Have you ever been in a hurry and because of that you totally blew a great mlm prospect because of your pressure?
Did you ever see a network marketing prospect totally turn off because you were a little too anxious?
Have you had someone in your online funnel and they disappeared because you came across as too eager?
I have seen this in mlm online recruiting so much and well as offline.
In many networking venues, I have seen people ATTACK the mlm prospect right out of the gate. I have seen this online as well on facebook, LinkedIn, twitter, and it goes on and on.
THAT will destroy your online and offline mlm recruiting and prospecting. You come across as desperate and amateurish. A home business professional is just that:
A Professional to his or her prospect that they are talking to whether online or offline. What has that cost you in the past-coming across like you are NEEDY?
Prospects in network marketing are NOT looking for the NEEDY.
How do you come across like you are NEEDY?
1. You pressure because you NEED to qualify for your paycheck.
2. You NEED a sale to make your quota.
3. You NEED to recruit someone because you need the commissions.
4. You NEED to feel like you are working and not playing at the business.
OUCH- that hurt. But it is the truth. Many people come across like they are playing with the business, not working it.
Are YOU?
Here is a strategy that works online and offline. It is something that has proven to be a MAGNET and a RELAXER for the prospect. I have watched with our Private Clients this work and work powerfully. This little mlm secret is a gem.
Ok, what is this mlm training secret called “Delay and Disintegrate?”
Simple. You DELAY talking about your products and home business, and in doing so, you disintegrate any and all objections because of the time you have taken to CONNECT with the mlm prospect and learn what they are looking for.
THEN you show them how you can help them FIND IT.
Wait 20 minutes before you ever start your marketing or recruiting efforts.
Ask 20 questions before you mention your business.
Find out what is important to them and then ask them 20 more questions about it.
THEN after you Delayed the business part, transition them into a Recruiting Conversation-whether in social media, or skype, or a cell phone.
“I am sorry. I have spent so much time learning about you, that I forgot to mention that you may know who I am looking for in your city…let me explain…”
Simple and yet profound.
Powerful but yet gentle for your home business.
DELAY the talking about your products and mlm network marketing business, and see if that does not radically EXPLODE your home business success in an mlm conversation.
FREE Recruiting 101 Webinar Replay! Discover Little Known MLM Recruiting Secrets! Click here!
FREE ebook on Social Media Recruiting- “Social Recruiting Power” – over 50 secrets! Click here!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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