Home Business?
Many folks are not willing to be very supportive in your efforts for a home business.
Many folks are not wanting you to get ahead of them.
You can and will if you build a solid home based business right.
There are folks out there who will want you to become Successful and be your biggest cheerleader….
But this Business of MLM is simply not for them…..
They will encourage you and tell you to “Go for It’……
These folks are great Consumers and Referral Sources……
But for the Most part…..Folks will decry your joining a Network Marketing Company as a
“Silly Dream”……
What Life do you want to end up with?
Depends on who you listen to……If you listen to someone who dared to escape the Rut Jungle, and Rat race, and make 100,000 dollars..
…you have a good chance of doing that….
If you listen to your negative friends…take a look at their life…that is where you are headed…
Leaders and Negatives.
Leaders never listen to any negatives…they know why they are there…to stop them.
You need to take a SHOT for the NegativeFlu out there….the word SHOT stands for:
See How Others Triumphed………(SHOT)……and then copy and model their Focus…
their Attitudes…Their Habits…and Actions……
Innoculate yourself…and your group with a FLU SHOT!
“Forget Loser Urgings……See How Others Triumphed!.”
Take others with you!!!!!! When Folks start being Negative……ask them…
“How would you like to radically change your situation?…I can help!”…
As you go up the Ladder…….take them with you…….
Your Home Business Success will go through the “Fire of Ridicule..….”..and it’s normal…..
If you were going to open up a restaraunt…there are people who would try to talk you out of it……DON”T LET THEM!!!!!
YOU, and YOU ALONE….will live your life…donot let someone else try to live it for you because what you are trying Intimidates them…..
Get a FluShot!….
And Keep your Success Health … and your Network Marketing Business as well for nothing compares to a successful home based business!
Isn’t it time that you exploded your home business?
doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com
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