Home Based Business Training – Getting the New Person Past the NO- Part 2


home based business past the no

home business NO

Home Business?


Many folks are not willing to be very supportive in your efforts for a home business.

Many folks are not wanting you to get ahead of them.

You can and will if you build a solid home based business right.


There are folks out there who will want you to become Successful and be your biggest cheerleader….

But this Business of MLM is simply not for them…..

They will encourage you and tell you to “Go for It’……

These folks are great Consumers and Referral Sources……

But for the Most part…..Folks will decry your joining a Network Marketing Company as a

“Silly Dream”……


What Life do you want to end up with?

Depends on who you listen to……If you listen to someone who dared to escape the Rut Jungle, and Rat race, and make 100,000 dollars..

…you have a good chance of doing that….

If you listen to your negative friends…take a look at their life…that is where you are headed…

Leaders and Negatives.


Leaders never listen to any negatives…they know why they are there…to stop them.

You need to take a SHOT for the NegativeFlu out there….the word SHOT stands for:

See How Others Triumphed………(SHOT)……and then copy and model their Focus…

their Attitudes…Their Habits…and Actions……

Innoculate yourself…and your group with a FLU SHOT!

Forget Loser Urgings……See How Others Triumphed!.”


Take others with you!!!!!! When Folks start being Negative……ask them…

“How would you like to radically change your situation?…I can help!”…

As you go up the Ladder…….take them with you…….

Your Home Business Success will go through the “Fire of Ridicule..….”..and it’s normal…..

If you were going to open up a restaraunt…there are people who would try to talk you out of it……DON”T LET THEM!!!!!


YOU, and YOU ALONE….will live your life…donot let someone else try to live it for you because what you are trying Intimidates them…..

Get a FluShot!….

And Keep your Success Health … and your Network Marketing Business as well for nothing compares to a successful home based business!

Isn’t it time that you exploded your home business?



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

© 2005 -2011 PFI / all rights reserved



Home Business Training- Getting the New Person past the Negatives – Part 1


home based business NO


A home business has many threats to it’s survival.

A home business can be wiped out in a single word.

You read that right. I have seen that happen.

Another home based business bites the dust.

The reason? It got infected. Bad.

And the infection spread fast and furious.

Let me explain…

When you want to prevent something from infecting you body…what do you do? You get a shot…or an Inoculation.

There are many viruses and germs out there that can take away our health, and create a sickness in our body which can become a real problem if not cured…..

We need to keep up our Physical health….. and sickness away from us…


The same goes to our “Success Health”.

What is that?

When you join a Network Marketing Company, you are moving into a very focused Success Environment that demands your Success Health remain strong…

As there are a lot of Negative Infections that can invade you success health and create a Virus or “Flu” of doubt, disbelief…and eventually a cancer of failure…..

Most people in this world never experience Success of any significance in their lives…and they have a very weak immune system to negative thinking and negative lives…

And when they get that “Flu of mediocrity or failure…”...It rarely leaves their world..and they become Infected Terminally against Success.…they were not Innoculated, nor aware of the Success health problems….as they are more focused on Survival health…as most only do that through life…….


You MUST Become inoculated from all of the negatives and failure focused thinking out in the world…you must keep your Success Health at FULL Force!


The Understanding.

By understanding the INFERNO Secret of why a lot of people are negative about your business and future success…..and if you understand this next Secret…you will be Innoculated from ALL Negative Thinking no matter who it is….


Most People donot want you to become successful and pass them by….


Your Success in MLM will Mirror their Mediocrity and failures…….and it will totally render their Excuses they have been clinging to and hanging on to as a Farce..

You have proven their excuses wrong……and it will force them to look at their life as it really is…

Going nowhere as far as the Ladder of Success in Life....


There is something we at PassionFire call theUnspoken Understanding…”

What’s that? simple….

It is understood and never really spoken…….

“If you don’t mention my rut filled, talent wasting mediocre life……I won’t mention yours….”

And Success reveals that as it really is……just an excuse for ACCEPTING Mediocrity in their life…and doing nothing about it……

If you are going to be successful in this business….you MUST Innoculate you and your distributors from people who will try to convince you this won’t work…it never has, and it never will….how does an Unsuccessful person merit attention when they won’t even look at the facts of the matter?

INFERNO Question….

What Success in their Life do they have……to try to determine yours???????


They have been Successful at keeping their own Success at bay……and they want to try to keep yours there too…..

Do NOT let anyone influence your network marketing business except to explode it. Be careful of nay sayers and doubters and dream stealers.

Avoid them like the plague.


It is your life….and your future…and your home business.




doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

© 2005 -2011 PFI / all rights reserved



Home Business Training – Developing the Winner’s Mindset.


home business winner

home based business winner

Home business

terror word.

Every home based business owner fears the word.

Every network marketing distributor fears the thought of it.


The word almost makes me want to throw up. Because most people in MLM never realize that they have everything they need to succeed in Network Marketing.

Most people do not fail…they quit.

Failure is the natural fruit of quitting.

Quitting is the fruit of a Loser’s mindset.

Most new distributors lack the proper mindset to get through the tough times in MLM…or any entrepreneurial enterprise. Most folks develop what I call a “Lottery” mindset and think that MLM is the lottery and they wait and see what numbers are drawn.


The Winners’ Mind.


The Winner’s Mindset is a mindset of knowing that no matter what happens in your life and career, you will keep getting up off the ground and continue to move forward till the finish line is in front of you…and you cross it.

A new distributor in MLM often plays what I call the “Try” game…

They are going to “Try” MLM and see what happens. That is a Loser’s mindset. They make their mind up that they will give this business a certain time frame, and if it doesn’t produce what they want it to, then “it doesn’t work”.

They work their home business on THEIR terms…THEIR Time Frame..not the terms nor Time Frame that MLM requires…and expect success.


Network Marketing requires you to have a “No matter what” mindset, and No Matter What, you will continue to work and do what is required till success shows up. You see, success in MLM requires many things…

The Requirements.











The Winner’s Mindset requires:


You MUST create a Patience about this because there is a learning curve to all new skills and careers…and this learning curve is innate to Network Marketing. So that is why you need to look at what your Mindset is going to be…as it will be tested during your early months of your business.

If you study Millionaires in MLM as I have, you will find that their mindset was like a run away freight train running down a mountain…they simply would not be denied, nor stopped, nor slowed down. They were focused on “All out Massive Action” and wanted to win like never before.

HOT MLM Training Resource on Mindset: “Getting Ready for W.A.R.- Winning the Success Battle!” Click here for details!


Millionaires in MLM did not take their business for granted. They saw it as their “way out” and went for it.

As a new distributor, or veteran, you must keep your mindset focused on what you need to do to create your home business success…and your mind will sometimes think thoughts that are doubtful, and negative.

That is part of being human. We all go through that, and the Winners in life learn that they can control their thoughts and create the life they want from the inside Out.

The Learning Reality.

When you start getting discouraged, and frustrated, as all entrepreneurs do…that’s ok. It is part of the process of the Learning Curve, and we all went through it…and that is the time your mindset will need to be “I will not be denied”…because that is what it will take to get through it.

-Call your upline and talk to them and see what they do when they get down.

-Read a motivational book or listen to an inspiring tape, and see yourself succeeding in MLM…

-Go out to lunch with a successful upline if possible and talk to them and tap into their belief system.


You can do whatever you make your mind up to do in Network Marketing …as long as it is powered by the heart.

A determined mindset is a fruit of a determined heart. Is your heart really into your business?

Do you have what we call the right “Heart Condition?”

If your mindset is a result of the right “Heartset”, then your success will be well on it’s way….

A Winner always has the mindset of one thing…


And it takes heart to do that. Never give up and never give in to your doubts..you WILL succeed…

If you make up your mind you will build a huge mlm home business.



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

© 2005 -2011 PFI / all rights reserved



Home Business Training : Getting to the CORE of It all

home business core

MLM core

 Home Based Business has it’s CORE and most do not know what it is.

Many people today dance aroud the edges of network marketing and home business.

They do not understand that you gotta go DEEP in your business and get to the center of it all.

Have you?

Have you gone to the depths of effort that really matter to a home based business?

Let’s ask a question…

What is a CORE?

Think about it.

It is the VERY Heart of something…

The VERY Center…

The VERY Essence of something…

It is the VERY Substance of something…

The VERY Life of something.

Your MLM Core.

You have a Core…

It is called the Heart… and a the Core of that lies Life itself, because if your heart stops beating…

You are dead… period. At least on this earth.

Most of the time, when the Core of something is inoperable, then the very thing itself ceases to function and thrive…

It is the same with this business… and MLM Success.

Because what is at the very CORE of our Network Marketing Success and business, makes it go… makes it thrive, and makes it IGNITE!!!!! And if you let the CORE of this business go unused and inactive, so your business will become.

The Nuclear Networking Factor.

That is how a Nuclear Core operates… if the Core is not tapped into and used, it’s Power is useless for the most part, as it is not operating on full capacity…

Many people in MLM never operate on full capacity…

Full capacity means:

” Full Throttle”… and at the Most it can be… Full Effort, Full Belief, Full Focus, Full Actions, and Full Expectancy.

Is that how you are working your business?

What does the word CORE stand for?

Consistency Of RELENTLESS Effort.”

And that is at the core of MLM. You MUST be very consistent as that is what your business is driven by, and must be relentless as well.

You must be relentless in the prospecting, recruiting, retailing, building your team, presenting, following up, contacting, making appointments, asking for the order, training your people, personal development…

Relentless is the MLM Secret.

You know what relentless really is?

Consistency on heavy duty SUCCESS STEROIDS!

Be relentless at your efforts and your actions, as without action... nothing happens in MLM.

And without consistency, nothing short term happens. Without being relentless, nothing long term happens.

And you need to be Long Term Focused!!


Go the very CORE of whgat it akes to succeed with a home business.

 Relentless effort is the key for your network marketing home based business.




doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

© 2005-2011  PFI / all rights reserved



MLM Leadership – The Two Words that are Solid Gold – Part 2

home business gold

home business gold

3. After a while, the new MLM distributor gets to know some “Veteran Distributors..” and these folks “Tell it the way it is…”..and whine and complain to the new distributor, and the newbie starts to lower their dreams and goals to “Fall in line” with what is “real” in a home business MLM…compromising their life again…

What if Abraham Lincoln had compromised His Standards?

What if Thomas Jefferson had Compromised His Standards?

What if Mother Teresa had compromised Her standards?

Greatness in ANY Leadership endeavor starts with a NO COMPROMISE Mindset and “Heartset” as well…..

And the sad part about it, a lot of MLM Leaders are the one’s who compromise their New Distributor’s dreams and standards because they have not been diligent in their own pursuit of success…(Are you guilty?) What can you do?

The No Compromise Campaign in MLM.

Start a “NO COMPROMISE Campaign” with your Network Marketing group….

1. Announce it to your group….and tell them NO ONE is going to steal their future as long as you are their Leader…NO ONE!

2. Tell them that Compromise is NOT AN OPTION in your group…amd you will STAY THE COURSE-REACH THE DREAM…which is the true Secret of Leadership in this Business…

And the 3 most important words to drive your campaign:


3. And “NO COMPROMISE” Flyers, button, stickers, whatever you want to promote the message….and everytime you chat with your Leaders…remind them…

Only People who DON”T ACHIEVE THEIR DREAMS… compromise…We WILL achieve our dreams…. NO MATTER WHAT!

And one final thought…

The Last word in Compromise is Promise….Are you focused on that part of the word? If you have compromised, you have broken a Sacred Leadership Promise, and Trust, to Navigate your folks to Success

What does a promise mean to you? What does your Vision and your Folk’s Vision mean to them?

The Power of “Can-Promise” in Your Network Marketing Business.

DON”T let life, or negative people compromise your future, dreams, and Success… Don’t Compromise….. but CAN-Promise…. and Lead your people to a future that CAN and WILL be achieved…but only with a NO COMPROMISE Leadership…..


Compromise… The “Creeping Cancer” of MLM Leadership

Cut the Tumor out at the Heart of the Cancer….with Radical and Massive Radiation Treatment called…

Passionate Leadership! For your Home business in MLM!




doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

© 2005-2011 / all rights reserved



What You Should Consider in Selecting an MLM Company

Every Day People Make MLM Success

www.joann-donahue.com JoAnn’s intention’s here are to show YOU that everyday folks like YOU have made success in their MLM attempts. [Read more…]

MLM Network Marketing Training -Your MLM Success

“MLM Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion….you must set yourself onFIRE!!!!”  Reggie Leach



is a quote!!!

The Million Dollar MLM Question.
Today, are you going to be an INFERNO for MLM SUCCESS… or or an Ember of Mediocrity?



Light the Flame of Network Marketing Success!


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

© 2011 PFI / all rights reserved

For More MLM Training Resources click here

Home Business Success – MLM Network Marketing Training Article

MLM Success Training / MLM Leadership Training / MLM Recruiting

MLM Network Marketing Training MLM Leadership – The Two Golden Words – Part 2

3. After a while, the new MLM distributor gets to know some “Veteran Distributors..” and these folks “Tell it the way it is…”..and whine and complain to the new distributor, and the newbie starts to lower their dreams and goals to “Fall in line” with what is “real” in a home business MLM…compromising their life again…

What if Abraham Lincoln had compromised His Standards?

What if Thomas Jefferson had Compromised His Standards?

What if Mother Teresa had compromised Her standards?

Greatness in ANY Leadership endeavor starts with a NO COMPROMISE Mindset and “Heartset” as well…..

And the sad part about it, a lot of MLM Leaders are the one’s who compromise their New Distributor’s dreams and standards because they have not been diligent in their own pursuit of success…(Are you guilty?) What can you do?

The No Compromise Campaign in MLM.
Start a “NO COMPROMISE Campaign” with your Network Marketing group….

1. Announce it to your group….and tell them NO ONE is going to steal their future as long as you are their Leader…NO ONE!

2. Tell them that Compromise is NOT AN OPTION in your group…amd you will STAY THE COURSE-REACH THE DREAM…which is the true Secret of Leadership in this Business…

And the 3 most important words to drive your campaign:


A HOT MLM Training Resource on MLM leadership: “Unleashing the Leadership in YOU”

3. And “NO COMPROMISE” Flyers, button, stickers, whatever you want to promote the message….and everytime you chat with your Leaders…remind them…

Only People who DON”T ACHIEVE THEIR DREAMS… compromise…We WILL achieve our dreams…. NO MATTER WHAT!

And one final thought…

The Last word in Compromise is Promise….Are you focused on that part of the word? If you have compromised, you have broken a Sacred Leadership Promise, and Trust, to Navigate your folks to Success…

What does a promise mean to you? What does your Vision and your Folk’s Vision mean to them?

The Power of “Can-Promise” in Your Network Marketing Business.
DON”T let life, or negative people compromise your future, dreams, and Success… Don’t Compromise….. but CAN-Promise…. and Lead your people to a future that CAN and WILL be achieved…but only with a NO COMPROMISE Leadership…..


Compromise… The “Creeping Cancer” of MLM Leadership…

Cut the Tumor out at the Heart of the Cancer….with Radical and Massive Radiation Treatment called…

Passionate Leadership!


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

© 2005 / all rights reserved

For More MLM Training Resources click here

Home Business Success – MLM Network Marketing Training Article

MLM Network Marketing Success Training / MLM Leadership Training / MLM Recruiting

MLM Leadership –The Two Golden Words – Part 1

By Doug Firebaugh

Many a Leader in Network Marketing get into the business, and really go after it….they see where they want to go, and truly start on an excited journey to success….but little by little, it starts to fade…

Ever seen that in you or your folks? The gleam in their eyes has started to fade, and the pounding in their heart is not as strong, and the Fire in their words is now burning low…

Where did it go? What happened?

And as a Leader, you think” What caused it?”, and why can’t you see this “Creeping Cancer” start? You can…

And you can actually help prevent it…with what we at PassionFire call “The Two Golden Words…”

Too many times in MLM Leaders are blindsided by something that most Leaders are not even aware of, or at least not focused on it….and if they were, the “Creeping Cancer” could be at least diagnosed, and dealt with on an emergency basis…

As a Leader, or an Aspiring Leader in Network Marketing, you will build an organization, and many times will shake your head at people quitting, walking away, for no apparent reason….

And most of the time, it is caused by one thing….and it truly is a ‘Creeping Cancer” in your business and the Industry as a whole…as well as Life itself…

What is that Cancer?

The Cancer that Eats Away at MLM Success.


And what are the Two Golden Words in MLM Success?


Simply…you, as a Leader, must promote and enroll your folks in a No Compromise Vision…(CLUE!!!) How does this happen?

Well…it starts with a Lack of awareness that this can and will happen, and if it is not focused on and handled, will grow as a part of how most mediocre people live their lives…

Little by little, inch by inch..a little compromise here…a little compromise there…Lowering their standards and expectations for success…. ..that is how this home business becomes a low priority with folks after a while…

It’s called “The Rust Factor”…Just as a new piece of steel if left to the elements will rust…so does your Vision and dreams if left to the “Elements of Compromise…” The “Rain of Doubt…” The “Wind of Frustration… ” The “Hail of Negatives” The “Storm of Adversity….” The “Heat of Anger….”

RUST…..Regressing Under Someone-else’s Thinking….

Do you do that???

Lower and regress you dreams under someone else’s Little thinking and “advice”? DON”T!!!!!!!!!

The New MLM Distributor.
How does this happen with the new distributor?

1. The new distributor sets high goals, and starts their business, but after a little while with little results, they lower their dreams, and compromise their success…and life…and future..and expectations..

2. The new distributor starts their business, and as they start contacting their warm market, the people they hold in high regard are negative to them, and want to “Bring them down to earth”…

And to “reality”…and due to their Influence, the new distributor compromises His/Her success by lowering or abandoning their dreams, to please their friends…to “Fit in” and not rock the “Boat of Acceptance….”


doug firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

© 2005 PFI /all rights reserved

For More MLM Training Resources click here

Home Business Success – MLM Network Marketing Training Article

MLM Success Training / MLM Leadership Training / Network Marketing MLM Recruiting