MLM Network Marketing Training – Why Can’t People Succeed? – Part 1

home based business angry woman

home business angry woman

For a home business…

Great Question!

Answer…they can.

I got in a conversation recently with someone who asked that question, and they were convinced beyond my words that MLM simply is something that people cannot do..

nd they walked off still thinking that way….Sad.

But it is a really good question, and I believe needs to be addressed from a point of reality and truth…not hype and promises. It is so true that most folks don’t succeed in network marketing, and the reason why is one that they don’t want to hear, don’t want to believe and don’t want to deal with.

But understand…

The MLM Leadership Factor.

Leadership is about telling folks what needs to be said, not what they want to hear. And sometimes leaders in this business can be outcasts because they stand up for the brutal truth, not some candy coated platitude that is more for tickling the ears then changing a life.

I get emails a lot about how my writings are too blount and brutal and I need to lighten up…

Get over it. The truth needs to be told in this industry, and until folks can get a grasp on it, they will never be successful nor rich. What is the answer to the question?

(smile)….you may or not believe it…… but you are struggling and failing in this Network Marketing business…Because you have chosen to do so.

Period. That’s it.

Nothing more…and I can hear the profanities now coming off my computer screen…and they echo throughout the industry…The “Excuse Brigade” is now in action again, and clinging to their excuses like a vine to a pole…like odor to garbage.

And that is all their excuses are…..Garbage. let me explain…

It takes a certain amount of work, activity, belief, energy, education and relentless pursuit to create any success of any kind in any endeavor…all Leaders know this.

And luck has a way of showing up when you have chosen to engage all of the above effectively.

Let me ask you a few questions…and for once in this business….look at yourself and answer them brutally honest….

The 9 Brutal Questions of MLM Leadership.
1) Have you REALLY given TOTALLY all you got the last 30 days in this business when you worked it or have you chosen not to?

2) Have you had the level of activity that is REALLY needed to succeed in MLM…or have you chosen not to?

3) Have you decided that NOTHING will stop you from success…or have you chosen that you will stop you??

4) Have you intensely educated yourself on how to REALLY do this business effectively and professionally …or have you chosen not to?

5) Have you been telling yourself the truth about what you are REALLY doing daily in your business…or NOT doing…or have you chosen NOT to?

6) Have you talked to enough people today to create some serious MLM Fire in your business, or have you chosen not to?

7) Have you focused on what will create success, not comfort, and then done it, or chosen COMFORT?

8) Are you going to finally GET SERIOUS about this business and give yourself permission to succeed…or deny yourself that choice?

9) Are you going to listen to all your excuses and reasons why Network Marketing won’t work…or have you chosen not to…and you just go out and do it and prove everyone wrong?

WAKE UP GUYS!!! Your choices and decisions in this business will dictate WHAT YOU PUT INTO YOUR HOURS, and the effect those hours have on your business…

For a HOT Training Resource: Getting ready for W.A.R.- Winning the Success Battle!”

The Secret of What Your MLM Business Is.

All your business is …and ever will be…is a summary of what you and your downline have put…or NOT PUT…into the hours you have worked your business……Garbage in….Garbage out…

Most kid themselves into thinking they have been working, and in reality, they have not been constructing a business…but conning themselves into constricting a future…


I hope so…..I want this article today to be like a 2X4 up against your heart and get you to see what is REALLY your choices and desires for you in this industry….

If you do, and step up and start changing those choices into decisions and then let that decision become unalterable…it’s Success or Nothing…Freedom or Nothing…

Then you will find the Success Track that all leaders need to be on with their folks and with their Vision…

2 Words….IT’S TIME. To get Serious about building a Serious Business…


The Seriousness Factor in MLM Leadership.

The SERIOUSNESS of your actions in this business will ALWAYS determine the SERIOUSNESS of your paycheck.

Now THAT’S Leadership Reality! if you choose to believe that..and GET SERIOUS…get yourself a new bank account…you are gonna need it..


doug firebaugh / PassionFire International

copyright 2005/ all rights reserved

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MLM Recruiting Failure: The 5 Biggest Reasons People Fail in Recruiting – Part 2

home based business recruiting

home business recruiting

3. “The Distributor not talking to the Right People”

Wasting massive amounts of time. That is what most distributors do when recruiting…and continue to do…they talk to the wrong people, and then bring in the wrong people…and then have a downline of mostly wrong people…

Who are the right people?

People who light up and catch Fire when you show them your home business, and then light other’s up when they talk…not someone who complains after only 2 days because the application is the wrong color…

Or the wrong size…or the upline is not doing enough to welcome them aboard…2 phone calls is not enough…you know the type…

There is what we call the “Recruiting IQ”…and that helps tell you if they are the right one..

.IQ stands for “Ignite Quickly”…and if they catch fire quickly…they have a great chance of being the “right one” to pursue…


To attract the Right One for your Home Business Success…you must BECOME the right one….you must become who you want to attract into this home business…through personal development and empowerment….

4. “The Distributor not Talking Right to people…

“This is a business of communication…and thus of verbiage and emotion as well….

The Wrong MLM Message.

A lot of distributors are simply saying the wrong things to the wrong people with a wrong message…You must talk to people with a YOU focus…

It is called the T.I.N.Y Focus…Their Interests Not Yours…And you focus whether online or offline, on what interests them and do it Professionally.

Nothing turns someone off worse than a self focused and self absorbed Direct Sales distributor who is only focused on recruiting a person for THEIR reasons…not the reason of the prospect… and the words they are using reveal a lot…Me…me…I….I…me…me…I… I….me…me….me…you.


You should say the word “You” at least 4 times more than the word “I” or “me”…in any Home Business presentation..

INFERNO Exercise: Here is an exercise…Try recruiting someone without using the word “I” or “me”….use we and us…and see how the prospect’s interests increases as you use YOU 4 times more than Us or We..

The Talking Too Much Factor in MLM Recruiting.

5. “Talking TOO Much to people You are talking to..

“Some folks have diarrhea of the mouth…and they talk…and talk…and they talk….and then talk…and talk….and talk……and by the time they finish…the prospects finished….

Don’t Dump on people! Create a RECRUITING ENVIRONMENT.

That creates the prospect to do most of the talking…Ask a lot of questions…Listen a lot of minutes…ask a lot of questions…


Most people LOVE to have an audience…but they hate to BE an audience…you BE an audience of one for massive listening to your prospect, and don’t create a “Sat Chat”….

What is that?

A Saturation chat….where they feel saturated with your words and info, and feel they have enough information to tell you…No.

The Power of Magnetic Questions in MLM and a Home Business.
IIf you are going to be a HOT MLM Recruiter…you must CONNECT with your folks…

And the best way to do that is to become an audience of one…

And ask a lot of “Magnetic Questions…

blessings…doug Firebaugh PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2011 PFI /All rights reserved

MLM Network Marketing Training Online Recruiting- The 10 Laws – Part 2

mlm laws

home business laws

6) The Law of Trust. You must develop the trust factor with your prospects over time. With additional mailings and information, and also with some form of value added to their life.Trust must become a factor in your recruiting efforts.  


Recruiting is the initial phase of developing a relationship…Trust MUST be there for your prospect to move forward in the process…

How do you create trust?

With additional exposures, and also asking questions about the person and his/her family once they respond to your initial communication…

If you study, or other major e-tailers, you will find them building trust with you by using your name, walking you through page by page, focusing on what you WANT and it is the same with creating a relationship on the web.

Do what you say you are going to do, keep their interests ahead of yours, reveal some things about your life they can relate to, and just “be a friend” in any way you can… 

The best way to create trust is let it happen naturally over time and with multiple mailings…that is why ezines are a great way to recruit… 

The Secret of the Network Marketing Newsletter.

Having your own newsletter is one of the best ways to keep people Involved in the MLM recruiting process, and can create great interest down the road. Being visible in chat rooms over a period of time is a great way to create and build trust with folks…

It’s called Exposure Frequency…the more frequent, the better.  Trust is something that takes time and exposures….and effort on your part. 

7) The Law of Follow Up.

 In Network Marketing, online and offline…The Fortune is in the Follow Up. If you are going to be successful on the net…you must follow up with your interested prospects…

Would you discover a gold mine and not finish the digging? It is the same concept… 


The more you follow up, the more you check will go up! How do you follow up? With autoresponders, and a system that can be duplicated…and with additional information as well as a call to action each communication… 

Keep the Gain/Loss front and center, and give them reasons to join your company, and how they will benefit working with YOU, and your upline…sell the support, and sell the training that is part of the program….

And continue to bring value to them, with how your program can enhance, increase and empower their life with each communication…. Believe it or not…over 80% of Network Marketers never follow up…

And I bet if you did the opposite, and followed up on 80% of your interested prospects… you would create a money machine… 

8) The Law of Visibility.

 The More Visible you are on the net, with the search engines, ezines, emailings, classifieds, chat rooms, forums, and other exposure vehicles, the Less you will have to worry about a weak paycheck. 

You MUST be visible on the internet. Your company probably will do what they need to do to get exposure, but so must you. If you build it, they WON”T come. Unless they know about you…keep your name out there and keep your message visible… 


Being Visible on the net is simply advertising, in many forms…and most is free. Can you imagine opening a business and not advertising?

All mlm recruiting is is an advertising process that becomes an education process once you have gotten their attention.

The Secret of MLM Exposures in Your Business.
What are you doing to create exposures for your business to recruit? You must be systematic, and relentless in your visibility efforts…it’s called in advertising “Branding” and you are no different in recruiting…

You MUST get the attention of your prospect…but first you need to be “out there” to do anything…if you are advertising in ezines, it will take 3-5 exposures to make a lot of folks take action and visit your site…

Why? Probably they have gotten familiar with you in that ezine, and see you are serious…and of course others will click immediately to your offer to check it out… 

And the secret to being visible is having a massive amount of exposure communications out on the net…it’s kind of like fishing…you need multiple lines out in the water…to catch multiple people’s attention… 

9) The Law of Multiple Steps.

You must use a Multi-Step process to recruit on the internet. It is a magnetic process that has proven to work on just about all marketing on the net.  The average person that responds to your offer will have something in common with all the other folks who respond… 

INFERNO Secret: 

Lack of patience. The folks on the net you are wanting to recruit are notorious for being “click happy” and impatient…how do you get past that? Short bursts of information. 

If you create a ‘trail’ that folks can follow and cyber walk down, and it is a step by step process, you will have a much higher chance of recruiting someone…

People don’t read the internet as much as “scan the internet”, and you must deliver your message with that in mind…and you must have a “building” process that each communication builds upon the least…even if it’s only 3, they still must build on each other…

Use a Multi-Step process to recruit on the internet, and you will have multiplied your chances of recruiting someone. 

10) The Law of All.

You must do it all on the internet to recruit…classifieds, ezine ads, search engines, forums, newsgroup, (be careful with these as they are a different recruiting process), bulletin boards, email, website, plus more…why? 

The Power of ALL in MLM.


You never know who is looking, and never know who would be more focused on search engines than ezine ads…

ALL stands for Accessing Limitless Leads…

And if you do it all, that is what you will end up with…. 

That is the 10 Laws of Internet recruiting…for the folks who recruit on the net for their Home base and MLM Business …

Learn them, and use them to your advantage… 

Blessings…doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 -2011 PFI /All rights reserved

MLM Network Marketing Training Online Recruiting – The 10 Laws – Part 1

home based business online

home business online


This home based business article was written a while ago, when it was in it”s infancy, but even then we were teaching about online recruiting. It has become enormous in it’s impact and also in the results that it has produced.

Online recruiting can come from social media, internet marketing, among other ways.

You need BALANCE with the internet, and social media, but also a focus on it as well.

Here is the original article:

Even though 85% of all recruiting is still done offline (PassionFire Survey-Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 2004) there is a need to bring to the forefront some Training on recruiting (and in RecruitingFire) on Online and Internet recruiting. There is a growing force on the net of network marketers that eventually will revolutionize MLM, and with a fanatical glee… 

The recruiting process on the internet is not unlike the process offline…you still must prospect, contact, present, follow-up, get the decision, and train and duplicate…among other things…

We have found there are 10 Laws to MLM Recruiting on the net, and if you adhere to them, your success will become more swift, and longer lasting… 


There is a Live human being behind the computer monitor that you are trying to recruit…treat them as such, and with respect and professionalism… 

The 10 Laws of MLM Online Recruiting and how You can maximize them. 
1) The Law of Gain/Loss.

You must stress in every communication what the prospect has to GAIN from your offer, or what they will LOSE if they don’t act today. 

INFERNO Secret: 

The fear of Loss sometimes can be a more Powerful motivator than the desire for Gain. 

Stress right up front what the prospect has to gain and how their life will be enhanced somehow or someway …Sometimes you only have a few words to do this, so what you need to do is come up with at least 10 KILLER headlines and sub-headlines that stress gain/loss and get some folk’s opinions on what would be the most powerful…

And keep the copy in your communication focused on the Gain or Loss that can happen and create a sense of urgency with your words and punctuation.  If you can touch a person’s emotions with the Power in Gaining in life, or further Losing in life, you can get their attention. 


You have less than 7 seconds to get their initial attention …so write your words so they get YOUR attention…and create the next law…. 

2) The Law of Curiosity ..

Your goal in Internet recruiting is to initially create a sense of curiosity and build from there… There is no need to have a ton of information in your initial message…whether in a classified ad, email, or ezine. You are trying to get them to do the “Click Here” motion…and understand… 

The Power of Curiosity in a Home business MLM.

INFERNO Secret: 

No one will ever click to your site or autoresponder if you have not created some form of curiosity…that is the MAGNET, that draws them to your offer. People must be attracted to what you are saying, and the best way to do that is to get them to think…”I want to know more!!!”

And you elicit that response with a GAIN/LOSS statement that will create enough emotional pull to want to know more… 


 In Initial Recruiting exposure on the net…Less Is More…The less that is said except to get the Gain/Loss out there, the more chance you have of creating curiosity. 

3) The Law of Personalization. 

If you are going to be a SERIOUS recruiter on the net…you must get personal… You must include in your emails and special mailings , if at all possible, the name of the individual you are mailing to…why?

There is a 10 times more chance of them opening it up if you have there name on it then if not. There are newsletters out on the net teaching about how personalization is becoming a foundation principle of developing relationships on the internet. And there is software that can do that for you… 


When a person reads or hears their name, it is music to their eyes and ears. With the competition that is starting to spring up on the net, you MUST establish a professional MLM presence, and having their name on the email is a great way to start.

When someone sees their name, it is almost automatic…they get curious about what it is and who it is from…and that is where if you have a good heading, and their name, it WILL get read…and it is a great way to start off a budding relationship in Network Marketing…plus they will duplicate what you do…

Get personal, and get their attention… 

The Automation Factor in MLM.

4) The Law of Automation.

The successful internet recruiter will have automated their recruiting process for the most part, and increase their exposures ten fold. If you are not taking advantage of some of the automation software out on the net to increase your productivity, you are wasting time…

You must first and foremost use autoresponders to follow up with your folks…and there are a ton of free ones out there, and I would advise you using them…why?

They have proven to be successful… Software is available for automating classified ads submissions…you push a button, and BAM! There goes your ad out to thousands of folks…we use it all the time to get PassionFire’s message out…

There is software for newsgroup submissions, and it works! We have had some great success using it for our ezines…and it will work to recruit if done properly…There is FFA FREE submission software that will blast your ad out to zillions of FFAs…T

here is a classified ad club that will blast your ad out to tens of thousands…There is also a bulletin board software that will put your message on over 1000 boards…Success rate? It varies…but it does work…

There is other software out there, and I urge you to create a system with it to quadruple your time efficiency…and MLM Recruiting. 

5) The Law of Impact.

Your recruiting efforts must not just Inform…but Impact. If you study the most successful advertisements in magazines, the ones that get your attention are the ones with impact.

What is impact on the net?

It is where you create a “I can relate to that” mindset…or a “I never thought of that ” mindset…or a ” I can’t let this happen to me” focus…or it just “hits them” when they read your message… 


To impact, you must create a CONNECTION with that person in some way that gets their attention, and also their imagination…”I can relate to that!”(Gain/Loss) 

What can create impact on the internet? On a website, a great visual, but simple website that is easy to navigate…and gets the prospect to think…

In your email, impact can be created with your words but also the questions you ask that DISTURB THEM – the pictures your words paint, and the emotional response you draw, plus the curiosity that you create.

Making people think is a great way to impact folks…especially about their future and their past…

On bulletin boards, you can create impact with useful information, that others can use,

And Internet Recruiting 101: include your signature file on your message. 

Impact can also be obtained with simple, sincere, and honest communication…sometimes a rarity on the recruiting circuit on the net…

Recruiting MagneTechs in MLM.

The Most Powerful way to impact folks is with a probing question that draws them to your Network Marketing message…and disturbs them…

It’s called Recruiting MagneTechs™… 


Promoting Major Value to a person’s life creates major Impact in your network marketing home business.

Blessings…doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 -2011 PFI /All rights reserved


MLM Network Marketing Training Recruiting -The Amazing Power of Presence

home based business presence

Home business presence

MLM Home Business Presence.

Does yours work FOR you, or AGAINST you?

Good question! 

I am so honored to work with a lot of folks and one of the biggest problems I see with the struggling Network Marketer, is the lack of “Success Presence” in their demeanor. 

What is presence?

 It is the “Aura” or “Feeling” that people get when they are around you…

It is the “Instinctive Feeling” that is triggered in people when they see you……

Have you ever been around someone that you didn’t know why, but you simply didn’t feel comfortable being around them…something just wasn’t “right?”

That was their presence that you were feeling… 

On the other hand in MLM.
Have you ever met someone and immediately felt comfortable with them? It was just something about them…and how they looked at you and how they made you feel so good?

One of the Biggest Secrets to MLM Recruiting is creating a “Magnetic Presence” so people are literally attracted to talking to you and want to be around you… 

Let’s take a test about your presence and see how you come out… 

Here are 10 Insightful questions: 

1) Does you Presence have a “warmth” about it that people enjoy being around? 

2) Does your Presence say “I am interested in YOU”, or “I am interested in ME?” 

3) Do you look people in the eye 90% of the time and stretch you hand out first to shake hands? 

4) Is your body language open, and receptive to creating and catalyzing new friendships, or is it closed and expecting people to come to you ? 

5) Do your conversations focus on the PROSPECT and what they are interested in…or YOU and what YOU are interested in…? 

6) Do you have a Confidence about you and they hear a sincere BELIEF in your words …or a lack of it when you talk to folks? 

7) Do you VALIDATE the prospect….and make them feel good about who they are…or constantly Validate YOU and make you feel good about who you are? 

8) Do you smile easily….and make others smile…or smile hardly…and make others uneasy? 

9) Do you have a focus of “helping others”…or “hyping others”? 

10) Do you come across as a LEADER…..or a “Feeder” who feeds their own self interests first? 

These are some tough Home business  questions.

You must understand that your Presence is what we call: “Your Silent Calling Card”. It is the first thing someone sees and feels about you, and will determine a lot of their first (And last) impression…..


Let me suggest you look at the 10 questions and go to work on your MLM Recruiting Presence…

If you do…

Your MLM Recruiting will improve dramatically….almost overnight.

Try it….you’ll see what I mean…… in your Home based business.

blessings… doug Firebaugh PassionFire Intl

© 2005 -2011 PFI /All rights reserved

MLM Network Marketing Training – The MLM Psychology Behind the Objection

no money objection mlm

home business no money objection


Home based business objections are REAL.

Or are they?

The group I was honored to help lead was a great group…and we had a lot of great talent in it…but the one thing we all understood was that: 


The lack of understanding about Objections in MLM will create more objections…..

You see, objections are just part of this business… As gasoline is to a car…or kerosene is to a fire…

It is a “catalyst”, or a map, to make something happen, or accept that nothing will happen… That is up to You…and solely up to you… 

No one likes objections…at least that is what the paradigm is for the Industry….but we never taught how to “handle” objections…

But to embrace” them… they were a clue to what was going on and what was to be done next…

You must understand this….All objections in MLM from a psychological standpoint stem from 1 of 2 things…. 

The 2 Things that ALL MLM Objections Come From.

1) Natural Defense Mechanisms….

2) Lack of perceived Value…. 

And usually the defense mechanism kicks in when lack of Value is felt….although some NDMs are from past experiences…

How can you create an environment to lessen the NDMs that kick in with a lot of people? simple…

Create a sense of “ownership” with your MLM prospect with your project or business by: 

The 4 Things to Create “Ownership” with an MLM Prospect.

1) Sincerely asking their input and thoughts on how to improve what you are doing…and take notes..

2) Edify their accomplishments and transfer that feeling to your presentation… 

3) Say….”I don’t know whether this is for you or not…it may not be…but I simply wanted to share some ideas and maybe get your insights…” 

4) “All I want is what is right for you and your family….and this may not be a fit…but if it is, I truly don’t want you to miss it…” 

What people contribute to,(ideas, insights, etc), and feel their values are honored, that will lessen any objections, as they have taken part ownership in your success..(CLUE!!!!!!!!!!) 

For a HOT Training Resource on MLM Objections: “Objections Course 101”


People will be more attracted to something they contribute to and add to, then what is just “presented” to them…How do you create a “Massive Value Perception?” Simple… 

LISTEN to what they say when you ask this question….

“I want to ask you a serious question…. ….If there was One Thing you could change for the better… in your life…what would that be? And how would your life change because of it?” 

Then again…LISTEN to what they are telling you….because they are giving you Value CLUES to what is important and VALUED in their life, and that there is a part of that that is not being honored and fulfilled in their life, and they want to change it…. 

The Value Statement in MLM Recruiting.


Wrap your recruiting around that value statement… “If there was honestly a way… that I could help you obtain that in your life…would that be something you at least would want to be made aware of?”

And what you have done is put yourself in a “Value Posture” that will be felt through your recruiting process…whatever process you use…. People MUST perceive value….and a POSTURE of value if you are to create a “Minimum Objection” recruiting environment…and when you do get objections, you can relate them back to the value posture…

“How will not having the money affect your desire to change…..”? “Again…if we could figure out a solution to it, then we can still start the change you want in your life…true?” 

Continue a Value Posture, and keep it focused on what they want to change….and assure them they can….

There are many ways to neutralize objections…but understand… People will never object to someone truly, honestly, and with their best interest at heart, helping them to obtain what is valued or missing in their life….

Blessings…doug Firebaugh PassionFire Intl

© 2005 -2011 PFI /All rights reserved

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