Getting ready for W.A.R.- Winning the Success Battle!”

The Secret of What Your MLM Business Is.

All your business is …and ever will be…is a summary of what you and your downline have put…or NOT PUT…into the hours you have worked your business……Garbage in….Garbage out…

Most kid themselves into thinking they have been working, and in reality, they have not been constructing a business…but conning themselves into constricting a future…


I hope so…..I want this article today to be like a 2X4 up against your heart and get you to see what is REALLY your choices and desires for you in this industry….

If you do, and step up and start changing those choices into decisions and then let that decision become unalterable…it’s Success or Nothing…Freedom or Nothing…

Then you will find the Success Track that all leaders need to be on with their folks and with their Vision…

2 Words….IT’S TIME. To get Serious about building a Serious Business…


The Seriousness Factor in MLM Leadership.

The SERIOUSNESS of your actions in this business will ALWAYS determine the SERIOUSNESS of your paycheck.

Now THAT’S Leadership Reality! if you choose to believe that..and GET SERIOUS…get yourself a new bank account…you are gonna need it..


doug firebaugh / PassionFire International

copyright 2005/ all rights reserved

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Home Business Success -MLM Network Marketing Training Article

MLM Success Training / MLM Network marketing Leadership Training / MLM Recruiting

MLM Leadership in a Home Business: The 5 Rules of Influence


What a powerful word in our language….and what a powerful time to show it…during the Holidays…

Why? It is the perfect time to build your people’s belief in themselves and to build their Leadership in their group…as well as your Leadership…

This is a powerful time of year, as the mood for most is very positive, and many leaders make a mistake by not taking advantage of the timing and the feeling of the season….

And that is why we came up with the “5 Rules of MLM Holiday Leadership” which will help you in creating a more powerful influence with your people..

The 5 Rules of Influence in Network Marketing and Direct Sales.
1) “The Rule of Exposure”

During this time, it would be a great thing to expose to the group what things you have noticed that have happened but maybe you have not commented on…and they need to know you didn’t miss their efforts…

Like running ads in several papers and going the extra mile with it, and you are proud of the effort..Like all the extra effort put in in doing meetings, but has gone unnoticed…and now is the time to notice..

Like all the extra effort on helping you and others that wasn’t required..Expose the unselfish greatness that has been hidden this year, and shine a light on it, with total appreciation…and thankfulness…

2) “The Rule of Santa Clause”

Be Santa with your Leaders and get them all a HOT personal development book or tape, and let them know you are serious about their success and future…and your partnership…

Personalize each of the items with a short note implying how proud you are to work with them, and how glad you are partners with them…and how forward you are looking to working with them in the future…

Have your upline or corporate put a short encouraging Holiday note in each as well…..

And if you play Santa….then they will become like santa all next year with exceptional effort…and Volume…

Let it SNOW in MLM!
3) “The Rule of SNOW”

This stands for “Success Never Officially Waits”…on the New Year..or to get past the Holidays..Simply…Success Never Waits….Period.

Continue to work your business during the Holidays, as Success never waits on anything…it is always available for those who want it…and it is always waiting for those who demand it…If you want to have a “White Christmas”, or a great Holiday Season, ….

Let it SNOW! Let it SNOW! Let it SNOW!!!! If Success never waits…neither should you…GET GOING!!!!! GET SNOWING!!!!!!

4) “The Rule of PINE”

This one is all about PASSION. PINE stands for:”Passion Increases Natural EmPowerment” During the Holiday season, people are naturally EmPowered by the Holiday seson…they have a great feeling about this time of the year…and they usually are looking forward to the time off…an have a “Power of the Season” Attitude…

You need to turn your Passion for this business ON! If you are more energetic, and more caring and more excited about what you are doing, and NOT try to recruit them when you see them..just let them know how incredible things are going….

They will be open to talking to you the first of the year, as they will be curious as to what has created this Passion…which most lack in their life…

INFERNO Secret: They will want that Passion in their Life…it can be infectious…

5) “The Rule of STAR”

This Rule stands for “Success Takes Active Relationships”. You MUST during this Holiday season WORK on deepening your relationships with your people….if at all possible…spend time in their homes…get to know how they celebrate the Holidays….

Get Active in your pursuit of knowing them as a PERSON…not just a PAYCHECK….(did you GET THAT???) Get Active in sharing more personal time with them..

The Power of Influence in Network Marketing Leadership.
Get Active in making this special time of the year become a time to make them feel special!(CLUE!!!) And get Active in your Praise and Encouragement and focus on how good the next year is going to be…

And that will help Ignite the Star producing process in your downline…

Influence is a powerful part of Leadership in MLM…

Follow thses Rules, and you will have gone a long way to increasing your Influence and Direction with your Direct Sales Leaders and friends during the Holidays……

blessings…doug Firebaugh / PassionFire International

copyright 2000. All rights reserved

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Home Business Success -MLM Network Marketing Training Article

Network Marketing Success Training / MLM Leadership Training / MLM Network Marketing Recruiting

MLM Recruiting Failure: The 5 Biggest Reasons People Fail in Recruiting – Part 2

home based business recruiting

home business recruiting

3. “The Distributor not talking to the Right People”

Wasting massive amounts of time. That is what most distributors do when recruiting…and continue to do…they talk to the wrong people, and then bring in the wrong people…and then have a downline of mostly wrong people…

Who are the right people?

People who light up and catch Fire when you show them your home business, and then light other’s up when they talk…not someone who complains after only 2 days because the application is the wrong color…

Or the wrong size…or the upline is not doing enough to welcome them aboard…2 phone calls is not enough…you know the type…

There is what we call the “Recruiting IQ”…and that helps tell you if they are the right one..

.IQ stands for “Ignite Quickly”…and if they catch fire quickly…they have a great chance of being the “right one” to pursue…


To attract the Right One for your Home Business Success…you must BECOME the right one….you must become who you want to attract into this home business…through personal development and empowerment….

4. “The Distributor not Talking Right to people…

“This is a business of communication…and thus of verbiage and emotion as well….

The Wrong MLM Message.

A lot of distributors are simply saying the wrong things to the wrong people with a wrong message…You must talk to people with a YOU focus…

It is called the T.I.N.Y Focus…Their Interests Not Yours…And you focus whether online or offline, on what interests them and do it Professionally.

Nothing turns someone off worse than a self focused and self absorbed Direct Sales distributor who is only focused on recruiting a person for THEIR reasons…not the reason of the prospect… and the words they are using reveal a lot…Me…me…I….I…me…me…I… I….me…me….me…you.


You should say the word “You” at least 4 times more than the word “I” or “me”…in any Home Business presentation..

INFERNO Exercise: Here is an exercise…Try recruiting someone without using the word “I” or “me”….use we and us…and see how the prospect’s interests increases as you use YOU 4 times more than Us or We..

The Talking Too Much Factor in MLM Recruiting.

5. “Talking TOO Much to people You are talking to..

“Some folks have diarrhea of the mouth…and they talk…and talk…and they talk….and then talk…and talk….and talk……and by the time they finish…the prospects finished….

Don’t Dump on people! Create a RECRUITING ENVIRONMENT.

That creates the prospect to do most of the talking…Ask a lot of questions…Listen a lot of minutes…ask a lot of questions…


Most people LOVE to have an audience…but they hate to BE an audience…you BE an audience of one for massive listening to your prospect, and don’t create a “Sat Chat”….

What is that?

A Saturation chat….where they feel saturated with your words and info, and feel they have enough information to tell you…No.

The Power of Magnetic Questions in MLM and a Home Business.
IIf you are going to be a HOT MLM Recruiter…you must CONNECT with your folks…

And the best way to do that is to become an audience of one…

And ask a lot of “Magnetic Questions…

blessings…doug Firebaugh PassionFire Intl

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