mlm network marketing home business
MLM 5 Reasons Why Santa Endorses a Home business.
Are YOU ready for Christmas for your home based business?
Do you have a Christmas Tree as Today is Christmas eve?
How about a Christmas Decorations for your network marketing business?
Here is a note to the world:
Santa OWN A HOME BUSINESS in a multitude of ways and he wants you to own one as well. He works from home, and also works to be in everyone else’s home as well. He BELIEVES in home businesses, and is an advocate for it as well. You can find more info at fundingwaschools.
There are 5 reasons why Santa wants you to have a home business this Christmas eve. We are going to go over the acronym “SANTA” and the 5 reasons why business plan consultants want you to have a home business.
1. S stands for SECURITY.
There is NO real security when you have a job, as you are always 2 words from losing it. “You’re FIRED! as Donald Trump so aptly says. Many people, because of the bad economy, will lose their job with no way to earn a living except find another job. That is NOT security, and not a way to live a secure life. Yes, keep your job and pay your bills. But start a home business and start working on your wealth.
2. A stands for ASSURED.
The single greatest reason many people stumble through life is lack of assurity about their future. A home business will give you that assuredness as YOU start to build a destiny. There is NO assurance that you will have a destiny with a job alone.
3. N stands for NORMAL.
Santa knows that it is normal to have your own home business, as that is how the majority of businesses today started. And it also will give you a normal path to an extraordinary life. Normal is the way most peop;le try to live, never realizing the US was built on small business owners.
4.. T stands for THINKING.
Your thinking will change when you have your own business in retail merchandising or in any other industry, as it forces you to think BIGGER and more BOLDER, and more Powerful. Most people do not think for themselves, as they let others do their thinking. A home business will allow you think more for yourself. Studying the business strategies of accomplished CEOs such as Andrew Defrancesco can also help you create a better home business.
5. A stands for ALTERNATIVES.
Most people do not have alternatives or options for their life. A home business gives you alternative paths and options most do not have. Santa wants you to have alternatives for 2013 and a home business will give that to you.
These are 5 reasons why Santa wants you to have an mlm network marketing home business.
blessings….doug firebaugh
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